Elchin safarli sayings. Quotes about love. Elchin Safarli

One of the most popular writers of our time can confidently be called Elchin Safarli. It was his pen that produced such piercing and touching works as “There Without Going Back”, “They Promised You to Me”, “Tell Me About the Sea” and others. Today we have prepared for you short biography writer, collected the most interesting statements of Elchin Safarli. Happy reading!

Biography of Safarli

The Azerbaijani writer was born in March 1984 in Baku. He was barely 12 years old when he began publishing in newspapers. At the age of sixteen, Elchin entered the International University of Azerbaijan, choosing the specialization “Journalism”. He collaborated with Turkish television channels and wrote for print media. It is worth noting that Safarli lived in Istanbul for many years. This, of course, affected him early work. In 2011, a short film about the writer, “Alone with Everyone,” was released.

This book was published in 2010. In it, Safarli delightfully subtly reveals all the facets of the East, showing both its light and dark sides. In the reviews, readers say: it’s hard to believe that it’s a man who writes so touchingly and tenderly. This is not surprising, just read this quote from Elchin Safarli from the book “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus”:

The moon is a reflection of the eyes. When two people look at her from different ends of the earth, they certainly meet their gaze.

Both critics and fans of this amazing writer note: Elchin uses amazing metaphors, writes in simple language- amazingly accurate and bright. For example, speaking about the emotions and sensations of a person in a state of despair, he compares poplar fluff with dust, the sun with a simple disk. Safarli says: despair is dirty shoes. But it does not last forever; it is at the moment of the most intense sorrow that happiness and love come to a person.

Waiting for personal happiness is like waiting for an electric train on the platform of a provincial station. Despite the exact schedule, the train will definitely arrive. It is not known exactly when. Maybe half an hour late. Maybe with an emergency delay due to extraordinary circumstances. So is love. It breaks into a person’s destiny contrary to life’s schedule. One visits early. Another one a little later. For some it’s too late. Love will definitely reach each of us. An indisputable fact, disputed by people without faith in themselves...

This work by Safarli encourages every person to find their own happiness and be able to comprehend it. And of course, give up life in the everyday flow. Proof of this is the following Elchina Safarli:

Life can be adjusted. Making changes couldn't be easier. It's worth wanting. Of course, this cannot be done without sacrifices. We'll have to. Victims are the sediment at the bottom of a mug of fancy coffee... Of course, it’s easier to give up on a dream. Living in a meaningless stream. Wait for the traffic light to turn green while standing on the sidewalk. How long will it take to wait? Unknown... Life is like fluff from a torn pillow. A thousand opportunities to catch. 999 of them are empty.

What else does the Azerbaijani writer talk about? Like many others, he addresses the theme of love. And he does it incredibly gently:

Our hearts are intertwined with vanilla-ginger threads covered with a golden brown crust. Our kisses give off the refreshing taste of cumin, making our feelings hot. Our touches are gentle, like burgundy saffron fibers.

Why should you read this book? We guarantee you a complete immersion in the atmosphere of the East, or more precisely, in Istanbul - spicy aromas, hot wind, coolness of the night Bosphorus await you:

I love this city when it is dressed in the lemon-sunny fabrics of summer, in the pale brown silks of autumn. During these seasons, the magic of Istanbul intensifies - it smells of candied fruits, vanilla sponge cake, fish kebab...

Critics call this novel by Azerbaijani writer Elchin Safarli shocking. This is not surprising, because he describes the life of a Russian prostitute, full of loneliness and pain, who, by the will of fate, ended up in Istanbul. There is so much despair, faith, love and horror in this work:

I'm like an animal in a zoo, dreaming of freedom - it will never, never happen...

This book no longer has the warm melodramatic style that could be seen in the previous book. Proof of this is the following quote from Elchin Safarli’s book:

I'm alive. I let go of the past and didn’t notice how. Defensive reaction psyche? If she hadn’t let go, she would have died under its rubble. Now I'm empty. Feelings have dried up, emotions have crumbled, grievances have cracked.

Despite the main character’s occupation, the reader does not see a degraded woman, but a person who knows what she wants. She dreams of getting out of the life she lives and finding her happiness:

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family - I realize over the years. Family cannot be replaced by money, career, or friends. Family is like an element of a puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will come together.

Let's say right away: there will be no happy ending. Elchin Safarli in this work relieves readers of illusions and presents the truth of life - cruel and emotional. Through the mouth of the main character he says:

Only after living below do you learn how dangerous it is to climb up. Only after being in the dark will you know how bright the sunshine is...

Like the book “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus,” this work is literally imbued with the atmosphere of Istanbul. This is proven by this quote from Elchin Safarli’s book:

“Over the years, megacities become coarser and expand, desensitized by progress. But in Istanbul this is not the case: its appearance is changing, but the atmosphere is the same, have you noticed?” - and he touches his cheek with his palm, as if checking whether it’s time to shave. “I noticed. The rhythm of time does not change this city, and the old contrasts remain.”

Another delightfully tender love story awaits readers under the cover of this book. Do you believe in love at first sight? This writer believes. This is confirmed by numerous quotes from “I will return” by Elchin Safarli:

Don't be afraid to love! Love wins and will win! The main thing in fighting for each other is to believe in each other.

A Russian woman and an Eastern man met in line, looked at each other and fell in love. She is a resident of Moscow who does not believe in tears, he lives in Istanbul, where there is the Bosphorus, which can heal the soul. Both Mirumir and Svetusvet have their own past. Together they are only in the present. And it is not at all clear whether the lovers will have a future.

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past and the doubts of the present.

The difference in mentalities, the onslaught of circumstances, despair and distance... “I’ll be back” is a delightful novel in which Safarli shows the path of Russian girls who are able to go to the East in search of their happiness. And he talks a lot (incredibly a lot) about love:

To be happy, you don’t need to buy UGG boots, wrap your hair in a funny pyramid, or live in decadence with the hope of a happy ending. It is enough to know the taste of the kisses of your loved one and meet the blue evenings on the balcony, in an embrace. All philosophies of life rest on love. No doubt...

Some writer - I forget who exactly - said that in life there is only one great love, all the loves that preceded it are just a test of the pen, and all subsequent ones are catching up...

Readers note: Safarli describes those life moments that people so rarely pay attention to because of bustle and busyness. This book is ideal for those who are tired and mentally crushed. She will wrap you up like a cozy blanket. And of course it will heal.

Do not pick up this book if you have not experienced the pain of loss. Because in best case scenario you just won't understand it. And at worst, you will be disappointed in the writer. Elchin Safarli writes very openly about his condition:

In life, people periodically fall apart into pieces, and then they come back together, and it turns out new picture. I don’t know what kind of picture I am - I’m always in pieces. Sometimes they are larger, and then I feel better, and it seems that some kind of harmonious prudence is about to come. And sometimes they are so small that I don’t even understand what to do with these crumbs. Exhausting.

From the book by Elchin Safarli, even inveterate skeptics are forced to believe in this feeling: the author describes places, smells, sounds that remind him that he was once the happiest person in the world:

I still continue to talk to you incessantly. Mentally. This way we are closer to each other.

It is worth noting that Safarli not only indulges in memories, but also tries to figure out what is the reason that he lost his love:

I know only one reason for the collapsed relationship, it has nothing to do with the stamp in the passport. Understatement. It all starts with her.

This is only part of the problem. Elchin adds:

Sometimes love cannot withstand even a short separation. Too fragile a feeling, for which neglect is often fatal.

And he also says absolutely amazing words:

Letting go does not mean forgetting.

We are afraid to admit to ourselves how sometimes we want to hug someone and bury our nose in their cheek. Life is beautiful when someone's cheek needs your nose.

This book is personal diary girls. On its pages the reader will find so much love that he will hardly be able to contain his emotions.

Before he appeared, hearing a knock on the door, I was tempted to lock it with additional locks and never open it. You never know who is there. And I’m afraid of change: it’s especially scary when it’s for the better. You quickly get used to it, involuntarily. And then, as a rule, you have to get out of the habit - sooner or later, painfully. “It’s better that I don’t wait at all and get used to something...” I decided just when I heard the creak of the door opening. Without knocking first. He had the keys to my heart.

The love in this work is completely different - joyful and sad, desperate and inspiring, bitter and incredibly happy:

If circumstances separated us for a while, he always briefly said: “You are missing.” To which I invariably answered: “I am in you. And I’ll be there as long as you say.”

The author himself asks readers who love at the moment, read this book, trying not to read into the contents. For those who are lonely, Elchin Safarli advises to remember that love may be invisible, but it is still everywhere. And the writer also asks not to stop believing in love.

My love for him bordered on gratitude. I wanted to say “thank you” non-stop. For the fact that he taught me to laugh again, started my mental mechanisms, revived the will to live, pulled me to the surface of the ocean, where, as it turned out, there is eternal summer, tenderness is spread in the air, and the dawn blooms with caramel gems.

Are you going through a difficult period? Be sure to start reading this book by Safarli - it will captivate you from the first pages (and this despite the fact that it does not have any twisted plot, non-standard and unexpected twists). It’s like a conversation with a good psychologist: it will help you endure all the pain that was in the past, let it go, heal...

Unhappy love is like... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, just unpleasant, but impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a short time, as well as time and silence. When you speak, it only becomes more painful - you even take your breath away. Therefore, it is better to sit down and write it down. With each letter, the sore becomes sore. True, you won’t feel it right away - the effect comes a little later.

When you scream “I hate” in tears, it means that inside you are screaming “I love” even louder.

Safarli somehow knows well exactly how a woman experiences a separation from her loved one. He says:

I haven't seen you for a long time. I changed my phone number and deleted all your contacts. I learned to hold back when uninvited tears betray melancholy, and to hide my hands in my pockets when they naturally clenched into fists from rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is cheerful and does not resemble our songs. I also work a lot. Everything seems fine, but it’s all... a game.

And then he honestly adds:

When you miss a person, the first impulse is to replace them with other people. An endless string of novels. At worst - books, chocolate, whiskey. But this is not a replacement, as we think, but an insignificant self-deception.

Let's be honest - this entire small book can be easily disassembled into quotes. It is simply impossible to choose the best! Judge for yourself what these words are worth:

I tried to come to an agreement with my heart, to explain to it: stop tormenting me - well, it didn’t work out, well, it didn’t work out, it doesn’t happen to anyone. Let him go! Don't harass me, stop reminding me of him. It hurts. Finally, understand that just because he is always inside, it doesn’t make me feel any better - I need him next to me. Finally decide: either you want to forget him, or always remember him. Long requests, I almost prayed on my knees, but this is my competition own life with life without him going on.

There is no point in true love. You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed - absolutely anything is possible. But whatever the reasons, true love still continues to live in the heart.

All quotes from Elchin Safarli’s book can be called the best. And the book itself can be called a cure for pain. After it, there is a desire to live, rejoice and believe - of course, in love!

Anyone who has ever opened books written by Elchin Safarli knows how simple they are. The author talks about feelings, the main one of which can be called the feeling of loss. Someone (lover or beloved, dear person) certainly leaves, leaves, dies. What can the hero do? Lose yourself in pain, suffer, make futile attempts to fix something, learn to accept reality. The novel “When I Return, Be Home” is a collection of more than 50 heartfelt letters that a man named Hans writes to his daughter Dost. Main problem is that Dostu will never read these letters, because she died. Hans cannot come to terms with this loss, and therefore continues to talk to his loved one:

Dostu, you probably have déjà vu. Jean explains these outbreaks by reincarnation: the immortal soul in a new incarnation remembers what it felt in the previous body. “So the universe suggests that there is no need to be afraid of earthly death, life is eternal.”

This story is unhurried and measured, it is about how important it is to be able to enjoy every day of your own life. And of course, stop depending on the pain of loss, because the past cannot be changed.

Remain silent when everyone is talking, speak when your words are about love, even through tears. Learn to forgive those around you - this is how you will find the way to forgiving yourself. Don't fuss, but don't forget where your ship is sailing. Maybe he lost his way?..

Through the mouths of the heroes, Elchin Safarli reminds:

Every morning is an opportunity to see and learn something new. Beginning and continuation incredible adventure. Every new day, despite difficulties, can be made unforgettable. And this is breathtaking.

And the writer also reveals to his readers main secret:

Despair is called the last and main tool of the devil; he uses it against the most persistent, when previous methods - pride, jealousy, hatred - are powerless.

Well, and, of course, this book is also full of love! Elchin Safarli says:

Love is the only stable feeling in a changing world. When you love, any challenge can be overcome.

Of course, in order to appreciate the full talent of Elchin Safarli, to get to know his heroes and experiences, quotes alone are not enough. Therefore, we recommend that you definitely read all of his books!


Quotes and Aphorisms 01.11.2018

Dear readers, today I would like to talk with you about the work of one of my favorite authors - Elchin Safarli. This is absolutely and one hundred percent my writer. Sometimes he is accused of the fact that his books are more like disjointed stories, and that it is very difficult to grasp the thread connecting them. But in certain moment In your life, you will always find in his works exactly those words that are close to you and needed at this very moment.

I literally enjoy every line of his stories. I really love such soft, enveloping, unhurried narratives that are literally created for long autumn and winter evenings. And today I propose to enjoy together quotes from the books of Elchin Safarli, so vital, wise, faithful, seasoned with a pinch of exotic spices of the East. Perhaps, after reading them, you will want to re-read his books.

Every separation hides a new meeting

This book is a real find for those in whose lives it is now difficult period. The hero of this novel experienced a terrible tragedy - he lost his beloved wife, who was also pregnant. A woman from his past helps him survive this terrible grief, at first just as a comrade, then they become something disproportionately greater for each other.

There is no happy ending in the book, as such. But still, Elchin Safarli’s novel “They Promised You to Me” is very bright and life-affirming, and quotes from it are very helpful in coming to terms with the fact that you need to leave the past behind and move forward.

"It's me. Hiding and lying that this is just an image is ridiculous. I included in this story a difficult period of my life, when time took me away from me. Talking about loss is painful. It's better to write about it. I tried it, and without even noticing, I grew out of it. It is impossible to rediscover the beauty of the world without losing something important. In place of what was lost, empty spaces of bottomless ravines remain. And trying to fill them, you begin to appreciate life more. Let our losses be a test for us, but not torture.”

“There is a power in the heart of every person that helps to get what they want. She will not give you peace until you reach the very point you were striving for. Everything is possible under one condition: to really want what you are going for.”

“Love is the very thing that makes you want to live.”

“Your” people stay with you, no matter how much you whine, no matter how you scream, no matter how much you disappear. They just exist, they are happy to open the door for you, extend their hands, share a sandwich.”

“I haven’t seen anything wrong with my own loneliness for a long time. People greatly exaggerate the importance of relationships between two people. Yes, it’s important, but it’s not so important that it dissolves in torment like a fizzy drink in a glass of water. Everything is much simpler. Yes means it’s good, no means it will be. And if it doesn’t, then that’s how it should have been. Or maybe I didn’t want it that much. From time to time it is useful to give in to the flow. By clinging to something, we miss something more important.”

“Over the years, the lightness of steps is lost. Without taking into account that you cannot become a winner without learning to lose, we measure, think about, analyze a hundred times, which simply harms the cause. But it’s useful to completely forget about “you can” and “you can’t”, and without any ulterior motive, enjoy something simple, enjoying the taste of life. Sometimes you have to allow yourself to get carried away by doing nothing. Without haste, walk with a soft step to the waltz of snowflakes, and not run headlong; just sit on a chair and look out the window as the house opposite is being built; just don't talk, close your eyes and hug.

“When asked whether a glass is half full or half empty, I prefer the answer “there is water in the glass.” The main thing is that there is still water. Hopeful realism?..”

“We have forgotten how to look at the clouds crumpled by passing planes. We have become hostages of self-centered theories, smart words, describing other people's experience, ideas that betray general indifference, colorless realities of everyday life. We no longer peer at sunsets; we are more interested in an advertising offer in a magazine. We should look into ourselves more often. You don't need money or special conditions. It's very simple. Stop and carefully look inside, where the quiet heart has already despaired of calling us... But it’s easier for us to justify our inability to live by being busy. I’m like that myself.”

“The life of two people is much happier when the desire to understand is more important than to be understood; when the desire to do something pleasant does not conceal plans to receive something in return, even gratitude. When love does not even change into love, but is only given.”

“There are places where we definitely need to be. If not constantly, then at least return there periodically.”

“The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.”

“Fate throws up dilemmas, and we always have to choose – we lose one thing, we gain another. To hell with talk about harmony. She's gone. There is a balance between losses and gains.”

“So that the state of enchanting happiness does not turn into a routine, attacks of wild melancholy must necessarily occur.”

“There is no such thing as a right choice in reality, there are only choices made and their consequences.”

“In life, people periodically fall apart into pieces, and then they come together, and a new picture emerges. I don’t know what kind of picture I am - I’m always in pieces. Sometimes they are larger, and then I feel better, and it seems that some kind of harmonious prudence is about to come. And sometimes they are so small that I don’t even understand what to do with these crumbs. Exhausting. I would like to straighten my back, not hunch over - I would like to live like this forever. But in the evening I return home, realize that I haven’t found the answers during the day, and I fall apart again. Life is scattered. Until the final whistle."

“No one owes anything to anyone, everyone just needs each other.”

“The longer you wait, the more likely it is that you’re waiting in the wrong place.”

“You have to go through the abyss to get to the other side. This is how everything new begins.”

“Everyone is forgotten differently. Some seek salvation in vodka, some in illusions, some in the past. If I'm looking for salvation, does that mean I still believe? Or is it just a painkiller for a while?”

"Convinced happy people Once upon a time they were certainly unhappy.”

It’s not like there’s no way without you, there’s no point without you

Opening his book at random on any page, you can find apt and precise words everywhere. And Elchin Safarli’s quotes about love are simply amazing in their sensuality. Just listen to them...

“I kept waiting that the one who would become my destiny was about to appear. Just like in the books. It's rare for anyone to be so lucky. Personally, I was unlucky... Brother, don’t set the bar high in your personal life. Our halves are also the fruit of our efforts. It is possible to sculpt what you wanted. Not right away, of course. Over time. We men are most often to blame for our loneliness, subconsciously choosing freedom.”

You were promised to me

“I hate myself for missing you so much.”

You were promised to me

“Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty. Then love will definitely be replaced by hatred, sooner or later. They know how to love even while waiting. It’s us, men, when a woman leaves for a while, we begin to mentally or openly look for a replacement for her. If you know you won't come back, better tell the truth. She will cry, but she will accept it. Just don't neglect her. This is something women definitely don’t deserve.”

You were promised to me

“Love does not have a single recipe: who knows, maybe if there was one, separation would not be so painful and would be treatable...”

Corner of her round house

“I know you won’t come back, but I will still love you. Always. There, inside, somewhere between a restless heart and tight ribs, you filled everything with a shining light.”

Corner of her round house

“You need to constantly maintain love within yourself. Good emotions and actions, favorite places, books, people, solitude, animals. Love is like a muscle that needs to be constantly exercised.”

Tell me about the sea

“People associate too much with sex, when real intimacy is deeper. She is in a gentle touch, in a calm look and even breathing nearby...”

Corner of her round house

“Love is like a mountain river. Sweeps away any obstacles in its path. If not instantly, then very soon..."

Corner of her round house

“Living differently is sure madness. This is the biggest love mistake..."

No memories without you

“Great love turns everything upside down - it mixes up the seasons, devalues ​​old values, changes tastes and directions. It somehow imperceptibly, gradually, like a stubborn snowdrop sprout, sprouts in that corner of the heart that has long seemed obsolete. And no one is immune from becoming, under the influence of this love, exactly what they were always afraid to become...”

Corner of her round house

“I didn’t need anything from you except love. So ordinary, human. No touching notes in bouquets of flowers, no beautiful words from the other end of the line, no plush “bunny” and “sunny” dozens of times a day. I just wanted to be close to you."

If only you knew

“There are so many of you in me that sometimes I lose myself.”

Corner of her round house

“Love turns even the most mature people into sentimental teenagers...”

Corner of her round house

“There are people who are as comfortable as home. You hug them and you understand: I’m home.”

If only you knew

“In love, it is not only possible, but also necessary to believe in the impossible, the incredible, as well as the implausible, the unthinkable, the unproven. We have become too reasonable and down-to-earth, we are too afraid to make mistakes, and if we do make mistakes, we cannot forgive ourselves for too long. We don’t think about the fact that in this way its charm and lightness disappear from life - will it really be that very soon we will only be flying by plane?..”

Corner of her round house

I experienced defeat in love...

This poignant book is so feminine that it’s even surprising that it was written by a man. Elchin Safarli’s novel “If You Knew” is, practically, a collection of quotes for those who have had unrequited love. It’s simply incredible how much soul and emotion there is in it!

“You cannot leave me, because no one ever leaves the heart. Physically this is possible, but not at the heart level. Those who are allowed into it remain there forever. It is only possible to rearrange the seats, for example, from the front rows to the back rows, but this does not change the essence: it is impossible to stay in the heart, they stay in it only for permanent place residence."

“Before I left, I asked: “Tell me, do you love me?” You didn’t answer for a long time, and then said stubbornly: “I feel good with you. Is this not enough? At that moment, I was once again convinced that I was able to embellish absolutely everything like a woman - my life, the feelings of my beloved man, the world around us. Women are natural decorative artists. With a brush in hand and an easel to boot. And men are sometimes blank canvases for us - we draw, paint, wipe somewhere, cover something up. Only, as a rule, in the end it turns out that we are not drawing from life, but following our fantasies and desires: and here it is - a complete discrepancy with reality. That's what happened to me. Although I don't regret anything. There were a lot of good things."

When you scream “I hate” in tears, it means that inside you are screaming “I love” even louder.

“I have nothing but myself. Everything that was left there. Now I don’t divide time into past, present, future. Only today - in it alone is the beginning, continuation and, most likely, the end of my life. One page calendar. It's better that way. You soberly assess what you have at the moment. You don't look back and you don't look forward. No self-deception. Illusion is far from hope, and hope is not always reality. This is not pessimism. I accept life as it comes. IN German there is a word "hassliebe". According to the dictionary, it is translated as “a feeling oscillating between love and hatred.” This is the feeling I have for each of my “todays”.

“Unhappy love is like... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, just unpleasant, but impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a short time, as well as time and silence. When you speak, it only becomes more painful - it even takes your breath away. Therefore, it is better to sit down and write it down. With each letter, the sore becomes sore. True, you can’t feel it right away - the effect comes a little later.”

“I haven’t seen you for a long time. I changed my phone number and deleted all your contacts. I learned to hold back when uninvited tears betray melancholy, and to hide my hands in my pockets when they naturally clenched into fists from rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is cheerful and does not resemble our songs. I also work a lot. Everything seems fine, but it’s all... a game.”

“The exhausting search for a loved one anywhere and everywhere, even when you know his specific location, is what is most irresistible in longing.”

“In true love there is no end. You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed - absolutely anything is possible. But whatever the reasons, true love still continues to live in the heart.”

“Every woman meets a man only once, who divides her life into two parts: before meeting him and after.”

“I tried to come to an agreement with my heart, to explain to it: stop tormenting me - well, it didn’t work out, well, it didn’t work out, it doesn’t happen to anyone. Let him go! Don't harass me, stop reminding me of him. It hurts. Finally, understand that just because he’s always inside doesn’t make me feel any better—I need him next to me. Finally decide: either you want to forget him, or always remember him. Long requests, almost praying on my knees, but this competition of my own life with life without him continued.”

Before going to bed, think about tomorrow. There is a new morning, a new life in it

Behind the stories of this young talented author about everyday life ordinary people there lies something more. Elchin Safarli’s book “Tell me about the sea” is so warm and cozy, filling with love for life, let’s enjoy it together beautiful quotes from her.

“Life and people are a big garden of flowers. Each has its own color, smell, place, history. But absolutely all of them are loved by the sun. Reach for the sun, Date, wait for it, no matter how long it rains.”

Life is, of course, a choice. We choose every day, every minute, second - between good and evil, light and dark. Several doors open for us, the rest is up to us - with whom to enter which one. However, I know for sure that when it comes to meeting “your” person, it is important to wait. That from the very first step we go towards each other, seeing a lot along the way different people. When the time comes (and this is decided up there, or, perhaps, within us), the meeting will take place. The main thing is not to give up and not connect your life with strangers.

We waste ourselves and time on the past and what has not yet happened - always there, not here. We fantasize about the future, grieve about the past, missing the present moment. Date, no one is responsible for your happiness except you.”

Don’t force yourself to be happy when you’re unhappy, don’t try on endless advice like “get yourself together and force yourself to do something,” “while you cry, happiness goes away,” “the time is not to dream, but to act,” and so on. It is even more dangerous to compare yourself with those who are supposedly stronger, stronger, more successful. Everyone has their own speed of life. But even at the bottom, remember that the sun is shining above, and believe that the morning will definitely come when you wake up and understand: it has become easier.

Opportunity to climb new level comes with self-acceptance. Suppression is useless and harmful. You need to get to know yourself in the present, accept yourself, forgive, try to become better. We came into this world solely for happiness. Only happy man spreads goodness.

“You don’t have to be afraid of the past, Finik. You need to remember it, but don’t dive too deep. And if you dive deep, have time to emerge in time. Otherwise you will suffocate. Before going to bed, think about tomorrow. There is a new morning in it, a new life.”

I once asked Uncle Orhan: “What is the best feeling in life?” He replied: “Go home, where they are waiting.”

A person needs to be given a chance new life, and not throw stones for the mistakes of the past.

IN difficult situations The best thing you can do for yourself is to remember that everything is for the best, even if it is not immediately obvious.

There is healing hidden in both happiness and sorrow. Rebirth of man.

Fear no one but yourself; Don’t run away from anyone, especially yourself; Do not poison your days with the bitterness of the past and the illusions of the future. The whole world - sunrises and sunsets, countries and cities, oceans and seas, partings and meetings - is in you.

“People think they can control time, delay it or speed it up. That time belongs to them, and not vice versa. Date, manage your minutes carefully. When you waste time, you waste your dreams. Hurry to love, every minute, in every inhalation and exhalation. There is little time, it is stupid to waste it on vanity, conflicts, and dislike.

“Sometimes a person doesn’t want to know what he really wants. It makes him feel better."

It’s impossible to fit everything into an article. beautiful quotes from the books of Elchin Safarli, because there are so many of them: there is something to think about after the light and bright “Recipes for Happiness”, something to think about after the soulful and sensual “I will be back”, the accurate shot “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus” is simply mesmerizing. His books are about life and love, about wisdom and self-confidence. I highly, highly recommend reading it!

And you can continue our cozy conversation and philosophize on other spiritual topics here:
About the sea in quotes and aphorismsSurgery to replace the lens of the eye for cataracts

Life is like a little blanket: if you pull it up, your feet get cold, if you pull it down, your head gets cold. He who curls up knows how to live.

Tears don't change over the years. They, like our eyes, are ageless.

The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

All our childhood dreams largely determine our adult life.

In order to always have a clear conscience, you do not need to dirty it. This is not clothing, you can’t wash it. It's a pity.

Where you meet love, space shrinks to the heart of one person.

Those who rely solely on their minds lose their hearts. And the heart has life in it

Women, as a rule, do not have their own principles. They listen to their inner voice, the voice of the heart and the men they love.

People who are unable to prove their vision of reality are called crazy. After all, it is difficult for society to accept the possibility of the existence of worlds unknown to it, well, except for the earthly and heavenly.

Sometimes I think that it would be better if you didn’t exist, and then I understand that there is no better person than you.

The exhausting search for a loved one anywhere and everywhere, even when you know his specific location, is what is most irresistible in longing.

I still don’t regret anything, if only because it’s pointless.

In life, it is not making ends meet, but expectations and hopes.

When you want to get away from something that hurts, it seems that it will be easier if you repeat the road you have already walked once.

Everything is possible under one condition: to really want what you are going for.

You need to go through the abyss to find yourself on the other side. This is how everything new begins.

In love, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. In love, everything is always anew, for two.

Fears are the greatest test in love. Overcoming them, you bring your feelings closer to eternity

Someone said that Chance is a pseudonym for God when he does not want to sign his name.

Elchin Safarli - quotes and sayings

Cynicism is when you justify flashes of conscience with the words: “Not much depends on me” - and immediately agree with them.

The end of the working day, everyone is rushing home. Some are waiting, some are being waited on, and some are hoping to be waited on. The eternal cycle of fate, sometimes unfair.

I look in the mirror, and in the reflection I see not myself, but you. That's how it should be. Lovers become a reflection of each other. I can’t live without you and I know you can’t live without me. Together forever. Repeat after me. Helps.

Hearing silence in response is the most painful thing for a woman. It’s better to let him say that he’s fallen out of love. It's better to push him away an offensive word and shout: “I’m tired of your love!” Anything but silence. It kills.

People who call themselves weak are actually the strongest.

Each time has its own laws. In the fall you hope, in the winter you believe, in the spring you wait, in the summer you receive.

The longer you wait, the more likely it is that you are waiting in the wrong place.

It’s easy for others to say, “Don’t take it to heart.” How can they know what the depth of your heart is? And where is it close for him? Only you yourself can pick up stones from the ground that you once tripped over.

It’s good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

In love, a man should give a woman not only flowers, but also the feeling that everything is just beginning for them.

Distance is difficult to conquer with thoughts alone. You won't be satisfied with faith alone.

Those who do not have the courage to repaint it white complain about the black stripe.

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. Family cannot be replaced by money, career, or friends. Family is like a puzzle piece: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will come together

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.

Everyone chooses their own color in life. Some are sunny yellow, some are cloudy gray, and some are depressingly black. Each of us is responsible for our own choice, and each of us lives in our own color-light.
Interesting creatures after all. We are raised by our mothers and fathers, we play in the yard with boys and girls, we are friends with our brothers and sisters, and then suddenly one complete stranger becomes the closest. So close that it even takes your breath away.(5)
There must be jealousy in a man. But it should not be visible, like salt in delicious food.
When you miss a person, the first impulse is to replace them with other people. An endless string of novels. At worst - books, chocolate, whiskey. But this is not a replacement, as we think, but an insignificant self-deception.
People with different destinies, views, problems pass by us. The fog of other people's thoughts envelops us.
Women recognize a man's character silently. We don’t ask questions, we don’t pry into the soul. We look closely, listen, feel. We act without words.
Every woman meets a man only once, who divides her life into two parts: before meeting him and after.
Silence wants to speak, but silence does not need it.
It's normal for a person to act like a pig. This happens to everyone, no one is immune from it. Therefore, there is no point in being offended. But when someone behaves like an intellectual, aristocratic and high-ranking last pig, it will drive the dead crazy!

***** The fact that we need to move on - in spite of and in defiance of everything. That there is no grief that cannot be endured, stubbornly and harshly. That women are much stronger than men precisely because they are able to sacrifice and give, sometimes receiving very little in return.
The life of two is much happier when the desire to understand is more important than to be understood
Rain is not just heavenly water. I think rain is always some kind of sign...
Fear of love arises after you learn from your own experience that there is still more languishing anxiety and piercing sadness in love than joy. And now I think that allowing yourself to be loved is much more profitable than loving yourself...
The doors open for us only once, the rest of the time we have to open them ourselves...

There is nothing more eloquent than silent touches.
"She didn't speak like she thought. She wasn't what a lot of people thought."
My love for him bordered on gratitude. I wanted to say “thank you” non-stop. For the fact that he taught me to laugh again, started my mental mechanisms, revived the will to live, pulled me to the surface of the ocean, where, as it turned out, there is eternal summer, tenderness is spread in the air, and the dawn blooms with caramel gems.
"A yearning woman is unpredictable. A yearning woman is like a Rubik's cube that only one person can solve"

- Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty.
When you do everything the way even the closest person wants, it’s not that it’s uninteresting, but it’s simply not your life, and sooner or later it will turn into disappointment.
Maybe you weren’t an ideal man (which, in principle, you didn’t claim to be). Maybe you didn’t become my faithful life partner (which, in principle, you didn’t strive for). Maybe you won’t wait for me anymore at the crossroads of the trolleybus tracks (which, in principle, you don’t fight for). Be that as it may, in the madhouse of my memory, you were and remain the only man whom I, seemingly a full-fledged woman, imitated and will imitate. Nothing funny, this is not nonsense at all. A loving woman is often imbued with the interests and the entire psyche of her beloved man, wanting to create the effect of a “true soul mate.”
Our guarantee was love. Even if it is the simplest of its types...
I want to tell her so much about my dream. That it cannot be put off until later, that giving up on a dream because of “something important” is actually giving up because of your own cowardice. Do not believe in your strength, prefer the usual warm swamp. I'm holding back. She must come to her own decision. Any
we make the choice ourselves. Yes, it depends on circumstances, knowledge, opportunities. But no matter what we rely on when making this choice, it’s up to us to live with the results.

To be ashamed of your own tears means not to acknowledge your feelings.
But even in these ordinary, not the best and most useful features, I saw an unusually sweet and attractive naturalness. The negative generally attracts more than the positive.
Without love it is dark even with the most powerful lamps...
Waiting for personal happiness is like waiting for an electric train on the platform of a provincial station. Despite the exact schedule, the train will definitely arrive. It is not known exactly when. Maybe half an hour late. Maybe with an emergency delay due to extraordinary circumstances. So is love. It breaks into a person’s destiny contrary to life’s schedule. One visits early. Another one a little later. For some it’s too late. Love will definitely reach each of us. An indisputable fact, disputed by people without faith in themselves...

Letting go does not mean forgetting.
This is how it is most often in life: first you want it, you want it, then you get it - and in the end you think: what to do with it?
Books give people happiness and become a refuge from reality. Books are most women's best friends, not diamonds. When we lack love, we take romance novel. When we want to forget ourselves, we plunge into an exciting detective story...
I haven't seen you for a long time. I changed my phone number and deleted all your contacts. I learned to hold back when uninvited tears betray melancholy, and to hide my hands in my pockets when they naturally clenched into fists from rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is cheerful and does not resemble our songs. I also work a lot. Everything seems fine, but it’s all... a game.

If the past does not let go, then it has not passed yet.
Love relationships are like fluffy curds, the already familiar taste of which can be modified with the help of various dried fruits. This time raisins, and next time dried apricots... Such an attractive fantasy. We throw ourselves into it, knowing where everything will lead. The whole uncertainty of love lies only in the timing... Either you eat the cottage cheese and it runs out, or you hesitate and it simply expires.
Everyone makes mistakes, it’s not for nothing that pencils have erasers.
Love is carried in oneself, and not with oneself.
“Unhappy love is like... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, it’s just unpleasant, but it’s impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak, it only hurts more - it even takes your breath away. Therefore, it’s better to sit down and write it down. With each letter, the painful thing becomes painful. True, you won’t feel it right away - the effect comes a little later.”
“They often wait for us exactly where we don’t want to return.”
Don't you know that everything is done for the better? Just very slow. We must move on and not drag suitcases full of the past with us. You won’t have enough hands, and you’ll run out of steam halfway through.
Time is the way the Universe tests our desires for truth. This is probably why we almost never get everything at once.

Afraid nothing. Change the leaves, but keep the roots.
Live others- this is true madness. This is the greatest love error...
Women capable live moments, but not one of them is able to be satisfied with them. Women always strive for more, although they rarely talk about it.
Love makes a woman weak. Wise women- these are those who pass off weakness as loyalty...
I'm afraid of the word " I hate". It is too weighty, destructive. “I Hate” easily breaks thousands of human hearts to pieces. Forever.
My advice to you is nothing don't plan. It's enough to go with the flow and smile.
It's impossible to wake up strong in the morning person- I would like it to be so, but it’s impossible. But you can stop banging your head against the same wall and change the direction of movement. If there is no road to the west, then it is better to go east. Earth Anyway round- sooner or later everyone will come to what they should come to.
The longer you are you waiting, the more likely it is that you are waiting not there.
in autumn memories rise to the surface of the mind. Using a mental film projector, you view footage from the past. Far from being a pleasant film, it is often painful. There is also good in this: looking at the past, otherwise you look into the future. Vain illusions are dispelled, mental immunity is strengthened. Some revaluation of values... Autumn is the only thing time year that teaches. Heal from the past, do not fold your hands in sorrow, look for love and wait. Autumn is endowed with a gift healing...
It’s just that I was finally and irrevocably convinced that love has no fixed time arrival. There is no need to stand on the platform, trying to fit into any arriving train. Follow your schedule hearts...
Be strong. Don't put it down hands, even if they cut them off for you...

I didn't need anything from you except love. So ordinary, human. No touching notes in bouquets of flowers, no beautiful words from the other end of the line, no plush “bunny” and “sunny” dozens of times a day. I just wanted to be close to you.

"Girls love read Marina Tsvetaeva, and I say - beware of her poems. She is not at all like earthly women, she is all about pain. It’s as if she’s standing naked in the cold, turned inside out, and her words are also all turned inside out, like pockets. It's a shame to watch, but to live like this is painful..."
Those who are happy have no time to write diaries, they are too busy life Yu.
at dreams there is no expiration date."

Can you imagine I I'm jealous rain for you. He can touch you.
In German there is a word "hasslibe." According to the dictionary, it is translated as " feeling oscillating between love and hatred"This is the feeling I have for each of my “todays.”
Love- this is not a situation. Love is reward.
“Your” people stay with you, as it were You He didn’t whine, no matter how loudly he screamed, no matter how he disappeared. They Just There is, they are glad to open the door for you, extend their hands, share a sandwich.

They say that backstabbing is most often done by those you protect. chest.

We are afraid to admit to ourselves how sometimes we want to hug someone and bury our nose in their cheek. Life It’s beautiful when someone’s cheek needs your nose.
I actually I love you with impossible love.

Lack of wealth is not poverty. Poverty is a thirst for wealth.

It happens that you can’t understand yourself, but you come across some book - and it puts everything in its place, breaks the seals from souls.
Man truly loving woman, will not delve into her past

The most sincere writer in Russia, Elchin Safarli, in his books touches the subtle strings of the female soul, talks about happiness and love, loneliness and place in life. We looked into his books and chose the most poignant quotes, which accurately describe our state of mind.

For many years I considered myself somehow... unfinished. There is either too much or too little of something in me. And from this constant worry inside, it’s like I’m walking on a tightrope that’s about to break. Over time, I allowed myself to be imperfect, and I instantly felt better. You need to be able to see the uniqueness in your seemingly oddities, to love yourself in yourself.

We came into this world in order to be happy. Because only a happy person spreads light and warmth around him. Angry, gloomy, aggressive - what can he give to others? Unless that’s what you’re filled with! Learning to be happy is a daily work on yourself. Changing your attitude towards the environment, having caught yourself in the wrong projection, is almost the most important thing. It's not easy, but it's possible.

Love... True love, like true despair, is silent. It doesn't need words. Despair reads the same way. like love, in the eyes. I don’t like these, you know, letters of confession. I never write declarations of love. I show it with my actions. You know, in love the most eloquent words are not words, they are touches.

We don't love cities, we love ourselves in these cities.

You can be better, but don't try to be different. Both your mistakes and your successes are you. There is no one like you anymore. Treat yourself with care, do not do evil, do not expect rewards and allow yourself to make mistakes. It's no fun without them.

I recently met a man and we liked each other. I was afraid for a moment that if I fell in love again, I would certainly end up disappointed. But after a moment I realized that it was just fear, an ordinary thought, and I drove it away. I'm ready for new happiness. And each of us is worthy of it - don’t doubt it.

Don't listen to those who don't believe in you. There will definitely be those who will offer to “come to your senses”, they say, don’t wait for anything “yours”, look at that good guy: over the years you will fall in love, it will grow together. I warn you: it won’t grow together! You will not live your life - and what could be worse? The Persian Sufi poet Rumi has words written as early as 1200. “Happiness is singing your song like the birds, not caring who is listening or what they think about it.”

You choose: happiness in spite of everything or despair in spite of everything, forgive yourself or curse yourself until the end of your days, trust people or expect a dirty trick from them. If you can’t distract yourself from the painful, remember that you have little time and it’s stupid to waste it on self-torture.

Saying “I’m weak” is always easier than picking yourself up and moving on. Only the one who walks will feel happiness. The universe rewards for work, and not for suffering, accusations and depression behind drawn curtains. It's time to let the sun in.