The most beautiful women with big noses. A girl has a hooked nose - what does this mean? Does the shape of the nose affect character traits?

Text: Alena Yakubova

Women tend to find flaws in themselves. But while some take them too seriously and develop a lot of complexes, others manage to turn minor flaws into advantages. Here are 10 inspiring examples: women whose appearance flaws did not prevent them from conquering the world.

Flaw: wide bridge of the nose and far apart eyes.

One of the highest paid and successful models in the world, our beauty and pride, Natalia Vodianova, has a far from ideal appearance. At the beginning of her career, Natalya had to endure refusals: many designers thought that due to her far-spaced eyes and too wide bridge of the nose, Vodianova would look bad in photographs. The career of the Russian “Cinderella” and our faith in fairy tales was saved by Calvin Klein. Working as the “face” of the Calvin Klein brand brought Vodianova real success and destroyed all suspicions that she was unphotogenic.

Flaw: mole above the lip.

The “trademark” mole in the corner of her mouth almost cost Cindy Crawford her career. On early photos this piquant detail has been retouched. By the way, there is no mole in Cindy’s first photo for Vogue magazine. Fearing that the ward would not be able to make it to the catwalk, representatives of the modeling agency gave Crawford an ultimatum: she needed to get rid of the mole so that they would not have to get rid of Cindy. As we all know, she refused the operation. And she did the right thing - the mole became her calling card and brought a lot of dividends.

Flaw: excessive thinness and small stature.

Now Kate Moss is a living legend of fashion, but at the beginning of her career she lacked stars from the sky. At that time, femininity reigned on the catwalks and the overly thin Kate often left castings with nothing. In addition, with her height of 169 cm, by model standards, Moss was short. However, she had something else: charisma. When the young model Kate Moss was introduced to designer Calvin Klein, he wanted to immediately sign a contract with her. He later admitted that he was struck by her inimitable naturalness and “the look of a wolf.” Since then, Kate has been the “face and body” of many brands, appeared on the covers of absolutely all influential glossy publications, and even now, having moved into the “over 30” category, remains one of the most sought-after models in the world.

Flaw: absence of a navel.

This stately beauty from the Czech Republic is the owner of many flattering titles. She has repeatedly admitted to “The Most sexy woman in the world" and "Model of the Year". And it hardly occurred to anyone that the model had a noticeable flaw in her appearance - she was missing a belly button. For a long time they managed to hide this: Carolina rarely appeared on the catwalk with her belly exposed, and the photos were carefully retouched. But one day, journalists received photographs of the model that were not touched by the designer’s hand. No, she is not an alien visitor. The absence of a navel is a consequence of a hernia suffered in childhood. This story has a good ending: Caroline’s career has not slowed down, and designers no longer have to painstakingly paint on models’ navels in Photoshop.

Flaw: large nose.

It’s hard to believe, but at the beginning of Giselle’s career, she was sometimes refused jobs because of her too large nose, which, according to some fashion professionals, makes the model’s face look rough. Fortunately, the Brazilian did not follow their lead. In the end, her advantages clearly outweigh: the beauty has perfect 90-60-89 with a height of 180 cm. Now Gisele is the richest model in the world, and her non-standard nose no longer seems like a disadvantage to anyone.

Flaw: overweight.

Mia is the daughter of the lead singer of the famous Aerosmith band Steven Tyler. She got sensual lips from her dad, but her physique clearly took after someone else: the girl had problems with overweight. She didn’t even think about becoming a model, but only until she heard that you could get up to $5,000 for participating in a show. Mia tried to get closer to the model parameters, but the kilograms did not want to melt away. Then the girl decided that there was no point in torturing herself, and became a plus size model. Today she weighs 95 kg with a height of 173 cm and is perhaps the most successful model clothes for overweight women. Mia believes that beauty comes from within and encourages women to be themselves. She backs up her words with action: she launched a clothing line for women with curves.

Flaw: albinism.

This green-eyed blonde is called a real discovery. What's special about it? Diandra Forrest is African American. Albinism among dark-skinned people is a very rare phenomenon and such people have a hard time. Since their skin is not protected by melanin, they have to avoid sun rays. And what can we say about the attacks of others... Diandra also had a hard time, especially since she grew up in the Bronx - in one of the most dangerous areas of New York. Everything changed overnight when a modeling agency scout saw her on the street. Now Diandra is in great demand and is predicted to have a great modeling career.

Flaw: gap between teeth.

Experts say that Lara Stone has every chance of becoming a legend over time. An artistic model with a memorable appearance is confidently moving towards this goal: recently, for example, she replaced Madonna as the “face” of the Louis Vuitton fashion house. But luck did not smile on her right away: Lara was noticed only after 7 years of hard work and failures at castings. One of the reasons for the refusals was a noticeable gap between the teeth. This is now a thing of the past: Forbes magazine called Stone the highest paid model of 2009, they sing her praises and call her “the second Brigitte Bardot.” And the gap, along with the sensual gait, is considered its main “highlight”.

Flaw:“non-model” shapes and growth.

“When I just started working, everyone tried to change me: sometimes I seemed too fat, sometimes too short, sometimes they wanted to fix my teeth... I’m very proud that despite all this I remained myself,” admits Laetitia Casta. The model’s native France is also proud: Laetitia was elected the new “Marianne,” the symbol of the country. Now statues of the model have appeared in all cities. In comparison with this highest recognition, all other titles, such as “the most beautiful” and “the sexiest”, of which Casta has many, seem like a mere trifle.

Flaw: scar on shoulder.

When Padmé was 14 years old, she was taken to car accident, in memory of which there was a large scar on her shoulder. Despite this, Lakshmi managed to make a successful career as an actress and model: she became the first Indian woman on the catwalks of Paris, Milan and New York, and represented the brands Emanuel Ungaro, Ralph Laurent and Alberta Feretti. Padma is not ashamed of her scar and always insists that her photos are not retouched. “I love my scars. They are my story. They don’t let me forget that I am very strong and can survive any pain,” says the model.

Lips, figure, eyes, facial features - this is the beauty that surrounds us. There are problems with the nose; it was not born standard, but rather long.

Plastic surgery always comes to the aid of famous models to make them beautiful and attractive, so they do not worry about it. In every city lately A lot of clinics (surgical) are opening. Not only in big cities, but also in fairly small ones. Plastic surgery costs a lot of money. Unfortunately, it is not known, rightly or wrongly, that many people used the services plastic surgery If only such a service was affordable for every person. Imagine how many people there would be who would experiment with their appearance, thereby ruining their health or life. And it's scary to think about. Why think about this or imagine this?

Beautiful girls who big nose. Could you attract noses with yours? large sizes? Those people who suffer from such a nose constantly think about this.

Such noses can be attractive or beautiful, but almost all models get rid of such attractiveness. I would like to talk a little about those women - models who do not like their long nose and decided to seek help from doctors so that they can undergo rhinoplasty surgery. Oh, and it wasn’t easy for them, because before and during the procedure the thought constantly arose about whether it was worth doing it or not. There are those who do not tell the truth about this, making money from it, and there are those who believe in miracles. Envious people give advice to take such a step (risky) in order not to lose even a drop of female beauty.

The nose doesn’t even ask whether it wants it, whether it needs all this or not. In fact, can the nose be so comfortable and comfortable? Perhaps he is proud of his uniqueness and individuality? If the nose could talk, it would express its opinion on this matter anyway.

Popular models with big nose.

Being a model is very hard. And even more - popular models. It is necessary to meet all parameters and standards of beauty. And this is not easy. If you need to be perfect, models have to undergo plastic surgery. Models are called "secular puppets" - stand right, eat right, walk right. And also plastic.

Gisele Caroline Bundchen is the princess of the modeling business. A stunning beauty and an attractive conversationalist - that’s how her acquaintances and friends, and not only them, but also her interlocutors, talk about her. Giselle is very for a long time the nose seemed long, and then she decided to have rhinoplasty.

Actress and model Halle Berry. She believes that her long nose spoiled her ideal facial features (naturally she did not like this). And Holly changed him.

Linda Evangelista is considered one of beautiful people peace. She wanted to get rhinoplasty to become even more beautiful (but not for the reason that she didn’t like him). And her new nose really added charm.

Allicia Duval is an English model (former), who was once also not attractive with her nose. And so I decided to turn to rhinoplasty. But after such an operation, not everything was perfect, and the expected result was not achieved. But, most likely, Duvall will no longer resort to rhinoplasty.

Kim Bassinger is a fashion model. I decided to make sure that rhinoplasty works wonders. As it turns out, her nose was of average size, but she still wanted to “shorten” it. So I realized that everything is possible. Plastic surgeons worked a lot with this “curiosity.”

In order to be photographed, it is necessary that the size of the nose is not visible, then you can ask the photographers, and they will instantly take the photo as needed. And then the nose will not catch anyone's eye.

Whoopi Goldberg did not think that her hawk nose detracted from her appearance. But she had to change it because stylists and plastic surgeons asked her to do so.

Whoopi Golberg revealed the secret that when she was little, children in the yard came up with new nicknames for her every time, so they teased and offended her. After a while she stopped paying attention to people laughing at her, as she already had large number fans. Of course, because of this she became self-confident and therefore did not feel inferior. And the male sex did not pay attention to her long nose at all, they saw her as pleasant, sincere person. She really behaved naturally with men, and that was not her role. She was very charming. And what man could not pay attention to her?

Whoopi revealed what she did to make her nose look smaller - putting anti-wrinkle cream on it. And whatever you can do to get rid of long nose. Rhinoplasty is considered very dangerous, but ointments and creams are safe.

Were you also upset for this reason? Don't pay attention to anything, remembering the years when you were little or in school. After all, your nose is the only one and unique, there is no other like it. And any nose will be beautiful if you take care of it regularly. He doesn't like it when he has dryness, pimples or blackheads. Love your nose the way it is and you need to save your nose from troubles and it will not remain in your debt.

Oddly enough, finding stars who have not had rhinoplasty was not so easy! Most celebrities get their nose done first, even if it wasn't too big. We urge you not to follow their example and not become like everyone else. It’s better to look at celebrities whose nose is not perfect, but unique.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has an unusual, very aristocratic appearance. And Gaga certainly wouldn’t be herself if it weren’t for her prominent nose! Fortunately, the singer is in no hurry to undergo rhinoplasty - after all, her individuality is the key to success.

Uma Thurman


Quentin Tarantino's muse would also not be so attractive if her appearance were a little “simpler.” To be fair, we note that Uma has been going overboard with Botox lately, but still the star’s nose remains unchanged - the actress never wanted to make it small or upturned.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Another owner of a large nose with a hump is Sarah Jessica Parker. The actress is one of the few stars who did not do anything with a nose of such a “controversial” shape. As you can see, this did not hinder Sarah's career - how can we imagine Carrie Bradshaw differently? Of course not!

Meryl Streep

The sophisticated appearance of the beautiful Meryl Streep does not need any correction: the Oscar-winning actress has never had plastic surgery, much less tried to change the shape of her nose. She just doesn't need it!

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett's extraordinary beauty has become the basis of her career. If we carefully look at the photos of the actress, we will notice that she also has a very large nose, which nevertheless does not spoil the star at all.

Anna Kendrick

If Anna Kendrick had rhinoplasty, her face would probably become too doll-like and sweet. But because Anna has a prominent nose, she does not at all look like the same “Barbie dolls.” We hope that the actress will not get the crazy idea of ​​doing rhinoplasty.

Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand drove men crazy in her youth, although her beauty cannot be called “standard”. The main “feature” of Barbara’s expressive face is her big nose, which the star not only wasn’t shy about, but also elevated it to a cult. This is the power of individuality!

Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is a unique actress who, in principle, has not had any plastic surgery or injections. By the way, Jodie has a hooked nose - and we think it’s beautiful!

Rachel Weisz

Rachel Weisz has a small hump on her nose and a fairly wide bridge, however, these imaginary “flaws” do not prevent her from being a very attractive woman. By the way, Rachel is all for naturalness: the star doesn’t do anything to her face and can easily go out without any makeup. It's all about self-confidence!

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has also never had rhinoplasty, although the shape of her nose is far from modern ideals. Slightly pointed and with a slight curvature in the bridge of the nose - and this is not a drawback, but a “highlight”.

Appearance for a celebrity is business card. This is why all celebrities take such careful care of themselves. For face and body care, the most modern techniques and technology.

You can often really see dramatic changes, which appear in the appearance of stars. For example, one of the most popular plastic surgery is rhinoplasty - nose shape correction.

The list of celebrities who have had rhinoplasty is quite extensive: it’s easier to count those who haven’t had it done.

Why is this procedure so popular?

Everyone has their own reason, but the goal is the same - to become more beautiful and attractive, not to lose your youth and popularity.

Many artists and performers remove the wings of their nose that are too wide (Tyra Banks, Sarah Jessica Parker).

Someone got rid of a hump (Tom Cruise, Abraham Russo), and someone was inspired to undergo rhinoplasty serious injury(Kristina Orbakaite).

One of the most successful operations for correcting the shape of the nose domestic stars show business can safely be called Kristina Orbakaite. It is worth noting that the actress’s natural nose did not cause disharmony with herself.

She got used to her masterpiece nose as a child - even the offensive nickname “Pinocchio” did not diminish her love for her own appearance.

She had to undergo surgery after receiving a serious injury to her star nose - according to rumors, Christina’s husband Ruslan Baysarov literally had a hand in this story.

To be completely confident in the successful completion of the procedure and not to regret it, the singer chose one of the best plastic surgeons. The chosen specialist repeatedly corrected the appearance of her mother, the famous Alla Pugacheva.

Other celebrities are also keeping up and are constantly changing their appearance with the help of rhinoplasty. Here are just a few examples of popular people who have changed the shape of their nose.

Humped nose

  • Katie Topuria, a Georgian by nationality, a talented singer and sexy girl, decided to say goodbye to her prominent nose due to complexes. Now her nose has become “European”, as she boldly removed its feature - a prominent hump.

  • Ksenia Sobchak is a famous TV presenter and socialite got rid of my hump to improve appearance. The nose began to look smoother and more neat, while the proportions and size remained unchanged.
  • Lady Gaga, a shocking, world-famous singer with an outstanding appearance, decided to undergo rhinoplasty quite recently. The reasons for what happened are still being discussed on the Internet, in printed publications and other media. The Italian hooked nose has now become much thinner and smoother.

Wide nose

  • Mila Kunis, the famous super star, decided to get rid of her wide nose in favor of subtlety and unique grace. Now the beauty can boast of even greater attractiveness and beauty.
  • Britney Spears – experiments are clearly her thing. Britney had rhinoplasty twice: in 2008 and 2015. Both versions of the shape are the same, but the last operation reduced the size itself.

  • Kate Hudson - completed her beautiful look (after breast augmentation) with excellent rhinoplasty. After the operation, the nose became narrower and its tip thinner. Now the look of the Hollywood actress has become more aristocratic, and the perfect correction emphasized the beautiful features of her face.

Long nose

  • Blake Lively is another actress who did not fail to fix her nose. She shortened the length, made it smaller and made it a little thinner. It is very difficult to notice the excellent work of a surgeon, which is what the young star wanted.

  • Ashlee Simpson had surgery after an injury, so you shouldn’t judge the girl harshly for her plastic surgery. The result was a more even, perfect shape a nose that highlights large blue eyes well.
  • Kim Kardashian – even, one might say perfect nose celebrities without their original elongated tip has become a real reason for discussion on social networks. Many argue that Kim has undergone more than one rhinoplasty to achieve such an amazing result. But the main thing is the result?

Most actresses are standards of beauty. But among them there are also those who cannot boast of a typical Hollywood appearance. Some have tiny breasts, others are very tall, and others are downright ugly. But all this did not hinder their charm and talent; they became famous throughout the world. This collection features eight of the most famous actresses with big noses, who made their “big” flaw the highlight of their look.

It is impossible to start this top with someone else. 76-year-old Barbra Streisand is perhaps the most famous actress with a big nose. However, she became famous not only for her amazing acting talent, but also for her vocal abilities. She was easily given roles in films and musicals, and her songs topped all sorts of charts for six decades.

Barbra was born into an ordinary Jewish family that emigrated to New York from Austria. Not the best since childhood beautiful girl she dreamed of being on stage, but her relatives did not approve of these ideas, primarily because of her unsightly appearance. However, as time has shown, neither this circumstance nor the huge hump nose prevented the true genius of a woman from revealing herself in all her guises.

We put 53-year-old Sarah in second place among the top actresses with big noses. By her example, she showed the whole world that such a disadvantage is a trifle. However, it is worth noting that the actress has problems not only with this part of her face. Various ratings from various publications have repeatedly placed her at the head of the most ugliest and unsexy women on the planet.

This, of course, may upset the American woman, but if she were a typical beauty, she might not have ended up in the cult series “Sex in big city"Or maybe this project would not have been so iconic and successful if the main roles in it had been played by famous written beauties.

Meryl's acting skills are truly limitless. In what guises she appeared before the audience. But she was always real and convincing. So much so that her huge hooked nose didn’t even bother her. Actually, it was her atypical appearance that allowed her to make her way into the world of cinema during the period of dominance of identical doll “beauties” on the screens.

69-year-old Streep is still considered one of the greatest actresses of our time and has so many awards that the celebrity probably has a separate room for them. Among them, of course, there are three Oscars and nine Golden Globes.

The list of actresses continues with Uma Thurman. This is now a 48-year-old woman - a star of the first magnitude. But her first attempts to become famous turned into failure. In addition to the prominent nose and not the most beautiful appearance, she is still considered and one of the highest in Hollywood. The height of Quentin Tarantino's muse is 181 centimeters.

The breakthrough at the beginning of her career was her role in a rather explicit film. She suddenly woke up as a sex symbol in America, which appreciated that sexuality was not a woman’s standard virtues. And then came an acquaintance with Tarantino and a role in the iconic “Pulp Fiction.”

This actress with a big nose continues the selection with dignity. The 55-year-old woman, whom the world knows from her participation in such films as “The Silence of the Lambs,” “Taxi Driver,” “Panic Room” and “Illusion of Flight,” began her career at just three years old. And by the age of thirty, the angular owner of a rough appearance and an impressive nose had already received two Oscars.

The fact that she is not the standard of beauty has always worried the least of the actress. Men rarely paid attention to her, but she didn’t need it - Foster is an open lesbian and is happily married to a famous actress-photographer. Unconventional sexual orientation, by the way, did not prevent Jodi from giving birth to two sons.

She is mistakenly considered a French actress with a big nose. Perhaps it has something to do with her name. But she's from Spain. In this collection, she is frankly the scariest. But it was her appearance and talent that allowed her to shake the usual ideals of beauty.

53-year-old Rossi might still be singing and dancing in Madrid cafes if Pedro Almodóvar had not noticed her. The director was so impressed by her talent and off-screen appearance that he gave her very good roles, which she handled brilliantly. And then she entered the world of fashion as a model and muse for famous designers. Palma is so respected in the world of cinema that in 2015 she even sat on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival. So this one with a big nose is rightfully in our top.

The 49-year-old Australian actress also has a completely untypical appearance for a star. A particularly prominent part of her face is the large But she never thought about rhinoplasty. Having started working in the theater, she quickly reached unprecedented heights, after which film roles followed. One of the most famous is in the film "Elizabeth". After this picture, Blanchett gained worldwide fame.

Everyone noted the amazing acting, but no one paid attention to her appearance. Then came other cool roles, two Oscar statuettes and even getting into the top 50 in the world according to People magazine. The ability to present herself, charm, charisma and energy made the daughter of a teacher and officer a real star of our time.

Bursting onto the music scene in the late 2000s, Stefani Germanotta became a superstar almost overnight. But after rapid success there was also a rapid decline in popularity. Gaga exploited her freak image by showing her fans ("monsters") that we are all born beautiful. This was probably how she tried to justify her large hooked nose, unattractive appearance, small stature and unsightly figure with sagging breasts.

Now the 32-year-old artist gravitates more towards cinema. After failures in music, she began to move more and more into cinema. It is not yet clear how well she succeeds, but it is worth giving her credit - she made a splash in her time. And neither her big nose nor anything else bothered her. By the way, in October the film “A Star is Born” will be released, which will be the debut directorial work of actor Bradley Cooper. Actually, this will be a debut of sorts for Gaga - this is the first full-length film in which she played main role.

with a big nose

Of course, our stars are far from all of the above. But among them there are also those who managed to successfully use their disadvantage to their advantage. For example, Ekaterina Varnava. In the show "Comedy Woman" the number of jokes about her huge "shnobel" is difficult to count - in almost every episode this highlight of hers became the object of ridicule. But this does not prevent Varnava from acting in films and advertising, leading television projects, and being beautiful and attractive. Although initially appearance was clearly not her weapon.

Another Russian actress with a big nose is the daughter of the diva Alla Pugacheva herself - Kristina Orbakaite. She played her first role at the age of 12 in Rollan Bykov's film "Scarecrow". And she got it not because of connections, but because she played well and was really downright ugly. All this did not stop her from starring in more than thirty films and becoming a real pop star.

Looking at the photos of actresses with big noses, I would like to note that in the above list there are many not the most attractive women. But they all have magnetism and are incredibly talented performers of their roles. Perhaps all this is somehow connected. So, but people still love ordinary people on the screen. The kind you might encounter in line at a clinic or buying bread.