What happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner to your eye: experiments for the bravest. What happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner on to your eye?

It’s interesting that search engines are simply full of requests about what will happen if you suddenly bring a vacuum cleaner to your eye. Thousands of people are interested in this issue. For this purpose, this article was created to explain this issue of concern to many.

Do not try this at home

Most likely, a person who has at least a modicum of common sense will not conduct such experiments on himself. But how can you figure out what will happen without experimenting? You can understand what will happen to the eye in this case using ordinary logic and not torment yourself with tests.

Myths about eye sucking

Many people on the planet believe that by holding a vacuum cleaner on to our eyes, we can simply suck it out. If you look at it, this simply cannot happen. For explanation this fact, we should remember a little about human anatomy.

The eye is fairly firmly fixed in one place, which is supported by a number of muscles that are located around the eyes.

It’s not just that these muscles were invented by nature. Therefore, you cannot suck out your eye with a vacuum cleaner. Plus, each of us has eye protection like eyelids. When the tube of a working vacuum cleaner is brought to the eye socket, the eyelids will immediately close, which will be facilitated by the usual squinting reflex. After opening them it will be very challenging task. As for the person himself, he can easily get quite severe damage to his nervous system.

There is also a group of people who believe that if you bring your eye to a vacuum cleaner that is turned on, you will be able to see the working mechanism inside it. This myth is also not true. You won't be able to do it this action, firstly, due to the fact that your eye-closing reflex will work. Plus, what you can see in the long and dark tube, the mechanism is not illuminated, and all you will see is darkness.

Of course, cinema and the banal lack of education of the masses in the field of medicine and anatomy had a rather large influence on the formation of this myth.

People who slept in the last desks while the teacher was talking about the structure of the eyes and the muscles around them come up with these absurdities. This lack of education, combined with various Hollywood horror films, has given rise to the myth that causes fear of the vacuum cleaner tube.

Or maybe it's all about power?

There are thoughts that a lot depends on the power of the vacuum cleaner. For example, the ancient Soviet “Rocket” is a completely harmless device that cannot harm the eyes. But modern vacuum cleaners that have high power. For example, brands such as Samsung can actually harm you.

Of course, one cannot ignore this opinion. You should not conduct tests even with your grandmother's Buran. We assure you that such an action will not bring anything good. Plus, you serve bad example to your beloved children, if you give them such ideas.

The truth about the eye experiment

To answer this question that worries many, we asked the opinion of traumatologist Sergei Aksenov. This doctor has seen many stupid injuries under his belt. for many years practices.

There won't be any terrible injuries, he said.

If the suction power is quite high, the vessels of your eyeball may be damaged, then a whole month you pass with a very red eye. The most important thing is that the doctor states that in his long practice he has not encountered any injuries that would be associated with a similar situation.

But you also risk going blind, this is due to the fact that during the test, the eye may be damaged by the dust being sucked in, which will lead to deterioration of vision.

Now think about what the ophthalmologist will write in medical card about the cause of the injury. With such a record, you can be immediately taken to see a psychiatrist. This issue remains unresolved. Perhaps this mystery will torment us forever.

These moments brought back memories of quite interesting fact, which is not related to vacuum cleaners, but deserves attention. In the United States, one woman purchased a microwave oven. After carefully studying the instructions, this woman decides to conduct a small experiment. It consisted of slightly warming up your beloved cat. This experiment ended very unsuccessfully, the cat died. But the most interesting thing is that after the tragedy, a citizen sued the microwave oven company because the instructions did not indicate that pets should not be warmed in the microwave.

After which she managed to win the court hearing and recover a considerable amount from the company.

I wonder what the reaction in Russia will be to statement of claim, in case someone is injured. Will he be able to receive financial compensation, because the operating instructions do not say a word about not holding the tube of this unit to your eyes.

In this article, we made sure that sucking eyes with a vacuum cleaner is just a myth. The main thing is that, after reading about what happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner to your eye, you do not decide to try it on yourself.

Video experiment with a vacuum cleaner and an eye

What happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner to your eye?

To begin with, people are very, very curious creatures by nature, and they prefer to learn not from others, but from their own experience. Sometimes it ends tragically.

I would like to hope that none of those reading this article will attempt such experiments on themselves and thereby endanger their health. But if there are such curious ones, then here they can satisfy their curiosity without resorting to experiments.

So, what happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner to your eye? Let's think logically about what would be best for our health.

If it is not turned on, then nothing bad will happen to you and your health. But there’s not much point in this, because if you hold a vacuum cleaner pipe to your eye, trying, for example, to see its insides, then, of course, you won’t see anything there.

Why then do this?! If your vacuum cleaner suddenly breaks down, it would be wiser to open it and see if the garbage bag, for example, is clogged. If everything is clean, but the vacuum cleaner does not work, then it would be good to take it to a repair shop or call a specialist to your home.

Now comes the fun part. What happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner on to your eye? I would like to believe that no one in their right mind would test the strength of their body, and, in particular, their eyes. But for the curious, let’s speculate about what such an experiment could threaten.

So, the vacuum cleaner is turned on, we bring the vacuum cleaner pipe to our eye... and... the eye reflexively closes, because nature has provided mechanisms that protect and protect the organs of our body from damage.

If you try to open your eye, overcoming the force of the muscles of the upper and lower eyelids, dust particles will get into the eye and it will water, or even get damaged if these particles are sharp.

If you think that a vacuum cleaner is able to suck in eyeball, then you are mistaken because you underestimate the strength and resistance of your body. Much depends on the power of your vacuum cleaner. The more powerful it is, the more damage it threatens to your unfortunate eye.

And he faces such damage as bursting of blood vessels, hemorrhage, and loss of vision. This is if your vacuum cleaner uses suction. If it works by blowing, then your eye will get burned from the hot air and again, most likely, you will lose the ability to see.

Well, what can I say and advise? Take care of yourself! Beware of experiments that are harmful to your health! May you and your loved ones be healthy and happy!

You can often hear ridiculous questions from people like this: “What happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner to your eye?” I would like to believe that after reading this article, you will find the answer to this question and under no circumstances will you try to figure it out in practice.

What happens if you put a vacuum cleaner close to your eye: myths

People are very curious creatures, but would anyone really risk such an experiment? It is not known whether the authors of the fables actually tried to conduct experiments to check what would happen if you put a vacuum cleaner to your eye; the development of events could proceed according to one of the scenarios they proposed.

What happens if you put a vacuum cleaner close to your eye: facts

In fact, conducting such an experiment is very difficult and almost impossible. The thing is that the person is so strong that he simply will not allow you to open your eyes wide while the vacuum cleaner is on next to him. Even if for some reason you manage to open your eyes wide when the device is turned on, they will clearly not end up in the trash container. This is explained by the fact that the eyeballs are held very well in the sockets with the help of small but very strong muscles.


Of course, if you try to vacuum your eye, the device will not rip it out, however, doctors strongly do not recommend conducting such experiments. When performing such manipulations, you can seriously damage your vision, and you can even go completely blind. The stream of air sucked by a vacuum cleaner contains many small particles of dirt, and they, invading the eye at high speed, cause irreparable harm to it. In addition, the capillaries of the organ are unlikely to withstand such pressure; most likely, they will burst, and the entire eye will fill with blood, which will entail partial or total loss vision. Therefore, it is still better to limit yourself to theoretical knowledge and not apply it in practice.

In today's episode:
- What happens if you bring a vacuum cleaner on to your eye?

What happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner on to your eye?

The answer is given by traumatologist Sergei Aksenov, who has seen medical practice There are quite a few injuries that are surprising in their stupidity.

If you hold a running vacuum cleaner to your eye, you can briefly see the future or become very far-sighted in one eye. But seriously, nothing bad will happen. If the suction power is very high, you can damage the blood vessels of the eye and walk like a Terminator for a month, with a red eye.

Erection is directly related to the phases of sleep, of which, as you know, a person has two: fast and slow. The fast one lasts about 15-20 minutes, and the slow one lasts about an hour, sometimes more. Throughout the night, while we sleep, these phases periodically replace each other. During fast dreaming, we dream, our pulse quickens, our eyeballs can move quickly, our body temperature rises, and our genitals become erect. This type of erection cannot be controlled, so when you wake up during fast phase sleep, your penis may be in an erect position. And it doesn’t matter how you dreamed – erotic or not – it plays almost no role.

The light bulb fits into your mouth without much difficulty due to its streamlined pear-shaped shape and the fact that from a closed mouth position it is easiest for you to move your jaws as far apart as possible, since the jaw muscles were not initially tense. When this stupidity has already happened, when holding it in the mouth, the muscles of the jaw tense and compress even more, so pulling the light bulb back becomes a fun problem. You can open your mouth again as much as possible only after the jaw muscles relax, that is, from a closed mouth state.

The short answer is this: this type of wrinkle occurs due to the deformation of the upper layer of skin and the disappearance of the protective layers. natural oils. According to Dr. Marianne O'Donohue, a professor of dermatology at Rush University in Chicago, when we immerse ourselves in a bath, the top layer of skin absorbs a lot of water. The bottom layer is unable to expand, so the top layer is forced to wrinkle, forming folds. Fortunately, this effect is reversible.

But you can ask another question: why do we shrink like an old dried fruit, and not swell like a sponge? The fact is that without oil to protect our skin, the palms of our hands and soles of our feet become dehydrated, immersed in water, and not vice versa. It happens like this.

About 75% of our body consists of water. Its content varies depending on the amount of fat contained in the body tissues. Dehydration occurs when protective oils are washed away from the surface of the skin. Water begins to seep out of the cells. Cells have semi-permeable membranes, which means that they easily give off water, but are unable to absorb it as easily. If it loses oil, then after 15 minutes of staying in aquatic environment Water begins to leave the cells through the membranes, resulting in wrinkles.

Probably, first of all, it’s worth understanding what Viagra is and how it acts on men. From the very beginning, this drug was produced as a remedy in the fight against angina and ischemia. But when additional clinical trials this drug, it turned out that Viagra is a drug that has a very slight effect on the heart muscle and a very significant effect on the penis. The action of this drug is based on the fact that it increases the flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis. And the cavernous bodies (remember this name, it plays main role in the answer to the question posed) is the tissue of the penis that fills with blood during a man’s arousal. That is, if these cavernous bodies are filled with blood without any problems, then the man has an erection. But it also happens that this does not happen, which means there is no erection and no ability to have sexual intercourse. Under the influence of Viagra, young men can have up to eight sexual intercourses per day, middle-aged men - from three to five, and older men - two.

Viagra does not affect anything else. Under its influence, a man’s libido and sexual desire do not increase. Viagra is not a drug for arousal, it is a drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Moreover, with advanced violations, it may not help.

And now the answer to the question of what will happen to a girl if she drinks Viagra. Essentially nothing will happen to her. How so? And everything is quite simple and banal. A woman’s clitoris, no matter how strange it may sound, consists of the same cavernous bodies as the man’s penis. Therefore, after drinking Viagra, a girl will only feel a rush of blood to her genitals. But just like a man, she will not have any sexual attraction or desire if it was not there from the very beginning. Oh, yes, the girl may also experience a slight increase blood pressure. That's it.

Do you like to experiment and are constantly looking for ways to use objects for other purposes? Then you might want to know what happens when you hold a vacuum cleaner to your eye. Before you do this, it is better to read about the possible consequences.

Healthy curiosity

Many people think that only children ask non-standard questions. Of course, adults are no longer interested in why the sky is blue. They want to know answers to more pressing questions. Incredibly, many people are interested in what happens if you hold a vacuum cleaner on to your eye. Some believe that with good power you can even be left without an eyeball.

Of course, you shouldn’t test it on yourself, just believe that this organ will not be seriously damaged. The eyeball is securely fixed in the socket, so it will not be possible to simply remove it with a vacuum cleaner. But you should not assume that this is absolutely safe; it is quite possible to injure surrounding tissues.

If you simply hold the vacuum cleaner brush to your eye, nothing will happen. You will see a hole into which the garbage goes. Most brushes have a long slit, so when you approach it with your face and even look inside, you will simply feel the air being sucked in.

Common Myths

There are quite a lot of opinions on the topic: “What happens if you bring a vacuum cleaner to your eye?” In addition to the version that it can be completely sucked in, people talk about other possible options.

According to one assumption, it is absolutely safe. But doctors can only agree with him if the vacuum cleaner is turned off. Don't be too careless and try to check whether it is safe if the unit works.

Others like to scare people with possible damage. But they are not so far from the truth. Of course, all the organs will remain in place, even if you bring the vacuum cleaner on to your eye. You should not believe that a powerful stream will be able to “pull out” the eyeball, and it will end up in a dust container. But you can easily get a hematoma.

Comedians like to answer this question differently. They claim that this way you can discover superpowers in yourself and see the future. Others simply say that this provides an excellent opportunity to see the insides of the vacuum cleaner. How possible this is, everyone can imagine for themselves.

Some argue that if negative pressure is not stopped, retinal detachment can occur. Such an injury will cause blindness. Of course, there is no medical evidence for this theory, but it’s not worth checking how dangerous it is to suck your eyes with a vacuum cleaner.

Reflex reaction

Before conducting dubious experiments, it is advisable to understand how the eye works. Eyelids were provided to protect this organ. Eyebrows and eyelashes are also intended for these purposes. They are able to prevent large particles of dirt from entering the cornea.

If you are smart enough to find out for yourself what will happen if you bring a vacuum cleaner to your eyes, then you will feel that they reflexively close. This natural reaction for irritation. The eyelids are one of the most powerful protective barriers, so nervous system should work instantly and send a signal from the brain to close them. It will be quite difficult to open them. This mechanism is triggered when various dust and other foreign bodies. It is also designed to protect the retina from excessive pressure.

Please note that during blinking, the surface of the eye is lubricated with liquid. If this mechanism is disrupted, even microscopic particles can scratch the cornea and cause redness and a feeling of irritation.

Possible consequences

When assessing the degree of risk, you need to find out in advance what will happen if you bring a vacuum cleaner to your eye. Photos of soft tissue hematomas surrounding this organ, or a retina with burst vessels will give the most accurate idea of ​​the possible consequences.

If you bring the pipe of a switched-on vacuum cleaner to your eye so that it is sucked, you will have the feeling that it is being tightened. When you turn off the unit, everything will return to its place. But don't underestimate the possibility of damage.

After all, during such an experiment, small particles of debris and dust particles may get on the cornea, which will scratch its surface. This will cause irritation. In addition, a powerful air flow will also have a negative effect. As a result of suction, the retinal capillaries may burst. But they are not the only ones that will be damaged.

The skin around the eyes is very delicate. In addition, it takes place huge number blood vessels. When you suck on a vacuum cleaner hose, be prepared for noticeable swelling and bruising. Moreover, the eye long time will be red. It will take quite a long time to get rid of the problems you have created for yourself.

Many people, when asked what will happen if you put a vacuum cleaner close to your eye, answer that there is nothing wrong with it. Perhaps only tears will appear. But keep in mind that this will only be the first reaction to irritation.

The connection between power and injuries

There is an opinion that the likelihood of complications increases if you take modern strong vacuum cleaner. They say that the Soviet Hurricane is absolutely safe. But modern powerful units can cause noticeable harm. Of course, no studies have been conducted between power and the degree of eye damage from suction. But such an opinion has a right to life.

Please note, even if you take an old weak vacuum cleaner or put your modern device on low power, you can still damage the cornea with dust microparticles. Capillaries in the retina and around the eyes may also burst, causing redness and swelling.

Treatment options

If you nevertheless decide to test for yourself what happens if you bring a vacuum cleaner to your eye, then after this experiment you need to see an ophthalmologist. So that he understands the nature of the injury and the possible degree of damage to the cornea, retina and surrounding skin, it will be necessary to tell him about the reasons for its appearance. Don't be surprised if he recommends visiting a psychiatrist.

To treat swelling and bruising, you can use heparin-based ointments. They help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. Resorption of hematomas occurs much faster. Troxevasin ointment may also be prescribed. A specialist may also recommend medications that contain vitamin K. It helps strengthen and restore the blood vessels of the eyes, making them firmer and more elastic.

We hope that we have satisfied your curiosity, and you will not even think of testing the reliability of the stated hypotheses on yourself. An inquisitive mind is good, but in everything you need to know when to stop. Good luck!