What is ovp. Oxidation-reduction potential: calculation and measurement

What is ORP?

Redox potential.

One of the most significant factors in regulating the parameters of redox reactions occurring in any liquid medium is the activity of electrons or, in other words, the redox potential of this medium (ORP or Redox from the English reduction-oxidation reaction).

The redox potential is measured in millivolts, with negative values ​​corresponding to the reduction potential, and positive values ​​to the oxidation potential (living and dead water).

Normally, the ORP of the internal environment of the human body is usually in the range from minus 100 to minus 150 millivolts (mV), that is, the internal environment human body are in restored condition.

The ORP of ordinary drinking water (tap water, bottled drinking water, etc.), measured in the same way, is almost always greater than zero and usually ranges from +200 to +300 mV (check in living conditions you can use an ORP meter).

The indicated differences in the ORP of the internal environment of the human body and drinking water mean that the activity of electrons in the internal environment of the human body is much higher than the activity of electrons in drinking water. If the drinking water entering the body has an ORP close to the ORP value of the internal environment of the human body, then electrical energy cell membranes (vital energy body) is not spent on correcting the activity of water electrons and water is immediately absorbed, since it is biologically compatible with this parameter.

Water with a negative Oxidation-Reduction Potential has gained recognition as one of the best antioxidants of our time.

Ionized (activated) living water, when activated, is saturated with excess energy in the form of negative ions. This state of water is unstable and it begins to gradually discharge, literally emitting excess charge in all directions. Figuratively speaking, the attached electrons seem to be “unhooked” back. And if you drink such water, it will discharge inside us, saturating the blood with electrons that neutralize free radicals.

This ensures the pronounced antioxidant properties of negatively charged water.

For reference:

  • Acetic acid 5% + 400 mV (±15);
  • Coca-Cola + 300 mV (±25);
  • Tap water + 200+350 mV;
  • Apple juice + 112 mV (±15);
  • Beer + 75 mV (±15);
  • Instant coffee + 70 mV (±15);
  • Black tea + 65 mV (±15);
  • Green tea + 50 mV (±15);
  • Red wine + 50 mV (±15);
  • Tomato juice + 36 mV (±15);
  • Arterial blood has a calculated redox potential of approximately minus 57 mV;
  • Venous blood has a calculated redox potential of approximately minus 7 mV;
  • Breast milk has an ORP potential of minus 70 mV.
  • Ionized water (-100-300) mV

Drinking water must have a negative redox potential (mV) of at least 50 mV.
Water with ORP = -50 mV has a sufficient number of negatively charged ions to attract and neutralize the effects of harmful excess acids.

What is pH?

For a living organism to exist, three conditions must be met.

  1. A certain amount of acids and alkalis must be removed.
  2. A certain amount of acids and alkalis must be used for the needs of the body.
  3. A certain ratio must be maintained between acids and alkalis - the so-called acid-base balance .

For characteristics acid-base balance pH is used - an indicator of the acidity and alkalinity of a solution, which is determined by the concentration of H + and OH? ions.

The pH value can range from 0 to 14, and the sum of H + and OH ions? will always be equal to 14.

  • An acidic solution has a pH< 7.
  • An alkaline solution has a pH > 7.
  • The pH of neutral solutions is 7.

Since human organs and tissues consist of 70 - 80% aqueous solution, then each of them has strictly defined acidity limits and can only work within these limits. Changes in pH values ​​lead to illness and even death.

The pH parameters for blood are especially strictly defined - 7.35 - 7.45 for arterial and 7.4 - 7.43 for venous. A person can only live at these pH values. Deviations in blood pH below 7.3 and above 7.5 are accompanied by severe consequences for the body. At a blood pH of 6.95, loss of consciousness and death occur. If the concentration of H+ ions decreases and the pH becomes equal to 7.7, severe convulsions, which can also lead to death.

Digestive enzymes in the pancreas function normally at a pH of 8.3.

The normal pH of liver and gall bladder secretions is 7.1.

Saliva pH is 6.5-6.9. When the body oxidizes, the pH of saliva and urine change first.

Connective tissues have a pH between 7.08 and 7.29.

Muscle pH is 6.9. For muscle tissue, the pH value can vary within wider limits than for blood. Muscle tissue requires constant removal of acid. So, when the pH drops below 6.2, the heart muscle stops working and the heart stops.

Urine is characterized by pH values ​​from 5.5 to 7. It is very important that the pH of night urine differs from the pH of morning and daytime urine.

Gastric juice has the most acidic pH in the body, ranging from 1.53 to 1.67. The activity of pepsin, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins and promotes the digestion of meat, sausage, cheese and other protein foods in the stomach, depends on the acidity of gastric juice.

Therefore, for normal digestion it is necessary that gastric juice had exactly these pH values.

The pH changes and diseases arise. Yes, when peptic ulcer stomach pH drops to 1.48.

pH of some products:

  • Acetic acid 5% - 2.64;
  • Coca-Cola - 3.36;
  • Red wine (Spain) - 3.81;
  • Orange juice with high content vitamin C - 4.0;
  • Beer "Bavaria" - 4.3;
  • Tomato juice - 4.7;
  • Instant coffee - 5.5;
  • Mineral water "Bonaqua" without gas - 5.58;
  • Black tea - 6.1;
  • Green tea - 6.3.

Unfortunately the food modern man contains more and more acids. This does not mean that we eat sour-tasting foods. This means that when our food is broken down, the body produces much more acids than alkalis.

The rate at which various ions gain or lose electrons is measured by the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP).

The redox potential is determined by electrochemical methods. The greater the redox potential of a given substance, the more intense the oxidizing effect, and the lower the potential, the more intense the reducing effect of this substance.

When an electrode is immersed in a solution of an oxidizing or reducing agent, it gives up or accepts electrons. The electrode will be charged positively or negatively to a certain potential that balances the tendency of electrons to redistribute, and positive charge the electrode becomes higher, the stronger the oxidizing properties of the solution. The potential to which the electrode is charged when immersed in a given solution is a measure of the oxidative activity of the latter. They call him electrode oxidation potential of the solution (EP).

Typically the solution contains an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent. The stronger the specified oxidizing agent in the pair, the weaker the reducing agent should be, and vice versa.

Let us write the equation for the oxidation reaction of iodide ions with Fe 3+ ions in abbreviated ionic form:

2Fe 3+ +2I - =2Fe 2+ +I 2

The redox couples in this reaction are:

1st: Fe 3+ (oxidized form) – Fe 2+ (reduced form)

Oxidizing agent 1 Reducing agent 1

2nd: I 2 (oxidized form) – I - (reduced form)

Oxidizing agent 2 Reducing agent 2

When designating redox pairs, the oxidizing agent is indicated on the left. Let's list a few more redox pairs: Cl 2 /Cl -, Br 2 /Br -, I 2 /I -, Fe 3+ /Fe 2+, SO 4 2- /So 3 2-, etc.

The value of the redox potential depends on the nature of the oxidizing agent and reducing agent, their concentrations and temperature. Dependence of redox potential on various factors is expressed by W. Nernst’s equation, derived on the basis of the laws of thermodynamics:

φ = φ 0 + RT ln [OK] ,

nF [Resurrection]

where φ 0 is the standard electrode potential at activity (ion concentration) equal to unity.

R- gas constant equal to 8.313 J/mol∙K,

T - absolute temperature, K;

n is the number of electrons (donated or added);

F-Faraday number (96500 C).

For the calculation, it is convenient to use a simplified formula at T = 298K, which is obtained after substituting the numerical values ​​of the constants and switching to decimal logarithms, the equation takes the form:

The absolute value of the electrode potential cannot be determined!

In practice, the value of the relative potential of another electrode, taken as the standard, is used. The latter is called the reference electrode. An electrode with an unknown potential is called a measuring electrode, or indicator electrode. A standard hydrogen electrode is used as a reference electrode, the potential of which is taken to be zero.

Standard hydrogen electrode is a platinum plate coated with Pt powder, which is immersed in a solution of hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid with an activity of H + ions equal to 1 mol/l and washed by a stream of hydrogen at a pressure of 101.3 kPa.

If we arrange metals in increasing order of the values ​​of their standard potentials, we obtain an electrochemical series of voltages or a series of standard EPs.

The rule for determining the sign of the ED: if an oxidation reaction occurs on the electrode in conjunction with a standard hydrogen electrode, the ED has a “minus” sign, if the reduction reaction has a “plus” sign.

To determine the standard potential of any given pair, for example Fe 3+ /Fe 2+ , it is combined with a standard hydrogen electrode to form a galvanic cell (GC). A GE is a device in which the energy of a chemical reaction is converted into electrical energy. It consists of two half-cells or electrodes and can be chemical or concentration. The operation of chemical HE is based on the redox reaction. The following reactions occur at the electrodes:

2Fe 3+ +2ē↔2Fe 2+

E.m.f. turns out to be equal to 0.77V. Since it also represents the difference of standard potentials, then:

E = φ 0 Fe 3+/Fe 2+ - φ 0 2H+/H2 =0.77V.

Since the standard hydrogen potential is taken equal to zero, then =0.77 V

To take into account the effect of medium acidity, i.e. to characterize a redox system under specific conditions, use the concept of real standard potential φ 0´. In this case, the initial concentrations of the oxidized and reduced forms of potential-determining ions are assumed to be equal to 1 mol/l (the concentrations of all other components of this solution are considered fixed). The actual standard potential of the system, depending on the acidity, can vary over a wide range in accordance with the formula:

The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution (lower the pH value), the higher the real standard potential, i.e. the greater the oxidizing ability of the oxidized form. The real standard potential can only be used at the pH value of the solution at which it is calculated.

By changing the pH you can increase or decrease the redox potential. In addition, by changing the pH, the direction of the redox reaction can be changed.

The values ​​of standard electrode potentials measured relative to a standard hydrogen electrode are given in the reference literature. However, the magnitude of standard electrode potentials can only qualitatively assess the direction of redox reactions.

Example. The negative sign of the electrode potential of zincB means that the equilibrium in the reaction Zn 2+ +H 2 ↔Zn+2H + is shifted to the left.

Quantitative assessment of the direction of redox reactions is carried out using the equilibrium constant (the larger the equilibrium constant, the more complete the chemical interaction occurs), determined by the equation:

where n is the number of electrons passing from the reducing agent to the oxidizing agent.

From the last formula it is clear that the greater the difference in the standard potentials of conjugated pairs of oxidizer and reducer, the greater the equilibrium constant.

What is ORP?

In the world we live in, there is a continuous exchange of electrons between substances in the air, on the ground, in water, and in our bodies. This phenomenon is known as ion exchange. In an effort to achieve a state of stability, substances that lack electrons, but constantly want to get them, are called oxidizing agents. Conversely, substances that have an excess of electrons and are capable of donating them are called reducing agents or antioxidants.

Oxidation-reduction potential, or ORP, is a measurement that indicates the degree to which a substance is capable of oxidizing or reducing other substances. This is the same important indicator water, like ! ORP is measured in millivolts (mV) using .

  • A positive ORP value indicates that water is an oxidizing agent. The higher the reading, the more it oxidizes the body. Dead (acidic) water has these properties. One example of oxidation is when we cut an apple, it gradually begins to darken.
  • A negative value indicates that ORP of water is a reducing agent. The lower the reading, the more antioxidants it contains. Living (alkaline) water has these properties.

Let's see what kind of water you and I use every day?

Drink ORP indicator (mv)
Acetic acid +400
Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite Acetic acid +300…+350
Drinking water +150..+250..
Fresh Grape Juice +150
Fresh apple juice +112
Instant coffee +70
Black tea +65
Green tea +50
Red wine
Fresh tomato juice +36
Living water(alkaline, for prevention) — 100..-250
Living water (Alkaline, for treatment) — 250 and above

Our body consists of 70% water. All liquid in our body has a negative charge, about (-70mV). As you can see, all liquids have large positive values, this means that such water not only “does not want” to give up electrons, but also takes them away when it enters the body. This process promotes the formation of free radicals and is the cause of many serious illnesses-cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, etc.

And water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use.

Oxidation-reduction potential is very important for us. If you continually drink water with a high positive ORP, it will take electrons from other atoms in your body, oxidizing those atoms in the process, just like in the apple example.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is Living and Dead Water
  • What is the difference between structured water and unstructured water?
  • What is ORP
  • Why is it unhealthy to drink unstructured water?

In Russian fairy tales, we often heard about living water, which can revive a person, and about dead water, which can kill. The properties of water are amazing; it can really both cure and cripple a person. And there is some truth in Russian fairy tales.

What kind of water do you use for cooking and drinking? Do you know how important it is for the body to receive “live” alkaline, structured water, rich in minerals and oxygen? And how does acidic, chlorine-laced water ruin you every day?

And may physicists and chemists forgive me if they catch me using “profanity” or not correct description interactions of molecules, formulas, and so on. I will try to explain in normal human language what structured water is, what ORP is, and why tap water is harmful.

Let me remind you once again of one golden truth: water is the second most important element in human life. You can live without bread, meat, cereals. You can even live without vegetables and fruits (the only question is what quality your life will be and how soon you will die).

But you cannot live without water!!! Water, as I have already written about this in other materials, is involved in all processes of human life. So why are people often so dismissive of information about water, its properties and tips for improving water quality? Probably because all people are the same in one sense - until the thunder strikes...

I want to tell you a few the most important facts about water. Perhaps this will help improve your quality of life. IN lately there is a lot of excitement around water, a huge amount of research and discoveries related to the properties of water. In particular, a lot is said about the structure of water and redox potential.

Let's figure out what structured water is and how to recognize it. To begin with interesting fact about the opening at the University of Georgia. It was discovered that in any living organism, healthy cells are surrounded by structured water, and diseased cells are surrounded by unstructured water. What's the difference? In that in structured water all electrons in the outer orbit are in place. And in unstructured water there is no electron in the orbit.

And now one more fact: any tap water when moving through pipes, it is subject to pressure and does not move naturally (in a spiral), but in concentric rings. With this movement, outer electrons are forced out of the orbit. Thus, water changes its structure and cannot perform its functions provided by nature. If you take a bath in such water for at least 20 minutes, then during the bath a person absorbs about 450 ml of water through the skin, which is equivalent to drinking a bottle of tap water.

Such water cannot give anything other than diseases. It doesn't matter how skeptical some people are about structure information. You can’t trample against nature and laws! If water is not capable of conducting electricity, if the structure is broken - there is not enough electron - it cannot have either reducing or healing properties. It will not give your body electrons, but take them away.

This is why most filters, although they purify water from impurities, do not make it healthy in any way.

Now think about what happens to the cells of your body if you take a shower every day and drink tap water that has not undergone structuring, alkalization and ionization? You surround your cells with water with missing electrons, unable to hydrolyze and perform its basic functions.

There will be another article about hydrolysis, today we’ll talk about others important things.

Now, let’s figure out what Oxidation-Reduction Potential is ( ORP) or Red-Ox in English. What does this mean in simple Russian? I’ll tell you as a housewife, and not as a physicist. We have already found out that throughout our lives oxidative and reduction reactions. And our immunity and blood picture depend on the pH balance. Therefore, if the water is acidic, it oxidizes the body and does not rid us of free radicals. If the water is alkaline, it restores alkaline environment and helps the body get rid of free radicals.

Now imagine this picture: water can either give up electrons or take them from external environment. This means that if you drink water with missing electrons, it will take them from your body, take them away, and oxidize the environment in which it entered (oxidative potential). If you drink structured water, it will give electrons to your body and thus help the body and cells stay healthy (regenerative potential).

By the way, we all know the anti-oxidant properties of certain products are also measured and expressed through ORP measurement parameters.

How is ORP measured? The unit of measurement is mV (millivolts). Typically, water flows from the tap with an ORP value from + 200 to +600 mV. Such water is not even suitable for bathing, let alone eating. You need water with a negative ORP value, at least -100 mV. A living healthy cell collects water around itself with an ORP value of about -100 mV.

The question arises, where to get quality water and what kind of water can be used for cooking and drinking? We have already talked about tap water, then what kind of water should we use?? Any bottled water sold in supermarkets has an ORP positive value, which means that it is NOT biologically active and is in no way suitable for drinking.

Not everyone has access to spring water. And even then, neither spring, nor well, nor artesian water sometimes passes the ORP test. The test shows positive numbers, which, as I already explained, is extremely bad for the body.

Well, for those who do not have the opportunity to drink water from mountain springs or springs, purchased purified water remains. But even this option will not solve the problem without additional actions.

Therefore, the question arises - how to ionize and structure water at home? I have a solution, I will share my experience and results with you!

I suggest you watch a video that answers these burning questions. Also, I revealed one of the ways to improve water at home in the article “How to revive yourself with water.”

P.S. I will be glad if this information helps you! I am always open to communication. Leave your comments and questions, I will be happy to answer them.

Sincerely, Svetlana Aristova
Nutritionist and your nutrition coach healthy eating and weight correction

Redox reactions are the main processes that support the vital functions of every organism. In other words, these reactions always involve the attachment or transfer of electrons. When a reduction or oxidation process is carried out, the electrical resource of a substance is modified: one substance gives up electrons, receives a positive charge and is oxidized, and the second, accordingly, receives electrons, is negatively charged and reduced. The result is the potential difference between substances or redox potential (Eh). ORP, which is also called redox potential (redox - Reduction/Oxidation), is considered a kind of boundary of the chemical activity of elements (compounds) in reversible chemical reactions related to changes in the charge of ions in solutions.

The redox potential of water is the degree to which it is acidic or alkaline. If the oxidation/reduction potential has a positive status, then water attaches electrons to those substances that it oxidizes. With a negative ORP, on the contrary, it gives up electrons, that is, it restores.

Standard redox potentials are expressed in millivolts and denoted as Eh. The “relationships” of oxidizing substances and reducing components are established by the ORP index, which depends on this ratio. Oxygen is one of the strongest oxidizing agents, and greatest effect hydrogen is responsible for the reduction, although these elements are not the only participants in oxidation and reduction reactions. The values ​​of redox potentials for each separate reaction can be positive and negative. ORP is related to the level of activity of hydrogen ions, which expresses the amount of its acidity and depends on temperature.

Measuring the redox potential of water involves the use of a special device - a redox meter (ORP meter). This device is small in size, operates quickly and has a fairly affordable price, which allows you to quickly and conveniently calculate the redox potential. Using a redox meter, you can quickly find out the number of millivolts (mV) that were used to disconnect from the liquid being tested. The more water has been reduced, the less it resists the loss of electrons, and this reduces the value of the potential. The ORP of water shifts more actively in positive side, if various types of structurers are used to carry out the reaction. They can be absolutely natural (quartz, coniferous resin) or entirely “synthetic” (for example, matrix).

The influence of the oxidation-reduction potential of drinking water on health

Natural water may have redox reaction potentials positive character or negative value. The redox potential varies from minus 400 millivolts to plus 700 millivolts. A positive value of the oxidation-reduction potential causes the water quality to become oxidizing. Similar values ​​are most often found in surface waters.

When water has strong acidic qualities, it is usually called “dead”.

The ORP indicators of such a liquid sometimes go off scale (plus 800-1000 millivolts). “Dead” water is a very strong oxidizing agent, which explains its bactericidal and disinfecting properties. Often, it is used in healing and preventive areas(treatment and prevention of colds, flu, sore throat and the like). The positive redox potential of the environment brings considerable benefits to the body as a whole: it decreases blood pressure, calms the central nervous system, significantly improves sleep, minimizes joint pain, eliminates periodontal disease, eliminates tartar and bleeding in oral cavity, treats intestinal disorders.

If the potential of the redox electrode is negative, then the water acquires reducing qualities (this is characteristic of melt water, underground sources and so on). Water with a “minus” redox potential is called “live” or alkaline. It perfectly tones the body, is considered a stimulant, a storehouse of vigor and energy. “Living” water has many advantages: it activates cell restoration, normalizes blood pressure, significantly improves metabolism, heals burns, wounds, ulcers (including the duodenum and stomach), and bedsores. In addition to this, it is used to prevent and treat polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, prostate adenoma, and atherosclerosis.

A device for calculating the redox potential shows that usually the redox potential of the human body is from minus 90 to minus 200 millivolts. Drinking water in most cases has an ORP well above zero:

  • tap water from +80 to +300 millivolts;
  • water from plastic containers from 100 to 300 “positive” mV;
  • spring water from +120 to +300 millivolts.

Natural water with a negative redox potential is practically never found; it is very rare occurrence. What does it mean? In the process of drinking ordinary drinking water, the electrons of the human body behave much more actively than its electrons. In other words, this type of water “steals” free electrons from the body, acting as an oxidant. The use of such water for drinking leads to the appearance of chronic diseases, premature aging.

But, the negative redox potential of the system (water), on the contrary, recharges cells and organs a large number energy. The energy of the body's cell membranes is not spent on correcting the activity of water electrons, so the liquid is instantly absorbed. We can safely say that the best antioxidant is drinking water with a “minus” redox potential. Scientists have proven that constant consumption of water with a negative ORP rejuvenates the body and even prolongs life. Considering the information published above, it is advisable to use an ORP meter to know how the redox potential will change under the influence of various factors and how this will affect health.

You can often come across statements that a certain substance belongs to the strongest antioxidants. Such a panacea exists - a device called BSL-MED-1. Drinking water that has undergone electrochemical treatment with this water purification device becomes perfectly clean and acquires the properties of a powerful antioxidant.