Team building training “Desert Island. Summary of the quest game “Incredible adventures on a desert island”


Educational psychologist

Sedanova Valentina Anatolevna


Part of the game

Brief description


Organizational moment

Checking whether all participants have gathered, explaining what we will do

Part 1 Warm-up

Energizer “Brake”, “Alligators”

Strips of paper, so that a group of children could stand on one.

Part 2 "Hot air balloon disaster"

The game is aimed at building group cohesion, identifying leadership, and developing communication skills.

First, the presenter gives an introductory instruction for the game. (game legend) And then hands the players a list of things that are in the basket. They will have to rank this list, i.e. select more and less significant things from the list: which of them should be immediately thrown overboard in order to save the expedition, and which should be kept and thrown away only as a last resort.

First, everyone works with their card individually, then in pairs, then in fours, and so on, trying to come to an agreement and make a common decision. After this, a group discussion takes place.

Presentation with the name of the first game, illustrations, music and noise to create the atmosphere of the game.

Each participant is provided with writing materials and a form with a list of things. Cardboard tablet.

Part 3. Game “Desert Island”

The task of the surviving expedition is to organize the life of the colony on desert island, for which participants break into groups and develop their projects.

Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, writing paper, writing utensils.

Part 4. Reflection, summing up.


Energizer "Brake"

Participants sit in a circle.

Agree on what sound you will use to indicate the sound with which the car starts (for example: “tr-tr”), and the sound with which it brakes (for example, “stop”).

Explain that if you say “tr-tr”, the person on the right must say the same, etc. If someone says “stop”, the movement will start in the opposite direction.

Ask questions :

What qualities does the exercise train in participants?

What is its psychological meaning?

Energizer "Allegators"

The group receives a strip of paper.

Condition . The group should imagine that the stripes are boats and allegators are swimming around. If someone leaves the strip, the allegators will eat him.

Task. Line up by height

Ask questions:

Was it easy for you to complete the task?

What got in the way of completing the task?


Introductory speech by the presenter (instructions for the game):

So, after the balloon flight, you all escaped: someone fell straight onto land, someone fell into the water and got there by swimming. You are all alive, the wounded have been treated possible help, there are no seriously ill patients. True, this land, by the will of fate, turned out to be an uninhabited island. You assume that this island is located away from the lines of movement of sea vessels and you will have to arrange your life here for several years. There is a rich animal here and flora, but there are dangers: poisonous plants, cold winter, visits from cannibals (cannibals) from neighboring islands are possible. It is possible to hold out in a close-knit group, but alone it is almost impossible. Your task is to create conditions for yourself in which you can survive. Understand the seriousness and drama of what happened, especially since during such a period people sometimes run wild, irritability is followed by rage and fights to the death. There is no place for frivolity - you need to eat something and you need to survive. Set yourself up accordingly, watch yourself: how you will manifest yourself in this life.

Where do you start? Robinson Crusoe and his first steps immediately come to mind: exploring the island, searching for water and food, collecting objects and things that “might be useful.” But Robinson was alone, and there was a whole group of you, each with his own character!

After the first material needs have been satisfied and safety measures have been taken, don’t you think that you should carry out great advice to decide how to organize life on the island?

You need to decide the following questions:

    1. Organization of life, survival. What measures need to be taken to provide your colony with food, clothing, and shelter? How to distribute responsibilities: should individual capabilities be taken into account, or should everyone have an outfit that is strictly required? How to ensure the right to life for everyone? Or will you not have such a right? How will you determine the prospects for life on your island? What will be the main goal of your colony's life?

      Power: what will it be like? By what principle will life in your colony be organized? You know from history various types organizations of human communities: tribal, monarchical, democratic. What will you take as a basis? Who will protect the interests of the members of your colony: general meeting- veche, leader, group of elders or group of the strongest? How will implementation be monitored? What measures will be taken against those who do not comply with decisions or their responsibilities?

What measures will be used to maintain power and order? Who will make the final decision: all the inhabitants of the colony by voting or a simple majority? Or a grouping of the most powerful, authoritative or bringing greatest benefit people? Or maybe the leader will do this alone? And how will the implementation of decisions be monitored? What happens if an order or instruction is not fulfilled?

    1. Who will perform what functions to carry out the life of the colony? Identify the basic functions of residents necessary not only for survival and protection, but also for the development of the entire community and its individual members. What does someone need to master, what should they learn? Due to the situation, you are all a group of research scientists, so most of you are unfamiliar with physical labor. (Remember the television game "Survivor" in which famous actors, politicians and TV presenters had to learn to survive on the island, while also carrying out various tasks). Will you take into account everyone's knowledge and skills when assigning responsibilities, and how will you transfer this knowledge to others? How will new knowledge and skills be acquired?

      What will be the code (rules, norms) of relations between the inhabitants of the colony? Develop your own set of rules that would help solve specific problems, effectively cooperate, maintain order and good relationships. How to ensure everyone's active participation in society? What norms of relationships will you establish in your colony? Will the opinion of a minority or even one person be taken into account when making decisions? Will a person who does not listen to anyone and obey anyone have the right to live in your colony? What if this lifestyle makes him a burden to others? What are the limits of your colony's power? Will she interfere with privacy? Should there be sanctions for violating the rules? Will you have common holidays? What traditions and rituals will you introduce? Will you have your own coat of arms, flag, anthem?

While thinking about these questions, try to draw up your own set of laws - the constitution of your island.

The groups are given no more than 20 minutes to work, then each group in turn presents to the others its version of organizing the life of the colony. If the proposals coincide, then you don’t have to repeat them completely, but say which of what was said by the previous groups you completely agree with and what you would like to add. When all groups have spoken, a collective discussion of the proposals begins. To make them visible to everyone, it is advisable that the sentences be written on large sheets of paper.

The children should be very well prepared for the situation on the island: answer the questions that interest them, lead them to the problems that may arise in the organization of life, in protection and in the relationships of people, but at the same time not suggest solutions to the problems. During the discussion, you can use “amplifying” verbal techniques: “Did I understand you correctly...”, “What will happen if...”. Particular attention should be paid to how the laws of life of the colony will be created, discussed and approved.

The work can be structured according to the following scheme:

      1. Formation of working groups.

        Group work. Discussion and drafting of laws on the 4 above-mentioned positions. The fifth group develops sketches of the coat of arms and flag, selects text and music for the anthem.

        Defense: one speaker from each group presents and comments on the laws invented by the children. The remaining groups have the right to ask 1 question for clarification. Critical comments are not allowed. Both the speaker himself and any member of his group can answer questions from groups. The time for the speaker to speak is 3 minutes. Questions and answers - 2 minutes.

        After all the speakers have spoken, the whole group votes for the adoption of laws; in case of disagreement, objections are raised and adjustments are made.

        Comparison of the laws developed with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What are their similarities and what are their differences? Commentary by the presenter on the history of the creation of the declaration, on the implementation of its laws in the world. (if the game drags on, this item can be excluded)


Summing up the game : “You and I tried ourselves as legislators. Creating a new society on a desert island, we relied on universal human values: goodness, truth, beauty. We tried to understand such concepts as freedom, choice, responsibility. This can be achieved if mutual understanding and respect between people comes first. It is on these key positions that the basic laws of the inhabitants of our planet Earth are built.

Unfortunately, they are declared, but not everywhere and not always implemented.

Questions for discussion :

    1. Did you like the game?

      Do you think your class is a cohesive team? Why?

      What was the most difficult thing for you? What was easy?

      Have your ideas about what rights are most important changed over the course of the game?

      Are there any other rights that you would like to add to the Code of Laws?

      Why was working on the Code of Laws useful for you?

      Which of the invented laws for the island can be used in any human community, and which were created based on circumstances?

      Which of the invented laws would you keep for the life of your class?

Used literature:


Appendix 1

List of things in the balloon basket


Name of things





Utensils (pots, bowls, spoons, mugs)

12 kg

Flare gun with flares

b kg

First aid kit with medicines

7 kg

Axes, shovel, crowbar

12 kg

Canned meat

20 kg

Rifle with extra ammunition

25 kg

Large tent (10 places)

10 kg

Canister with drinking water

20 l

Chocolate and candy

15 kg


Oxygen cylinders

50 kg


Fishing tackle

1 kg


Transistor radio

2.5 kg


Rubber inflatable boat

20 kg


Photo and film cameras

25 kg


Sextant (device for determining location by stars)

5 kg


Warm clothes and blankets

50 kg


Unique animal for the zoo

25 kg


Set geographical maps

2 kg


Materials of your scientific research(8 folders)

6 kg


Salt, sugar

5 kg

Author information

Pokidova Larisa Nikolaevna

Place of work, position:

OSU " Rehabilitation center for children and teenagers with disabilities", village Veselaya Lopan. Teacher-psychologist.

Belgorod region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

Education level:

Special (correctional) education

Target Audience:

Pupil (student)






Objective of the lesson:

Goals: to facilitate the process personal development, realization of creative potential, achievement optimal level life and feelings of happiness and success.

Objectives: skill development business communication, ability to negotiate using positive techniques; development of self-regulation, development and consolidation of adequate forms of behavior and response.

Lesson type:

Combined lesson

Textbooks used and teaching aids:

1. N. Kozlov. The best psychological games and exercises. Ekaterinburg, ARD LTD, 1997.

2. T. Exacousto. Workshop on group psychocorrection. Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2007.

Methodological literature used:

1. A. Rean, A. Kudashev, A. Baranov. Psychology of personality adaptation. St. Petersburg, "Prime Euroznak", 2006.

2. L. Ann. Psychological training with teenagers. Publishing house "Peter", 2003.

Equipment used:

Materials for the game: felt-tip pens - 4 packs, ballpoint pens and album sheets according to the number of players.

Brief description:

Psychological game for teenagers 15 - 17 years old, it will strengthen positive business communication skills and give an idea of ​​a decent lifestyle...

Progress of the game

Today we will go on an amazing journey to uninhabited islands. What this journey will be like depends only on you. Two islands await us, “Green” and “Red,” which we will have to populate and make the life of its inhabitants safe, decent and interesting.

And so, its first inhabitants - the presidents of the future island states - go to the uninhabited islands. A lottery is drawn among the participants. Whoever pulled out a chip with the letters “PZ” written on it is the president of the green island, “PK” - the red one. Presidents go to the "islands".

How do presidents feel when alone with their unique selves? (the presidents describe their feelings).

How long can you stay alone?

And so, the time has come when you want to socialize, have fun, engage in common useful work, and show your abilities. Presidents must populate their islands with people so that they get a full-fledged society capable of creating conditions for each of its members to be successful and a decent life. The choice is made from the remaining participants of the game in the amount of 7 people in turn. The president who is the first to get tired of loneliness starts. When making a choice, each president must justify it. For example: “I choose Afanasyev A., because he leads healthy image life, a responsible, fair person, wants to become a lawyer. Build without a competent lawyer rule of law impossible". The chosen one takes a place on the island. The next choice is made by the president of the other island, and so on.

Once the presidents settle their islands, the remaining members play the role of observers. Their task is to observe how residents build their relationships in joint activities when solving assigned tasks in achieving the goal.

Residents of the two islands receive the same tasks. They must come up with:

Name of the state, capital;


Coat of arms;

Choose a song that will be an anthem;


Basic laws (5);



Residents of the islands, under the leadership of the presidents, work for 20 - 30 minutes. Observers (each for himself) record the main moments of their interaction on a sheet of paper divided in half: +, -. Actions, methods and techniques of interaction are assessed, but not the personalities of the participants.

Convert special attention to:

Clarity and reasonableness of distribution of responsibilities;

Leadership from the President;

Ability to negotiate using positive methods.

"Presentation of the State." For 10 minutes, the inhabitants of each island represent their state and prove that it is the best, that it is their state that is capable of providing each of its members with a life worthy of a person.

After the presentation, each of the observers independently chooses the island and state where, in his opinion, the best conditions have been created for human life. favorable conditions. Each observer justifies his choice. The state with the most inhabitants at the end of the game wins.

The game ends with the “Gift to Friends” exercise. Presidents “give” residents of a neighboring state a drawing on their back as a gift, having first drawn it graphically on paper. Each resident draws what they understand on the back of the player in front. The latter draws on a piece of paper what was given to him and compares it with the president’s drawing. If the drawings coincide, it means that mutual understanding between the states has been achieved. They are not rivals, but friends, ready to come to each other’s aid at any moment. We wish you fruitful cooperation, dear friends!

Goals: promote the process of personal development, the realization of creative potential, the achievement of an optimal level of functioning and a feeling of happiness and success.

Tasks: team building skills, development of business communication skills, the ability to negotiate using positive techniques; development of self-regulation, development and consolidation of adequate forms of behavior and response.

Lesson type:

Training session

Used textbooks and teaching aids:

1. N. Kozlov. The best psychological games and exercises. Ekaterinburg, ARD LTD, 1997.

2. T. Exacousto. Workshop on group psychocorrection. Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2007.

Methodological literature used:

1. A. Rean, A. Kudashev, A. Baranov. Psychology of personality adaptation. St. Petersburg, "Prime Euroznak", 2006.

2. L. Ann. Psychological training with teenagers. Publishing house "Peter", 2003.

Equipment used:

Materials for the game: felt-tip pens - 2 packs, ballpoint pens and album sheets according to the number of players.

Presentations with relaxation music.

Brief description:

A psychological game for teenagers aged 15 - 17 years will strengthen positive business communication skills and an opportunity to demonstrate their leadership abilities.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual activity - we will take a trip to a desert island.

What qualities do you think a person needs to survive on an island?

What do you think, is it better to be on the island alone or with a team and where will there be a greater chance of survival?

What feelings will a person experience if he finds himself on the island alone?

In order to survive in extreme conditions, a person must learn to act together, listen to other people, cooperate, come to the rescue, be able to negotiate and make decisions in extreme conditions, and if necessary, then as soon as possible. Today we will see how we can interact and obey the opinion of the majority. To do this, we will first practice, which will help us later in our work.

Let's now remember the rules of working in a group:

Group work rules:

  1. Listen carefully to all speeches.
  2. Don't criticize the ideas expressed.
  3. Do not interrupt the speaker, maintain silence.
  4. Don't be shy to express your opinion, the simplest proposal is often brilliant.
  5. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.
  6. Respect the personal rights of group members:
  1. the right to defend one’s point of view;
  2. the right to put forward ideas;
  3. right to reflection;
  4. the right to review, clarify one’s position, and put forward a new proposal.
  1. No offense.
  2. Be kind.
  3. Each group member is responsible for the group's performance. We share success and failure equally

Exercise 1: WISH

All players sit in a circle:

Instructions: "Let's start today by expressing wishes for the day to each other, and let's do it like this. Someone will stand up, go to anyone else, greet him and tell him a wish for today. The one who was approached by the first participant, in his turn will go to the next one and so on until each of us receives a wish for the day.”

Exercise 2 “Stand by number, hair color, foot size, palm size, shoe size...)» (psycho-gymnastic exercise, the trainer uses at his discretion)

All participants sit in a circle.

Instructions: “I will name the numbers. Immediately after the number is called, exactly as many people as the number was announced should stand (no more and no less). For example, if I say “four,” then four of you should stand up as quickly as possible. They will be able to sit down only after I say “thank you.” The task must be completed silently. Tactics for completing a task should be developed in the process of work, focusing on each other’s actions.”

During the discussion, the coach can ask the group several questions: “What helped us cope with the task and what made it difficult to complete it”, “What were you guided by when you decided to get up?”, “What were our tactics?” “How could we organize our work if we had the opportunity to discuss in advance how to solve this problem?”

Here you and I are ready to go to our uninhabited island. I suggest you now close your eyes, sit more comfortably and try to imagine the place where we will now mentally transport you.

(Appendix No. 1)

Presentation “Sea” with relaxation music –

The words of the presenter are heard in the background of the music.

Today we will go on an amazing journey to uninhabited islands. What this journey will be like depends only on you. Two islands await us, “Banana” and “Coconut”, which we will have to populate and make the life of its inhabitants safe, decent and interesting.

And so, its first inhabitants - the presidents of the future island states - go to the uninhabited islands.

A lottery is drawn among the participants.

Whoever pulled out a chip with the letters “PB” written on it is the president of Banana Island, “PC” is the president of Coconut Island. Presidents go to the "islands".

How do presidents feel when alone with their unique selves?

(the presidents describe their feelings).

How long can you stay alone?

And so, the time has come when you want to socialize, have fun, engage in common useful work, and show your abilities. Presidents must populate their islands with people so that they get a full-fledged society capable of creating conditions for each of its members for a successful and dignified life. The choice is made from the remaining participants in the game in turn. The president who is the first to get tired of loneliness starts. When making a choice, each president must justify it. For example: “I choose Afanasyev A. because he leads a healthy lifestyle, is a responsible, fair person, and wants to become a lawyer. It is impossible to build a rule-of-law state without a competent lawyer.” The chosen one takes a place on the island. The next choice is made by the president of the other island, and so on.

Once the presidents settle their islands, the remaining members play the role of observers. Their task is to observe how residents build their relationships in joint activities while solving assigned tasks in achieving the goal.

Residents of the two islands receive the same tasks. They must come up with:

- name of the state, capital;


Coat of arms;

Choose a song that will be an anthem;


Basic laws (5);



What will the inhabitants of your island do?

Residents of the islands, under the leadership of the presidents, work for 15 to 20 minutes.

Observers (if there are any) (each for himself) record the main points of their interaction on a sheet of paper divided in half: +, -. Actions, methods and techniques of interaction are assessed, but not the personalities of the participants.

Pay special attention to:

Clarity and reasonableness of distribution of responsibilities;

Leadership from the President;

Ability to negotiate using positive methods.

- (This is spoken out if the commands do not meet the deadline - A ship appeared in the distance approaching your island - this is your last chance to return home! If you hurry, the captain of the ship will take you on board his ship)

"Presentation of the State."For 3-5 minutes, the inhabitants of each island represent their state and prove that it is the best, that it is their state that is capable of providing each of its members with a life worthy of a person.

This game was developed for a group of teenagers aged 12-15 years with deviant behavior who were undergoing a social adaptation course at the “Soul” center for the protection of the rights of minors. Teachers who directly work with teenagers took part in it. At the start of the game, the participants had known each other for about a month.

The game is based on the elements and principles used during the training “ Rope course" The features of this training are the use of a person’s physical abilities to develop certain psychological qualities, the inclusion of tourist obstacles, the emphasis is on the work of the entire team, and special attention is paid to compliance with safety regulations. Each task has its own legend, which is told by the presenter before completing it. After completing each task, there is a discussion about it.

In the domestic literature, some of these training exercises were first described by A. Lutoshkin; abroad, similar programs are based on “Outdoor Ropes Course” - an extreme course by American psychologist Carl Ronke. The exercises we used in the game were based on the materials presented in the bibliography.

The purpose of the game: to unite the group, teach teamwork and the ability to take responsibility.

  1. Preparing the site for the game (together with teenagers).
  2. Introducing participants to the rules of the game.
  3. Carrying out stages of the game to unite the participants.
  4. Discussion of each stage with participants.

Target group: teenagers and adults, number of participants – 12 people.

Duration: 1-1.5 hours

Materials used: ropes, carabiners and harness (used in tourism), tent, hiking mats, tennis balls, rope ladder, balloons, chocolate, ski poles, scarf or shawl, three small boards 30x30cm.

Game plan

Discussion of the rules of the game

1.1 Nest with “golden” eggs
1.2 Travel by ship

2. Main part of the game
2.1 Legend – “Glade of Conversations”
2.2 “Labyrinth”
2.3 “Refuge”
2.4 “Spiderweb”
2.5 “Rescue Signal”
2.6 “Swamp”

3.Complete the lesson

Pre-game preparation:

Before the game, teachers together with teenagers on the territory of the institution prepared specially equipped area(a limited area that can be marked with bright markers), including :

  • a place for discussion “Meadow of Conversations” - three knocked together benches placed in a semicircle;
  • a rope ladder attached to a horizontal bar and stretched at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ground;
  • place for crossing - a rope stretched between a tree (at a height of 5-6 meters) and a driven post (2 m);
  • place for playing the game “web” - a vertical web of ropes, with a minimum of 12 cells, is stretched between two pillars into which a participant can crawl (approximate size 0.8 x 0.2 m, thinner depending on the size of the participants). The bottom rope of the web is stretched at a height of 1 m above the ground.
  • a “labyrinth” marked with bright ropes;
  • knocked together wooden platform measuring 1.5 m x 1.5 m

Progress of the game

Participants line up. The presenters announce to the participants the purpose of the game being played with them and the rules that they must follow.

Discussion of the rules of the game:

  1. There is no time limit for preparing the task; you are allowed to talk during this period.
  2. The task begins after the whole group says: “We are ready.”
  3. The task is considered completed if everyone completes the task without error. If at least one participant makes a mistake, the group returns to its starting position.
  4. During the task itself, all participants must remain silent; if someone begins to speak, the group returns to its starting position.
  5. If one of the participants cannot complete the task, the team can buy him back using bonuses received during the pre-stage.
  6. If a team fails to complete a task after several attempts, participants can refuse to complete it only within in that case, if the whole group says: “We give up.”

1. Pre-stage:

1.1. “Nest with golden eggs”

Legend: You are a team of travelers who have set out on a long voyage. But before you go on the road, you need to stock up on gold; for this, your whole team needs to get “golden eggs” (bonuses that will be useful to you in the future for redeeming items or participants).

Task: Each participant must climb a rope ladder to a nest with “golden

eggs” (baskets with tennis balls suspended from the horizontal bar). Each participant can take only one “egg”. Those who fall stop completing the task. The team can help the participant by holding the rope ladder from different sides.

1.2. “Ship Trip”

Legend: So, you have earned your treasure, and now you are going to long voyage, to unknown lands.

Assignment: Participants as a whole team must fit into two hoops connected to each other in one place - this is a conditional ship, and set off on the road - they begin to move in the hoops to a certain designated place.

Closer to the designated border, participants are given addition to the legend:“The team was shipwrecked during the voyage and ended up on a desert island.” Participants leave their “ship” (hoops) and are taken by the presenters to the “Glade of Conversations” (a place for discussion) on the territory of the “island” (designated territory).

2. Main part of the game:

2.1. “Glade of Conversations”(further discussions will be held in this place)

Legend: You find yourself on a desert island. The ship you were traveling on crashed on the rocks, but the “golden eggs” obtained before the journey were preserved. Your task is to survive: pass the tests and escape. There may be people on the island - aborigines, from whom you may have to buy or exchange something. There are situations ahead of you in which you must show your ability to work in a group and help each other.

2.2. “Labyrinth”

Legend: One of the group members, when escaping from a sinking ship, got ashore in a very dangerous place, he became entangled in poisonous vines (labyrinth) and from their poison he temporarily lost sight (the participant was blindfolded). You found out about this when you started getting together, now you want to save him.

Task: The team needs to take the participant out of the maze so that he does not touch the vines (ropes) or get hurt. If he touches the restrictions, he returns to the point of origin of the movement. Team members line up around the perimeter of the maze. They must lead their participant out of the maze using words, and one participant says only one word, he is prohibited from repeating the same word 2 times in a row. When one participant speaks, the others are silent, including the blindfolded participant. If a rule is violated, the task is repeated. Team members can interact using non-verbal means of communication (participants are given time to figure this out for themselves).

2.3. "Refuge"

Legend: Night falls on the island, it becomes dark and cold. The team needs to build a shelter for themselves, but you have nothing left after the shipwreck. While you were discussing what to do, aborigines appeared out of nowhere. They are ready to exchange things useful to you (which they also picked up after your shipwreck) for your “golden eggs”.

Task: The team needs to decide what exactly they will exchange their bonuses for (to choose from: rugs - 1 egg, awning - 4, tent - 9, ski poles - 1 egg/piece). Having completed the construction of the shelter at wooden flooring, the team must fit completely into it and sit there for 3 minutes so that it does not collapse.

After completing the task, the team returns to the “clearing of conversations”, there is a discussion of the task on the following issues:

  1. Are the participants satisfied with how they completed the task? Was it easy to make the decision?
  2. What helped you complete the task?
  3. What got in your way when completing the task?
  4. What do you need to consider before moving on to the next situation?

2.4. “Cobweb”

Legend: Day has come on the island, now the participants need to get food for the whole team. The food is in a certain place, the entrance to which is blocked by a spider with a poisonous web.

Task: You need to get food by moving the whole team to the other side of the web. There are cells in the web that you can climb through, but these cells cannot be reused, that is, each participant must crawl through his own cell. The web (ropes) must not be touched. If any of the participants makes a mistake, the whole team starts the stage all over again. One of the participants can be bought off for 2 golden eggs if he cannot cope. The bought-off participant can help the others. Having passed the stage, the team receives food (2 chocolates).

After completing the task, the team returns to the “clearing of conversations”, there is a discussion of the task on the following issues:

  1. Are the participants satisfied with how they completed the task?
  2. What helped you complete the task?
  3. What got in your way when completing the task?
  4. What do you need to consider before moving on to the next situation?

2.5. “Salvation Signal”

Legend: In the distance of the ocean, something similar to a ship suddenly appears, you need to give a signal that you are on this island. There was a signal bag on your ship, perhaps it washed ashore after the crash. The whole team goes in search of this bag and finds it on a tall tree. Now the team’s task is to signal the rescue.

Assignment: A liana (rope) is stretched from the tallest tree to the log. Along this vine (rope), one of the participants (chosen by the team) must crawl to a bag suspended on a tree and take it. The participant, with the help of the presenters, puts on a safety system, gloves on his hands, is secured to the rope with the help of a carabiner and, helping himself with his hands and feet, crawls up to the signal bag. Another rope is attached to the safety system, the end of which is held by the other participants. After the bag is retrieved, the team helps that participant back using a second free rope. The bag contains signal balloons, which the whole team inflates in 2 minutes. Then you need to attach the signal balls to the top of the log.

Participants can talk during this exercise.

After completing the task, the team returns to the “clearing of conversations”, there is a discussion of the task on the following issues:

  1. Are the participants satisfied with how they completed the task?
  2. What helped you complete the task?
  3. What got in your way when completing the task?
  4. What guided you when choosing the person who would complete the task?

2.6. "Swamp"

Legend: The signal was given, the people on the ship saw it and approached the island, now they can be clearly seen. But on the way from the island to the ship there is an obstacle - a swamp, through which the ship cannot pass, and it is also impossible to swim across it.

Task: The team's task is to overcome the swamp using three hummocks. Conditions: you cannot step into the swamp, it is forbidden to leave the hummock empty - otherwise it will drown, the whole team must cross. The task is completed silently. As soon as all participants overcome the swamp, the team is saved.

3. Completion of the lesson:

Legend: The team coped with the tests, everyone reached the side of the ship and were saved.

After completing all the tasks, the team gathers again at the “Meadow of Conversations” to sum up the results.

Sample facilitator questions: “What did you learn about yourself during this game?”, “What did you understand about your actions as a group?”, “How does what you learned here relate to how you acted in other areas of your life?” life - at home, at school, at work?


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