Quotes about smart people. Quotes from smart people

In front of you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about smart people. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the conversational genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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The Achilles heel is often hidden in the head.
Leszek Kumor.

A smart woman is one in whose company you can act as stupid as you like.
P. Valerie.

An intelligent woman is like Semiramis.
Kozma Prutkov.

Criticize your enemy wisely, otherwise he will get rid of his shortcomings.

Clever speeches are like lines printed in italics.
Kozma Prutkov.

Smart man + smart woman = easy flirting.
Smart man + dumb woman = single mother.
Dumb man + smart woman = normal family.
Dumb man + dumb woman = heroine mother.

A smart man tries not to give a woman reasons to be offended, but a smart woman doesn’t need reasons to be offended.

An intelligent man has the right to be unhappy only because of a woman who is worth it.
M. Proust.

An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.
I. Goethe.

An intelligent person would often find himself in a difficult situation if he were not surrounded by fools.
F. La Rochefoucauld.

An intelligent person differs from a wise person in his readiness to answer any question.
Absalom the Underwater.

There are far more smart people in the world than talented ones. Society is teeming with smart people who are completely devoid of talent.
A. Rivarol.

In this company, for every fool there were ten smart ones, so the forces were approximately equal.
Vl. Kazakov.

The belief that fools do not think is the most dangerous form optimism.
Danil Rudy.

There is a time for every stupidity.
Victor Zhemchuzhnikov.

“Do you think I’m an idiot?”
“No, but I could be wrong.”
Tristan Bernard.

It is much easier to become smart than to stop being a fool.
Vasily Klyuchevsky.

The fool is the first to notice how many smart people have gotten divorced.
Gennady Malkin.

A fool never reaches a dead end, because there are plenty of smart people out there.

A fool, having done something stupid, then makes excuses that it was his duty.
A modified George Bernard Shaw.

Are fools lucky? They're not that stupid.
Henryk Jagodzinski.

Fools complain that they are taken for fools.
Gilbert Sesbron.

Fools give feasts; smart people sit at the table.
English saying.

There are fewer fools than people think: people simply do not understand each other.
Luc de Vauvenargues.

It is enough for a fool to say that he is smart; but the impenetrable fool still needs to prove this.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk.

If others weren't fools, we would be.
William Blake.
Stubbornness has only the form of character, but not its content.
Immanuel Kant.

Just because smart people fail to meet expectations doesn't mean fools will save the world.
Yan Charny.

If you think any fool can do this, then try it.

There are only two infinite things: the Universe and stupidity. Although I'm not entirely sure about the Universe.
Attributed to Albert Einstein.

Sometimes even with a smart person it is difficult to lose what you found with a fool.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk.

Every fool knows that the stars cannot be reached, but the smart ones, not paying attention to the fools, try.
Harry Anderson.

Each of us is a fool for at least five minutes a day; wisdom is not to exceed the limit.
Elbert Hubbard.

No matter what stupidity you come up with, there will always be a person who will do this stupidity.

Ks. finds some essay stupid. - How will you prove this? “For mercy’s sake,” he assures innocently, “yes, I could write like that.”
Alexander Pushkin.

It’s better to lose with a smart person than to find with a fool.” But the worst thing is to lose with a fool.
Karol Izhikowski.

The world is not made for smart people. It is created for the stubborn and strong-minded, who cannot hold more than one thought in their head at a time.
Mary Rinehart.

Wisdom is not wrinkles, but convolutions.
Victor Zhemchuzhnikov.

Wisdom comes in old age to replace reason.
Boleslaw Voltaire.

“I don’t know” sounds different in the mouths of a smart man and a fool.
Leszek Kumor.

There is no worse fool than an old fool.
John Lily (XVI century).

There is no worse fool than an old fool. Any young fool will tell you that.

No one is more annoying than a person with less intelligence and more ingenuity than we have.
Don Herold.

Outright stupidity can be irresistible in women.
Iris Murdoch.

Show me the meaning and I will do anything stupid.
Henryk Jagodzinski.

Before you say something stupid, think!
Semyon Altov.

Decisiveness: Persistence in achieving a goal that you approve of. Stubbornness: persistence in pursuing a goal that you do not approve of.
Ambrose Bierce.

We ourselves choose our thoughts, which build our future lives.

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to tell it to yourself.

Most the right way to a person’s heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​above all else.

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself the reason for it - and your soul will feel better.

The world is boring for boring people.

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone.

If our paths in life diverge from someone, it means that this person has fulfilled his task in our life, and we have fulfilled his task in his. New people come in their place to teach us something else.

What is most difficult for a person is what is not given to him.

You only live once, and even that cannot be certain. Marcel Achard

If you regret not speaking once, you will regret not speaking a hundred times.

I want to live better, but I have to live more fun... Mikhail Mamchich

No person can abandon us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves.

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not welcome

I may not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives meaning to life.

Life only has value because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer)

Life is more often like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t have time, which means you need to spend time on something else.

You can’t stop living a fun life, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh.

To live badly, unreasonably, intemperately does not mean to live badly, but to die slowly.

Life without illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer

Life is hard, but fortunately it is short (p.s. very famous phrase)

Nowadays people are not tortured with hot irons. There are noble metals.

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues.

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel how your brain begins to move.

To understand means to feel.

It's so simple: you have to live until you die

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it.

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident.

Death is not scary, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues is the height of idiocy. We should not be afraid of the dead, but feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose lives were interrupted without allowing them to accomplish something important, and those who remained forever to mourn the departed. Oleg Roy. Web of Lies

We don't know what to do with our short life, but we still want to live forever. A. France

The only happiness in life is constant striving forward.

In the tears that each of the women shed by the grace of men, any of them could be drowned. Oleg Roy, novel: The Man in the Opposite Window 1

A person always strives to be an owner. People need to have houses in their name, cars in their name, their own companies, and spouses stamped in their passports. Oleg Roy. Web of Lies

If you don't pay attention to the difficulties, they will get offended and leave...

No one can make a lock without a key, and life will not give a problem without a solution.

It is difficult to lead to good with moral teachings, easy by example.

Plan ahead! After all, there was no rain when Noah built the ark.

When we stumble upon closed door, another door opens to us. Unfortunately, we look at the closed door for so long that we do not notice the one that is open to us.

Life is fatigue, growing with every step.

Life is like a bath, sometimes boiling water, sometimes ice water.

And only with age do you begin to realizeHOW to turn the tap correctly, but the soul is already scalded, and the body is almost frozen.

Abortion is defended exclusively by those people who have already been born. Ronald Reagan

Beware of the young doctor and the old hairdresser. Benjamin Franklin

. "Of two evils, I always choose the one that I have never tried before." Benedict Cumberbatch

He who cannot change his views cannot change anything. Bernard Shaw

With a diploma you can earn a living. Self-education will do it for you. Jim Rohn

It is better to remain silent and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts. Abraham Lincoln

Patience has more power than strength.

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.

Only molecules and idiots move chaotically.

Death is when a person closes his eyes to everything.

I do not live in order to eat, but I eat in order to live. Quintilian

The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in which direction we are moving. Oliver Holmes

Speak only good things about yourself: the source will be forgotten, but the rumor will remain.

If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.

The only moment in life when a person tells himself the truth is the moment before death.

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

A woman should look not defiant, but inviting...

A person gets used to everything, even to the gallows... He twitches, twitches and stops...

Don't waste your time - this is the stuff life is made of.

Everything is in our hands, so we cannot let them go. Coco Chanel

It's better to talk with your mouth full than to be silent with your mouth full.

Striving for the top, remember that it may not be Olympus, but Vesuvius. Emile Ogier

Life is so short that you barely have time to ruin it.

We owe all the best in ourselves to the absence of the worst.

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify.

We only live once, but to the end.

Life goes away in English - without saying goodbye

Arrogance is the second happiness of those who do not have the first.

Old age begins when instead of “tasty/tasty” you start saying


He who knows how to control himself can command others. J. Voltaire

He who wants to live for others should not neglect his own life.B. Hugo

The biggest mistake is trying to correct someone else's mistake.

Money and worries cannot be hidden. (Lope de Vega)

Nothing promotes peace of mind like complete absence own opinion. (Lichtenberg)

You need to live in such a way that you are not afraid to sell your parrot to the biggest gossip in town. - Y. Tuwim

The great science of living happily is to live only in the present. Pythagoras

Half of our lives are ruined by our parents, and the other half by our children.K. Darrow

Apparently, there is nothing in the world that cannot happen. M. Twain

The number of years does not indicate the length of life. A person's life is measured by what he did and felt in it. S. Smiles

Most people spend half their lives making the other half miserable. J. Labruyère

It’s stupid to make plans for your whole life without even being a master of tomorrow. Seneca

The measure of life is not how long it lasts, but how you use it. - M. Montaigne

Life is what people strive most to preserve and protect least. - J. Labruyère

Stress is not what happened to you, but how you perceive it. Hans Selye

The main thing about goals is that you have them. Geoffrey Albert

The most important component of the success formula is the ability to get along with people. Theodore Roosevelt

Don't take life so seriously. You still won't get out of it alive.

Fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.

I was looking for leaders, but I realized that leadership is about being the first to act.

Try it, give the impossible at least one chance. Have you ever wondered how tired it is, this impossible thing, how it needs us.

Every new day we make plans for the future. But the future has its own plans.

Loneliness is not just like that... It is so that there is time to think...

Don't be afraid of changes - most often they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed.

The strong do as they please, and the weak suffer as they should.

One day you will find that you have only one problem left - yourself.

Everything needs to be experienced in this world, Everything needs to be experienced and appreciated... Misfortune, pain, betrayal, grief, gossip - Everything needs to be passed through the heart. And only then, getting up at dawn, you will be able to laugh and love...

The hardest thing in life is to appreciate everything you have and not get attached to anything. Excessive attachment to something or someone gives rise to constant worry lose it.

Don’t think about what they asked, but about why? If you guess why, then you will understand how to answer. Maxim Gorky

Shortage good people- not a reason to cling to just anyone.

A person will never be able to write a new page in his life if he constantly turns over and rereads the old ones.

A man must be stubborn and firm in matters of life. But soft and sensitive with his woman.

You cannot expect from a person what is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to get tomato juice.

Everything is as always. Fear pulls you back, curiosity pushes you forward, pride stops you. And only common sense nervously marks time and swears.

What is important is the one who comes to the rescue when he is not even asked.

If you have the courage to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. (Paulo Coelho)

It’s easier for me to communicate with a person in private, because only in private does he become a person.

I don't care about those who leave my life. I will find a replacement for everyone. But I love those who remained more than life itself!

Even the sharpest fangs of an animal will never hurt the one they love, but people can kill with one phrase...

I prefer to do what I love in my life. And not what is fashionable, prestigious or expected. (Moscow doesn’t believe in tears)

Embrace the present moment with joy. If you realize that you can’t change anything now, just relax and watch how everything just happens without any effort on your part.

  • My life experience has convinced me that people who have no shortcomings have very few virtues. © A. Lincoln
  • A person is valuable when his words match his actions. © Oscar Wilde
  • Too many people now spend money they haven't earned on things they don't need to impress people they don't like. © Will Smith
  • Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten. © I. Bunin
  • He is not great who has never fallen, but he is great who has fallen and gotten up. © Confucius
  • Quotes smart people When I'm having a hard time, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won't get better. © Mike Tyson
  • While we put off life, it passes. © Seneca
  • Life is a wonderful adventure, worthy of enduring failures for the sake of success. © R. Aldington
  • Dreams play cruel tricks only on those who don't have them. © Peter Rees
  • Great things need to be done, not thought about endlessly. © Julius Caesar
  • Make sure you get what you want, otherwise you will have to love what you have. © Bernard Shaw
  • Life loves to create darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side. © Paulo Coelho
  • There is no such thing as chance - everything in this world is either a test, or a punishment, or a reward, or a harbinger. © Voltaire
  • Show me mentally healthy person, and I will cure it for you. © Carl Jung
  • Like a fable, so life is valued not for its length, but for its content. © Seneca
  • It is an excellent position to be a man on earth. © M. Gorky
  • A person who reads randomly can rarely boast of the depth of his knowledge. © Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Losers believe in luck, successful people believe in themselves. © A. Brunet
  • You should never explain anything to anyone. The one who does not want to listen will not hear or believe, but the one who believes and understands does not need explanations. © Omar Khayyam
  • Discipline is the decision to do what you really don't want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve. © D. Maxwell
  • One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete absence of the need to prove something to anyone. © N. Mandela
  • If you don't learn to control yourself, others will control you. © Khasai Aliyev
  • Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do. © L. Tolstoy
  • Everything passes - this is the truest truth in the world. © Erich Maria Remarque.
  • When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life. © Dalai Lama
  • Thousands of paths lead to error, only one to truth. © Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is as if there are only miracles all around. © A. Einstein
  • The poorest man is not the one who doesn't have a penny in his pocket, but the one who doesn't have a dream. © Socrates.
  • When a person is possessed by one thought, he finds it in everything. © V. Hugo
  • You can survive grief alone, but it takes two to experience joy. © E. Hubbard.
  • Life is like a piano: the key is white, the key is black... the lid. © M. Zhvanetsky
  • Early to bed and early to rise is what makes a person healthy, rich and smart. © Benjamin Franklin
  • The sound of money has a wonderful calming effect. © G. Garrison.
  • I learned silence from the talkative, patience from the intemperate, kindness from the wicked. © Gibran H. Gibran

Statements wise people- There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it. - Confucius.

If there is at least one flowering branch left in your soul, a singing bird will always sit on it. - Eastern wisdom.

Never be wise in your own eyes - Solomon.

Almost every success story I know began with a person lying on his back, defeated by failure. - Jim Rohn.

Those who made their mistakes earlier learned faster. This good advantage in front of the others. - Winston Churchill.

The one who runs falls. He who crawls does not fall. - Pliny the Elder.

Listen, how a person insults others is how he characterizes himself.

When, having done good, a person tries to let people know about it, he creates evil.

Instead of complaining about the rose's thorns, I rejoice that there is a rose growing among the thorns. - Joseph Joubert.

What is important in a man is wisdom, not wealth. What matters in a woman is fidelity, not beauty. What is important in a friend is kindness, not empty words. In a loved one, patience is important, not demands. Health is important in the body, not slimness. The depth of meaning in words is important, not how or who pronounces them.

The main thing in a person is not the mind, but what controls him: character, heart, good feelings. - F.M. Dostoevsky.

Life is meaningless. The goal of man is to give it meaning. - Osho.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not. - Osho.

Human life is like a box of matches. Treating him seriously is funny; treating him frivolously is dangerous. - Ryunosuke.

When meeting with worthy person think about how to match him. Meeting with low man, take a closer look at yourself and judge yourself. - Confucius.

Any illness should be considered as a signal: you have somehow treated the world incorrectly. If you don't hear the signals, Life will increase the impact. - Sviyash.

All our complaints about what we lack stem from a lack of gratitude for what we have. - Daniel Defoe.

In an effort to understand the essence of our whole life, we need to remember a simple truth... That beauty will please a little... And kindness heals our whole life...!

While we put off life, it passes. - Seneca.

Sayings of wise people about life - If an egg is broken by an external force, life ends. If an egg is broken by force from within, life begins. Everything great always starts from within.

It's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself. - L.N. Tolstoy.

Nothing destroys a person more than prolonged inactivity. - Aristotle.

Love is the most powerful of all passions, because it simultaneously takes possession of the head, heart and body. - Voltaire.

Wise Quotes - You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

Those who wait patiently do eventually get something, but it's usually what's left over from the people who didn't wait.

Only those who are worse than us think badly of us, and those who are better than us simply have no time for us. - Omar Khayyam.

The lower a person’s soul, the higher his nose turns up. He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown.

Any luck is the result of long preparation...

Life is a mountain. You go up slowly, you go down quickly. - Guy de Maupassant.

Give advice only when asked. - Confucius.

Time doesn't like to be wasted. - Henry Ford.

Nothing is impossible in this life. It just happens that there weren’t enough attempts...

Don't make decisions when you're angry. Don't make promises when you're happy.

There are two ways to live life. One way is to think that miracles do not happen. The second is to think that everything that happens is a miracle. - Albert Einstein.

Truly, always where reasonable arguments are lacking, they are replaced by a cry. - Leonardo da Vinci.

Don’t judge what you don’t know about - the rule is simple: remaining silent is much better than saying nothing.

A person finds time for everything he really wants. - F.M. Dostoevsky.

We will not come to this world again, we will not find our friends again. Hold on to the moment... After all, it will not be repeated, just as you yourself will not be repeated in it...

They don’t plan friendship, they don’t shout about love, they don’t prove the truth. - Friedrich Nietzsche.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it is created by our thoughts. If a person speaks and acts with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves.

I really don't like arrogant people who put themselves above others. I just want to give them a ruble and say, if you find out your worth, you will return the change... - L.N. Tolstoy.

Human disputes are endless not because it is impossible to find the truth, but because those arguing are not looking for truth, but for self-affirmation. - Buddhist wisdom.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life. - Confucius.

It’s not enough to know, you have to apply it. It’s not enough to want, you have to do it.

A bee, having stuck a steel sting, does not know that it is missing... So fools, when releasing poison, do not understand what they are doing. - Omar Khayyam.

The kinder we become, the more kindly others treat us, and the more good we are, the easier it is for us to see the good around us.

Smart people do not so much seek solitude as they avoid the fuss created by fools. - Arthur Schopenhauer.

There will come a time when you decide it's over. This will be the beginning. - Louis Lamour.