Aphorisms of Albert Camus. Albert Camus Quotes

Newspapers are more interested in rats than people. They care about rats on the street, but people are dying at home - why write about them?

You never know what continuation an action or word will have. The most insignificant moment can develop into a great event. Brilliant ideas are often born in the back alley or in a coffee shop.

The philosophy of every person depends on the strength of his spirit. The wiser and more majestic the philosopher was, the brighter his thoughts.

Happiness sometimes waves its hand even at upset people. And they waited for him for so long that poor happiness is forced to endure the hot embrace of people hungry for warmth... - Albert Camus

To think about morality and not find morality in sex is to not find morality at all.

The ease of writing attracts readers. Those who write ornately are liked only by “connoisseurs”.

If a book is based on contempt, it is waste paper. Cheap reading that is not destined to become a work of genius.

At the beginning of life, we give our childhood love to all humanity. Then we love only a select few... A group of close people - and that’s it. Then we meet the only woman. AND last love- to the only man.

Continue reading Albert Camus' quotes on the following pages:

Philosophy – modern form shamelessness.

Before the Christian era, Buddha did not manifest himself because he was immersed in nirvana, that is, without form.

Nothing inspires more than the awareness of one's own hopeless situation.

The eternal temptation against which I constantly wage a grueling battle is cynicism.

Genius is a mind that knows its limits.

School prepares us to live in a world that does not exist.

It is better to die standing than to live your whole life on your knees.

Will is the same loneliness.

A passion for prison among those who struggle. To get rid of attachments.

Those who love the truth should seek love in marriage, that is, love without illusions.

In death, play and heroism find their true meaning.

The need for happiness seems to me the most noble aspiration of the human heart.

Growing old means moving from feeling to empathy.

Hell is a special mercy awarded to those who persistently sought it.

If in order to overcome nihilism one must return to Christianity, one can go even further and, having overcome Christianity, return to Hellenism.

Eternal recurrence presupposes reconciliation with suffering.

A thinker moves forward if he does not rush to conclusions, even if they seem obvious to him.

Anxiety is just a slight aversion to the future.

Genius is fleeting; not everyone has time to grab it by the beard. It can be revived, clinging to the hem, by efficiency and reinforced concrete will, mentally gathered into a hard fist. Then glory and recognition will emerge from the fog.

Love is never strong enough to find expression.

It is useless to turn to God because you are disappointed in earthly life, and pain has separated you from the world. God pleases souls attached to the world. He loves your joy.

The absurdity is not in man or in the world, but in their joint presence.

Science explains what works, not what is.

I consider the question of the meaning of life to be the most urgent of all questions.

Only one thing is inevitable - death, everything else can be avoided. In the time space that separates birth from death, there is nothing predetermined: everything can be changed and you can even stop the war and live in peace, if you want it properly - very strongly and for a long time.

I saw a lot of death - human life was losing value. The meaning of life prolongs our stay in this world.

People persistently confuse marriage and love, on the one hand, and happiness and love, on the other. Meanwhile, these are completely different things. That is why, although love is a very rare thing, there are happy ones among marriages.

There is no love for life without despair in it.

The secret of my world: to imagine God without human immortality.

Fiery works are created by ironic philosophers.

Holiness is also a rebellion: the saint rejects things as they are. He takes upon himself all the grief of the world.

Thanks to Sade, eroticism became one of the areas of the philosophy of the absurd.

It is better to be a free poor man than a rich slave. Of course, people want to be both rich and free - and because of this, they sometimes become poor slaves.

The better the actor succeeds in playing a tragic role, the less he goes to extremes. Immense horror is generated precisely by moderation.

We don't have enough time to be ourselves. We only have enough time to be happy.

The main misfortune of a creative individual lies in a person’s thoughts, fantasies and dreams, where there are many temptations, sweet prohibitions and temptations.

To sentence a person to death means to deprive him of the opportunity to reform.

When you think about all those pleasures that are completely inaccessible to you, you feel the same fatigue as when you think about those that you have already experienced.

An important question that should be resolved in practice: is it possible to be happy and alone?

Solitude is a luxury of the rich.

This world is devoid of meaning, and those who realize this gain freedom.

Illness is a cross, but perhaps also a support. The ideal would be to take her strength and reject her weaknesses. Let it become a refuge that gives strength to right moment. And if we have to pay with suffering and renunciation, we will pay.

Whether life is worth living or not is the only serious question.

All that a person can win in the game with the plague and with life is knowledge and memory.

Why do people drink? Because after drinking everything is filled with meaning, everything reaches its highest intensity. Conclusion: people drink out of helplessness or as a sign of protest.

It is absurd that we are born, and it is absurd that we die.

Hell is life with this body, which is still better than non-existence.

Death penalty. The criminal is killed because crime exhausts all the ability to live in a person. He lived through everything, since he killed. He might die. Murder is exhausting.

Time goes by slowly as you watch him. It senses being watched. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

The great question of life is how to live among people.

I can't live without beauty. And this explains my weakness towards some people.

Rebellious atheism (absolute atheism) puts history in the place of God and replaces rebellion with absolute obedience. Duty and virtue for him are nothing more than complete submission and complete sacrifice of oneself to the shrine of insatiable development.

Fraud: a good agreement that runs into bad law.

The first task of the mind is to distinguish true from false.

Love must come first, followed by morality. The opposite is painful.

The virtue of the poor is generosity of spirit.

There is something in the world that one must always strive for and that is sometimes given into one’s hands, and this something is human tenderness.

Those whom human justice or human malice keep behind bars impatiently push the present, glance hostilely at the past and are absolutely deprived of the future.

Generosity towards the future is the ability to give everything related to the present.

The highest virtue is to stifle your passions. The deeper virtue is to bring them into balance.

Only those who control themselves can surrender. It happens that they give themselves up in order to get rid of their own insignificance. You can only give what you have. Become your own master - and only then give up.

The Creator made people to love, create, and win. These actions are called life. War turns all existence upside down, what has been created loses and returns people to their origins and dust.

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune.

Every accomplishment condemns you to slavery. It obliges you to higher achievements.

The meaning of life means faith in better life, into the priorities and values ​​of life. Absurdity is considered the complete opposite of values, choices and preferences.

Time constantly frightens humanity with argumentation, pragmatics accurate calculations. Although the truth is on the opposite side of the convincing evidence.

For a wise man there are no secrets in the world; what need does he have to wander in eternity?

Without imperfection, happiness is imperceptible!

Life should not be given meaning, because this is what inevitably leads to the conclusion that life is not worth living.

Love has its own honor. Once you lose her, love ends.

The habit of despair is much worse than despair itself.

I do not understand the unique meaning of the world, and therefore it is immensely irrational for me.

Responsibility to history frees us from responsibility to people. This is its convenience.

The world is beautiful, and outside of it there is no salvation.

The desire to always be right is a sign of vulgarity.

True generosity toward the future is about giving everything to the present.

The absurd is born from the collision of the human mind and the reckless silence of the world.

Anyone who does not believe in God sees only chaos in a world where people are not valued and gives in to despair.

Politicians do not realize how inimical equality is to freedom. There were free people in Greece because there were slaves.

The trouble of our century. Until recently, bad deeds needed justification; now good deeds need it.

Without the sinful principle, man would not be able to live, but without the saint he would live happily. Immortality is a hopeless idea.

God was jealous of our pain - that's why he came down to earth to die on the cross.

It’s disgusting when a writer talks and writes about something he hasn’t experienced.

Suicide is the main problem of philosophy. The assertion that life is worthy of the essence lived will be a rhetorical response to the fundamental quest of philosophical science.

Sanity and consciousness have not yet left me to renounce people and things. Surrounding me, the very things and people retreat from me, taking my youth hostage. This is my illness.

One single blow of a dagger, swift as lightning - the bull's copulation is chaste. This is the copulation of the deity. Not pleasure, but burn and sacred self-destruction.

We turn to God only to get the impossible.

We think one thing about the same thing in the morning and another in the evening. But where is the truth - in night thoughts or in daytime reflections?

I could never fully believe that the affairs that fill human life are something serious. I didn’t know what was really serious, but what I saw around me seemed like just a game - sometimes funny, sometimes annoying and boring.

Any life devoted to the pursuit of money is death. Resurrection is in selflessness.

All joy is at risk.

To die in the name of an idea is the only way be on top of the idea.

Death reports new uniform love - as well as life, it turns love into Fate.

There is a note on the door: Come in. I hanged myself. They come in - that’s it. (He says I, but his I no longer exists.)

Art has bouts of chastity. It cannot call a spade a spade.

If you continue to sincerely love what is truly worthy of love, and do not waste your love on trifles, on trifles, on nonsense, you can little by little make your life brighter and become stronger.

Don't wait Last Judgment. It happens every day.

People who live alone always have something on their minds that they would be willing to tell.

Some are created in order to love, others - in order to live.

I don't like other people's secrets. But I'm interested in other people's confessions.

You can only think in images. If you want to be a philosopher, write novels.

Women do not forgive us our mistakes - and even their own.

The feelings we experience do not transform us, but they suggest to us the idea of ​​transformation. Thus, love does not save us from selfishness, but makes us aware of it and reminds us of a distant homeland, where selfishness has no place.

Cowardice will always find a philosophical justification.

The writer is doomed to understand. He can't become a killer.

If you are entrenched in your despair, act as if you have not lost hope - or kill yourself. Suffering gives no rights.

Without despair for life there is no love for life.

It is better for the writer to understate than to say too much. In any case, no chatter.

Perhaps it is generally better for the Lord God that they do not believe in him and fight against death with all their might, without turning their gaze to heaven, where silence reigns.

The justification for an absurd world can only be aesthetic.

Where some saw abstraction, others saw truth.

Women don't have to have aspirations for greatness. In men, the entire inner nature proves greatness. Humility and faith are no exception.

There is no such thing that we would do for the sake of one person (but we did it seriously) without hurting another. And if we cannot decide to hurt people, we remain forever sterile. Ultimately, loving one person means killing everyone else.

Albert Camus - born November 7, 1913 in Algeria, "Saint-Paul". French writer, philosopher, representative of existentialism. Laureate Nobel Prize on literature 1957. Author of works - “The Backside and the Face”, “The Wedding Feast”, “The Myth of Sisyphus”, “Caligula”, “The Plague”, “The Rebellious Man”, “Reflections on the Guillotine”, “The First Man”, etc. Died in an accident 4 January 1960

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of Camus Albert

  • Truth shines like light.
  • Solitude is a luxury of the rich.
  • Man is a religious animal.
  • Free is the one who can not lie.
  • The world is beautiful, and outside of it there is no salvation.
  • Without imperfection, happiness is imperceptible.
  • He who gives nothing has nothing.
  • Without despair in life there is no love of life.
  • Philosophy is a modern form of shamelessness.
  • The great question of life is how to live among people.
  • The most dangerous temptation is not to be like anyone else.
  • It is better for a writer to understate than to say too much.
  • The habit of despair is much worse than despair itself.
  • Don't wait for the Last Judgment. It happens every day.
  • Anxiety is just a slight aversion to the future.
  • Man is always the prey of the truths he professes.
  • Injustice is either fought or cooperated.
  • Only those who have subjugated them can live by passions.
  • In life, every minute is fraught with miracle and eternal youth.
  • Science explains what works, not what is.
  • Any life devoted to the pursuit of money is death.
  • A person feels lonely when he is surrounded by cowards.
  • I don't like other people's secrets. But I'm interested in other people's confessions.
  • Freedom is, first of all, not privileges, but responsibilities.
  • If the treasury means anything, human life doesn't mean anything.
  • Some are created in order to love, others - in order to live.
  • Love has its own honor. Once you lose her, love ends.
  • Every generation tends to consider itself called upon to remake the world.
  • Art balances between two abysses - frivolity and propaganda.
  • Unhappiness is like marriage. You think that you are choosing, but it turns out that you have been chosen.
  • No work of genius has ever been based on hatred or contempt.
  • The eternal temptation against which I constantly wage a grueling battle is cynicism.
  • Art has bouts of chastity. It cannot call a spade a spade.
  • Generosity towards the future is the ability to give everything related to the present.
  • Responsibility to history frees us from responsibility to people. This is its convenience.
  • A thinker moves forward if he does not rush to conclusions, even if they seem obvious to him.
  • In order for a thought to transform the world, it must first transform the life of its creator.
  • To be a pagan for oneself, a Christian for others - every person instinctively inclines towards this.
  • Genius may be just a fleeting opportunity. Only work and will can give it life and turn it into glory.
  • We think one thing about the same thing in the morning and another in the evening. But where is the truth - in night thoughts or in daytime reflections?
  • Most convenient way getting to know a city means trying to find out how they work here, how they love here and how they die here.
  • The artist’s misfortune is that he lives not quite in a monastery, and not quite in the world - and he is tormented by the temptations of both lives.
  • It is better to be a free poor man than a rich slave. Of course, people want to be both rich and free - and because of this they sometimes become poor slaves.
  • The main ability of a person is the ability to forget. But in fairness, it should be noted that he forgets even the good that he himself has created.
  • It's easier to live with a bad reputation than with a good one, because good reputation It’s hard to maintain, you need to be on top all the time - after all, any failure is tantamount to a crime. With a bad reputation, breakdowns are forgivable.

French writer Albert Camus(1913 - 1960) was one of largest representatives existentialism in European literature of the 20th century. A contemporary of Simone de Beauvoir, in his work he explored the nature of human rebellion against the surrounding and internal absurdity of existence. His most famous works were the story "", the novel "" and the philosophical essay "".

We have selected 15 quotes from Camus' books:

The habit of despair is much worse than despair itself. " "

The most terrible vice is ignorance, which believes that it knows everything. " "

A person cannot truly share someone else’s grief, which he does not see with his own eyes. " "

In essence, there is no thought that a person cannot get used to. " "

Stupidity is an extremely persistent thing, it is not difficult to notice if you do not think only about yourself all the time. " "

The evil that exists in the world is almost always the result of ignorance, and any good will can do as much damage as an evil one, unless that good will is not sufficiently enlightened. " "

There is no meaning in this world, and whoever learns this will find freedom. " "

Sooner or later the time comes when you have to choose between contemplation and action. This is what is called: becoming human. " "

Love is a disease of such a kind that it spares neither wise men nor idiots. " "

It is torment to live in memory when memory is no longer needed for anything. " "

Sometimes you can understand a person who is lying more clearly than someone who is telling the truth. The truth, like a bright light, blinds. A lie, on the contrary, is a light twilight that highlights every thing. "Fall"

Albert Camus, 1913-1960, writer and philosopher.

Every revolutionary ends up as an executioner or as a heretic.

Only one thing is inevitable: death, everything else can be avoided.

Man is the only creature that does not want to be himself.

Beauty is eternity, lasting a moment.

We turn to God only to get the impossible.

Not being loved is just failure. Not to love is misfortune.

I'll tell you a great secret. Don't wait for the Last Judgment: it is already happening and is happening every day.

Cowardice will always find a philosophical justification within itself.

School prepares us to live in a world that does not exist.

Any life devoted to the pursuit of money is death.

Humanism has not yet bored me: I even like it. But it's too small for me.

To live means to test.

In order for a thought to transform the world, it must first transform the life of its creator.

Truth shines like light.

Without imperfection, happiness is imperceptible.

True generosity for the future is to give everything to the present.

Hell is a special mercy awarded to those who persistently sought it.

Hell is life with this body, which is still better than non-existence.

Without the sinful principle, man would not be able to live, but without the saint he would live happily.

The folly of love is that the lover strives for the days of waiting to quickly pass and disappear. This is how he strives to bring the end closer. Thus, one of the facets of love comes into contact with death.

Without despair for life there is no love for life. .

Thanks to Sade, eroticism became one of the areas of the philosophy of the absurd.

God was jealous of our pain - that's why he came down to earth to die on the cross.

To be a pagan for oneself, a Christian for others - everyone instinctively inclines towards this

The great question of life is how to live among people.

…It’s not me who renounces people and things (I couldn’t), it’s people and things who renounce me. My youth is running away from me: this is the disease.

No work of genius has ever been based on hatred or contempt.

Nietzsche, outer side whose life was more than monotonous, proves that thought, working alone, is in itself a terrible adventure.

Nothing inspires more than the awareness of your hopeless situation.

Some are created in order to love, others - in order to live.

We think one thing about the same thing in the morning and another in the evening. But where is the truth - in night thoughts or in daytime reflections?

Sex brings victory if a person frees him from moral imperatives. But very soon victory turns into defeat, and the true victory is the victory over sex - chastity.

Sexual life was given to man in order to lead him astray. This is his opium. She puts everything to sleep. Without her, things come to life again. On the other hand, abstinence prevents procreation - this, perhaps, is the truth.

How many artists arrogantly refuse to recognize themselves as small people! But this awareness of their “smallness” would be enough to acquire true talent, otherwise inaccessible to them.

Fame is the right to love immensely.

Death penalty. The criminal is killed because crime exhausts all the ability to live in a person. He lived through everything, since he killed. He might die. Murder is exhausting.

Death imparts a new form of love - as well as life, it turns love into destiny.

At first we don't love anyone. Then we love all humanity. Then some people, then the only woman, then the only man.

Consciously or unconsciously, women always use the sense of honor and loyalty to this word, which is so strongly developed in men.

It is easier to live with a bad reputation than with a good one, because a good reputation is difficult to maintain, you need to be on top all the time - after all, any failure is tantamount to a crime. With a bad reputation, breakdowns are forgivable.

There is no justice, there are only limits.

Growing old means moving from feeling to empathy.

A passion for prison among those who struggle. To get rid of attachments.

The desire to always be right is a sign of a vulgar mind.

The secret of my world: to imagine God without human immortality.

Those who love the truth should seek love in marriage, that is, love without illusions.

Anyone who does not believe in God sees only chaos in a world where people are not valued and gives in to despair.

He who does not believe in the course of things is a coward, but he who believes in human destiny is a madman.

He who does not kill himself must remain silent about life.

What I have been looking for for so long finally appears. Preparedness for death.

It is true that life is the strongest, but it lies at the root of all baseness. The opposite must be openly stated.

Tragedy is generated by the collision of two equally legitimate forces that have an equal right to life. Consequently, a weak tragedy is one that brings into play illegal forces. Consequently, a strong tragedy is one that legitimizes everything.

Every suffering, excitement, passion has a time when they belong to the person himself with his unique individuality, and another time when they begin to belong to art. But in the first moments, art is powerless to do anything with them. Art is the distance by which time removes suffering from us.

It is amazing how vain a person is who wants to convince himself and others that he is striving for truth, while he thirsts for love.

Solitude is a luxury of the rich.

Art has bouts of chastity. It cannot call a spade a spade.

Love has its own honor. Once you lose her, love ends.

Dying for the sake of an idea is the only way to rise to the occasion.

To die without deciding anything. But who dies having decided everything except?.. Decide at least how not to disturb the peace of those you loved... We owe ourselves nothing, not even - and especially - the peace before death.

We don't have enough time to be ourselves. We only have enough time to be happy.

...The statement that a person is capable of improving is itself controversial. But the statement that a person is kind, coming from the lips of a person who has lived...

Physical jealousy is, to a large extent, self-judgment. Knowing what you yourself are capable of thinking about, you decide that she is thinking about the same thing.

Philosophies matter as much as philosophers matter. The more greatness there is in a person, the more truth there is in his philosophy.

Philosophy is a modern form of shamelessness.

Civilization is not about more or less sophistication. But in a consciousness common to the whole people. And this consciousness is never subtle. On the contrary, it is quite healthy.

To imagine civilization as a creation of the elite means to identify it with culture, while these are completely different things.

What is a person worth? What is a person? After what I saw, my distrust and all-encompassing anxiety towards him will not disappear for the rest of my life.

...A person is always a prey to the truths he professes.

Man is a religious animal.

A thinking person usually engages in trying to reconcile his ideas about things with new facts that refute them. In this shift, in this variability of thoughts, in this conscious correction lies the truth, that is, the lesson taught by life.

A person will not become free until he overcomes the fear of death. But not by suicide.

You cannot overcome by giving up. To be able to die, looking death in the eye, without bitterness.

Man is not only a social being. At least he has control over his death. We are created to live side by side with others. But we truly die only for ourselves.

A person feels lonely when he is surrounded by cowards.

What guides the heart? Love? What could be more unreliable? You can know what love suffering is, but not know what love is. There is loss, and regret, and empty hands. Let me not burn with passion, melancholy will remain with me. Hell, where everything promises heaven. And yet this is hell. I call life and love what devastates me. Departure, coercion, breakup, my hopeless heart torn to shreds, the salty taste of tears and love.

The more tragic a person’s lot, the more inexorable and defiant hope becomes.

Pure love is dead love, if by love we understand love life, the creation of a certain way of life - in such a life, pure love turns into a constant reference to something else, which must be agreed upon.

What could be better for a person than poverty? I am not talking about the poverty or hopeless toil of the modern proletarian. But I don’t know what could be better than poverty combined with active leisure.

What is unbearable for women in affection without the love that their man gives them. For a man - bitter tenderness.

The feelings we experience do not transform us, but they suggest to us the idea of ​​transformation. Thus, love does not save us from selfishness, but makes us aware of it and reminds us of a distant homeland, where selfishness has no place.

What is a celebrity? This is a person whom everyone knows by his last name, and therefore his name does not matter. For everyone else, the name is significant.

I love everything or I love nothing. So I don't like anything.

I don't like other people's secrets. But I'm interested in other people's confessions.

I can't live without beauty. And this explains my weakness towards some people.

I am not created for politics, because I am incapable of either wishing for the death of my opponent or accepting it.

I know myself too well to believe in immaculate virtue.

I withdrew from the world not because I had enemies, but because I had friends. Not because they harmed me, as is usually the case, but because they considered me better than I am. I couldn't stand this lie.

It is useless to turn to God because you are disappointed in earthly life, and pain has separated you from the world. God pleases souls attached to the world. He loves your joy.

One single blow of a dagger, swift as lightning - the bull's copulation is chaste. This is the copulation of the deity. Not pleasure, but burn and sacred self-destruction.

Responsibility to history frees us from responsibility to people. This is its convenience.

It’s disgusting when a writer talks and writes about something he hasn’t experienced.

Only those who control themselves can surrender. It happens that they give themselves up in order to get rid of their own insignificance. You can only give what you have. Become your own master - and only then give up.

Why do people drink? Because after drinking everything is filled with meaning, everything reaches its highest intensity. Conclusion: people drink out of helplessness or as a sign of protest.

It's a stunning sight to see how easily some people's dignity is destroyed. But if you think about it, there is nothing strange here, because the dignity about which we're talking about, was maintained in them only through a tireless struggle with their own nature.

The first task of the mind is to distinguish between true and false.

The writer is doomed to understand. He can't become a killer.

Love must come first, followed by morality. The opposite is painful.

It is better for the writer to understate than to say too much. In any case, no chatter.

The most peaceful thing would be to love in silence. But consciousness and personality come into play; we have to talk. And love turns to hell.

Politicians do not realize how inimical equality is to freedom. There were free people in Greece because there were slaves.

Truth is mysterious, elusive, and always has to be conquered anew.

Why am I an artist and not a philosopher? Because I think in words, not ideas.

To sentence a person to death means to deprive him of the opportunity to reform.

The problem of art is the problem of translation. Bad writers are those who write taking into account an internal context unknown to the reader. You need to write as if together: the main thing here, as elsewhere, is to learn to control yourself.

A psychology that boils down to digging into details is wrong. People search for themselves, study. To know yourself, to assert yourself. Psychology is action, not soul-searching. A person is in search throughout his life. To know yourself completely means to die.

Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again.

The joy of life scatters attention, disperses it, and stops any upward striving. But to live without joy... This means there is no way out. Is it possible to draw life from great love without fear of punishment by repentance.

Unbridled sensuality leads to the belief that the world is meaningless. Chastity, on the contrary, returns meaning to the world.

Sooner or later, there always comes a moment when people stop fighting and torturing each other, and finally come to terms with the fact that they must love the other as they are. This is the kingdom of heaven.

The greatest economy that is possible in the field of thought is to agree that the world is unknowable and to concern ourselves with man.

The most dangerous temptation: not to be like anyone else.

Freedom of art is inexpensive when its only meaning is the spiritual comfort of the artist.

Free is the one who can not lie.

Holiness is also a rebellion: the saint rejects things as they are. He takes upon himself all the grief of the world.

Sex leads nowhere. He is not immoral, but sterile. You can do it until you want to create. But only a chaste person can improve.

Albert Camus is one of the most prominent representatives literature of existentialism. In his work, Camus reflected on the meaning of existence, on freedom, rebellion, absurdity, and morality. During his lifetime, Camus received another name - the Conscience of the West. His statements are a set of philosophical searches and reflections, to which he often gives an answer. In our selection you will get acquainted with quotes from Albert Camus on different topics. His sayings clearly characterize the life position of an existentialist of the twentieth century.

The writer's first serious work was the novel A Happy Death, after which Camus began a fruitful literary career. To the most famous works French existentialist include the story The Stranger, The Fall, the essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Timely Reflections, etc. The novel The Plague, published in 1947, brought the author worldwide fame. In 1957, Camus won the Nobel Prize in Literature, which indicates the high appreciation and recognition of his work.

Camus thinks a lot about life and death, because this topic is close to him firsthand. He was sick with tuberculosis and, due to his illness, could not carry out all his plans. In particular, he was excluded from competition for a teaching position and could not join the ranks of the French army. The only thing Camus could do was write. In creativity he found strength to live and drew vital energy. Albert Camus is an example of a person who does not give up, steadfastly accepts all the blows of fate and moves forward.


Physical jealousy is more of a condemnation of oneself. Knowing what you yourself are capable of thinking about, you decide that she is thinking about the same thing.

Jealousy is self-doubt.

Knowing that we are going to die turns our life into a joke.

What's the joke?

The highest virtue is to stifle your passions.

The ability to overcome passions is a real art.

Genius may be just a fleeting opportunity. Only work and will can give it life and turn it into glory.

Perseverance and hard work lead to glory.

It is in the dream of life that a person exists who finds his truths and loses them on earth...

Life passes while we dream about it.

Any life devoted to the pursuit of money is death. Resurrection is in selflessness. Time moves slowly when you keep track of it. It senses being watched. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

The pursuit of money takes a person's life.

Will there ever be a generation that will leave him alone?

A thinker moves forward if he does not rush to conclusions, even if they seem obvious to him.

The search for the obvious, oddly enough, takes the longest.

We think one thing about the same thing in the morning and another in the evening. But where is the truth - in night thoughts or in daytime reflections?

Oddly enough, but a person’s opinion and feelings depend on the time of day...

Some are created in order to love, others - in order to live.

Why can’t you love and live?

Injustice is either fought or cooperated.

Most still cooperate.

It is easier to live with a bad reputation than with a good one, because a good reputation is difficult to maintain, you need to be on top all the time - after all, any failure is tantamount to a crime. With a bad reputation, breakdowns are forgivable.

But that doesn't mean everyone should strive for a bad reputation.

Wounds from love, unlike wounds from bullets, do not kill anyone, but they never heal.

Unhappy love leaves marks for life.

Growing old means moving from feeling to empathy.

If they begin to sympathize with you, it means old age is coming to you.

The mind is powerless before the cry of the heart.

The thoughts of the heart are no wiser, but they are stronger, which is why they usually win.

To remain silent is to believe in yourself.

People are used to talking a lot and living without trusting anyone.

There is no shame in being happy.

You just need to find out how to become one.

True generosity towards the future is devoting everything to the present.

While you are thinking about the future, the present is passing.

You will never be happy if you keep looking for what happiness is. And you will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.

Happiness is found where the search for it ends.

An important question that should be resolved “in practice”: is it possible to be happy and alone?

It is possible, but not more than one day...

He who gives nothing has nothing.

To receive something, you must first give something.

The greatest misfortune is not that you are not loved, but that you yourself do not love.

To become happy, you must first love yourself.

Travel, as the greatest and most serious science, helps us find ourselves again.

Travel invigorates, gives new emotions and brings back the feeling of life.

Sooner or later the time comes when you have to choose between contemplation and action. This is what is called: becoming human.

Even a statue can contemplate, but only a human can act.

No work of genius has ever been based on hatred or contempt.

Everything ingenious is always based on love.

The habit of despair is much worse than despair itself.

In fact, there are not so many reasons for despair, the habit is so strong...

School prepares us to live in a world that does not exist.

Why spend 10 years of your life on this pointless activity is still unclear.

This world is meaningless, and those who realize this gain freedom.

Free people do not need to look for meaning, they already have it.

It is better to be a free poor man than a rich slave. Of course, people want to be both rich and free - and because of this, they sometimes become poor slaves.

Because people want too much, they get too little.

My problem is that I understand everything.

Those who do not understand anything do not know any trouble.

Only those who can afford not to lie are free.

Most live in captivity of their false thoughts.