Presentation for a biology lesson on the topic: Biographies of biologists. Karl Ernst von Baer. Climbers of the Northern capital. Baer Karl Maksimovich

Karl Maksimovich Baer(Karl Ernst) (1792-1876) - naturalist, founder of embryology, one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society, foreign corresponding member (1826), academician (1828-30 and 1834-62; honorary member since 1862) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Born in Estland. Worked in Austria and Germany; in 1829-30 and from 1834 - in Russia. Discovered the egg cell in mammals, described the blastula stage; studied chick embryogenesis.

Karl Baer established the similarity of embryos of higher and lower animals, the sequential appearance in embryogenesis of characters of type, class, order, etc.; described the development of all major organs of vertebrates. Researched New Earth, Caspian Sea. K. Baer - editor of a series of publications on Russian geography . Explained the pattern of erosion of river banks (Beer's law: rivers flowing in the direction of the meridian, in the Northern Hemisphere, wash away the right bank, in the Southern Hemisphere, the left bank. Explained by the influence of the daily rotation of the Earth on the movement of water particles in the river.).



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Karl Ernst von Baer Biology teacher Kuzyaeva A.M. Nizhny Novgorod

Karl Ernst von Baer (February 17, 1792 - November 28, 1876) Karl Ernst von Baer, ​​or, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maksimovich Baer, ​​one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy, academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Entomological Society, one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society. Ichthyologist, geographer, anthropologist and ethnographer.

Baer was born on February 28, 1792 on his father’s estate Pin, Estonian province (Tartu, Estonia); Baer's father, Magnus von Baer, ​​belonged to the Estonian nobility. Home teachers taught Karl. In August 1807, the boy entered a noble school in Revel. in 1810 - 1814 he studied medicine at the University of Dorpat and in 1812 - 1813 he had the opportunity to study it practically in a large military hospital in Riga. In 1814, Baer passed the examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

To improve his science, Karl Baer went to Germany, where, under the leadership of Dellinger, he studied comparative anatomy in Würzburg; met Nees von Esenbeck, who had a great influence on his mental direction. Since 1817, Baer has been Burdach's prosector in Königsberg. In 1819 he was appointed extraordinary, and soon after that ordinary professor of zoology. In 1826 he was appointed ordinary professor of anatomy and director of the anatomical institute. In the same year, Baer discovered the mammalian egg. In 1828, the first volume of the famous “History of Animal Development” appeared in print. In 1829 he was invited as an academician and professor of zoology at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Johann Döllinger Nes von Esenbeck

In the summer of 1837 he made a trip to Novaya Zemlya, where no naturalist had ever been before. In 1839, Baer traveled to explore the islands of the Gulf of Finland. In 1840 he visited the Kola Peninsula. Behr, in 1840, began to publish, together with Helmersen, a special journal at the academy, entitled “Materials for Knowledge.” Russian Empire ».

Since 1841, Baer was appointed to the department of comparative anatomy and physiology at the Medical-Surgical Academy, specially founded for him, as an ordinary professor. The scientist works together with surgeon N.I. Pirogov. In 1851, Baer presented to the Academy of Sciences a large article “About Man”, intended for “Russian Fauna” by Yu.I. Simashko and translated into Russian. K. Beer N.I. Pirogov

Since 1851, Beer's travels around Russia began with practical purposes and, in addition to geographical and ethnographic research, in the field of applied zoology (to Lake Peipsi, the shores of Baltic Sea, to the Volga and Caspian Sea). In the spring of 1857, the scientist returned to St. Petersburg and became interested in anthropology. He brought into operation and enriched the collection of human skulls in the anatomical museum of the Academy of Sciences. In 1862, he retired and was elected an honorary member of the Academy. On August 18, 1864, a solemn celebration of his anniversary took place at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. After the anniversary, Baer considered his St. Petersburg career irrevocably completed and decided to move to Dorpat. In the early summer of 1867, he moved to a nearby university town.

Beer's laws are most general signs of any large group of animals appear in the embryo earlier than less general characters; after the formation of the most general characteristics, less general ones appear, and so on until the appearance of special characteristics characteristic of a given group; The embryo of any animal species, as it develops, becomes less and less similar to the embryos of other species and does not pass through late stages their development; the embryo of a highly organized species may resemble the embryo of a more primitive species, but is never similar to adult form of this type.

The law of germinal similarity Karl Ernst von Baer showed that the development of all organisms begins with the egg. In this case, the following patterns are observed, common to all vertebrates: on early stages development, striking similarities are found in the structure of the embryos of animals belonging to different classes (the embryo highest form looks not like an adult animal form, but like its embryo); in the embryos of each large group of animals, general characteristics are formed earlier than special ones; in progress embryonic development there is a divergence of signs from more general to special.

On November 16 (November 28), 1876, Baer died quietly, as if he had fallen asleep. In November 1886, a monument to Baer was erected in Tartu. Monuments were also installed at the entrance to the Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the Library of the Academy of Sciences (BAN) in St. Petersburg. In 1864, the prize was approved. Bera. K. Bär on the Estonian 2 kroon banknote Karl von Bär is depicted on the two Estonian kroon banknote.

Karl Maksimovich Baer, ​​a famous scientist who did a lot for the development of embryology.

Baer Karl Maksimovich (born Karl Ernst von Baer), life period from 1792 to 1876, was born into a German family in Estonia.

Baer is described in biology textbooks as the main founder of the science that studies the development of animal embryos. One of his studies was the similarities of the formation of the embryo inside the womb, relating to various biological species. In his own treatises, he named the main principles of the process of embryo formation, which after a while will be called “Beer’s laws.”

Karl Maksimovich was the first to find an egg in humans. During the study of the principle of embryo formation related to various categories multicellular animals, he noticed specific similar features that are inherent initial stages mature and disappear after some time.

In accordance with his treatises, the embryo first of all develops the traits inherent in the type, then the class, then the order, genus and, finally, the species. At the initial moments of their maturation, embryos belonging to various types and even units, have many common features.

In addition, Baer was able to describe the main stages of the process of embryo formation in multicellular animals: the time and specificity of the formation and changes in the neural tube, as well as spinal column In addition, he analyzed the specific structure of other vital organs.

Baer was one of the first scientists to suggest that all the differences in our species, from a racial point of view, are formed only due to differences in climate. To analyze the process of change in ethno-territorial groups of people, the biologist for the first time used techniques from craniology (the science of studying the properties of the structure of the skull).

Karl Maksimovich long time belonged to a group of like-minded people who agreed with the species similarity of people, and was against the theory of racial domination. For his own strong point of view regarding species similarity, many of the biologist’s statements were subject to sharp criticism from opposing colleagues.

Speaking about what Karl Maksimovich brought to biology, it is difficult not to talk about his contribution as a scientist and to geography. According to the so-called Baer effect - a river that flows along a meridian, its western slope is usually steeper due to regular erosion by the current. Baer K.M. is one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society.

In honor of the great scientist and naturalist, the highlands in the Caspian Lowland, Cape Bera on Novaya Zemlya, and even an island in the Taimyr Bay were named.

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Baer K.M.(Karl Ernst) – doctor, traveler, founder of embryology, one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society (1845). 1827 – corresponding member. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (AS), valid member of the Academy of Sciences – from 1828, from 1862 - honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. In 1829-1830 and 1834-1867. – lived in Russia (in St. Petersburg). Explored Lake Peipsi, the Baltic and Caspian Seas, the Volga, Lapland and Novaya Zemlya. Explained the pattern of erosion of river banks (Baer's law). Discovered the mammalian egg. Studied embryogenesis and formulated 4 patterns, which later were called "Beer's Laws".

Karl Ernst, or, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maksimovich Baer, ​​was born on February 17, 1792 in the town of Pip, in the Gerven district of the Estonian province. Baer's father, Magnus von Baer, ​​belonged to the Estonian nobility and was married to his cousin Julia von Baer.

Little Karl began to be interested early different objects nature and often brought home various fossils, snails and the like. As a seven-year-old boy, Karl Baer not only could not read, but also did not know a single letter. Subsequently, he was very pleased that “he was not one of those phenomenal children who, because of the ambition of their parents, are deprived of a bright childhood.”

Then home teachers taught Karl. He studied mathematics, geography, Latin and French and other items. Eleven-year-old Karl has already become familiar with algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

In August 1807, Karl was taken to the noble school at the city cathedral in Revel. After questioning, which took the form of an exam, the school director assigned him to the senior class (prima), ordering him to attend only Greek lessons in the junior classes, in which Baer was not at all prepared.

In the first half of 1810, Karl completed his school course. He enters the University of Dorpat. In Dorpat, Baer decided to choose a medical career, although, by his own admission, he himself did not know well why he was making this choice.

When Napoli's invasion of Russia followed in 1812 and Macdonald's army threatened Riga, many of the Dorpat students, including Baer, ​​went, like true patriots, to the theater of war in Riga, where typhus was raging in the Russian garrison and in the city population. Karl also fell ill with typhus, but survived the disease safely.

In 1814, Karl Baer passed the examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He presented and defended his dissertation “On endemic diseases in Estonia.” But still realizing the inadequacy of the knowledge he had acquired, he asked his father to send him abroad to complete his medical education. His father gave him a small amount, on which, according to Baer’s calculations, he could live for a year and a half, and his older brother lent him the same amount.

Beer went abroad, choosing Vienna to continue his medical education, where such famous people as Hildebrand, Rust, Beer and others taught. In the autumn of 1815, Baer arrived in Würzburg to visit another famous scientist, Döllinger,

To whom he gave, instead letter of recommendation, a bag of mosses, explaining his desire to study comparative anatomy. The very next day, Karl Baer, ​​under the guidance of an old scientist, began dissecting leeches from the pharmacy. In this way, he independently studied the structure of various animals. Throughout his life, Baer remained deeply grateful to Dellinger, who spared neither time nor labor for his education.

Cash Meanwhile, Karl Baer's studies were coming to an end, so he was delighted at Professor Burdach's offer to join him as a dissector at the Department of Physiology at the University of Königsberg. As a dissector, Baer immediately opened a course in the comparative anatomy of invertebrate animals, which was of an applied nature, since it consisted mainly of showing and explaining anatomical preparations and drawings.

Since then, teaching and scientific activities Carla Bara fell into her regular rut. He led practical exercises students in the anatomical theater, taught courses on human anatomy and anthropology, and found time to prepare and publish special independent works.

In 1819, Baer managed to get a promotion: he was appointed extraordinary (supernumerary) professor of zoology with instructions to set up a zoological museum at the university. In general, this year was a happy one in Baer’s life: he married one of the residents of Koenigsberg, Augusta von Medem.

Gradually, in Konigsberg, Baer became one of the prominent and beloved members of intelligent society - not only among professors, but also in many families that were not directly related to the university. Fluent in German literary language Baer sometimes wrote German poetry, which was quite good and smooth. “I must repent,” says Baer in his autobiography, “that one day it seriously occurred to me that there might not be a poet in me. But my attempts revealed to me that Apollo was not sitting at my cradle. If I did not write humorous poetry, then the ridiculous element still involuntarily crept in in the form of empty pathos or tearing elegy.”

In 1826, Baer was appointed a real professor of anatomy and director of the anatomical institute with release from the duties of a prosector that had hitherto been on him. It was a time of rise in creativity scientific activity scientist. In addition to the lectures on zoology and anatomy that he gave at the university, he wrote a number of special works on animal anatomy, made many reports in scientific societies on natural history and anthropology. By type theories, based on comparative anatomical data, by right of priority, Georges Cuvier is considered,

Baer, ​​who published his theory in 1812, independently came to similar conclusions, but published his work only in 1826. However, the theory of types would have much less significance if it were based solely on anatomy and was not supported by data from the history of the development of organisms. The latter was done by Baer, ​​and this gives him the right to be considered, along with Cuvier, the founder of the theory of types.

But the most great success brought embryological research to Baer. In 1828, the first volume of his famous “History of Animal Development” appeared in print. Baer, ​​while studying chick embryology, observed that early stage development, when two parallel ridges form on the germinal plate, subsequently closing and forming the brain tube. The scientist was struck by the idea that “type guides development, the embryo develops following the basic plan according to which the body of organisms of a given class is structured.” He turned to other vertebrate animals and found brilliant confirmation of his thought in their development.

The enormous significance of the “History of Animal Development” published by Baer lies not only in the clear clarification of the basic embryological processes, but mainly in the brilliant conclusions presented at the end of the first volume of this work under the general title “Scholia and Corollaries”. The famous zoologist Balfour,

He said that all studies on vertebrate embryology that came out after Karl Baer can be considered as additions and amendments to his work, but cannot provide anything as new and important as the results obtained by Baer.

Asking himself a question about the essence of development, Karl Baer answered it: all development consists in the transformation of something previously existing. “This position is so simple and artless,” says another scientist, “that it seems almost meaningless. And yet it is of great importance."

Trips Carla Bara

In 1837, Baer led a scientific expedition to Novaya Zemlya, where no naturalist had been before, on the schooner Krotov. The main task of this expedition, unlike all previous ones to Novaya Zemlya, was to study it geological structure, acquaintance with fauna and flora. In addition to him, Baer's expedition included the naturalist Leman A.A. ,

Geologist Raeder and laboratory assistant Filippov. In Arkhangelsk it turned out that the schooner “Krotov” was so small that it could not accept all the participants of the expedition, much less a live cow, which Baer intended to take as a reserve fresh meat. Subsequently, he wrote, not without humor, that “with the same success one could have loaded the Krotov onto a cow.” We got out of the situation by agreeing with one of the Pomors, who was heading to Novaya Zemlya, to take part of the expedition members on his boat. In mid-June we left Arkhangelsk, carried out botanical and zoological research in its vicinity, then for the same purpose visited several points in Lapland -

natural area in Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Murmansk region. Russia and only in the second half of July they dropped anchor off the coast of Novaya Zemlya -

western entrance to the Matochkin Shar Strait ( between the North and South islands of Novaya Zemlya. The strait connects the Barents and Kara seas). For several days they carried out various natural scientific studies, and on July 31 they entered Matochkin Shar. Then we boarded a boat and got to the Kara Sea. When going on a boat trip, they violated one of the main commandments of polar explorers: “When going for a day, stock up on everything you need for a month.” Intending to return to the ship by nightfall, the travelers did not stock up on anything necessary for a more or less long stay outside the ship. The treacherous arctic weather immediately provided them with big trouble. A strong wind rose up and made it impossible to return by boat. We had to spend the first days of August in the rain, at a temperature of 4-5°C, without any roof over our heads and with a virtual lack of food. Returning along the shore was impossible due to the impassable bare rocks rising straight out of the water. Fortunately, we managed to meet the Pomors, otherwise the journey could have ended tragically. Having left Matochkin Shar, we explored the south of the western coast of Novaya Zemlya, and on August 31 we left the archipelago and on September 11 we safely reached Arkhangelsk. Baer's expedition achieved excellent scientific results, becoming an important step in the study of the Arctic. She has collected collections of up to 90 species of plants and up to 70 species of invertebrates. Geological studies have led to the conclusion that Novaya Zemlya was formed in the Silurian and Devonian eras. In 1838 Baer published the results of his research.

IN subsequent years Baer explored the islands of the Gulf of Finland (1839), the Kola Peninsula (1840), the Mediterranean Sea (1845-1846), the shores of the Baltic Sea (1851-1852), the Caspian region and the Caspian Sea (1853-1856), and the Sea of ​​Azov (1862).

His “Caspian Research” in eight parts is very rich in scientific results. In this work by Baer, ​​the eighth part is most interesting - “O universal law formation of river channels" – Baer's law: rivers flowing in the direction of the meridian wash away the right bank in the Northern Hemisphere, and the left bank in the Southern Hemisphere, which is explained by the influence of the daily rotation of the Earth.

In the spring of 1857, Karl Baer returned to St. Petersburg. He felt too old for long and tedious wanderings. Now Baer devoted himself primarily to anthropology.

In addition to anthropology, Karl Baer, ​​however, did not cease to be interested in other branches of natural science, trying to promote their development and dissemination in Russia. Thus, he took an active part in the creation and organization of the Russian Entomological Society and became its first president. Although Baer enjoyed general respect and had no shortage of friendly society, he did not particularly like life in St. Petersburg. Therefore, he looked for an opportunity to leave St. Petersburg and go somewhere to live out the rest of his life in peace, devoting himself exclusively to his scientific inclinations, without any official duties.

Baer was one of the founders of the IRGS, and in 1861 he was awarded the highest award of the IRGS - the Great Konstantinovsky Medal.

August 18, 1864 a solemn celebration took place at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences - 50th anniversary of the scientific activity of K.M. Bera. The Emperor granted the hero of the day a lifelong annual pension of 3 thousand rubles. The Academy of Sciences established the Baer Prize for outstanding research in the natural sciences, and he himself presented a large medal with a bas-relief image of his head and an inscription around it: “Starting with an egg, he showed man to man.”.

After the anniversary, Karl Baer considered his St. Petersburg career to be completely over and decided to move to Dorpat (Tartu), since if he went abroad, he would be too far away from his children. By this time, Baer's family had shrunk greatly: his only daughter Maria married Dr. von Lingen in 1850, and of his six sons only three survived; Baer's wife died in the spring of 1864. In the early summer of 1867, he moved to his native university town.

The elderly scientist continued to be interested in science here, in retirement. He prepared his unpublished works for publication and, whenever possible, followed the progress of knowledge. His mind was still clear and active, but physical strength began to betray him more and more. On November 16, 1876, Karl Baer died quietly, and in 1886 a monument was erected in Tartu in his honor.

A little later, a similar monument was erected in the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg.

Leman Alexander Adolfovich (1814-1842)– Dorpat (Tartu). PComforter, Ph.D. He died in Simbirsk at the age of 28. In 1837 he received an offer from Prof. Baer, ​​who was his teacher, joined the expedition being prepared for Novaya Zemlya and in the spring of 1837 he set out on an expedition. Along the eastern shore White Sea, through Snow Mountain The expedition arrived on June 21 to the coastal shores of Lapland, then, on July 17, to the western coast of Novaya Zemlya near the Matochkin Shar Strait. Returning to St. Petersburg in the fall of the same year, Leman in 1838 was invited by V.A. Perovsky to explore the Orenburg region. In the winter of 1839, he made a trip to Khiva together with Perovsky through almost impassable masses of snow, in the spring of 1840 he went to the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea in Novo-Alexandrovsk, in the vicinity of which he constantly carried out various excursions and collected rich materials; then he explored the southern slopes of the Urals and the steppes up to Zlatoust. Winter 1840-1841 Leman spent time in Orenburg, putting the collected items in order. When a mission of mining officials was sent to Bukhara in the spring of 1841, Leman joined it as a naturalist and spent more than a year in different areas of Bukhara. Lehmann's research, very valuable, was not published by him. Lehmann bequeathed some of his materials to the Academy of Sciences, he left his botanical collections to the professor of botany in Dorpat Bung, the rest of the materials and travel descriptions were published after his death by his fellow academicians. His trip to Bukhara introduced the scientific world to the previously unknown life of the Bukhara people.

Since 1851, a series of Baer's travels around Russia began, undertaken for practical purposes and involving Baer, ​​in addition to geographical and ethnographic research, into the field of applied zoology. He led expeditions to Lake Peipsi and the shores of the Baltic Sea, the Volga and the Caspian Sea.

Karl Ernst von Baer, ​​or, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maximovich Baer, ​​was born on February 17, 1792 in the town of Pip, in the Gerven district of the Estonian province. Baer’s father, Magnus von Baer, ​​belonged to the Estonian nobility and He was married to his cousin Julia von Baer. He was taught mathematics, geography, Latin and French, and other subjects. Eleven-year-old Karl had already become familiar with algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

In August 1807, the boy was taken to a noble school at the city cathedral in Revel. In the first half of 1810, Karl completed his school course. He enters the University of Dorpat. In Dorpat, Baer decided to choose a medical career.

In 1814, Baer passed the examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He presented and defended his dissertation “On endemic diseases in Estonia.” Baer went abroad, choosing Vienna to continue his medical education. Professor Burdakh invited Baer to join him as a dissector at the Department of Physiology at the University of Königsberg. As a dissector, Baer opened a course in the comparative anatomy of invertebrate animals, which was of an applied nature, since it consisted mainly of showing and explaining anatomical preparations and drawings.

In 1826, Baer was appointed ordinary professor of anatomy and director of the anatomical institute, relieved of his duties as a prosector.

In 1828, the first volume of the famous “History of Animal Development” appeared in print. Baer, ​​studying the embryology of the chicken, observed that early stage of development when two parallel ridges are formed on the germ plate, which subsequently join and form the brain tube. Baer believed that in the process of development, each new formation arises from a simpler pre-existing basis. Thus, general foundations first appear in the embryo, and from them more and more specialized parts are isolated. This process of gradual movement from the general to the specific is known as differentiation. In 1826, Baer discovered mammalian eggs. He published this discovery in the form of a message addressed to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which elected him as its corresponding member. Another very important discovery made by Baer was the discovery of the dorsal chord, the base internal skeleton vertebrates.

At the end of 1834, Baer was already living in St. Petersburg. From the capital, in the summer of 1837, the scientist traveled to Novaya Zemlya, where no naturalist had ever been before.

In 1839, Baer traveled to explore the islands of the Gulf of Finland, and in 1840 he visited the Kola Peninsula. Since 1840, Baer began publishing, together with Helmersen, a special journal at the academy, called “Materials for the Knowledge of the Russian Empire.”

Since 1841, the scientist was appointed ordinary professor of comparative anatomy and physiology at the Medical-Surgical Academy.

In 1851, Baer presented to the Academy of Sciences a large article “On Man,” intended for Semashko’s “Russian Fauna” and translated into Russian.

Since 1851, a series of Baer's travels around Russia began, undertaken for practical purposes and involving Baer, ​​in addition to geographical and ethnographic research, into the field of applied zoology. He led expeditions to Lake Peipsi and the shores of the Baltic Sea, the Volga and the Caspian Sea. His “Caspian Research” in eight parts is very rich in scientific results. In this work by Baer, ​​the eighth part is most interesting - “On the universal law of the formation of river channels.” In the spring of 1857, the scientist returned to St. Petersburg. Now Baer devoted himself primarily to anthropology. He tidied up and enriched the collection of human skulls in the Academy's anatomical museum, gradually turning it into an anthropological museum.

In 1862, he retired and was elected an honorary member of the Academy.

On August 18, 1864, a solemn celebration of his anniversary took place at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. After the anniversary, Baer considered his St. Petersburg career completely over and decided to move to Dorpat. In the early summer of 1867, he moved to his native university town.

The scientist's main works are Message on the development of the egg of mammals and humans (Epistola de ovi mammalium et hominis genesi, 1827), History of the development of animals (Über die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere, 1828; 1837), Study of the development of fish (Untersuchungen Entwickelung der Fische, 1835).

Karl Baer

Baer Karl Maksimovich (Karl Ernst) (1792-1876), naturalist, founder of embryology, one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society, foreign corresponding member (1826), academician (1828-30 and 1834-62; honorary member from 1862) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences . Born in Estland. Worked in Austria and Germany; in 1829-30 and from 1834 - in Russia. Discovered the egg cell in mammals, described the blastula stage; studied chick embryogenesis. He established the similarity of embryos of higher and lower animals, the sequential appearance in embryogenesis of characteristics of type, class, order, etc.; described the development of all major organs of vertebrates. Explored Novaya Zemlya, Caspian Sea. Editor of a series of publications on the geography of Russia. Explained the pattern of erosion of river banks (Ber's law).

BER Karl Maksimovich (Karl Ernst) (1792–1876), Russian naturalist, embryologist. Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. One of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society. Participant of expeditions to Novaya Zemlya (1837) and the Caspian Sea (1853–56). In 1857, he formulated a provision on the erosion of the right banks of rivers in the North. hemisphere and left - in the Southern, included in the literature under the name of Baer's law. The name of Ber is borne by a cape on Novaya Zemlya and an island in the Taimyr Bay; the name Baerovskie mounds in the Caspian lowland was included as a term.

Modern illustrated encyclopedia. Geography. Rosman-Press, M., 2006.

Bar Karl

Baer Karl Maksimovich, Russian naturalist, founder of embryology. Graduated from Dorpat (Tartu) University (1814). From 1817 he worked at the University of Königsberg. Since 1826 members -corr., from 1828 ordinary academician, from 1862 honorary member. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Returned to Russia in 1834. Worked in St. Petersburg. AN and at the Medical-Surgical Academy (1841-52). B. discovered the egg in mammals and humans (1827), studied in detail the embryogenesis of the chicken (1829, 1837), and studied the embryonic development of fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. He discovered an important stage of embryonic development - the blastula. Traced the fate of the germ layers and development membranes. He established that: 1) the embryos of higher animals do not resemble the adult forms of lower animals, but are similar only to their embryos; 2) in the process of embryonic development, characters of type, class, order, family, genus and species appear successively (Beer’s laws). Researched and described the development of all fundamentals. vertebrate organs - notochord, brain and spinal cord, eyes, heart, excretory apparatus, lungs, digestive canal, etc. The facts discovered by B. in embryology were proof of the inconsistency of preformationism. B. worked fruitfully in the field of anthropology, creating a system for measuring skulls. Participant of expeditions to Novaya Zemlya (1837) and to the Caspian Sea. m. (1853-56). Their scientific the results were geogr. description of the Caspian Sea, spec. a series of publications on the geography of Russia ["Materials for the knowledge of the Russian Empire and neighboring countries of Asia", vol. 1-26, 1839-72 (editor)]. In 1857 he expressed a position on the patterns of erosion of the right banks of rivers in the North. hemisphere and left - in the Southern (see Baer's law). B. is one of the founders of the Russian Geogr. about-va. The name B. was assigned to a cape on Novaya Zemlya and an island in the Taimyr Bay, and as a term was included in the name of the ridges (see Baer mounds) in the Caspian lowland.

Materials from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia were used. In 30 t. Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov. Ed. 3rd. T. 4. Brasos - Wesh. – M., Soviet Encyclopedia. – 1971. – 600 p. from ill., 39 l. ill., 8 l. cards (630,000 copies).

Karl Ernst, or, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maksimovich Baer, ​​was born on February 17, 1792 in the town of Pip, in the Gerven district of the Estonia province. Baer's father, Magnus von Baer, ​​belonged to the Estonian nobility and was married to his cousin Julia von Baer.

Home teachers taught Karl. He studied mathematics, geography, Latin and French and other subjects. Eleven-year-old Karl has already become familiar with algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

In August 1807, the boy was taken to a noble school at the city cathedral in Revel. In the first half of 1810, Karl completed his school course. He enters the University of Dorpat. In Dorpat, Baer decided to choose a medical career.

In 1814, Baer passed the examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He presented and defended his dissertation “On Endemic Diseases in Estonia.”

Baer went abroad, choosing Vienna to continue his medical education.

Professor Burdakh invited Baer to join him as a dissector at the Department of Physiology at the University of Königsberg. As a dissector, Baer opened a course in the comparative anatomy of invertebrate animals, which was of an applied nature, since it consisted mainly of showing and explaining anatomical preparations and drawings.

In 1826, Baer was appointed ordinary professor of anatomy and director of the anatomical institute, relieved of his duties as a prosector.

In 1828, the first volume of the famous “History of Animal Development” appeared in print. Baer, ​​studying the embryology of the chicken, observed that early stage of development when two parallel ridges are formed on the germ plate, which subsequently join and form the brain tube. Baer believed that in the process of development, each new formation arises from a simpler pre-existing basis. Thus, general foundations first appear in the embryo, and from them more and more specialized parts are isolated. This process of gradual movement from the general to the specific is known as differentiation. In 1826, Baer discovered mammalian eggs. He published this discovery in the form of a message addressed to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which elected him as its corresponding member.

Another very important discovery made by Baer was the discovery of the dorsal chord, the basis of the internal skeleton of vertebrates.

At the end of 1834, Baer was already living in St. Petersburg.

From the capital, in the summer of 1837, the scientist traveled to Novaya Zemlya, where no naturalist had been before.

In 1839, Baer traveled to explore the islands of the Gulf of Finland, and in 1840 he visited the Kola Peninsula. Since 1840, Baer began publishing, together with Helmersen, a special journal at the academy, called “Materials for the Knowledge of the Russian Empire.”

Since 1841, the scientist was appointed ordinary professor of comparative anatomy and physiology at the Medical-Surgical Academy.

In 1851, Baer presented to the Academy of Sciences a large article “On Man,” intended for Semashko’s “Russian Fauna” and translated into Russian.

Since 1851, a series of Baer's travels around Russia began, undertaken for practical purposes and involving Baer, ​​in addition to geographical and ethnographic research, into the field of applied zoology. He led expeditions to Lake Peipsi and the shores of the Baltic Sea, the Volga and the Caspian Sea. His "Caspian Research" in eight parts is very rich in scientific results. In this work by Baer, ​​the eighth part is most interesting - “On the universal law of the formation of river channels.” In the spring of 1857, the scientist returned to St. Petersburg. Now Baer devoted himself primarily to anthropology. He tidied up and enriched the collection of human skulls in the Academy's anatomical museum, gradually turning it into an anthropological museum. In 1862, he retired and was elected an honorary member of the Academy.

On August 18, 1864, a solemn celebration of his anniversary took place at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. After the anniversary, Baer considered his St. Petersburg career completely over and decided to move to Dorpat. In the early summer of 1867, he moved to his native university town.

Site materials used

BER (Baer) Karl Ernst (Karl Maksimovich) (February 29, 1792, Pip, Estonia - November 28, 1876, Dorpat, now Tartu, Estonia) - naturalist and philosopher. He graduated from the medical faculty of the University of Dorpat (1814), taught in Königsberg in 1817-34, and became a professor from 1832. In 1819-25 he developed the foundations of the natural system of animals and expressed thoughts about their evolution (the works were published only in 1959). Baer's "History of Animal Development" (vols. 1-2, 1828 - 36) laid new foundations for embryology. In 1834-67 he worked in St. Petersburg (member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences from 1826), became a biogeographer, anthropologist and herald of ecology. He wrote in German. One of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society (1848). Baer discovered that the traits of a type appear in the embryo before the traits of a class, the latter - before the traits of an order, etc. (Baer's law). He developed the theory of types by J. Cuvier, in which he took into account the commonality of not only the structural plan, but also the development of the embryo. The animal system was built on the concept of the core and periphery (clear and fuzzy forms) of each taxon, based not on characteristics, but on general structure(“the essence of things”, according to K. Linnaeus). Like C. Darwin, he saw in variability the material for evolution, but denied the evolutionary role of competition: field data convinced Baer (as Maya Walt showed) that redundancy of reproduction is necessary for the stability of communities and does not entail the preferential survival of individual variants. Baer considered the main fact of evolution to be the “forward victory of spirit over matter,” coming closer to Lamarck’s interpretation of progress (which Baer avoided mentioning). Formulated the “law of thrift” of nature: once an atom enters a living substance, it remains in its life cycle for millions of years. Baer deeply explored the phenomenon of expediency, proposing to distinguish between good, durable (dauerhaft), aimed at the goal (zielstrebig) and appropriate to the goal, expedient (zweckmassig).

Essays: What a look at wildlife correct. - In the book: Notes of the Russian Entomological Society. St. Petersburg, 1861, issue. 1; Favorite works (Note by Yu. A. Filipchenko). L., 1924; History of animal development, vol. 1-2. L., 1950-53; Unpublished manuscripts. - In the book: Annals of Biology, vol. I. M., 1959; Correspondence of Karl Baer on problems of geography. L., 1970; Entwicklung und Zielstrebigkeit in derNatur. Stuttg., 1983.

Literature: Raikov B. E. Russian evolutionary biologists before Darwin, vol. 2. M.-L., 1951; It's him. Karl Baer. M.-L., 1961; Walt (Remmel) M. Immanent teleology and teleology of universal mutual utility in the works of C. Darwin and K. E. von Baer. - In the book: Scientific notes of Tartu State University. 1974, issue. 324; It's her. Environmental studies K. Baer and the concept of the struggle for existence. - In the book: St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and Estonia. Tallinn, 1978; Varlamov V.F. Karl Baer - natural scientist. M., 1988; Voeikov V. L. Vitalism and biology: on the threshold of the third millennium. - “Knowledge is power”, 1996, No. 4.

Yu. V. Tchaikovsky

New philosophical encyclopedia. In four volumes. / Institute of Philosophy RAS. Scientific ed. advice: V.S. Stepin, A.A. Guseinov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Mysl, 2010, vol. I, A - D, p. 351.


In Russian lane : History of the development of animals, vol. 1 - 2, M. - L., 1950-53 (there is a library of B.'s works on embryology);

Selected works, Leningrad, 1924;

Autobiography, M., 1950;

Correspondence on problems of geography, vol. 1-, L., 1970-.


Vernadsky V.I., In memory of academician. K. M. von Baer, ​​Leningrad, 1927;

Raikov B. E., Karl Baer, ​​his life and works, M. - L., 1961.