Is it possible to treat a throat with kerosene? Kerosene for sore throat: an unconventional method of treating sore throat with kerosene in children and adults, pros and cons

Hello, dear readers! There is an opinion that inflamed tonsils should be treated with kerosene. Is this true and how to use this tool if this is true? You will find all the answers in the article, so read carefully!

So is it possible to smear the tonsils with kerosene or is it better not to try? Official medicine does not accept this method of treatment, but does not deny it either, since kerosene really has unique properties with which he can cure sore tonsils, namely:


Anesthesia of mucous membranes;

Deeply penetrating (improves the permeability of mucous membranes);


Stimulation of the secretion glands (internal);

Improvement metabolic processes in the human body (and regeneration, including).

Thanks to these properties, when using chemicals. throat treatment substances increase protective properties human body, inflamed mucous membranes dry out, kill pathogenic microorganisms, inflammation is relieved.

But use chemicals. the substance is not possible in all cases.

Advanced severe purulent tonsillitis cannot be cured with its help; professional, powerful medications with a narrowly targeted effect are needed.

But chronic tonsillitis and standard sore throats can be easily treated, not only in adults, but also in children.

Thus, we conclude that it is possible to treat a throat with kerosene. How to treat inflamed tonsils with this substance correctly, so as not to harm yourself and get the effect? First we need to get the right kerosene, namely purified one.

We clean the chemicals. substance in the home

To clean, take a 3-liter glass jar and pour a liter of chemical into it. substances and the same hot water(70 degrees). Close the container tightly with a lid and simmer thoroughly for 30 minutes. When shaking, open the lid periodically to allow steam to escape and not create excess pressure.

Then we let the mixture stand for several hours until a sediment forms, then we drain it without sediment and can use it.

Contraindications and precautions

Please note that even pure chemicals. the substance can cause harm to your body, namely:

Provoke severe irritation;

Create a chemical burn;

Cause an allergic reaction and swelling of the mucous membranes;

Cause severe poisoning.

Do not use such folk remedies if you have the following contraindications:

Pathologies of the kidneys and liver;

Tendency to bleeding;

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;

Tendency to allergies;

Children's age is too young.

If there are no contraindications, then try it, but be extremely careful, carefully monitor your feelings. Inflamed tonsils can be treated in the following ways.

Method one: cauterization

Cauterization will help quickly relieve swelling and inflammation of the tonsils. The procedure is unpleasant, so children most likely will not tolerate it, but adults can try it. And how to cauterize tonsils with purified chemical. substance? It's simple:

Take a long stick;

Wrap a bandage or cotton wool around the end;

Dip the stick into the solution so that nothing drips from it;

Lubricate your tonsils.

The procedure must be repeated three times a day until the symptoms disappear. Important information: advanced forms of sore throat are useless and dangerous to treat in this way! Now you know how to apply chemical to your tonsils. substance, but what else can you do with it? Well, for example, rinsing is also a popular treatment method.

Method two: rinsing

Rinse will be effective not only against sore throat, but also against tonsillitis. So how to gargle with purified chemical. substance? This procedure is performed as follows:

Take a glass of water, heat the water to 25 degrees;

Add a small spoon to the water baking soda, stir;

Then pour in 2 small spoons of kerosene;

Mix the solution thoroughly and use fresh.

You need to rinse at least 4 times a day for a week, or rather until the symptoms completely disappear. The more often you rinse, the better. Some rinse every hour and claim that this way the product removes symptoms within a day.

Method three: preventive

If you are tired of constant tonsillitis, then try this method. This is also a rinse, only the solution is made differently:

50 ml warm water;

7 drops of purified chemical. substances;

Mix thoroughly.

This remedy should be used to gargle and oral cavity for a week three times a day, and then a 1-2 week break is taken and the course of treatment is repeated.

Kerosene is a flammable oily liquid yellowish color, which is formed during the rectification of oil. The product has a pronounced antiseptic and analgesic effect, therefore it is used in therapeutic purposes to relieve inflammation in the ENT organs. They can treat catarrhal tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis on initial stages development.

Treatment of sore throat with kerosene is possible only with strict adherence recommended dosages, due to the toxicity of the petroleum product. It contains components that have a local irritant effect. An overdose of the drug can lead to intoxication of the body. varying degrees, which can cause deterioration in health and burns on the oropharyngeal mucosa.

About the drug

How is kerosene useful and can it be used to treat sore throat? The clear, oily liquid is used as jet fuel, a solvent, and a fuel in the firing of porcelain. IN official medicine The petroleum product is not used for therapeutic purposes, due to an extensive list of contraindications and possible complications. Adherents of alternative medicine believe that aviation kerosene has a number of medicinal properties. They stop inflammation in the ENT organs, provoked by the development of pathogens. For therapeutic purposes, only liquid purified from impurities and subjected to hydrotreating is used. Filtration involves reducing the concentration of sulfur compounds in the petroleum product, thereby reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions.


The popularity of kerosene is due to its therapeutic properties, thanks to which it is possible to stop local manifestations of many types of ENT diseases. They can treat not only uncomplicated sore throat, but also pharyngitis, laryngitis and false croup. To the number useful properties liquid purified from impurities include:

  • painkillers – reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors, which helps eliminate pain;
  • vasodilators - thins the blood and helps to increase the internal diameter of blood vessels, thereby accelerating blood microcirculation in the affected tissues;
  • disinfectants - destroys pathogens, as a result of which the healing process of ciliated epithelium and lymphoid formations is accelerated;
  • decongestants – promotes the removal of intercellular fluid, thereby reducing swelling in the oropharynx;
  • immunostimulating - inhibits the activity of microbial agents in areas of inflammation, thereby increasing local immunity.

Important! Kerosene does not relieve symptoms purulent inflammation in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils. Therefore, they cannot treat lacunar and follicular forms of tonsillitis.

Methods of cleansing

Before using kerosene, it must be cleared of toxic impurities. There are several simple ways liquid refining, which makes it possible to eliminate the vast majority of toxic substances from petroleum products. To clean flammable emulsion, you can use the following recipes:

  1. mix 1 liter of emulsion with 1 liter in a glass container boiled water. Shake the solution heated to 70 degrees for 3 minutes. During the specified period, open the lid several times to reduce the pressure inside the vessel. Let the solution stand for 5 hours, then drain the oil product separated from the water into a separate container;
  2. mix 500 ml of petroleum product and boiled water, then shake the solution several times. Drain the kerosene and add ½ cup of salt. After 24 hours, filter the liquid using activated carbon, then add salt again and boil the solution for an hour. Pour the liquid cleared of impurities into a clean container.

The product, purified from impurities, can be purchased at points of sale of traditional medicine or in a pharmacy.

How to use kerosene correctly for a sore throat? The filtered petroleum product is used as one of the main components of the gargling solution. To speed up recovery, they need to rinse at least 4 times a day for 5 days.

Important! Kerosene should not be used for therapeutic purposes for more than 7 days in a row.

To prepare the drug, the following components are used:

  • refined kerosene;
  • baking soda;
  • boiled or bottled water.

Before using the solution against tonsillitis, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reactions on components of the drug. For this purpose not large number liquids are applied to the skin behind the ear. If discomfort, burns and redness do not appear within 3-4 hours, you can use the rinse solution for its intended purpose.

Rinse recipe

What are the features of using kerosene against tonsillitis? It should be noted that rinsing with petroleum products will be effective only in the initial stages of development infectious process. Medicinal solution can be treated exclusively catarrhal forms inflammation.

To cook medicinal product, follows:

  1. dissolve 3 tsp in ½ liter of boiled water. soda;
  2. add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. purified kerosene;
  3. heat the solution to 38 degrees;
  4. gargle no more than 3 times a day.

Important! A single intake of more than 500 ml of petroleum product can cause death.

During the procedure, it is necessary to prevent the penetration of the solution into the esophagus. Ingestion of kerosene is fraught with nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, as well as aspiration of vomit, which can lead to lung abscess. That is why they can be rinsed no more than 3 times a day, 4-5 approaches per procedure.

Recipe for rubbing

It is safer to use the petroleum product to treat the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils using cotton swabs. Acute tonsillitis can be treated by sanitation of the oropharynx within 10-14 days. To prevent complications during the procedure, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • heat the purified emulsion;
  • soak a cotton swab in the liquid;
  • process tonsils and the arches of the pharynx with the drug;
  • Do not eat after the procedure for 30 minutes.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the use of the petroleum product, for therapeutic purposes it can be used against tonsillitis is possible within 3-4 days. But in order to fight against inflammation, sanitation should be continued for 4-5 days after the redness on the oropharyngeal mucosa disappears.

Prevention and contraindications

Kerosene is one of the most affordable and effective means against catarrhal processes in ENT organs. They can be used to treat the throat on the eve of seasonal diseases, which will prevent the development of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other pathologies. To increase local immunity, it is advisable to rinse daily. To prepare the solution, add 15 drops of petroleum product to 50 ml of boiled water.

  • burn of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and esophagus;
  • liver and kidney damage;
  • development of acute pancreatitis;
  • disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

It is strictly not recommended to treat ENT diseases with kerosene for persons suffering from diabetes, gastritis, bronchial asthma, diathesis, renal failure and chronic diseases. Before using the emulsion in medicinal purposes It is advisable to consult with your doctor.

The product has a pronounced analgesic and antiseptic effect, and has a strong local irritant effect. It is often used not only to treat, but also to prevent throat diseases. Despite the effectiveness of the substance, classical medicine has an extremely negative attitude towards this method of therapy.

Can kerosene be used to treat a sore throat?

Kerosene is the end product of the distillation or rectification of oil. It is a clear liquid with a specific odor. It is used as motor fuel for aviation, a solvent for cleaning mechanisms and parts. For domestic purposes it is used in kerosene gases, primus stoves and kerosene lamps or as a solvent for paints.

As can be seen from the information provided, the product has a purely technical purpose. Naturally, the question immediately arises: is it possible to gargle with kerosene? Proponents of an unconventional approach believe yes. Moreover, many have tested it on personal experience and they claim that the substance effectively eliminates pain and redness in the throat, relieves swelling and inflammation, and cleanses the tonsils.

For therapeutic purposes, rectified liquid (freed) from sulfur compounds is used. The product is especially effective for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

Methods of cleansing

Possible consequences and complications

Improper use of kerosene can lead to extremely unpleasant results. If precautions are not followed, the following is most often observed:

  • burn of the throat, esophagus and gastric mucosa;
  • intoxication of the body with damage to the kidneys and liver;
  • CNS disorders.

If you swallow the rinse solution excessively, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness are noted.

Kerosene is a fairly toxic substance, so it should be used very carefully. Before using the liquid for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor, since the product has many contraindications. The main ones include diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, renal failure, individual intolerance.

Using kerosene for children

Treatment of sore throat with kerosene in childhood is not recommended. This is due to the high toxicity of the product and the risk of burns to the baby’s mucous membranes. In addition, conduct a full medical procedure a child with such an unpleasant substance as kerosene is unlikely to succeed.

If swallowed, poisoning and general intoxication of the body may develop. The high allergenicity of the liquid should also be taken into account, especially for young children.

Treating a sore throat with kerosene is a fairly effective procedure, but risky. Therefore, before starting therapy, you should think carefully and weigh the pros and cons of this method.

Useful video about treating sore throat