How to use an infrared sauna heater. Cost of equipment sets for self-construction of an infrared sauna.

Increasingly, owners of country houses are abandoning traditional stove heating and choosing heating appliances. This is due to the fact that stove heating requires the preparation of firewood before winter, and is also associated with some difficulties. For example, to heat with wood, you need to set up a woodshed and constantly carry firewood into the house during heating. If a country house or bathhouse is used only once a week or even less often, it is easier to purchase a heater.

Check the wavelength of the infrared sauna

The length of infrared waves that will be emitted by your sauna is important element for checking. The higher the wavelength, the closer the waves are to those emitted human body, and even more profitable.

Which wood to choose for your infrared sauna

In theory, all types of wood can be used in infrared saunas. - The timber is made in Canada and promises some resistance and good insulation. - red cedar wood also comes from Canada. He radiates pleasant smell. - Red cedar provides superior comfort and durability for hemlock wood.

How to choose

Before choosing a device for heating a summer house in winter, you need to consider several types of such devices and determine which one is suitable for a particular home. There are many models that will provide your home with hot water.

Most sauna heaters operate from electrical network. They are purchased quite often, which is due to the ease of use of the device. Increasingly, owners of suburban areas are purchasing infrared heaters. To decide to purchase such a device, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of these designs.

It will not develop depending on the humidity and various temperature changes to which it is exposed; It remains intact even after years of use. The heating elements should be neither carbon nor ceramic, what should they ideally be?

  • We are here to answer you.
  • Is there a risk that the cabin will melt over time?
The infrared sauna is in the spotlight this month. A genuine wellness device, it offers many programs to detoxify your body, to lose weight, to relax, to soothe pain or to lower blood pressure.

Features of infrared devices

The advantages of infrared heaters include:

  • ease of installation;
  • compactness of such equipment;
  • no need to prepare firewood;
  • lower energy costs compared to electric furnaces;
  • after relaxing in a steam room with infrared heaters, headaches do not appear, which usually accompany spending time in a standard steam room;
  • absence unpleasant odors, which distribute wood stoves;
  • the ability to heat a certain zone in the room;
  • steam room heating speed.

Infrared waves have more low frequency than ordinary light. Some infrared heaters such as infrared radiant sunlight. Saunas use this type of infrared radiation. The heat emitted by infrared radiation is very bright. The experience is similar to sunbathing in summer.

If you cannot stand the heat of a traditional sauna, then an infrared sauna is your alternative. There are 3 types of infrared rays.

  • Infrared short, which deeply heats the body.
  • Mid-infrared radiation that heats the dermis of the skin.
  • Far infrared or long infrared, which mainly heat the surface of the skin.
Rest assured, infrared is safe. Newborn incubators work with infrared lamps to keep premature babies warm.

It is worth noting that the cost of infrared devices for a bath is lower than the cost of constructing a wood-burning stove. Infrared heaters also have disadvantages. These include the presence of contraindications. Before installing such devices, you need to learn more about the diseases in which you should not use them.

Infrared sauna vs traditional sauna

A traditional sauna, which works with volcanic stone stoves, produces heat through indirect means. First of all, convection. Secondly, conductivity. In an infrared sauna, the energy distribution is about 20% for heating air molecules and 80% for direct contact with the body. As a result, heat penetrates deeply and increases the temperature of the body, not just the surrounding air.

An infrared sauna appears to achieve comfort over a traditional sauna by dissipating heat in a completely uniform manner throughout the cabin and all parts of the body. Benefits of the sauna due to the sweat phenomenon. The infrared sauna allows sweat containing 20% ​​toxins versus sweat containing 3% maximum quantity toxins in a traditional sauna.

Another disadvantage is appearance infrared heaters, since they do not fit into the interior of a Russian bathhouse. To heat the entire steam room room, you need to purchase several heaters, so the cost of sauna equipment is quite high. To purchase high-quality infrared heaters, it is worth considering the ratings of devices compiled by consumers.

What are the effects of different infrared rays?

This one is more low temperature guarantees less overwhelming heat. You can expand or multiply the experience. More comfortable, you will benefit from all the health benefits of your sauna. Infrared saunas emit three different wavelengths. Infrared treatments help relieve pain, improve blood circulation and help you lose weight.

Penetrating deeply into the skin, infrared rays generate muscle warm-ups and internal organs. In response, your body increases heart rate, which is equivalent to the recommended workout cardiovascular system to keep you in shape. By sweating in an infrared sauna, you cleanse your body of accumulated toxins and promote oxygenation.

The most common heater models

One of the most popular infrared devices for baths is the UFO Alf 3000. It looks like a small rectangle, the dimensions of which are 190x1080x90 mm. Such infrared heater capable of heating a room up to 30 square meters. It is worth noting that warming up occurs in about 3 hours. The power of the heating element in the device is 3 kW/hour. It can be installed either on the included legs or hung on the wall.

Infrared sauna, your weight-loss ally

The infrared sauna offers you a comprehensive therapeutic program with very positive results your general condition health. It has now been proven that overweight is a risk factor for your health. An infrared sauna will be very useful if you want to lose weight.

Choosing a weight loss program for your infrared sauna, you are practicing the equivalent of an intense exercise class. The effectiveness of an infrared sauna is undeniable in maintaining and controlling your weight, even if you do not do any other exercise, knowing that adding physical training it will help improve results.

A model called “ENSA P900G” is also considered a popular bath device. Such infrared heaters are designed for small rooms and are capable of heating the air over an area of ​​18 square meters. The peculiarity of this device is that it first heats objects, after which heat is transferred to the air. It is worth noting that this heater maintains the humidity level in the room. This product can raise the temperature to about 24 degrees in just 2 hours.

Infrared sauna, your heart's trump card

When you suffer from chest pain or shortness of breath, you avoid the sweltering heat of a traditional sauna. Infrared heat is distributed differently, penetrating deeply into the body, resulting in beneficial cardiac stimulation and is easily tolerated by everyone. University research shows that the heat of an infrared sauna reduces blood pressure 30-minute program three times a week, equating the benefits of infrared radiation to regular jogging. Used for many years in medicine and paramedical applications, infrared heat has real therapeutic benefits that the infrared sauna today applies specifically to the area of ​​well-being.

“UFO ECO 1800” is another heating device that can be considered one of the most popular. The small size of this product allows it to be installed almost anywhere. This heater can even work on outdoors due to an autonomous source of electricity.

Infrared sauna, wellness vector

The harmful effects of stress on your body are numerous and cause you more or less severe discomfort to your health. Do you know the benefits sunbathing, the pleasure you experience when you surrender yourself to a source of heat, positive influence on our morale, the ease of forgetting about tensions and clashes.

An infrared sauna session reproduces exactly this feeling and helps you immerse yourself in a state of deep relaxation. Similar to a meditation or sophology session, recognized therapeutic tools to overcome your everyday anxieties and promote the search for physical and spiritual well-being.

Often, owners of country houses purchase infrared heaters for baths called “ENSA P750T”. The peculiarity of this heater is that its body does not heat up during use. Such infrared devices are used to heat rooms whose size is approximately 14 square meters. They are almost invisible and can be installed on legs and mounted on the wall.

Canadians love to live on fresh air, but it's not always fun. Between the overwhelming heat of summer and the chilly nights of autumn, it can sometimes be difficult to understand the country's weather. By installing patio heaters in strategic locations around your home, you can make living outside in cold weather much more comfortable while heating up your patio to keep you feeling good.

Unlike outdoor fireplaces, patio heaters are very easy to use and do not affect air quality. There is no thick smoke to irritate your eyes, and you won't have to worry about upkeep or painful and messy cleanup of the ashes. They are designed for use on all types of terraces or balconies; Their heat source is safer than fireplaces, which can create sparks and cause fires.

The “UFO LINE 1800” model is also often purchased. It has the following advantages:

  • reliability;
  • small sizes;
  • efficiency;
  • efficiency.

In 2 hours in winter, this bath device can warm up a room of up to 18 square meters. Another feature of this heater is that it can be installed on special legs, mounted on the wall and ceiling, and also used outdoors.

Depending on where you want to install them, there are different types patio heaters, from apartment balconies to large restaurants to chalet terraces. Radiators can be freestanding, placed on a table, or attached to a wall or ceiling, depending on the size of the terrace and the level of heat required. Tabletop radiators are typically 3 feet tall or less. Even if they have a limited amount of heat, they can be easily moved from one place to another, creating a charming atmosphere thanks to the flame.

Independent or standing radiators are larger and generate a lot of heat. This is why they are especially suitable for large terraces. However, due to their size, they are not easy to move. The fixed radiators are also immovable. They provide heat from where they are located, on the wall or ceiling, allowing you to free up space from the floor.

The best infrared heaters

In order not to make a mistake when choosing an infrared heating device for your dacha, it is worth considering the most popular models, which are rated by customers as the best. These include the following infrared devices:


All presented models of devices are suitable for summer cottages and can serve as the main source of heating.

The fuels used for patio radiators are as varied as existing models. Radiators natural gas produce continuous heat and require little maintenance. They are very effective; They are economical to operate and can heat large areas in all directions. Like propane heaters, they are capable of producing flames that create that romantic effect and warm atmosphere that you love to enjoy on your deck. On the other hand, propane radiators offer the convenience of supplying a gas cylinder that can be purchased and installed easily, while natural gas radiators require connection to an existing gas supply, Professional.

The world does not stand still; every year more and more ideas are born. A sauna with a large stove and black smoke, as they say, is a thing of the past, but now there is an electric sauna. Thanks to the Russian inventor Maslov and his team, the world became acquainted with the infrared bath (infrared heaters for the bath), which included all the advantages of Russian, Turkish and Finnish baths. The new Russian infrared bath is based on an electric steam generator, which, firstly, consumes less energy, and secondly, the air in the steam room does not cause discomfort, like a conventional oven.

Propane radiators are produced in the most different sizes: from stand-alone versions to the smallest tabletop burner models. Burners and other small radiators can also operate with combustible gel, a smokeless material made from residual ethanol, producing flames but no odors. Electrical appliances are another convenient and ineffective heating solution; These are the only radiators that can be safely used in enclosed or partially enclosed spaces. These heaters, which use heat lamps to produce and distribute heat, plug into a regular 120-volt outlet.

Russian bathhouse Maslova , is an infrared sauna cabin, with dimensions starting from 1 m2, it all depends on the number of people in it, and the height depends on the height of the room itself in which it is located. When you come to such a bathhouse, you will not burn yourself on the sunbeds; here the temperatures are evenly distributed: the floor (temperature fluctuates about 35 degrees), the walls (from 40 to 60 degrees), and the sunbed (about 50 degrees). The heating feature is simple: electric heating elements are placed under the lining of the walls, ceiling, and sun loungers, so you won’t be shocked and there will be no magnetic radiation in the steam room.

Infrared electric heaters work the same way, but use convection heating to warm the surrounding air and diffuse heat. Infrared heaters use direct electromagnetic radiation to dissipate heat directly onto bodies and objects to optimize energy use and comfort.

Regardless of the type or style of patio heater, make sure it is on a level surface that is strong enough to support it. Avoid placing the heater in a location subject to strong winds or in low underground areas. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for additional precautions regarding radiator distance from other fuels or walls. Several product features such as tip-over protection, automatic shut-off system, and cool-to-touch glass ensure that your radiator experience is hassle-free and safe.

Hygiene is paramount, therefore all surfaces, beds, shelves, and walls must be lined with hygienic material. Granite, marble, and ceramics are precisely the materials that provide good heat transfer and have a long service life. Also, this material is easy to process and wash.

How to steam in an infrared sauna

1) To begin with, set the temperature in the infrared bath to about 40-50 degrees, and the humidity is not high - 40%. At this temperature you will feel comfortable. The body warms up evenly on all sides. Profuse sweating, the heating is soft, the humidity is not high and therefore it is easy to breathe. The sensations are not at all the same as in a regular bathhouse, since it is not so dry and high temperature, from this it follows that the load on the heart is minimal.

An infrared sauna is a pleasant way to relax, is easy to set up and uses little energy. It is ideal for enjoying the well-being of your home. Discover here the difference with a regular sauna, various types infrared lamps and health benefits.

The difference between an infrared sauna and a classic sauna

A sauna or infrared cabin works using infrared heat radiation. These thermal radiation The air does not heat up, but the objects and people in the sauna do. This way the cabin is never too crowded but pleasantly warm. This, on the contrary, is a Finnish sauna, the purpose of which is to heat the air. The experience of using heat in an infrared cabin or a Finnish sauna cannot be compared.

2) And now the above-mentioned electric steam generator is used, in which there are red-hot stones, and a certain amount of water falls on them. Changes are already taking place in the infrared bath; the temperature has risen to 90 degrees, and the humidity is also 90%. Your body is already warmed up, so an increase in temperature does not affect your well-being in any negative way. It is at this stage that brooms come into play. A massage with a broom will now bring maximum pleasure and thoroughly warm up the body and muscles.

From all of the above it follows that steaming in an infrared bath is very simple. You will get great pleasure and a surge of strength.

Infrared bath, benefits and harm

An infrared bath has an excellent effect on the body, immunity increases, the body returns to tone, blood circulation and metabolism improve, your joints and spine will become flexible again. The benefits of an infrared bath are quite great, but we should not forget about the enormous harm. The sauna is harmful for those who have problems with thyroid gland, uterine fibroids, malignant neoplasms, psoriasis, hypertension, arthrosis, cardiovascular dystonia. An infrared bath is contraindicated for pregnant women and women after childbirth.

Infrared sauna prices

It is not necessary to go to specialized places to visit the bathhouse; such a bathhouse - shower can be built at home, for this you will need access to electricity. No documents are needed for construction! An infrared sauna, the price of which ranges from $1300 to $3200, is very useful and convenient. If the price is too high for you, then you can build a bathhouse with your own hands.