Role-playing game “Desert Island. Program for correction of social and communication skills

This game is recommended for middle and older children. In a camp setting, such a game will be most effective during the organizational period. Aims at developing effective communication skills and the ability to act together. By enhancing the element of dramatization, this game can be turned into an effective means for participants to understand their goals and values, and to identify the relationships between the participants in the game. The game can also be played at another time of the season, but it should be borne in mind that the result obtained will be different.

Leading. Imagine that our entire group found ourselves on a large ocean ship making a voyage across the Atlantic. The journey was pleasant and interesting. However, in tropical latitudes, the ship was caught in a storm of terrifying force. Our situation was aggravated by the fact that a fire broke out in the hold, which instantly spread throughout the ship. Fortunately, there were no problems with the boats on the ship, but as fate would have it, half of the members of our group ended up in one boat, and half in another.

In this game, it seems necessary to divide into two groups for many reasons, in particular to enhance excitement and competition. You can divide a group in different ways. For example, like this: The presenter quickly commands: “Those who will immediately begin rescue work stand up!” The first two who jumped up from their seats are announced as the leaders of the rescue efforts. Each of them is invited to choose one participant whom he will carry into his boat. Then the selected participants take turns choosing the next ones and so on until the group is divided into two parts. If there is an odd number of participants, then a situation will arise when one of them remains unclaimed. An “unclaimed” participant may feel very uncomfortable. Therefore, the facilitator should make this situation positive, for example by inviting the leaders of the two groups to argue about the right to this last participant. Let the leader give a short monologue and prove that, due to such and such merits, this person is needed in his boat. After this, the participant chooses a team for himself. Members of both teams form two separate circles.

Leading.Storm waves scattered the boats and carried them away different sides from the shipwreck. The hurricane continued for another day, and when it finally subsided, the exhausted people on both boats saw land on the horizon. Delighted, they rushed to the shore, unaware of two things: firstly, that in front of them was not a mainland, but islands, and, secondly, about reefs hidden under water. Both boats were smashed into pieces by hitting the rock reefs, but it was already possible to swim to the shore. After some time, both teams set foot on the solid ground of uninhabited islands. Alas, different! It so happened that you found yourself in a place unknown to you, having lost your swimming equipment and having nothing except what is currently in your pockets. You are given fifteen minutes to decide what to do in such a situation and how you will spend the next 24 hours on these islands. Size of the island, landscape, climate, vegetation and fauna and other circumstances you can set yourself.

At each stage, up to fifteen minutes are allocated for discussion. If the groups come up with their solution faster, they report this to the facilitator. Participants discuss the situation. The facilitator should pay attention to how the discussion is organized, who is leading it, and whether people listen to each other. After fifteen minutes, representatives of each team report the results of the discussion. At this stage, as a rule, messages are not very diverse: the islands are covered tropical forests, the climate is mild, there are no dangerous predators, but there are goats, there is water and plenty of fruit. The Robinsons are actively exploring their islands and diligently sending signals to rescuers.

Leading. Well, your islands turned out to be very comfortable. However, day after day passes, and not a single ship is visible on the sea horizon and neither a plane nor a helicopter appears in the sky. And you begin to guess that the islands turned out to be remote from busy sea and airways and it may be that the rescuers have already stopped searching for the ship’s passengers, considering them dead. A month has passed. It looks like your stay on the island may drag on and turn out to be much longer than you expected. We need to arrange ourselves somehow. So what do you do?

At this stage of work, a deeper immersion into the game reality occurs. Priorities for the goals and meanings of life on the island are outlined, various ways of obtaining food and organizing leisure time are proposed (some “settlers” create amateur art groups, some create lectures in all areas of knowledge, so as not to lose cultural baggage, etc.). After each group reports about their life on the island, the leader can ask the following questions:

How do you build relationships with each other?

Do you have a leader, a leader? Who is he?

How do you decide the most difficult questions your life?

How does the division of labor and responsibilities occur? Who is responsible for what?

In fact, group members begin to design a new structure for the world, creating it according to the laws that they consider correct and necessary.

Leading. So, you have completely settled down on the island and have established your life. Meanwhile, two years passed... And one day the waves of the surf washed the skeleton of a small yacht ashore. It was probably damaged during a storm because it was so damaged that it could not be restored. However, it miraculously preserved a compartment where carpenter’s tools lay - axes, saws, nails, etc., and in addition, you found an empty bottle on the yacht. Latest find, of course, gave you the idea to send a letter, entrusting it to the waves, and inform people that you are alive and well. Please write a letter that you put in this bottle. Let me remind you, just in case, that you do not know the coordinates of your island.

Participants write letters together, often showing inventive ways of describing the location of their island and telling humorous stories about their lives. Letters are read aloud.

Leading. The letter has been sent. But now you have carpentry tools. What will you do with them? Will you take advantage of this gift of fate?

After consulting, the teams usually decide to build a raft to try to get to the mainland on it. From this point on, the scenarios of events on the two islands may differ significantly. Several lines of development arise, and the presenter must be prepared for unexpected turns and improvisations. The fact is that, for example, part of a team will want to go on a risky voyage on a raft, and part may oppose this idea. The presenter invites the participants to somehow solve this problem. If the “seafarers” still insist and are ready to “break away” from the main mass, the leader asks them to sit to the side of the circle (“you’re on your way”). In another team, perhaps such a split does not occur and they are united in their decision - to swim or not to swim. If someone remains on the islands, the presenter gives a new introduction.

Leading.After some time, very far on the horizon you saw the silhouette of a large ship. But he passed by, and the people from him did not notice the desperate signals you were giving. A day later, a small single-seater boat washed ashore. It was brand new, with a full tank of gas. Apparently, it was accidentally dropped from the side of a ship passing earlier, or perhaps it was washed away by a wave. One way or another, you have another chance. Will you use it and how?

This is one of the most interesting moments in the game. Participants quickly come to the conclusion that going in search of land on a small one-person boat is a very risky endeavor. After all, if the gasoline runs out before the land is reached, the lone brave man will be forced to drift across the endless ocean until he dies of hunger and thirst. Who will decide to do this? Dramatic choice. There are almost always people who are ready to sacrifice themselves. (Some offer a compromise: search the ground until the tank is half empty, then return - however, the risk still remains.) From this point on, the need almost always arises different instructions for the inhabitants of each of the islands. An experienced presenter can come up with his own moves. Here are several options (with any of them, participants must make some specific decision).

First option (someone floated away on a raft)

Leading. You didn’t have time to move too far away from the island when you saw a ship moving straight towards you. Your screams were heard, and within a few minutes you were already lifted aboard. Joy overwhelmed you, you excitedly told the captain about the years you spent on the island, asking him to change the route to pick up your comrades from the island. The captain agreed. However, your joy turned out to be, alas, premature: it was the ship of modern pirate slave traders. By naively pointing the way to the island, you turned your friends into prisoners.Meanwhile, as is typical cruel people, the pirate captain suddenly showed sentimentality. Taking into account the misadventures you have experienced, he decided to make a noble gesture and leave you on the island, but not all of you: he will take two of your choice with him to sell to drug dealers to work on poppy plantations. He gave you until the morning, and in the morning these two must come to his ship. Decide what to do in such a situation!

Second option (everyone stayed on the island)

Leading. One morning you saw a ship entering the bay of the island. You couldn’t believe your eyes: your dream of meeting people has finally come true. You rushed to the shore towards the boat that had departed from the ship. As soon as the boat docked, you rushed to the sailors and began excitedly talking about your fate...

Further events are similar to those described in the first option. Once again a situation of dramatic choice arises. Sometimes volunteers appear who are ready to sacrifice themselves to save others - often this is due to their confidence that they will be able to escape from captivity. It happens that participants decide to surrender to the pirates together. It is also possible that the participants come up with the idea of ​​entering into battle with the pirates. The presenter, of course, does not interfere or comment on what is happening, but he will have to come up with further plot moves in the given logic.

Third option (all group members become prisoners of pirates)

Leading. The captain locked you in the hold, and the ship set off to sea. Less than two days had passed when you realized from the bustle and screams upstairs that something had happened. Shots rang out. The pirate ship was caught up by police boats. Not knowing that the pirates had prisoners, the police opened fire with cannons and machine guns. A fire broke out in the hold, but, fortunately for you, a shell hit caused a hole in the ceiling. Through a narrow hole you can climb out onto the deck one by one. But the fire is burning with all its might. It is impossible to say whether everyone will have time to get out of the burning room. The one who is first will probably be saved, and the further from the beginning of the line, the less chance of salvation. Decide how you will get out, in what order?

Fourth option (there are two who are given to the pirates, or the participants decide to engage in a fight with the pirates)

Leading. You hid from enemies in a cave. But here’s the bad luck: it was at that moment that the long-dormant volcano suddenly woke up. The eruption that began was accompanied by powerful underground tremors, from which the vaults of the cave began to collapse. The entrance was almost blocked with stones - only a very small hole remained, into which one could barely squeeze. At any moment, the ceiling of the cave will collapse, and you all could die. The one who is first will probably be saved, and the further from the beginning of the line, the less chance of salvation. Decide how you will get out, in what order?

How the group members behave will largely reflect the system of relationships that have arisen between them and will clearly highlight many life values and orientation of children. This procedure is quite tough, but in groups of high school students you can take risks. Of course, at the end of the game, you should discuss in particular detail the feelings and thoughts of the children at that very moment, all the proposals made and the criteria on which they relied when choosing a line of behavior. This situation is the climax. After it you need to move on to the last stage of the game. The game must be completed in a positive mood.

Leading. You all managed to get out onto the deck (from the cave). And you immediately saw armed people approaching you. But there is no need to be afraid: these are police officers from the special department for combating drug trafficking and Russian sailors. A helicopter roared its engines above your head. It was no coincidence that these people appeared: on the open sea they met the raft on which your friends were sailing (the single-seater boat on which N went for help), and learned about the misadventures that befell you. A few days later you were already home.

It is important for the presenter not to forget all the characters and “return” them home in one way or another. After congratulations on the end of the adventure, we should move on to discussing the game.

Questions for discussion

Are you satisfied with the adventures you experienced?
Which episodes of the game were the most interesting for you?
In what situations did you find it especially difficult to make a decision?
Were you satisfied with the solutions the group came to?
Why did you decide (or not decide) to go sailing on a raft (on a single-seater boat)?
Why did N risk doing this?
How did you feel when you found yourself in the situation of choosing who to sacrifice to the pirates?
Did you easily agree to the place that was assigned to you in the queue for rescue during a fire (earthquake)?
Were you active yourself during life on the island and other events, or did you prefer to follow the leaders?
Who was the leader? Why? Was he given this right by the group or did he take the initiative into his own hands?

The game can take more than two hours. However, time should not be skimped on discussion. It must be detailed and multifaceted - only then will the training participants see the deep psychological meaning behind the fascinating plot of the game.

Fairy Chess

This game can be played with either younger schoolchildren, and with teenagers and high school students. When working with kids special attention You should pay attention to the instructions: repeat them several times. You can start only when the presenter is sure that everyone understands the instructions. The main goal is to develop children's communication skills and abilities using non-verbal means. In addition, the game develops intelligence, initiative, and helps build group cohesion. The game has several options.

First option

If there are about twenty people in a group, then the game “Fairytale Chess” can be organized as follows.


In the fairy-tale world, there were two kingdoms - Blue and Green. These kingdoms were good neighbors. In the capital of each of them there was a palace. In each palace there were a king and a queen, a prince and a princess, a chief minister, a lady-in-waiting, a chief of guard, a cook, a gardener, an astrologer and other important and not so important persons. It's easy to guess that in the Blue Kingdom all the inhabitants had costumes blue, and in Green - only green. Otherwise, there were no differences between the kingdoms. Even outwardly, the king of the Blue Kingdom was almost no different from the king of the Green Kingdom, and if not for the color of his clothes, they would have been easy to confuse. One day, an evil sorceress sent a terrible hurricane to both kingdoms. It was so powerful that all the inhabitants, like light feathers, were scattered throughout the fairy-tale world. When the hurricane finally subsided, the residents could not understand which kingdom - Blue or Green - they found themselves in. The magical hurricane not only mixed everything up, but also deprived people of the ability to distinguish colors! The terrible roar that accompanied the hurricane temporarily deafened the residents, and they heard nothing. However, all residents really wanted to return to their usual duties. After all, each of them remembered who he was and what kingdom he lived in, but had no idea who was next to him. Imagine that you are in the shoes of the inhabitants of these kingdoms. Let's try to solve the problem they are facing. How will we do this? Now you will take turns drawing a card and find out what role you got in our game - a cook or, say, a chief minister. The color of the inscription on the card will tell you which kingdom you belong to. The most important condition- do not show your card to anyone! You can view the cards only on my command.

For the game, you need to prepare cards in advance according to the number of participants, of which there must be an even number, since a mandatory requirement is equal number members of two kingdom teams. In other words, the presenter must have two sets of cards with the same characters, blue and green. Make sure that the presenter has a supply of cards. After the lesson starts, it will become clear to him how many people are present, and he will put the extra cards aside.

An approximate set of cards for a group of sixteen people:

1. Chief of the guard.
2. Chief Minister.
3. Prince
4. King.
5. Queen.
6. Princess.
7. Cook.
8. Astrologer.

If the group has eighteen, twenty or, say, twenty-four participants, you can introduce additional cards with characters such as treasurer, robber, witch, foreign ambassador, jester, soldier, etc. You can organize the distribution of cards in different ways. If the participants are sitting in a circle, then the presenter himself can come up and put the cards on the participant’s laps, face down. An option is possible when each participant himself draws a card from the proposed “fan”.


Now that you have the cards, get ready... At the same time, pick up the cards, look at what you have written there, and immediately put them face down again. To my left(presenter shows) one of the kingdoms will be located, and on the right - the other. I don't know which one will be Blue and which one will be Green. Your task is to restore order in the kingdoms. You need to line up in one line - each in accordance with the role that fell to him and in the desired kingdom. The order of placement is indicated on the board.

On the poster, the presenter must write in advance the order of the characters in the line. The order may be exactly as in the list above. It is very important - especially in the case of a game with younger schoolchildren - to clearly indicate where the end character is located. For example: “The chief of the guard is on the left!” At the same time, point with your hand to the place where the chief of the guard of one kingdom should stand and to the place where - to the second kingdom. Usually it becomes necessary to repeat this several times. Without such guidance, even in groups of high school students, confusion inevitably arises.


Dear residents of the kingdoms! Remember that your task is to end up in exactly the kingdom whose color you got. But so far no one knows where the Blue Kingdom will be and where the Green Kingdom will be. In order to decide, you need to agree with each other. Please note that you cannot hear each other. The first condition: you will have to communicate without using speech - only with the help of gestures. Second condition: it is prohibited to point with your hand at blue and green objects in the room. After all, the inhabitants of the kingdoms have lost the ability to distinguish colors. This ability will return if you manage to find your kingdom. Third condition: it is forbidden to write - on paper or in the air - words indicating the color and the role you have. Does everyone understand the instructions? If yes, let's get started!

The room is cleared of chairs and the game itself begins. Finding your place in the line is not so difficult. It is much more difficult to decide on the color of the kingdom. This is where the most serious difficulties and problems arise. For high school students, the task can be even more complicated. For example, introduce a requirement to keep your hands behind your back at all times. More difficult conditions can also be entered if the participants quickly complete the task. Then the host offers to play again, but in a tougher version. The process of finding the kingdom and your place in it can take long time- up to 10–15 minutes. Sometimes downright dramatic situations arise: for example, one of the participants wanders in confusion between two ranks and does not meet with a warm welcome anywhere - other characters send him back, not wanting to give in busy place. It is interesting to observe the ways of organizing non-verbal interaction. There are leaders trying to take charge and passive performers waiting for others to determine their place in the kingdom. It is important to draw the attention of participants that the instructions do not prohibit them from showing objects of the desired color with different parts of the body (only prohibited hand, but nothing was said about the legs or nose). After both lines line up opposite each other, the presenter invites the players to present the cards they received and name their role. This determines the success (or failure) of completing the task. A discussion is then organized on the following issues.

What helped you find your place?

What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

What methods did you use to interact with other participants?

Who do you think has found successful ways to negotiate without words?

Has anyone managed to overcome difficulties quite easily without breaking the rules?

Second option

The participants' task is to form not one, but two lines in each kingdom (the location of each character is recorded on the board or poster). This option is suitable for a prepared group and for a not too spacious room in which it is difficult to stand in one line.

Third option

Sometimes it becomes necessary to play a game with a large number participants (30–40 people). Here you will have to take care of the required number of cards. The necessary changes are made to the instructions. Let there be not two, but four kingdoms - Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. Accordingly, identical characters of different colors appear. Then the ranks can be located along the four walls of the room, which should be quite spacious. All other conditions of the game remain the same. The task completion time may increase due to increased complexity.

15. Rescuers

Role-playing game, designed for older children. Aimed at uniting the children's team, as well as self-knowledge. The game is recommended for playing in the first half of the season.

First stage

The first introductory information to the game is given to “cosmic” music.

You are the crew of a reconnaissance ship. Among you are not only crew members, but also a large group of scientists. You were on a long expedition to one of the unknown planetary systems in a remote sector of the Galaxy. You have been absent from Earth for ten years. The task was difficult, but it was completed completely. Samples of soil and flora of the planet were collected, the possibilities of its economic use. The crew, with a sense of accomplishment, remains in a state of suspended animation. The ship flies towards Earth, controlled by a computer. Only unforeseen circumstances can cause the life support systems to wake the captain or radio operator if an emergency message arrives.

The crew was invited to a poster on the wall. It was a schematic cross-section of the ship (very simple). The entire ship was divided into sectors, each with the name of the sector, the expected specialists and their number: Cutting: captain, co-pilot, navigator, three people in total. Engineering bay: a flight engineer and three specialists, a total of 4 people. Medical bay: two people. Life support system: engineer, assistant, two people in total. Galley: two cooks. Radio operator: one person. Scientific section: a team of specialists of various profiles. The number of people is not specified, as it depends on the size of the group. The composition of specialists depends on the wishes of the participants. They choose their own profession, correlating it with the goals of the expedition and the choices of other participants. After reviewing the plan, the group distributes responsibilities among themselves. (At this stage, the leaders are completely eliminated. There is no strict time limit.) After the distribution of responsibilities, the group is invited to use improvised means - chairs, tables, sports mats - to make something like a ship for themselves and place themselves in sectors.

Second stage

Immersion in a flight situation. Everyone is invited to sit comfortably in their compartment, close their eyes and imagine this journey while listening to calm music. Remember how the expedition went, what business fell to the lot of each participant. Addressing everyone, the presenter asks him to imagine and evaluate his contribution to the expedition, to realize the feelings with which he returns home: “Now try to “fall asleep” and imagine what dreams you might have in suspended animation, on the way to home.. .” The music fades out, the participants are invited to wake up and break into threes or fours. These mini-groups discuss the dreams and feelings that each person had during the flight. While the discussion is going on, the presenter quietly hands the radio operator a paper with the words: “You have been brought out of suspended animation, an emergency message has arrived. The time to make a decision and change the flight path is ten minutes. It’s already gone.” On a piece of paper there is a short text of the radiogram: The ship's flight is within the range of the SOS signal. It is sent by the automation of an earthly reconnaissance ship from an unknown planet. There are no other ships in the zone. Within ten minutes the ship can turn and change course. If the ship turns, the return to Earth will be delayed by at least one year. The radio operator was informed that he had three options: he could make a decision on his own, wake up the captain or the entire crew. A decision must be made within the agreed time. If the crew decides to fly further, then the presenter communicates the following setting: Your ship is caught in a meteor shower and makes an emergency landing on the nearest planet. Therefore, one way or another, the ship ends up on this planet.

Third stage

The following introduction is given here. The captain landed the ship not far from the earthly “scout” sending the signal. The computer is ready to tell you the parameters of the planet(the navigator and life support engineer receive texts with parameters). A reconnaissance robot is at your disposal. It is on the verge of breakdown, since it has already gone through “fire and water” during the main expedition, but most likely it will reach a ship in distress. Make a decision about further actions. The navigator, on the captain's orders, reads out the text. On this planet it is celebrated high level radiation. Staying without a protective suit is impossible. The force of gravity is one and a half times greater than that of Earth. The amount of oxygen is below normal. The lighting is weak, equivalent to earthly twilight, which makes orientation difficult and impossible without lighting devices. There is evidence of intelligent life on the planet. A source of unknown radiation is observed not far from the settlement. The first survey shows the presence in large quantities of valuable trace elements and metals rarely found in the solar system.

The engineer gives this information to all crew members . The crew has 15 radioactive protection suits and a temporary protection dome at their disposal, which operates for an hour without the ship’s energy support. The team must decide to send scouts to the ship or remain on the ship awaiting help, and the leader also reminds the participants of the following: In accordance with paragraph 5, paragraph 12a of the deep space explorer code, it is considered unacceptable to leave the planet without taking all necessary steps possible actions to save people or find out the causes of the tragedy. The reconnaissance team must consist of at least three people. You can send multiple triplets. Communication between them will be carried out only through the ship. Three people descend onto the planet (in the free part of the room). The presenters quietly tell the scouts what they allegedly saw. The scouts are also sent the text of the latest logbook entry. Across the hall, scouts report this to those remaining on the ship: The spaceship is empty. No signs of panic. Everything is open except the fuel compartment. For some reason it is not controlled by the computer. This happens in cases where the contents of the fuel compartment are dangerous for the ship. Entries have been preserved in the logbook: the ship landed on the planet to conduct scheduled research. Something happened to the ship's fuel. All crew members also become aware of the last entry in the logbook: Signs of intelligent life have been found on the planet. The natives behave friendly and actively make contact. Communicate with them through linguistic means impossible, they don't have their own language. They communicate through telepathic transmission of pictures and images that are still incomprehensible to humans. The commander decided to go with the entire crew of the ship to a meeting with the aborigines to visit a certain “place”, the essence and purpose of which is unclear. The SOS signal was sent by the ship's automation three days after the crew left. After discussion, the scouts go further to find the natives and carry out covert surveillance. The second leader briefly goes out the door with the scouts and gives them information about what they saw. Having returned, the scouts “radiate” the following. We observed the settlement. The Aborigines are very different in appearance, but they are completely different from people. Very unsympathetic. They manage without any technical devices in these planetary conditions. They saw a creature jump out of one house with a human baby in its arms. Judging by its gestures, it was very worried, and so were those around it. The baby was taken somewhere. Two hours later the same creature appeared, but in his arms was not a child, but some kind of incomprehensible cocoon. The creature was completely calm, walking slowly. The ship's crew and scouts are asked to think about the situation for ten minutes. They need to guess what happened to the people who left the ship. If this assumption turns out to be correct, the scouts will be able to return; if not, they will disappear and communication with them will be interrupted. Once again, the captain and crew are faced with a choice situation: should they send a second expedition? If the captain and crew decide not to send a second expedition, then the leader reminds paragraph 5, paragraph 12a of the deep space explorer code. So, the second expedition is sent, then the third one follows the same pattern. They all brought information and they must decide together with the crew what is happening to people on this planet. And now - a new blow of fate. Immediately after the disappearance of the third batch of scouts, the flight engineer receives the following information from the computer: The instruments note the unusual impact of local radiation on the structure of the substance that is the fuel for the ship. The substance is destroyed, this process is irreversible. If a decision is not made to stay after ten minutes, the ship will automatically take off. If the crew remains on the planet, then they will have to wait 25 years for help from Earth (if the help signal arrives). Anabiosis will be impossible. The crew will be locked in their ship. Food and air supply systems will be provided in required quantity. The note was passed on unnoticed. You have 10 minutes to make a decision.

Let's leave the crew for now and see where our scouts disappeared. They are in a room nearby, they already know a lot about what happened on this planet, but they are no longer people. The natives invited them to visit and quietly led them through that same incomprehensible radiation. People “got puppeted”, and after a while they turned into local “freaks”, unprepossessing in appearance, but ideally adapted to local conditions. They have telepathy; despite the force of gravity, capable of flight; their vision allows them to see their surroundings in unusual colors. They created a biological civilization, live in harmony with nature and solve mainly aesthetic and philosophical problems. All local creatures are not of local origin. This planet attracts various civilizations with its natural resources. But irreversible changes occur with the reconnaissance ships of most civilizations on the planet: after some time, the fuel is destroyed and the ship loses the ability to take off, and often to report trouble back home. One of the crews of such a ship stumbled upon amazing radiation, with the help of which their organisms perfectly adapted to local conditions, but they lost the ability to communicate with non-telepaths. Many years have passed since then. Local residents have made it a rule to deal with all newcomers in the following way: they guide foreigners through the radiation, sometimes persuading them, sometimes without explaining anything. The conscience of the aborigines is calm: this is how they save aliens from death or vegetation on a terrible planet. Sometimes, however, genetic changes fail and children are born that are similar to their grandparents. Children can be saved if they are exposed to radiation in time. This is exactly the picture that the first scouts observed. The company of “aboriginals” appears gradually. The presenters themselves tell the first three the whole “truth” and put masks on them as a symbol of reincarnation. If it is not easy for them to come to terms with fate, then in response to their grumbling the presenters offer: “You have not yet completely lost human type thinking, you still remember what it means to be human"

As for the crew, their decision can be either to fly or to stay. In the first case, the presenters give the group 15 minutes to communicate with the “natives” with their departing friends. In the second case, the entire team must decide whether to leave the ship or not. “Aboriginals” are given information: There are Earthlings on the ship, they have only one hour (20 minutes in game time) at their disposal to decide their fate - to die or to become like you. The last human thoughts and feelings still remain in you; you can telepathically (in our case, non-verbally) communicate with the doomed. What do you want to tell them? Who will you go to first? Decide for yourself.

Once a decision is made, the game ends.

The game is discussed in stages. The most important thing to note here is that the majority of participants are negatively opposed to aliens. Where does this come from in us? What prevents us from becoming like them?

Around the world

Antipina N, Astrikova I, Glebova V, Luchinin S,

Nepomnyashchaya A, Priymak S, Protasov N,

Salnikova N. (SPO “Filibusters”)

The event is designed for both the squad and the squad. Participants are informed that they will now have an excellent opportunity to trip around the world. In each country they visit, they will be given a document, and when all the documents are collected, the participants will be awarded a prize (determined by the organizers). In order to begin the journey, participants are divided into teams (ships, balloon crew, tourist group, etc.). Each team is given a travel map, along which the teams move

Release date: 2000

The main gaming aspect of the project lies at the intersection of such genres as RPG, strategy and action. You will have to conduct combat and trade operations, gradually increasing your experience and accumulating funds to modernize or purchase a new ship. As in any role-playing game, main character is described by a whole set of specific parameters that determine its ability to adequately cope with emerging difficulties. And, for example, the level of experience determines which classes of ships are available to the young captain. Of course, as the gameplay progresses, you can improve your characteristics, depending on the chosen behavior strategy.

If you prefer to drown enemies, then it makes sense to develop skills that will allow you to conduct more accurate and coordinated fire from guns of any type, and if you gravitate towards boarding battles, then you will have to concentrate on developing “fencing”. The ship's crew also has a set of characteristics, and hired help (gunners, boatswains, carpenters, etc.), in turn, will improve or, in some cases, worsen the overall attributes of the ship. However, characteristics and skills do not determine everything. All battles take place in real time, and often only sleight of hand and fast response will save you from inevitable defeat. In battle, you can control allied ships, giving them orders that determine their course of action.

Tropico: Paradise Island

Dateexit: 2002

Tropico: Paradise Island is a continuation of the economic simulator Tropico from Take 2 Interactive. The almighty lord President will have to face new difficulties on the way to the prosperity of the green island in the blue sea (and at the same time his own account in a Swiss bank). The sequel, Tropico: Island Paradise, offers new ways to attract tourists to the island: tennis courts and protected areas. And for those who love hard control, there is the possibility of winning even under the toughest political regime. When else will you get the chance to impose martial law on the paradise island?

Tropico: Paradise Island is a real tropical island simulator where you can do whatever you want. As the ruler of Tropico Island, you will have to take care of the local population. Although you can care in different ways. Both strictly and even more strictly. After all, this is a third world country, you can do whatever you want. If you set up a small furniture factory, then force the local population to work there. You need money.

Tropico: Pirate Cove

Release date: 2004

Genre: Economic strategy,

Tropico: Pirate Cove– economic strategy, in Latin American flavor. Pirates are, of course, not very law-abiding citizens, but can this unfortunate fact deprive them of the right to a fun vacation in a harbor hidden from prying eyes? No way! In Tropico: Pirate Cove the player will become the owner of one of the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. The sea, sun, palm trees, wind await you - and a huge, hectic economy that requires constant care and vigilant monitoring.

Build plantations, build farms, shipyards, weapons workshops, factories and factories, put troops of prisoners captured by visiting pirates to work, create a network of entertainment establishments - in general, do not let the money stolen by filibusters float past your pocket. Give your island and its inhabitants due attention - and very soon you will become the richest and influential person in the Caribbean, you will become someone respected by friends, feared by enemies and loved by women.

Release date: 2003

Genre: Quest, action, adventure

Nancy Drew: The Mists of the Island of Lies- another part of the popular series of quests, which was released in 2003. On the remote Island of Lies, one of the islands of the Pacific San Juan archipelago, brave girl Kate Firestone studies the behavior of whales. It was she who invited Nancy Drew on an amazing excursion to the bay of the town of Snake Horse - to watch a female killer whale. This chance should not be missed!

Inspired, Nancy arrives on Kate's yacht, but it seems that the adventure will end before it even begins - someone has taken over the ship: everything is turned upside down, the engine is broken, and the owner of the ship herself has received a rather ominous message... The help of a good detective would be helpful here . Let's start a new business! Find the right path in the mists of the Island of Lies!


Release date: 2003

Genre: survival simulator

Stranded is a survival simulator on a desert island. After a terrible shipwreck, the main character is thrown onto a desert island. The poor guy must survive using all the possibilities. The first step is to build a shelter for the night, as well as get food and water.

The game is highly interactive. The player can cut down trees, swim, create items for hunting and fishing. It is worth noting that the hero is susceptible to hunger, thirst and the desire to sleep, so these parameters must be controlled, otherwise the hero will die. The game has several game modes and a location editor.

Return to Mysterious Island

Dateexit: 2004

Genre: Action, adventure

Return to Mysterious Island- an action-adventure game based on the book by Jules Verne “The Mysterious Island”. The brave traveler Mina, who decided to sail around the world, had no idea what surprises fate had in store for her. Who would have thought that shipwrecks were not a thing of the past, just like in our century? high technology Are there still uninhabited islands, always ready to shelter a would-be sailor? It was in one of these “cozy” corners that our heroine found herself. But a new Robinson did not come out of her - too much important matters appeared: make friends with the ghost of Captain Nemo, visit the legendary Nautilus, deal with the strange force field that turned a paradise into a prison island. In general, there's plenty to do!

What does Jules Verne have to do with it? Jules Verne, believe me, would really like to get answers to two questions: how did the Mysterious Island destroyed by him remain unharmed until 2010, and how did Mina get there if the island is surrounded by a force field? Are you interested too? The answers are in the game!

Return to Mysterious Island 2

Release date: 2009

Genre: Action, adventure

ReturntoMysteriousIsland 2- continuation of the adventures of the girl Mina, who ended up on a mysterious island as a result of a shipwreck. Thanks to her ingenuity, Mina manages to survive on the island without weapons or tools, find a friend - a monkey named Yup - and signal for help. And so the Robinsons climb aboard the arriving rescue helicopter. It would seem that all the misadventures are behind us, but fate decreed otherwise. The helicopter crashes and falls into the lake, and the survivors Mina and Yup remain on the island, where they will have to endure new trials.

Playing for two heroes - Mina and Yupa: in right moment You can switch from one to another character and use the skills and abilities of each. Fascinating plot: on the Mysterious Island, recreated based on the adventure novel by Jules Verne, many secrets are hidden.

Treasure Island

Release date: 2005

Genre: Action, logic, pirate games, educational games

Treasure Island- This fun game based on the funniest cartoon about pirates. A new meeting with your favorite heroes awaits you - the brave Jim Hawkins and the brave Captain Smollett. Together with them you can go in search of treasures and fight fierce and treacherous pirates. Help Jim and Captain Smollett - outsmart all the villains and save your friends from captivity! Leave the pirates alone!

The game contains many tasks and puzzles. A unique combat system with improved skills and the use of compound strike combinations. The actors from the original cartoon took part in the dubbing of the game. You will encounter 10 different types of enemies, each with their own unique abilities.

Lost Islands

Release date: 2007

Genre: Quests, adventures, games for children, educational

Lost Islands– an exciting adventure for children and adults. Little boy, while traveling on a boat in the ocean, catches a bottle with a map. He decided to go in search of treasure, but a storm threw him onto a desert island. Help the little hero survive and find treasures!

A bright, realistic game world, realized using modern 3D technologies, and a stunning atmosphere of tropical islands await you! Game tasks that have life-like authenticity will teach the child how to take care of himself in difficult and unusual situations. Good musical compositions recorded using “live” instruments perfectly complement the gaming atmosphere. Ability to control minor characters. Solve puzzles and travel together with the mischievous Parrot and the mighty Gorilla.

Jack Keane 1 and 2

Release date: 2008

Genre: Adventure, 3D, third person

Jack Kane is a humorous adventure game about a brave captain from the 19th century. The humorous adventure game features a main character named Jack Kane, who finds himself at the center of an unusual and dynamically developing action, full of exoticism and unexpected twists. The plot is based on real events - the story of an English captain sent by the queen on an important mission to one of the Indian islands.

Unusual adventures and challenging missions will not let you get bored and tear yourself away from the game. Mysterious places and more than 40 bright characters, at times frightening and exciting twists storyline– apparently, it was not for nothing that the game was positioned by the developers as something completely new in its genre. In terms of the difficulty of completing the game, the developers tried to create missions suitable for both beginners and experienced players of the genre. In solving emerging problems, the player is not constrained by time restrictions and can spend as much time as needed.

Island. Lost on the Ocean 1 and 2

Release date: 2010

Genre: Logic games and puzzles, survival

Island. Lost in the ocean is an exciting simulation game in which you have to help a group of shipwrecked people survive on a lost island and find a way to return home.

The game will take you to a mysterious island that is full of mysteries and inexplicable phenomena. In order to survive on the island and find a way to leave it, you will have to learn how to fish, hunt boars and snakes, collect fruits and grow vegetables, find rare plants and explore the entire island, which is fraught with many dangers. You will find difficult relationships with the camp residents and aborigines, a meeting with a shaman, and many different tasks. Will you be able to unravel all the secrets of the island lost in the Ocean?

Game series Beyond the Seven Seas

Release date: 2010-2015

Genre: Strategic

On a small island, somewhere far in the ocean, cheerful people lived carefree and happily. And everything would be fine, until one day... a volcano, sleeping for three thousand years, woke up. He practically destroyed the entire tribe and the poor islanders had no choice but to flee to another part of the island, through the impenetrable jungle, high mountains and swamps, to the ocean in the hope of escaping the elements!

The gameplay is not original and is quite standard for a strategy, but that’s all the better for novice strategists! Here we will clear roads, build bridges, houses, sawmills, drive away wild animals, etc. The level map is practically hidden from the player, only the workers’ house and some strategically important objects are visible. Employees can be given any sequence of actions, even a very long one, and they will do everything to the highest standard. The game is easy and more suitable for beginners.

Treasure Island: In Search of Pirate Treasure (Treasure Island)

Release date: 2008

Genre: adventures, puzzles

Treasure Island is a fully 3D adventure game based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. All events, characters and places are as close as possible to the “book” ones. The game has a huge number of different puzzles: from simple mini-games and combining objects to multi-step logic problems.

Seventeen-year-old Jim Hawkins accidentally discovers an old map of Flint, the legendary pirate captain, in his father's house. Jim gathers a team and goes in search of the treasure. But the crew has their own plans for Flint's gold. When the Hispaniola reaches the treasured island, the hunt for the treasure begins.

Island of Secrets: Gates of Destiny

Release date: 2010

Genre:"I'm looking for", quest, adventure, puzzles and logic games

Island of Secrets: Gates of Destiny" is a new adventure game created in the popular hidden object genre, in which you will meet college students Alex and Lisa, whose lives will change right before your eyes after meeting a powerful artifact. Our heroes, fascinated by the history of the origin of ancient civilizations, went to meet the shaman. As a result, Alex and Lisa found themselves in the past, and an exciting adventure awaits you and me!

So, in the game Island of Secrets: Gates of Fate we have to help two college students and part-time time travelers return home. To do this, on the Island of Secrets you will need to collect parts of the Gate of Fate scattered throughout the island, because for some reason the Gate does not work when disassembled. To make sure you don't get bored looking for items, the creators of the Island of Secrets have wisely divided the items into parts. So, when you see, say, a hunting knife on the list, be prepared for the fact that you will have to look for the blade and handle of the knife separately. Well, the found objects themselves will be useful to you later for solving exciting puzzles.

Release date: 2010

Genre: Adventure, arcade

Islands. Robinson's Adventures- a children's game from the creators of Funny Farm. A huge archipelago of forty islands is in the hands of evil invaders. The noble task of taking away precious islands from greedy robbers has been entrusted to you! Lay roads, build bridges, save your hard-earned resources from the plundering clutches of robbers, and then, armed with catapults, bring law and order to each island.

The hardworking Robinsons who ennoble the green archipelago can only be protected by ancient idols and your intelligence. Don't let them down and as a reward you will become the owner of your own tropical Paradise!

Shutter Island

Release date: 2010

Genre: Action, adventure, puzzle and logic games

Shutter Island- a quest-style thriller based on the blockbuster of the same name. Arriving on the island with the goal of solving another case, the detective finds himself drawn into events that will change his whole life. Or just his idea of ​​life? What is really happening, and what just seems to happen? What are doctors not saying, and what secrets are they hiding behind the thick doors of the clinic? Who really needs to be found and what is the partner hiding? You have to find out all this in the game “Shutter Island”, made under license from the film company Paramount Pictures!

The thriller game I'm Looking for captures the film's suspense so closely that you'll have to keep an eye on your heart rate as it goes through the roof at certain points. People who tested the game “Shutter Island” took turns nervously running out to catch their breath, but immediately returned to the computer because it was impossible to tear themselves away. By the way, we strongly recommend playing with the sound turned on - then you will be more impressed!

Dead Island Series

Release date: 2011-2015

Dead Island - computer game, a first-person shooter with RPG elements in the survival horror genre, presents the player with open-ended, non-linear gameplay, as well as first-person hand-to-hand combat and the possibility of co-op through the story campaign. The player controls one of four survivor characters. The player's main task is to move around the island in search of other survivors, as well as complete various quests and tasks. The main goal of the game is survival, so the player will come across all sorts of useful items: money, water, food and others. All this is necessary for survival, as well as for completing tasks and creating weapons.

The game features a realistic behavior of the character. The character has a stamina bar, which is spent while running, jumping or hitting. When the gauge is empty, the player becomes vulnerable for a few seconds until the gauge is replenished again. Weapons have various parameters: impact force, impact on the character (how quickly he will get tired) and others. As the weapon is used, it breaks, losing its properties. Therefore, weapons must be repaired on special workbenches. There you can improve it and also modernize it.

Far Cry 3 and 4

Release date: 2012

Genre: First person shooter,

FarCry is a game that, due to the abundance of bloody scenes, is recommended for the 18+ category. Paradise corners always hide many secrets. And sometimes, instead of rest and relaxation, they bring death. The game FarCry 3 will tell you how to survive in such a situation! Once on a tropical island, a group of friends had no idea what awaited them. In a matter of hours, a relaxed holiday turned into a crazy hell. Chases, bandits, shooting, helicopters and some hallucinogenic mushrooms - this is the recipe for an exciting adventure in FarCry 3. Your task is to survive. Do this in any way: you can jump into the thick of things, scattering enemies, or you can quietly sneak behind your back and not make a fuss.

In the game Far Cry 3 you will find a number of interesting techniques. You will see with your own eyes how an ordinary traveler, Jason Brody, becomes a ruthless jungle hunter. Uncover the island's past and get to know its inhabitants. You will explore islands, beaches and swamps, as well as hunt animals and experience the most... incredible adventures in your life. You will discover new settlements and discover mysterious artifacts. The game's online mode allows you to play with up to four of your friends. Choose for yourself who you will play for - a corrupt policeman, a Russian mercenary, former soldier or a Scottish thug.

The Sims 3: Island Paradise. Limited Edition (add-on)

Release date: 2013

Genre: life simulator

In addition The Sims 3 Island Paradise. Limited Edition New adventures await your characters on sunny shores and sparkling waters paradise islands! From exploring tropical islands to running a 5-star resort, your Sims can decide whether to embark on an unforgettable journey or find a new home in this utopia. Sailor characters can even take the helm of a custom-designed houseboat and set sail between the islands!

Test Drive Unlimited 1 and 2

Release date: First 2006 Second 2011

Genre: Car simulator, racing

Akrad car simulator. The player will be able to feel like a real racer who does not miss a single chance to organize a race. The game takes place on one of the Hawaiian islands, which was completely simulated and transferred to virtual world. In the second part, the game takes place on the Spanish island of Ibiza, as well as on the island of Oahu.

The player begins his journey as a racer by purchasing a house and his first car. During the passage, the hero will be able to compete with other racers. Victories will bring fame and money, which can be used to buy a better car or improve the current one. The key advantage of the game is the many modern and classic cars that exactly replicate their prototypes.

Just Cause 2

Release date: 2010

Genre: Third-person shooter, action, open world

The game features a very large map of the entire archipelago. You can move along it using cars, gliders, or using a special hook. Just Cause 2 has a non-linear plot and complete freedom of action, as well as partial destructibility, which makes the gameplay dynamic and entertaining.


Browser fantasy role-playing game. The project takes place in a celestial world inhabited by fictional creatures, monsters, demons, spirits and guardians. Each guardian hero has his own flying island, which needs to be developed and improved. The main goal of the game is to upgrade your character to the maximum level, collect the best items and defeat the most powerful enemies.


When entering the game for the first time, the player must select the gender and faction for which he will fight. There are currently six cults available, each of which has its own skills and abilities. The key point games are battles. They are designed in the form of a turn-based mini-game “3 in a row”. The player must collect rows of different types of stones, for example, to deal damage, you need to collect 3 skulls, and to replenish mana, you can collect 3 crystals. 5 stones in a row give an extra move. During each turn, the player will be able to use magic and potions that increase damage and defense.

Author information

Pokidova Larisa Nikolaevna

Place of work, position:

OSU " Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities", Veselaya Lopan village. Teacher-psychologist.

Belgorod region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

Education level:

Special (correctional) education

Target Audience:

Pupil (student)






Objective of the lesson:

Goals: to promote the process of personal development, realization of creative potential, achievement optimal level life and feelings of happiness and success.

Objectives: skill development business communication, ability to negotiate using positive techniques; development of self-regulation, development and consolidation of adequate forms of behavior and response.

Lesson type:

Combined lesson

Used textbooks and teaching aids:

1. N. Kozlov. The best psychological games and exercises. Ekaterinburg, ARD LTD, 1997.

2. T. Exacousto. Workshop on group psychocorrection. Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2007.

Methodological literature used:

1. A. Rean, A. Kudashev, A. Baranov. Psychology of personality adaptation. St. Petersburg, "Prime Euroznak", 2006.

2. L. Ann. Psychological training with teenagers. Publishing house "Peter", 2003.

Equipment used:

Materials for the game: felt-tip pens - 4 packs, ballpoint pens and album sheets according to the number of players.

Brief description:

A psychological game for teenagers aged 15-17 years will strengthen positive business communication skills and give an idea of ​​a decent lifestyle...

Progress of the game

Today we will go on an amazing journey to uninhabited islands. What this journey will be like depends only on you. Two islands await us, “Green” and “Red,” which we will have to populate and make the life of its inhabitants safe, decent and interesting.

And so, its first inhabitants - the presidents of the future island states - go to the uninhabited islands. A lottery is drawn among the participants. Whoever pulled out a chip with the letters “PZ” written on it is the president of the green island, “PK” - the red one. Presidents go to the "islands".

How do presidents feel when alone with their unique selves? (the presidents describe their feelings).

How long can you stay alone?

And so, the time has come when you want to socialize, have fun, engage in common useful work, and show your abilities. Presidents must populate their islands with people so that they get a full-fledged society capable of creating conditions for each of its members to be successful and a decent life. The choice is made from the remaining participants of the game in the amount of 7 people in turn. The president who is the first to get tired of loneliness starts. When making a choice, each president must justify it. For example: “I choose Afanasyev A., because he leads healthy image life, a responsible, fair person, wants to become a lawyer. Build without a competent lawyer rule of law impossible". The chosen one takes a place on the island. The next choice is made by the president of the other island, and so on.

Once the presidents settle their islands, the remaining members play the role of observers. Their task is to observe how residents build their relationships in joint activities when solving assigned tasks in achieving the goal.

Residents of the two islands receive the same tasks. They must come up with:

Name of the state, capital;


Coat of arms;

Choose a song that will be an anthem;


Basic laws (5);



Residents of the islands, under the leadership of the presidents, work for 20 - 30 minutes. Observers (each for himself) record the main moments of their interaction on a sheet of paper divided in half: +, -. Actions, methods and techniques of interaction are assessed, but not the personalities of the participants.

Pay special attention to:

Clarity and reasonableness of distribution of responsibilities;

Leadership from the President;

Ability to negotiate using positive methods.

"Presentation of the State." For 10 minutes, the inhabitants of each island represent their state and prove that it is the best, that it is their state that is capable of providing each of its members with a life worthy of a person.

After the presentation, each of the observers independently chooses the island and state where, in his opinion, the best conditions have been created for human life. favorable conditions. Each observer justifies his choice. The state with the most inhabitants at the end of the game wins.

The game ends with the “Gift to Friends” exercise. Presidents “give” residents of a neighboring state a design on their back as a gift, having first drawn it graphically on paper. Each resident draws what they understand on the back of the player in front. The latter draws on a piece of paper what was given to him and compares it with the president’s drawing. If the drawings coincide, it means that mutual understanding between the states has been achieved. They are not rivals, but friends, ready to come to each other’s aid at any moment. We wish you fruitful cooperation, dear friends!

This game was developed for a group of teenagers aged 12-15 years with deviant behavior who were undergoing a social adaptation course at the “Soul” center for the protection of the rights of minors. Teachers who directly work with teenagers took part in it. At the start of the game, the participants had known each other for about a month.

The game is based on the elements and principles used during the training “ Rope course" The features of this training are the use of a person’s physical abilities to develop certain psychological qualities, the inclusion of tourist obstacles, the emphasis is on the work of the entire team, and special attention is paid to compliance with safety regulations. Each task has its own legend, which is told by the presenter before completing it. After completing each task, there is a discussion about it.

In the domestic literature, some of these training exercises were first described by A. Lutoshkin; abroad, similar programs are based on “Outdoor Ropes Course” - an extreme course by American psychologist Carl Ronke. The exercises we used in the game were based on the materials presented in the bibliography.

The purpose of the game: to unite the group, teach teamwork and the ability to take responsibility.

  1. Preparing the site for the game (together with teenagers).
  2. Introducing participants to the rules of the game.
  3. Carrying out stages of the game to unite the participants.
  4. Discussion of each stage with participants.

Target group: teenagers and adults, number of participants – 12 people.

Duration: 1-1.5 hours

Materials used: ropes, carabiners and harness (used in tourism), tent, hiking mats, tennis balls, rope ladder, balloons, chocolate, ski poles, scarf or shawl, three small boards 30x30cm.

Game plan

Discussion of the rules of the game

1.1 Nest with “golden” eggs
1.2 Travel by ship

2. Main part of the game
2.1 Legend – “Glade of Conversations”
2.2 “Labyrinth”
2.3 “Refuge”
2.4 “Spiderweb”
2.5 “Rescue Signal”
2.6 “Swamp”

3.Complete the lesson

Pre-game preparation:

Before the game, teachers together with teenagers on the territory of the institution prepared specially equipped area(a limited area that can be marked with bright markers), including :

  • a place for discussion “Meadow of Conversations” - three knocked together benches placed in a semicircle;
  • a rope ladder attached to a horizontal bar and stretched at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ground;
  • place for crossing - a rope stretched between a tree (at a height of 5-6 meters) and a driven post (2 m);
  • place for playing the game “spider web” - a vertical web of ropes, with a minimum of 12 cells, is stretched between two pillars into which a participant can crawl (approximate size 0.8 x 0.2 m, thinner depending on the size of the participants). The bottom rope of the web is stretched at a height of 1 m above the ground.
  • a “labyrinth” marked with bright ropes;
  • knocked together wooden platform measuring 1.5 m x 1.5 m

Progress of the game

Participants line up. The presenters announce to the participants the purpose of the game being played with them and the rules that they must follow.

Discussion of the rules of the game:

  1. There is no time limit for preparing the task; you are allowed to talk during this period.
  2. The task begins after the whole group says: “We are ready.”
  3. The task is considered completed if everyone completes the task without error. If at least one participant makes a mistake, the group returns to its starting position.
  4. During the task itself, all participants must remain silent; if someone begins to speak, the group returns to its starting position.
  5. If one of the participants cannot complete the task, the team can buy him back using bonuses received during the pre-stage.
  6. If the team fails to complete the task after several attempts, the participants can refuse to complete it only if the entire group says: “We give up.”

1. Pre-stage:

1.1. “Nest with golden eggs”

Legend: You are a team of travelers who have set out on a long voyage. But before you go on the road, you need to stock up on gold; for this, your whole team needs to get “golden eggs” (bonuses that will be useful to you in the future for redeeming items or participants).

Task: Each participant must climb a rope ladder to a nest with “golden

eggs” (baskets with tennis balls suspended from the horizontal bar). Each participant can take only one “egg”. Those who fall stop completing the task. The team can help the participant by holding the rope ladder from different sides.

1.2. “Ship Trip”

Legend: So, you have earned your treasure, and now you are setting off on a long voyage to unknown lands.

Assignment: Participants as a team must fit into two hoops connected to each other in one place - this is a conditional ship, and set off on the road - they begin to move in the hoops to a certain designated place.

Closer to the designated border, participants are given addition to the legend:“The team was shipwrecked during the voyage and ended up on a desert island.” Participants leave their “ship” (hoops) and are taken by the presenters to the “Glade of Conversations” (a place for discussion) on the territory of the “island” (designated territory).

2. Main part of the game:

2.1. “Glade of Conversations”(further discussions will be held in this place)

Legend: You find yourself on a desert island. The ship you were traveling on crashed into the rocks, but the “golden eggs” obtained before the journey were preserved. Your task is to survive: pass the tests and escape. There may be people on the island - aborigines, from whom you may have to buy or exchange something. There are situations ahead of you in which you must show your ability to work in a group and help each other.

2.2. “Labyrinth”

Legend: One of the group members, when escaping from a sinking ship, got ashore in a very dangerous place, he became entangled in poisonous vines (labyrinth) and from their poison he temporarily lost sight (the participant was blindfolded). You found out about this when you started getting together, now you want to save him.

Task: The team needs to take the participant out of the maze so that he does not touch the vines (ropes) or get hurt. If he touches the restrictions, he returns to the point of origin of the movement. Team members line up around the perimeter of the maze. They must lead their participant out of the maze using words, and one participant says only one word, he is prohibited from repeating the same word 2 times in a row. When one participant speaks, the others are silent, including the blindfolded participant. If a rule is violated, the task is repeated. Team members can interact using non-verbal means of communication (participants are given time to figure this out for themselves).

2.3. "Refuge"

Legend: Night falls on the island, it becomes dark and cold. The team needs to build a shelter for themselves, but you have nothing left after the shipwreck. While you were discussing what to do, aborigines appeared out of nowhere. They are ready to exchange things useful to you (which they also picked up after your shipwreck) for your “golden eggs”.

Task: The team needs to decide what exactly they will exchange their bonuses for (to choose from: rugs - 1 egg, awning - 4, tent - 9, ski poles - 1 egg/piece). Having completed the construction of the shelter at wooden flooring, the team must fit completely into it and sit there for 3 minutes so that it does not collapse.

After completing the task, the team returns to the “clearing of conversations”, there is a discussion of the task on the following issues:

  1. Are the participants satisfied with how they completed the task? Was it easy to make the decision?
  2. What helped you complete the task?
  3. What got in your way when completing the task?
  4. What do you need to consider before moving on to the next situation?

2.4. “Cobweb”

Legend: Day has come on the island, now the participants need to get food for the whole team. The food is in a certain place, the entrance to which is blocked by a spider with a poisonous web.

Task: You need to get food by moving the whole team to the other side of the web. There are cells in the web that you can climb through, but these cells cannot be reused, that is, each participant must crawl through his own cell. The web (ropes) must not be touched. If any of the participants makes a mistake, the whole team starts the stage all over again. One of the participants can be bought off for 2 golden eggs, if he cannot cope. The bought-off participant can help the others. Having passed the stage, the team receives food (2 chocolates).

After completing the task, the team returns to the “clearing of conversations”, there is a discussion of the task on the following issues:

  1. Are the participants satisfied with how they completed the task?
  2. What helped you complete the task?
  3. What got in your way when completing the task?
  4. What do you need to consider before moving on to the next situation?

2.5. “Salvation Signal”

Legend: In the distance of the ocean, something similar to a ship suddenly appears, you need to give a signal that you are on this island. There was a signal bag on your ship, perhaps it washed ashore after the crash. The whole team goes in search of this bag and finds it on a tall tree. Now the team’s task is to signal the rescue.

Assignment: A liana (rope) is stretched from the tallest tree to the log. Along this vine (rope), one of the participants (chosen by the team) must crawl to a bag suspended on a tree and take it. The participant, with the help of the presenters, puts on a safety system, gloves on his hands, is secured to the rope with the help of a carabiner and, helping himself with his hands and feet, crawls up to the signal bag. Another rope is attached to the safety system, the end of which is held by the other participants. After the bag is retrieved, the team helps that participant back using a second free rope. The bag contains signal balloons, which the whole team inflates in 2 minutes. Then you need to attach the signal balls to the top of the log.

Participants can talk during this exercise.

After completing the task, the team returns to the “clearing of conversations”, there is a discussion of the task on the following issues:

  1. Are the participants satisfied with how they completed the task?
  2. What helped you complete the task?
  3. What got in your way when completing the task?
  4. What guided you when choosing the person who would complete the task?

2.6. "Swamp"

Legend: The signal was given, the people on the ship saw it and approached the island, now they can be clearly seen. But on the way from the island to the ship there is an obstacle - a swamp, through which the ship cannot pass, and it is also impossible to swim across it.

Task: The team's task is to overcome the swamp using three hummocks. Conditions: you cannot step into the swamp, it is forbidden to leave the hummock empty - otherwise it will drown, the whole team must cross. The task is completed silently. As soon as all participants overcome the swamp, the team is saved.

3. Completion of the lesson:

Legend: The team coped with the tests, everyone reached the side of the ship and were saved.

After completing all the tasks, the team gathers again at the “Meadow of Conversations” to sum up the results.

Sample facilitator questions: “What did you learn about yourself during this game?”, “What did you understand about your actions as a group?”, “How does what you learned here relate to how you acted in other areas of your life?” life - at home, at school, at work?


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