I want to win a prize because... Dreams on New Year's Eve: who received gifts from Woman’s Day

I love participating in competitions. And here you go, another one. Yes, my letters are already running towards you, dear organizers!

Great question: “why am I worthy of visiting the most exotic country"? And really, why? I could write: “because I wanted this since childhood. Because I want to see the world. Because I love people and want to make new friends. Because I really deserve it, because I’m so good and cool.” Beautiful and correct words, selfish little notes on the topic “if not me, then who.” But what really?

I look back and look at mine past life. My achievements, successes, mistakes. What have I done to be worthy? What does the word “worthy” even mean? “Worthy” means that I did something truly outstanding. She helped some orphanage, sent money to children from poor families in other countries, gave gifts to old people in nursing home. But I didn't do any of this. All I ever did was take clothes to the Red Cross once and transfer 100 rubles to Wikipedia’s account, which its founder asked for.

Or maybe “worthy” means when you improve yourself from morning to evening? Are you becoming a better person through your actions and thoughts? Then yes, I have a whole cart of this. I constantly read books, constantly think, try to do the right things, and get rid of bad emotions and feelings like potato peels. Did I manage it? Have I become worthy?

This concept is probably much deeper than it might seem at first glance. Or maybe we should ask another question? Not why, but why. Why should I become worthy? In order to satisfy your inner ambitions and be one of the “ best representatives humanity"? To say at the end of life “I was worthy of such and such.” A bit sad thoughts, right? But my life does not end, and thank God. And yet, I want to be as honest as possible with people. Maybe it is true honesty that will make a person a real person, worthy. Isn't that right? Therefore, I will not write hundreds of not very truthful letters about how great I am and how rightly good I am. I'll just write what I really feel.

5 reasons why I deserve to visit the most exotic country.

Reason 1. I am looking for the meaning of life.

Yes, I'm constantly looking for it. Dostoevsky once said: “You must love life more than the meaning of life.” And I made this phrase my life credo. But I couldn’t get rid of the feeling of the need to comprehend existence. I still look for it always and everywhere, even if not consciously. And, oddly enough, travel helps me come to new conclusions.

Reason 2. I'm looking for new emotions.

Everyday life depresses me. I can't stay in one place for a long time, I want to go everywhere. I understand that life is short, and there is so much to do, so much to experience and feel! And I do this best when traveling.

Reason 3: I reveal myself.

I manage to find some new facets of my character, to visit some situations unknown to me before. Understand what I can and what I am capable of in a given life situation. Do you know what helps me with this? Yes, travel.

Reason 4. I am developing.

All previous points smoothly merge into this point number 4. Looking for the meaning of life, receiving new sensations and emotions, revealing myself and understanding myself, I gradually take new steps, climbing my ladder of self-improvement.

Reason 5. I develop my talents.

I'm writing. I have been writing for a long time, I write with love, with dedication, sparing no time and effort. My first poem was written by me when I was 4 (!) years old. Now I'm 23, but the passion hasn't died down. And I write best when my life is filled with something. Something bright, colorful, important. Yes, travel gives me all this. I write about them too. I make trip reports, shoot videos, prepare photo albums with hundreds of photos.

That's it. The truth is as it is.

I can say that for myself I have defined the concept of the word “worthy”. To be worthy does not mean to be the best in something, to be worthy is to be just a person, good person those who do good just like that, from the heart, from desire. And if someone has done evil, then he must realize it and repent, and then he will be worthy of forgiveness. After all, all people deserve something, right?

New electric toothbrush Oral-B GENIUS received the title of genius for a reason. In the world of toothbrushes, she would be at least Stephen Hawking. The ingenious brush automatically detects brushing zones by syncing with your smartphone and uses advanced 3D teeth cleaning technology. Now try to say that creating it was easy.

Oral-B GENIUS was created for those who dream of following all the advice of dentists on oral care (and in this endeavor have more than once suffered a dislocated wrist, or even damaged shoulder joint). After all, doctors advise brushing your teeth for at least two minutes, correctly calculating the force of pressure and covering all areas of the oral cavity evenly.

Now Oral-B GENIUS will take on difficult and tiring movements. The timer will divide your mouth into zones, the pressure sensor will protect the oral cavity, and the 3D cleaning technology, combining back-and-forth movements with pulsation, will clean your teeth even from carefully hidden food reserves. Using motion sensors and the front camera of your smartphone, the brush will evenly treat all areas of the oral cavity. What’s nice is that the smartphone does not record or post videos taken in the mouth on YouTube.

The new genius of dentistry will be available for sale only by mid-November. Meanwhile, it’s not for nothing that this article hangs in the section with competitions - ten lucky winners will receive one Oral-B GENIUS much earlier. True, for this you will have to try a little and convince us to give the prize.

To take part in the competition for the brush, take a super-short test and get a tricky question from the editors. Send your original and, preferably, not very long answer to . We will choose a winner on October 21st.

It's hard to remember the last time we received so many excellent entries for a competition. It was not easy to choose, but 10 winners have been identified. They became:

Dmitry Zhuravlev

"Why should you get Oral-B Genius?"

For me, as a person constantly interested in the world of smartphones and new technologies, Oral-B GENIUS is just a dream! I am a military man, I am constantly on business trips, and unfortunately I can’t visit the dentist as often as necessary; of course, my oral hygiene also suffers from this. The world’s first “smart” toothbrush is necessary for a person who lives in such a rhythm as I do, I’m sure Oral-B GENIUS is better than any dentist!”

Elena Soshenko

“Hello, MAXIM!

I think that I am the most worthy candidate to receive the prize! And I have quite good reasons for this:

1. My “old” toothbrush is already very old and does not cope with the function of cleaning my teeth from carefully hidden reserves, and I hide them there very carefully.

2. I really want my teeth to be in place by the time I’m 60, so that it doesn’t turn out like in the joke:

Fima, bring me my teeth! They are there, in the glass...

Sarochka, then they are for you at night?

Fima, I want to be passionate! I want to bite!..

And I want to bite with real teeth!

3. Brushing my teeth is probably the little thing I still do without a smartphone....it’s a mess, I need to fix it urgently!)”

Tatiana L.

"Good afternoon.

Sad haiku for competition

Autumn. The leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Like teeth after childbirth.

There is hope for Oral B."



My grandmother Maria Platonovna is turning 92 years old, it’s hard for you to believe, but she has all her teeth, yes, yes, you heard right, all her teeth. She takes good care of her teeth, she is not bothered by wrinkles, Parkinson’s disease (it’s hard to brush your teeth with a regular brush), nor difficulties, nor a hard life, nor a small pension. She walks with her head held high, smiles at the new day, embroiders, and does not allow herself to let go. I always go to her for advice, and she taught me to take care of my teeth. In her arsenal dental floss, mouthwash, toothbrush, toothpaste. No one believes that her teeth are preserved. And that's how I want it. I listen to her and follow her recommendations. On the eve of her birthday, I would like to congratulate her and give her this stunning brush (I told her about it and she dreams of one), it would be the most luxurious gift, necessary and unforgettable. After all, when a person over 90 does not know how much more is allotted, he wants to please and delight and give moments of happiness to loved ones

granddaughter Oksana"

Denis Evdokimov

“Since childhood, I HATE brushing my teeth.

I don’t like it and that’s it!

Moreover, it takes 2-3 minutes to clean them, which is tedious!

And do this 2 times a day, in the morning - when you want to sleep and in the evening, when you want even more..... TO SLEEP...

Therefore, only such a super-super-super ingenious brush as Oral-B GENIUS will help me and my dentist (who has been buzzing all ears about Oral-B brushes for a long time).

I will be very grateful and happy to receive such a gift.


Eliseenko Evgeniy

“Why should I get Oral-B?

There are at least 3 reasons for this:

We're both gorgeous (there's no point in arguing here,

This fact can really upset someone);

We are both smart (though each in his own way,

But it doesn’t matter, we’ll “grind” it);

And the third, no less important part:

Only EUGENE - Genius can understand!

There is no point in arguing here, there is only one answer!

I'm waiting for a quick response. Thank you, MAXIM!”

Imamutdinov Raikhan

“Why should I win this prize? Yes, because after many attempts I still haven’t won anything from you. I'm getting old. My teeth too. Let’s not wait until they are completely erased, let’s remember the famous ancient Roman proverb - “Give me Oral-B brush Genius - save my teeth." After all, there aren’t very many of them left in the world anyway.”


“I have suffered from toothache since childhood. Almost every tooth I have has a filling. There are also problems with the gums. I hope that Oral - B will help me get my mouth in order. Now, I have to have injections into my gums every year, and this is very painful. And my dentist will breathe a sigh of relief.”

Nikita Pivovarov

"Why should you get Oral-B Genius?" My wife's birthday is coming up, and a toothbrush of this level would be a great addition to the gift. She is terribly afraid of dentists, and this brush will help her make meetings with these monsters much less frequent.”

Vasily Tyumkaev

“Good afternoon, #maximonline!

Why should I get Oral-B Genius? I constantly struggle to keep my teeth clean. I clean them with a regular brush, a felt disk put on a screwdriver, dental floss, tooth powder, a Karcher, which I carry in my car, I use chewing gum with sugar, without sugar, and I even mix a few for better effect, tried folk remedies: cleaning with birch leaves, ash, dry milk, activated carbon and even drank alcohol (almost earning alcoholism through this cleansing) BUT! My teeth were still not snow-white, and my breath was still fresh... But I heard that Oral-B GENIUS received the title of genius for a reason, as it uses advanced 3D teeth cleaning technology. Maybe this is my cherished option? Help me find myself and whiter teeth with Oral-B GENIUS!”

The long awaited day

Friday, August 14th. 2 p.m. Participants in the “Regular Reader” competition gather at the newspaper building near the central square; we invited everyone to the drawing. Those who came were eager to find out who would become the owner of three laptops and a trip to Turkey for two!

Each participant in the “Regular Reader” competition had to collect 15 coupons over 15 weeks and send them to the newspaper. In a long list of 2,630 names, next to each there is an identification number. It was these numbers that were put into the drum for the drawing.

The day turned out to be sunny, the degree of heat was fueled by the degree of anticipation. But the organizers of the competition are in no hurry: they need to withstand the intrigue. But now all preparations are completed. Journalist of the newspaper Zhanar KANAFINA greets the readers:

– It’s very nice to see you all here today! Believe me, we, the newspaper’s journalists, really need your support, your attention and feedback. And to thank you, we decided to hold this competition. Let the prize go to the most worthy. Well, don’t let those who are left without prizes be upset. We are working to come up with new competitions for you. Stay tuned! Prizes – from Semey and Taraz!

Managers of the sales department ask disinterested participants - the youngest guests of the holiday - to come to the drum. It is they who have to spin the drum. Everyone freezes. Someone closes their eyes and begins to move their lips. Maybe the drum or the hand taking out the treasured numbers is trying to speak?..

Resident Satzhan TUMENBAYEV becomes the first owner of a laptop. But he was not among those gathered at the drawing. Let's spin the drum further.

The second owner of the laptop is also a resident of Almaty. This is Erlik MOLDABERGENOV!

The third laptop goes to Taraz resident Viktor SHAPKIN. They weren't at the drawing either.

“And now the main prize is a trip to Turkey,” the presenter announced. Who will become its owner? It felt like everyone was holding their breath. You could only hear the drum spinning. And now the treasured number has been named. Let's check the list. The winner of the newspaper competition “We choose the Caravan, the Caravan chooses us” was Semey resident Kulzhamal SEILKHANOVA.

The newspaper's sales service notified all lucky winners of their victory in the drawing immediately after the end of the drawing. Some didn’t believe it, others were incredibly happy. We decided to get to know our regular readers better immediately at the time of awarding the prizes.

“The first reaction is I don’t believe it!”

Satzhan TUMENBAYEV is 28 years old. Married, father of two small children. He has been reading newspapers for about eight years. He buys it weekly to keep abreast of events happening in Kazakhstan and the world. Works as a storekeeper at the company “Fixture Center”.

I decided to take part in the competition as soon as I heard about it from the newspaper. The news of the victory found him at work.

“The first reaction was that I didn’t believe what happened,” Satzhan smiles. “I didn’t even know what to answer; the call took me by surprise. Then I called my wife, she didn’t believe it either. I actually haven't had much luck with winnings. In extreme cases, I won a consolation prize in the lottery, and then immediately a laptop! I think my two-year-old daughter Aisha had something to do with my winnings. After all, when sending coupons, I put her most successful photo in the envelope.

- Why didn’t you come to the drawing?

“I was at work, but I asked my sister to go.” I tell her: go get my laptop. She replied: can you imagine how many people across the country are participating in the competition, why should the prize go to you?

And I'm lucky! Now my sister is biting her elbows, because she could have been the first to find out this news and ask me for a gift for the good news - suyunshi.

Wedding gift!

The second winner and owner of the laptop, Erlik MOLDABERGENOV, is 25 years old. He is a system administrator at Kazatomprom. What made me start reading the newspaper was the desire to keep abreast of events in politics and sports.

– You open a newspaper and, like in a large supermarket, you gain information about this or that event. Very convenient.

On August 2, Erlik had a wedding with his beloved girl Moldir. The newlyweds have long dreamed of giving themselves a gift - a trip to Turkey, by participating in the competition:

– Already in April we were planning to celebrate our wedding in August, and then there was a note about the competition in the newspaper. My future wife Moldir began collecting coupons, and when it was time to send them to the editor, she suggested: let’s send them on your behalf, you’re lucky! The fact is that a month before that I was lucky in another draw - the famous Kazakhstan lottery. I won a video camera!

Last week the newly minted married couple went to rest on Kapshagai. It was there that they received news of the prize:

– To be honest, we were almost sure that we would win the main prize. But a laptop is also good. I’ll give it to my wife, she’s my teacher, and she’ll prepare lectures for her students on it!

“I’ll give a computer to my granddaughter”!

The owner of the third laptop, former builder and now retired Viktor SHAPKIN, no longer remembers when he first bought the Caravan. “Sometime in the last century,” he jokes. But since that day, Viktor Ivanovich has been one of the most faithful readers of the newspaper.

“As soon as it’s Friday, I go to the market, where there’s a newspaper wholesaler,” says Viktor Shapkin. – I like the newspaper’s materials about life in the country, but most of all I remember the travel stories of correspondents from abroad.

Viktor Ivanovich did not particularly hope to win the competition, but decided to try his luck. And when the newspaper called and told about the prize, of course, I was very happy. But I was even more surprised: I had never won such large gifts before.

Viktor Ivanovich already knows exactly how to use his winnings:

– My wife Vera Ivanovna and I live quietly in retirement. We don't need such technology. But granddaughter Yulia entered the university. I'll give her a laptop.

Momot Daria. MPGU named after. Lenin, Moscow, Russia
Essay on English with translation. Nomination I am in this world.

Why I am the one who should win this contest

I am pretty sure anyone participated in this competition once answered this question quite subconsciously and thus motivated towards one aim-to win. And I am not the exception but I decided to pour MY reason why it is me who should win this contest.

First of all I would like to mention that I have a will, desire, a burning desire to impress, to reach the impossible, which for me, for a believer not a hoper, seems to be quote possible as I see no boundaries on my way.

Secondly, My personality is oriented on achieving something valuable and eternal, worthy and I consider this competition to be the best opportunity to prove if not everyone but myself that I can do anything I wish to do in the context of improving myself and developing my unique personality. I am well aware of the fact that prejudice of being not like others is one of the first signs of being like others, but despite this I can not sit on the fence, in another words, I can not wait for something to happen or somebody to hold my hand and help me.

Thirdly, I have a number of qualities that determined my wish to be true. I am capable of working and doing research very independently: I am very thorough and attentive thus it helps me to work systematically towards achieving an outgoing and sensitive personality with a strong feeling of discipline.

It is not a typical brawado or showing off or just a set of impressive words laconically combined together, it is just what I got out of self-knowledge as philosophers were right saying that self-knowledge is one of the most complicated things in the world . However I think I managed with it quite successfully.

I am quite sure that many who participate in this competition asked themselves this question and themselves gave quite probable answers to it. And I’m no exception, but I decided to describe all the reasons why I should win this competition.

First of all, I would like to note that I have incredible willpower, the desire to impress, to achieve my goal, to achieve the impossible, which to me does not seem so impossible, because I believe, not hope.

Secondly, I always focus purely on what I want to achieve, what, in my opinion, I consider valuable and eternal. I want to achieve and realize my dream precisely in order to prove, if not to everyone, then to myself first of all, that I can get everything I want and everything I deserve in the context of my personality, my unique personality. I know very well that the desire to seem different from everyone else is to be like everyone else, but still, despite this, I don’t want to take a wait-and-see attitude and hope that someone will appreciate me if I don’t put no effort into it.

Thirdly, I have an excellent set of qualities that help my dream come true. First of all, I was brought up on the fact that independence and responsibility are the two main aspects of any personality, and it is these two aspects that contribute to my systematic and constructive approach to any issue and any task. Finally, I perfectly combine such qualities as readiness, dedication and a sense of proportion and discipline, coherence.

I want to emphasize that this is not empty bravado or just a set beautiful phrases, laconically selected into phrases, this is the result of knowing oneself, and, as you know, the idea of ​​self-knowledge has always been the most difficult for a person to understand. However, I believe that I have successfully mastered this idea, penetrated into the essence of myself.