Electric heating systems for summer cottages. How to make electric heating in a country house? Heating costs

The coolness of the off-season and spontaneous outings to the dacha in winter require that country house had a heating system. It's great to have stove heating. It is labor-intensive and uneconomical, but has its own attractive power. It’s nice to spend the evening listening to the crackle of firewood coming from a compactly built-in indoor stove or an open fire in a masonry fireplace. Romance inspires and still pushes us to install a stationary heating system according to modern technologies. If there is no connection to the gas main, eyes immediately turn to electricity. By installing electric heating devices for your dacha, you can find a cozy atmosphere and be calm about the reliability of the decision made.

The direct electric water heater requires no maintenance due to its bare wire system. Indeed, the heating coils vibrate slightly during the flow of water, so that scale deposits are eliminated. The cost of operating this type depends on the price of electricity. In some cases, it may be preferable to consider other solutions with lower operating costs.

Electric heating can be used in addition to other solutions or when it is not possible or desirable to install the system central heating, such as a holiday home or a small office in a warehouse. There are two categories of electric heaters: direct heating or storage.

The use of electricity for heating can be fundamentally divided into two areas:
  1. Heating indoor air directly with electrical appliances.
  2. Electricity heats the coolant, which circulates and transfers thermal energy along the heating circuit.
The second direction involves the use of hot water. These devices have a wide variety, which are subject to classifications.

First of all, models of electric boilers are divided according to the principle of operation:

Direct heaters provide immediate heat. They are suitable for sparsely occupied spaces, but need to heat up quickly, are inexpensive and do not require a complicated installation procedure. Unlike gas appliances, they do not need to be checked regularly. These easy-to-maintain units are the ideal solution for providing heat during cold waves. This category includes radiators, convectors, electric radiators and purge radiators.

Storage Heaters, Heating & Dehumidifiers

Batteries, such as overnight storage heaters, use electricity to generate heat, but this is not immediately available. Electric and night heaters provide relatively low efficiency and require more energy than other sources. In addition, some devices require a high voltage connection.

  • units based on thermoelectric heating elements;
  • devices using electrolysis;
  • induction type devices - the operation is based on the properties of electromagnetic induction.
Systematization of boilers by placement makes it possible to divide them into floor-mounted and wall-mounted units. Tenn boilers can not only provide heating in a dacha with electricity, but in the presence of a second circuit, hot water supply for domestic needs is achieved (read also: " "). This leads to the division: single-circuit and double-circuit. The fundamental gradation of boilers is the connection to the electrical network. This provides a breakdown into single-phase and three-phase devices.

Hot water electric boiler

Let us dwell in detail on the design and principle of operation of a heating boiler, which is often purchased in order to organize an electric boiler.

The structure of an electric boiler includes:

Which heating system to choose?

There is no standard solution for finding the ideal heating system, but it is fairly easy to determine which system is best for your needs. yours new system heating. When you decide to leave long time or on holidays, it is important to keep the mind quiet. People often forget to prepare their heating system for its absence. When using fuel oil, certain precautions must be taken so as not to waste energy and thus experience unpleasant surprise when returning home.

  • a heat exchanger (container) made of copper alloys, with heating elements of varying power placed in it;
  • a control unit with a panel for setting the required operating modes and a microprocessor board;
  • accident-free operation safety group;
  • electrical part: thermal switch, mains voltage connection unit and other components;
  • a frame for fastening components and casing with a given decor.

Some tips for a smooth flight

Here are our tips for a stress-free, trouble-free start. At your home level, you can apply good gestures depending on the length of your absence. During the summer, unless you need to turn on any appliances, it is recommended to turn off the power to your home.

If your return date is scheduled and you have a programmable thermostat, plan to start heating a half day before your arrival. If you will be away for more than 3 days, cut the reservoir to hot water; It's no use heating water you won't use. If none of your appliances require water, close the common water inlet to prevent flooding in the event of a leak. If you have a controlled mechanical ventilation system, you can leave it running.

  • This prevents the risk of short circuit.
  • Alternatively, switch off all unnecessary electrical appliances and turn off the boiler.
  • When you arrive, your home will be at the right temperature.
  • This way your home will continue to breathe.
  • When you return, you will find a healthier, odor-free home.
The period of absence could be a boon for oil thieves.

As a rule, the installation of tenn boilers in electric heating systems for a summer residence involves forced circulation of the coolant in the heating circuit. Electric boilers foreign manufacturers provide a circulation pump to perform this function. Manufacturers also build a membrane-type expansion tank into the body of the device, which compensates for the increase in coolant volume when heated.

If you are away for several days or weeks

Therefore, it is wise to take some precautions to protect your fuel. If your tank is transparent, you can mark its current level with a small line to check it when you return it. If you turn off the boiler while you are away, you can close the oil supply valve to avoid possible leaks in the pipes. Make sure the tank is covered to prevent rainwater from entering, as well as branches, dead leaves and other dust that can get into your tank. Take precautions to avoid fuel theft.

The complete set of the safety group is not complete without an automatic float-type valve, which serves to bleed air from the heating circuit (more details: " "). A mechanical blast valve is also required. Its primary task is to discharge the coolant at a critical pressure in the system. This indicator is 3 bars. The amount of coolant and its temperature can be controlled using the readings of a thermostatic pressure gauge. Exceeding the lower pressure threshold is evidence of liquid leakage and a threat to heating equipment failure.

You can also ask a trusted neighbor to visit your home regularly to check that everything is in order. You can also inform the police about your absence, the police or the police. They will be monitored regularly and will intervene if they detect an abnormal situation. Regular presence on the premises can have a deterrent effect on potential criminals.

If you are away for several months

You can also take a closer look at your home insurance to check the provisions of your contract and make any necessary adjustments if necessary. Ideally, to keep your mind quiet, you need to empty your tank completely. This way there is no risk of the fuel oil freezing, so you will also limit the risk of theft during your long absence.

How to choose heating for a summer house, detailed video:

Electrode unit and induction type heating device

Electric heating is much less common country house involves the purchase of an electrode boiler. This is due to certain requirements for their operation. They do not have a heating element that is susceptible to scale. Electrical energy heats water through a physical and chemical process - the flow of alternating currents between the anodes.

The efficiency of this process requires that the liquid poured into the heating circuit be pre-prepared. For the same reason, it is impossible to use additives for water that prevent it from freezing, or to change water to alternative liquids: antifreeze, antifreeze. Gyre saline solution in the circuit must be carried out at a certain speed in order to achieve the declared boiler power. Positive factors for choosing an electrode device are low cost and compact dimensions.

In practice, this method is used only in cases of particularly long absence. Indeed, it is difficult to calculate the amount of fuel that needs to be ordered so that the tank is empty when you leave. On the other hand, you will have to order fuel again when you return so you don't miss out.

Our advice: If you are away for a long time, estimate your consumption so that you only leave the bottom in your tank during your departure. This way you will still have some fuel when you get back to starting the boiler. Make sure the tank level is the same as where you left it, or slightly lower if you left your heater on the no-frost setting. Please note that the pressure in the heating circuit is within the recommended range of 1.2 to 2.5 bar. Open your home's main water supply valve, checking for any leaks in your system. Restart your boiler if you need to heat your home, or if it is used to produce domestic hot water.

  • Refer to your boiler's operating instructions.
  • If the pressure is too low, adjust it.
  • Turn the power back on if you turned it off before you leave.
  • If your water heater performs this task, be sure to restart it.
Please feel free to consult with your distributor who will be able to provide you with further advice to protect you well before your departure.

Cost-effective heating of a dacha with electricity, possibly using induction boilers. Avoiding technical details, we can state that the device is a transformer placed in a hermetically sealed housing. The role of the secondary winding is performed by a pipeline with liquid. The advantages of this embodiment of engineering include high performance, minimal scale formation on the elements of the unit, a wide range of coolant fluids, durability and reliability of the device. Weaknesses for the buyer: large sizes and high price.

Preventing Domestic Disasters

The summer season is approaching and are you planning to go on vacation? To leave in peace and save energy, All-Inclusive Energy gives you some tips and advice on how to prepare your accommodation before you leave. It is necessary to turn off water and gas, install a fire alarm and, for example, turn off unnecessary electrical appliances, such as a computer or Internet box. Entrusting your neighborhood with a duplicate of your keys will allow them to quickly intervene in the event of a disaster.

Your heating or cooling equipment

Your heating and air conditioning have "frost-free" modes that save energy when you're away. If you have a gas or oil boiler or heat pump, you can cut it off in the summer with 3 days of absence. Some heaters even allow you to automatically lower the temperature during departure for up to 45% savings. If you have an electric heater, the frost protection mode can be selected at any time of the year.

The balance of pros and cons in favor of electric boilers. But there is a reason not to use electric heating for a summer residence as the main type - this is the cost of electricity. That is why they are trying to resort to combined sources of thermal energy. Turn to stove heating, room heating gas convectors burning liquefied gas.

Your hot water tank or water heater

If you have air conditioning, you have two options depending on how long you will be away. The outdoor unit should always be turned on to prevent damage. . You can cut your balloon with 3 days.

Programmable electric water heater, thermodynamic or solar water heater: you can switch it to "holiday" or "away" mode. If you wish, please indicate your return date. It will automatically start the day before your arrival.

The installation of devices for metering electricity consumption with several tariffs helps reduce the cost. At night, electricity is cheaper, so an electric boiler is used, like. During the day it is more expensive - they start burning solid or liquid fuel.

High ratio useful action(up to 99%) and complete autonomy of operation make heating a dacha with electricity a completely competitive way to heat rooms. The cost of consumed electricity must be compared with the cost of chimney equipment, the inconvenience of arranging the attic floor, and the forced construction of buildings for fuel storage.

Shielded Electric Water Heater: The main water supply must be closed and the electricity turned off. "Smart" programmable electric water heater, thermodynamic or solar water heater: you have the option to turn off the general water supply and select the "away" mode. Programming will automatically start 24 hours before your return.

Save energy when you're away

To avoid unnecessary energy consumption, consider turning off unnecessary breakers. Don't forget to leave the following devices. At first, the ideal is to ask a relative or neighbor to ventilate your home to refresh the air. This is also good way show that there is a presence in your home and avoid theft.

This list is extended on a case-by-case basis. Security issues cannot be ignored human life. Possibility of poisoning carbon monoxide with this type of heating, heating is completely eliminated.

Country houses are now increasingly being built not only for summer, but also for year-round living: it is necessary to insulate the building and equip it with a heating system so that it is comfortable both in the summer heat and in severe frosts. Heating will have to be built in any case: at the beginning and at the end of the summer season, heating will still be required, and you need to come up with the most economical and reliable option. You can choose solid fuel, gas, or electric heating for a country house, it all depends on the specific living conditions, the size of the house and many other parameters.

Reduce the risk of burglary during the holidays

Ventilation ensures a good renewal of the air in your home. It also prevents mold and moisture stains that can cause unpleasant odors. Every 1.5 minutes there is a burglary in France, an average of 985 per day! If this is one of the biggest fears of the French when they go on holiday.

Don't close them, a house with all the shutters closed can put a chip on burglars. A mailbox that is full is a clue to how long the burglar has been away. Notify the police of your departure, which will cause the device to “calm down vacationers.” Patrol officers will conduct rounds around your home to look for suspicious movements. It is important to notify the police 48 hours before using this device. You can install lighting controllers that will illuminate your home in right time to simulate your presence in the home. For television there is a TV of the same type. Avoid leaving a message on your answering machine about your absence and prefer forwarding, which will divert incoming calls from your landline to your mobile phone. If you have an alarm system, try turning it on. Otherwise you may want to install it. It will alert the security patrol if there is movement in your home. Do not leave utensils that could be used as a crowbar or break a window outside the house. Ask a neighbor to open the blinds and pick up the mail from time to time. . Obviously, you won't make the same heating options for your primary residence as you would for a home you only spend weekends and holidays in.

Is it worth choosing electricity for heating?

How much does it cost to heat a country house with electricity? This is far from the cheapest solution if you use electric heaters for constant operation and provide heat to the entire house. According to 2012 data, expenses for a 7-month heating season could be as follows:

Today, electricity tariffs have increased, so heating will cost even more. Such impressive figures are explained by the fact that electricity itself is expensive, and all household appliances are added to the use of heaters.
However, you can combine several types of heating, if possible.

Electric heaters have several undeniable advantages:

Thus, heating a country house with electricity has both pros and cons. On the one hand, this is the safest solution, and with proper operation, such a boiler can last for many years.

On the other hand, this is also the most expensive solution, so you will have to think through savings options. However, here you can find several beneficial opportunities that can significantly reduce energy consumption.

Options for using electricity to heat a summer house

The choice of heating devices depends on how the house will be used during the cold season. If you plan to spend the warm season at the dacha, it is not necessary to install a complete heating system for spring and autumn nights. The following types of heating devices are used in construction:

A centralized heating system consists of a heat exchanger into which coolant is poured. It can be water or specialized antifreeze.

It circulates in a closed system of pipes and radiators, giving off heat to the room. You can choose floor-mounted and wall-mounted heating boilers, which are equipped with automation systems to constantly monitor and maintain a comfortable temperature.

Electricity consumption can be significantly reduced if you purchase programmable equipment with a sensor system: they record the air temperature, and the system starts when it drops to a certain value. In addition, you can set it to use economy mode when no one is at home. In this case, the boiler will start, for example, half an hour before the owners return home, and by this time the air in the rooms will already be sufficiently warmed up.

Types of local heaters

Electric heating at the dacha on weekends is carried out using several types of devices that differ in energy efficiency:

Can be combined different types devices in order to obtain the most profitable heating at optimal costs.

Using infrared heaters for a summer residence

If you want to heat your private home with electricity, one of the most effective and profitable options is to install infrared heating elements. These are films that are laid on the floor under the floor covering or under the carpet, or panels that can be installed on the ceiling.

Such panels warm up not the air in the room, but the objects in it due to the influence of infrared radiation. Such devices have several important advantages:

  1. Mobility. Such a warm floor can be easily moved to another place, since to put it into operation you just need to connect it to the power supply. However, you need to remember that infrared films cannot be placed under pieces of furniture to prevent them from constantly overheating.
  2. Energy efficiency. The panels will be much more efficient than any similarly sized portable heaters. They consume a minimum of electricity, while the room will maintain a comfortable temperature, and the heat will be distributed evenly.
  3. Safety. Film flooring or ceiling infrared panels do not dry out the air in the room and do not create a fire hazard when used correctly. This is one of the safest solutions that can be safely used in a wooden house.
  4. Compact sizes. A heated film floor will be completely invisible from the outside: it does not require lowering the subfloor and does not require additional screed. It is enough to hide the film under any covering to protect against mechanical damage, and it can already be used to its full potential.

If you need to provide electric heating on weekends, infrared panels and films can be the most effective solution. Their only drawback is their fairly high cost. However, a one-time investment will allow you to save in the future and provide your country house with inexpensive, profitable heating.

Alternative sources of electricity

If a country house does not require too much large number energy, it can be obtained from alternative sources. These include solar collectors: these are systems that allow you to convert solar energy into thermal energy. The collector collects solar heat and transfers it to a coolant, which is water or antifreeze.

It heats the radiators; in addition, you can organize the heating of water in the boiler to provide hot water supply. This system works in full force in regions with a warm climate and a lot of sunny days.

Organizing a reliable and inexpensive heat supply for a country house is not easy, but all the work will pay off in the future with the opportunity to relax on fresh air with comfort. Although electric heating is one of the most expensive types of heating, it is possible to design a very effective and inexpensive system that will meet all requirements.

Modern radiators and local heating devices will solve the problem at relatively low cost.

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