Why does a person have a low temperature of 35. General information about thermoregulation. Extensive skin diseases

01.02.11 02:03

Body temperature is one of the the most important indicators state of the body. What do the jumps up and down mean? And why do doctors consider 36.6 to be normal?

Where is the norm?

Firstly, by “normal” a competent therapist understands body temperature healthy adult, in the middle of the day, at rest. That's right. Because in the morning we are somewhat colder - by 0.5 - 0.7 degrees, and in the evening we can heat up by 0.3 - 0.5 degrees.

For some time there was a popular opinion that supposedly “each person has his own normal temperature.” However, physiologists are now confident that this is not the case. The “fork” of the norm varies somewhat depending on the gender, age and race of a person, but in general the normal temperature cannot be lower than 35.9 degrees and higher than 37.2. No one has.

Personal normal temperature The body is formed earlier in girls - by 13 - 14 years. For young men - around 18 - 20 years old. After 25 years, temperature differences between men and women are especially obvious: men are on average half a degree colder than women!

How to understand what threatens or does not threaten health when body temperature changes? And when is it time to go to the doctor?

Below the baseboard: from 34.9 to 35.2

We don’t even consider lower thermometer readings, since this is a clear reason to call an ambulance with resuscitation. So, if the mercury is frozen around 35 degrees, this may indicate that you may have:

Disruption thyroid gland, hypothyroidism;

Blood formula shift;

A sharp “collapse” of immunity - for example, after a course of antibiotics or specific therapy;

You have been exposed to radiation.

That is, as can be seen from the list of reasons, they all require visiting a doctor. You can immediately do general blood and urine tests so that the doctor can see key changes and refer you for a more detailed examination.

There's another one interesting reason for a strong drop in temperature - a state of severe, excuse me, hangover. This hypothermia is associated with impaired vascular response.

Barely a soul in the body: from 35.3 to 35.8

Moderately decreased body temperature, which may not mean anything particularly dangerous, or it may mean it. For example, here's what:

Seasonal depression;

- “chronic fatigue syndrome”;

Asthenic syndrome;

Violation of protein absorption in the body;

Impaired liver and gallbladder function;

The initial stage of diabetes mellitus.

If you are constantly freezing, you are shivering, you have cold wet hands and feet - see a doctor. Perhaps there is nothing wrong, and you just need to change your daily routine and diet. The point is that sometimes people with vegetative-vascular dystonia This is how they react to weather changes, and you just need to learn how to behave correctly during these periods.

Golden mean: from 35.9 to 36.9

This is a normal temperature, indicating that thermoregulation is normal in you and in the body. at the moment there are no acute inflammatory processes. However, this does not mean that there is no chronic inflammation or other problems that have a less obvious immune response. Be attentive to yourself!

Higher and higher: from 37.0 to 37.3

Doctors call this temperatures y " low-grade fever" Borderline between health and ill health. However, there are also quite “healthy” reasons for raising the temperature to the indicated levels: for example, intense exercise, visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or hot bath, as well as abuse of spicy foods - pepper, mustard, horseradish. Among dangerous reasons For low-grade fever there are also these:

Blood diseases;

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);

Exacerbation of a chronic disease;

Food poisoning;

Internal bleeding;

Dental problems;

Diseases of the lymphatic system.

In order for the doctor to give you a reliable diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment– under no circumstances take any medications – neither antipyretics nor non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The doctor should see you against the background of this very temperature.

It became hot: from 37.4 to 40.2

Spicy inflammatory process, requiring medical intervention. The question of what level to lower the temperature from is decided individually: a person without serious chronic diseases may not lower the temperature in any way until it exceeds 38.5 degrees. And if you have complex neurological, psychiatric and other problems, then consult a doctor: sometimes high temperature leads to seizures.

S.O.S.! From 40, 3 and above

Life-threatening body temperature, which can lead to fatal outcome. Immediate medical care and the introduction of special drugs.

Interesting facts:

  1. The lowest "normal" temperature recorded was for a 19-year-old Canadian woman in 1995. It was 34.4 degrees against the background of complete health and excellent health.
  2. Some foods can lower body temperature by almost a degree. These include cane sugar, green gooseberries and yellow plums.
  3. To treat seasonal depression, Korean doctors use the “heat-cold” procedure - they lower the temperature of the upper half of the body and increase it in the lower half. They say it is very effective.

Body temperature is an indicator of human health, which depends on metabolic rate and thermoregulation processes. Normal indicators body temperatures can fluctuate between 36-36.9 degrees, ideal numbers correspond to 36.6 degrees. IN medical practice Increased temperature (hyperthermia) is more common due to overheating, infections, inflammation and oncology. A drop in body temperature below 36 degrees usually indicates pathological processes in the body. The thermometer readings in an adult at the level of 35.5-36 degrees in some cases relate to individual characteristics of thermoregulation and do not affect negative influence to your health. To understand the causes of hypothermia, you need to see a doctor.

Physiological hypothermia

More than 99% of people have normal temperature 36.6 degrees. During the day, under the influence of hormones endocrine system and external factors, the intensity of thermoregulation changes. This affects daily temperature fluctuations of several tenths of a degree. Normal biological rhythms associated with more low performance thermometer in the morning (36-36.4), in the evening the temperature may rise (36.7-36.9).

In hot climates, body temperature is periodically higher than the average statistical norm, which is associated with overheating, and in cold climates the indicators are lower due to high risk hypothermia. Changes in body temperature are episodic in nature and are processes of adaptation of the body to environmental conditions.

Less than 1% of people are prone to hypothermia due to the individual characteristics of the thermoregulation center in the brain. Typically, the thermometer readings in such patients are at the level of 35.5-36.0 degrees daily, occasionally rising to normal. In the case of infectious and inflammatory diseases, hyperthermia develops with lower fever numbers than in ordinary patients. The tendency to physiological hypothermia does not cause a violation of the general condition and performance. During examination, they are not detected in the body pathological changes, which could cause a decrease in temperature.

Pathological hypothermia

Body temperature indicators are below the average statistical norm in most clinical cases are signs of the disease. With hypothermia, the rate of metabolic reactions decreases and heat transfer worsens, which leads to disruption of the body's functioning. The causes of hypothermia may be associated with diseases of the hematopoietic, digestive, endocrine and nervous system, occur when taking medicines. A decrease in temperature is a symptom of illness. In addition to hypothermia, other clinical signs illness, which helps determine the cause of the pathology.


More common iron deficiency anemia, associated with a lack of hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells. Hemoglobin contains iron, which attaches oxygen molecules. Once in the tissue, oxygen participates in the processes of tissue respiration. With a lack of iron, oxygen deficiency occurs (hypoxia), including in the brain, which leads to a decrease in temperature.

Symptoms of anemia:

  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • pale skin, blueness of fingertips;
  • flashing “flies” before the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • interruptions in the heart area;
  • fatigue.

In a general clinical blood test, the number of red blood cells is less than 3.7-4.7X10*12/l, hemoglobin is below 100 g/l.

Liver diseases

Hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver, occurring with symptoms liver failure, cause disruption of thermoregulation. The liver stores carbohydrates in the form of glycogen. They are used by the body to generate heat and maintain normal body temperature. Impaired organ function leads to insufficient glycogen accumulation and hypothermia.

Symptoms of liver failure:

  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, memory loss;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera of the eyes;
  • discoloration of stool.

To diagnose the disease it is prescribed biochemical analysis blood and ultrasound of the abdominal organs.


Poor nutrition leads to hypothermia. Extreme diet violations - fasting, vegetarianism, strict diets to reduce body weight. Does not enter the body required quantity nutrients, which can ensure normal thermoregulation. A deficiency of fats and carbohydrates leads to insufficient heat generation, and a decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer causes chilliness.

Symptoms of eating disorders:

  • unstable stool;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss;
  • angular stomatitis (jams);
  • weakness, decreased performance;
  • thirst.

Normalization daily diet leads to an improvement in general condition and normalization of body temperature.

Endocrine pathology

Hypothermia occurs when the thyroid gland is underactive - hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones are involved in metabolism and regulate thermoregulation processes. Lack of hormones in the body reduces metabolism and heat production.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • swelling;
  • chilliness;
  • weight gain with loss of appetite;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • dry skin, hair loss;
  • memory impairment;
  • infertility.

Diabetes mellitus occurs with impaired metabolism and oxidation of glucose. This leads to energy deficiency in the body.

Symptoms of diabetes:

  • thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • dry mouth;
  • tingling and numbness of the limbs;
  • increased appetite due to weight loss.

To diagnose the disease it is necessary to undergo laboratory examination to determine thyroid hormones and blood sugar levels.

Nervous system diseases

Hypothermia accompanies diseases of the nervous system that occur after traumatic brain injury and spinal injury. Often a decrease in body temperature occurs with neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) of the hypotonic type. Change autonomic innervation leads to disruption of the thermoregulation center and persistent hypothermia.

Symptoms of hypotonic type NCD:

  • low blood pressure;
  • weather dependence;
  • fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • chilliness of hands and feet;
  • irritability, emotional instability.

Treatment of the etiological disease helps normalize body temperature.


Brain tumors in the hypothalamus region lead to hypothermia. A decrease in body temperature is one of the first symptoms of the disease. The thermoregulation center is located in the hypothalamus. Compression of the brain by the proliferation of tumor tissue causes a disruption in the processes of heat formation in the body.

Symptoms of a hypothalamic tumor:

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using instrumental methods examinations ( computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and laboratory tests.

Taking medications

Long-term use medicinal substances or failure to comply with the prescribed dosage of the drug leads to a decrease in body temperature. Hypothermia develops with an overdose of antipyretic drugs, sedatives from the group of barbiturates and benzodiazepines, and narcotic painkillers.

If there is a persistent decrease in body temperature for 5-7 days or more, you should consult a general practitioner. The doctor will carry out the necessary diagnostic examinations, will issue a referral for consultation with specialists. Hypothermia may be a sign serious illnesses, which impair quality and reduce life expectancy.

N normal temperature human body designed to provide an optimal background for the occurrence of many processes. It becomes a real indicator of the functioning of various internal systems life support. In addition, it is a regulator of the interaction between internal and external environment body.

The normal human body temperature for an adult is between 36.4 and 37.4 degrees Celsius. On average this means the usual and traditional 36.6.

Small fluctuations in one direction or another are not considered pathological. They can only be alarming if they approach the border marks.

Most often, these changes pass quite quickly within a short time, as they are caused by functional reasons. When repeated measurements are taken, they usually shift towards the norm.

When the numbers on the thermometer show that an adult patient has a temperature of 35.5 or lower, then this unusual condition is defined as hypothermia.

This is not at all a harmless state of affairs. The patient's functions of the main organs and systems are disrupted, metabolism changes significantly and brain activity suffers.

Such changes have a particularly noticeable effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Therefore, you need to know exactly the symptoms of this condition in order to be able to accurately determine them even before measuring the temperature in order to provide timely help to the person. This is especially important when we're talking about about chronically ill people, alcoholics or drug addicts.

Hypothermia usually manifests itself:

  • Severe chills;
  • feeling of freezing;
  • general weakness;
  • pallor;
  • fatigue;
  • feeling unwell;
  • severe drowsiness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • bradycardia;
  • sudden change in mood;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion.

These symptoms are explained by a significant slowdown in blood flow in the body, a strong dilation of blood vessels, and a change in the course of processes in the brain. A person's metabolic rate decreases, the level of production and release of hormones drops significantly, and the overall load on the cardiovascular system increases.

Often secondary symptoms sharp decline body temperature up to 35.3 - 35.5 in an adult, tactile disturbances occur due to a failure in reflex activity, weakening intellectual activity, vestibular disorders.

Due to cerebral ischemia, difficulties with hearing and vision may arise; it becomes difficult for a person to speak and even hold the body in a horizontal position.

Due to multiple malfunctions in the central and peripheral nervous systems, illusions or hallucinations may even occur.

Causes of hypothermia

A significant decrease in temperature may occur due to the action various factors. These can be random reasons that affect a person only for a short time.

These include nervous tension, taking certain medications, hypothermia, insomnia, severe hunger, prolonged dieting, loss of strength, alcohol intoxication.

In such cases, the temperature usually returns to normal after the action ceases. unfavorable factor. Sometimes correction of the patient’s condition is required in order to short terms the situation has stabilized. Usually, this does not require medical assistance, since the person himself has the power to change it for the better.

For many people, a temperature of 35.7 - 35.9 is the norm.

Do not be alarmed at a temperature of 35.7 - 35.8 degrees. It may be enough to dress warmly, cover yourself with a blanket and drink a cup of hot tea. After this, you need to get a good night's sleep and have a hearty lunch. Hypothermia usually goes away after such measures. If even after this nothing can be improved, you need to contact a specialist.

This should be done because low temperature(35.3-35.5) in adults is often a symptom of diseases such as:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • drug addiction (overdose);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • coma;
  • adrenal diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • disturbances in the activity of the cerebral cortex;
  • depression;
  • anorexia;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • hematological diseases.

In these cases, low body temperature can be caused by the damaging effects of drugs or alcohol, loss of strength, or malnutrition.

Hormonal deficiency provokes a significant slowdown in the flow of processes in the body, a drop in the level of endocrine activity, as well as in the absorption of nutrients.

Cardiovascular pathology causes symptoms such as weakness, decreased general activity, and ischemia of the limbs. All this provokes a temperature drop to 35.2 degrees and below.

The body tries to balance the situation and therefore attacks of irritability, aggression or, conversely, severe inhibition are often possible.

Thermometry is carried out using thermometers:

  1. Mercury(traditional, usually placed in armpit for five minutes);
  2. Electronic(it gives a signal when the body temperature is set. In doubtful cases, it is recommended to keep it for about a minute to clarify the results. In cases where they are clearly increased or decreased, the measurement continues).

It is very important to record the temperature correctly. Most often, the thermometer is placed in the armpit. This method is generally considered insufficiently accurate, but it is convenient and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

The error when measuring temperature is several tenths of degrees, usually on the smaller side, so a result of 35.8 - 36.2 for an adult can be considered normal.

IN Western countries The thermometer is placed in the mouth. This is the most reliable way obtaining data, but also dangerous, since with severe chills or in an unconscious state, a person may bite or drop the thermometer. In addition, it is completely unsuitable for measuring the temperature of infants or people with weakened mental health.

Sometimes thermometry is performed using a room special device into the rectum. This is most often done in young children or in adult patients who are in a coma.

However, it should be taken into account that internal temperature the body is slightly higher than the outer one, so an adjustment needs to be made here. Therefore, this method is not entirely suitable in case of hypothermia.

Methods to combat hypothermia

Body temperature should not remain too low for long. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures.

A clinical and biochemical blood test should be done, general analysis urine, check plasma glucose levels, determine thyroid hormone levels, and identify the presence of certain toxic substances.

In addition, it is necessary to measure blood pressure, do an Echo-KG, EGC, electroencephalogram, ultrasound examination etc.

If no serious diseases are detected, then you need to measure your temperature several times a day.

If a persistent decrease in temperature to 35 degrees or below is detected, you should:

  • Take a course of vitamin E;
  • take immunostimulants;
  • give an intensive massage of the body, as well as arms and legs;
  • prepare hot milk with honey;
  • drink tea with raspberry jam;
  • accept contrast shower or a bath;
  • warm up the room;
  • dress warmly;
  • drink hot coffee;
  • brew rosehip infusion;
  • stop taking medications not prescribed by a doctor;
  • allocate at least eight hours of sleep;
  • drink sedatives of plant origin;
  • take a brisk walk;
  • eat a bar of chocolate.

These comprehensive measures will make it possible to significantly activate metabolism, significantly dilate blood vessels, and stimulate general blood supply.

They will allow you to cleanse yourself of toxins, relax, warm up the body, and increase lymph flow. Honey and dark chocolate will allow a person to sweat well, thereby regulating the heat exchange between the internal environment of the body and the external environment.

After this, you need to take measurements again. If everything returns to normal, then you should observe the patient for several days. If the temperature within 35.2-35.5 resumes, you should contact a specialist.

In general, the fight against hypothermia should be a fight against the cause that caused it.

If this serious illness, then treatment or an urgent call will help Emergency care. If it is caused external factors, then home remedies will help restore normal values body temperature.

Related materials:

At low body temperature and to combat its fluctuations, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations from specialists. It is advisable to do morning exercises every day, harden yourself, and improve your immunity. The diet should be balanced, and fluids should be drunk at least two liters per day.

You should rest more often, avoid stress, and if nervous breakdowns remove them through meditation, yoga or just good rest.

It is very important to maintain a constant normal body temperature. Don't dress too warmly or lightly. You need to sleep in a ventilated, but not overheated or cold room.

According to many doctors, a temperature of 35.1 - 35.2 in an adult is often a consequence of stress.

Be sure to carefully distribute your daily routine by hour. Going to bed, getting up and eating at the same time constant time. You need to get enough sleep, rest well and be sure to do what you love.

You need to completely give up alcohol and smoking. Any pharmacological preparations Should be taken only after a doctor's prescription. In addition, it is necessary to use all measures to strengthen the immune system.

It should be taken into account, however, that some people have congenital hypothermia. They do not experience any discomfort, nothing hurts, and the body functions fully.

However, they also need to go through medical examination to exclude the possibility of various diseases.

When is urgent medical attention needed?

You should call a doctor if the decrease in temperature leads to fainting; it does not stop falling even after measures taken, and also if the patient is an old man or an infant.

The help of a specialist is necessary when a person has eaten or drunk something before, as intoxication is possible, food poisoning or exacerbation of a chronic disease. In these cases, this condition can lead to his death.

  1. My daughter is 34.8 this morning, 35 all day long. Loss of strength and poor health.
  2. Often, many people complain about an unreasonable drop in temperature, while their hands and feet get cold, and there is general apathy and lethargy.

    Low body temperature occurs for a number of reasons: low hemoglobin, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, decreased immunity, recently previous illness and now, as a consequence, loss of strength.

    If you visited a doctor, took tests, and the low body temperature remains, then try to change your lifestyle, go in for sports, follow the principles healthy eating, take more vitamins.

    Reduced body temperature A decrease in body temperature (i.e., body temperature below 36 C) is sometimes observed in healthy people in the morning, but even at this time it usually does not fall below 35.6 C. Morning temperature drops to 35.6 - 35.9 C are often observed with a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, with some diseases of the brain, exhaustion in as a result of starvation, sometimes with chronic bronchitis, and also after significant blood loss. A reduced body temperature inevitably occurs during freezing (after the end of the stage of adaptive warming of the body due to chills) down to 20 C and below, when metabolic processes practically stop and death occurs. A less pronounced, non-life-threatening, decrease in body temperature is sometimes achieved through artificial cooling of the body (artificial hypothermia) in order to reduce the metabolic rate and the body’s need for oxygen, in particular during long periods of time. surgical operations using artificial blood circulation machines.

    Loss of strength
    Symptoms of loss of strength

    Loss of strength is usually accompanied by: fatigue, apathy, insomnia, tearfulness, and nervousness. A person who suffers from loss of energy looks exhausted and his skin is pale. Due to overwork, temperature and blood pressure may increase.
    WITH psychological side the person feels depressed. There is little in this life for him now, which makes him happy. He focuses his attention on the negative. It seems to him that no one understands him. Against the backdrop of this state of affairs, scandals become more frequent in the family. And this makes the situation even worse. It is at these moments that a person feels superfluous and unnecessary.
    Of course, in this case, a person needs support and mutual understanding. But, unfortunately, as we have already noted, few of us seriously understand the danger of such a condition.

    Causes of loss of strength

    First, let's figure out what reasons can lead to loss of strength.
    There are a great many reasons, it turns out. Here are just a few of the most common:

    Labor-intensive work
    Lack of sleep
    Problems with intestinal microflora
    Infectious disease
    Iron deficiency
    Family troubles
    Thyroid dysfunction

    This is only an incomplete list of reasons that most often lead to loss of strength.

  3. It's not such a low temperature. And no “near-life” state. A temperature of 35.6 -37 is considered normal. Otherwise, there will be a bunch of specialists who will tell you that it’s time to die. Gerasimova, I don’t know. What is your specialty, but you definitely haven’t had any practice. How many people have you buried with a temperature of 35 and 5? No one has ever died from this temperature. I understand, the temperature is 32.... yes, it’s actually a corpse. I have seen how the blood pressure drops in dying people, but both the temperature and the pressure drop rapidly and critically. So there is no need to scare people by saying that T. 35.5 is half a corpse - stupidity. There are a lot of reasons. Low temperature is called hypothermia. TEMPERATURE 35.5 - 37 NORMAL TEMPERATURE. IF IT GOES DOWN, THEN ONLY GO TO THE DOCTOR!
  4. Nothing, just weakness from this.
  5. Why is a low body temperature of 35.5 dangerous?
  6. I've been living with this temperature for 20 years
  7. Low body temperature, loss of strength.
  8. If it’s always like this, it’s nothing. Body temperature is a very individual factor. Measure under both armpits, or in the mouth, but then minus one degree.
  9. If you feel cold in your feet, you are experiencing headaches, nausea, and lack of appetite. Plus, added to all this is a decrease in body temperature, and apparently your flu or cold is getting worse. If you have a low temperature in the morning, it doesn’t mean anything; this is observed in half of the inhabitants of Russia. And if in daytime day or even in the evening, then you have swine flu or ARVI. If a teenager who suffered from anemia as a child has a low temperature, consult a doctor immediately and do not self-medicate. For teenagers (12-16 years old) with reduced amount blood, low temperature can aggravate several types of disease. Moreover, if the child previously had elevated temperature, without any signs of the flu, and now he has a low temperature, may aggravate the disease of small kidneys or lack of thyroid juices (kidney disease). Parents often do not pay attention to a low temperature, but if they consult a doctor later, when the child becomes ill, the diagnosis may be much worse. Also, parents often let their children in low temperature child to school, in this case the child may faint at any moment, these are the first signs of illness.
  10. I also have this temperature, but I don’t know why. But I feel differently.
  11. if there are no other symptoms... This is a disruption of the autonomic nervous system. These disorders are also caused by infection, most often viruses and protozoa, and, alas, osteochondrosis, if you are interested, write a message and let’s talk

The ideal temperature is 36.6. But a spread from 35.5 to 37 degrees is also considered normal. Of course, for some, 37 degrees is already a symptom of a cold. But in general, this interval is healthy if you do not feel weak or chilly.

But if the thermometer shows less than 35.5, this is no longer normal. When it drops to 30 degrees, a person loses consciousness - in this case there is a serious danger to life. 34.5 degrees can also be dangerous symptom some diseases. So, why might your thermometer show a low body temperature?

Low body temperature: causes

  1. Stress. Yes, it is quite possible that you are just very tired at work. In this case, the low body temperature of a person is accompanied by a feeling general weakness and apathy. For signs of fatigue to go away, you need to sleep and take a day off. Or better yet, a vacation.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. A body temperature below 36 is a signal that it’s time to take your health seriously, especially if you already know about some problems.
  3. Pregnancy. 35 on a thermometer is one of the symptoms of possible pregnancy. It's time to buy a test!
  4. Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle. During the day, the temperature can change within one degree, especially if you are currently menstruating. So just check the thermometer a day later - most likely it will show the usual numbers for you.

What to do if your body temperature is low

In most cases, low temperature is caused by fatigue and decreased immunity. Quality rest, good sleep, vitamins and balanced diet will quickly bring the situation back to normal.

But among the causes of body temperature below 36 there may also be serious diseases, such as kidney and adrenal diseases, thyroid dysfunction, anorexia, AIDS and more. Therefore, if it has not risen to the normal level of 36.6 degrees Celsius after a couple of days, be sure to consult a doctor.

By the way, for some, low body temperature is the norm. There are people whose entire life the thermometer shows 35.8, for example. This is not a signal for any diseases, it's just individual feature. But if for several days you see less than 35 degrees on the thermometer, this is a bad sign indicating the development of the disease.