Apollonia dental clinic on Orsha street. Apollonia, dentistry Apollonia dental clinic

I express my deep gratitude to doctor Artak Karenovich for his highly professional approach to treatment. Thank you very much and low bow, God bless you and your family.

Thank you for your trust! With uv. Artak Karenovich Avetisyan

Visiting the Apollonia clinic is nothing short of negative! Contacted with acute pain to the Apollonia clinic located next to the house (near the Avtozavodskaya metro station). After an examination, the therapist (Zhanna Vasilyevna) suggested removing the tooth (it was missed by the doctor (therapist-surgeon) with whom I had been treated before (Dental World clinic)), and the process went too far. An orthopedic surgeon (Eliza Zavenovna) was called. After examination, she discovered next to the ill-fated tooth a figure eight root that had not been removed from the gum (it was also left in the gum by a doctor at Dental World). The orthopedic surgeon said that we leave the tooth and make it into it stump tab, the root is naturally removed. The therapist asked several times whether this tooth could really be saved? Something was clearly bothering her. But the orthopedist stood her ground. The tooth (it was a seven with three canals) began to be healed before prosthetics. A temporary filling was placed. The treatment cost 5,400 rubles. I went for removal, and already in the chair after another anesthesia, the surgeon told me: “Please note, the removal is complicated, it will cost five thousand.” What could I do? The removal of the root was considered to me as the removal of an impacted (not coming out) wisdom tooth, i.e. as the most difficult thing. In the end, I paid for everything in total - 10,000 rubles. Further, they told me that before proceeding with prosthetics for a diseased tooth, I must first heal three of their teeth in which slight caries has appeared, undergo a consultation with an orthodontist (he is in another branch, but they will call him), and then they will deal with it the tooth I came in about. In the meantime, I will go with a temporary filling. They made an appointment with a therapist for treatment, and I went home in deep thought. While I was having my tooth treated by a therapist, she asked the nurse: “What days do you work at next week“, she answered “yes, all days from morning to evening, seven days a week.” The next day my temporary filling fell out. I ran to Apollonia and was late for work. The administrator from the reception came to the doctor’s office with me and for some reason began to prepare the instruments, then the doctor came and began to put in a new temporary filling, then a nurse came running, she really works alone and runs from office to office. I decided to consult at another clinic. I used the recommendation of friends. The clinic is very serious with high-quality equipment. The bottom line is this: the therapist was right, it’s too late to put a stump in this tooth, I’ll lose it by paying for prosthetics, I just need to remove it. In addition, one canal in this tooth in Apollonia was treated poorly. The tooth I paid five thousand for was removed. Removal cost 1,300 rubles, she told me about the root, it would also have been removed for the same money. One more nuance, in Apollonia I told the therapist that it seemed to me as if through the filling in front tooth, which was placed a year ago in the same Dental World, a dark spot is visible, after examining the tooth, the therapist Zhanna Vasilievna said that everything needs to be redone. And in the clinic where I went later, the therapist, after examining the tooth, said that everything was fine here and there was no need to touch the front teeth unnecessarily. What a difference there is in the approach to treatment!

Dear Lyudmila! Our clinic "Appolonia" has read your review and would like to give a qualified and detailed answer on all points of your treatment. As for the left root, after tooth extraction at the Dental World clinic, we believe that the pricing policy depends on the category of complexity of the removal. This can only be decided by the surgeon at the time of tooth extraction. And after tooth extraction, it is impossible to adequately assess the category of complexity. I would like to clarify, that the deletion was carried out after your consent, which you gave in response to the announced cost of deletion. Regarding the treatment of "seven" - it is not always necessary to remove teeth, even with chronic inflammation and not giving any symptoms. Your tooth could serve you quite well for several more years. We believe that the removal of such a tooth should be justified. In this regard, the reason why you had this tooth removed in another clinic is not entirely clear. Regarding poor quality treatment one of the channels - this claim is unfounded. The equipment in our clinic, the professional training of doctors, computer x-ray diagnostics allows us to be confident in the quality of medical care provided to our patients. We conduct a full examination of the oral cavity for all patients who come to our clinic and voice the existing problems. But in no case do we force the patient to undergo the prescribed treatment. This is decided by the patient himself. We believe that the treatment of anterior teeth should be highly aesthetic, and this is a subjective concept! But in any case, the presence of a “dark spot” under the filling in the front tooth should alert the doctor, and only the doctor can decide whether he can perform a high-quality restoration. In general, we regret that you have a negative opinion about our clinic, but in the future our team will make every effort so that patients can appreciate the positivity of the medical staff and the desire to guarantee the health and safety of their own teeth, first of all, this is the doctor’s talent and fidelity to the oath: "Do no harm!" Best regards, center team aesthetic dentistry"Apolonia".

Problematic teeth do not make a person more attractive. Moreover, the key to success in absolutely all areas of life has always been a dazzling smile. That's why dental services will be relevant at all times.

The employees of Apollonia Dentistry in Moscow help their patients not only acquire a perfect smile, but also professionally take care of the health of their teeth. This medical institution is characterized by a comfortable and cozy atmosphere and a sensitive attitude on the part of doctors to the problems of clients. All employees dental center clinics are well aware that a visit to the dentist is a kind of stress for most people, so they try to find individual approach to every patient. For all those who apply to the Center, anesthesia is personally selected, and a whole treatment plan is drawn up, taking into account the person’s health condition and his capabilities.

“Apollonia” is a dentistry where everyone is offered free consultations therapist, periodontologist, surgeon, orthodontist, implantologist and specialist in the field of aesthetic dentistry. Here you can get truly competent answers to questions regarding dental and oral health, professional recommendations, inexpensive, but quality treatment and a guarantee for absolutely all types of work.

Services of the Apollonia dental center

Apollonia dentistry in Moscow, reviews of which can be found on the official website of the medical institution, provides services of any level of complexity in a pleasant, favorable prices. In general, the list of services provided is presented as follows:

· therapy;
· prosthetics,
· implantation,
· recovery,
· whitening,
· tooth extraction;
· installation of fillings,
· crowns,
· braces;
· treatment of caries.
Over the years of its operation, the Apollonia clinic has acquired many regular clients who regularly visit it preventive examinations. Experienced, highly qualified doctors provide quick and high-quality diagnostics, identify dental problems and prescribe treatment. If desired, you can have hygienic teeth cleaning using ultrasound and modern professional cleaning products. This procedure is aimed at getting rid of plaque, which is the cause of the formation of tartar, periodontitis and caries. Price preventive measures and plaque removal is low and completely depends on the condition of the patient’s dental system. Tartar removal at Apollonia dentistry in Moscow is carried out using the Air-Flow method, completely painlessly and very quickly.

Those who want to have snow-white dazzling smile Whitening service is offered.

This procedure can be carried out in various ways. After completing the examination of the dental apparatus, the doctor recommends the most effective method for each individual case. Subject to compliance with existing dental care rules, dentists guarantee a long-lasting, lasting result of a radiant “Hollywood” smile.

However, an attractive smile is not only about perfectly white teeth, but also, just as importantly, straight teeth. Currently, almost every person has some kind of defect in the dental system, and some even have malocclusion. The employees of the Apollonia center in Moscow provide dental restoration and bite correction services at very reasonable prices, while the quality of work remains high. To correct unevenness and pathological bite, specialists use braces, which are selected individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the dentition.

"Apollonia" - dentistry providing services highest quality at affordable prices.

Visiting the Apollonia clinic is nothing short of negative!

With acute pain, I went to the Apollonia clinic located next to my house (near the Avtozavodskaya metro station).

After an examination, the therapist (Zhanna Vasilyevna) suggested removing the tooth (it was missed by the doctor (therapist-surgeon) with whom I had been treated before (Dental World clinic)), and the process went too far. An orthopedic surgeon (Eliza Zavenovna) was called. After examination, she discovered next to the ill-fated tooth a figure eight root that had not been removed from the gum (it was also left in the gum by a doctor at Dental World). The orthopedic surgeon said that we leave the tooth and make a stump insert into it, and, of course, remove the root. The therapist asked several times whether this tooth could really be saved? Something was clearly bothering her. But the orthopedist stood her ground. The tooth (it was a seven with three canals) began to be healed before prosthetics. A temporary filling was placed. The treatment cost 5,400 rubles. I went for removal, and already in the chair after another anesthesia, the surgeon told me: “Please note, the removal is complicated, it will cost five thousand.” What could I do? The removal of the root was considered to me as the removal of an impacted (not coming out) wisdom tooth, i.e. as the most difficult thing. In the end, I paid for everything in total - 10,000 rubles. Further, they told me that before proceeding with prosthetics for a diseased tooth, I must first heal three of their teeth in which slight caries has appeared, undergo a consultation with an orthodontist (he is in another branch, but they will call him), and then they will deal with it the tooth I came in about. In the meantime, I will walk around with a temporary filling. They made an appointment with a therapist for treatment, and I went home in deep thought.
While I was having my tooth treated by a therapist, she asked the nurse: “What days are you working next week?” she answered, “Yes, all days from morning to evening, seven days a week.”

The next day my temporary filling fell out. I ran to Apollonia and was late for work. The administrator from the reception came to the doctor’s office with me and for some reason began to prepare the instruments, then the doctor came and began to put in a new temporary filling, then a nurse came running, she really works alone and runs from office to office.
I decided to consult at another clinic. I used the recommendation of friends. The clinic is very serious with high-quality equipment. The bottom line is this: the therapist was right, it’s too late to put a stump in this tooth, I’ll lose it by paying for prosthetics, I just need to remove it. In addition, one canal in this tooth in Apollonia was treated poorly. The tooth I paid five thousand for was removed. Removal cost 1,300 rubles, she told me about the root, it would also have been removed for the same money. One more nuance, in Apollonia I told the therapist that it seemed to me that a dark spot was visible through the filling in the front tooth, which was placed a year ago in the same Dental World. After examining the tooth, the therapist Zhanna Vasilievna said that everything needs to be redone. And in the clinic where I went later, the therapist, after examining the tooth, said that everything was fine here and there was no need to touch the front teeth unnecessarily.

What a difference there is in the approach to treatment!

Review of Apollonia Clinic, Danilovsky district, 02/14/2014 at 11:50

I paid for a coupon for "Vygoda ru", they promised 790 rubles for caries all inclusive, but they warned me on the spot that I would have to pay an additional 1,500 rubles, supposedly for tooth restoration. I have 2 small caries, the crown of the tooth was not damaged! So they scammed me out of money. I can’t evaluate the quality, because a tooth that didn’t hurt before (just replacing a filling) now started to hurt and feel like it might go away, I don’t know. The Russians, I think, wouldn’t cheat like that!

Review of Apollonia Clinic, Danilovsky district, 03/23/2013 at 21:40

I completely agree with Andrey, a week ago I had the root removed; they didn’t take a picture!!! they overdid it with painkillers; I was shaking at home and the temperature was high. Now instead of my gums there is a hole where the root was; they simply tore out the gum. Today I was in a good clinic and took a picture. the doctor’s conclusion that a piece of the root remained there and that they removed a lot bone tissue something to envy (this gap between pieces of gums is 3-4 mm and a centimeter high will heal in at least 4 months

Review of Apollonia Clinic, Danilovsky district, 03/17/2013 at 22:32

the most terrible clinic I have ever seen. I don’t know if people there even have at least a month of work experience? They removed the root from a tooth. They tore everything apart. They cut off a piece of gum with forceps carelessly and it was of no use at all.. as I was later told by normal clinic. They also fooled me with the money instead of the agreed upon 2 thousand they took 3 thousand, explaining this by the fact that the anesthesia still needs to be paid, but not 1000 rubles. but it’s too late.. we will decide the issue of returning the money. Or the court. PEOPLE DO NOT GO TO THIS CLINIC!!!

Review of Apollonia Clinic, Danilovsky district, 03/17/2013 at 21:31

Veronica Brezhneva = Alena Denisova = .... Just wondering how you were treated and WHAT you were treated for, if you propagate your fake paid gratitude on all sites, but for some reason under different names. There is no trust in a clinic that resorts to such “reviews”. Here, compare: “Thank you for the delicate treatment
I contacted Apollonia two weeks ago. I'm terribly afraid of dentists, I have... rare form allergies - to anesthesia. Therefore, teeth can only be treated “live”. Well, out of my own stupidity, I don’t go to the doctor until I get so sick that I can’t stand it. And this is usually difficult to treat. And it hurt.(((So this time, I went when I couldn’t stand it at all. I thought I would die of horror in this Kremlin.
In fact, it turned out that I scared myself too much.)) Because they drilled out and cleaned everything out almost painlessly, very delicately. Thanks to the doctor, a thin brown-haired girl, unfortunately, I don’t remember her last name (((, I got into the situation and tried very hard to do everything carefully. As soon as the filling was put in, I didn’t feel it at all: either my brain turned off from horror, or I managed to relax - I still didn’t I understood.)) But by the evening I already felt quite good.))
Thank you so much, just a huge thank you, I am delighted. And she also promised to run immediately if anything happened!
By the way, yes professional cleaning I also managed to endure the teeth almost without twitching.

Interesting story

It's no secret that going to the dentist causes anxiety for every person. For some, this is associated with unpleasant memories from childhood, while for others, pain was caused during dental treatment in our time.
To save our patients from such unpleasant moments in modern dental practice Pain relief is widely used. There are two types of pain relief: local anesthesia, in which pain sensitivity is turned off, but the patient is conscious, and anesthesia, in which a reversible loss of consciousness occurs, while all muscles are relaxed and pain sensitivity is completely turned off.
Local anesthesia is more widely used in dental practice. It can be application-based - superficial (gels, sprays) and injection, which blocks nerve impulses directly in a certain area.
If the injection is made near the nerve trunk and the entire area of ​​innervation is switched off - this is conduction anesthesia, the effect occurs quickly and lasts for 2-3 hours.
Infiltration anesthesia is when an injection is made into the mucous membrane along the transitional fold or intraligamentously; special syringes or a needleless injector can be used for this. This anesthesia is often used during dental treatment in the upper jaw.
For dental pain relief lower jaw use the form conduction anesthesia– mandibular, in which case not only the mandibular nerve, which innervates the teeth, is switched off, but also the buccal and lingual nerves, which leads to significant inconvenience for the patient.
Often, in order not to create inconvenience for the patient, doctors use intraligamentary anesthesia - this is the injection of an anesthetic directly into the periodontal ligament of the tooth.
Carpule syringes are used to administer anesthesia in dental practice. The body of such a syringe is made of metal, so it can be easily sterilized after each patient and can be used repeatedly. Carpules and needles are disposable.
What painkillers are most often used in modern dentistry?
These are, of course, new generation anesthetics that are less toxic than their predecessors, the effect occurs instantly and is much stronger. Basically, dentists use drugs such as Ubestezin, Ultracain, ……., ……….., depending on the indications.
And in conclusion, I would like to wish you – may your visit to the dentist be pleasant, painless, and most importantly, timely. It is better to prevent the disease in time than to deal with complications later.