It is easier for a black cat to get into the house. What do black cats bring into the house? Despite the fact that in most cases, black cats represent evil, in some countries their appearance is a good sign, indicating imminent good luck

There are many signs about a black cat in the house. The most important sign is known to everyone - folk superstition claims that meeting a black cat on the street is extremely undesirable. A negative situation is when an animal of a dark color crosses the road: in this case, it is strongly recommended to abruptly change the route to avoid trouble.

However, let's figure out where this sign came from? How common is it? Has a black cat always been considered a harbinger of bad luck?

A little history

The Egyptians respected black cats, even worshiped them. At the same time, the black cat was considered a model of grace and beauty. The people believed that such an animal brings with it good luck and the favor of the gods.

The negative image of a black cat arose only in the Middle Ages, when witch hunts began. During this period, the idea arose that a real witch always had a black cat at her disposal as a talisman. Now we don't believe in witches at all, but we are still afraid of black cats. Most likely, completely in vain!

By the way, truly popular ideas (for example, the superstitions of the peoples of Southern Europe) claim that a black pet is an excellent amulet for the home. This is a brave, wayward creature that will always protect its owners from any negativity, including evil spirits. It is the graceful black cat that is capable of such feats, and not the pampered lazy cats of a light color. And one more sign, this time from the Southern Hemisphere: in Mexico, a black cat is a sign of good luck, not misfortune. So what to believe is your choice!

Representations of our distant ancestors

It is known that the ancient Slavs respected black cats. They were considered not only unsurpassed mousecatchers, but also powerful amulets. IN new home These animals were necessarily released first so that the cat would make friends with the spirit of the house, the brownie. According to the ideas of our ancestors, in this case, people in the house will live calmly and well, there will be no quarrels and conflicts in the family, the house will be protected from robbers. In addition, such a pet will protect family members from evil eyes and damage. In general, oppose the witches, and not be their ally.

True, there was one negative idea - that a black cat attracts lightning. Therefore, the pet was usually allowed outside during a thunderstorm.

In England, the following ideas about black cats existed: the British believed that a black cat, as an extremely capricious creature, influences its owners, and they become more loving than usual. In general, having a black cat meant increasing the number of love affairs.

People considered it a wonderful sign if a black stray cat came into the house on its own. In this case, people believed that the animal specifically chose its home in order to protect it from evil forces.

The Western Slavs carefully observed where the animal liked to rest. A crib was placed in this place, which was considered especially favorable. In Serbia, for example, it was believed that a black cat has a color reminiscent of the color of mother earth, and therefore can serve as a symbol of the harvest and will help peasants get a richer harvest.

And one more superstition: if a young girl gets a black cat, she will not have problems with fans, she will always be successful with men.

Modern superstitions

Modern superstitions about black cats are mostly related to the healing abilities of these animals. It is popularly believed that cats of a dark color have powerful energy, and therefore can treat their sick owners. To do this, pets themselves lie down on right place and lie there for the time necessary for healing. Whether to believe in this or not is up to everyone to choose for themselves, but many owners of black cats claim that stories of healing with the help of a pet are the pure truth.

Many owners of black cats claim that their pets help not only with a common cold, but also with more serious illnesses, for example, joint pain, as well as depression, severe mental states and even with addictions. An animal is able to support its owner, transfer its energy to him, restore the balance of power, and lift his spirits.

Japan also has its own ideas about black cats: in this country, people consider such an unexpected situation when a black cat sneezes very favorable. You urgently need to tell him: “Be healthy,” and this will guarantee you complete absence toothache for life.

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There are a huge number of different breeds of cats in the world, but for some reason it is black cats that have a “bad” reputation. Let's try to figure out why this is so.

What do you think about when you see a black cat? About Halloween? About witches? Do you think about your death or possible failures? Or about your chance to meet a guy? When it comes to black cats, all superstitions and myths disappear, because in fact, they are the cutest creatures on the planet. And now we will tell you all the most interesting things about these felines.

1. In general, there are 22 cat breeds in the world with a completely black color. Most people who say “black cat” think of a Bombay cat.

2. Bombay cats were artificially bred for only one purpose - to create a breed similar to a panther. The initiator of this idea was a breeder from Kentucky, Nikki Horner. Bombay cats are very playful and friendly.

3. Have you ever wondered why black cats have a bad reputation in some cultures around the world?

Some scientists claim that this superstition has its roots in Ancient Greece. The Earth Goddess, Hera, wanted to prevent the birth of Hercules (the illegitimate son of her husband, Zeus and Princess Alcmene). Alcmene's servant thwarted the plans of the goddess, and for this she turned him into a black cat and sent him to serve the god of death and witchcraft. Since then, any black cat, according to legend, can serve the god of death.

4. In the Middle Ages, all cats were considered evil spirits and were associated with the devil and witches.

The fact is that women who were unfairly accused of witchcraft loved to care for street cats. Therefore, society believed that they use cats to perform their magical rituals.

5. In the Middle Ages, it was also believed that witches turned into cats.

According to legend, one day a man and his son threw a stone at a black cat that crossed their path, and it hid in the house of the supposed “witch.” The next day, when they came across her, she was limping. They believed that the woman was the cat at which they threw the stone.

6. In 1233, Pope Gregory XI issued a decree that all black cats are the personification of the devil.

Since cats hunt at night and many magical rituals are also performed in the dark, cats were dragged along with the pagans, against whom the church fiercely fought.

7. In particular, in Finland there was a belief that black cats were able to transfer the souls of the dead to another life.

And in Germany they believed that if a black cat climbed onto the bed of a sick person, he would soon die.

8. Despite the fact that in most cases, black cats represent evil, in some countries their appearance is a good sign, indicating quick success.

Thus, in Asia and some European countries, cats are harbingers of financial well-being and a good harvest.

9. They say that a black cat helps to find a groom and bless a marriage.

In some cultures, the bride is given a black cat as a sign that good luck and happiness await her. family life. It is also believed that a dark-colored cat will bring happiness and a long life together to the newlyweds.

10. The National Institutes of Health conducted research according to which a genetic mutation that gives a cat a completely black color protects it from many diseases.

11. Black cats have the ability to change color. For example, they can turn red.

Due to long exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the gene that is responsible for stripes disrupts the functioning of coat pigments, reducing the amount of tyrosine in the body, resulting in a change in color.

12. Sailors consider cats their good friends. Cats are not only excellent at catching mice on a ship, but are also a symbol of a safe return home.

13. Some black cats have completely yellow eyes. The reason is an excess of melanin. But not all black cats have this feature.

14. Over time, people begin to turn gray and their hair color turns white. So it is with cats. Only their fur begins to turn white with age.

15. The richest cat in the Guinness Book of Records owns $13 million. She received an inheritance from her rich mistress after her death.

16. There are more black cats than cats. According to legends, males bring more luck, and the black color appears predominantly in males. This is probably why cats are more valued in some places.

17. For a black cat to be born, its parents must also have black fur.

Remember point 11 about color change. The presence of stripes indicates the predominance of coat with a fur pattern, therefore, in order for a black kitten to be born, the gene responsible for black fur must dominate in its parents.

18. Surely, you have dreamed of a black cat more than once. Many dream interpreters tend to think that a cat in a dream is a sign of good luck, while others think that one should not trust one’s intuition.

19. There are a huge number of myths about people and cats. For example, the ancient Druids believed that a black cat is the reincarnation of a person who did bad things during his life and is now punished for his sins.

20. It is believed that Freya, the goddess of love and beauty, rode a cart drawn by black cats.

21. In the USA and Canada, many children choose a black cat costume for Halloween. He is also quite popular among girls in his first year of college.

22. There was once a rumor that black cats from shelters had a harder time finding homes. Numerous studies have successfully refuted the rumors. Quite the contrary. Black cats are the easiest to adopt.

23. Many shelters do not specifically accommodate black cats. They are afraid that cats may become victims of magical rituals.

24. In Japan, there is a special cafe where black cats live. While you are drinking tea, cats are purring around you and you can play with them and pet them.

25. We hope you are convinced that black cats are simply adorable! There are even 2 days dedicated to them a year - August 17 and November 17.

Today a black cat in the house is common occurrence. However, there are still people who are wary of fluffies of this color, since there are a lot of bad omens associated with them. About the origins negative attitude people to a black cat, signs of different times and peoples, as well as the characteristics of these animals, read in this article.

The secret of color

In the Middle Ages, people believed that black was the color cat hair- this is the mark of the devil. After all, people have always associated Satan with something dark. Fortunately, it's long gone dark times, and today everyone knows that coat color is just genetics.

According to the results of scientific research, initially hair wild cat colored due to the influence of two pigments - black and yellow. Their mixture gives the most common shade - gray. The color of the animal depends on the amount of each pigment in the “cocktail” (their proportional ratio).

The black cat that lives in many people’s houses is a real mutant. His body completely lacks yellow pigment (pheomelanin) - hence the color of his fur coat. However, there are very few completely black cats. Experienced breeders know how difficult it is to breed an animal with this coat color.

Black Cat Day

Not everyone knows that Black Cat Day exists. It has been celebrated in Italy on November 17 since 2007. The initiator of the introduction of such a holiday was a local organization that protects animal rights. According to its participants, black cats are the most vulnerable “class of population” among all other animals domesticated by humans.

Every year in Italy, approximately one and a half thousand fluffies of this color die at the hands of people, and 60 thousand go missing. Mass killings of black cats occur in November, when Halloween is celebrated. Apparently superstitious comrades sacrifice the unfortunate animals to evil spirits.

Today, keeping a black cat at home is normal for most. It was once taboo. True, representatives of this color were not always persecuted. When black cats first appeared in Europe, they were highly valued. After all, these animals, brought by the Phoenicians from Egypt, were excellent at catching mice in the dark. Every owner wanted a black cat to live in his house.

Problems began during the Middle Ages. It was the black cat’s ability to successfully hunt at night that became her death sentence. People decided that since an animal can see perfectly in the dark, while remaining unnoticed by others, it means that it is endowed with some kind of superpowers and is an accomplice of evil spirits.

Black cats were stoned to death and burned at the stake. Often together with people, next to whom an animal of this color was seen. Therefore, as soon as the black cat got into the house, the owners were seized with panic.

After all, it threatened them mortal danger. This is probably where many of the bad omens came from. By the way, even one white hair in the fluffy fur coat could save him from certain death. Only few of the inquisitors bothered to look for them.

In the 19th century, Russia actively traded cat fur with China. Most of all, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire liked black fur coats. Of course, this could not turn out well for representatives of this color. They were caught en masse in pursuit of the “long ruble.”

Here's another interesting one historical fact. It would never even have occurred to the English King Charles the First to throw his black cat into the street. He firmly believed that his pet brought him good luck, and even assigned guards to her. When the cat died of natural causes, the monarch was in despair. Literally the next day he was arrested and some time later executed.

The most common signs

It is not surprising that when choosing a pet, many people today wonder whether a black cat in the house is good or bad. After all, these animals don’t have a very good “reputation” and it’s all because bad omens, among which are the following:

  • If a stray black cat appears in the house, expect trouble.
  • A black cat attracts lightning into the house during a thunderstorm.
  • In a family where a black cat lives, there will be betrayals.

The first two are Russian folk beliefs, and the third is part of English folklore. In addition, many people believe that if a black cat crosses the road, it is bad luck, bad luck, failure of plans.

Especially in cases where the animal moved towards the fastener on the clothing (that is, as if jumping “in the bosom”). In Rus', even just seeing a cat of the “devilish” color in a dream on the night before Christmas was considered bad. This promised a serious illness.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that there are many more positive signs associated with coal-colored fluffies. For example :

  • A black cat on the porch is a sign of financial success.
  • A black cat crouching next to a man promises him a quick wedding.
  • A black cat looking into the house will provide the owner with a lot of money, and the hostess with the same number of admirers.
  • A black cat on a ship is the best protection against storms and other dangers while sailing.
  • By letting an animal of this color into a new home first, you can hope that it will come to an agreement with the brownie, and the owners will live happily in this place.

If we analyze all the superstitions, we can conclude that black cats bring good luck and happiness into the house, and not troubles. People have historically had a worse attitude towards stray animals of this color. There are more negative signs associated with them than positive ones.

Like really

If we discard all prejudices and superstitions, then we can safely say: a black cat, neither in the house nor on the street, brings anything bad to a person. Moreover, it has several advantages that others do not have.

For example, esotericists are sure that a black cat can draw out bad energy from its owner better than animals with a different shade of fur coat. If the owner is in pain, the pet will definitely come and lie down on sore spot, and soon relief will come.

A completely black cat is rare. He looks noble, resembling a panther. It will become a real home decoration. In addition, as noted above, black cats are considered the best rodent hunters.

If you want to adopt a kitten of this color, there is no need to doubt it. Nothing bad pet He won’t bring you into the house, but will become a wonderful friend, healer and everyone’s favorite. All other opinions, as they say, are from the evil one.