Which human blood type and Rh factor are the rarest in the world. The rarest blood type in the world

The determination of a blood indicator is based on its group and Rh factor. Each blood group has its own Rh positive or negative, which makes selecting the right option a little more difficult.

It is believed that the selection of a donor lies precisely in Rhesus, because sometimes the species may not be taken into account, because when we're talking about about time and a person’s life, they can go to extreme measures. We can also say that a large part of fate also depends on what blood type a person has. This applies to his health, character and food choices. After all, each blood group reacts to such factors to a greater extent. Regardless of whether it is rare or not, it is still better to adhere to some restrictions, because this can significantly prolong life or protect against certain diseases.

Such features are characterized by the fact that each blood has its own immunity, which largely determines the working resource of each person. Sometimes many people don’t even think about why they often get sick. certain diseases. And this is an indicator of the type of human plasma that is predisposed to certain needs.

Rare or not

There is a statement that the most common are the second blood group. And this is really true, because almost 80% of the population of the entire planet in 2013 was recorded with groups 1 and 2. Everything else falls on the third and fourth. Therefore, we can already conclude which of the groups is rare and which is not.

Each species differs in some biochemical characteristics. A long time ago, before 2013, it was established that each type of human blood differs in its indicators, in particular this concerns the positive or negative Rh factor. That is, his presence or absence. It is worth noting that neither the absence nor the presence of protein indicates the presence of any abnormalities.

Therefore, if you have any group of negative Rh factor, then you do not need to feel inferior. But on the other hand, we can say with certainty that the most rare group fourth blood is negative. Also the most common is the first, then the second and third. Everything corresponds to the group numbers themselves.

As of 2013, these indicators have not changed. What this is connected with is unclear. After all, some argue the fact that if the blood type changed with development primitive man, then why doesn’t it change now. So far such information is unknown. This may be due to the lack of current human mutation and its internal state. Scientific researchers are not immune to the possibility that a fifth blood type may appear.

For 2013

According to official indicators, the most rare species blood is the fourth negative. Finding such a donor is very difficult and sometimes impossible. In such cases, doctors resort to the most various solutions in order to save a person as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, the fourth positive is much more common, which makes the search a little easier. This group the youngest and most mysterious, even today in 2013. It appeared as a result of the merger of the first and second groups. People with such blood have flexible immune system, which indicates the presence of mixed marriages.

About the characteristics of positive Rhesus carriers of the fourth group:

This blood group is quite complex among biological solutions even for 2013. It is believed that this kind of blood appeared relatively recently, almost a thousand years ago as a result of the mixing of Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids. Of course, now this is no longer news and medicine in 2013 would certainly not be surprised by such a phenomenon. But before, doctors simply went crazy wondering how this happened and whether it was even possible. What does a modern one cost? medical equipment, operating at full capacity in Israel, Germany or even Spain.


People with this group are quite special and have their own indicators of character traits, health status and other characteristics. Most often this concerns nutrition and health. For example, people with blood type IV should not exercise much physical activity, since their body is the weakest to such “feats”. You can replace sports with something easier and more acceptable to the body. The most suitable replacement is yoga.

How to choose an interesting activity or sports section for a child with this blood type is described in the article:

As for character, such people are characterized by nobility, kindness, calmness, they are more creative and have a unique mental organization. In general, we can say that owners of the rare fourth group can only worry about donation. Otherwise, all qualities are not lacking in comparison with other people. Sometimes only character can let you down, because weak-willed people rarely achieve anything on their own. It is difficult for them to cope with their emotions and take control of their will.

The main characteristics of human blood are its group and Rh factor. Each group has positive and negative Rhesus, which brings the number possible options up to 16. This fact greatly complicates the work of doctors when it comes to transfusions. It is believed that main characteristic When selecting a donor, it is Rhesus that is considered. Blood with a different Rh factor will kill the patient instantly, but the wrong blood type with the correct Rh factor will do the job, albeit not always perfectly. But in extreme situations, when seconds count, this is an acceptable option.

In fact, a person’s fate depends on their blood type. First of all, it’s health, then character and lifestyle. The fact is that each blood group has its own immunity. People who are far from medicine rarely think about why they are predisposed to precisely those diseases that they most often suffer from. The “set” of sores will show you what type of plasma your plasma is.

Today it is known for sure that almost 80% of the world's population have the first or second blood group. They are, accordingly, the most common. The remaining 20% ​​is divided between the third and fourth groups. Even before 2013, it became known that the rarest blood group is the fourth negative.

Actually, the names of the groups came precisely from their prevalence among the population. Why exactly this combination is the rarest is not clear. The latest research in 2013 showed that the ratio between all 16 blood type variants remains unchanged. It is also assumed that in the case of a long life of humanity as a species, a fifth blood group with a positive and then a negative Rh factor may appear.

The rarest group for 2013

As mentioned above, the rarest blood type for 2013 is the fourth negative. This blood type is the youngest. Presumably, it appeared about a thousand years ago from the merger of Indo-Europeans with the Mongoloids. More often it appears in children whose parents had the first and second blood groups. Finding a donor for a person with fourth negative is almost impossible, so doctors have to look for other solutions to the problem. Not all of them are successful. It’s good that today medical technology makes this task much easier. Now imagine how the doctors felt when they first encountered such a blood mutation.

The rarest group is human character

People with the fourth negative blood group are very individual, each of them has their own character, health and other characteristics. Such people are not recommended to seriously engage in sports; they are vulnerable to physical stress.

Character by blood type

Yoga is perfect for them. As for character itself, people with the fourth negative blood type often become writers or artists. They are characterized by kindness and nobility. Unfortunately, people with this blood type are very susceptible to depression; they rarely manage to cope with the problems themselves.

Blood group is a description of the individual antigenic characteristics of red blood cells, determined using methods for identifying specific groups of carbohydrates and proteins included in the membranes of animal red blood cells.

There are four blood groups in total, each of which has certain biochemical characteristics. This fact science has long been established - around the beginning of the twentieth century.

Throughout the world, these groups are designated by the following symbols: I(0), II(A), III(B), IV(AB).

Group I: agglutinogen O - in erythrocytes, agglutinins α and β - in plasma (found in 40 - 50% of the total population of the planet).

Group II: agglutinogen A - in erythrocytes, agglutinin β - in plasma (30 - 40% of the population).

III group: agglutinogen B - in erythrocytes, agglutinin α - in plasma (10 - 20% of the population).

Group IV: agglutinogens A and B - in erythrocytes, there are no agglutinins in plasma (about 5% of the population).

The rarest blood type is fourth negative. The fourth positive is much more common. The fourth group is generally a mystery, because it appeared as a result of the merger of two completely different types- A and B.

This is a young group, and people who have it have a flexible immune system. This group is unique in that it did not appear due to influence external environment, but as a result of mixed marriages.

It is worth saying that this group is the most biologically complex. Antigens sometimes make it similar to the second, and sometimes even to the third. Sometimes it also happens that this rare group is something of a combination of both of these groups.

It is believed that the fourth blood group appeared later than all the others - about a thousand years ago as a result of the mixing of Mongoloids and Indo-Europeans.

Such a phrase as blood type began to be used only in the twentieth century. This discovery was made by the Austrian physician, chemist and immunologist K. Landsteiner. He made a great discovery - he discovered three - A, B, 0. And a couple of years later, Karl's students discovered the existence of another group - the fourth, which is considered the rarest blood group at present - AB.

Blood is a special type of liquid connective tissue. It consists of cells - shaped elements, located far from each other and the intercellular substance called plasma.

Its other name is zero, which dates back to the most ancient times. It is believed that she appeared the very first. About 50,000 years ago, 100% of the planet's population were carriers of this blood type. They consisted exclusively of the meat they obtained. That is, these people are hunters, people are predators.

After about 10 thousand years, people, in search of new lands for hunting, moved to new places. But these places turned out to be poorer, there was not enough food and they had to look for new sources of food. To feed his tribe, man began to develop the land, grow edible plants and prepare food from them. Thus, A was formed. It is believed that it originated in the Middle East and Asia, it has more strong immunity, and it rapidly spread to the territory of Future Europe.

After another 10 thousand years, V was born. This group belonged to nomadic herders who lived in a harsh climate and had a monotonous diet. The diet of this group contained only fermented milk products. The nomads spent a lot of time on the road, overcoming hunger and the vagaries of nature. Only the most resilient, with the strongest immunity, survived.

Scientists consider the fourth blood group, AB, to be the youngest and rarest blood group. The uniqueness of this is that it retained the features of both the second and third groups.

It is assumed that it appeared when people with the second group from the middle and Eastern Europe began to create families with the third blood group from Asia.

Today, only 5% of people are carriers of the AB blood group. These are people with positive Rh factor. The number of people with the rarest blood group and negative Rh factor is only 0.3%.

This is a special protein located in the membranes of red blood cells. Those who have the protein present are Rh positive. Those who lack it are Rh negative.

AB blood is rightly considered to be the rarest blood group in the world. It is inherited by the future child from his parents. The fourth blood group is inherited in 50%, provided that both parents have the fourth blood group, in 25% of parents with the third and fourth, second and fourth, and second and third blood groups. It turns out that out of ten options, only four can give the rarest blood type. Despite the fact that you can get the second and third in seven cases out of ten.

The presence of antigens A and B indicates that organisms have adapted and developed a certain resistance to environmental influences.

The fourth group is a universal recipient, that is, but the fourth group itself is suitable only for itself. The first blood group, on the contrary, is a universal donor; it can be transfused to any other groups, but only the first is suitable for the first one. So, after all, what is the rarest blood group today, first or fourth, if they are so oppositely similar?

As mentioned above, it appeared more than 50,000 years ago - it is the very first group that appeared on the planet and therefore cannot be the rarest.

Possible diseases

Scientists have discovered. Those born with the fourth group are prone to heart disease, vascular problems and digestive tract. This does not mean that the disease will definitely occur, but only about its possibility. But there is an opinion that the fourth group is least exposed allergic reactions and problems with the immune system.

Personal qualities

Among psychologists there is also an opinion about the relationship. The Japanese have long learned to determine a person’s temperament by blood type. Some companies select candidates based on blood types.

Proponents of such theories are of the opinion that people with a rare fourth blood group have gentle character. They are not conflicting and always make compromises. These are very versatile and talented individuals with a delicate taste and wild imagination.

They make good scientists, musicians, artists, artists.

It is believed that the rarest blood group in Russia occurs in 7-10%. Thus, in Russia there live the largest number of people with the fourth blood group.

The ABO system and the Rh factor are generally accepted classifications of blood. Each person's blood falls into one of the groups and has an Rh factor. Let's find out what the rarest blood type is.

The rarest blood type

The ABO system divides blood groups based on the presence of three antigens. Initially, there was only the first blood group, which is considered the ancestor of the others. The higher the blood type, the less common it is:

  • Group I. Holders of the first group make up 40.77% of the world's population. It is characteristic of the inhabitants of South and Central America.
  • Group II. 31.79% of the planet's population has the second blood group. These are mainly Europeans and North Americans.
  • III group. It occurs in 21.98% of the world's population, mainly in Asians.
  • IV group. The rarest - 5.46% of the world's population. It depends little on the person’s origin.

The rarest blood group is group IV. In some countries, those with the fourth group are forced to donate blood for storage, since finding a donor during an accident is problematic.

How is a person's blood type determined? Conducted medical analysis: A drop of blood is mixed with a drop of monoclonal antibodies. In accordance with the blood reaction to one or two antibodies, its group is determined:

  • Reaction to antibodies A - group II.
  • Reaction to antibodies B - group III.
  • Lack of response to all antibodies - group I.
  • Reaction to antibodies A and B - group IV.

Rare blood group and Rh factor

Blood is also separated according to the Rh factor system. Each group contains both positive and negative Rh factor. Negative Rh factor, the absence of D antigen on the surface of red blood cells, is much less common in each group:

  • First negative group- 4.33% of the Earth's population.
  • The second negative is 3.52%.
  • Holders of the third with a negative Rh factor make up only 1.39% of the planet's inhabitants.
  • The rarest blood group and Rh factor is fourth with a negative Rh factor. Its owners make up 0.40% of the planet's population.

In 1952 it happened scientific discovery, called " Bombay phenomenon" While studying the malaria epidemic, scientists did not find the antigens necessary to determine blood type in the blood of three people. They found that agglutinogens A and B are not synthesized on the membrane of red blood cells. Holders of such blood are universal donors, since the body will not reject plasma without antigens. However, they can only be transfused with the same blood - without antigens. This phenomenon is extremely rare: their number in relation to the Earth's population is 1 in 250 thousand. In India they are more common: their number is 1 in 7600 in relation to the country's population. This is explained a large number in the country of consanguineous marriages.

Blood groups are used mainly in blood transfusions. Be sure to find out what blood type you have. If you are the happy owner of group 4 with Rh negative, then think about who could serve as your donor in emergency situation. Modern medicine moves away from the use of blood, developing blood substitutes. Perhaps in the near future, blood types will remain part of history.