Chocolate ice cream calories. Calorie content of ice cream of different types and varieties. Such a different ice cream

Chocolate ice cream is one of the favorite treats of all ages. Some believe that it is useful, thanks to milk composition. Others believe that it is harmful because great content sugar, but, nevertheless, still cannot refuse this dessert. It's difficult to say for sure how many calories are in chocolate ice cream. IN average this indicator equals 215 kcal per 100 grams, it may vary depending on the manufacturer.

British scientists conducted an experiment in which chocolate treats proved to be the best depressant. In addition, it turned out that this particular type of ice cream helps to get pregnant. It is worth noting that the calorie content of chocolate ice cream is equal to a portion of a diet lunch. Although in unbearable heat, a cold dessert will beat any Brussels sprouts by a wide margin.

Those who are not convinced by the above arguments can be advised to make ice cream at home. Reduce calories in chocolate ice cream possible by using skim milk or yogurt and cocoa powder, which will give the required taste and reduce the calorie content, because a teaspoon contains only 9 kcal.

Per 100 grams of product:
Calories: 190-220 kcal
Proteins: 4 g
Fat: 10 g
Carbohydrates: 22 g

A favorite treat on hot summer days is ice cream with various flavors and additives in the form of nuts, chocolate, raisins and pieces of fruit. While enjoying a cool dessert, few people think about what it consists of and how many calories there are in ice cream. But this is important, especially for those who want to lose weight or have health problems.

During times Soviet Union Ice cream was produced with a quality mark in accordance with GOST, and deviations from the standards were strictly punished. The most delicious ice cream of that time was ice cream. The composition included high-calorie products: cream 35%, milk 3.2%, powdered milk, sugar, vanilla sugar and gelatin. The calorie content of the ice cream was 235 kcal per 100 g of product.

Over time, the composition of ice cream changed, and it no longer met the standards, as other manufacturing requirements appeared. Today, manufacturers offer the buyer ice cream with a low calorie content of 124 kcal per 100 g, which attracts the attention of everyone who watches their figure.

Due to what it is reduced energy value dessert? The answer is simple - the use of low-grade fats plant origin, such as palm oil. Such a cheap product has commercial benefits, but not quality.

Ice cream with vegetable fat is harmful to health. Eating large quantities of such products can lead to the formation of vascular plaques, and, as a result, the development of thrombosis and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Chemical solvents are used with vegetable fats. They have the ability to accumulate in the liver and provoke various diseases, including oncological ones.

Fats made from rapeseed, palm and soy affect reproductive system women, changing testosterone levels, which can lead to infertility. Such vegetable fats contribute to obesity and metabolic disorders in the body.

You can avoid these problems if you prepare this dessert at home or choose ice cream from manufacturers who put quality first.

Ice cream is one of the “heavy” desserts. The energy value depends on the quantitative composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as confectionery fillers:

  • chocolate ice cream contains up to 250 kcal per 100 g of product;
  • chocolate covered ice cream has about 215 kcal per 100 g;
  • creamy - about 190 kcal per 100 g;
  • dairy - 131 kcal per 100 g.

If nuts, jams, and dried fruits are added, the calorie content increases by 50-100 units.

The question arises whether it is possible to eat ice cream while on a diet. Based on the above, it is clear that this is problematic. Daily consumption calories are up to 1200 units.

Ice cream's calorie content is equal to a serving chicken fillet, but cannot compare with it in terms of saturating the body. Consequently, such a dessert will only add extra calories to you, which is undesirable when losing weight.

Ice cream made from high-quality products is perfectly absorbed in the body, but carries extra pounds for the figure.

An excellent alternative is a variety of ice cream - sorbet or sorbet. This is a dessert made from frozen fruit juice or puree with the addition of sugar syrup. The calorie content of such a dessert is very low, from 60 to 140 kcal per 100 g of product, depending on the composition.

Sorbet can be prepared at home. This dessert perfectly refreshes and tones in hot weather. Any berries or fruits can serve as a filler. They are processed into puree using a blender or the juice is squeezed out. A syrup is made from sugar, which is then cooled. After this, puree or juice is added to the syrup and mixed thoroughly.

In a closed container, the mixture is placed in the freezer for several hours. Stir thoroughly periodically to prevent large ice crystals from forming. If desired, milk is added to the sorb, egg whites, alcohol and others additional components, but we should not forget about increasing the calorie content of the product.

How nice it is to eat a portion of delicious ice cream on a hot day. If this is a one-time event, then nothing bad will happen to you. But daily use of this delicious product may be hazardous to health.

Firstly - this high-calorie product. The calorie content of ice cream is 260 calories per 100 grams; creme brulee and chocolate ice cream have almost half as many calories - about 130 calories. But this is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that there is a lot of ice cream fast carbohydrates and they instantly enter the blood, increasing glucose levels, and then just as easily are stored as fat. After all, the body simply has nowhere to put the glucose it gets so easily. Therefore, for those losing weight, this product is prohibited.

Well, and perhaps the most main drawback ice cream is more content in it vegetable fats. Nowadays it is very difficult to find ice cream on sale without adding palm oil or other vegetable fats to it. But they are very poorly absorbed by our body and, when daily use, these harmful substances will gradually accumulate and lead to disease. Therefore, if you care about your health and want to lose weight, avoid this product.

Calorie table for different types of ice cream per 100 grams






Creme brulee ice cream



Milk ice cream



Strawberry milk ice cream



Cream brulee milk ice cream



Milk nut ice cream



Milk chocolate ice cream


Ice cream sundae



Ice cream sundae creme brulee


Ice cream nut ice cream



Chocolate ice cream



Ice cream



Creamy strawberry ice cream



Creamy crème brulee ice cream



Creamy nut ice cream



Creamy chocolate ice cream



Fruit ice cream



Popsicle ice cream



Nika Sestrinskaya -specifically for the site site

The calorie content of ice cream per 100 grams depends on the type of sweet product. If we consider a fatty ice cream with a milk fat content of 15%, then in 100 g of this sweetness:

  • 228 kcal;
  • 3.23 g protein;
  • 15 g fat;
  • 20.7 g carbohydrates.

Despite the high calorie content and large number sugar in the ice cream, sometimes you can treat yourself to such a delicacy. Ice cream contains vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP, beta carotene, minerals potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium.

The calorie content of ice cream sundae in a waffle cone per 100 grams is 273 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 4.9 g protein;
  • 12.6 g fat;
  • 34.7 g carbohydrates.

Ice cream in a cone is a classic ice cream, since the proportion of milk fat in it does not exceed 13%. At the same time, nutritionists do not recommend abusing such sweets, and it is better to eat them in the first half of the day.

Calorie content of ice cream ice cream in a 100 gram cup

The calorie content of ice cream sundae in a 100 gram cup is 208 kcal. In 100 g of sweet:

  • 4.2 g protein;
  • 11.5 g fat;
  • 21.7 g carbohydrates.

Calorie content of chocolate ice cream per 100 grams

Calorie content chocolate ice cream per 100 grams 237 kcal. In 100 g of ice cream:

  • 3.7 g protein;
  • 15 g fat;
  • 22.2 g carbohydrates.

Chocolate ice cream is rich in vitamins A, B, E, C, PP, minerals phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium.

The benefits of ice cream

The undeniable benefits of ice cream are as follows:

  • The main component of ice cream is milk. Thanks to this ingredient, the ice cream is enriched with calcium, necessary for healthy bones, teeth, nails and hair;
  • The ice cream is saturated with vitamins E and A, which are strong antioxidants, good for healthy vision, skin, help improve immunity;
  • B vitamins contained in ice cream support health nervous system, provide stress prevention, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The amino acids in the ice cream help increase the level of the joy hormone serotonin. A person’s appetite is normalized and their mood improves;
  • people with diabetes are offered diet ice cream with soy milk and a natural sugar substitute;
  • if the ice cream is made from yogurt, then such sweetness will be useful for normalizing the functions of the stomach and intestines.

The harm of ice cream

Despite the usefulness of the ice cream, we should not forget about the following harms of such ice cream:

  • low-quality ice cream is saturated with harmful palm oil, which disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When such substances enter the body, the processes of fat absorption are disrupted, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, and the likelihood of atherosclerosis increases;
  • flavorings and stabilizing substances in ice cream irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • ice cream is contraindicated for diabetes, many diseases of the liver, pancreas, and cholecystitis;
  • If you abuse the filling, the risk of developing caries increases, chips and cracks appear on the tooth enamel.

Dedicated to all lovers of this delicate melting delicacy...

Background reading is required...

Currently, there are very few manufacturers who care not only about saving and taste qualities of your product, but also about its usefulness, therefore, for the most part The composition of the ice cream is very bad. Unfortunately. Instead of natural milk fat, palm oil and , and the sweet mass is formed by a huge number of emulsifiers, thickeners, dyes, stabilizers, and flavor enhancers. Neither high cost, neither the brand's popularity nor the caloric content of ice cream in any way indicate its quality. You need to accept this as a fact and try to eat ice cream a little less often than you would like. This is if we talk about harm to health.

If we consider solely the harm to the figure, the point is as follows - The more different additives, the higher the nutritional value. For example, the calorie content of ice cream sundae is pure form will be lower than a similar product, but in a cone with a chocolate bullet and sugary jam. Extra calories are added: cookies, caramel, jam, waffle cups, peanuts. Sherbet and fruit ice are the most dietary variations of ice cream. They have the least fat. Fruit ice contains from 100 to 60 kcal per 10 grams.

Calorie content of ice cream, table

Before you buy ice cream, read the ingredients. If it’s relatively good, you can buy it, the main thing is not to get carried away.

You can’t have a lot of ice cream if you are losing weight or are at the weight stabilization stage, but to fit into daily norm, we have prepared for you calorie table(for cups, cones, popsicles and others indicated calorie content of 1 ice cream, for large portions - energy value per 100 grams).

Ice cream Calorie content of 1 serving
McDonald's Ice Cream
Ice cream cone (calorie content per 1 piece) 140
Caramel 319
Strawberry 258
Chocolate 310
Burger King Ice Cream 140
Ice cream Ikea(soft ice cream, cone) 135
Ice cream KFS 154
Mars (Mars), 1 bar 170
Twix (Twix), 1 bar 122
Bounty (Bounty), 1 bar 70
Snickers (Snickers), 1 bar 180

Ice cream "Cow from Korenovka" calorie content

Real ice cream 216
Creme Brulee 216
Chocolate ice cream 219
Cream popsicle in chocolate glaze 195
Chocolate popsicle ice cream in chocolate glaze 229
Ice cream with lingonberry jam in a waffle cone 178,5
Ice cream with boiled condensed milk in a waffle cone 181
Ice cream in a waffle cone made from the freshest cream with soft caramel “Healthy Cone” 310,8
Ice cream in a waffle cone made from the freshest cream with strawberry jam “Healthy cone” 306
Cow from Korenovka Popsicle on a stick ice cream 157,5
by 100
Ice cream with chocolate chips (log) 243
Ice cream, log 225
Chocolate and vanilla ice cream. 223

Ice cream "Clean Line" calorie content

Small ice cream, calories per serving, kcal
Vanilla ice cream in a waffle cup, 80 g. 173
Vanilla ice cream in chocolate glaze, 80 g 242
Sugar cone ice cream Vanilla 110 g 313
Chocolate ice cream in a waffle cup, 80 g. 180
Moscow gourmet vanilla ice cream with whipped chocolate glaze, 80g. 247
Vanilla ice cream with cranberries in a waffle cup, 80 g. 128
Flat vanilla ice cream in a waffle glass, 100 g. 194
Ice cream chocolate sugar cone, 110 g. 288
Large ice cream calories by 100
Ice cream Sundae Creme Brulee 214
Ice cream Plombiroeshka Vanilla 204,8
Vanilla ice cream 204,8
Vanilla ice cream Golden chest with strawberry pieces 214
Family chocolate ice cream 215,9
Family ice cream without sugar with honey 201
Pure line Chocolate – Shokoladovich with chocolate pieces. 264,8
Pistachio ice cream with nuts, 450 g. 238,1

Iceberry ice cream calories

Small ice cream, calories per serving, kcal
Gourmand ice cream in chocolate glaze 288
Ice-Fili Leningradskoe vanilla ice cream in chocolate glaze, 80 g. 224
Filevsky chocolate ice cream with chocolate pieces, 60 g glass. 138
Creamy ice cream in whipped chocolate glaze “FILYOVSKAYA GOURMAR” 261
Ice cream Sherbet Currant, 80 g. 96
Vanilla ice cream Filevskoye by weight ice cream with blueberries. 225
Large ice cream calories by 100grams: briquettes, logs, buckets
Filevsky ice cream, 250 g. Cardboard box 200
Ice cream 100% " Walnut with maple syrup" 240
Filevsky chocolate ice cream, cardboard box. 200
Filevsky ice cream, 450 g package. 228
Filevskoye Currant Sherbet, 275 g. 120
Filevskoye Chocolate ice cream, 450 g. 204
Filevskaya Lakomka ice cream, 250 g with whipped chocolate icing. 320
Filevsky creme brulee ice cream, 450 g package. 230
Vkuslandiya ice cream with Pistachio paste and cashews, 450 g 230
Filevskoye chocolate ice cream with chocolate pieces, 220 g briquette. 216
Filevsky pistachio ice cream, 220 g briquette. 216

Nestle ice cream

Ice cream "Petroholod"

Inmarko: ice cream "Magnat" calorie content, Exo,

Ice cream Baskin Robbins calories

Large ice cream calories by 100grams: briquettes, logs, buckets
Almond-Pistachio Ice Cream 270
Ice cream Praline 250
Jamoka ice cream with almonds 240
Ice cream Cream with cookies 250
Ice cream Chocolate cream 230
Creamy ice cream with strawberry puree and strawberry pieces, 9% fat 190
Royal Cherry Sugar Free, 1.5% Fat 150
Ice cream Chocolate chips, 10.5% fat 230
Ice cream "Magic Lollipops" is creamy with the taste of lemon candies. Fat 9% 197

Ice cream "Gold Standard" calorie content

Small ice cream, calories per serving
Ice cream “Gingerbread in a waffle cup” 208
Classic big cone ice cream with cream flavor in a waffle cone with glaze 289
Large ice cream calories by 100grams: briquettes, logs, buckets
Classic ice cream 475 g with cream flavor 219
Ice cream Gold Standard ice cream with soufflé and chocolate filling, 475 g 230
Blueberry ice cream, mass fraction fat12% 221
Chocolate ice cream, fat mass fraction 12% 226

Ice cream "Bodraya Korova"

Small ice cream, calories per serving, kcal
“Tidbit”, ice cream bar, ice cream in whipped creamy chocolate glaze 256
“Cheerful cow” small briquette on waffles 172,5
Lemonice, ice cream 30
“White ice cream” in a waffle cup 97,5
“Boomerang” pineapple, fat mass fraction 8% 120
Popsicle ice cream 15% in creamy chocolate glaze 256
Fruit ice dessert “Golden Beach Pinacolada” 45
"Plombiero Vero" chocolate topping 272
Lemonice, cherry cola 30
Giant horn "MegaCity" 228
Chocolate creamy ice cream in a waffle cup 130
Ice cream popsicle two-layer vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream in chocolate glaze “Khoroshilka” 175,5
"FERRO" three chocolates 189
Frozen raspberry marshmallow dessert in a waffle cup “Zubastiki. Zefirych" 110,5
Two-layer milk ice cream with strawberry flavor in a waffle cup “Zubastiki. Miklunya" 97,5
“Checked: GOST” popsicle 131
“Cherry in chocolate”, small briquettes on waffles 168
Large ice cream calories by 100grams: briquettes, logs, buckets, trays
Ice cream "Plombiero Vero". Mass fraction of fat 15% 230
“Cheerful cow. Cold chocolate", classic ice cream and butter cream 220
"Kiwi with cream" 140
Cream ice cream, fat mass fraction 12% 200
  • The calorie content of popsicle ice cream on a stick without chocolate is minimal (less than in a waffle cone or sugar cone)
  • The calorie content of creamy ice cream is usually about 130 - 150 calories, ice cream - no more than 230 kcal per 100 grams.

Other manufacturers

Ice cream Calorie content of 1 serving, kcal
Kuibyshev ice cream, ice cream (11.4% fat) 189
Ice cream Nastena in cookies (10% fat) 292,4
Low calorie ice cream“Elixir of Health”, 1% (Russian Cold), 450 gr. 100 grams - 110 kcal