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The fire that claimed the lives of 3 people could have taken with it another, a cat, but, thanks to the caringness of the Volgograd firefighter, the animal will live.

The online newspaper “Crooked Mirror” tracked down the savior of the red cat who was injured yesterday, February 26, 2018, in a fire on Kuznetsov Street, and learned about the details of what happened first-hand.

As we reported earlier, a fire that claimed the lives of three people broke out in a three-room apartment on the first floor of a four-story building on Kuznetsova Street at noon. The fire in the Krasnooktyabrsky district of Volgograd was extinguished by 37 people and 13 pieces of equipment.

While some were fighting the fire, others were leading people out of the smoke-filled rooms of neighboring apartments. One of the rescuers who climbed to the 4th floor, where it was absolutely impossible to breathe, was rescuer Nikolai Naumov.

“Following the other rescuers, I went up to the 4th floor and walked through the rooms to open the windows. In one of the rooms I saw two cats. I touched one - she was no longer breathing, in the second, it seemed to me, life was still glimmering. “I took her in my arms and tried to quickly carry her out into the street, out of the entrance, so that she would not inhale even more, because there was nothing to breathe there,” says Nikolai.

Nikolai Naumov is 36 years old. Since 2014, Nikolai has been working in the fire and rescue department. For 3 years, he went to not a single fire and always strived to benefit people.

- Since childhood, I dreamed of being a firefighter. Maybe not even firefighters specifically, but doing something to help people. My favorite movie as a child was “Timur and his team.” When I watched it, I also wanted to just take it and help those in need,” says Nikolai.

Before finding himself in the fire and rescue service, Nikolai also worked in a search and rescue squad, and before that he served in the army under a contract and participated in combat operations in hot spots.

“Perhaps it was from there that I got my fearlessness, thanks to which I can work in the fire and rescue service. If someone is threatened with death or danger, at that moment I have no fear or fear. I want to help, save the life of another person or a cat - it doesn’t matter,” Nikolai confesses.

According to Nikolai, when he saw the almost lifeless body of the cat, he could not pass by and leaned over it to see if it was alive.

- It so happened that it didn’t pass. Maybe someone else would have passed by and not paid attention, but I couldn’t. “She is also a living creature,” says Nikolai.

Since childhood, Nikolai Naumov has been very fond of animals - both cats and dogs, this is confirmed by his colleagues.

- He loves animals very much. We have a dog and a couple of cats living on the territory of the fire station, and we used to have puppies running around. So Nikolai always took care of them, fed them. Few people need them, but he didn’t forget - he cooked porridge for them and brought them food,” says Nikolai’s work colleague.

However, Nikolai does not have any pets. Work doesn’t allow it, and he lives alone, even though he has two sons.

- Unfortunately, my children’s mother and I are divorced and live separately. But, despite this, my eldest son wants to follow in my footsteps and also become a firefighter, says Nikolai. - There is no way to keep animals at home. The schedule is so intense - last summer I could have been on duty for two or three days, who will feed them and take care of them? - Nikolai Naumov argues.

Thanks to the circumstances and the fact that it was Nikolai Naumov who came into the apartment where the red cat was dying, the animal was saved.

- I took the cat outside. I felt his weak breathing and helped him with my hands so that the cat began to breathe oxygen, which my colleague had already brought to his small muzzle. After several movements, the cat meowed and began to breathe on its own. I handed him over to the owner, who was crying with excitement for her pet, and she had already sent him to veterinary clinic, - said Nikolai.

Despite all the hype around this case, Nikolai Naumov does not believe that he did anything supernatural. In a conversation with our correspondent, he repeated “it happened so” several times, and we wish Nikolai that everything always works out for him, since misfortunes happen on earth.

Diana Egorova
PHOTO: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, from the personal archive of Nikolai Naumov

I’ve re-read the topic 3 times, it seems like there’s not a lot of literature and everything is clear, but what’s being asked is not clear. Since newcomers are welcome everywhere, let’s try to discuss what has been written.

The topic was not edited by me in any way, it was left entirely in the author's edition.

Asia! You already have a super hero!! And he's watching you!!

[email protected] 08.09.2013

Both are here, the cat has returned home. Autumn.

where to have similar heroes? on the screen? Well, it’s necessary to get into the subconscious of all people, or rather of each specific individual who wants to have such a superhero on the screen

Hundreds of times I created in my dreams an ideal, fair world, where a person physically cannot show his anger, a world with an ideal balance of working for himself and for society. Despite the utopian nature of these dreams, in a strange way it becomes easier and more confident. Maybe this is the meaning of belief in the supernatural? You build it in your head beautiful world and while you are building you live in it, like in a fairy tale.

good idea. I’ll probably dream about it before going to bed, too, if you don’t mind. That's me lately I only think about reality. I'm really sick of it.

At all times in human history, people have faced various kinds injustice and violation of rights. Often finding ourselves completely defenseless in such situations. But the worst thing is not even the presence of a formidable enemy at the gate, but to lose heart. Strength, as we know, is worthless without an idea. You can be armed to the teeth. but if you don’t know why you will shed your blood, then there’s no point.

Now imagine people in desperate straits. Either the enemy is attacking, or there is a drought, or a flood, or something else. In short, everything is on the brink nervous breakdown. Nobody believes that anything can be fixed. It is then that it occurs to someone to find an image of a person who found himself in the same situation, but who did not give up, but who, having gathered all his strength, defeated difficulties. This person could be either real or fictitious. The main thing is that this image is charismatic and awakens the desire to be like him.

Well, as for whether the world needs superheroes now, yes it does. But not just one, but many. Someone said, “Unhappy are the people who need only one hero. The people need many heroes.”

I'm looking forward to the premiere of the movie "Kick-Ass 2". My daughter loves this Hit Girl.

Ideal superheroes are definitely needed. Like a sedative. But the real ones, well, screw them. They've already done something like this... A person turns off his brain and “dissolves” into a real superhero. Creates an idol for himself. And the superhero “turned up his nose” and believed in his exclusivity. And you seem to be devoted to him and cannot criticize him. So what next? Rivers of blood. No need for real superheroes. We need smart, sober and adequate people who know how to choose means to achieve a goal and understand that “secret” paths are more likely to lead to the goal than highways cut into the rocks.

Speaking about heroes, I did not mean those who kill everyone left and right. Here is a person who built a business from scratch - also a kind of hero. Or a fireman saving a person from a fire. Isn't that right?...

In Russia, a person who has built a business from scratch is already a hero. Truly a hero. And this is very sad. A person who fights against the elements is also a hero who deserves to be an example. Everything is not so clear with the hero who fights for justice. Especially if he is carried away by this struggle to the point of oblivion and does not look at his feet.

Then there is definitely one heroine in our group. True, construction has not yet been completed, but it was “zero” for sure. I’ll just say right away that I won’t be concerned with saving the world)))

Or a fireman saving a man from a fire, what if it's a cat?

A British firefighter saved a cat instead of an old woman and children.
While rescuing a cat from a fire, twenty-two-year-old English resident Jacob Adamson did not pull two children and their grandmother out of the fire. As Jacob stated: “The life of a cat is more important to me than one old whore and future degenerates.”

the cat ran along the roof of the burning barn, wondering where to jump
- Flames surrounded her on all sides. Poor animal meows pitifully
called for help. The boys died laughing, looking at her despair. -
“Why are you laughing, you little devils,” the blacksmith told them angrily. - You are not afraid of God -
God's creation perishes, and you foolishly rejoice - and placing the ladder on
the roof caught fire, he climbed after the cat. She understood his intention and looked
She grabbed his sleeve in hasty gratitude. Half-burnt blacksmith with
he climbed down with his prey.

many a true word is spoken in jest

I remembered this story as an anecdote, maybe it’s off topic:

An Englishman is sitting on the third floor of his house and then the butler comes in like crazy and shouts: “Sir, the Thames has overflowed its banks and flooded the 1st floor of the house.” The Englishmen calmly said: “Come out and come in as expected.” Again the door opens sharply and the butler: “Sir, the Thames has flooded the 2nd floor.” And English "Come out and come in properly." Knock, knock, knock knock on the door. Sound from the room "Who's there?" The door opens, water rushes into the room and the butler announces: “Thames, sir.”

My son was little when I suggested that he sign up for swimming or some kind of wrestling. In general, I am for a healthy lifestyle and I wanted to instill it in him. And he, when he’s not quite 6 years old, tells me: I don’t care about your sports every day, I’ll grow up, put on a Superman suit and that’s it! I, of course, deprived my son of a fairy tale and told him that he at least needed to become smart, if not strong, in order to invent a costume. If you want to do nothing, then figure out HOW to do it. Well, it’s like climbing a tree without skinning your butt. And while you're thinking about it, let's go swimming)))

In general, all these supermany things were invented for girls. And this is a harmful topic: my sister still gets into all sorts of stories and then sits and waits for Superman to suddenly fly in in a blue helicopter and save her, the fool.

A person who “built his own business from scratch” cannot be a hero... Because business, guys, is just a way to make money - for yourself, your family... your hired workers, farm laborers... It’s just legalized Self-interest, you know.. .

Now, pay attention - almost all films a la Hollywood work for the American Dream - “I outsmarted everyone and got a Million!” - the hero is always the most charming and attractive, and his enemies are stupid, corrupt cops, evil and narrow-minded gangsters, unreliable friends and treacherous beautiful predators.. They are all hunting for Money, but only he gets the prize. And that's why he is Super. He is Good. Because the winners are not judged, and they also write History.

So, offhand, who now remembers the Young Guards, the pioneer heroes, Sergeant Pavlov or Lieutenant Talalikhin? Adidasych says correctly - heroes must personify the Idea - and it is not measured by money, orders and a line in the Guinness Book...

Remember about Danko? Or about Alexander Matrosov.. They, of course, are not superheroes.. But their actions are a real feat.. IMHO..

cunning cannot be stupid. Winning without a fight is a lot of brain work. I won’t say anything about the idea that the American cinematography is pushing on us; that’s a separate conversation. But you know, I disagree a little about starting a business from scratch. I had a negative experience when in 2008 I had to close all the points in which it was so difficult to establish work. Now I found another idea, I don’t have enough knowledge, I had to enroll in the economics department (I’m a first-year student, you can congratulate me too) and I consider all this my little heroic act. I had the strength to start all over again, even though some people consider business to be legitimate self-interest, but, excuse me, hired work is also not done for thanks.

Mash.. Yes, I’m against it - you’re a heroic woman, what can I say... the horses have already been hobbled, and the huts have been rebuilt... As for yours negative experience...well, this is a business, you must always be ready to lose everything and start from scratch...

And don’t think that I’m a complete Marxist-Stalinist and am ready to work for the benefit of the state church for God's blessing and a bowl of gruel for universal equality..)))

Please note that most of the characters discussed here are original works, made to order. A folk hero- he is either a lazy lucky guy or a fraudster. See “The Tale of Emelya the Fool”, “Porridge from an Axe”, “Fox with a Rolling Pin”, “Geese-Swans”. If you don’t look back at Hollywood, but watch cartoons with your kids, you will be convinced that the dashing crawl prevails. If you read books and not Hollywood concoctions, you won’t be too far off the mark about heroism either. You still have to look for such bastards as Winnie the Pooh or Carlson. I'm not talking about the corrupt Cinderella.

remember about the ancient tragedies... about that poor fellow Oedipus... about Electra... what heroes there are... all "and fatal passions are everywhere, and there is no protection from fate!"

Literary sources of antiquity reflect the showdown between two organized crime groups - gods and kings. There were defectors, but this did not change the essence. The hero Odysseus traveled to his heart's content and killed his entire team, not a single person returned, so this brat Odysseus took care of himself.

I don’t remember all the labors of Hercules, but in any decent country this psychopath would have received a life sentence for just cleaning out the Augean stables. Look what's on Far East what's happening is a natural disaster, and Hercules unleashed a flood of dung on everything populated areas downstream, such a bastard. Not to mention the fact that he destroyed an entire zoo of rare animals; our bosses also love to hunt Red Book animals from helicopters.

And Prometheus? He stole the fire and gave it to foolish people. Look at how Obamushka is fussing - a passion like a desire to set fire to something, preferably so that his house is not smoked, away from home.

IMHO, all of Roman Law is an attempt by neighbors to legally protect themselves from the cynical Greek fetishization of “ancient heroes.”

Whether humanity is becoming more cynical or, on the contrary, reason has hatched, we will find out from Syria.

Lucy, myths ancient Greece- they are multi-layered. I remember when I saw a reproduction of Ge’s painting “All-Consuming Time,” I was dumbfounded.

there were a lot of figures drawn there, I didn’t even bother to look into who was depicted there... it dawned on me that Kronos (Chronos) eating his children is not the delirium of a sick imagination, but an allegory.

Inna, in secret, between us girls, the last name of Nikolai Nikolaevich Gyo is exactly how it is spelled and pronounced. It was distorted by Soviet officials who struggled with the letter E. If you pronounce it correctly, museum workers simply jump on your neck and drag you to all sorts of rarities.

And the feat of Hercules in cleaning the Augean stables, alas, is not an allegory, but real environmental terrorism.

Chronos himself is an allegory, but Odysseus is a historical character, I admit that Homer, as befits a poet, lied a little, but the luxurious list of Odyssean ships was on everyone’s lips, and not a single sailing ship returned!

The first feat of Hercules - it seems that he strangled a couple of boas in the cradle... . Here the press was everywhere discussing a creepy three-meter boa constrictor that escaped from a pet store and strangled a couple of boys. Zoologists said that the boa constrictor was hungry. But if the Greek boas were well-fed, and Hercules the baby wanted to eat, I fully admit that he strangled the snakes and bit them to death, and the chroniclers kept increasing the size of the boas from generation to generation in order to flatter Hercules, the prince, after all.

There was a question about eating children in our house. creepy story. I didn’t bother to leave water for Katya the hamster on the eve of giving birth; she gave birth without obstetric care and immediately began to crack from the thirst of newborns. Hamsters do not drink water at all, but after giving birth they need to be given something to drink. The whole family was so worried that they decided not to have any more hamsters.

Why didn't I like the heroes? And the fact that they often dress up as leaders and gather crowds of fans and admirers around them, ready to surrender both body and soul. And if the hero “goes crazy” from universal worship, which is what most often happens, everyone starts to “go crazy”. Trouble and atrocities begin, in particular against those who do not love the hero sincerely and tenderly. Headless worship of ANYONE to a real person- unconditional evil. A mortal cannot be an object of worship. That is why the cult of heroism must be eliminated. Especially in Russia, where people have long been accustomed to “breaking hats” and bowing. Not to God, no! Mortals. Which, excuse me, just like everyone else, they pee, poop and do all sorts of nasty things. And their blood is scarlet, not blue.

You're arguing. Inna, why do you need a hero? To look at it as if it were a monument and sigh, brushing away a tear of tenderness? And maybe he snores at night and you won’t be able to warm him with a pillow: he’s a hero. He can't get under your feet, only you can. You can't loom over him with a menacing face, only him. Inna, all the restrictions, why?!

Now they were showing on TV a conversation between Medvedev and Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika about the fire in Perm. According to Chaika, the cause of the fire was non-compliance with measures fire safety, one of which is the lack of ORDERAL NUMBERS of fire extinguishers....

Fire! Grab your fire extinguishers!
- I can't! They don't have numbers...

I don’t remember where I read this (life story): one man kept a stray cat at work. And he worked in the boiler room, it seems. So this cat saved his life by “sensing” something was wrong, he took off and ran out of the boiler room with a wild roar, and this lucky guy also ran out after the cat. Literally immediately after both were outside the building, an explosion occurred - no one was killed. So the cat saved the owner...

Why do you think programmers keep cats?

I was looking on Yandex for the text of the lullaby “The cat, the cat has a cradle of gold...” for my daughter. I type “the cat” in the search bar, Yandex so carefully offers suggestions: the cat has diarrhea the cat’s eyes are watering the cat’s hair is falling out the cat is constipated the cat is drooling the cat’s hair is coming out the cat’s breath stinks the cat’s eye is watering the cat’s poop What to do if your cat has diarrhea with blood?

I searched on Yandex for the text of the lullaby “The cat, the cat has a cradle of gold..”
for my daughter. I type “at the cat” in the search bar, Yandex is so caring
offers hint options:

The cat has diarrhea The cat has watery eyes The cat is losing hair The cat is constipated
The cat is drooling The cat's hair is coming out The cat's breath stinks
The cat's eye is watering, there is blood in the feces, the cat has diarrhea, what should I do?

kompotik: But one day a cockroach saved me. I spent the night alone at home. And at night I went to the bath. I look, he’s sitting in the corner, the bastard. I went to the kitchen to get some dichlorphosphate. I go into the kitchen and it smells terrible of gas. I see it's open. That's how he saved me. But I still doused him with dichlorphosphate

kompotik: But one day a cockroach saved me. I spent the night alone at home. And at night I went to the bath. I look, he’s sitting in the corner, the bastard. I went to the kitchen to get some dichlorphosphate. I go into the kitchen and it smells terrible of gas. I see it's open. That's how he saved me. But I pissed him off with dichlorvos.

About the volume of the cat...
1. you need to find the body of a cat (this is especially easy in the spring)
2. weigh (m)
3. calculate the volume according to Archimedes (V)
4. from the data obtained, calculate the average density of the cat (p=m/V)
5. determine the volume of your cat (V=m/p)
6. listen to Cannibal Corpse

A passenger train carriage caught fire in the Aktobe region [Kazinform]
ASTANA. November 28. KAZINFORM – In Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region
A fire broke out in the Kandyagash station area yesterday at noon
baggage car of passenger train No. 30 between Almaty and Atyrau.
The fire area was 20 square meters.
As Kazinform reports with reference to the Ministry of Emergency
situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the fire was localized at 13.00 min. and liquidated at 17.00 min.
There are no casualties or injuries. Train movement was suspended for 45 minutes.
12 people and a fire train from the station were involved in extinguishing the fire.
Kandyagash, including 7 fire extinguishing service personnel
Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Didn't understand. 4 hours = 45 minutes??? or did you put it out on the go??? a fire train
followed, along with the Ministry of Emergency Situations???


An employee of the search and rescue station (PSS) “Levoberezhnaya” Ivan Sterelyukhin told the following story.

The road to our station from the bus stop goes through the forest. I look - a flock of crows is chasing someone through the bushes. He turned off the road and scattered the crows. And under the bush there is a long-eared owlet. One wing is covered in blood, dragging along the ground, the chick is already very weak from blood loss. Our PSS borders the Khimki forest park. It is inhabited by squirrels, hares, and a Red Book long-eared owl. It is rare, not least because the chicks are often killed by crows. I myself am a doctor by training. He treated his wounds and took him to the hospital on Sokolinaya Gora. Wounded birds are treated there. They said that he would soon recover, but that he would never be able to fly again. Birds of prey quickly get used to humans, the “bird hospital” assured me. And the owlet was left to live in a hospital enclosure, where birds that can no longer survive in nature find shelter.


This story was told by Svetlana Ilyina, president of the Zooprotection Foundation.

IN Balashikha near Moscow A tame Canadian raccoon ran out of the apartment and into the street. A cute little face with black “glasses”, almost human fingers in black “gloves”. With these fingers, the striped raccoon can easily open doors and unzip zippers on bags and jackets. A kind of dog-like monkey. When the raccoon found itself on the street, it immediately attracted the attention of the dogs, who drove it up a tree. Attempts by passers-by to film the frightened animal were unsuccessful. The fire brigade was called. The firefighters arrived and began to bring a retractable ladder to the raccoon sitting on a branch. But the animal got scared and climbed even higher. As it turned out, its owner lives on the first floor. But he never imagined that his pet had learned to open the window latch. The rescuers who arrived at the scene had to tie themselves with climbing ropes and remove the poor fellow from the tree.


The chief of the guard, lieutenant colonel of the internal service of the 26th fire and rescue unit of the Izmailovo district, Anton Lobarev, recalls:

We arrived in response to another call. The apartment on the penultimate floor of the high-rise was on fire. The fire was raging in the apartment, the room was completely filled with smoke. Together with my partner, we made our way inside and found a man lying on the sofa without signs of life. They grabbed him by the arms and dragged him to the exit. At the very threshold I tripped over something soft. He bent down and saw through a veil of smoke a pile of some rags, from which a fluffy tail was sticking out. “Cat,” the thought flashed. I picked up this sack with one hand and was taken aback by how heavy it was, and barely pulled it out onto the stairwell.

The sack turned out to be a blanket in which a huge cat the size of a dog was wrapped. The animal was not breathing, and the firefighters had no time for it - they needed to resuscitate the man. By chance my hand touched the belly of the cat, who was lying next to the owner. And it seemed to me that I felt some movement, barely noticeable signs of life. While my partner resuscitated the man, I took care of the cat. And lo and behold! He came to life, jumped to his paws and looked around in a daze. Alive, tramp!

True, instead of being grateful for the rescue, the cat began to attack me like a dog, growling and scratching. Apparently, he thought that we had attacked his owner and were doing some terrible things to him, according to a cat’s understanding. Soon the emergency doctors arrived on the floor. They took the victim down to the car. The cat ran after them down the stairs. But it was a shame to leave him on the street. A neighbor helped and agreed to shelter the animal until the owner recovered. In general, there are a lot of cases when, while saving people, our guys also help animals out of trouble.

And even then they keep them. So, during one of the fires, a small black kitten was rescued from a burning apartment. They called him Snowball as a joke. The kitten was placed right in the fire station, with a place in the rest room. Snowball grew up and became a kind of mascot for the fire department. And every time he sees off the crews, going down with them to the pit to the fire trucks.


Firefighter of the 1st Fire and Rescue Unit Dmitry Lunev recalls.

A communal apartment was burning on Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street. Our soldiers evacuated all residents. We usually ask all the neighbors if there are still people in the house. And even if everyone says no, we all make the rounds early. We check every nook and corner to see if anyone is left behind. We entered the smoky corridor and began to explore the rooms. At first glance, there was no one inside. In one of the rooms I shouted: “Is anyone alive?” Suddenly I heard something fall on the floor in the room where I had just been. I return and hear a plaintive squeak. And this kitten is already climbing up my pant leg and onto my chest. I hide it in my bosom and continue my walk. Everything is fine. I go out into the air. The fire has been localized. There were no casualties. I get the kitten. And this is not a kitten at all, but a ferret. In the room where the ferret was found, there lived a grandmother and a woman with a daughter of about ten years old. The fire was raging in the corridor, and they were taken out through the window along the fire escape. He gave the ferret to the girl, which she was incredibly happy about.

It should be noted that when we go to fires and there are domestic animals in the fire zone or heavy smoke, they almost always run to us for protection. The cats jump on the rescuers, trying to settle on their shoulders. Dogs usually hug their legs and whine. As a rule, we save everyone.