"New Order" in Europe. The occupation regime in European countries during the Second World War. Holocaust


Germany and its allies established in the territories they captured " new order“- a regime of merciless terror and violence. The meaning of the “new order” was the elimination of independence and sovereignty, all democratic and social achievements of the enslaved countries, merciless economic exploitation and arbitrariness of the occupiers.

Nazi occupation policy was developed in detail in parallel with plans for waging war. In particular, there was the Ost plan, approved on May 25, 1940. It provided for colonization Soviet Union and countries Eastern Europe, the destruction of millions of people, turning the inhabitants of these countries into slaves.

Subsequently, the idea arose to expel 46-51 million people from Eastern Europe, and populate the best lands with German colonists. The establishment of a “new order” in the occupied lands was accompanied by administrative reforms.

Poland was turned into a German governorate-general, the Czech Republic and Yugoslavia were divided, the Sudeten lands were annexed to the Third Reich, Bohemia and Moravia were turned into a “protectorate”, Slovakia was proclaimed an “independent state”, Greece was divided into three zones of occupation - German, Italian and Bulgarian. In Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands, the occupiers installed puppet governments in power. Luxembourg was incorporated into Germany.

France was in a special position. The occupiers retained its government in the “free” zone and pursued a policy of cooperation with them. The occupied part was subordinated to the German administration.

After the attack on the USSR, part of the occupied Soviet territory (including the rear areas of army groups) was transferred by the Nazi leadership under the control of the military command, and the other was subordinated to the Ministry of Occupied Eastern Territories headed by A. Rosenberg and divided into two Reichskommissariats - “Ostland” (Baltic and most of Belarus) and “Ukraine”. Western Ukrainian lands were annexed to the Polish General Governorship. Bukovina and part of South-Eastern Ukraine (Chernivtsi, Odessa, Izmail, part of the districts of Vinnitsa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions) were united into district1 “Transnistria” and transferred to Romania.

The economies of all enslaved countries worked for the invaders. Millions of Europeans were forcibly deported to Germany. Almost 5 million boys and girls were taken from the USSR to Germany alone. The industry worked on the orders of the occupiers. Agriculture supplied them with food, labor force used in the construction of military facilities.

researchers' view

3 books “Ukraine and Germany in World War II” by researcher French historian V. Kosyk

The author writes about the conditions of detention of Ukrainian workers in labor camps in Germany. He reports the facts from the report of the military leader who inspected them. The diet of workers from the East, the document says, consisted mainly of half a liter of soup and 300 g of bread per day, as well as 50-75 g of margarine and 25 g of meat per week. Such food led to exhaustion, which contributed to the occurrence of many diseases. While working, slaves were often beaten. Women were hit in the face with boards with nails. Pregnant women were kicked in the stomach. Men and women were often locked in ice cells, where they were naked and hungry. In some camps, children aged from 4 to 15 years old were languishing without parents.

Neuordnung), Hitler's concept of a complete reorganization of the German public life in accordance with the Nazi worldview. Speaking in June 1933 to the leadership Nazi Party, Hitler stated that “the dynamism of the national revolution still exists in Germany and that it must continue until its complete end. All aspects of life in the Third Reich must be subordinated to the policy of “Gleichshaltung.” In practice, this meant the formation of a police regime and the establishment of the most brutal dictatorship.

Reichstag like legislature, was rapidly losing its power, and the Weimar Constitution ended immediately after the Nazis came to power.

Nazi propaganda tirelessly tried to convince the German average that the “new order” would bring Germany true freedom and prosperity.

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"New Order"

(Italy). In the 1950s There is a revival of the fascist movement. Founded at the congress in Lausanne international organization neo-fascists "New Order". The founder, presumably, was Leon Degrelle, commander of the Wallonia motorized brigade. The fighting groups began to operate under the name “Young European Vanguard”. Branches existed in many countries, but were banned in France. In Italy, from April 8, 1959 to March 19, 1962, neo-fascists carried out 95 attacks, destroying 75 power line masts, carried out 44 raids on railway facilities, 3 on transport communications, 8 on industrial facilities, 8 on houses and buildings. At the end of the 1950s. In Italy, the organization “Fascii of Revolutionary Action” (Fascii Diazione Revolutionaria” - FAR) is created, headed by Clemente Graziane. The FAR carried out a number of bombings in Rome, including an assassination attempt on the Prime Minister. 21 members of the organization were arrested. After leaving prison, Pino Rauti, more inclined to theoretical work, emerged from among the members of the FAR, in contrast to the activist Graziana, Rauti headed the “New Order,” which intensified its activities in 1969. The organization “takes an ideologically extreme position, is associated in origin with orthodox fascism, rejects any contact with the institutions of a democratic system." At a meeting of leaders of neo-fascist groups on April 18, 1969 in Padua, a plan was developed to carry out terrorist attacks in order to compromise the republican regime and prepare a favorable right-wing authoritarian coup in public consciousness. In accordance with the plan, in the summer and autumn of 1969, the Fred-Ventura group carried out explosions and assassination attempts in various cities - 22 acts in 9 months: 4/15/1969 explosion of the office of the rector of the University of Padua Guido Opokera; arson at the Fiat stand at a fair in Milan; 25.4.1969 – Milan, explosions at the central station; 8/8/1969 – explosion of the Rome-Milan train. Explosion in Milan in the building of the Agricultural Bank on Plaza Fontana on December 12, 1969 (17 people were killed and more than 100 were injured); a bomb was discovered in the Commercial Bank and defused; 12/12/1969 – Rome, explosions in the underground passage near the Labor Bank (14 injured); two explosions at the Altar of the Fatherland monument (18 injured); in Rome, from 16:45 to 17:15, two explosions also occurred, but without casualties. In total, 53 terrorist attacks were committed in 1969. The New Order was dissolved in 1973 for participating in an attempted coup. In 1974 it was recreated under the name “Black Order”. The organizational meeting took place in Cattalica in February. 1974. Neo-fascist leaders decided to “terrorize anti-fascists with bombs, unleash physical terror, create an atmosphere of violence, using the methods of the great and unforgettable SLA.” In April 1974 terrorists carried out explosions in Lecco, Bari, Bologna; in Rome 10/15/1974 - a series of explosions over several hours (in the Palace of Justice, near the leadership building of the Christian Democratic Party, etc.). In total, “Black Order” took responsibility for 11 sabotages in 1974. Soon the organization disbanded again.

On August 29, 1941, the world media announced the German-Italian declaration on the establishment of their “new order” in Europe. Today, few people know about the contents of this document and other similar plans. There are even opinions that Hitler’s power for Europe would be a lesser evil than the USSR’s dominance over Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

Therefore, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the plans of Hitler and Mussolini in order to find out what the world would have become if not for the victory of the USSR. Everything that the German Nazis planned for their “new world order” was spelled out in “Mein Kampf” - this is Adolf Hitler’s book “My Struggle”, in German Mein Kampf, which was published in 1925, it combined elements of an autobiography outlining the ideas of German National Socialism. Other ideas for the future can be gleaned from the relevant orders and transcripts of meetings at A. Hitler’s headquarters.

In accordance with the hierarchy introduced by the Nazis, Europe was supposed to have several vassal pro-fascist regimes, like the regime of Horthy or Antonescu. For all other states of the planet, a certain “differential” approach was planned: for the countries of Western Europe (like France, Belgium, Holland, England, etc.), the main principle of conquest was “Germanization”; for Eastern Europe, the most important raw materials, including oil-bearing regions of Asia - “colonization”; for Central Russia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia – “depopulation”.

The representative of the French prosecution, Faure, spoke about “Germanization”, using the example of France, at the Nuremberg trials: “The Germans sought to eliminate any elements of the French spirit. First of all, they prohibited in an extremely rude manner the use French... Even the inscriptions on the gravestones had to be written only in German...” That is, the main blow was dealt to the language, one of the main foundations of any people. Then there was active propaganda of the concept of Nazism, the elimination of the ideological foundations of people, this undermined their psychological spirit.

Robert Jackson, the chief US prosecutor at the same trial, added to the description of the “new German order”: “The population of the occupied territories was mercilessly abused. Terror was the order of the day." Civilian people they were arrested without any charges, they were not given the right to have a lawyer, they were executed without trial or investigation at all. And this is in Western Europe, where the Nazis behaved in what they considered a “civilized” manner.

In the East, a regime of complete, unlimited terror was established. With the practicality and rationality inherent in the German Nazis. Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, instructing his troops and political police, said: “Our tasks do not include the Germanization of the East, which consists in educating the population German language and German laws; We only want to ensure that only people of pure German blood live in the East.” To solve the problem of “people of exclusively Aryan blood” living in the East, Hitler invented the technology of “depopulation.” In 1940, the essence of this technology was announced in a book by Rauschning (a former ally of the German Fuhrer) published in New York; according to Hitler, it was about “the elimination of entire racial units.”

For the USSR, this technology of “depopulation” resulted in the fact that during the war years we lost only about 17 million civilians, and about 10 million more were driven into slavery. Legalization of slavery, including of children, is one of characteristic features"new European order". Not only citizens of the USSR worked at the industrial and agricultural enterprises of the Third Reich, but also the French, Poles, Baltic states, etc. If not for the Victory of the Soviet Union, these slaves would have died at the construction sites of the “new world order,” and millions more people would have become slaves all over the planet.

In fact, Hitler’s “new world order” meant a global concentration camp for the peoples of the planet. Huge territories would be “deserted”; they would be connected by transport highways running from one important raw material deposit to another. Huge concentration camps would have been created, those that were built in Europe would be simply “pygmy” in comparison with them. After all, the “racially impure units” were huge masses of people. Unfortunately, these ideas are currently alive and, according to many analysts, constitute the essence of the ideology of the elite of the so-called countries. "golden billion" In their opinion, the planet is already overpopulated in order to preserve high level life of the “chosen ones”, the population must be significantly thinned out.

If Hitler and his allies had prevailed, with political map world, the Slavic peoples, the Baltic peoples would have disappeared - the Baltic states should have become part of German Empire. At the beginning they had to create a protectorate, then pour it into the Third Reich, through colonization by the Germans and “destruction of undesirable elements.” Some of the Balts were supposed to become servants, faithful “dogs” - overseers of slaves, punishers.

The Mediterranean Sea was to become the sea of ​​the Italian Empire. It would include the lands of North and parts of East Africa. In Europe, Mussolini's ambitions extended to parts of the Balkan Peninsula.

New order- Hitler's concept of a complete reorganization of German social life in accordance with the Nazi worldview. August 29, 1941 The German-Italian declaration on the establishment of a “new order” in Europe was published in the world press.

All aspects of life in the Third Reich must be subordinated to politics. This meant the formation of a police regime and the establishment of a brutal dictatorship in the country. Nazi propaganda tirelessly tried to convince the German average that the “new order” would bring freedom and prosperity to Germany.

By the summer of 1941 Germany and Italy occupied 12 Europe. countries In the occupied countries they established harsh occupation regime: liquid. Democratic freedom, dissolved political. parties and trade unions, banned strikes and demonstrations. Economy enslaved countries was used in the interests of the occupiers. Industry worked according to their orders, agriculture supplied them with raw materials and food, slaves. force was used in the construction of military installations.

In the fight against the fascist “new order” a patriotic and anti-fascist movement arose resistance movement. Its members published illegal newspapers and leaflets, helped prisoners of war, organized strikes, engaged in reconnaissance, and prepared for armed struggle. People of various political and religious views took part in the Resistance movement: communists, social democrats, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, trade unionists and non-partisans. Initially, these were a few disparate groups that had no connection with each other.

Emigrant governments and patriotic groups in exile fought against the occupiers. By the summer of 1941, those who fled from the occupiers settled in England government Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Greece, Yugoslavia, as well as the leadership of the Free France movement led by de Gaulle. With the support of the British government, they formed their own armed forces and sought to establish links with the Resistance movement.

1st period a period of accumulation of human resources, propaganda and organizational preparation for mass struggle.

After the German occupation Poland an underground " Union of Armed Struggle" In 1939-1940 the movement spread to Silesia. In 1940, there was sabotage at enterprises and railway transport. Polish peasants refused to pay exorbitant taxes and sabotaged food supplies.

In Czechoslovakia, the formation of groups began that carried out sabotage in factories and transport.

IN Yugoslavia partisan units consisted of soldiers and officers who did not lay down their arms after the end of the war and went to the mountains to continue the fight.

In Fr. the first participants in the movement were workers of the Paris region, Nord and Pas-de-Calais departments. One of the first major demonstrations was dedicated to the end of the First World War on November 11, 1940. In May 1941, there was a strike of over 100 thousand miners in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais departments. In France in May of the same year it was created National Front- a mass patriotic association that united the French of various social strata and political views. Prototype of a military organization - " Special organization"was created at the end of 1940 (later joined the organization "Frantieurs and Partisans").

Also, Albania, Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands and other countries that were occupied by German, Italian or Japanese troops, as well as their satellites, rose up to fight.

Has reached large proportions Chinese resistance against the Japanese imperialists. From August 20 to December 5, 1940, the Chinese army launched an offensive against Japanese positions.

Long before the start of the war, Hitler did not hide his plans to establish a “new order,” which provided for the territorial redivision of the world, the enslavement of independent states, the extermination of entire nations, and the establishment of world domination.

In addition to the peoples of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Albania, who became victims of aggression even before the start of the war, in the summer of 1941 the Nazis occupied Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, a significant part of France, Greece and Yugoslavia. Germany gained control of a huge geopolitical space. Hitler's Asian ally, militaristic Japan, occupied some areas of China and Indochina.

The “New Order,” which relied on bayonets, was also supported by pro-fascist elements of the occupied countries—collaborators.

The Reich included Austria, the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, Silesia and the western regions of Poland, the Belgian districts of Eupen and Malmedy, Luxembourg, and the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. Slovenia and Styria were transferred from Yugoslavia to the Reich. Even before the war, a puppet Slovak state was created under the auspices of fascist Germany, and the Czech Republic and Moravia were turned into a fascist protectorate.

Hitler's allies also received significant territories: Italy - Albania, part of France, Greece, Yugoslavia; Bulgaria controlled Dobruja, Thrace; Lands from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Yugoslavia were transferred to Hungary.

As a rule, puppet governments were formed from collaborationist elements in the occupied countries. However, it was not possible to create such governments everywhere. Thus, in Belgium and Holland, the agents of the German fascists were weak enough to form such governments. After the surrender of Denmark, its government obediently carried out the will of the occupiers. Virtually vassal relations were established with some “allied” states (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania). They sold their agricultural products and raw materials to Germany for next to nothing in exchange for expensive industrial products.

Subsequently, the states of the fascist bloc intended to change the then distribution of colonial possessions: Germany sought to regain the English, Belgian and French colonies, which it had lost after defeat in the First World War, Italy - to take possession of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and Japan - to establish control over the entire Southeast Asia and China.

The most inhumane fascist “order” was established in the countries of Eastern and Southeast Europe, since the Slavic peoples were expected to participate in the slaves of the German nation. According to imperial policy, most work that is simple, minor, primitive should not be performed by the Germans, but exclusively by persons who were the so-called auxiliary peoples (for example, the Slavs). Guided by this principle, the Nazis exported thousands of people to Germany for slave labor. As of May 1940, there were 1.2 million foreign workers in Germany, in 1941 - 3.1 million, in 1943 - 4.6 million.

Since the summer of 1942, the Nazis in all occupied countries moved to the massive and systematic extermination of Jews. People of Jewish nationality had to wear identifying marks - a yellow star, they were denied access to theaters, museums, restaurants and cafes, they were subject to arrest and sent to death camps.

Nazism as an ideology was an outright, cynical denial of all the progressive values ​​that humanity has developed over its history. He imposed a system of espionage, denunciations, arrests, torture, and created a monstrous apparatus of repression and violence against peoples. Either come to terms with this “new order” in Europe, or take the path of struggle for national independence, democracy and social progress- such was the alternative facing the peoples of the occupied countries.