About respected people. Aphorisms about respect for people

Be careful when choosing your friends, carefully consider what they will bring into your life, and always remember to be respectful. Your well-being depends on your environment.

In my opinion there is no meaning in life and never has been. Love, passion, respect? No, feelings don't last forever. Meaning is something that philosophers have been arguing about for centuries without getting anywhere. If you think differently, I’ll be glad for you: at least someone else believes in this deceitful world.

Despite money, not everything can be bought these days. Of course, you can buy a position, but you can’t buy respect, you can buy a girl, but not her love, you can buy a book, but you won’t get knowledge.

People who consider themselves superior to everyone are annoying. These are stupid freaks with sky-high self-esteem complete absence intelligence, knowledge, imagination and basic respect.

Best status:
It is possible to love and disrespect, but it will cost too much.

Stop humiliating blacks and other races. They, just like us, deserve at least a drop of respect.

A racing KAMAZ with a “U” sticker can evoke not only respect, but also chilling fear.

We are only happy when we feel respected. – B. Pascal

The morality of nations depends on respect for women. – W. Humboldt

What is the rationale for respecting scientists? The fact is that respect for them is only a modification of respect for science, love for knowledge, love for truth; only a transfer of these feelings to our feelings towards individual people. – Chernyshevsky N. G.

What did you feel for her? - respect, you understand.. not the feeling that I want to drag her into bed, but the feeling of respect... - hmm.. a rare case. you’re lucky..]

The sense of humanity is insulted when people do not respect the human dignity of others, and is even more insulted and suffers when a person does not respect his own dignity. – Belinsky V. G.

everything has its price, to achieve anything (respect, friendship, love) you need to pay. and it's not about money at all...

Those who are respected are never flattered, because respect honors, flattery mocks. – Publius

Anyone who does not strive to gain the respect of his contemporaries is not worthy of it. – Napoleon I

It's my own fault! Now eat all this crap with a teaspoon, slowly and tastefully. With respect, conscience.

Sincerely, your favorite bastard!

Respect is a tribute that we cannot refuse to merit, whether we like it or not; we may not manifest it, but internally we cannot help but feel it. – I. Kant

This is not who I am. You are the fools. Sincerely, Life. (With)

Be a man for once, show respect to her... (c)

It is not only possible, but also necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice. – Pushkin A.S.

People... have not learned to respect themselves, and therefore life. - Mann G.

We want to earn respect so much that sometimes we actually become worthy of it. – L. Vauvenargues

There is no need to judge a person by his nationality; every nationality is worthy of respect.

I used to look for love, understanding, respect in life... and I met you. Now I’m looking for everything I was looking for before, and also you and my heart...

Anyone who is easily inclined to lose respect for others first of all does not respect himself. – Dostoevsky F. M.

Young people should not be looked down upon. It is very possible that, having matured, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing, having lived to be forty or fifty years old, do not deserve respect. – Confucius

Respect is the outpost that protects the father and mother, as well as the child; It saves the former from grief, the latter from remorse. - Balzac O.

He who respects himself inspires respect in others. – Vauvenargues

Just as love without respect is short-lived and fickle, so respect without love is cold and weak. – B. Johnson

Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself. – Descartes

Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. – Pushkin A.S.

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing. – A. Dumas the father

How much evil and good... how much stupidity and wisdom... how much love and hatred... how much respect and contempt... how much lies and sincerity... in 1 year..:) goodbye, 2008:)

To be respected by those below you, respect what is above you! – G. Flaubert

A man usually loves women whom he respects; a woman usually respects only the men she loves. Therefore, a man often loves women who are not worth loving, and a woman often respects men who are not worth respecting. – V. Klyuchevsky

Childhood should be given the greatest respect. – Juvenal

Respect is something we owe; love is what we give. – F. Bailey

What is decent is worthy of respect, and what is worthy of respect is always decent. – Cicero

Respect yourself if you want to be respected. – Gracian y Morales

We want to earn respect so much that sometimes we actually become worthy of it. – Vauvenargues

Self-love is not as deserving of condemnation as lack of self-respect. – W. Shakespeare

We show only as much respect as is required. – S. Johnson

Rene There is nothing on earth more worthy of respect than intelligence. – Helvetius K.

Respect from contemporaries is preferable to admiration from posterity. – P. Buast

To control oneself so much as to respect others as oneself, and to do unto them as we would have them do unto us, is what can be called philanthropy. Confucius

Jealousy is the fear of another person's superiority and disrespect for another's choices.

It is better to be loved and respected by one reasonable and good-natured person than by a thousand fools. – Skovoroda G.S.

Attraction of bodies generates PASSION, Attraction of souls generates FRIENDSHIP, Attraction of minds generates RESPECT, and only the combination of all three attractions generates LOVE.

I just can't get along with today's youth. No respect for dyed hair!!!

He who is truly respected is never flattered, because respect honors, and flattery mocks. – Publius Syrus

It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect at all, but it is even more difficult to love those whom we respect more than ourselves. – F. La Rochefoucauld

The same number of vices come from a lack of self-respect as from excessive self-respect. – M. Montaigne

We are only happy when we feel respected. – Pascal Blaise

The same number of vices come from a lack of self-respect as from excessive self-respect. – Michel Montaigne

Whether guilty or not, a guy who hits a girl does not deserve respect.

mutual love does not exist, and families are built only on mutual understanding and respect, and that’s all

But people who write correctly, using all punctuation marks, command respect.

Respect has boundaries, but love does not!!!

In misfortune, people usually do not respect someone in whom greatness was previously revered. – Napoleon I

Respect is a guard that protects the father and mother in the same way as the child: it saves the former from grief, the latter from remorse. – O. Balzac

Respect is a tribute that even scoundrels pay to virtue. – J. Pompadour

Not a drop of tolerance. Not a drop of respect. I have only weaknesses. Well, wrong decisions.

It certainly makes me happy that we remember and respect veterans... Only they don’t sit on the Internet and read statuses in which you write about your respect. Go to the parade tomorrow, give flowers and say words of gratitude to them...

Most people respect what they don't understand. – N. Malebranche

It is not appropriate for a decent person to pursue universal respect: let it come to him by itself, so to speak, against his will. – Chamfort

When men treat a woman with disrespect, it almost always shows that she was the first to forget in her treatment of him. – D. Diderot

Respecting women is a duty that every honest man must obey from birth. – Lope de Vega

Do not do anything shameful, either in front of others or in secret. Your first law should be self-respect. – Pythagoras

Self-respect is moral health. – Smiles S.

Honor those who are trying to do great things. Even if they failed. – Seneca

A person can rarely force himself to be loved, but he can always force himself to be respected. – B. Fontenelle

Our respect for general rules morality is actually a sense of duty.

Love without respect is short-lived and fickle, respect without love is cold and weak. – Johnson B.

Praise and respect to the person who tramples a path in the snow every morning.

A fluffy hat does not always cover a respectable head. – T. Fuller

[*I*am a self-respecting person who should not think about someone who makes me suffer and lose self-respect]

: Just as many vices come from a lack of self-respect as from excessive self-respect.

Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself.
Stas Yankovsky:
Don't demand respect, just do so that they respect you.
Honore de Balzac:
Respect is a guard that protects the father and mother in the same way as the child: it saves the former from grief, the latter from remorse.
Napoleon I Bonaparte:
Anyone who does not strive to gain the respect of his contemporaries is not worthy of it.
Publilius Syrus:
Those who are respected are never flattered, because respect honors, flattery mocks.
Vasily Shukshin:
It is not old age itself that is respected, but the life lived.
George Romero:
Today it is customary to respect people who give answers. And it always seemed to me that the most important people are those who demand them.
Arkady Raikin:
I respect you, you respect me, you and I are respected people.
Anger beyond measure causes fear, and excessive affection reduces respect for you in people's eyes.
Rina Zelenaya:
Seriously speaking, respect is the first commandment of human society.
Blaise Pascal:
We are only happy when we feel respected.
Leonid Yarmolnik:
One of the greatest tragedies of our time lies in the attitude towards man. There is no respect for the individual. Instead - indifference, neglect.
There is no respect dearer to me than the respect of a person whom I myself most deservedly respect.
Conscious respect is always stronger than passion.
Respect for people is respect for yourself.
N.I. Novikov:
A person who regards himself as nothing cannot have any respect for others and in both cases shows baseness of thoughts.
We must not forget the old rule: whoever wants others to treat him with respect must first of all respect himself.
He who is easily inclined to lose respect for others, first of all, does not respect himself.
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort:
It is not appropriate for a decent person to pursue universal respect: let it come to him by itself and, so to speak, against his will.

Under respect we understand a respectful attitude towards a person based on recognition of his merits.

In the section “Wise Men About Respect” site “All Wisdom!” collected sayings, aphorisms, sayings, expressions of sages, thinkers, philosophers, writers, poets, great, famous people about respect, contempt.

We are waiting for you on other pages of the site “All Wisdom!” . Read also the sections “Golden Fund of Wisdom”, “In a Nutshell”, “Wisdom of the Seven Wise Men”, “Biblical Wisdom”.


“What is decent is worthy of respect, and what is worthy of respect is always decent.”


“First of all, don’t lose your self-respect!”


“Never make friends with a person you cannot respect.”

C. Darwin

“There is no respect dearer to me than the respect of a person whom I myself most deservedly respect.”


“To control oneself so much as to respect others as oneself, and to do unto them as we would have them do unto us, is what can be called philanthropy.”


“Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself.”
R. Descartes

“There is only one step from respect to contempt.”


“A person can rarely force himself to be loved, but he can always force himself to be respected.”

B. Fontenelle

“Respect yourself if you want to be respected.”

B. Gracian y Morales

“Whoever respects himself inspires respect in others.”


“We are only happy when we feel respected.”

B. Pascal

“True discourtesy is disrespect for another's god.”

M. Twain

“Whoever is easily inclined to lose respect for others, first of all does not respect himself.”

F. Dostoevsky

“The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student.”

R. Emerson

Respect from contemporaries is preferable to admiration from posterity.”


“It is not appropriate for a decent person to pursue universal respect: let it come to him by itself and, so to speak, against his will.”

N. Chamfort

“Conscious respect is always stronger than passion.”

D. Pisarev

“A lush hat does not always cover a respectable head.”

T. Fuller

“Respect for people is respect for yourself.”

J. Galsworthy

“Those who are respected are never flattered, because respect honors, flattery mocks.”


“Decent people respect us for our virtues, and the crowd respects us for the favor of fate.”

La Rochefoucauld

“Nothing is lost so easily as respect: slander and slander steal it secretly.”


We should respect not only those who are superior to us, but especially those who think that we are superior to them.”

Inayat Khan Hidayat

Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality.”

A.S. Pushkin

“All people should mutually respect each other”

Mmm de Stael

“Most people respect what they don’t understand.”


“People are sometimes respected for things for which they should most of all be blamed.”

“Rock kills respect.”


“Respect is a tribute paid to superiority”


“Respect for man is the basis of morality.”


“When you despise someone you love, you insult yourself.”

F. Begbeder

“A weak-minded person expresses contempt for his neighbor; but a reasonable person is silent.”

Proverbs (Bible)

“It is not poverty that is unbearable, it is contempt. I can do without everything, but I don’t want anyone to know about it.”

“Only those who deserve it are afraid of contempt.”

F. La Rochefoucauld

“I despise those whose brains cannot fill their stomachs.”

“Whom you fear, you do not despise.”

F. Dostoevsky

“Contempt is a slap in the face from a distance.”

“Whoever lived and thought cannot
Don’t despise people in your heart.”

Respect has boundaries, but love has none.

Anyone who drinks water must remember those who dug the well.

Respect for people is respect for yourself.

He who respects himself inspires respect in others.

Respecting women is a duty that every honest man must obey from birth.

Mutual respect for each other's personal space is almost love.

Everyone, no matter who he is and no matter how humiliated he may be, even instinctively, even unconsciously, still demands respect for his human dignity.

Genius evokes wonder, but character inspires respect. People of genius act on reason, people with character act on conscience. And if they reverence the first, then they follow the second.

Crazy thoughts about respect

Respect must be shown on both sides.

Let us respect our opponents for the same motives that we claim ourselves.

Philosophers have wild thoughts about respect

The big question is whether savages respect a European who himself descends to the level of a savage.

The Jewish religion insists on respect, while the Christian religion insists on love. So I’m thinking: isn’t respect a more fundamental feeling than love? And also more real... Loving your enemy, as Jesus suggests, and turning the other cheek when slapped is, of course, admirable, but not practical. And yet, can love be a duty? Can you command your heart? Don't think. But according to the great rabbis, respect is a constant duty. This already seems possible to me. I can respect those I don't like or those I don't care about. But loving them? And besides, is it necessary for me to love them if I respect them?

We would not strive for universal respect so much if we firmly knew that we deserve it.

He who is strong, be kind, so that you will be respected and not feared.

People adorned with virtues immediately recognize, highlight, and guess each other; if you want to be respected, deal only with people who deserve respect.

A happy marriage is not when you are in your seventh year family life they climb into your window with a bouquet in their teeth, and when they respect you every second and do not walk on your spiritual territory.

Old age cannot be happiness. Old age can only be peace or disaster. She becomes at peace when she is respected. Oblivion and loneliness make her a disaster.

Respecting people means respecting each of them, not just those you want to impress.

The service rendered to us is pleasant mainly because it flatters our vanity and testifies to the good disposition and respect for us of the person who provided it.

Ridiculous crazy thoughts about respect

It happens that you haven’t had a drink with anyone yet, but they already respect you.

When men treat a woman with disrespect, it almost always shows that she was the first to forget in her treatment of them.

Politeness is a symbolically conditional expression of respect for every person.

To control oneself so much as to respect others as oneself, and to do unto them as we would have them do unto us, is what can be called philanthropy.

A marriage in which one of the spouses does not love or respect the other cannot be happy. For no one.

I think that the respect for heroes shown in different eras in different ways, is the soul public relations between people and that the way of expressing this respect serves as the true scale of the normality or abnormality of the relations prevailing in the world.

They usually do not contradict those whom they love the most and those who are least respected.

We must not forget the old rule: whoever wants others to treat him with respect must first of all respect himself.

Disrespect for other people's merits is a crime.

In familiar places they respect a person, in unfamiliar places they respect a fur coat.

Whatever you say, human dignity is recognized in nature. Wanting to drive the birds away fruit trees, they put up a scarecrow, and even the remote resemblance of this scarecrow to a person is enough to inspire respect.

He who does not respect himself is unhappy, but he who is too pleased with himself is stupid.

If we are very upset by someone’s contempt, it means that we would be especially pleased by the respect of this particular person.

Spicy crazy thoughts about respect

He left the cockroach lying where it was, out of respect for the dead.

The same number of vices come from a lack of self-respect as from excessive self-respect.

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student.

We show only as much respect as is required.

Respect your neighbor's mistakes as if they were your own.

Love cannot exist without respect.

You respect me. I respect you. You and I are respected people.

If we do not respect the same desire for happiness in others, they will resist and interfere with our desire for happiness.

Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling.

We are only happy when we feel respected.

If you want respect, don't start with an insult.

The morality of nations depends on respect for women.

There is nothing on earth more worthy of respect than the mind.

Free institutions are good when they are among people who respect themselves, and therefore respect their duty, the duty of a citizen.

No one can be happy unless he has his own respect.

Immense frenzied thoughts about respect/

The one who dominates minds with the power of truth deserves our veneration, and not those who make slaves by force.

Duty is respect for the rights of others.

It is impossible for a person to live honestly and at the same time in prosperity and respect.

It's all about respect: you need to respect this world and the people around you, then you can expect reciprocity.

People show their disrespect for others in different ways, for example, carelessness in clothing, untidiness, bad habits, and all this will be impolite.

A person can rarely make people love themselves, but they can always make them respect themselves.

A person who is arrogant and arrogant in society usually achieves the exact opposite result of what he expects - if, of course, he expects respect.

Seeing and respecting a person in a woman is not only necessary, but also the main condition of love for a decent person of our time.

True self-respect lies in not thinking about yourself.

There is no respect dearer to me than the respect of a person whom I myself most deservedly respect.

Respect and love are capitals that definitely need to be placed somewhere. Therefore, they are usually sold on credit.

Respect is the outpost that protects the father and mother, as well as the child; It saves the former from grief, the latter from remorse.