Blue Plague

Plague is serious illness of an infectious nature, occurring with an increase in body temperature, damage to the lungs and lymph nodes. Often, against the background of this disease, an inflammatory process develops in all tissues of the body. The disease is different high threshold lethality.

Historical background

In the entire history of modern mankind, there has never been such a ruthless disease as the plague. To today Information reached us that in ancient times the disease claimed the lives of a large number of people. Epidemics usually began after direct contact with infected animals. Often the spread of the disease turned into a pandemic. History knows three such cases.

The first was called the Justinian Plague. This case of pandemic was recorded in Egypt (527-565). The second was called Great. The plague raged in Europe for five years, taking the lives of about 60 million people. The third pandemic occurred in Hong Kong in 1895. It later spread to India, where more than 10 million people died.

One of largest epidemics I was in France, where the famous psychic Nostradamus lived at that time. He tried to fight the Black Death with the help of herbal medicine. He mixed Florentine iris, cypress sawdust, cloves, aloe and fragrant calamus with rose petals. From the resulting mixture, the psychic made so-called pink pills. Unfortunately, the plague in Europe claimed his wife and children.

Many cities where death reigned were completely burned. Doctors, trying to help the sick, dressed in anti-plague armor (long leather cloak, mask with long nose). Doctors placed various herbal teas. Oral cavity They rubbed it with garlic and stuck rags in their ears.

Why does plague develop?

Virus or illness? This disease is caused by a microorganism called Yersonina pestis. This bacterium remains viable for a long period of time. It exhibits resistance to the heating process. The plague bacterium is quite sensitive to environmental factors (oxygen, sunlight, changes in acidity).

The source of the disease is wild rodents, usually rats. IN in rare cases The carrier of the bacterium is humans.

All people have a natural susceptibility to infection. Pathology can develop against the background of infection in absolutely any way. Post-infectious immunity is relative. However, repeated cases of infection usually occur in an uncomplicated form.

What are the signs of the plague: symptoms of the disease

The incubation period of the disease ranges from 3 to approximately 6 days, but in a pandemic it can be reduced to a day. The plague begins acutely, accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature. Patients complain of discomfort in the joints, vomiting with blood. In the first hours of infection, signs are observed. The person becomes overly active, he is haunted by the desire to run somewhere, then hallucinations and delusions begin to appear. The infected person cannot speak or move clearly.

From external symptoms One can note facial hyperemia. The facial expression takes on a characteristic pained look. The tongue gradually increases in size and a white coating appears on it. The occurrence of tachycardia and a decrease in blood pressure are also noted.

Doctors distinguish several forms of this disease: bubonic, cutaneous, septic, pulmonary. Each option is different characteristic features. We will talk about them later in this article.

Bubonic plague

Bubonic plague is the most common form of the disease. Buboes refer to specific changes in the lymph nodes. They are, as a rule, singular in nature. Initially, there is soreness in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. After 1-2 days they increase in size, acquire a dough-like consistency, and the temperature rises sharply. The further course of the disease can lead to either spontaneous resorption of the bubo or the formation of an ulcer.

Skin plague

This form of pathology is characterized by the appearance of carbuncles in the area where the pathogen has entered the body. Plague disease is accompanied by the formation of painful pustules with reddish contents on the skin. Around them there is an area of ​​infiltration and hyperemia. If you open the pustule yourself, an ulcer with yellow pus appears in its place. After some time, the bottom becomes covered with a black scab, which is gradually torn away, leaving behind scars.

Pneumonic plague

Pneumonic plague is the most dangerous form disease from an epidemic point of view. The incubation period ranges from several hours to two days. On the second day after infection appears severe cough, there is pain in the chest area, shortness of breath. An x-ray shows signs of pneumonia. The cough is usually accompanied by foamy and bloody discharge. As the condition worsens, disturbances in consciousness and functioning of the main systems of internal organs are observed.

Septicemic plague

The disease is characterized by rapid development. Septicemic plague is a rare pathology that is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes. Symptoms of general intoxication gradually increase. The breakdown of bacterial cells in the blood increases the content of toxic substances. As a result, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply.

Diagnostic measures

Due to the special danger of this pathology and high susceptibility to bacteria, isolation of the pathogen is carried out exclusively in laboratory conditions. Specialists collect material from carbuncles, sputum, buboes and ulcers. Isolation of the pathogen from the blood is allowed.

Serological diagnosis is carried out using the following tests: RNAG, ELISA, RNGA. It is possible to isolate pathogen DNA using PCR. TO non-specific methods diagnostics include blood and urine tests, and chest x-rays.

What treatment is required?

Patients diagnosed with plague, the symptoms of which appear within a few days, are placed in special boxes. As a rule, this is a single room, equipped with a separate toilet and always with double doors. Etiotropic therapy is carried out with antibiotics in accordance with the clinical form of the disease. The duration of treatment is usually 7-10 days.

For the cutaneous form, Co-trimoxazole is prescribed, for the bubonic form, Levomycetin is prescribed. To treat the pulmonary and septic variants of the disease, Streptomycin and Doxycycline are used.

Additionally, symptomatic therapy is provided. Antipyretics are used to reduce fever. To restore blood pressure, prescribe steroid hormones. Sometimes it is necessary to support the functioning of the lungs and replace their functions.

Forecast and consequences

Currently, provided that the doctor’s recommendations for treatment are followed, the mortality rate from plague is quite low (5-10%). Timely medical care and prevention of generalization contribute to recovery without serious consequences for health. In rare cases, fulminant sepsis is diagnosed, which is difficult to treat and often leads to death.

I don't know which of you will read this. I don't know how true this is. And I don't want this to be true. I will simply provide two links and excerpts from those articles at the end of this note. And I will hope that Cynthia will not get to Russia. After all, we have only one World Ocean for the whole Earth.

Who remembers the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill? It was, but several years have passed and it has already been forgotten. Isn't it? I, too, would not have remembered that incident if... Today I was told about a program I heard on the radio (or on TV, I can’t say for sure, it was a tape recorder that also picks up several TV channels). A specific scientific program that was unlikely to be listened to by a wide range of people. So. Cynthia. A beautiful lack of title, isn't it? How many people have heard it? Special synthetic bacteria bred by scientists to eat oil from that same spill in the Gulf of Mexico. And... if you believe the few links that I managed to find using Google, they have mutated. Unstoppable. Irreversible. There is no antidote against them (of course, unless the American government hides it from the public of the Earth).

This disease is called blue flu. She is kept silent. They try not to talk about her.

I would sincerely like to be just an alarmist. I sincerely want to believe that these are all just exaggerated rumors. But... Science does not stand still. And what can escape from a test tube is the very end of the world that will come to humanity faster than the unfinished Mayan calendar.

Has humanity crossed the line from which there is no return?..

P.S. I don’t know how much of this coincidence is just a coincidence, but before the news about the blue plague, I came across a small article in one of the newspapers today, which I just laughed at. While photographing, they either damaged or split a certain Mayan crystal skull, once found by the SS in Tibet. According to the note, such damage to the skull means the coming of the end of the world...


How do these new synthetic bioremediation bacteria from the Gulf interact with humanity? This is completely unexplored and classified territory. We already know how marine mammals such as whales and belugas reacted to them. And those who did not leave the affected areas died... along with all other marine fauna and coastal vegetation. While the effects of crude oil on human health are well understood, the effects of dispersants containing artificial oil-eating bacteria are not. No one has done anything like this before, not to mention the incredible scale of operations now taking place.

The physical symptoms of the “VR flu,” “VR mucus,” “blue flu,” or whatever you want to call it, are as unique as the synthetic bacteria used in the Bay. Since humanity is carbon-based, how exactly will these artificially created, hydrogen- and carbon-hungry bacteria affect human flesh?
Internal bleeding along with ulcerating skin lesions are typical physical symptoms of the signature of their computer-generated DNA.


Blue plague from the Gulf of Mexico

An October review of Gulf of Mexico Metastasis mentioned BP's use of synthetic "petroleum-eating" bacteria to clean up the Gulf spill. Upon closer examination of the topic, it turned out that we could be talking about the accidental or deliberate use of bacteriological weapons wide range actions that pose a potential threat to life on Earth as such. Despite the enormity of the disaster, the environmental and economic damage from it and the considerable number of deaths, “no one had anything to do with it.” BP slightly shook its finger, and the corporation feels quite comfortable.

Many publications on the English-language Internet, as well as videos, indicate that there is a concealment of the true scale of the tragedy in government level. Small groups of independent researchers and local Internet/radio broadcasts on the topic go largely unnoticed; some of them died under strange circumstances. At the same time, the possible consequences of what may very well be one of the key “moves” in the game to reduce the Earth’s population are so important that it is irresponsible to dismiss this information. There are too many incredible coincidences found in and around this topic. But about them next time.

Synthia or "synthetic mycoplasma mycoids JCVI-syn1.0"

The brainchild of Synthetic Genomics Inc. was created by order of BP, a bacterium that feeds on oil, as well as other organic matter too...

This completely artificial cell with a computer-designed genome does not contain any natural DNA at all. It contains special chains of “watermarks” so that its genome is recognized as artificial. It is also resistant to antibiotics.

This new form life has the ability to self-reproduce and function organically in any cell into which it is introduced. All The work was financed by Synthetic Genomics Inc., a company with which BP is in an alliance and in which it has a significant stake in assets.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that we could be talking about the accidental or deliberate use of broad-spectrum bacteriological weapons, which pose a potential threat to life on Earth as such.

Many publications on the English-language Internet, as well as videos, indicate that There is a concealment of the true scale of the tragedy at the government level. Small groups of independent researchers and local Internet/radio broadcasts on the topic go largely unnoticed; some of them died under strange circumstances. At the same time, the possible consequences of what may very well be one of the key “moves” in the game to reduce the Earth’s population are so important that it is irresponsible to dismiss this information. There are too many incredible coincidences found in and around this topic.

How to get rid of all this oil?

The oil spilled from the well is located deep at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. She won't be going anywhere for a long time. Its quantity is constantly growing. There are no oil plumes there. But there are deep oil lakes.

What's left of the corals in the Gulf of Mexico.

In an interview with Rick Wells on the True News radio show on June 28, 2010, late oil industry expert Matt Simmons to the question of why the US government does not take the solution to the oil crisis in the Gulf of Mexico into its own hands, stated: “According to BP, it alone has the only technology to resolve it.”.

For decades, scientists have been passionately pursuing genetic modifications. which could enhance the ability of natural microbes to eat oil spilled both on land and at sea. But even after receiving recombinant DNA and the splitting of bacterial genes, positive success with the improvement of natural “petroleum feeders” was very modest. Despite the fact that the (pre-announced and publicly made) statement of the founder of IDKV and Synthetic Genomics, Craig Venter, made on May 15, 2010, went unnoticed by news reporters around the world, it was reported that the press is now calls him "Cynthia". He referred to a certain bacterial cell based on Cynthia, which will absorb hydrocarbons more efficiently than any known natural microorganism.

Since the beginning of May 2010, BP has decided to continuously spray dispersants such as Corexit from aircraft and ships - day and night. This spraying was carried out not only over the bay, but also along the coastline.

So-called dispersants not only break crude oil into smaller fragments, they also add activating agents to it. minerals so that bacteria can multiply more rapidly and consume oil faster. Such bacteria are called biopurifiers or bioremediators, in this case it is Cynthia.


How do these new synthetic bioremediation bacteria from the Gulf interact with humanity? This is completely unexplored and classified territory. We already know how marine mammals such as whales and belugas reacted to them. A those who did not leave the affected areas diedalong with all other marine fauna and coastal vegetation. While the effects of crude oil on human health are well understood, the effects of dispersants containing artificial oil-eating bacteria are not. No one has done anything like this before, not to mention the incredible scale of operations now taking place.

The physical symptoms of the “VR flu,” “BP mucus,” “blue flu,” or whatever you want to call it, are as unique as the synthetic bacteria used in the Bay. Because humanity is carbon based, then how exactly will these artificially created bacteria, hungry for hydrogen and carbon, affect human flesh?
Internal bleeding along with ulcerating skin lesions are typical physical symptoms of the signature of their computer-generated DNA.

Map of the distribution of complaints about illnesses associated with oil spills, giving an idea of ​​the most dangerous areas.

Over the course of several months, many adults and children who swam or walked near the Bay fell ill with a strange disease for which there was no effective cure. Short news reports continually state the death of residents from the so-called. "unknown virus", "blue flu" or "blue plague". And silence... But the Gulf of Mexico is connected to the whole world across the Atlantic...

"Lisa Nelson from Orange Beach, N.C. Alabama is one of a growing number of people sickened and killed by the BP disaster. Local doctors have no idea what diagnosis to make or how to treat patients exposed to the combined effects of toxic crude oil and Corexit. Local, regional and state authorities continue to cover up what is happening and provide no assistance.”

“There was water in my inflatable and when I turned it over to drain it, I got a little scratched; the wound was 2 centimeters long and maybe a millimeter wide. This happened at 8 am. By 4 o'clock in the afternoon the area around the wound began to hurt and become inflamed. The softball-sized area turned Corvette red and pulsed like a marching band playing rap music. I washed the wound with hydrogen peroxide and lubricated it with Neosporin. I thought this would be enough to deal with her...

The infection in the wound began in a typical manner. Swelling, redness, very intense pain...increasing pain. Then “blisters” form, very similar to burn blisters, only redder, and, believe it or not, much more painful. An even more terrifying feature of these swellings is that they are the first stage of a process that develops as gangrene. Even worse (or comparatively worse) is that half of patients require necrectomy(deep tissue scraping... can you imagine scraping an area that also hurts terribly?), but more often - amputation... The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reassured me: 'Be glad you still have your leg.'"

September 29, 2010
CNN news channel: "128 BP workers involved in the response to the spill fell ill; they were required not to go to public hospitals"

"Rain of bacteria": Carnivorous microbes can spread with rain through "bio-aerosols" - "Skin allergy rashes also spread"

Chemist Bob Naman described the brownish, rubbery tar balls that resulted from the BP oil spill that continue to wash up on beaches around the Gulf Coast:

“They will harm anyone who breaks them in their hand or otherwise comes into contact with them. You may have open wound, and [the contents of the ball] will go straight [into the body]."

"In women, the mucous membrane is much more developed than in men, and they get more severely ill. They begin to experience vaginal and rectal bleeding. In young children, bleeding from the ears. This stuff destroys red blood cells" I note that many of specified symptoms are not transient and last for several months - if a person’s health is able to endure and overcome them.

Massive bird deaths in Arkansas (at least 5,000) on New Year's Eve and then near New Orleans in early January (about 500), as well as fish (about 100,000) in a 30-km zone in northern Louisiana, have been linked to an unknown toxin in some reports. . It was also reported that "the birds showed signs of trauma to the chest tissue, there were blood clots in the body cavity and extensive internal bleeding" - that is, destruction blood vessels with hemorrhage under the influence of Corexit? Of course, there are other global factors acting on the biosphere (high methane content in the Gulf water, the ocean-atmospheric La Niña phenomenon, weakening of the earth’s magnetic field, etc.), but for the United States, the Gulf of Mexico is most likely dominant.

Considering that Corexite easily enters rain clouds and spreads over long distances, and the fact that similar events in the south and southeast of the United States have already occurred in the summer, the hypothesis that these “pestilences” are caused by birds and fish getting into clouds and under precipitation containing oil-corexite emulsion seems quite reasonable. Moreover, Diseases and symptoms typical of the coastal zone have begun to be observed in the continental United States- for example, in people caught in rain from clouds brought in from the Gulf of Mexico. It is curious that the map of animal deaths coincides well with the map of the estimated evacuation of the population in connection with the disaster in the Gulf, published at the end of June 2010.

Map of mass bird and fish kills in the United States.

What is the plague and why is it called the Black Death?

Plague is hard infectious disease, which leads to large-scale epidemics and often ends in the death of the sick person. It is caused by Iersinia pestis, a bacterium that was discovered at the end of the 19th century by the French scientist A. Yersin and the Japanese researcher S. Kitazato. On at the moment The causative agents of plague have been studied quite well. In developed countries, plague outbreaks are extremely rare, but this was not always the case. The first plague epidemic described in the sources occurred in the 6th century on the territory of the Roman Empire. Then the disease claimed the lives of about 100 million people. 8 centuries later, the history of the plague repeated itself in Western Europe and the Mediterranean, where more than 60 million people died. The third large-scale epidemic began in Hong Kong in late XIX century and quickly spread to more than 100 port cities in the Asian region. In India alone, the plague led to the death of 12 million people. For the most severe consequences and characteristic symptoms The plague is often called the "Black Death". It really does not spare either adults or children and, in the absence of treatment, “kills” more than 70% of infected people.

Nowadays, the plague is rare. However, on globe There are still natural foci where infectious agents are regularly detected in the rodents living there. The latter, by the way, are the main carriers of the disease. Deadly plague bacteria enter the human body through fleas, which are looking for new hosts after the mass death of infected rats and mice. In addition, the airborne route of transmission of infection is known, which, in fact, determines rapid spread plagues and the development of epidemics.

In our country, plague-endemic regions include the Stavropol region, Transbaikalia, Altai, the Caspian lowland and the Eastern Ural region.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Plague pathogens are resistant to low temperatures. They are well preserved in sputum and are easily transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets. When a flea bites, a small papule filled with hemorrhagic contents (skin plague) first appears on the affected area of ​​skin. After this, the process quickly spreads throughout lymphatic vessels. They create ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to the explosive growth of plague pathogens, their fusion and the formation of conglomerates (bubonic plague). Bacteria may enter the respiratory system with further development of the pulmonary form. The latter is extremely dangerous, as it is characterized by a very fast flow and covers vast territories due to intensive spread between members of the population. If treatment for plague begins too late, the disease turns into a septic form, which affects absolutely all organs and systems of the body, and in most cases ends in the death of a person.

Plague - symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the plague appear after 2 to 5 days. The disease begins acutely with chills, sharp increase body temperature to critical levels, drop in blood pressure. These signs are subsequently joined by neurological symptoms: delirium, loss of coordination, confusion. Other characteristic manifestations of the Black Death depend on the specific form of infection.

  • bubonic plague – lymph nodes, liver, spleen enlarge. The lymph nodes become hard and extremely painful, filled with pus, which eventually breaks out. Incorrect diagnosis or inadequate treatment of plague leads to the death of the patient 3-5 days after infection;
  • pneumonic plague - affects the lungs, patients complain of coughing, copious discharge of sputum, which contains blood clots. If treatment is not started in the first hours after infection, then all further measures will be ineffective and the patient will die within 48 hours;
  • septic plague - symptoms indicate the spread of pathogens throughout literally all organs and systems. A person dies within a day at most.

Doctors also know the so-called minor form of the disease. It is manifested by a slight rise in body temperature, swollen lymph nodes and headache, but usually these symptoms disappear on their own after a few days.

Treatment of plague

Diagnosis of plague is carried out on the basis of laboratory culture, immunological methods and polymerase chain reaction. If a patient is diagnosed with bubonic plague or any other form of this infection, he is immediately hospitalized. When treating plague in such patients, medical facility personnel must take strict precautions. Doctors should wear 3-layer gauze bandages, protective glasses to prevent sputum from getting on the face, shoe covers and a cap that completely covers the hair. If possible, special anti-plague suits are used. The compartment in which the patient is located is isolated from other premises of the institution.

If a person is diagnosed with bubonic plague, he is administered streptomycin intramuscularly 3-4 times a day and tetracycline antibiotics intravenously. In case of intoxication, patients are shown saline solutions and hemodez. A decrease in blood pressure is considered as a reason for emergency treatment and resuscitation measures in the event of an increase in the intensity of the process. Pneumonic and septic forms of plague require increasing doses of antibiotics, immediate relief of intravascular coagulation syndrome, and administration of fresh blood plasma.

Thanks to development modern medicine, large-scale plague epidemics have become very rare, and currently the mortality rate of patients does not exceed 5-10%. This is true in cases where treatment of the plague begins on time and complies with established rules and regulations. For this reason, if there is any suspicion of the presence of plague pathogens in the body, doctors are obliged to urgently hospitalize the patient and alert the authorities involved in controlling the spread of infectious diseases.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article: