What applies to organs? Organ systems. Legislative authorities

Government body This is a composite link, a relatively independent element of the state apparatus, participating in the implementation of state functions and endowed with authority for this purpose.


    A government agency is a relatively independent element of the state apparatus; he takes his place in the state apparatus and is firmly connected by relations of coordination and subordination with other state bodies;

    A government agency has an internal structure (structure). It consists of units held together by a unity of purpose;

    The government body consists of civil servants;FZ

“On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” 2004

    The government body has a certain competence, that is, a set of legally established powers, rights and obligations of a specific government body that determine its place in the system of government bodies;

    Government bodies interact closely with each other. They form the state apparatus, the main task of which is to ensure the normal functioning of society, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, protect the external security and territorial integrity of the state.

    The government body has authority, which is expressed in the ability issue binding regulations and acts of application of law, as well as in ensuring the implementation of these acts through the use of various methods, including methods of coercion.

    To exercise its competence, the state body is vested with material base, has financial resources, source of funding from the budget.

    The state body is established and operates based on regulatory legal acts (Constitution and laws).

Types of government bodies

I . According to the method of occurrence:

    Primary (elective) state bodies are not created by any other state bodies. They either arise by inheritance (hereditary monarch), or are elected according to an established procedure and receive powers from voters (representative legislative bodies - parliament) ;

    Derivatives (assigned) government bodies are created by primary ones, which vest them with powers (prosecutor general) ;

II . By the scope of authority or subject matter :

    Federal authorities extend their power to the territory of the entire state (for example, President of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court RF, Supreme Arbitration Court of the RF, Constitutional Court of the RF, Prosecutor's Office of the RF);

    Bodies of the subjects of the federation operate in administrative-territorial units (districts, regions). Their authority extends only to these regions .

For example, the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

III . By breadth of competence:

    Government bodies general competence resolve a wide range of issues (for example, the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation);

    Government bodies special competence specialize in performing one function (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice).

IV . By way of making decisions or exercising competence:

    Collegiate government bodies make decisions by majority vote ( Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation) ;

    Uniform state bodies make decisions individually (head of state, Commissioner for Human Rights);

V . By legal forms activities:

1. Law-making (Parliament);

2. Law enforcement (Court);

3. Law enforcement (Prosecutor's Office);

VI . According to the principle of separation of powers:

    Legislative ( Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation) ;

    Executive ( Government of the Russian Federation);

    Judicial (Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Arbitration Court RF);

3. Principles of organization and activity of the modern state apparatus.

Principles of organization of the state apparatus – these are the initial, fundamental principles, ideas on the basis of which the state apparatus functions.

    The principle of democracy (democracy) - this is the principle according to which citizens of the state directly or through their representatives take part in the organization and activities of the state apparatus.

Democracy - the principle of organization and activity of a modern state, according to which the people of the country are recognized as the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power.

In accordance with this principle, the only source of power in a country is its people. The supreme power belongs to him, the fullness of sovereignty, his will is decisive in all state affairs. State power is considered as a derivative of the power of the people, and state bodies and their individual representatives act on behalf of the people.

From the point of view of this principle, state power is only legitimate (legal) when it is formed according to the will of the people and realizes their interests. Therefore, any actions directed against the clearly expressed state will of the people are regarded as the seizure or appropriation of power and are prosecuted under the law, including criminal law.

The legal expression of this principle is contained in Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russian Federation is its multinational people; 2. The people exercise their power directly, as well as through government bodies and bodies local government; 3. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections.”

Democracy is divided according to the forms of exercise of power into direct (immediate) and representative.

Direct (immediate) democracy means the direct exercise of power by the people and is expressed in the election by voters of the head of state, parliament, and in the adoption of laws through a referendum. In direct democracy, the population (citizens who have the right to vote) directly makes the main decisions on certain issues of state and public life. These decisions do not require approval or approval from any government authority. Within this form, the people of the country or any part of it (the population of a region, city, district, town, village) independently acts as a source of sovereign power and assumes the burden of solving public affairs. An issue resolved through direct forms of democracy does not need confirmation or recognition by state bodies or local governments.

Varieties of direct democracy are referendums at various levels, direct elections of government bodies, citizens' gatherings, etc.

Representative democracy- this is the implementation of the power of the people through representatives (deputies) elected on the basis of universal, equal, direct elections by secret ballot. The main representative bodies of power elected by the people are parliaments (representative legislative bodies of state power), as well as legislative assemblies in the subjects of the federation. In this case, state power is exercised not by the people directly, but by a representative body created by them. In a representative democracy, the people delegate their power to representatives. Representative democracy is the main form of people's participation in resolving common affairs.

Through elections, the country's population entrusts power to the relevant government bodies, thereby confirming its derivativeness from the will of the people and, therefore, legitimacy (legitimacy).

In addition to the formation of relevant government bodies, the population participates in the implementation of representative democracy by determining their policies through various public organizations and, above all, political parties; through public control over the activities of government bodies; accountability to their populations; the possibility of re-elections in case of failure to comply with the will of the people.

Referendum- as the highest direct expression of the power of the people, democracy in a civilized society, is a popular vote, which is carried out according to a procedure close to elections.

A referendum usually involves specific issues of domestic or foreign policy, as well as the most important laws, which are accepted or rejected in general. The decision adopted at the referendum does not require approval by any government body and comes into force from the moment it is adopted by the population.

2. The principle of priority of human and civil rights and freedoms (principle humanism) means that recognition and observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are the duty, meaning and content of the activities of the state and its bodies (Article 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The level of provision of human and civil rights and freedoms by the state and its bodies is the main criterion for assessing their activities.

3. Separation of powers - this is the principle of organization and activity of the state apparatus, according to which state power is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. According to Art. 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation “state power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent.” Each branch of government is exercised by a separate group of government agencies. Each group of state bodies is independent and independent from others, which is ensured by its own source of formation and the presence of its own subject matter. None of the branches of government has either formal or actual supremacy. The separation of powers presupposes the creation of a system of checks and balances in the state apparatus. At the same time, each of the branches of government, exercising its own powers, has the ability to control and limit the actions of bodies of other branches if they go beyond the limits of the powers granted. This is done, for example, by assigning to parliament the right to demand the resignation of the government, the right of the head of state to dissolve parliament, the right of the judiciary to declare invalid acts that contradict the constitution or laws, and other means.

Separation of powers is the principle of organization and activity of the state, which determines the distribution of a single sovereign state power between three independent branches of bodies: legislative, executive and judicial.

The principle of separation of powers as a leading principle in the construction of the state apparatus was justified during the period of struggle in Europe against absolute monarchies. It was first enshrined at the constitutional level in the US Constitution of 1787. In Russia it was rejected both during the period of the autocratic monarchy and during the Soviet period, when all power was formally assigned to the bodies of popular representation.

As historical practice has shown, the consistent implementation of the principle of separation of powers prevents the concentration of state powers in the hands of any one state structure, and, therefore, is a necessary organizational complement to the principle of democracy. As a unique form of “division of labor” within the state apparatus, the implementation of the principle of separation of powers ensures the greatest efficiency of its work.

In the modern understanding, the principle of separation of powers includes

Firstly, the division of all state bodies into groups according to their belonging to the three main branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial;

secondly, their formal independence from each other both in terms of the source of formation (election or appointment) and subjects of jurisdiction; each body exercises its powers within the framework of the functional tasks of the corresponding branch of government, without interfering with the powers of other branches;

thirdly, the ability of the bodies of each branch of government to limit the actions of other branches if they go beyond the limits of the powers granted (the system of checks and balances).

The system of checks and balances is implemented, in particular, by

assigning to the head of state, who heads the executive branch, the ability to dissolve parliament in certain cases and “veto” its laws;

securing the right of parliament to express no confidence in the government and demand its resignation, as well as the right, through “impeachment,” to achieve the removal of the head of state from office;

assigning to the judiciary the right to declare invalid any act of the legislative or executive branches of government if it contradicts the country’s constitution or other acts of higher legal force.

4. Principle of supremacy rights means that the organization and activities of the state apparatus are built on the basis and in execution of law. Law is legal act of the highest legal force, adopted by the highest representative body of the state - the parliament. The most important social relations must be regulated by laws. Subordinate regulatory legal acts must be adopted on the basis and in pursuance of laws, and not contradict them. In addition, the principle of the rule of law contains the requirement that legislation not only be observed, but also express the idea of ​​the rule of law, that is, it must comply with the legal principles of equality and justice, and must correspond to the interests and needs of society.

5. The principle of transparency involves ensuring public awareness of the activities of government bodies.

6. Principle professionalism means the need to use in the activities of state bodies the most qualified, educated, and trained personnel for the relevant activities. This is ensured through responsible personnel activities, the availability of the necessary system of professional education and retraining of personnel.

7 . The principle of federalism is expressed, on the one hand, in the presence of a unified system of state bodies, and on the other hand, in the presence of their own competence not only among federal bodies, but also among the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation.

8. The principle of combining unity of command and collegiality is to ensure an optimal balance of relevant principles in the process of formation and activities of government bodies.

9. The principle of hierarchy lies in the fact that state bodies occupy different levels in the state apparatus, some state bodies are subordinate to others.

10. The principle of election and appointment .

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in many states is one of the oldest and most stable structures in terms of reorganization. Moreover, it is part of a small group of departments that make up the government core. Russian authorities have existed for about two centuries. In the USSR they were called the NKVD, after the change of regime - the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Next, we will consider in more detail the activities of the internal affairs bodies.

General information

The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation belong to the executive branch of government. They perform various functions. The activities of internal affairs bodies are aimed at developing and implementing public policy, legal regulation, development of programs in the migration sphere.

Distinctive Features

The main feature of the structure is that the units included in it, among other things, also perform a law enforcement function. This distinguishing feature directly and directly affects the powers vested in the system of internal affairs bodies. This feature is visible in the structure of the apparatus, methods and forms of implementation of functions, and in other elements of its

In any form, law enforcement activity is considered public. In other words, tasks are carried out outside the industry: on the street, markets, squares, etc. public places. This suggests that the system of internal affairs bodies - internal troops, police and other units - are not performing a task of an intra-sectoral nature. It was formed not to coordinate self-provision of security and order, but to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of law and order in society, both in relation to citizens and organizations.

Undoubtedly, within the industry itself there are various tasks to improve its organization, financing, equipment, and so on. The effectiveness of the functioning of the structure outside the industry depends on the quality and speed of solving these problems. However, with all the significance and importance of the intra-industry organization, the highest priority tasks are those that are subordinated to the main function of the law enforcement sphere - security and maintenance of order in society.


The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation form a large-scale structure and constitute an entire branch of public administration. At the same time, their powers extend to the state and the entire society within the framework of the part of the law enforcement sphere allocated to them. This purpose of the structure is determined by all the main aspects of its organizational and legal status, methods and forms of implementation, and competence. The main tasks of the industry include:

  • Development and implementation of domestic and migration policies.
  • Management of units of the Russian Internal Affairs and internal troops of the country.
  • Ensuring the safety of health, life, freedoms and rights of the population of the state, foreign persons, stateless subjects; crime prevention, conservation public safety, protection of property and order.
  • Legal regulation.
  • Ensuring legal and social protection police officers serving in the internal troops, state civilian officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Employees of internal affairs bodies, citizens dismissed from service in the internal affairs department and from the ranks of the military, and members of their families have the right to receive appropriate benefits. In accordance with the current law, this task is assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Of the above powers, two types of activities are carried out through the norms of administrative law: managerial and operational-investigative. The first is considered the most extensive of all existing sub-sectors. Work in internal affairs bodies in this area requires large quantity employees. In this regard, the bulk of employees are involved in performing administrative tasks. The managerial sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs unites many specific internal affairs bodies and employees. Within this sub-sector, supervision of public order, administrative control, etc. is carried out.


The structure of the industry is also built on the basis of the assigned tasks and competence of the Department of Internal Affairs. Currently, the system includes the following main divisions and departments:

  • Central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Police.
  • The main command apparatus of the internal troops.
  • Investigation Department.
  • Main Directorate for ensuring the protection of public order and coordinating interactions with executive authorities in the constituent entities.
  • Traffic police
  • The main apparatus of the private security structure.
  • Central Directorate for Countering Extremism.
  • The main apparatus of its own security.
  • Central Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption.

Structural differences

From the above list of structures that form the industry, it is clear that some internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation have the status of government departments, for example, internal affairs departments. Others are fixed as independent structural elements. This means that their powers extend beyond the actual structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Such units, for example, include the traffic police.

The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and independent divisions of the structure exercise the powers given to them through their apparatus. It has a certain device. The central department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes departments and departments that are formed in accordance with the principle of specialization in the execution of certain tasks within the main areas.

Legal basis

The main normative act providing regulation of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system is the Constitution. The main instructions are also contained in acts of the State Duma, orders and Federal Laws, and Government resolutions. Legal justification for activities is carried out through the norms and principles of world law, international treaties, and the Regulations on the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The procedure for activities is also determined by other orders, instructions, and regulatory acts of the department.

The functioning of the structure is carried out on the basis of the principles of observance and respect for human and civil rights, humanism, legality, transparency, close interaction with government and administrative bodies, the population, public associations, media. Territorial internal affairs bodies are represented by regional (territorial), district, city departments and departments.

General aspects of the organizational and legal situation

The functions between the local administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are divided in the order of forming a system of double subordination - horizontal and vertical. The leadership of the management staff is focused mainly on providing material, financial and organizational conditions for the effective implementation of the tasks assigned to the internal affairs department. The functions of the administrative structure also include giving instructions and informing about various events (fairs, demonstrations, rallies). The higher authorities of the Internal Affairs resolve issues related to regulatory regulation, improving the methods and forms of activity of officials and departments as a whole, generalizing experience, and so on. Local structures primarily perform tasks of practical prevention, suppression of illegal actions and ensuring that criminals are brought to justice.

Features of ATC subjects

In the territories (regions), internal affairs departments are led by lower bodies in cities and districts. They also carry out individual law enforcement tasks with their own resources and forces. In particular, they ensure security during events on a regional (regional) scale, supervise police forces, and so on.

City and district departments represent the lower level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. In fact, they perform the bulk of the work to ensure security and law enforcement. They have at their disposal specialized and qualified police forces and other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The scope of their activities includes the practical resolution of problems of passport regime, security and order in squares, streets and other public places. Officials working in these departments devote a lot of time to receiving citizens and considering their complaints and applications. They also devote a lot of time to uniting the forces of the public to combat crimes and control the activities of local inspectors.

There are two main elements in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the help of which the tasks at hand are carried out and the powers are exercised. These include the police and internal troops. In their arsenal they have mainly methods and means of an administrative and legal nature. These units themselves belong to the law enforcement structure. The leadership and supervision of all lower-level elements is carried out by the Federal Internal Affairs Bodies.


It represents one of the most important parts of the air traffic services system. The legal basis for the functioning of the police is the Constitution of the country, the corresponding Federal Law, international treaties, resolutions of the President and the Government and other regulations. This structural element ensures the safety of citizens and the maintenance of order through patrolling. In 2011, a reform was carried out, as a result of which the former police force was reorganized into the police force.

In conclusion

General leadership in the field of internal affairs is carried out by the President and the Government of the country. The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is entrusted with the most important tasks. Safety on the streets and the preservation of freedoms and rights of citizens depend on the professionalism of our employees. Internal Affairs bodies are actively fighting crime and ensuring the protection of property.

Acting as the main, central link, the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs implements the tasks of developing and implementing measures to protect the population, objects (regardless of their form of ownership) and taking measures to prevent and suppress administrative and criminal offenses. The activities of internal affairs bodies include a complex of several organizational and legal forms: criminal procedural, operational investigative and administrative.

There have been significant changes in law enforcement over the past few years. In particular, the police were reorganized and adjustments were made to the legislative framework. Thus, the right of a detainee to make a telephone call, detailed procedures for the use of special means and detention, a description of the powers that police have when entering a residential premises, and other regulations were introduced.

The general system of regulatory bodies and organizations includes:

1. Government bodies federal significance:

State Administration - Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Federal Tax Service, Department of Financial Control and Audit of the Ministry of Finance of Russia;

- health and welfare safe conditions life - State Service for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation, Veterinary Surveillance Service of the Russian Federation, Department for the Protection and Rational Use of Hunting Resources, Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of the Russian Federation, etc.;

Labor and social security- State labor inspection, State housing inspection. Pension fund, Social Insurance Fund and others;

Financial-credit relations and insurance - Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Federal Treasury of Russia, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Department financial control and audit of the Ministry of Finance of Russia;

- economy, industry, agriculture and trade - Ministry economic development and trade of the Russian Federation, State Committee of the Russian Federation for Land Policy, State Trade Inspectorate, etc.;

- education and culture - Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Media of the Russian Federation;

- communications and information - Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for State Supervision of Communications.

The gradation of regulatory authorities in these areas of public relations allows, on the one hand, to identify a group of state bodies that are homogeneous and similar in their focus, and on the other hand, to better understand the essence and orientation of each individual state regulatory body. True, some of them, for certain reasons, can be classified as two or even three of the listed spheres of social relations.

Since each of us should be interested in the question of where the money that is withheld from us in the form of government duties (for example, for issuing a new passport) and taxes is spent: personal income tax, property tax etc. All amounts of these duties and taxes are accumulated in the accounts of the Federal Treasury and go to the federal budget. These funds are then distributed from the federal budget to budgetary institutions(organizations operating at the expense of the federal budget). Moreover, they are distinguished according to the principle of targeting and purpose. That is, when allocating funds, the purposes for which they can be spent are indicated. These goals are designated by budget classification codes.

These include primarily Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision (FSFS).

The main task of the territorial departments of the FSFBN at the federal level, created in 2004, is to verify the targeted and effective use of state (federal) budgetary funds, in accordance with Federal law“On the federal budget” for the corresponding year.

Previously (until 2004), the procedure for using federal budget funds was checked by territorial departments in the constituent entities of the federation (KRU MF RF in the constituent entities of the federation).

The structure of federal executive authorities was changed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 No. 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive authorities (hereinafter referred to as UP No. 314).

In accordance with clause 13 of UP No. 314, the functions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia for control and supervision in the budgetary and financial sphere have been transferred to the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision (FSFS).

The newly created FSFBN will carry out the functions of carrying out actions to control and supervise the execution by government bodies, local government bodies, their officials, legal entities and citizens established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other normative legal acts of generally binding rules of conduct.

This service is a federal executive body and exercises supervision over control in the budgetary and financial sphere and subsequent state financial control over the use of federal budget funds, state funds off-budget funds, and also material assets, which are federally owned, on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

The procedure for the relationship between federal ministries and the federal services and federal agencies under their jurisdiction, the powers of federal executive bodies, as well as the procedure for them to carry out their functions are established by the Regulations on the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision.

2. Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. It operates on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 16, 1996 No. 383, the functions of which are control over the activities of control and supervision bodies under federal executive authorities.

The main tasks of this body are: organizing control and inspection of the activities of federal and regional executive authorities and their leaders; interaction with the specified government bodies when monitoring and verifying the implementation of federal laws; coordination of the activities of federal control and supervisory authorities when carrying out such inspections; preparation of proposals based on the results of inspections on improving the activities of federal executive authorities; implementation of methodological management of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in federal district on the above issues.

3. Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is essentially the highest body of state financial control. In accordance with Art. 101 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber is formed by the Federation Council and State Duma Federal Assembly of the country to monitor the execution of the federal budget.

The tasks of this body include: organizing and monitoring the timely execution of revenue and expenditure items of the federal budget and the budgets of federal extra-budgetary funds; determining the effectiveness or expediency of spending public funds and using federal property; assessment of the validity of draft federal budgets and budgets of federal extra-budgetary funds; financial examination of draft federal laws, as well as regulatory legal acts of federal government bodies affecting the interests of the federal budget; analysis of identified deviations from established indicators during the execution of the federal budget and preparation of proposals for their elimination; control over the legality and timeliness of the movement of funds from the federal budget and the budget of federal extra-budgetary funds in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other authorized financial and credit institutions.

The basis of all control activities of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation are audits and inspections carried out at the location of the objects being inspected.

4. Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation- federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state socio-economic policy. It is vested with control powers in the field of regulation of economic processes of licensing certain types of activities, development of the public sector of the economy, application of state prices, foreign economic cooperation and other areas of this policy. With the responsibility of the specified ministry government regulation internal trade, it is designed to monitor domestic prices, state control over compliance with trade norms and rules and catering, quality and safety of consumer goods, as well as directly conduct audits and inspections of organizations under its jurisdiction.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/04 No. 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies”, the functions previously carried out by the abolished Ministry were transferred to the jurisdiction of this ministry property relations RF. In this regard, its control powers include: development of regulations on issues of accounting, management, disposal, privatization and control over the use of state property; maintaining records and registers of federal property, records of federal state charters unitary enterprises And employment contracts, prisoners with their leaders; carrying out an inventory of federal property objects and checking their intended use; exercising control over the management, disposal, intended use and preservation of land plots and other federal property, etc.

5. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that ensures the implementation of a unified financial, tax and currency policy of the country and coordinates the activities of other executive bodies in this area.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation performs the following control functions: exercises control over the targeted use of federal budget funds and state extra-budgetary funds, coordinates the policies of federal executive authorities; participates in the development of the procedure and control over the receipt of income from property in federal ownership; exercises control over ensuring the solvency of insurance organizations and supervision over their activities; organizes and conducts trial supervision and state control over operations with precious metals and precious stones; participates in the development of a unified audit policy and organizes control over the quality of audits; conducts audits.

It occupies a special place in the system of national financial control and includes the following divisions: the department of state regulation of financial control, audit and accounting, as well as the federal services of financial and budgetary supervision, insurance supervision for financial monitoring. Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation.

6. Federal Tax Service represents a single centralized and independent system inspection bodies, part of the system of central government bodies. Objectives: monitoring compliance with tax legislation; checking the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of taxes and other payments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation into the relevant budget.

7. Federal Customs Service ensures the direct implementation of tasks in the field of customs and uniform application customs legislation throughout the entire country.

The customs authorities are entrusted with the following main functions: customs clearance and customs control in order to accelerate trade turnover across the customs border of the Russian Federation; collection customs duties, taxes, customs duties, checking the correctness of calculation and timely payment of the specified duties, taxes and fees, taking measures for their forced collection; ensuring compliance with the procedure for moving goods across the border; the fight against smuggling and other crimes and administrative offenses in the field of customs; maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade, as well as implementing international cooperation in this area.

8. Central Bank of the Russian Federation carries out its functions and powers independently of other government bodies in accordance with Art. 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” dated July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ. Main task Central Bank The purpose of the Russian Federation is to protect and ensure the stability of the ruble as a monetary unit in the country, and therefore money emission is the exclusive prerogative of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation performs the following control functions: licensing, state registration and banking supervision of the activities of credit institutions; currency regulation and exchange control; conducting audits and inspections of subordinate organizations.

9. Judicial and law enforcement agencies(The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation) are designed to ensure systematic control over compliance by all levels of the economy and individuals current legislation.

10. Bodies of specialized state control carry out verification of compliance by all organizations, institutions and individuals with the current legislation and the established procedure for organizing and conducting certain business operations within their competence (state traffic inspectorate, State sanitary inspection, etc.).

They carry out checks on the state of execution of laws, identify facts of their violation, the perpetrators and the amount of material damage, take measures to bring the perpetrators to responsibility established by law and compensate for the material damage caused.

2. State bodies of regional significance (subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government) - include such bodies that are not structural divisions of federal bodies, but are formed and function at the level of constituent entities of the federation and local self-government.

3. Non-state control organizations:

- consumer unions;

Trade unions;

- audit organizations;

- non-governmental organizations for examination and certification of the quality of goods and services;

- public associations.

4. International regulatory organizations - This executive structures United Nations and the European Union (IAC - International Aviation Committee, ICO - International Standards Organization, ITU - International Telecommunication Union).

Powers of regulatory authorities: to carry out licensing, have access to objects of control and inspect them, request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for control, call officials and other citizens, receive explanations from them, use the help of specialists, give instructions to eliminate violations, suspend the license, prohibit the sale of goods or the provision of services, take measures to bring those guilty of offenses to responsibility established by law, including transferring relevant materials to law enforcement agencies.

The powers of regulatory authorities are integral part right mechanism for exercising control.

The control mechanism includes a system of measures allowing regulatory authorities to:

- obtain the necessary information about persons and organizations engaged in controlled activities, about the activities themselves and their results;

- identify deviations from established rules and requirements regarding subjects, the procedure for implementation and results of activities;

- take - measures to suppress violations of the specified rules and requirements, restore violated rights and satisfy the legitimate interests of individuals, organizations, the state when they are harmed by unlawful actions;

Take measures to bring to justice individuals and organizations guilty of violations of established rules and requirements.

Each regulatory body performs certain functions and for this purpose is endowed with rights and responsibilities, an exhaustive list of which is usually contained in the normative act regulating its activities.

It should be noted that, unlike auditing and accounting, a regulatory system has not yet developed in the field of control. Despite this, a certain systematization can be observed regulatory regulation, characteristic primarily for certain types of control.

An important place among legislative acts is occupied by codes: Civil code RF; Budget Code of the Russian Federation; Tax code RF; Customs Code of the Russian Federation; Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses; Labor Code RF; Land Code of the Russian Federation.

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The state carries out its multifaceted activities through state bodies. All of them, despite their diversity, have common characteristic features.

Each of them is an integral part of the state apparatus, part of the system of state bodies.

A very important characteristic feature of a government body is that it is endowed with authority and its actions are of an authoritative nature. This distinguishes it from all other organizations and public bodies. State bodies, within the limits of their rights, make decisions on issues within their jurisdiction, issue binding legal acts, and implement measures to implement decisions made. Implementation of power in necessary cases provided by state coercion. The authority of a government body is exercised within the framework of its competence, which is understood as a set of powers (rights and obligations) in relation to certain subjects of its jurisdiction. The competence of different government bodies varies and depends on the work performed and the scope of activity. The competence of state bodies is established by laws and other regulations.

So, a state body is a part of the state apparatus, endowed with state powers and exercising its competence under the authority of the state in the manner established by it.

State bodies are united by one system, but at the same time they are diverse, perform different functions, and differ from each other in a number of ways. Therefore, they can be divided into types, and according to several criteria.

Highest value has a distinction between types of government bodies in accordance with the already discussed principle of separation of powers into bodies legislative branch, executive authorities and judicial authorities. This classification is carried out both at the federal level and in relation to government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation. The legislative branch of power is the representative bodies of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities: the Federal Assembly, in the constituent entities - state councils, state assemblies, legislative assemblies, Moscow City Duma, St. Petersburg City Assembly, etc.

The executive authorities of the Russian Federation are the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities (ministries of the Russian Federation, federal services, state committees of the Russian Federation, federal commissions, etc.).

In the subjects, executive authorities can be presidents, governors, heads of administration, government, ministries, administrations, their bodies, departments, departments, etc.

Judicial power is exercised only by courts, for example, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, federal courts(the judicial system is discussed in more detail below). The President of the Russian Federation, as the head of state, occupies a special place in the system of government bodies. According to the Constitution, it is not directly assigned to any of the branches of government; it ensures their coordinated functioning. He interacts with the legislative body of the Russian Federation, is closely connected with the executive branch, and has significant powers to influence it.

When characterizing the system of government bodies, it is worth noting the prosecutorial authorities, which occupy a special place in it. The Prosecutor's Office is one of the law enforcement agencies that supervises the implementation of laws in force on the territory of the Russian Federation by other government bodies, enterprises, institutions, citizens, etc. The activities of the prosecutor's office are in contact with the work of the judiciary, but, and this is significant, it does not have the powers of the court.

The division of government bodies into types, based on the principle of separation of powers, is the most important, but it is possible to distinguish types of government bodies on other grounds.

Based on the federal structure, state bodies of the Russian Federation and state bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation can be distinguished. Government bodies vary depending on the order of their formation: elected by citizens or formed by other government bodies, for example, prosecutors' offices, courts. State bodies are either individual or collegial.

The human body is a unique, complex structure in which all processes occur only thanks to a well-coordinated working together every cell that makes up the tissues of every organ in our body. But one structure cannot perform all the necessary functions for the life of our body, therefore all parts of the body that perform similar functions are combined into systems.

Thus, an organ system is a collection of formations that are similar in structure, function and development. There are 5 such associations, each of which plays its own specific and important role in the existence of the entire organism. What human organ systems can be distinguished?

Respiratory tract

It plays an important role in the body’s activity, as it ensures the delivery of oxygen entering the blood with inhaled air and the release of carbon dioxide. Thus, each cell receives the portion of oxygen necessary for life and gets rid of substances it does not need. But before the air enters the lungs, it passes through the respiratory tract, namely: the nasal cavity and pharynx are the upper respiratory tract; the larynx, trachea and bronchi, which form the lower part of the respiratory system.

The walls of the pathways consist of bone and cartilage tissue, thanks to which they do not collapse, and air enters the body without any obstacles when inhaling. Also, upon entering the lungs, the air must be cleared of dust, warmed and humidified, which is the merit of the mucous membrane, in particular covering the nasal cavity. In the upper third of the nasopharynx there is an olfactory organ, with the help of which the respiratory system also carries out the olfactory function.

In addition, one of the extremely important functions, carried out with the help of breathing and allowing people to communicate with each other and express their emotions, is speech. It is impossible to imagine normal life activities if there were no respiratory system human organs.

Cardiovascular system

It is based on a central organ - the heart - with closed tubes connected to it, called blood vessels. The heart is a hollow muscular organ whose main function is to pump. With its rhythmic contractions, it pushes the entire mass of blood located in its chambers into the vascular bed. The vessels form the small and large circles of blood circulation. All of these structures together form the organs of the circulatory system.

The network of vessels is a system of tubes that contain circulating fluid and deliver the necessary nutrients to the cells and tissues of the body, and also remove waste products and transport them to the excretory system, namely to the excretory organs, kidneys, and skin. Arteries are located throughout the human body, even in the bones, which helps support everything. necessary conditions for existence.

The blood vessels coming from the heart and carrying arterial, oxygenated blood to them are called arteries. And those that perform the opposite function, that is, carry blood containing waste products unnecessary for cells to the heart from the organs, are called veins. They all vary in size: from larger to very small. In the pulmonary circulation, arteries and veins perform functions opposite to each other.

Human digestive system

The alimentary canal has specific sections: the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. The length of this complex is 8-10 m.

The pharynx is part of the digestive tube and respiratory tract and is intermediate between the nasal cavity and mouth on the one hand and the esophagus and larynx on the other.

The esophagus is a long, narrow tube located between the pharynx and stomach. main function which is the movement of food into the underlying sections. Its length is 23-25 ​​cm.

The stomach looks like a pouch-like expansion digestive tract. Here food accumulates and the first stages of digestion take place, as a result of which the solid parts of the food acquire a liquid or mushy appearance.

The small intestine forms many loop-shaped bends and passes into the large intestine. Its length is 6.5-7 m. Mechanical and chemical processing of food is carried out here (when exposed to alkaline environment) and suction nutrients.

The large intestine is the last section of the digestive system that ends at the anus. The length is 1-1.5 m.

The human digestive system is responsible for obtaining, processing, and removing essential nutrients. unnecessary products exchange.

Genitourinary system

The organs of this system are related to each other in their development, and their excretory ducts They are connected into one large urogenital tube, which is the urethra in men, or they open in one common space - the vestibule of the vagina in women, therefore they combine the urinary and genital organs.

The urinary organs include the kidneys, which produce urine, and the ureters, bladder and the urethra, which are involved in the storage and excretion of urine.

The genital organs are divided into male and female. Male organs include the testicles, vas deferens with seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands, and penis. The female ovaries include fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina. These organs are located in the pelvis, and they are called internal, and the labia majora and minora, the clitoris, hymen belong to the group of the external part of the reproductive system.

Nervous system

As for this human organ system, it is the most complex structure human body. It can be divided into central and peripheral.

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, and various roots and nerves extending from them, together with the receptor apparatus, form its peripheral part.

Central nervous system is responsible for processing incoming peripheral nerves impulses, simultaneously forming response signals that lead to the implementation of some action, awareness of a thought, etc. It is a more complex and advanced system compared to the peripheral one.

The peripheral nervous system performs primarily a conductive function. With its help, irritation is perceived and formed. The central nervous system is responsible for perceiving transmitted impulses and responding to them.

In addition, the nervous system can be divided into somatic and autonomic. The first is subject to human consciousness and is responsible for conscious movements.

The autonomic nervous system is located in the walls of blood vessels and organs and is controlled primarily by various metabolites and substances.

Musculoskeletal system

It includes the muscles, which are the active part of the apparatus, the skeleton and its connections, which form the passive part of the musculoskeletal system.

All muscles are divided into visceral and somatic. Muscles included in internal organs and mostly consisting of smooth muscles, is called visceral or involuntary. Somatic, or voluntary, consists mainly of striated fibers that are located in the walls of body cavities and form the main muscle mass of the limbs. Using transverse muscle fibers movements are carried out, manifested in the movement of the entire body in space.

The skeleton is a collection of dense formations that have a predominantly mechanical significance. The skeleton is made up of individual bones connected to each other by connective, cartilaginous and bone tissue. The main functions of the skeleton are protection, support and movement.

The protective function is carried out by the formation of a special canal from bones, for example, the vertebral canal, which protects the spinal cord, the skull - a helmet-like formation that protects the brain, chest, delimiting vital organs, and the pelvis, protecting the organs of excretion and reproduction.

The supporting function is achieved by attaching soft tissues and organs to various parts of the skeleton. Without this system of human organs, it would be impossible to walk upright and maintain the position of the body in space.

The motor function is carried out by muscles that move bones connected by movable joints. Thanks to the variety of joints, it is possible to perform complex and combined actions.