VKontakte Carousel is a new advertising format. VKontakte Carousel - how to launch

Hello friends! While scrolling through the VKontakte news feed, you probably noticed advertising posts among the photos and notes of other users. They usually take the form of a note with an image, a small description and a button. So, in 2017, this social network introduced a new advertising format - Carousel.

The VKontakte carousel is an opportunity to beautifully present your product. Here you don’t have to limit yourself to one picture; you can add a description to the product name and have the opportunity to place links to several sources at once. It is scrolled using the right/left buttons located on it, and has the appearance of a slider, like on websites.

Before we figure out how to create it, let’s look at the main features of the Carousel:

  1. You can add from 3 to 10 images to a post.
  2. The image on the card must be static, that is, GIF animations cannot be used, minimum size photo 400x400 pixels.
  3. For detailed description product, you can add entry text. Here the number of characters is limited to 220.
  4. Each card has a title. It must contain from 3 to 25 characters.
  5. Ability to add a link to: a third-party site, any community or VKontakte application. You can also provide a phone number.
  6. The maximum price you specify is 10 billion rubles. Moreover, if you added a price and a button to one card, then they should be present on the others.
  7. The posted image may contain text, but it should occupy no more than 50% of the entire image.
  8. Added cards can be rearranged using a simple mouse drag and drop.
  9. If you choose a carousel as an advertising post, then you cannot attach other attachments to it (photo, video, survey, etc.).
  10. You can see the number of clicks on an entry in the “Statistics” section. But transitions for specific cards will not be shown here.

How to make a promotional post

To do this, open the page to create advertisements, or you can just follow the link: https://vk.com/adscreate. Next, check the ad format we need with a bird and click “Create record.”

At the top, select the group on behalf of which it will be published. Then write the text of the post. Remember that the number of characters is 220 and spaces count. Then we move on to adding the first card - click on the plus sign.

If you don’t have your own group, but you want to offer users a certain service or product, then you can. Please note that it should not be empty: place at least 10 posts in it.

After this our card will look like this. To add a picture or photo, click the “Upload” button.

Of course, it’s better to prepare all the necessary images in advance. First, using an editor (whichever you like), do suitable size, and then you’ll just add them.

Add a title below the picture. You can specify the old and current price on the product and add a button. The old price will be crossed out - this way you can emphasize that there are discounts in the store. What will be written on the button must be selected based on the topic of the post itself. If you are going to conduct some kind of training or seminar, then the inscription “Sign up” will do; if registration and entering personal information is implied, then “Fill in”; if you offer hot holiday tours, select the “Book” button and so on.

To delete a card, click on the cross in the upper right corner.

Add all the pictures this way and click the “Create” button.

At this step, you can change the order of the blocks, hold down the desired one with the mouse and drag it to a new location.

It should also be noted that in the example I inserted the same link for all cards. But here they can be used differently. For example, the first link will lead to a store’s website on the Internet, the second to a VKontakte group, the third to a specific section of the site, and the like.

To see how the created advertising block with Carousel will look in the news feed after it has been approved by the moderators, click “Open”.

This is what happened for me. You can see which product is on discount and go to the store by clicking on the button (this will follow the link specified for a specific card).

Examples of use

Now let's figure out what information to post in the Carousel? But there are no restrictions here. The main thing is that everything looks organic and is clear to the user at first glance.

Let's give a few examples:

  1. If you want to advertise a specific product, post several photos, add captions and a button.
  1. If you can buy something at a super price favorable price, then indicate the old price and the new one. The discount size written on the picture will attract even more attention.
  2. Add your most popular products.
  3. Products produced by a specific manufacturer and their features.
  4. Products that complement each other. For example, sneakers, sports top, dumbbells, training mat, T-shirt and T-shirt, cap.
  5. Offer something of your own, explain the essence and add buttons so that the user can either subscribe or contact you at the specified phone number.
  1. If you are planning a conference, place it on the cards of its participants, and add a short description to each one.
  2. You can make a short story out of the images, and for the last card indicate a link that will lead to some online magazine or group discussion.

While the VKontakte Carousel has not become very boring to users and this type of advertising does not come across so often in the news feed, it needs to be used. Think carefully about how it will look to attract people's attention, and the result will not be long in coming.

Yesterday the VK team presented a new ad format - carousel. Now you can find up to 10 product cards in your feed with a price (and you can display old and new), a photo with a format of 200x200 pixels and a title from 3 to 40 characters.

Each of the cards can lead to a different page, which may include a website, a community on VK, a personal page, a dialogue with the community, and even a phone number.

1. Go to the advertising account.

2. We see the first update of VK - design, select 1 item - carousel.

3. Add product cards; to do this, select a link to a community, website or number. When clicking on an advertisement, this is where a potential client ends up. Click “continue”.

4. We draw up product cards, upload a photo with a format of 200x200 pixels and a title of 3 to 40 characters, indicate the price (old/new as necessary).

5. Select a button, here the VK team tried their best and gave us a large selection. Click “save”.

6. The ad is ready, click preview. Now you need to work with the target audience settings.

6. Select the target audience we want to target (This could be your base, a retargeting base, or VK advertising account settings). In my case, this is the database that I collected using a parser. Be sure to indicate “Ad Subject” and “Age Marking”; without this, ads will not pass moderation.

What is an advertising carousel?

Carousel is an advertising post with cards. In each card you can specify a name and a short description, attach an image, a button. You can also set two prices - old and new - for example, to show a discount. Or don't indicate the price at all.

Why do you need an advertising carousel?

Promotions, discounts, special offers

In addition, through cards in carousel format you can:

  • overcome the objections of your clients,
  • describe the benefits of your product,
  • Explain how to use your product or service.

  • virtual tour of the site;
  • instructions for ordering goods/services;
  • history of creation of a product/service/business.

In order to engage users in interactions, you can use all your creativity. For example:

  • create a single picture from Carousel cards;
  • use color fade effects;
  • come up with a short comic.
How to create a VKontakte carousel?

Select the community on whose behalf the ad entry will be created.

There can be from 3 to 10 cards. For each card, you indicate the link through which the transition will be carried out, or a phone number. Links in different cards can lead to the same page or to different ones.

You must upload an image to the card (at least 400 pixels wide) and specify a title (from 3 to 25 characters).

You can also add a price - current and old, and select one of the available buttons. These parameters are optional, but please note that the button or price must either be filled in on all cards or not filled in anywhere.

Technical requirements:

  • There should be from 3 to 10 cards.
  • Links to any VKontakte sites, communities and applications, as well as phone numbers are accepted as links.
  • The length of the card title is from 3 to 25 characters.
  • The card image must be at least 400 pixels wide. Animated images are not supported.
  • You can specify a price of up to 10 billion rubles. In this case, the price must either be indicated for all cards, or not indicated in any.
  • The text of the advertising entry itself should be no more than 220 characters.
  • You can add one of the following buttons to each card: “ Go”, “Open”, “More details”, “Call”, “Book”, “Sign up”, “Register”, “Buy”, “Buy a ticket”, “Install”, “Contact”, “Fill out”, “Order” » . In this case, the buttons must be either enabled for all cards or disabled for all.
  • You can pay for advertising posts with a carousel both for impressions and for transitions.
  • If a carousel is attached to a post, then other attachments (photos, videos, music, maps, snippets, surveys) cannot be added.
  • The carousel statistics will display the total transitions for all cards. To track the performance of a specific card, use UTM tags.

At the moment, the VKontakte Carousel advertising format is the newest and, accordingly, the least hackneyed. Besides, you have seen for yourself how many opportunities it opens up for us. I highly recommend testing carousel advertising if you haven't already.

In this article we will talk about in what cases you can use this content format in social network VKontakte.

Application ideas:

  • Demonstrate one product, but from different angles (to familiarize the consumer in detail with the product from the store’s assortment);
  • Show a set of products for which there is a discount at the current time. This way you can increase your average bill;
  • Show clear instructions for using the product. Each card can serve a separate item to explain the features of operation;
  • Create a comic story where the cards are arranged in a certain order. And at the end of this comic, you can add another card with a special offer for potential buyers. That is, after viewing the Carousel, the client will receive a pleasant bonus (at your discretion);
  • Introduce the main speakers of the upcoming event to the audience. Photo cards and full names of each conference participant will be located on a separate Carousel card;
  • If customers often ask you the same type of questions, you can answer them using cards. Each card is separate part storytelling;
  • Make a digest of popular group materials;
  • Show cases or portfolios;
  • Upload useful content to the Carousel instead of cards, and connect a button to go to the community. Why is this necessary? Of course, in order to lure new followers into the community. This method has already been noted for its effectiveness, and is very popular among users of the VKontakte social platform.

VK Carousel is a special entry. Cards are included with it. They can be “added” to hidden advertising. What needs to be attached to the card: name, brief description, picture, button. If necessary, you can indicate 2 costs of the product at once - old and new. This is convenient if you want to focus your subscribers’ attention on a discount offer. In this case, the old price will be crossed out. Great idea, isn't it?

VKontakte Carousel allows you to show up to 10 cards to your audience. They can be viewed in slider mode.

Technical features (VK carousel size and much more)

  1. Number of cards in the Carousel: 3-10 pcs.;
  2. In editing mode, the sequence of blocks changes;
  3. Where to call users? Possible options: to the application, to a personal website, to a VKontakte group;
  4. Allowed title length: 3-25 characters;
  5. Image size for VKontakte carousel: no less than 400x400px. Only static pictures are allowed (the carousel format in VK does not support GIF animations);
  6. The text of the entry is added at the user's request. This is not a required field. Text volume: 220 characters;
  7. The cost is indicated for all cards, but it is not necessary to disclose the price;
  8. Payment methods: per click; for impressions;
  9. It is allowed to place a text signature or information on the picture (they must occupy up to 50% of the total space);
  10. You have activated the VKontakte advertising carousel. Now other attachments are automatically prohibited. You won't be able to add a video, photo, audio, map, or survey;
  11. The statistics indicate total quantity user transitions. To identify the effectiveness of each individual card, use URL tags.

How to connect Carousel correctly

Fill out the card:

  • Card size in the VK carousel (image). Minimum aspect ratio: 600x600px;
  • Photo title (limit – 25 characters);
  • Add 2 prices (old and new).

Fill out the remaining cards.

Have you created all the necessary cards? Then click on “Save”. Next, pay attention to the basic settings of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

If the post passes moderation, it will appear in the VK news feed. And it will look like this:

If you have placed more than three cards, a special “arrow” icon will appear in the window. This is a button that allows you to switch cards one by one.

Now you know how to create a carousel in VK. But who can benefit from this content format? Of course, this is a good tool for business, which involves selling services and various products. You can do thematic collections products, show new items from the assortment, indicate products that are subject to a discount.

It's time to move on to no less interesting block our article - VKontakte carousel examples. Beginners are often interested in this advertising format, and it will be useful for them to know what a carousel looks like in VK using an example.

Examples of VK carousel design

From SMM communities:

This is what a comic book story might look like:

Photos of speakers:

Now you know the answer to the question “how to make a carousel in VK?” Everything is extremely simple!

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Business on the social network VKontakte goes to new level, because more and more are appearing for this project useful tools and solutions. Carousel advertising was no exception, which can promote a product, increase conversion and profit. What is it and how to use it everyday practice, read further in the article.

General information about innovations in the advertising field

Advertising carousel is a format of hidden advertising in groups and communities of the VK social network. Information is presented in the form of a picture and a text component. Typically, the carousel is represented by 3-5 products, located in the central part instead of media materials. Over time, the information is available for adjustment, which expands opportunities for business owners.

The developers of the tool propose to use the innovation as follows:

  1. For a number of goods of one purpose and maximum popularity. Take the most famous lots of your IM and increase the response to the products.
  2. Implementation of several categories for integrated approach in solving user problems. A person buys a power supply, offer a top-end motherboard or video card for purchase.
  3. Description of benefits or step by step instructions to purchase. Sometimes it is enough to provide a link to an online store, but increasing conversion is only possible if you fully understand the mechanism.

In the next section, we'll talk about creating advertisements using the new format.

Setting up and tracking results

To set up your ad, you will need to follow this link https://vk.com/ads_edit.php?act=create, select “Carousel” from the presented options and click on the create entry button. Next, we are engaged in the sale of several product cards. Fill in the basic information and add photos. From above, select the communities where the publication will be made.

During editing, you can move information, set correct sequence. Any link to products can be inserted; if there is no website, a phone number is linked to the insert. Please note that when placing a carousel, other attachments (photos, videos, surveys) in the group are removed.

To ensure that information is displayed correctly, comply with the following requirements: title up to 25 characters, photo 400x400, product cost no more than 10 billion rubles, description text up to 220 characters with spaces.

First business results: what to expect from advertisements