The best intellectual games for advanced companies. Word games

In fact, these games are not just for traffic jams. They will come in handy in any forced waiting, travel, idleness or mechanical work - long trip, the way home, queues, cleaning. For the Dumalogy team, this is a golden collection of games that will help out in any awkward moment, without requiring additional props or preparation.

Here are seven simple speaking games that will keep you and your kids busy, spark your imagination, and encourage lateral thinking.

1. Past and future

Game conditions:

Name any object and ask the child the question: “What was this object in the past?” Then we begin to fantasize, “What could this item become in the future?”

For example: chair

What was this item in the past?

A tree/tree sprout/seed from a tree (depending on how deep you dig).

What could it become in the future?

Firewood/club from a leg/swing, if hung somewhere, etc.

In this game the child:

  • Penetrates into the essence of objects and phenomena. Children understand how long the path that each object can take before taking on its usual shape.
  • Trains your imagination and develops invention skills. The moment children begin to fantasize about the future, there is a high probability of creating something new, making something unusual out of the ordinary.

2. What does it consist of?

Game conditions:

We introduce any object and name its components

For example: electric kettle (spout, lid, button, heater, light bulb, wire, stand, etc.)

What do you teach your child by playing this game:

  • Go to the root. Here children learn to look not superficially at a thing as a whole, but in depth. So that the child understands that objects do not appear by themselves and consist of other objects.
  • Find connections. Many of the surrounding objects are useful only in interaction with other things. The child gets acquainted with the concept of “subsystem” - its components. The kettle just won’t work; it needs to be plugged into an outlet; to do this, you need voltage in the outlet, etc.
  • Attentiveness. We often do not pay attention to the little things that are familiar to our eyes. We begin to delve into something only if it breaks down. But even then difficulties arise, because, forgetting about one important detail, we are looking for the cause of the breakdown in the wrong place.

3. Include variability

(from Anatoly Gin)

Game conditions:

We present any item. Let's figure out how it can be used, in addition to its direct purpose.

For example: plastic cup

1) put it on a chair leg to prevent it from scratching the floor;

2) make Aladdin’s hat with an elastic band;

3) cut out circles, paint them and make yourself colored glasses;

4) grow plants;

5) collect a lot of cups and make a costume...

What develops:

  • Overcoming psychological inertia. Psychological inertia is the way we are used to thinking, small patterns in our heads and stereotypes that prevent us from looking at things more broadly and finding the most unexpected solutions. We need to break down stereotypes and develop the ability to think outside the usual.
  • Understanding the supersystem. We already talked about subsystems in the previous game. And a supersystem is something from the outside that can change an object beyond recognition and make a supernova out of it. The child learns not to be limited by the functions of the object itself; he activates knowledge of what is around the object.

4. Useful/Harmful

Game conditions:

We choose a situation and list one by one what is harmful and what is useful in it.

For example:

Rain is beneficial because plants grow.

Rain is harmful because it can flood things.

Rain is beneficial because it can freshen the air in hot weather.

Rain is harmful because you can get wet and get sick...etc.

What develops:

The ability to see both sides of the coin. Children learn not to despair if something doesn’t work out, and, conversely, not to be too naive, to be able to see the negative in the most beautiful things. The child trains not to take either side, learns to analyze both aspects, creating in his head the boundaries between them.

5. Yes/No

Game conditions:

You make a wish for something (an object, a phenomenon, a person, a number, something magical, etc.). The child must guess what it is by asking questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”

For example: house

Is it alive?

Is this made by man?

Is it bigger than you?

Is it beneficial for humans?

What develops:

  • Ask the right questions. It is quite difficult to choose a question so that it gives a specific, necessary information, capable of getting closer to the correct answer. Children often think hard before asking. That's what we need!
  • Classify. This game is a kind of mathematics: we divide the whole in half. The first questions are usually the most global: “Is it alive? Is it inanimate? Man made?" and then in descending order. The further you go, the more the classification narrows, the more difficult it is to divide it, but the more interesting and mysterious it becomes.
  • Remember. This is especially evident when something like this is made. When a lot of questions and answers to them have already accumulated, you have to keep in your memory a picture from the hints you have already received and not repeat the questions.

6. Foreteller

Game conditions:

We take any object/action/phenomenon as a basis. We name what happened before instead of this object/action/phenomenon. What performed the same function, how it has improved over time and how it can be modernized in the future.

For example: dating

How did people meet in ancient times?

They sniffed each other, fought, touched each other, etc.

How do they meet now?

On the streets, in cafes, on the Internet, etc.

How will they meet in the future?

They will send a personal robot to each other and transfer with it full information about yourself or read it from someone, etc.

What develops:

Evaluate the rate of progress. The main idea of ​​the game is for the child to come to the conclusion that the future will enormously change everything around it: objects, people, and even nature.

Look into the past, be interested in history. It is always interesting and funny to plunge into the history of antiquity, when everything was completely different. The child will probably want to study the history of mankind more deeply in order to rely not on his imagination, but on real historical facts.

Create something new using the TRIZ method. The game will lead the child to one of important concepts TRIZ techniques (Solution Theory inventive problems) - how to make it “itself”. The ideal solution to any problem using the TRIZ method assumes that the problem is solved by itself. IN modern life everything is heading towards this: things are washed themselves in washing machines, vehicles drive themselves on autopilot, etc. Maybe both you and the children will come up with something like that, without which in the future it will be difficult to imagine modernity. Go for it.

7. Visible-unobvious

Game conditions:

Imagine two absolutely different subjects and find as many similarities between them as possible.

For example: a shoe and a flying ship

1) both can smell;

2) both can take off;

3) the boot has a cavity inside and so does the ship;

4) both can be solid;

5) can be the same color...

What develops:

The skill of seeing the unobvious in the obvious. When children look for similar elements, they delve into all sorts of characteristics of objects in order to fish out the subtlest ones that may somehow be similar to the second object. Children go through the functions of objects, their composition, and visual design.

The games are simple and versatile: you can choose any one you like, use it anywhere, while training your mind and having fun. You can arrange a competition with your child... Believe me, children's imagination is much brighter than that of adults. For each game you can select an infinite variety of your own items, objects, phenomena, situations. Any item you pick up is another new game!

We thank the students of Dumalogia School and their parents for inspiring us with this article.

How often did you play oral word games as a child? Do you often play them now with your children, grandchildren or nephews? These entertainments do not require any attributes at all - albums, books, toys, pencils. The main thing is for the thought to work!

IN different situations, for example, in long road or while waiting for your turn, such word games are very helpful. In addition, they develop logic, thinking, train memory and broaden their horizons. The benefits from them are double or even triple... Therefore, you can safely use them, for example, when preparing a child.

Oral word games for children

Game in the city and not only

She is well known to many. Let me briefly recall its essence. At the beginning of the game, one participant names the name of any city, and the second participant names the city starting with the last letter. And so the cities are named in turn according to the last letter of the previous city (Moscow - Astrakhan - Novgorod - Dushanbe and so on). If the word ends in “ь” or “ы”, then the penultimate letter is taken.

But young children will not be able to play this game in its classic version, since they know very few cities. But the meaning of the game is still very good. Therefore, with kids you don’t have to limit the topic. That is, you can name absolutely any words, the main thing is that they answer the question “ What?" or " Who?"(chair - spoon - apricot - elephant and so on).

You can choose any theme for the game - animals, plants, clothes. But, of course, the broader the topic, the greater the choice of words. As a result, the child develops the ability to connect sounds and letters, and also acquires literacy skills. As the game progresses, you must correct the child and explain why, for example, at the end of the word “ Friend“is “G” and not “K” and how to choose a test word in case of doubt. It turns out to be an unobtrusive preparation for school.

Game “Guess the Word” - Option 1

The idea is that one player thinks about a certain word (noun) that means some object or phenomenon. The second person, with the help of leading questions, must guess it. The first one should answer questions only in monosyllables: “yes” or “no”. But sometimes it is permissible to clarify the answer. For example, if a car is wished for, then to the question: “ Is it made of metal?", you can answer: " Yes, but not only from him».

The questions can be very different: “ Is it alive?», « It more cat? », « Edible?», « Can I see him now?" and so on. Sometimes the word is guessed literally after 3-4 questions, and sometimes it is never guessed - the player has to give up (((.

Game “Guess the word” - version 2

The first player calls any word, for example, ST OL. The second must come up with his own, starting with the last two letters: OL HEN, but does not say it out loud, but gives suggestive information: “He lives in the forest and he has horns.” When the second player guesses the word, he thinks of a new one: EH OT and gives it an explanation. You can agree in advance that such a word game will not take into account some letters (ь, ы, й) when composing a word.

"Sing a Song"

To play this game you need to have some song stock or at least remember a couple of lines from songs. Any topic can be chosen. From experience I can say that the theme with plants is convenient - there are many songs about flowers and trees, there is something to remember.

The rules are that the players take turns singing several lines from a song in which the chosen theme sounds (for example: “Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree...”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”, “Million, million scarlet roses…" and so on). Anyone who cannot remember and sing the next song loses. This game is a good reason to introduce your child to new songs that are not yet known to him.

"Twin Words"

Oral word games on the road can be very different, for example, inventing metamorphosis words. First, you need to choose a simple word and, as your first move, change one (any) letter in it: R OZA - TO OZA. The number of letters in a word must always remain constant. Then the move goes to another participant and he, in turn, changes the letter, for example, KO Z A – KO R And so on.

"Spy Codes"

This word game consists of one player naming a word (preferably a singular noun), and the second player deciphering it. To do this, each letter must have its own word, and at the same time, all words must be connected in meaning into a whole sentence. For example:

N – drew

U - in the morning

R – smooth

O - rounded

K - loaf

Young children can be offered more short words: CHALK (Masha ate noodles), CAT (a whale pulled an octopus). And, of course, decoding needs to be done one by one – honestly!

Antonym word game

You don’t even have to say the term “antonym” to kids, and it’s easier to explain the rules. For each word you need to choose the opposite meaning: hot - cold, cheerful - boring, sweet - sour, dry - wet. One names the word, the second selects the antonym. Then the second one names his option, and the first one looks for an antonym, and so on.

"That's how the beast is"

Entertainment is based on the principle of education difficult words(airplane, milk tanker, department store, housewife). This rule of the Russian language can be mentioned in the game, because there are a lot of words and each has its own history of formation and origin.

The idea is that you need to make a new one out of two proposed words in turn. At the same time, unusual words are born and children, especially small ones, find this activity very funny. In this way, not only the well-known cheburgen is obtained, but also the spruce-tooth, cephalopod, bucket whale, rucholet and many others strange alien creatures.

"Find the odd one out"

One player offers the second several words that are combined general meaning. Moreover, among them there must be one that does not fit into this meaning. For example: motor ship, boat, carriage, raft.

The second player must figure out the extra link. For older children, this game can be made more difficult.

For example: grass, crocodile, hare, avocado.

Or: lizard, platypus, turtle, python.

“Whose sound is that?”

This word game (even more of a sound game) is intended for the little ones. Its condition is to guess who or what the emitted sound belongs to. It is better not to limit yourself only to the “speech” of animals (meow, ea, rrrrr..., ku-ka-re-ku), but also use the sounds of nature and technology (shhh... - rustling leaves, drip-drip - rain). Here's how your imagination will work The main thing is that you should not deny the child’s answer if it does not coincide with yours, because, for example, the sound “trtrtr” can be made by a tractor, a motorcycle, or a sewing machine.


The first person suggests any word, for example, hedgehog. The second adds his own suitable word to it: the hedgehog woke up. Then, at each turn transition, you need to add one word so that you get a meaningful continuation:

the hedgehog woke up and

the hedgehog woke up and woke up

the hedgehog woke up and woke everyone up

the hedgehog woke up and woke up all the animals

Such entertainment can sometimes be long, but the result can be a funny fairy tale or an amusing story.

Games "Fly" and "Nophelet"

These two oral games have already been described in one of the previous ones in the Rich Piggy Bank. If you are interested, then check out the link. In addition to being an entertaining pastime, both of them will help train the brain and improve its functioning, and this is useful not only for children, but also for us adults.

These are the types of activities with children that help pass the time when there are no toys or TV at hand. You can come up with your own word games for children on the go, and not limit yourself to just the game “guess the word”, “decoding” or “come up with an antonym”.

Have fun communicating with children! Nadezhda Goryunova

Entertaining game library. Scenario


A smart gnome was walking through the forest,

He carried a thick volume in his hands.

But the smart gnome stumbled,

That volume slipped out of my hands.

“The house is in danger, friends!

We’re all saving ourselves, trouble!” -

The letters started to run

The dwarf cannot hold them back.

The gnome is very upset,

You can't read a goth volume without letters...

Urgently help the gnome,

Return all the letters to the book.

E. Arsenina

Task 1: find the missing letters and return them to their place, arranging them according to their meaning. Having completed the task, you will find out the name of the smart gnome's book.

Answer: The Golden Book of Fairy Tales.

Task 2: replace a letter in a word with another one so that the original meaning of the word changes. For example:

Mouth - sweat.

Shock - juice.

Nora - leg.

The world is fat.

House - catfish.

Goat is a rose.

Raspberry - Marina, etc.

Task 3: choose a word that, when replacing one syllable with another, will acquire a completely different meaning. For example:

The baby is naked.

A tub is a pillow.

Cuckoo - top, etc.

Task 4: replace, add or delete a letter in the words so that they answer the question “who?”:

Mouth - ... (mole).

Kol - ...(ox).

Drop - ... (heron).

Door - ...(beast).

Moroka - ... (magpie).


Crown... (crow).

House - ... (som).

Rose - ... (goat).

Crust... (mink).

Dew - ... (wasp).

Stanza - ... (bustard), etc.

Task 5: what semantic meaning will a word acquire if one of its letters suddenly disappears? Remember the plot of one animated film in which there was a terrible confusion and confusion with the meaning of words. And all because one boy could not make friends with letters and words, for which they decided to teach him a lesson.

Remember: “the door to the kindergarten was closed, but now it is buried.” Or: “the boy was once Kolya, but now he’s called Olya.”

Come up with your own examples:

mole - mouth;

gastronomer - astronomer;

spy - peony;

small - scarlet, etc.

Task 6: Put the letters in the correct order and try to unravel the encrypted message. What did the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin bequeath to his descendants?

Answer: “Reading is the best teaching.”

Task 7: it is well known that the east is famous not only for its sweets, beautiful fabrics and amazing fairy tales, but also wise sayings and proverbs, the content of which is understandable and interpretable only by “the wisest of the wise”, “the most worthy of the worthy”...

Try your hand - explain the meaning of these eastern sayings and proverbs. Having successfully completed the task, you can be proud of yourself - you have become one of the most worthy sages:

One day a wise man remarked:

Good parents have good children.

Making new friends

Be true to your old friendship.

Study, knowledge and work

They walk side by side through life.

The gardener is wonderful in his work,

The nightingale sings beautifully in the garden.

It doesn't matter what you have

What's more important is what you can do.

The Russian people have no less wise proverbs and sayings, some of them are similar in meaning to Eastern ones. Remember them. (An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. An old friend is better than two new ones, etc.)

Task 8."Verbal duel" Two rivals begin their intellectual duel: they “shoot” words starting with a certain letter. For example: one says gun, the other says parquet, etc.

The one who runs out of words is considered defeated. The right to be the first to start a “duel” and with which letter to “shoot” is decided by drawing lots.

Task 9. Test of attentiveness and intelligence. Read the passage a short story, which has a hidden meaning. Try to guess which one?

“...Today all students had to stay home. It was reported on the radio that due to severe frost, school classes were canceled for three whole days.

Hooray! - I exclaimed and immediately called my friend Vaska. But his mother answered the phone:

Roma, Vasilek is sick. He has a bad cough...

Everything is clear, I thought, it’s all because of the ice cream. Oh, to know that classes will be cancelled! The point is that there is a crucial math test today. L Vaska already argues between twos and threes, he doesn’t have a mathematical mind, what can you do? But try to explain this to our math teacher. Lily Petrovna is a person severe. You're not good at mathematics, which means you're a complete loser - a quitter and a loafer. “Two” to the magazine and mom to school. So Vaska decided to play it safe; yesterday after school he ate three popsicles and two ice creams. What will you take from the patient? He has peace and positive emotions necessary.

Well, you need to morally support your friend. With a bag of his favorite toffees and a book about spies, I went up to Vaska. He lived in my house, two floors above. The door was opened for me by Vaska’s younger sister, who, by the way, is an extremely mischievous girl. She was wearing only one shoe.

“Hello,” I said and asked, nodding at her feet, “Where is the second one, did she lose it or something?”

And I didn’t lose anything! I didn’t have time to put on the second one, I opened the door for you! Mom left for work. Vaska is sick. Having blurted out all this in one breath and managed to stick her tongue out at me, Ritka immediately galloped off to her room.

Vaska greeted me with a forced smile, lying on the bed. Silently nodding in greeting, I placed some toffees and a book on his bed.

Vaska, it's time to take your medicine! - Ritka said importantly with adult intonations in her voice. She had already put on her shoes and was now holding a glass of rosehip infusion in her hands. “You have to drink this drink, otherwise you won’t get well, that’s what mom said.” And grandma Lyuba told my mother, she lives with us in Astrakhan - these words were already intended for me. - Mom called my grandmother and said that Vaska was sick, and my grandmother told my mother...

Listen, Ritka, go away, okay? - Vaska suddenly croaked - / Let me at least get sick in peace....”

Excerpt from E. Arsenina’s story “Unlucky.”

Question: How many colors can you find in the sentences? Title the story. Come up with your own version of the ending of the story.

Answer: The story mentions seven flowers: cornflower, lily, iris, peony, poppy, rose hip, aster.

Task 10. Let's play with words. Choose words that easily rhyme with each other and sound almost the same, but... If you remove just one letter from the word or replace it with another, it turns out... What can happen, you will now hear:

The GOAT is nibbling the grass,

Nearby is an oak tree with bark on it.

A wasp crawls along the bark,

DEW glistens in the meadow.

And in the hands of a man the SCITTER rings merrily...

Try to continue by rhyming, for example, words such as nora-leg-horns, etc.

Task 11. Words are separated by commas. Arrange them in semantic order so that you get a tongue twister: crows, because of, two, early in the morning, steering wheels, fought.

Two crows early in the morning

They fought over the steering wheel.

Task 12. An ancient parchment found during archaeological excavations, which, according to historians, is more than three hundred years old, was subjected to careful and thorough study and analysis. “The mysterious scroll could belong to one of the wizards,” scientists - archaeologists, historians and philologists unanimously declared.

Read what was written and answer the question: why did the pundits come to this conclusion?

Answer: The ancient document contains the following “magic” words: “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “forgive me”, “hello” - read from right to left.

Task 13: read the beginning of E. Arsenina’s poem “A Ridiculous Story.”

Outside the window, on the glass

A midge has stuck.

Fly away quickly

I'll crush you, baby!...

Try to continue the poem by replacing the word “stuck” with “scared”, adding “I’m knocking”...

I knock on the glass:

“Fly away - I’ll crush you!”

Baby got scared

The midge flew away...

It would seem that the story with the midge is over - it flew away, the poem ended. However, let's try to imagine what consequences a meeting with a small harmless midge could have for the author of this poem.

The task is quite difficult, so here’s a little hint: in a cozy kitchen in front of the window, on the table delicious breakfast. The author, getting ready to pick up a plump, fragrant sausage with a fork, suddenly notices a small booger scurrying back and forth on the glass of the slightly open window.

And since our author, as all authors in the world should be, is a very nervous (albeit very kind) person, he really doesn’t like it when something flashes before his eyes while eating. Agree, this greatly distracts from the delicious, juicy sausage... it just ruins your appetite! So, with a sigh, the author puts his sausage back on the plate and tries, through “peaceful negotiations,” to convince the midge to leave his window.

As you already understood, the midge turned out to be a rather stubborn insect. In order for it to fly away, the author had to persistently and continuously knock on the window glass. Sighing with relief that the conflict with the stubborn woman was resolved without assault (our author for his long life and didn’t offend a fly, so I would never forgive myself for the death of a little defenseless booger) the author returns to his untouched and slightly stale breakfast in order to continue the meal... but... it was not to be... On the table there were only empty plates and fork. Tasty, juicy and so appetizing sausage, and with it the cheese and sausage disappeared without a trace! Evaporated! Why do you think? What happened next? Try to imagine and develop the plot yourself. ..

Now listen to how he describes the further events of the ill-fated morning

While I was standing at the window

And watched the midge -

Breakfast suddenly disappeared without a trace

In my cat's stomach!!!

My breakfast!

Was eaten!

A treacherous fat cat!

Sausage, cheese and sausage

Disappeared instantly and without a trace!

I grabbed the slipper rashly,

To punish the thief.

But the cat, purring joyfully,

She gave me such a streak...

There is no need to look for the culprits,

I'm ready to tell you honestly:

Don't get carried away by the midge,

If he hadn't been robbed by a cat...

Agree, what is not a detective story: a midge in the role of a distracting accomplice in the crime, in the role of a victim, an unfortunate author left without his breakfast, and an insidious adventuress cat. The latter was clearly lucky: she not only had breakfast for herself and her master, but also avoided a good beating.

Guys, who do you think is really to blame for this whole story: the current circumstances, the author, the midge or the cat? What educational measures, in your opinion, should be applied to a thieving cat?

Creative tasks.

1. Title the poem.

2. If you like to draw and know how to use paints, illustrate this plot.

Oral word games– a fun activity for both adults and children. For kids, this is a great opportunity to memorize letters, train their memory, and expand vocabulary. Start with the simplest ones oral games: words in a chain, words with common theme. An older child will like: a sentence - history, memory training.

Words in a chain

The first player says the first word, the second player says the words starting with the last letter of the first, etc. Words should not be repeated. If you write down all the spoken words, you will get the following chain: bus - magpie - pencil - chance).

Words with a common theme

First, choose a theme, such as names, or plants, or clothes. The first player names the first word corresponding to the topic, then the second player does the same. You cannot repeat words. As a topic for such oral game you can take: “words starting with the letter “A””.

Half a word

This oral game It is more dynamic and exciting if you use a ball in it. The players stand opposite each other or in a circle, if there are many of them, the one with the ball says the first half of the word and throws the ball to the next player. He must finish the words and catch the ball. For example, the first one says “paro-”, and the second one quickly says “-voz”.


In this oral game one names the word, and the second selects its opposite in meaning: sour - sweet, big - small, black - white, bright - pale.

What's extra

The first player names several words, all but one of them have a common meaning. The second player must name the extra word. In the simplest version of this oral game the question may sound like this: “What is extra: chamomile, rose, dandelion, butterfly?”

Proposal - history

Such oral games can become an opportunity to come up with a whole fairy tale. In the simplest version, the first player pronounces a word, the second “attaches” the next one in meaning to it, and this is how a long sentence is built. After which you can start the next one, logically continuing it. For example:

Red cat.

The ginger cat is washing his face.

A ginger cat washes itself with its paw.

The red cat washes itself with its paw and squints.

The ginger cat washes itself with its paw and squints its eyes.

A ginger cat washes itself with its paw and squints its eyes from the sun.

Memory training

Word game
- game with complete absence material component, occurring exclusively through the verbal interaction of players acting according to the original set of rules.

1. Associations

The essence of the game:

The presenter leaves the room for a short time, during which time the others decide which of those present they will wish for (this could be the presenter himself). Having returned, the player asks the others questions - what flower do you associate this person with, what vehicle, with what part of the body, with what piece of kitchen utensil, etc. - to understand who is hidden.

The questions can be very different - this is not limited by anything except the imagination of the players. Since association is an individual matter and an exact match may not happen, it is customary to give the guesser two or three attempts.

Number of players:

The game is designed for a large company, but if the company is small, you can expand the circle of guesses with mutual friends who are not present in the room at that moment, although the classic version of “associations” is still a hermetic game.

2. Playing "P"

The essence of the game:

One player thinks of a word for the other, which he must explain to the others, but he can only use words starting with the letter “p” (any except those with the same root). That is, the word “house” will have to be explained, for example, like this: “built - I live.”

If you couldn’t guess right away, you can throw in additional associations: “building, room, space, the simplest concept...” And at the end add, for example, “Perignon” - by association with Dom Perignon champagne.

If the guessers are close to winning, then the presenter will need comments like “approximately”, “approximately”, “almost correct” - or, in the opposite situation: “bad, wait!” Usually, after the word is guessed, the person explaining comes up with a new word and whispers it in the ear of the person who guessed it - he becomes the next leader.

Number of players:

3. Say the Same Thing

The essence of the game:

On the count of one-two-three, each player pronounces a word randomly chosen by him. Next, the goal of the players is to, with the help of successive associations, come to a common denominator: for the next time or two or three, both pronounce a word that is somehow connected with the previous two, and so on until the desired coincidence occurs.

Suppose the first player said the word "house" and the second player said the word "sausage"; in theory, they can coincide very soon if on the second move, after one-two-three, both say “store.” But if one says “store” and the other says “refrigerator” (why not a house for sausage?), then the game may drag on, especially since it cannot be repeated - neither the store nor the refrigerator will fit anymore, and you will have to figure out, say, "reefer" or "Ikea". If the initial words are far from each other (for example, “curb” and “weightlessness”), then the gameplay becomes completely unpredictable.

Number of players:

Cheerful and quick game for two.

4. Characters

The essence of the game:

One of the players leaves the room for a while, and while he is gone, the rest come up with a word, the number of letters in which coincides with the number of participants remaining in the room. Next, the letters are distributed among the players, and a character is invented for each of them (therefore, words that contain “ъ”, “ы” or “ь” are not suitable). Until the word is guessed, the players behave in accordance with the chosen character - the presenter’s task is to understand exactly what characters his partners are portraying and restore the hidden word.

Let's imagine, for example, that a company consists of seven people. One leaves, the rest come up with the six-letter word "old man" and distribute roles among themselves: the first, say, will be secretive, the second - patient, the third - authoritarian, the fourth - cordial, the fifth - playful and the sixth - insidious. The returning player is greeted by a cacophony of voices - the company “lives out” their roles until they are solved, and the presenter asks the players questions that help reveal their character.

The only condition is that as soon as the presenter pronounces the correct character - for example, guesses the insidious one - he must admit that his incognito has been revealed and announce the number of his letter (in the word "old man" - sixth).

Number of players:

The ideal number of players in this game is from 4 to 10 people.

5. Find out the song

The essence of the game:

The presenter leaves, and the remaining players choose a well-known song and distribute its words among themselves - a word to each. For example, the song “Let there always be sun” is made: one player gets the word “let”, the second - “always”, the third - “there will be”, the fourth - “sun”. The presenter returns and begins to ask questions - very different and unexpected: “What is your favorite city?”, “Where does the Volga flow?”, “What to do and who is to blame?”. The task of the respondents is to use their word in the answer and try to do it so that it does not stand out too much.
You need to answer quickly and not at too much length, but not necessarily truthfully.

The answers to the questions in this case could be, for example, “It’s difficult for me to choose one city, but let it be Rio de Janeiro today” or “The Volga flows into the Caspian, but this does not always happen, every third year it flows into the Black” .

The presenter must figure out which word is the odd one out in the answer and guess the song. They often play with lines from poetry rather than songs.

Number of players:

Game for a company of 4 people or more.

6. Tip

The essence of the game:

The first player from the first pair whispers a word (common noun in the singular) into the ear of the first player from the second pair, then they must take turns naming their associations with this word (in the same form - common nouns; cognate words cannot be used).

After each association, the teammate of the player who voiced it names his word, trying to guess whether it was the one that was originally intended - and so on until the problem is solved by someone; at the same time, all associations already heard in the game can be used in the future, adding one new one at each move.

For example, let there be players A and B on one team, and C and D on the other. Player A whispers the word “old man” into player C’s ear. Player C says "age" out loud to partner D. If D immediately answers "old man", then the pair C and D have earned a point, but if he says, for example, "youth", then the turn passes to player A, who, using the word "age" suggested by C (but discarding the irrelevant to the case "youth" from D), says to his partner B: "age, man." Now B will probably guess the old man - and his team with A will already score a point. But if he says "teenager" (deciding that we are talking about the age when boys turn into men), then C, to whom the turn has suddenly returned, will say " age, man, eighty years old,” and here, probably, “old man” will be guessed.

In one of the variants of the game, it is also allowed to “shout”: this means that, having suddenly realized what was meant, the player can shout out the option on a wrong turn. If he guessed correctly, his team will receive a point, but if he was too hasty in drawing conclusions, his team will lose a point.

They usually play up to five points.

Number of players:

A game for 4 people, divided into pairs (in principle, there can be three or four pairs).

7. Contact

The essence of the game:

One person thinks of a word (noun, common noun, singular) and names its first letter out loud; the others’ task is to guess the word, remembering other words starting with this letter, asking questions about them and checking whether the leader has guessed it. The presenter's task is not to reveal the next letters in the word to the players for as long as possible.

For example, a word starting with the letter “d” is guessed. One of the players asks the question: “Is this by any chance the place where we live?” This is where the fun begins: the presenter must quickly figure out what the player means and say “No, this is not a house” (or, if it was a “house,” honestly admit it). But at the same time, other players are thinking about the same thing, and if they understand before the leader that “house” is meant, then they say: “contact” or “there is contact,” and begin to count in unison to ten (while the count is going on, the presenter still has a chance to escape and guess what we're talking about!), and then call the word.

If at least two of them matched, that is, on the count of ten they said “house” in unison, the leader must reveal the next letter, and the new version of the guessers will already begin with the now known letters “d” + next. If it was not possible to beat the presenter on this question, then the guessers offer a new option.

Of course, it makes sense to complicate the definitions rather than ask everything directly - so the question about “home” would be better sounded like “Isn’t it where the sun rises?” (with a reference to the famous song "Home rising sun"by the group "The Animals").

Typically, the one who ultimately gets to the search word (names it or asks a question that leads to victory) becomes the next leader.

Number of players:

A simple game that can be played with a group of 3 or more people.

8. Favorite letter

The essence of the game:

A letter is selected, and the players need to answer any question from the host with words starting only with that letter. The presenter's task is to ask tricky questions and confuse the players. The game is played at a very fast pace. If a player makes a mistake and names a word with a different letter, or hesitates and fails to name a word using the “One-two-three” count, he is eliminated from the game, and the next participant is called - he pulls out a different letter. The one who never makes a mistake wins. And so on until the game gets boring.


What is your name?

What country do you live in?

In Russia

What's your favorite vegetable?

What movie did you watch yesterday?

Romeo and Juliet

Your favorite writer?


Number of players:

9. Last two letters

The essence of the game:

The first participant names any word. The next participant comes up with his own word using the last two letters of this word, but does not say it, but explains it in any other words. The third player understands what the word is (he can ask leading questions), but does not say it out loud, but comes up with his own word for the last two letters of this word and explains it to the next player. And this continues until it gets boring.

Basic rules: words must be nouns nominative case singular; You can't say the words out loud. It is also not allowed to think of words whose last two letters cannot be used to form new ones.


1st player: "Ball"

2nd player: “They spread it on a sandwich” (caviar)

3rd player: "When it is boiled, it turns red" (crayfish)

4th player: “He performs in the circus” (acrobat)

5th player: “A person who denies the existence of God” (atheist), etc.

The most interesting thing about this game is that everyone understands what it is about, but it’s impossible to say.

Number of players: any.

The essence of the game:

The presenter takes turns asking some simple questions to the players, for example: “Where did you wake up today?”, “What do you eat soup with?”, “What is the date today?” etc. The player who is asked the question needs to give a quick, meaningful answer, while avoiding in the words of the answer the letter that is declared prohibited by agreement.

Let's say that the letter "o" is forbidden. Then to the driver’s question “Where did you wake up today?” You cannot answer “in bed” - you will have to choose an answer so that it does not contain the letter “o”. For example, you could say, “On the couch.” You are not allowed to think for a long time. The one who hesitates or uses a forbidden letter in his answer becomes the leader and the game starts over.

You can complicate the task somewhat by declaring two forbidden letters: one is a vowel, the other is a consonant. In this case, the participants will be required to be more resourceful, and the game will be more fun and lively.

Number of players: any

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