Congratulate me on my birthday in English. Congratulations to a man in English

I heartily congratulate you
Let life give you family peace,
Let all your desires come true,
Let all roads lead to happiness!

I wish sincerely to reach the best,
Be surrounded by the faithful friends,
Travel in the world from east to west,
Have all pleasures of the life without end!

Have all the pleasures of life!

I sincerely congratulate you
May life give family peace,
May all wishes come true
May all roads lead to happiness!

I sincerely wish to achieve the best,
To be surrounded by true friends,
Travel the world from east to west,
Have all the pleasures of life without end and edge!


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Congrats To You With All My Heart!

Congrats to you with all my heart!
I wish you happiness and smiles,
Let fate of yours be so smart
To implement all your desires!

I wish at least one faithful friend,
Successes in your work affairs,
Love in your family to spend
Your every day in pretty cares!

Congratulations with all my heart!

Congratulations with all my heart!
I wish you happiness and smiles,
May fate be so reasonable
Which will fulfill all wishes!

I wish you at least one true friend,
Good luck at work,
Love in the family to spend
Every day in pleasant worries!


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Nature Blessings

Enjoy your special day,
Be merry and relax today!
I wish you oceans of emotions,
Seas of happiness,
Rivers of givers,
Brooks of books!
And I wish you from my heart
To play always the best part,
I wish mounts of lucky moments,
Fields of faithful friends,
Forests of tourism and interests!

Natural Blessings

Enjoy, it's your special day,
Have fun and relax today!
I wish you oceans of emotions,
Seas of happiness
Rivers of givers,
Streams of books!
I also wish with all my heart -
Always play your best role
I wish you mountains of successful moments,
Fields of true friends,
Forests of tourism and all the interesting things!


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Lead a Merry Life, Enjoy!

Let grief, sadness never come,
Let the sun always shine brightly,
Let all dreams come true and right,
Giving happiness and fun!

Lead a merry life, enjoy!
Take, please, my congratulations
They are full of inspiration,
Tenderness, love, warmth and joy!

Live happily, enjoy!

May sadness and despondency never visit you,
May the sun always shine brightly
May all your dreams come true and in the right way,
Giving happiness and joy!

Live cheerfully, enjoy life!
Please accept my congratulations
They are full of inspiration
Tenderness, love, warmth and joy!


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I won't wish you many things,
I won't waste a lot of words,
I wish simply - happiness,
It includes the whole world:
Nothing troubles, nothing aches,
You have a good mood, lots of force,
It means peace, loved work and breaks,
Family, wealth, so forth…

I won't wish you much,
I won't waste many words
I just wish you happiness,
It includes the whole world:
There will be no trouble, no pain,
There will be a good mood, a lot of strength,
Happiness is peace, beloved work and rest,
Family, wealth and so on...


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To Honorable Person!

We congratulate on this event
The most honorable person
We wish for you fate to bent
Before you, giving a lot of peace!
Have fun today without end,
And be merry in your life time,
Laughter prolongs life and
Gives health! Give us your smiles!

Dear person!

We congratulate you on this event
The most respected person
We wish fate to bow
In front of you, giving a lot of fun!
Have fun today without end and edge,
And have fun all your life
Laughter prolongs life and
Gives health! Give us your smiles!


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Enjoy the Fun and Food!

Congrats you with a pure heart
And with a radiant mood,
Let each wish of guests start
To come true as it should!

I wish you all the best today
Enjoy the fun and food,
Let luck of yours not turn away,
Let fate of yours be good!

Enjoy fun and treats!

Congratulations with a pure heart
And with a radiant mood,
Let all the wishes of the guests
Executed as it should!

I wish you the best today,
Enjoy fun and treats,
May your luck not turn away from you,
May your destiny always be good!

Happy birthday greetings in English with translation

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Successful Niche

I congratulate you and I wish
For you to never be sad, dear,
For you to find a successful niche
In private life and in career!

I wish much health and live too long,
Be always young, fresh, joyful, sturdy,
Rich, happy, merry, lucky, strong
In spirit, mind, heart and body!

Successful niche

I congratulate you and wish you
May you never be sad, dear,
So that you find your successful niche
In your personal life and career!

I wish you health and long life,
Be always young, fresh, joyful, strong,
Rich, happy, cheerful, lucky, strong
Spirit, soul, mind, heart and body!


Fall in love, and be the One,
Don’t be sad, let be your troubles
Like the senseless soap bubbles,
They are bursting and unharmful,
Be you prosper, live in comfort,
Be successful with great heart,
Be you always kind, smart!

Be yourself

Dance, frolic and have fun,
Fall in love, be yourself,
And don't be sad, let the troubles
They will be like soap bubbles
They burst and are harmless,
Always prosper, live in comfort,
Be successful with a big heart,
Always be kind and smart!


Let the world without any complexities will be fascinated Love!
Let all your opportunities are easily realized!
Let there be a condition of Peace of mind!
Let each desire Will give pleasure!!

May the world be without any complications
Will be enchanted by love!
May all your possibilities
Easy to implement!
Let there be a state
Peace of mind!
Let every wish
It will bring pleasure!!

Dear (______)!
Happy Birthday! Keep being natural, beautiful, passionate, light. You are excellent women with bright individuality, sincerity and huge charm. Let all your undertakings succeed and your confidence never leaves you.
Joy and health to you and your nearest and dearest. And also love and happiness. Ukraine (country) gives birth to unique people - beautiful and strong. It"s because of you I like this place on the globe.

Expensive (_____)!
Happy Birthday to you! Remain as natural, beautiful, passionate, light. You are a great woman with a bright personality, sincerity and great charm. I wish that all your endeavors succeed, that you never lose faith in yourself and your strength.
Joy, health to you and your loved ones, Love and happiness. Ukraine (counrty) gives birth to unique people - beautiful, strong people. Thanks to you, I love this place on our globe.

You"re a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you, your son and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday!

You are a miracle and a beauty! May there be many joys and successes in your life and no problems and sorrows! Health and happiness to you, your son and everyone who is dear to you! Happy birthday!

May be I am not by your site on your Birthday but I always think about you and send you all the best wishes! Happy Birthday!

Even if I am not with you on your birthday, I always think about you and send you my best wishes! Happy birthday!

On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!

On your birthday I wish you a lot of fun,
fulfillment of all your desires,
so that every minute is amazing
and may your birthday be wonderful for you.

With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have a cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, great success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May all your most cherished dreams, hopes and expectations come true in the new year for you. Have a good joyful mood every day, good health, resistance to adversity and patience, success in all matters and personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light that you give me! Thank you for being in this world! I wish you happiness and good luck! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, wish you much health, happiness, freedom, success in everything you do and eternal youth.

Happy birthday to you, I wish you health, freedom, happiness, success in everything and eternal youth! May all your dreams come true!

I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness - without measure - every day!

I wish you good health!
I wish you a long and happy life!
And most importantly, I wish you happiness - immeasurable happiness! Every day!

I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Happy Birthday!

I hope that on your birthday, all your wishes come true! Happy birthday!

With all my heart - Happy birthday!
You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are! Hugs and kisses!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, although it’s a little early, but from the bottom of my heart. You are very beautiful, smart and talented! Don't change, stay as you are. Hugs! Kiss!

Hope your special day brings you all you want! Happy Birthday!

May this special day bring you everything you want! Happy Birthday!

I wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great time today!

I wish you a happy birthday! I hope you have a great time today!

I wish you sound health - gain your vital energy from the life itself!
Have good spirits and eternal youth of your heart!
Happy birthday!

Health and getting vitality from life itself!
Cheerfulness of spirit and eternal youth of feelings!
Happy Birthday!

Thinking of you on your Birthday and wishing you happiness! Have a great day!

I think about you on your birthday and wish you happiness! May this day be wonderful!

Sending you a Happy Birthday wishes wrapped in all my love!

Sending you birthday wishes wrapped in my love!

With lots of love I am sending you sweet Birthday wishes! Have a very Happy Birthday!

With much love, I send you the most wonderful wishes! Happy Birthday!

May your Birthday be the best day ever! Have a very Happy Birthday!

May your birthday be the best day in the world! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day!

Happy birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day!

Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours!

Happy Birthday and many happy days in your new year!

Congratulations and best wishes to you Birthday!

Congratulations and best wishes on your birthday!

Wishing you everything happy on your Birthday!

I wish you all the best for your birthday!

Have an amazing birthday!
Have a wonderful life every day,
May you have plans of success
And try to avoid making a mess.
Save problems with the “cold” reaction,
Take from love hot satisfaction.
May all dreams really come true!
All the best! Happy Birthday to you!

May your birthday be amazing
And every day life seems wonderful
And all things are shrouded in amazing success,
And avoid participating in unnecessary controversy.
Look at all problems calmly,
And enjoy the passion of love.
May all your dreams come true!
Best wishes on your birthday, Se lja Vi!

At that sunny and lovely day
I wish you happiness. I can say
You always give a hand of help
And look awesome like Johnny Depp.
I wish you much pleasure and joy.
Love your better-half and enjoy.
At your work be on the peak
As you’re so clever and you’re unique!

Happy birthday to the man (translation)
On this sunny and wonderful day
I am not too lazy to wish you a lot of happiness.
You always help out of many troubles,
And he looks personable, just like Johnny Depp.
I wish you a lot of joy, fun,
Loving your “other half” brings a lot of pleasure.
And always be on top at work,
Since you are smart and unique, don’t forget about it!

Only cool wishes to my best friend:
Have a great vacation on the sand,
Drink martini, whiskey and wine
And your life will be so fine!
Let only smile and happy moments
Last the whole life through.
And only success will you follow
For all your plans you do!

Happy birthday to a friend (translation)
The best wishes to my best friend:
Have a nice vacation on the beach,
Drink wine, whiskey, martinis,
So that life would be like in zucchini oil.
Let there be only happy moments
And I can hear your cheerful laughter all my life.
And your planned tapes
May it be accompanied by eternal success!

Happy Birthday, my friend!
Happy Birthday, my honey!
I want to wish you health
And a dozen of money.
I say from the bottom of my heart
Stay yourself, as you're smart:
Beauty is power and smile is its sword.
I wish you happiness all over the world!

Happy birthday to my friend (translation)
Happy birthday, friend!
Happy birthday, honey!
I wish you a dozen money
And be healthy and strong.
With all my heart I want to wish
Be so chic and don't forget:
Your beauty is strength and your sword is your smile,
All the happiness of the world to you, my fish!

Every person who has friends, relatives or colleagues abroad will sooner or later be faced with the need to congratulate one of the above on his birthday. Moreover, it is not necessary that the birthday person speaks English, because English is one of the most common and popular languages ​​of communication.

There are two forms of congratulations in English in writing: poetic form and prose. Your choice of one form or another depends only on your preferences and, to some extent, on your level of language proficiency.

Birthday girl, today’s your day! Time to eat cake, sing songs and play! There are so many ways to have birthday fun. Here’s hoping you get to do every one! Birthday girl, your day is today! Time to eat cake, sing songs and have fun. There are many ways to be happy on your birthday. I hope you try them all!

Amazing life will be your way, Forever, not only today. And let all your troubles disappear, And all your friends be always near! Your path will be an amazing life, Forever, today, don’t forget - Let all adversity disappear, And friends do not leave!

I congratulate you on your birthday! A lot of people can say with me That you are a very nice a great friend Who is always ready to understand! I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend. I wish to love stories have a happy ending! I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child And to you this year fate smiled! Happy Birthday! Everyone will agree with this, I know, You can be called a good friend, Always ready to understand us. I wish you the same friends, And love, so that they don’t know troubles and losses, So that the children are happy and healthy, And luck always smiles on you!

You’re going to have a fun day That’s what they all say Hoping that the year ahead Keeps all your sorrows at bay We wish you a Happy Birthday! Today is a wonderful day for you! And everyone will tell you about it! Let the coming year pass without regrets, Keep bad weather and sadness locked up! We wish you a happy birthday!

English Happy Birthday greetings in prose

With all my heart I wish you many happy at this day! Let all your dreams come true, like a hopes and expectations in your life. I wish you to have good health, strength to resist difficulties, big success in all your deals and great happiness! Thank you for your being in my life! Happy birthday!

I wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! May all your dreams, hopes and dreams come true this year. I wish you health, strength in overcoming obstacles and adversity, good luck in business and great happiness! Thank you for your presence in my life! Happy birthday!

With great pleasure I want to wish you love, much health, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening.

With great pleasure I want to wish you love, good health, happiness and freedom in your dreams. I wish you to be forever young, extraordinary ideas and great success in all your endeavors! Be happy! Be yourself, no matter what happens!

I wish you a long and amazing life! I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day!

I wish you a long and have a wonderful life! I wish you good health and good results in all your affairs. And most importantly, I wish you unlimited happiness in every minute of your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day!

In the modern world there are many opportunities to surprise your friend: you can make an original gift with your own hands, you can buy something necessary and interesting, or you can do it the old fashioned way at beautiful postcard write a congratulation by hand.

By the way, for many foreigners, and in lately and for each of us, such a gift turns out to be more valuable than any other, because everything that is written is written from the soul, from a pure heart and with incredible love. If you don’t know how to surprise a friend, pay attention to happy birthday greetings in English with translation; today we will talk about them.

May your birthday bring a smile to your face, happiness to your heart and many blessings to your life.

May your birthday bring a smile to your face, joy to your heart and blessings to your life.

Happy Birthday to the person who means the most to me in this world. I hope your birthday wishes come true. I know mine did the day I met you. Thank you for always being right by my side, sweetheart.

Happy birthday to the man who means a lot to me in this world. I hope your wishes come true. I know that mine came true the day I met you. Thank you for always being there, honey.

I hope you get whatever you wish for when you blow out the candles! I can only wish for you what I wish every year – may you enjoy the good things in life. Happy birthday!

I hope you get everything you want when you blow out your candles. I can only wish you what I wish every year - enjoy the material blessings in life. Happy birthday!

Some say that a birthday is a great time to look back at the past year. Others say a birthday is a good time to think about what lies ahead. I say ‘cut the cake’ and let’s eat.

Some say that a birthday is a great opportunity to look back on the past. Others say that a birthday is a time to think about what lies ahead. And I say “cut the cake and eat it.”

The candles on your cake won’t start a fire if you don’t light them, but that isn’t what candles are for. Keep lighting up the world on your birthday.

Candles on a cake won't start a fire unless you light them, but that's not what candles are made for. Continue to light up the world on your birthday!

Life is just an act. The ingredients of success needed are a killing cast, a remarkable plot and an unflinching director. I think you have all it needs.

Life is a role. The ingredients for success that are needed are a mind-blowing cast, a wonderful plot and a decisive director of the film. I think you have everything you need.

May you always have enough happiness at your life to keep you sweet, enough trials and errors to keep you strong, enough success to keep you trying, enough faith to give you courage and enough determination to make each day a good day to remember.

May you always have enough joy in life to stay charming, enough trial and error to stay strong, enough success to try, enough faith to stay brave and enough determination to make every day a day to remember.

Congratulations in verse

If you want something special, we offer birthday wishes in English in verse. Your friends will definitely appreciate such a gift!

Happy Birthday!
Good friends are hard to find,
but I found you who is so kind.
The little things that you do and say,
are always done in your special way.
So today I want to take this time
to wish you a Happy Birthday,
a friend of mine.

Happy birthday!
Good friends are hard to find
But I found you, and you are so kind.
The little things you do and say
Always done in a special way.
So today I want to take some time
And wish you Have a good day birthday, my dear friend.

Wishing you happiness
To welcome each morning,
Wishing you laughter
To make your heart sing.
Wishing you friendship
Sharing and caring,
And all of the joy
The birthday can bring!

I wish you happiness
So that it comes every morning,
I wish you laughter
To make your heart sing.
I wish you friendship
Mutual and caring
And all the joy
Which a birthday can bring.

I wish u to have a
Special Sunday,
Marvellous Monday,
Tasty Tuesday
Wonderful Wednesday,
Thankful Thursday,
Friendly Friday,
Successful Saturday!
Have a great week ahead

I wish you
Special Sunday
Have an amazing Monday
Have a delicious Tuesday
Great environment,
Friendly Friday,
Happy Saturday.
Have a great week ahead and
Happy birthday to you!

If kisses were rain i’d send you showers,
If fun was time i’d send you hours,
If you needed a friend i’d send you me.
Happy Birthday to you, Sweetheart!

If kisses were rain, I'd send you showers
If fun was a time, I'd send you a watch
If you needed a friend, I would send you myself!
Happy Birthday, dear!

I'd like to be the very first
To greet you in this way,
To send you countless wishes
On this important day,
A day of overwhelming joy
In everything you do,
For you deserve the nicest things
The world could offer you.

I would like to be the very first
To congratulate you in this way,
Send you countless wishes
On this important day,
Day of Overwhelming Happiness
In everything you do
You deserve the best things
Which the world can only offer you.

In a card you can simply write “happy birthday to you”, I’m sure everyone knows the translation. “Happy birthday to you” - these words remain the most significant and most long-awaited for each of us. Love, congratulate and give each other joy!

Our the prettiest Birthday girl,
We get gathered to congratulate,
And to have fun with you, our pearl,
To bring you gifts and our love!
We wish all the happy and rich things,
Be you successful in your private life,
Be you successful in your business,
Never have any quarrel, hurt and strife!

Have fun with you!

Our most beautiful birthday girl,
We have gathered to congratulate
And to have fun with you, our pearl,
To give you gifts and my love!
We wish you happy and rich things,
Always be successful in your personal life,
Always be successful in your business,
Never have any quarrels, no grudges, no discord!


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WISH Love – Great and Mutual

I do not wish you princes -
They smell by their horses,
I do not wish gold rings, these
Are cold and don’t give forces!

I wish on Happy Birthday
Love – great and mutual,
For you not to be Queen Frosty,
For you to give warm beauty!

I wish you love – big and mutual!

I don't wish you princes -
They smell like horses
I don't want gold rings, they
Cold and do not give strength,

I wish you on your birthday
Love - big and mutual,
So that you don't be the snow (frozen) queen,
And she herself gave warm beauty!


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Eternal Muse!

On your Birthday I wish you
Good mood, happiness and love!
Let each day bring fresh and new
Meetings, friends, ideas, luck!

Let your eyes glint like the stars,
Keep you always beauty, youth!
Have wealth, clothes and cars,
Be for men eternal muse!

Eternal muse!

On your birthday I wish
Have a good time, happiness and love!
Let every day bring fresh and new
Friends, meetings, ideas, good luck!

Let your eyes shine like stars
Preserve your beauty and youth!
Have wealth, clothes and cars,
Be an eternal muse for men!


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Reach all Pleasures of the Life!

Happy Birthday! You look happy today,
I wish you to be like this every day!
Be you always happy and healthy,
Be you always lucky and wealthy!

Reach all pleasures of the life, dear,
Visit many foreign countries each year,
Let you always be loved by the knights,
Be you always so beautiful and bright!

Achieve all the pleasures of life!

Happy birthday! You look so happy today
I wish you looked like this every day!
Be always happy and healthy,
Be always lucky and rich!

Achieve all the pleasures of life, dear,
Visit a lot foreign countries every year
May the knights love you
Always be so beautiful and bright!


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Princess Ball

My congrats on Happy Birthday!
Have a real princess ball,
Be you always so thirsty
For being prettiest of all!!!

Wish you to win everywhere,
Laugh you always as a bell,
Be a brilliant star and wear
Fashionable apparel!!!

Princess Ball

My congratulations on your birthday!
May you have a real princess ball,
Always be so thirsty
Look the most beautiful of all!!!

I wish you to win everywhere,
Always laugh like a bell,
Become a shining star and wear
Fashionable clothes!!!


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Winner of the Venus!

I congratulate sincerely
On your Happy Birthday, dear!
Wish you be among the winners,
Be the winner of all Venus!
Let you be the same kind
Girl and friend, with a sharp mind
All your happy and long life!
I wish you a magic love!

The winner of all beauties!

I sincerely congratulate you
Happy Birthday, dear!
I want to be among the winners
Be the winner of all beauties!
Always be as kind
Girlfriend and friend, with a sharp mind
All your happy and long years of life!
I wish you magical love!


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Congrats to Dear Lady!

I wish you on your Birthday
A lot of joy and fun!
I wish you now mostly
Be always shining sun,
Remain fresh and pretty
As sea breeze at sun rise,
Be always, dear lady
As you are nice and wise!
I wish good luck, successes,
Be healthy, happy, young,
Live you without stresses,
Let's not run!

Congratulations dear lady!

I wish on your birthday
Lots of joy and fun!
I wish you now, most importantly,
Always be a shining sun
Stay fresh and pleasant
Like the sea breeze at dawn
Always be, dear lady,
How you are now, beautiful and wise!
I wish you good luck, success,
Be healthy, happy, young,
Live stress-free
Let the years not pass!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in English

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Happy Birthday, Queen!

Today you are the queen,
The whole world loves you!
Enjoy the festive scene
And never become blue!

Be cheerful and bright,
Today is the great date!
Let's Happy Birthday night
Bring everything you wait!

Happy Birthday, Queen!

Today you are the queen
The whole world loves you!
Enjoy the holiday
And never be discouraged!

Be cheerful and bright
Today is a great date!
Let the birthday celebration
It will bring everything you expect!


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Happy Birthday - Coolest Fest!

Dear Princess, Happy Birthday!
I wish you from heart and honestly
Be you always as you are,
Like the brightest, prettiest star!

Have you always your best features
Let fate give for it much richness,
Be you good, the kindest,
As you are! Have the coolest Fest!

Happy Birthday - cool festival!

Dear Princess, Happy Birthday!
I wish you from my heart and honestly
Always be as you are -
A bright and beautiful star!

Always keep your best features
May fate give more wealth for this,
Be good, be the kindest,
What you are now! Cool festival!


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Brilliant Birthday Ball of the Girl

You are the most beautiful of all,
Congrats! Have Brilliant Birthday Ball,
Be always so nice and bright,
Feel every day such great delight!

Be cheerful the whole life,
Don't give in bad things, quarrels, strife,
Be happy in your love and work,
Be healthy through your lifelong walk!

Brilliant Ball in honor of a Girl's Birthday

You are the most beautiful of all,
Congratulations! Let the Ball in honor of your Birthday be brilliant,
Always be so pleasant and bright,
Feel such great delight every day!

Be cheerful all your life
Do not give in to bad things, quarrels, discord,
Be happy in your love and work,
Be healthy throughout your walk through life!


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Congratulations: 20 in verse (0 short)