Why dream of breaking a jar - interpretation of the dream according to dream books. Should a buyer pay if he accidentally breaks a can in a store?

Honey is usually purchased in a glass jar - this is the most convenient and common container, which has a lot of advantages. It does not emit odors and does not react with environment, not afraid sun rays and moisture. Transparent glass shows what is inside and makes it easy to determine the condition of the product or its quantity. However, glass has increased fragility, which in some situations leads to loss of strength and unexpected problems associated with broken glass shards.

If you break a jar of honey, don't rush to throw it away, as there are ways to fix this unfortunate disappointment. We offer four options:

  • 1. Purify honey in the manner described below and use it as an external cosmetic product(for preparing a body scrub based on it).
  • 2. Make a honey drink (to do this, you need to heat a broken jar of honey in a large saucepan, then add boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. Diluted honey will become liquid like water, all the glass and even very small ones will settle to the bottom of the pan, from where they will be easy to remove.
  • 3. Return the broken jar to the apiary, the beekeeper will be happy to accept your honey with glass, dilute it with water and feed it to the bees in winter period. In return, you may be given some portion of pure, fresh honey.
  • 4. Clean the honey from the glass (we will consider this option in this article).

People are divided into two camps. Some will argue that a broken jar with glass fragments should never be filtered, since small glass crumbs will still remain, no matter how you filter; will follow scary stories about how these crumbs dig into your esophagus, cut the walls of your intestines and embed splinters into your tissue. Others, more calm and practical, will tell you that if you break a jar of honey, you just need to strain it out of debris and calmly use it.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide what position to take in this situation; however, accumulated practice shows that throwing away a broken can is not at all necessary. If you are a rational and practical person who does not faint from minor troubles, then you can try filtering broken glass or any other solid honey debris.

To understand how to proceed, you need to visually assess the density of honey. It depends on the freshness of the collection, the percentage of water in it and ambient temperature. According to average indicators, the density of honey has a coefficient of 1.5 g. per cm3, or, translated into simple words, it is one and a half times heavier ordinary water. This means that its consistency is more viscous, therefore, in order to establish the filtration process, honey must be melted.

Note to buyers, it is necessary to keep in mind the fact that overheated honey loses its natural properties, when heated above a temperature of 40 degrees, the product turns into ordinary delicious dessert, which loses its medicinal benefits.

Then you can go in two ways. To preserve vitamins and useful elements in honey, it can be heated on a windowsill in the sun, or placed in water bath, without directly heating the pan on the burner. A jar of honey placed in a saucepan can be heated using a kettle, adding little hot water. If you do not set the goal of preserving the usefulness of the treat, you can simply put a ceramic mug in the microwave, stretch a gauze cloth folded into four on top of it with a slight bend in the center, where you should pour honey. Heating for a few minutes will allow the honey to liquefy and drip to the bottom of the mug.

You can strain honey through any material that has holes large enough for drainage. You can buy regular gauze at a hardware store, then fold it into 4-8 layers and stretch it onto a previously prepared container. As the honey passes through the filter broken glass will settle on the surface. To avoid surprises, filtering should be repeated until you are sure that there are no residues left on the gauze. foreign bodies, garbage and dirt.

Straining through cheesecloth or other cloth will ensure that you remove any large pieces of glass or other debris from the honey. The prevailing opinion that no matter how much you filter, there will still be very small fragments in honey that can harm the body is greatly exaggerated. A person eats every day various products that contain sharp elements (these can be grains of sand on vegetables and fruits, fish bones, bread croutons).

The effect of glass fragments on the human gastrointestinal tract.

It is easy to find stories on the Internet in which people describe the experience of swallowing glass. Small children swallow glass elements found on the floor. Drunk adults, as a form of argument or fun, bite into glasses and light bulbs, after which they chew and swallow the resulting fraction. Also describes rare cases, where people cannot do without using small glass, for them such a ritual becomes a way of life. In all these stories, the vast majority of people do not receive any internal injuries or damage. However, this does not mean that swallowing glass can be completely safe for you. When making this or that decision, you accept some risk, so first of all, think and evaluate your capabilities.

Komsomolskaya Pravda examined the intricacies of the relationship between customers and stores together with specialists from the Minsk Consumer Society - expert Igor Kovbasa and legal consultant Yuri Kovalenko.

SITUATION No. 1: you accidentally broke or broke something

We hasten to upset those who ruined store goods due to their own clumsiness. In paragraph 14 of the Implementation Rules retail certain types goods and catering it is clearly written: “The buyer who damages the seller’s property is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.” It turns out that if you inadvertently collapsed a beautiful pyramid of champagne bottles or broke a cup that you were turning in your hands, you will be the one to blame.

However, situations are also different. For example, you broke bottles when you slipped on a freshly washed floor, and a cup fell out of your hands because someone pushed you hard in the back. In this case, you can and should prove your innocence!

If the floor was wet or simply slippery, then the seller who provides poor quality services will be to blame for the damage to the property. If someone pushed you, then it is possible that he will also have to compensate for the damage. In addition, there are regulations that regulate the width of aisles in stores (see infographic). If you snagged something on a shelf because there was too little space, the store will also be to blame. But all these facts are significant only if they are documented and supported by evidence, says Yuri Kovalenok.

How will they be confirmed? First of all, experts advise drawing up an act. This is an ordinary sheet of paper on which you describe the situation in detail and collect as many signatures as possible under your story: the store administration, witnesses, the police (if you had to call them)... On the basis of such an act, if necessary, you can go to court.

It wouldn't hurt to collect other evidence. Wet floor? Take a photo! Is the passage too narrow? Measure it and film the process! Were you pushed in the back? Ask people who saw what happened to be your witnesses in court! CCTV footage will also come in handy.

Armed with all the evidence, you can confidently defend your innocence.

SITUATION No. 2: you took a can of sprat from the store shelf, and it turned out to be full of holes. As a result, the new trousers are ruined by spilled oil.

As in the first case, you will have to draw up an act in the presence of the store administration and collect as much evidence as possible,” says Igor Kovbasa. - And the amount of compensation that you have the right to demand from the seller will be determined by an independent expert.

By the way, if you managed to get injured in a store (for example, you fell on a slippery floor and broke your leg), you need to immediately call an ambulance so that doctors can provide first aid and witness your injuries. This will also come in handy if the case goes to court.

SITUATION No. 3: you entered trading floor with products from another store

You are standing in the middle of the store, and suddenly a chill runs down your spine: there is a chocolate bar in your bag! Whole. You completely forgot about her. And here there is a whole shelf of such chocolates... Now how can you prove that you didn’t steal it?

In theory, you won’t have to prove anything: no one can reach into your bag to see if there’s a chocolate bar in there (read about whether security has the right to inspect your things in situation No. 5), Igor reassures Kovbas . - Yes, and you shouldn’t be afraid that it will squeak on the way out. Frames do not respond to goods that have already passed through the checkout.

If higher powers today is not on your side and problems with the administration still arise, there are several ways to prove that you are not a thief.

Method one: show the receipt

It works flawlessly if you bought the ill-fated chocolate bar recently and therefore the receipt could theoretically be kept in your wallet.

Method two: ask the administration to check whether such a product is even on the shelves

As a rule, security has little idea of ​​the store's assortment. And if there are no chocolates like yours on sale, accusing you of theft also makes no sense.

Method three: view surveillance camera footage

You can’t argue against such an argument!

Method four: request an audit of the product

Actually, thanks modern equipment, which is installed in most stores, this is not difficult to do. According to the product code in the special computer program you can find out how much of it was put on the shelves that day and how much has already been sold. All that remains is to compare the numbers and thus finally convince the administration that you did not steal any chocolates.

SITUATION No. 4: you don’t want to check your bag into the storage room, but they force you

You are peacefully heading towards the trading floor, when suddenly a stern guard appears on the way and tries to persuade you to leave your things in a flimsy locker. But there’s a phone, a laptop, and everything acquired through back-breaking labor! What if they steal it?

The buyer is not obliged to leave things in the storage room; he has the right to do so. Accordingly, whether to use the cell or not is entirely your choice,” Yuri Kovalenok reassures.

However, if you have huge bags with you, it is better to leave them. Firstly, you can catch something on the shelves with them, and secondly, the security, having paid attention to your trunks, will probably suspect you of a potential thief and therefore will watch especially closely. And on the way out he will also ask to show you your things! In addition, you can leave things purchased in another store in the locker to definitely avoid any controversial issues. But remember: if you don’t want to do this for some reason, you don’t have to.

SITUATION No. 5: the security guard at the exit demands to see your bag, but you don’t want to

And you're doing it right! Security at the store does not have the right to search you.

The security guard has the right to ask you to present purchases made in this store. But the guard cannot demand this from you, much less go into the bag himself,” explains Yuri Kovalenok. - If you don’t want to show things, insist that the administration call the police. Only they can conduct an inspection in the presence of witnesses. At the same time, the store must have a special room equipped for this.

By the way, only a female police officer has the right to search women.

SITUATION No. 6: you are not allowed into the store with a baby stroller

Well, you shouldn’t leave her on the street! Where should I put the child? It's unclear...

What you can enter the sales area with is specified by each store in its internal rules. However, the store is also obliged to inform the buyer about this in advance: for example, paste stickers on the door or post an advertisement in the “Buyer’s Corner,” comments Igor Kovbasa.

By the way, the store is obliged to provide a place to store things - including setting up a “parking lot” for strollers if it is prohibited to take them into the sales area.


Do you squeak on the way out? Check the lining of the jacket!

Every shopper's nightmare is to beep when leaving the store. Oh, these are the condemning glances of people passing by and the stern faces of the guards rushing towards you! But there's no need to panic. It is quite possible that there are not fully demagnetized marks on your things.

In stores, they are most often placed in hard-to-reach places so that customers cannot remove them: for example, in the spine of a book or in the lining of a raincoat. Therefore, it is possible that such a hidden tag could not be completely demagnetized at the checkout,” explains Igor Kovbasa.

If this is the reason why you begin to squeak heart-rendingly in each frame, ask the salesperson at the checkout to “demagnetize” (that is, deactivate the anti-theft label) the tag again. And the problem is solved forever!


How can I view surveillance camera footage?

These entries are universal method prove your innocence, no matter what you are accused of. However, getting to them is not so easy.

The buyer has the right to watch recordings from cameras only in the presence of the store administration and the police. Subsequently, he can contact the store management in writing and ask for a specific record. But you can’t just do this: they will only give you a recording if some kind of conflict arises. In addition, if the case comes to court, you can apply for surveillance camera recordings if they help prove your innocence, explains Yuriy Kovalenok.

To make it easier to get them, remember where in the store you had trouble and at what time. This will make it much easier to find the desired fragment among a huge number of recordings from different cameras.

Alas, the procedure is quite long. And even if your wallet is taken out of your bag, you won’t be able to quickly get to the records to identify the thief.

In any case, you will have to call the police and draw up a report, which means that you will also be able to view the recordings from the cameras only in their presence. Yes, precious time is wasted, but there’s nothing you can do about it,” Yuri Kovalenok throws up his hands.


interpretation of dream break a jar

If you dreamed that you broke a jar of liquid: water, milk, compote - in reality there will be a financial matter ahead. The jar was empty - to temporary setbacks, the container without a lid - to slander.

Accidentally breaking a jar in a dream means major expenses are coming. If a friend breaks a jar, it means a useful acquaintance.

what does it mean if you break a can in a dream

A jar cracked in half foreshadows the birth of twins. If you dream that a can of alcohol breaks - a meeting with friends, with fish - a useless fuss, with flowers - a long-awaited purchase.

Why do you dream of breaking a jar?

A woman dreams of being broken liter jar- to a new hobby. Collecting fragments with a broom means a quarrel with a lover, with your hands means gossip, cutting yourself means illness of relatives.

dreamed of breaking a jar

I dreamed that the jar broke into pieces - to uninvited guests. The container fell to the floor - a long journey. The jar in your hands cracked, but remained intact - troubles will bypass you.

what does it mean to break a jar in a dream?

Several cans were dropped, but one remained intact - your dream will come true. You were given a jar of preparations, and it burst - get ready for small expenses. Dreaming of chipped medical jars means material problems.

If in a dream you see medical banks, then trouble awaits you; if someone puts them on your stomach, then beware of an accident or the machinations of enemies.

If you see a jar with a bouquet of flowers in a dream, then expect pleasures and good news; an empty glass jar in your dream portends you joy and good news.

Empty cans in a dream are a sign of need and unfulfilled desires. Breaking cans in a dream is a sign of hope for the best. If they are filled, then circumstances will change in your favor and you will be lucky. See what they are filled with by name.

If in a dream you break a full jar, then you will be disappointed, worried and upset, which can have a bad effect on your health. If in a dream someone brought you some cans, then you will live in hopes of a bright future; if you bought cans, then you are in for a waste of time and effort. You should give up vain hopes and do more real deal.

Drinking from a can in a dream is a harbinger of fun and good news.

(See interpretation: bouquet, flowers)

Interpretation of dreams from Family dream book

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