Ostap Bender's phrases from the golden calf. Life is beautiful, despite the shortcomings: a selection of quotes from the film The Golden Calf

Well, do you understand me? No?

* What if they are not gold? - No, you saw it, huh?! What do you think they are?! Panikovsky.

* Won't the bloody boys bother you? Koreiko.

* Who are you, please tell me? -Who are you? - No, who are you, I ask?! - Who are you?! Panikovsky, Balaganov.

* A car, comrades, is not a luxury, but a means of transportation! Ostap.

* The gasoline is yours, and the ideas are ours! Ostap.

* You can’t hit!.. You can’t hit! Bender doesn't allow it! Panikovsky.

* Closer to the body, as Maupassant said! Ostap.

* Throw the bird! Throw the bird, I say! Ostap.

* As a child, I killed people like you on the spot with a slingshot. Ostap.

* Our Black Sea department also has its weaknesses, its problems in the assay tent, but there is such bureaucracy as in “Hercules”!.. Ostap.

* You won't get far in this carriage of the past! Ostap.

* There are shipwrecks floating in this naval borscht. Ostap.

*You have nothing to lose except spare chains. Ostap.

* I’ll tell you as if it were my own, Shura, you know how much I respect you, how much I love you, Shura... Panikovsky.

* Soar, falcons, like eagles! Ostap.

*Won't you drink vodka? Will you dance naked under the moon? Kozlevich.

* Take me, I'm good, I'll never be again! Panikovsky.

* Here I am a millionaire! So put me in a movie, the idiot's dreams have come true! Ostap.

* Get up, Count, they are calling you from the dungeon. Ostap.

* I'll get gold teeth and get married! Panikovsky.

*Did you see? Soooo! Have you seen? Everyone saw it! And you saw everything too! And you saw everything, you are all witnesses! Panikovsky.

* You don’t know Panikovsky yet! Panikovsky will sell you all, and buy you, and sell you again, but for more! Panikovsky.

* You are a tramp, Shura, a Gorky type! We need to dress you up, umggg, give you major renovation. Ostap.

* You know the news, Adam, every citizen, even a party member, is pressed by an atmospheric column weighing two hundred and fourteen kilos! Ostap.

* Do you know what a goose is? - I know. - You know what a neck, a leg, a wing are! You know how much I love goose! - I know, we saw it in Arbatov. - Yes, you didn’t see anything! I kill him with one blow, like a bullfighter, I kill him! - Forward, forward, forward! - It's an opera when I'm walking on a goose! "Carmen", you understand! - Forward, forward, forward! - Listen, Kozlevich, this is a femina! This is opera! Leg, neck... neck... wing! Panikovsky, Ostap.

*Are you a thinker? What is your last name, thinker? Jean-Jacques Rousseau? Marcus Aurelius? Spinoza? Ostap.

* You are a dude, the son of a dude and your children will be dudes! Ostap.

* You did not descend from a monkey, like all other citizens, you descended from a cow: you are slow to think. Ostap.

* Were you at the bishop’s name day? Ostap.

* You may want to stab me, cut my body into pieces, send me at low speed to different cities, and leaven the head in a barrel with cabbage?! So I'm against it. Ostap.

* Where were you raised, Shura! Hands right away! What's happened! Panikovsky.

* Homer, Milton and Panikovsky - warm... warm company! Ostap.

* Citizen, you are poisoned! Episode.

* Give me a million! Give me a million! Give me one million!... Give me a million!... Panikovsky.

* Girls love young long-legged and politically literate people! Ostap.

* For good man I don’t mind a million! Korean.

* Life dictates its harsh laws to us. Ostap.

* Became brown! He's turned brown, eh! He's turned brown! Balaganov.

* The hearing continues, gentlemen of the jury! Ostap.

* Connoisseur! Such experts must be killed! Ostap.

* And an old woman can have a hard time, as the Polish beauty Inga Zajonc said a month after her marriage to my childhood friend Kolya Ostenbaken. Ostap.

* And only in the morning, at dawn, I suddenly remembered that this verse had already been written by A. Pushkin. What a blow from a classic! Ostap.

* Excuse me, girl, did you live near Marseille in 1898? Ostap.

* You are an interesting person, Alexander Ivanovich! Everything is fine with you! Marvelous! With such happiness - and in freedom! Ostap.

* What a fem... oh, femina, my God! Panikovsky.

* When will we divide our money? Panikovsky.

* I will command the parade! Ostap.

*Who is against it? - I! - Unanimously! Ostap, Panikovsky.

* Who is Kozlevich, what should we share with him?! We don't know any Kozlevich! Panikovsky.

* Okay, live, I forgive you! Ostap.

* Personally, I have four hundred relatively honest ways to take money! Ostap.

* Mom, let's go to the bins. Ostap.

* Materialization of spirits and distribution... of elephants! Ostap.

* I don't need an eternal needle. I don't want to live forever, I want to die. Ostap.

* I will never get from you what my childhood friend Kolya Ostenbaken achieved from my childhood friend, the Polish beauty Inga Zajonc: he got love from her. Ostap.

* I need five hundred thousand and, if possible, all at once, and not in parts. - Maybe you can take it in parts, hmm? Ostap, Balaganov.

* You don’t have to count it, it’s like in a bank. Koreiko.

* Mulattoes, millionaires, bay, coffee export, Charleston called "My Girl Has One Little Thing"! What to talk about! Ostap.

* A beautiful widow with Persian eyes will not sit on your grave, and tear-stained children will not shout: “Dad! Dad, can you hear us?!” Ostap.

* Great battles await us! Ostap.

* I won't distract you. This will prevent you from highlighting correctly. gastric juice, so necessary for health. Ostap.

* Don't make a cult out of food! Ostap.

* No need for applause! I did not become the Count of Monte Cristo. We'll have to retrain as building managers. End. Ostap.

* There is no Rio de Janeiro, and there is no America, and there is no Europe. There is nothing. And in general last city on earth - this is Shepetovka, about which the waves crash Atlantic Ocean. Ostap!

* No, this is not Rio de Janeiro! Ostap.

* From ten to four you are for Soviet power. But I’m the only one who knows about your second life, from four to ten. Ostap.

* Panikovsky doesn’t have to believe everything, Shura! Panikovsky.

* Saw, Shura, cut! Panikovsky.

* Writes, look! Ilf and Petrov! Panikovsky.

* The defendant tried to kill me, but, of course, only out of pure curiosity: he just wanted to know what was inside me. Ostap.

* Go to Kyiv, and that's it! - What kind of Kyiv? - Go and ask what Panikovsky did before the revolution. Go and ask. That's all! Go and ask. - So what? - No, you go and ask, and they will answer you that before the revolution Panikovsky was blind, Shura! Panikovsky, Balaganov.

* Only an insurance policy can give a person complete peace of mind. Ostap.

* One and a half million people, and all of them are wearing white pants! Ostap.

* It's time to start working bourgeois life in Rio de Janeiro! Ostap.

*After learning about your past and present, I have lost faith in humanity. Isn’t this worth a million rubles?!.. Ostap.

* You will have to act not only on land, but also at sea. Ostap.

* Trade Union of Proletarians of Mental Labor! Ostap.

* I ask those who are nervous to leave the hall! Ostap.

* Workers from you, as from dog tail sieve! Ostap.

* Since there are banknotes floating around in the country, it means there must be people who have a lot of them. Ostap.

* Do I look like a person who has relatives?! Ostap.

* You should part with money easily, without groaning. Koreiko.

* Crying, he climbs into the cupboard and takes out a plate with blue... what? - With a border! Ostap, Balaganov.

* The most important thing is to cause confusion in the enemy camp. The enemy must lose peace of mind. Ostap.

* Today, take the train and head to the West, to large cultural centers. Ostap

* Nowadays many people forget the names of the heroes of the revolution. The fuss of NEP. There is no more enthusiasm! Ostap.

* How much money do you need to be happy? - One hundred rubles. - No, Shura, you didn’t understand me. Not today, but in general. For happiness, okay? May you feel good in the world. - For complete happiness? - Yes. - Six thousand four hundred. Ostap, Balaganov.

* Hats off! Bare your heads! The body will now be removed! Ostap.

* Even Narkomfin with its super-powerful machinery cannot find a Soviet millionaire tax apparatus. Ostap.

* Our Skumbrievich confessed and could not stand the confrontation. Let me down! Episode.

* You can immediately see a person from an earlier time, Shurochka! There are no such people anymore. Where?! And soon it won't be at all. One, two - and that's it! Panikovsky.

* Comrades! International band... the situation... our response to Chamberlain... and I beat him for the weights and fought with him even earlier. Balaganov.

*Theft only. - Only robbery. - Only theft, Shura! - Only robbery! Panikovsky, Balaganov.

* Don't you have a cold cutlet in your bosom? Ostap.

* The lieutenant had three sons: two were smart, the third was a fool. Ostap.

* I have a wife, children and another woman in Rostov-on-Don. Episode.

* What if they are not gold? - No, you saw it, huh?! What do you think they are?!

* Won't the bloody boys bother you?

* Who are you, please tell me?
-Who are you?
- No, who are you, I ask?!
- Who are you?!
Panikovsky, Balaganov.

* A car, comrades, is not a luxury, but a means of transportation! Ostap.

* The gasoline is yours, and the ideas are ours! Ostap.

* You can’t hit!.. You can’t hit! Bender doesn't allow it! Panikovsky.

* Closer to the body, as Maupassant said! Ostap.

* Throw the bird! Throw the bird, I say! Ostap.

* As a child, I killed people like you on the spot with a slingshot. Ostap.

* Our Black Sea department also has its weaknesses, its problems in the assay tent, but there is such bureaucracy as in “Hercules”!.. Ostap.

* You won't get far in this carriage of the past! Ostap.

* There are shipwrecks floating in this naval borscht. Ostap.

*You have nothing to lose except spare chains. Ostap.

* I’ll tell you as if I were my own, Shura, you know how much I respect you, how much I love you, Shura... Panikovsky.

* Soar, falcons, like eagles! Ostap.

*Won't you drink vodka? Will you dance naked under the moon? Kozlevich.

* Take me, I'm good, I'll never be again! Panikovsky.

* Here I am a millionaire! So put me in a movie, the idiot's dreams have come true! Ostap.

* Get up, Count, they are calling you from the dungeon. Ostap.

* I'll get gold teeth and get married! Panikovsky.

*Did you see? Soooo! Have you seen? Everyone saw it! And you saw everything too! And you saw everything, you are all witnesses! Panikovsky.

* You don’t know Panikovsky yet! Panikovsky will sell you all, and buy you, and sell you again, but for more! Panikovsky.

* You are a tramp, Shura, a Gorky type! You need to be dressed up, umggg, given a major overhaul. Ostap.

* You know the news, Adam, every citizen, even a party member, is pressed by an atmospheric column weighing two hundred and fourteen kilos! Ostap.

* Do you know what a goose is?
- I know.
- You know what a neck, a leg, a wing are! You know how much I love goose!
- I know, we saw it in Arbatov.
- Yes, you didn’t see anything! I kill him with one blow, like a bullfighter, I kill him! - Forward, forward, forward! - It's an opera when I'm walking on a goose! "Carmen", you understand! - Forward, forward, forward! - Listen, Kozlevich, this is a femina! This is opera! Leg, neck... neck... wing!
Panikovsky, Ostap.

*Are you a thinker? What is your last name, thinker? Jean-Jacques Rousseau? Marcus Aurelius? Spinoza? Ostap.

* You are a dude, the son of a dude and your children will be dudes! Ostap.

* You did not descend from a monkey, like all other citizens, you descended from a cow: you are slow to think. Ostap.

* Were you at the bishop’s name day? Ostap.

* Maybe you want to stab me, chop my body into pieces, send me at low speed to different cities, and ferment my head in a barrel of cabbage?! So I'm against it. Ostap.

* Where were you raised, Shura! Hands right away! What's happened! Panikovsky.

* Homer, Milton and Panikovsky - warm... warm company! Ostap.

* Citizen, you are poisoned! Episode.

* Give me a million! Give me a million! Give me one million!... Give me a million!... Panikovsky.

* Girls love young long-legged and politically literate people! Ostap.

* For a good person, a million is not a pity! Korean.

* Life dictates its harsh laws to us. Ostap.

* Became brown! He's turned brown, eh! He's turned brown! Balaganov.

* The hearing continues, gentlemen of the jury! Ostap.

* Connoisseur! Such experts must be killed! Ostap.

* And an old woman can have a hard time, as the Polish beauty Inga Zajonc said a month after her marriage to my childhood friend Kolya Ostenbaken. Ostap.

* And only in the morning, at dawn, I suddenly remembered that this verse had already been written by A. Pushkin. What a blow from a classic! Ostap.

* Excuse me, girl, did you live near Marseille in 1898? Ostap.

* You are an interesting person, Alexander Ivanovich! Everything is fine with you! Marvelous! With such happiness - and in freedom! Ostap.

* What a fem... oh, femina, my God! Panikovsky.

* When will we divide our money? Panikovsky.

* I will command the parade! Ostap.

*Who is against it?
- I!
- Unanimously!
Ostap, Panikovsky.

* Who is Kozlevich, what should we share with him?! We don't know any Kozlevich! Panikovsky.

* Okay, live, I forgive you! Ostap.

* Personally, I have four hundred relatively honest ways to take money! Ostap.

* Mom, let's go to the bins. Ostap.

* Materialization of spirits and distribution... of elephants! Ostap.

* I don't need an eternal needle. I don't want to live forever, I want to die. Ostap.

* I will never get from you what my childhood friend Kolya Ostenbaken achieved from my childhood friend, the Polish beauty Inga Zajonc: he got love from her. Ostap.

* I need five hundred thousand and, if possible, all at once, and not in parts. - Maybe you can take it in parts, hmm? Ostap, Balaganov.

* You don’t have to count it, it’s like in a bank. Koreiko.

* Mulattoes, millionaires, bay, coffee export, Charleston called "My Girl Has One Little Thing"! What to talk about! Ostap.

* A beautiful widow with Persian eyes will not sit on your grave, and tear-stained children will not shout: “Dad! Dad, can you hear us?!” Ostap.

* Great battles await us! Ostap.

* I won't distract you. This will prevent you from properly secreting gastric juices, which are so necessary for health. Ostap.

* Don't make a cult out of food! Ostap.

* No need for applause! I did not become the Count of Monte Cristo. We'll have to retrain as building managers. End. Ostap.

* There is no Rio de Janeiro, and there is no America, and there is no Europe. There is nothing. And in general, the last city on earth is Shepetivka, on which the waves of the Atlantic Ocean crash. Ostap!

* No, this is not Rio de Janeiro! Ostap.

* From ten to four you are for Soviet power. But I’m the only one who knows about your second life, from four to ten. Ostap.

* Panikovsky is not obliged to believe everything, Shura! Panikovsky.

* Saw, Shura, cut! Panikovsky.

* Writes, look! Ilf and Petrov! Panikovsky.

* The defendant tried to kill me, but, of course, only out of pure curiosity: he just wanted to know what was inside me. Ostap.

* Go to Kyiv, and that's it!
- What kind of Kyiv?
- Go and ask what Panikovsky did before the revolution. Go and ask. That's all! Go and ask.
- So what?
- No, you go and ask, and they will answer you that before the revolution Panikovsky was blind, Shura! Panikovsky, Balaganov.

* Only an insurance policy can give a person complete peace of mind. Ostap.

* One and a half million people, and all of them are wearing white pants! Ostap.

* It's time to start working bourgeois life in Rio de Janeiro! Ostap.

*After learning about your past and present, I have lost faith in humanity. Isn’t this worth a million rubles?!.. Ostap.

* You will have to act not only on land, but also at sea. Ostap.

* Trade Union of Proletarians of Mental Labor! Ostap.

* I ask those who are nervous to leave the hall! Ostap.

* You workers are like a sieve made from a dog's tail! Ostap.

* Since there are banknotes floating around in the country, it means there must be people who have a lot of them. Ostap.
* Do I look like a person who has relatives?! Ostap.

* You should part with money easily, without groaning. Koreiko.

* Crying, he climbs into the cupboard and takes out a plate with blue... what? - With a border! Ostap, Balaganov.

* The most important thing is to cause confusion in the enemy camp. The enemy must lose his mental balance. Ostap.

* Today, take the train and head to the West, to large cultural centers. Ostap

* Nowadays many people forget the names of the heroes of the revolution. The fuss of NEP. There is no more enthusiasm! Ostap.

* How much money do you need to be happy?
- One hundred rubles.
- No, Shura, you didn’t understand me. Not today, but in general. For happiness, okay? May you feel good in the world.
- For complete happiness?
- Yes.
- Six thousand four hundred.
Ostap, Balaganov.

* Hats off! Bare your heads! The body will now be removed! Ostap.

* Even Narkomfin with its super-powerful tax apparatus cannot find a Soviet millionaire. Ostap.

* Our Skumbrievich confessed and could not stand the confrontation. Let me down! Episode.

* You can immediately see a person from an earlier time, Shurochka! There are no such people anymore. Where?! And soon it won't be at all. One, two - and that's it! Panikovsky.

* Comrades! International band... the situation... our response to Chamberlain... and I beat him for the weights and fought with him even earlier. Balaganov.

*Theft only. - Only robbery. - Only theft, Shura! - Only robbery! Panikovsky, Balaganov.

* Don't you have a cold cutlet in your bosom? Ostap.

* The lieutenant had three sons: two were smart, the third was a fool. Ostap.

* I have a wife, children and another woman in Rostov-on-Don. Episode.

* Such Tolstoyans must be killed! Ostap.

* They took the girl away! They took me straight out of the stall! Ostap.

* Let's hit the road rally against impassability, sloppiness and bureaucracy! Ostap.

* Do you recognize, do you recognize brother Kolya? - I recognize, I recognize brother Kolya! Ostap, Balaganov.

* I beg you, do not eat raw tomatoes at night, so as not to harm your stomach. Ostap.

* His last name was Nebaba. Crystal soul! Panikovsky.

* It was a good folder! It’s a pity to give it away, but I need money! Ostap.

*What are you yelling at? polar bear in warm weather? Ostap.

* What will happen now! What will I do with him? - Citizen, citizen! - Do not touch me! - This is not a night bar... - What will I do with it! - ...there is a milk cafe here. - You don’t know, this is a sea of ​​blood! Now there will be murder! Panikovsky, episode.

* Shura, launch Berlaga! Ostap.

* This is for me, this is for him, this is for him too, this is for Ostap Ibrahimovich, this is for me, no, this is for here, this is for me, this is for Ostap Ibrahimovich, this is for me, this is for him, this is also for him, this for me, this for Ostap Ibragimych... Panikovsky.

* He was a former blind man, an impostor and a goose thief. Ostap.

* This is the end! - This is the end of the first episode, student! First episode! Panikovsky, Ostap.

* I am a poor student, I am a part-time student. I have no money! Poor childhood in Kremenchug! My uncle breastfed me! Ostap.

* I am not a cherub, I do not have wings, but I respect the criminal code - this is my weakness. Ostap.

* I'm very poor... I haven't been to the bathhouse for a year... I'm old... girls don't like me... Panikovsky.

*I only serve on Saturdays. Ostap.

* I approach from the left side, and you enter from right side. Dark, very dark! I press it to the side on the left side, and you press it to the side on the right side. Then the fool stops and says, "You're a bully!" He tells me. "You're a bully! You're a bully!" Me: "A bully?" And you also come up and say: “Where is the bully? Are you a bully?” At this time I banged him!.. Balaganov.

* I'm buying a plane! Wrap it in paper! Ostap.

* I sat under Alexander II, the liberator; I sat under Alexander III, the peacemaker; I sat under Nicholas II, the bloody one; under Kerensky, hmm! I was sitting too! Under war communism, I didn’t sit: there was no work. But how I sat under the NEP, oh-oh-oh! Episode. I sat under Alexander II, and under the third, and under Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, and under Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky, and under the NEP, and during the frenzy, and before the frenzy, and after the frenzy... I sat under tsarism, I sat under socialism, I sat under the hetman, and now I’m unemployed... Episode.

* I am the son of Lieutenant Schmidt. Remember? Ochakov. Ostap.

* I am the son of a Turkish subject, therefore, a descendant of the Janissaries, and the Janissaries have no pity for women, children, or underground Soviet millionaires. Ostap.

* I am Pound! All my life I have sat for others, this is my profession - to suffer for others! Episode.

* You know, I’m not a financier, I’m a free artist and a cold philosopher. Ostap.

Do you miss Soviet films, the acting of your favorite characters and their catchphrases? Today we invite you to remember the most striking fragments from the legendary film The Golden Calf. In our selection you will find legendary phrases from the film that are still heard by everyone today.

The plot of The Golden Calf is a logical continuation of The Twelve Chairs. Ostap Bender, who miraculously survived the assassination attempt by Kisa Vorobyaninov, continues to hunt for easy money and play with fate.

This time, Ostap chooses a certain citizen Koreiko from Chernomorsk as his profit. Koreiko had an impressive income, but he does not want to share his million with anyone and carefully hides it. Ostap has always been resourceful and inventive, therefore, after putting in a lot of effort, he still manages to get the coveted million, but as it turned out, money does not bring him happiness, and in the end Bender was simply left with nothing.

The film was shot in 1968 by director Mikhail Schweitzer based on the novel of the same name by Ilf and Petrov. The role of Ostap Bender was played by Sergei Yursky, Shura Balaganov was played by Leonid Kuravlev, and Zinovy ​​Gerdt starred in the role of Panikovsky.


Pedestrians must be loved. Pedestrians make up the majority of humanity. Moreover, the best part of it. Pedestrians created the world.

You don’t have to love pedestrians, it’s enough to just let them pass and not hit them on the roads...)

It should be noted that the car was also invented by pedestrians. But motorists somehow immediately forgot about it. Meek and intelligent pedestrians began to be crushed. Streets created by pedestrians have passed into the hands of motorists.

It turns out that the one who is faster is stronger, or rather the one who drives a car...

The gasoline is yours, the ideas are ours.

So you also have to pay for gasoline...

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

Looking at the Porsche, I actually thought so...)

Cold soft-boiled eggs - the food is very tasteless, and good, cheerful man will never eat them.

What does this mean that I’m bad and boring?!))

Alexander Ivanovich did not eat, but ate. He didn't have breakfast, but did physiological process introducing into the body the proper amount of fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

And all these fats, carbohydrates and vitamins were not in food, but in food, right?)))

The iron horse is replacing the peasant horse.

Soon the horse will only be seen in the zoo...)

Real life flew by, joyfully trumpeting and sparkling with varnished wings.

If you say this, it means life hasn’t passed you by yet...))

You workers are like a sieve made from a dog's tail.

So I would have said: “none”, why pull the dog’s tail?)

I am an ideological fighter for banknotes!

I see that you are not only a fighter, you are also a collector of banknotes...)

All large current conditions acquired in the most dishonest way.

It’s immediately clear: whoever is poor is honest, whoever is rich is dishonest.

You have a car and you don’t know where to go. We don't have a car. But we know where to go.

The car moves not only due to gasoline, it is also driven by ideas...)

Socks with a double heel are not just the product of some cooperative artel of pseudo-disabled people, but a symbol of a happy marriage legalized by the registry office.

And if there were double tights, then not a single marriage would break up...)))

I did this not in the interests of truth, but in the interests of truth.

But what do you think the truth and the truth are so far away?)

I am a free artist and a cold philosopher.

I might as well not say anything, we already noticed it...)

By the way, about childhood. When I was a child, I killed people like you on sight. From a slingshot.

Calm down, you are not a child, you might miss...)

He will bring me his money himself, on a silver platter.

I have no doubt what it will bring, but definitely with a silver lining?)

Here I am a millionaire! An idiot's dreams come true!

IN once again made sure that normal people don't become millionaires...)

Don't hit your bald head on the parquet!

It’s not me, it’s all my thoughts dancing...)

You need to part with money easily, without groaning.

Especially when there’s not much to part with...)

I will command the parade!

Sounds kind of threatening...)

You are not in church, you will not be deceived.

Yes, it seems like they go to church for the truth...)

Have you noticed I have gray hair?
- No.
- They will. We have great things ahead of us.

Gray hair appears during great feats... or dark deeds...)))

You don’t dare touch me, my nervous system is exhausted...

And I thought you were mentally exhausted...

I'm old. Girls don't like me.
- Contact the Sexual Reform League.

Write a complaint, how dare they not love you...)

No need for applause! I did not become the Count of Monte Cristo. We'll have to retrain as building managers.

Are you sure that you will become a house manager?)

Fate plays with man, and man plays the trumpet.

Because he is not capable of playing anything else...)

For a good person, a million is not a pity.

In general, there will be an extra million, know that I am a good person...)))

Get up, Count, you are called from the dungeon.

Are you sure everything is okay in your head?)

The wreckage of a shipwreck floats in this naval borscht.

Be grateful that they are not cockroaches...)

Exactly, sometimes...)

When will we share our money?

What makes you think that they are also yours?))

I have a wife, children and another woman in Rostov-on-Don.

In general, soon there will be more children in Rostov-on-Don...)