Free transform tool

Photoshop provides many methods of rotating, distorting and otherwise distorting images, and all these powerful useful tricks should have in your arsenal of tricks.

By rotating an image, you can make it look more interesting, convert vertical elements to horizontal (or vice versa), and straighten crooked elements. Distortion is useful when you want to make an object or text slanted or turn it slightly to one side, or when you want an object or text to disappear into the distance with perspective. And the tool allows you to distort individual objects in the image, leaving others unchanged.

Simple rotation

Team Image rotation(Image Rotation) allows you to rotate the entire document (layers, etc.) by 180 or 90 degrees (clockwise or counterclockwise), or arbitrarily at any angle you specify. You can also flip the canvas (or layer) horizontally or vertically.


Another way to rotate images is use transform commands, which can help you make a single selected object or an entire layer larger or smaller without changing the document size.

If you go to the menu Editing, then you will see the commands Free transformation(Free Transform) and Transformation(Transform) is about in the middle of the list. The only significant difference between these two options is that when you select an item from the Transform menu, you are limited to doing only that specific task, while the other command allows you to make multiple changes at once (without requiring you to press Enter)

Selecting one of these commands brings up a bounding box, which looks and works like tiny square handles on the four sides of the image.

You can transform any objects you want. Particularly good candidates for transformation are vectors, paths, shape layers, and text layers, as they can all be resized without affecting the image. But you shouldn't increase it too much because you can't control the resolution, interpolation or other important properties. To really be on the safe side, only resize an image using transform commands for the following reasons:

1. To reduce the size on one layer.

2. To reduce the size of all content on one or more layers

3. To increase the size of a vector, path, part of a path, shape layer, text layer, or smart object on one or more layers.

To apply the command Free transformation, select the layer, and then press Ctrl+T or select the appropriate Edit menu command. Photoshop will place a bounding box around the image containing handles that allow you to apply any or all of the following transformations to your object: scaling, distortion, rotation, perspective, tilt and warp.

4. To change scale(size) of the object, grab the corner handle and drag it diagonally inward to make it smaller or outward to make it larger. Press and hold the Shift key while dragging, to resize proportionally(that is, so that the object is not distorted).

You can drag one handle at a time, or press and hold the Alt key to zoom from the center outwards (meaning all four sides of the bounding box will move at the same time).

If you use the Free Transform command to resize a large object, the handles may end up outside the edge of the document (or margins), making them impossible to see, much less grab. To bring them back into view, select the menu command View - Show in full screen.

5. To rotate image, position the mouse pointer behind the corner handle. When the pointer changes to a curved, double-headed arrow, drag the mouse up or down.

6. To tilt (bevel) an object, hold down Ctrl+Shift and drag one of the side handles (the mouse pointer will change to a double-headed arrow).

7. To freely distort the image, hold down the Alt key while dragging any corner handle.

8. To change the perspective of an object, hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift and drag any of the corner handles (the pointer will turn gray). This maneuver adds to the object one-point perspective(in other words, one vanishing point).

9. To deform the image, drag any control point or grid line.

When you're done, press Enter or double-click inside the bounding box to apply the changes.

If, after applying the transformation, you realize that it is not enough, you can repeat the operation by selecting the menu command Edit - Transform - Apply again. The bounding box will not appear; instead, Photoshop will reapply the same transformation.

All transformations are based on a tiny transformation center that appears in the center of the transformation window. It looks like a circle with a crosshair. You can drag it or set your own center by going to the Options Bar or clicking on one of the square icon handles showing the position of the transform center or by entering the X and Y coordinates.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

The tool is used to transform the size and shape of an image. The tool can be activated using the command Editing > Free Transform (Edit > Free Transform) or using hotkeys Ctrl+T. A transformation frame with square markers will appear around the image.

By selecting the Free Transform tool, you can rotate, enlarge, reduce, display in perspective, distort, tilt, and flip the image vertically and horizontally. Transformation can be applied both to the whole image and to a separately selected part of the image or object. Let's look at the transformation tool in more detail.

Tool settings panel.

Just like any other Photoshop tool Free Transform has its own settings panel.

In parameter group 1, you can change the position of the central marker (by clicking on one of the white squares on the tool icon), around which the transformation frame with the image rotates.

In group 2 you can set the exact transformation scale in width and height. If the button in the form of a chain is pressed, changes will occur while maintaining the proportions of the image.

In parameter group 3 you can set the image rotation angle. When entering positive value angle, the image will rotate clockwise; if you enter a negative angle, it will rotate counterclockwise.

In group 4, you can tilt the image at a specified angle in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Working with the tool.

1. To resize the image, drag one of the markers located around the perimeter of the transformation frame.

2. To resize the image while maintaining the proportions, hold down the key Shift and drag one of the corner handles.

3. To rotate the image around the center point, move the cursor outside the frame (the cursor will appear as a curved arrow in two directions) and move in the direction of rotation. You can change the coordinates of the rotation axis by moving the center point to the desired location.

4. To hide the frame and better see your changes, click Ctrl+H(press again and the frame will appear again).

5. To apply the transformation and finish working with the tool, click Shift.


By placing the cursor inside the transformation frame and clicking the right mouse button, a submenu will open Transform.

1. Scale. Resize an image or selected object. We discussed this function above (working with the tool).

2. Rotate. Rotate the image around a central point. You can change the coordinates of the rotation axis by moving the center point to the desired location.

3. Skew. Tilts the image horizontally or vertically. Move the cursor to the side transformation frame and it will turn white and an arrow will appear next to it, right-click and drag the frame to the side to tilt the image. The sides will remain parallel, but the angles of the image will change. If you hold down while resizing Ctrl + Alt, the center point of the transform frame will remain in place, but the corners will change position.

4. Distortion. Curves the image in any direction. The corners move independently of each other. When a key is pressed Alt, the central point remains in place, and all distortions occur around it. The function is well suited if you need to stretch or make a perspective distortion of an object.

5. Perspective. If you want to create the impression that an object is located at some distance, the Perspective command will help you. Using this command is intuitive. When you drag a corner marker, the marker opposite it moves in the opposite direction. In other words, he behaves like mirror image draggable marker. The difference between the Distort and Perspective commands is that the former applies only to one edge of the object, while Perspective automatically changes the location of two handles when you drag only one of them.

6. Warp. This feature has been available since CS2. When you select this function, a grid appears on the object. By clicking on any point of the grid and dragging the mouse, we can deform objects in any way. For example, overlaying an image on objects.

Everything is clear with the following functions, I will only give their translation:

7. Rotate 180°.

8. Rotate 90° CW.

9. Rotate 90° CCW.

10. Flip Horizontal.

11. Flip Vertical.

Tool hotkeys.

1. Scaling relative to the center point: Alt + drag corner handle.

2. Symmetrical image tilt: Ctrl + Alt + drag side handle.

3. Image distortion: Ctrl + drag side handle.

4. Image distortion along a certain axis: Ctrl + Shift + drag side handle.

5. Perspective: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + drag side handle.

I hope now you can easily transform any image, individual object or selected area.

I'm not good at writing step by step instructions, Honestly. A long time ago, I remember, I wrote. Today’s reason to pick up a saber is caused by the blatant injustice that reigns in the vastness of photo sites, zhezheshechki and other places where photographs are collected. We are all white, fluffy and we know that there is a blockage in the horizon terrible sin and the lot of noobs and losers. Quite often we see the laconic comment of home-grown photo critics “the horizon is littered” and often we ourselves approve of their verdict, but for some reason few people care about the distorted perspective. Yes, yes, I’m talking about those strange parallelepipeds, parallelograms and other trapezoids in photographs where buildings and structures should be. As for me, they often look as shameful in architectural photographs as a littered horizon. Moreover, correcting this misunderstanding, in general, is not much more difficult than “straightening” the notorious horizon. And today I will tell you about three simple ways correct perspective distortions.

For example, in the most arrogant way, let's take random photo famous travel photographer frantsouzov from his post about the Lyakhovo estate. Here is at least this image of the building facade:

What I said - a little more and the shape of the building will begin to resemble Egyptian pyramids. It's time to try the namba one method. Almost all we need is a tool Crop (trimming). Open the image in Photoshop, select this tool and use it to outline the entire image. Next, check the box Perspective in the tool settings panel.

Yes, I almost forgot. You may find the guides helpful. These are lines along which we can check the parallelism and perpendicularity we need. If rulers are not displayed in your Photoshop window (see screenshot below), click Ctrl+R. Next, simply point the mouse anywhere on the ruler and, without releasing it, drag it to the picture. Release the mouse at the desired position. The first guide will appear. You can create any number of them. If they bother you, press Ctrl+H and they will disappear. Click again and they will appear again.

After this optional preparation, we choose, in fact, the one described above crop-tool. We grab the corners of the photo with the mouse and do something similar.

As soon as it's ready, poke enter and we get this picture.

We “straightened” the walls, but the building turned out to be somehow flattened. Not ice. We literally do the following: select the entire picture ( Ctrl+A), turn on the tool " Free transform" (free transformation) and simply pull our jeep with the mouse by the top anchor until the height of the building suits us.

This is what we ended up with. All these manipulations blur the picture a little, so you need to work with a full-size file, and not like me with a small picture with a resolution of 72 dpi. However, now we see the building, so to speak, almost in the same way as he sees it human eye. At least I hope so. The picture, of course, is cropped “too tightly,” but this is just an example. In addition, you can initially, at the shooting stage, try to “take” a little wider, implying future cropping.

Let's move on to the Namba Tu method. Let's use a special filter, hidden so far away that “many” Photoshop users have never heard of it.

Open the filter window Lens Correction. Moving the block sliders Transform and controlling the result on the grid, remove perspective distortions. In the dropdown list Edge choose what the program should do with those areas of the photo that now seem to be missing. I chose the option for them to be transparent. Option Edge Extension when the edges are automatically filled by stretching the corners, in in this example doesn't fit. Then it looks too unrealistic. With less distortion, sometimes a passable result comes out, so try both options and choose the best one. Also pay attention to the slider Remove Distortion. Sometimes, after manipulating the perspective, the picture becomes convex. This misunderstanding is easily removed with this very slider. In our example this was not required.

Next we need a tool again Crop tool. Tick ​​with Perspective needs to be removed. We simply crop out, so to speak, defective areas in the photo. I also cut off some space above the roof of the building.

So, the result of the second method.

For greater clarity, let's compare the original photo and both resulting images.

The first and second options, as for me, are very similar, but the source code with such “neighbors” seems even stranger. It was as if, on the contrary, someone was tormenting him in Photoshop, trying to throw him to the ground. However, let's take a look at the third method of correcting perspective distortions. It is done, in general, according to the same principle. The same eggs, only in profile. Select the entire image( Ctrl+A), in the menu Edit select an item Transform, and there, you won’t believe it, the team Perspective. Next, you should drag the mouse over the corners of the photo card and draw something similar to my illustration. Click enter, we see a picture again similar to those obtained by the first two methods.

What can be concluded here? All three methods are probably identical in terms of labor costs, so choose to use any of them. I note that the first method is especially good for “straightening” pictures, signs, and the like taken from the side. It will look something like this:

The result will be this picture.

Jipeg, by the way, is a random one issued by Yandex for the request “painting in a museum.” Here is the author of the photo, if anything.
Well, I say goodbye to you. I hope the lesson will be useful. I know exactly one user who has already followed my advice and his photos have become even better. This d_a_ck9 . I recommend it, and if something is not clear, ask.

N.B. . If, due to some of your moral, ethical or even political convictions, you are of the opinion that correcting perspective distortions is not necessary, I will answer you that you are simply lazy and nothing more. Yes, there are cases when distortions, on the contrary, add charm to photographs (the same fisheye), but I’m mostly talking about, so to speak, protocol architectural and interior photography. I quote the pedivics for the most stubborn: " With this type of photography, the main task is in true and accurate display of the form of the building, decoration, sculptures and decorative elements. Of fundamental importance for architectural photography is the verticality and straightness of vertical and straight lines. To do this, the optical axis of the lens must be horizontal, and the plane of the photographic material or matrix must be vertical and in no case tilted."

Creating and editing texts in Photoshop is not difficult. True, there is one “but”: you must have certain knowledge and skills. You can get all this by studying on our website. We will devote the same lesson to one of the types of text processing - italic style. In addition, we will create curved text along the work path.

You can tilt text in Photoshop in two ways: through the symbol settings palette, or using the free transform function "Incline". The first method can tilt the text only to a limited angle, but the second does not limit us in any way.

Method 1: Symbol palette

This palette is described in detail in the lesson on editing text in Photoshop. It contains various fine font settings.

In the palette window, you can select a font that has slanted glyphs in its set ( Italic), or use the corresponding button ( "Pseudo-cursive"). Moreover, using this button you can tilt the italic font.

Method 2: Tilt

IN this method uses a free transform function called "Incline".

1. While on text layer, press the key combination CTRL+T.

2. Right-click anywhere on the canvas and select the item "Incline".

3. The text is tilted using the top or bottom row of markers.

Curved text

In order to make curved text, we need a work path created using the tool "Feather".

1. Draw a working outline with a Pen.

2. Take the tool "Horizontal text" and move the cursor to the outline. A signal that you can write text is a change in the appearance of the cursor. A wavy line should appear on it.

3. Place the cursor and write the required text.

In this tutorial, we learned several ways to create slanted as well as curved text.

If you are planning to develop website design, keep in mind that in this work you can only use the first method of tilting text, and without using a button "Pseudo-cursive", as this is not a standard font style.