Chinese Crested Mix. The unusual crested Boriska appeared by chance... (5 photos). Chinese Crested Dog Dimensions

The story of this hero is very funny. A cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested dog, it will shock everyone who sees it for the first time!

But then - everyone's reaction is different.

Someone says “cool dog!”, someone says “funny dog”, and someone... throws these offensive photos at the owners:

And Boriska, meanwhile, is kind and affectionate - although the owner says that in the village where the dog lives, all the men went crazy when they saw this miracle with a hangover...) Maybe that’s why he really likes to run around the village, scaring the chickens and locals passers-by The dog came to its current owners by accident - the breeder gave this fruit of random love for free “to kind hands" The owners do not plan to further breed the newly-minted breed of “Khokhlomops”, because the result may be even more unexpected.

Borya is smart, but very sensitive. If you say something to him in a harsh tone, he may go to the corner and be offended there for a long time, occasionally looking at you with his “wet spot” eyes. And the handsome guy loves pickles And buckwheat porridge! Bori has almost no hair, only a mohawk on his head and a tuft on his tail. In some places his skin resembles pink sandpaper (though in the summer it takes on a milk chocolate hue).

At home, Borya is called the “room gremlin.” But this is loving. Because he really is a miracle Yudo! Can you give Borusik a couple of compliments? Otherwise he is very shy...

The time of year has come when dogs are unusually big heads, hairless bodies and other oddities compete for the title of "World's Ugliest Dog." Who won this year? He is a 2-year-old mongrel named Peanut whose white-brown fur, bulging eyes and protruding fangs belie his angelic personality. Although Peanut is perfectly healthy at the moment, his owner, Holly Chandler of Greenville, North Carolina, says he suffered severe burns as a child, leaving bald spots all over his body. Chandler hopes Peanut's victory will bring public attention to the problem. ill-treatment with animals.

1. Participants are awaiting the announcement of the results of the competition “The Most ugly dog in the world"-2014 in Petaluma, California.

2. Monkey, a Brussels Griffon in the ring at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma, California.

3. Peanut won first place at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma, California.

4. Quasimodo, a Dutch Shepherd mix from Boston with a back defect, walks across the stage at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog competition in Petaluma.

5. Yoda, the Mexican Hairless Dog, is carried across the stage at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Competition in Petaluma.

6. Groovy the dog is carried into the ring at the World's Ugliest Dog Contest 2014 in Petaluma, California.

7. An owner rejoices on stage as her dog Yoda took third place in the Pedigree category at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog competition in Petaluma, California.

8. Dane Andrew with his dog Rascal in the ring of the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma, California.

9. Yoda prepares for the ring at the World's Ugliest Dog Contest 2014 in Petaluma, California.

10. Eddie, a Chihuahua, is carried into the ring at the World's Ugliest Dog Contest 2014 in Petaluma, California.

11. The owner shows the audience Ikki, a 5-year-old Chinese Crested, at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma.

12. People gathered for the World's Ugliest Dog Contest 2014 in Petaluma, California.

13. Cupcake, a cross between a pug, a poodle and a Maltese, is carried into the ring at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma.

14. Dog Pet is carried into the ring at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma.

15. Prince Austin, a cross between a pug and a Pomeranian, during the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma.

16. Sweepee Rimbaud is hugged by his owner after winning the Pedigree category at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma.

17. Wurtz introduces SweePee Rambo, a 2-year-old Chihuahua-Chinese Crested mix, after winning the Pedigree category at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog competition in Petaluma.

18. Sweepee Rambo, a 2-year-old Chihuahua-Chinese Crested mix, competes at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma.

19. Sweepee Rambo, a 2-year-old Chihuahua-Chinese Crested mix, is lifted into the air at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma.

20. Chandler's owner holds Peanut, a mongrel from Greenville, North Carolina, after he was announced the winner of the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma.

21. Chandler and Peanut, a mutt from Greenville, North Carolina, take the top prize at the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma.

22. Peanut, a mongrel from Greenville, North Carolina, rests as his owner Chandler gestures after the dog won the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma.

23. Chandler holding Peanut after winning the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma.

24. Chandler of Greenville, North Carolina, reacts to the news that her mutt, Peanut, won the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma.

25. Chandler of Greenville, North Carolina, reacts to the news that her mutt, Peanut, won the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma.

Peanut, a mongrel from Greenville, North Carolina, rests in his owner's arms after winning the 2014 World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma.

A new direction in canine selection was the crossing of dogs of different breeds. In the past, the result of an unplanned mating was considered a marriage. Mixed-breed puppies were equated to mongrels. Inter-tribal alliances are now encouraged. Breeders purposefully bring together purebred representatives of different breeds. The resulting offspring, for example a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested, is called a “designer breed.”

With Chinese Crested

Proponents of interbreeding selection argue that puppies inherit best qualities breeds of their parents. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to predict in advance what kind of exterior the young animals will have. The character and behavior of the animal are also unpredictable. In addition, individuals have rather poor health and a short life expectancy.

Cute little pugs have become one of the favorite objects of designer selection. They were crossed with representatives of many breeds. In particular, with the Chinese Crested Dog. Metis was called Khokhlomops or Pugese. What makes him different is unusual look skins: leather with folds and tufts of wool.

The photo shows a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested

With a chihuahua

A cross between a pug and a chihuahua shares similarities with both parents. Larger in size than the “Mexicans” and not as massive as the “Chinese”. The coat color ranges from pale cream to anthracite black, and albinos are occasionally born. The mixed pedigree is indicated by a snub-nosed muzzle, characteristic of natives of the East. The owners dubbed the hybrid dogs chops or chihuaps.

With Pekingese

The hybridization of the pug with the Pekingese is not a tribute to a newfangled tradition, but a return to the original roots. Both varieties are of ancient Chinese origin. Residents of the Celestial Empire use the general term “Narra dog” to designate them, which means “waddling”. Until the 19th century, Pekingese dogs were called Pekingese pugs in Europe. Thus, emphasizing the connection between the breeds.

The American woman R. Mons decided to revive the long-standing traditions and conducted several matings of two purebred animals. The offspring were given the nickname lo-shi pug (short pug).

The exterior of puppies looks more squat due to short limbs. Reminds one of its parents by the presence of folds on its face. Dogs delight their owners with their funny appearance and friendly disposition. Among the mestizos good immunity, immunity to most diseases.

Animals combine:

  • the attractiveness and determination of the Pekingese;
  • the complacency and positive attitude of the pug.

Thanks to their qualities, they quickly find owners.

With a beagle

A mix of a beagle and a native of China is called a puggle. Exclusivity appearance add folds to the muzzle, hanging ears, and a straight tail. The first individuals of this unusual variety appeared in the 90s. last century. Their unique appearance and cheerful character quickly won the hearts of people.

Puggles love to play and run. It is preferable to keep a dog active people. Animals need to be walked a lot and undergo regular training.

With a dachshund

One of the designer varieties is the taxi dog. In an animal:

  • compact muscular body;
  • short legs;
  • curled tail;
  • large head.

Stand out on the muzzle big eyes and many folds. The advantage of the hybrid is that it is hypoallergenic, allowing people sensitive to allergies to keep their pets. dog hair. Dogs captivate with their affectionate gentle character. They make excellent companions.

Other pug mixes

In addition, there are other crosses:

  1. With a poodle - Pagapoo or Pagoodle.
  2. WITH French bulldog- Pug bull or Frug.
  3. With Brussels Griffon - Brops or Brups.
  4. With a Boston Terrier - Bops.
  5. With Cairn Terrier - Mokern.

The main problem of selection is that it is difficult to predict in advance what the result will be if you cross animals. The exterior of puppies shows a different combination distinctive features, breeds being reduced. Each individual has a distinct personality. Unfortunately, it is not possible to consolidate the qualities in subsequent generations, so mestizos cannot be considered full-fledged new breeds.

Which pug mix is ​​your favorite?

L. P. Ganipolskaya

Practical advice - M. “Zholesk”, 2002. 42 p. (online version)

The book gives practical recommendations on choosing, raising, caring for a Chinese crested dog puppy.
The stages of preparation for the exhibition of hairless and downy varieties of the breed are described.
To understand the essence of the genetics of hairlessness, mating options are presented.
It may be useful to current and future owners of the Chinese Crested Dog, as well as to canine specialists for a better understanding of this unusual, exotic breed.

History of the breed

The history of the origin of the Chinese Crested Dog, as well as other hairless breeds, the Mexican Hairless (Xoloitzcuintle), the Peruvian “Inca Orchid” and other lesser-known dogs, is vague and shrouded in many secrets, legends and myths. Hairless breeds are believed to have their origins in Africa. However, archaeologists have found evidence of their existence in Mexico, China, Turkey, Ethiopia, Argentina, Peru, the Philippines and the Caribbean.
The Chinese Crested we are talking about is an exceptional breed, it is difficult to compare it with any other. In this breed FCI standard(International Canine Union) there are two varieties: hairless and downy (woolly). Unlike all other hairless dogs, the Chinese Crested dog has the greatest density and length of coat hair on the head, limbs and tail, and therefore the Powder Puffs have the longest coat, which makes them look like small Afghan hounds.
It is now difficult to figure out how long-haired dogs had hairless offspring. Geneticists explain this by a spontaneous mutation that occurred several thousand years ago.
According to one version, the Chinese Crested has nothing to do with China. May be. The exact origin of this breed is unknown. No one knows when the first hairless dogs came to this country, but they were bred during the Han Dynasty and even then were divided into two types, which have survived to this day. The first type is leaner, lighter, and is called “deer”. It was bred at the imperial court, and the dogs served to entertain the owner and his family, and also warned when strangers approached. The second type is more powerful, stronger - “pony”. They were used for hunting small game - rabbits and squirrels. “Pony” was often served as a dish. Travelers loved to take Chinese crested dogs with them; the hot body of the dog served as a heating pad on the road. They were also credited with medicinal and magical properties. In the sixteenth century. Chinese merchants first exported them to other countries. By the middle of the 19th century, unusual dogs began to appear in many paintings and engravings of European artists. In 189b, a naked dog was shown as a curiosity in the zoological gardens of London - the world recognized the exotic from the East.
Despite the fact that the British were the first to discover the breed for Europeans, at first no one was interested in it on the shores of Foggy Albion. Therefore, Americans can be considered the real godparents of hairless dogs from China. Shortly after World War I, Deborah Wood of Florida created the first and most famous nursery, Crest Haven. Almost all Chinese Crested dogs have distant ancestors from this kennel. At that time, in China itself, these original “toys” of emperors and mandarins disappeared, since the communists who came to power banned people from keeping any dogs in their homes. For many years, Mrs. Wood kept pedigree books, which became the basis for the recognition of the breed and its inclusion in the American Kennel Club registry.
Chinese crested animals came to Russia from Tashkent in 1991, where, in turn, they were brought from India. The first dogs were far from perfection and the breed standard. Around the same time, the first high-breed males from Europe were brought to Grechanaya L.B., but mating them with Tashkent females only slightly improved the quality of the livestock. And only when the first bitches were purchased from well-known nurseries and puppies were obtained from their matings with imported males, the situation changed. Today in Russia there are dogs from leading kennels in Sweden, Germany, the USA, England, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Their offspring are successfully exhibited and often win at international exhibitions. Today, the Chinese Crested Dog enjoys prestige both as a successful show breed and as a charming, open and gentle friend. Over the past decades, thanks to competent and knowledgeable breeders around the world, there has been a noticeable improvement in the appearance of animals. The breed is one of the 10 most popular and numerous in Russia. Exotic Chinese crested cats were also appreciated by Russian “stars” - Irina Ponarovskaya, Alena Sviridova, Boris Krasnov and others.

Characteristics and features of the breed

The Chinese Crested Dog is a very ancient breed and, perhaps, that is why it is very interesting. It has a number of unique dog world features, and everyone can find something for themselves in it. Unusual appearance, beauty and grace, ease of maintenance and wonderful character will leave few people indifferent. In general, they are quite active creatures, but not like poodles or terriers. They are not aggressive, as noted in the breed standard, although they are sometimes shy and shy away from strangers, they love children and get along well with other animals. Being temperamental, they are not inclined to bark in vain. Chinese Cresteds are easy to train, intelligent, sociable and love affection. They idolize not only the owner, but also all family members. Moreover, unlike others oriental breeds, very affectionate. Bitches of this breed are excellent, if not zealous, mothers. They are easy to whelp and nurse, even with older puppies. There are from 1 to 10 puppies in a litter, but more often 3 - 5. When good care dogs live a long time, on average 11 - 14 years, which is explained by healthy genetics. Although hairlessness is genetic mutation, this is not a genetic defect. This is also the reason that, despite their nakedness, they are not sickly and are not at all as sissy as they might seem. This breed is distinguished by its health and endurance. At proper care When you show love and attention, you will be rewarded with a special combination of affection and friendship, which is one of the most endearing aspects of the Chinese Crested's character. The skin of hairless dogs is warm and soft to the touch, but at the same time quite durable and non-traumatic. Pebbles easily tolerate heat and generally love the sun. With the first rays of the April sun, they sunbathe like people, and their skin becomes very dark, which is especially beautiful in contrast with their light-colored hair. By winter, the tan fades. For walks in the cold season, a warm jumpsuit will be a good idea.
One of the features of the breed is the variety of forms. There are two varieties of them - hairless and downy, which, in turn, are divided according to the type of constitution. “Deer” is distinguished by thinner and lighter bones; dogs of this type are more elegant. Among them, overly emotional creatures are more common. Pony type dogs are stocky with heavier bones. They are calmer and more confident, but most of the population consists of dogs of the intermediate (average) type.
Weight (of course, we are talking about dogs in normal condition) also depends on the type. A “deer” dog with a height of 30 cm weighs approximately 3.5 - 4 kg, and a strong “pony” with the same height will weigh 5 - 5.5 kg. But the division into types is very arbitrary. Height at the withers can vary significantly among different dogs. According to the standard, the ideal height is from 23 to 33 cm. Many dogs that have outgrown this ideal are now successfully exhibited at exhibitions. Their weight may also exceed the maximum specified by the standard - 5.5 kg. The amount of hair in hairless representatives of the breed also varies significantly. The dog may have a sparse crest (sometimes it is completely absent), a brush on the tail and almost bare paws, which is allowed by the standard. The skin of such dogs is completely clean (there may be some hairs on the body). Exhibition champions are “dressed” very lavishly, which makes them spectacular and similar to small horses. Often their crest turns into a luxurious mane, and the hair on their paws and tail grows thickly, but, as a rule, there is quite a lot of unwanted hair on the body. Such dogs are carefully prepared for exhibitions, which will be discussed below. But the correct anatomy and harmony of a dog demonstrating free movement in the show ring is always more important than the amount of hair removed.
Chinese crested puffballs are also distinguished by their thickness and length, as well as the texture of their fur. Two types are known: the first (preferred) - with thick, long, flowing hair; the second type - with a shorter, stiffer one. Puffballs, of course, require special care for wool. Another remarkable feature of the breed is the range of colors - from solid to marbled and spotted. The Chinese Crested has all the colors found in other breeds.
In order to better understand the diversity of the breed, it is necessary to understand the genetics of hairlessness. The mutant hairless gene, or hairlessness gene, is dominant in these dogs, unlike other mutant genes, which are usually recessive. For example, if a hairless Chinese Crested, Mexican or Peruvian hairless dog mates with a female dog of any breed, or a hairless dog mates with a dog of another breed, hairless puppies may be born in the litter. The hairless gene is semi-lethal. If the future puppy from each of the hairless parents takes the hairlessness gene (Hr), i.e., is homozygous for this trait (HrHr), then it will most likely die before or soon after birth due to various developmental abnormalities. Therefore, all hairless dogs that are alive today have a heterozygous combination of genes (Hrhr), i.e., one gene for “hairlessness” (Hr), and the second for normal coat (hr). Puff puppies, on the other hand, have two genes for normal coat (hrhr), i.e., they do not carry the semi-lethal gene for hairlessness at all, and when crossed with each other they will produce only puff puppies, so such matings are not practiced.
Mating of two hairless dogs looks like as follows:

Hrhr + Hrhr = HrHr+ Hrhr + Hrhr + hrhr, where

  • HrHr is a lethal combination, the puppy will not be born or will not survive,
  • 2 x Hrhr - two hairless puppies,
  • hrhr - “down jacket”.

Thus, breeding these dogs will produce two hairless puppies and one fluffy one.
Mating a hairless and downy dog:

Hrhr + hrhr = Hrhr + Hrhr + hrhr + hrhr..

The result will be two hairless and two fluffy puppies.
The above relationships are confirmed only by large statistical material. In each specific litter total quantity puppies, the number of males and females, the number of hairless and downy puppies cannot be calculated in advance, and this circumstance plus the variety of colors make Chinese Crested breeding especially interesting.
Another interesting feature of this breed is dental system. The characteristic scissor bite is found in most dog breeds. But the number and position of the teeth are very unusual. In the naked variety, incomplete teeth are the norm. Often individual milk teeth are not replaced by permanent teeth, one, two or even more premolars are missing. Lack of teeth is genetically linked to the gene for hairlessness, and therefore this is not rejected at shows. Accordingly, due to the absence of this gene, puffballs have a full set and typical position of teeth.
And in conclusion, I would like to dispel some myths about the breed. The body temperature of a hairless Chinese Crested dog is the same as that of all other dogs - approximately 38.5 "C. It's just that the bare skin feels hotter to the touch because there is no insulation from the coat.
Since ancient times, hairless dogs have a reputation as healers, helping with asthma, rheumatism, insomnia and different pains. While the opinion about them medicinal properties neither refuted nor proven. Ancient legends probably did not arise out of nowhere, but to believe it or not, everyone decides for themselves. But all this applies only to the naked variety.
Chinese Crested dogs are not vegetarians. They love meat just like representatives of other breeds, but what really distinguishes them is their special love for vegetables and fruits. Oranges, grapes or peaches will greatly delight your pebble or puffball. Despite good health, these dogs, like all others, need preventive vaccinations. They don't know how to shed real tears or sweat through the pores on their skin.

Choosing a puppy

The reader can find some general recommendations for all breeds in any reference literature on dogs. Here I will describe the choice of a Chinese Crested puppy. If the whole family has unanimously decided to buy a puppy of this breed, then first you need to determine: the gender of the dog, whether you are taking a hairless or downy variety, what size to choose (the standard allows for a significant difference in height at the withers) and, most importantly, its purpose - for exhibitions, breeding or just for fun.
Let's look at everything in order. Male or female is a matter of taste. If you want to breed, then, of course, you need to take a bitch. They are more feminine, intelligent in communication, their inner world is more subtle. When choosing between a hairless and a powdery bitch, keep in mind that a powderpuff can produce as many, and sometimes more, hairless puppies than a hairless “girl” mated to a hairless male. Special attention During walks, bitches require only during heat, during which the dog gets dirty more; in addition, if the bitch is not mated, false whelping may occur. Males are more curious, cocky, and more often lost, although behavior is corrected by education. A downy male, unlike a female who loses her hair during heat, is always in good shape. In general, the temperament of the sexes is similar. Naked or powder puff? The naked option is a godsend for those who cannot tolerate wool in the house (for example, due to allergies) or do not have the time and desire to care for it. Puff puffs look more familiar, people with conservative views get them, but having free time for grooming is a an indispensable condition. Sometimes price can be a determining factor. The most expensive purchase is a naked bitch (in 2009 prices, a dog for the soul (without documents or breeding) is about 500 euros, and a cool bitch from titled parents is 900 - 1500 euros). A naked boy and a fluffy girl are half the price. The cheapest dog is a downy dog ​​- this is how prices in Russia were formed.
In hairless puppies, the density of the tuft, “socks” and “plume” on the tail gives a clear idea of ​​what the hair will be like in an adult dog. Unwanted hairiness on the body is visible if the puppy was not specially prepared before sale, because otherwise, you will not be able to determine whether the skin is clean or not. Skin color changes. Born very dark puppy It may remain that way, or it may lighten to a pale blue or bronze. A puppy with spots like a Dalmatian can become almost monochromatic with age, since until about a year old the pigment will grow and the amount of white will decrease, and may remain “Dalmatian.” The legs, belly, chest and head usually remain spotted. Pay attention to the lining of the eyes. Sometimes the rim of one eye is dark and the other is pink, and if the eyelids do not become pigmented over time, then visually one eye may appear larger than the other. When both eyes are without dark rims, the dog’s “face” is not as expressive. The color of the coat of puffs and tufts of hairless ones also changes, but by the age of 3 months the final color can be determined by the roots of the hair. Complete “maturation” of fur in downy cats and full hair in hairless ones is completed by 18 months.
Well-dressed hairless puppies, with a beautiful mane, “socks” and tail, are excessively overgrown on the body - front legs to the shoulder blades, hips, a belt of hair along the back (sometimes thick and wide). With age, the amount of unwanted hair will decrease slightly and grow back. Part hair follicles will die as a result of depilation or trimming. Such dogs require more effort when preparing for exhibitions, but they look more impressive.
The hardest thing to predict is the dog's final size. The smallest at birth does not always remain that way. The determining factor here is pedigree. After analyzing the data of the ancestors, you can try to predict something in the puppy, but this cannot be done without consulting a professional.
Choose beautiful dog not so easy. Beware of buying a puppy at the market. There are often cases when, in order to satisfy the commercial demand for small dogs, crosses with a toy terrier, chihuahua, etc. are sold under the guise of Chinese crested dogs. The puppies turn out to be naked, but their appearance and character are no longer the same. Also, puppies from matings of Chinese Crested and Mexican Hairless dogs are passed off as purebreds. And this is absolutely different breeds. When choosing a puppy, make sure that it is moderately well-fed, with clean skin and eyes. The baby should be sociable, cheerful and healthy, which is largely determined by the quality of cultivation and maintenance. Hairless puppies at the age of 2 months still have ears hanging or raised on the cartilage. Some (usually small) puppies at this age already have erect ears. Ears stand up differently, depending on the size of the ear and the density of the cartilage, which are determined by heredity. How to help your ears rise and get stronger will be described later.
A Chinese Crested dog puppy has a scissor bite. Do not take a baby with an undershot or underbite. In general, offspring are determined by parents and bloodline. Therefore, if you want to show or breed a dog, look for a serious kennel and breeder with a good reputation. When choosing a puppy, you are also choosing a breeder with whom you will have to communicate frequently. Even if you have experience raising and raising puppies of a different breed, questions will still arise that only a professional can answer. Even the most promising and promising puppy does not always grow into a champion. “Every sandpiper praises his swamp,” so don’t rush to believe the seller’s enthusiastic epithets. Take the time to look at both dad and mom if they belong to different owners. Ask to see the pedigrees of the parents, as well as show diplomas and championship certificates of the dogs. Don’t go for the cheap, but don’t overpay either, as overly ambitious breeders tend to greatly inflate the price. There are many nurseries operating successfully in Moscow today. They are also found in St. Petersburg, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, etc. The breed cannot be called rare.


There is a well-known saying: “A dog is a man’s friend.” But this is only partly true. Friendship presupposes equality, but in the relationship between the owner and his pet there should not be equality, moreover, it is harmful. From the first days of the puppy’s arrival in the house, you should determine priorities and show the new resident his “place.” Excessive softness, lisping and indulging the dog’s whims will not lead to anything good. From the very beginning it is necessary to show who is boss in the house. The Chinese Crested is very owner-oriented; communication and affection give her great pleasure. Start training your puppy to behave in the company of people and animals as soon as he gets into your home.
A dog will become obedient and friendly only when it understands that it is a beloved and respected member of the family. If the Chinese Crested is not introduced to a variety of life situations And strangers, she may grow up distrustful and fearful. If possible, always take the puppy with you, let him accompany you on trips, on walks, wherever he can under your close attention study the world around us. A show puppy should be taken to shows, not necessarily as a participant, but simply as a spectator, in order to accustom him to the very atmosphere of the event, the abundance of dogs and people. With some babies or juniors you have to go through 10 - 15 exhibitions until they get used to it.
Dog - living creature, not a toy, explain this to the children. The Chinese Crested loves outdoor games and walks, but teach your child to treat the small dog with care and allow it to sometimes retire to rest.
Any training for dogs of this breed is not a problem. It all depends on the desire and imagination of the owner. From the first days you should accustom the puppy to hygiene procedures and preparation for the exhibition. When leaving your baby alone at home, give him plenty of toys. All puppies chew, some more, others less, but these are temporary difficulties that end with the change of teeth. If a puppy tries to eat something valuable, a bitter anti-gnawing spray will help.
For walks, your pet will need a leash and a collar, and for the cold season, a naked puppy will also need a jumpsuit, which you can buy or have custom-made. You need a long and light leash, and a tape measure is also convenient. It is advisable to purchase a soft collar so that it does not rub the skin. At first, Chinese Crested puppies may actively resist and refuse to walk on a leash. They need to be redirected in this regard; if the baby follows you, praise generously. The collar can be tamed by wearing it at home. The future exhibitor must be taught to walk on a thin ring from childhood. With timid puppies you will have to be more patient and generous in your praise. You can walk without a leash only when you are absolutely sure that the baby will run up at your first call.
As for toilet training, everyone chooses the most suitable one for themselves. convenient option. You can walk a Chinese Crested puppy in the same way as owners of dogs of other breeds do, or you can teach it to go to the toilet at home in a certain place on a newspaper or on a tray (like a cat). This option is convenient for the owner, but it does not eliminate walking. Dogs love to walk, especially in sunny days. They absolutely need this to grow strong physically and mentally.
Another point of education that concerns only males. Both teenagers and adult males court the “ladies.” This behavior should not be punished, especially if you are raising a stud dog. If the dog is too carried away, calmly, without reprimands, distract him with something else, occupy him with a toy.
What your puppy learns at an early age will determine his behavior in the future, so try to raise a dog that is “comfortable” for you and those around you, one that will not bark at every sound or try to grab a passerby by the trousers, which you can safely leave with relatives for a while vacations, etc.

Dog care

Preparation for the exhibition

Even if you bought a dog not to show it regularly, but still want to know an independent opinion about your pet or want to show the puppy to a specialist and find out whether you raised it correctly, visit at least several exhibitions. If you plan to breed a dog (both male and female) in the future, you must receive a show grade (not lower than “very good”). For the first time, it is better to choose a small indoor exhibition with a small number of participants. To participate in the show and any trips with your dog, you must have a veterinary passport with vaccination records (vaccination against rabies is required). The veterinary passport is issued to you by the breeder or it is issued at the veterinary clinic when vaccinations are given. At least 1 month must pass from the moment of vaccination to the day of the exhibition. Give your pet a good walk before showing it.
If you set out to make your puppy a show star, you should pay more attention to raising your baby. To begin with, visit several exhibitions without signing up for them, plunge into this festive atmosphere, observe and understand what will be required of both of you in the ring in the future.
Ring training classes should begin at an early age at home. While the puppy is small, he easily grasps everything new; up to 5 months, dogs learn productively and remember what they have learned (both good and bad) for a very long time. The main thing is to properly build a relationship with the student and not rush things. All training for a Chinese Crested puppy should be based on affectionate demands and encouragement correct behavior. The baby should perceive learning as an interesting game that allows him to communicate more with his beloved owner and get something tasty. It is not advisable to punish a dog during training, as this may cause it negative attitude to everything related to the exhibition.
From about 2 months they are accustomed to showing their teeth. At the same time, the fingers of both hands carefully expose the teeth, moving the lips away. First, the front teeth (canines and incisors) are exposed, then the distant ones. The dog sits during the examination, the jaws should be closed. The procedure should be accompanied by encouragement after successful completion. Encouraging mistakes, thinking that it will do the first time, means delaying the learning process and retraining the dog, which is always more difficult. Later, you can involve outsiders to practice showing your teeth and probing anatomical structure dogs. It is necessary to ensure that in the future, at the exhibition, the expert can calmly examine your pet. Practicing the exhibition stand should be done on a table and on the floor, on a non-slip surface. Young Chinese Cresteds tend to be stubborn when training, so you need to be patient and practice little and often so that the training does not tire or bore your puppy. Chinese Cresteds are fixed in a rack with their hands: they hold their head with one hand under lower jaw, and the other - by the tail or under the groin. Later, you can teach the dog to fix his gaze on something in front, while his head is supported by the ring. The front legs are placed exactly under the body, parallel, with the toes pointing forward; The hind legs are slightly pulled back so that the metatarsals are perpendicular to the ground. The tail can be held parallel to the ground with your hand or lowered and pressed against the dog's hip by an expert. The Chinese Crested's topline should be straight and its posture proud, therefore, if the exhibition takes place in the cool season in the open air, the dog needs to be warmed up before the ring and allowed to move, otherwise it will begin to hunch over chillily. At first, 10-15 seconds in the stance is enough, then by 4 - 5 months, gradually increase the exposure time to a minute. You can teach the puppy to work on the command “Stand”, “Show”. After vaccination, classes are moved outside to teach the puppy to show itself without being distracted by noise or other animals.
The next stage of preparation is practicing the movements. We will assume that your baby is already accustomed to the ring. It is selected in color to match the dog's color. It is better to purchase a ringovka with an extension on the collar in the throat area (such as a greyhound collar) so that the noose does not cut the neck. The Chinese Crested should move at an easy, relaxed trot at your feet. First, they practice moving in a straight line back and forth. Then an element of movement in a circle (counterclockwise) is introduced with stops in the stance. Putting the ring on high, without pulling it too tight, move forward. Stop jumping, squatting, and attempts to play with a command or a jerk of the leash, and immediately reward correct behavior. Ultimately, the participant in the show must run cheerfully, without hesitation, with her head held high. Depending on the temperament of some dogs, you need to “run up” and cheer them up before the ring, while others, on the contrary, should not be bothered so as not to “burn out.” If the owner is very nervous before the ring or cannot teach the dog to show himself at the show, he has to resort to the services of a handler. This is a person who knows how to professionally prepare and demonstrate a dog to an expert. After all, the dog and its owner are given only a few minutes to evaluate in the ring, and during this time you must show the best that is in your pupil, and try to smooth out the shortcomings with skillful display.
Preparing a Hairless Dog. The health and condition of the skin completely depend on the feeding and care of the dog.
Unwanted hair on the body (even if your dog only has a dozen individual hairs) needs to be removed. If the hair on the body is very thick, start working with an epilator (for example, Silk Epil Super Soft from Braun) carefully, grabbing a little at a time. This procedure may take 2-3 hours. At the end, you need to go against the hair growth with an epilator, and then with your palm to make sure that the skin is absolutely clean and smooth. It is more convenient to carry out these procedures when the length of the hair is no more than 1 cm. If soft fluff grows somewhere, then it is shaved off with a machine (the bristles are not felt after shaving the fluff) or a depilatory cream is selected. The same applies to tender areas on the elbows, etc. If your naked shape is too stretched, the “socks” should be kept shorter, this will visually lengthen your legs. The tail, richly dressed, is also epilated at the base, leaving about 3/4 dressed. It is not advisable to shave in this area, as the rapidly growing bristles will prick and many dogs will sit down or look back in the ring. To prepare the skin, you can also use depilatory cream or wax, you just need to choose an effective and non-toxic one. allergic or irritation.
Some dogs have rough, porous skin. During washing, such a dog is treated with a cosmetic scrub.
The muzzle is trimmed with an electric clipper or trimmer: down from the bridge of the nose and the outer edge of the eye to the temple. Naturally, the mustache is also trimmed.
The dog is washed after depilation. Dry the tuft, tail, and “socks” with a hairdryer. Hairless Chinese Crested can be smeared with a pre-selected cream, which is quickly absorbed, softens the skin and gives it shine. Before the ring, the dog is combed again; the hairless variety does not require any special cosmetics. If the fringe on the ears has not yet grown back after gluing, do not worry. This will not affect the exhibition rating.
Preparing the puff. The day before the exhibition, the puff should be washed with shampoo and treated with conditioner. You had the opportunity to choose them wisely during the process of raising your pet. Using a hair dryer after washing is mandatory, especially if you are going to an exhibition. Drying is done simultaneously with constant combing. A stream of warm air from a hair dryer is directed under a strand of hair pulled back with a slicker brush. First, areas of the body with shorter hair are combed and dried. The main goal is to straighten and dry the wool. After drying, the hair on the head must be secured with an elastic band so that the strands do not get into the eyes and do not get dirty when feeding. Fur that protrudes beyond the paw pads must be carefully trimmed in a circle. The claws are trimmed. The muzzle is cut with a clipper from the “stop” (bridge of the nose) along a line from the outer corner of the eye to the ear and below. A smooth curve is drawn from the ears to the Adam's apple, without falling below. Before entering the ring, you must remove the rubber bands from the tails on the head and carefully comb the entire dog. Puffs with soft wool will need an antistatic spray. If the hair is thick enough, you can part it down the back. The dog should look well-groomed and at the same time natural.
Both varieties of Chinese Crested need to have their ears and teeth cleaned and their nails trimmed during preparation.
And a little about the exhibitions themselves. An exhibition is the same sport in which victory is adjacent to loss, successful days are cloudy, so you should try to be calm about both ups and downs, especially since the examination is carried out very subjectively. Today an expert can recognize your dog the best representative breed - the standard, and tomorrow, when you go to another exhibition, they will tell you that this is not so. The opinion of lovers of the breed and people seriously involved in breeding is much more important than the assessment of an expert. That is why someone who goes to an exhibition in order to enjoy communicating with a company of like-minded people receives much more than someone who does it just to win.

Chihuahuas were bred to be decorative dogs. Such animals were created not to protect the home from ill-wishers, but to “decorate the house.” Although, their character is special, even such kids need training and care.

Crossbreeds of Chihuahuas with other species, ranging from pugs to huskies, have now become popular. Funny Chihuahuas will delight their owner no matter who they are crossed with.

IN lately It has become fashionable to breed Chihuahuas and Yorkies. Many breeders are chasing profit without thinking about future fate and the health of the poor animal, in an effort to get a funny "new breed" puppy.

Unfortunately, hybrids do not live long due to poor genetics. Sometimes such crossings result from the fact that the breeder did not keep track of the pets; as a result, outbred puppies have to be sold at a reduced price.

A mixed breed of any two breeds is considered an outbred individual, since only an animal with a large pedigree and documents confirming the breeding value of this individual can be considered purebred.

With such a pet you can go to exhibitions, produce new offspring with other purebred dogs of the same breed.

If you decide to buy yourself a hybrid of two breeds, that is, an outbred animal, never pay money for a puppy. If a breeder offers you to pay for a puppy without a pedigree, in which two species are literally mixed, refuse. Otherwise, it will turn out that you paid the poacher and such a business will continue to flourish.

A cross between a Spitz and a Chihuahua was bred relatively recently, but is already considered an independent breed and is called “Pomchi”. Externally, it combines the characteristics of both breeds. The height of the dog usually does not reach 20 centimeters, normal weight from 2 to 4 kilograms.

This little creature, thanks to the mixture of two species, received a dense and muscular body, small round ears and a funny muzzle shape.

The dog has small and short legs, an elongated muzzle, and a small tail that curls up into a ball.

The coat of a cross between these two breeds varies depending on the dominant gene. In the first case, the coat can be fluffy and thick, like that of the Pekingese.

And in the second, you may come across a puppy with smooth short fur that fits tightly to the body, like representatives of the Chihuahua breed.

If you decide to get a mixed breed so that your child can play with him, this is bad idea. Doesn't get along well with children. Loyal to her owner, she is distrustful and wary of strangers, she loves to play only with her owners. However, puppies are affectionate and friendly by nature.

The pet is perfect for keeping even in a small apartment; it requires little care. Best suited for single people and families, without children or pets. The dog will be a devoted and faithful companion for its owner, giving him affection and care. Any type of cross between a Chihuahua and a Spitz will be affectionate towards its only owner.

How to identify a mestizo by appearance

Contact only trusted breeders from whom your friends and acquaintances have already taken purebred animals. Do not trust reviews on the Internet, do not trust unverified advertisements.

Approach the choice of a breeder with great responsibility, because the future of your pet depends on it. Unscrupulous breeders often have dogs that get sick; you will have to spend large sums on a veterinarian if you take a mongrel.

First of all, check all the documents for the future pet, then look at the puppy’s parents, then move on to examining the appearance of your future little apartment dweller.

Pay attention to the dog's head. A representative with a good pedigree has pronounced transitions from the forehead to the nose. The dog's muzzle is flattened; if you see a puppy in front of you with a long muzzle and a round head, most likely the breeder is offering you to buy a Chihuahua cross. When crossing a pinscher and a chihuahua, the muzzle turns out to be angular, and the limbs are at an angle.

  • The eyes of a purebred Chihuahua are located far apart from each other, the color is dark, and not protruding. The dog's ears are located at a great distance from each other, as are the eyes. The ears are located at an angle of 45 degrees.

If you notice that the puppy’s eyes and ears are located close to each other, then you have the opportunity to observe a hybrid of several breeds. Refuse to purchase.

If your future dog passed the previous two tests, then check the dog’s bite. U upper incisors overlap the lower ones, that is upper teeth should cover the lower ones. Lower canines located between the upper canines and incisors.

The back should be short, level and strong. Density and muscularity are small, since this breed does not imply strength and density. The tail should not curl, it should be level with the back, in a straight shape.

Finally, check your puppy's paws. U purebred puppy there will be small, straight paws that stand straight and not at an angle. The dog's paws themselves should be located at a decent distance from each other. If the puppy has thick, massive paws, then the breeder is offering you to buy a mongrel dog.


Chihuahuas will bring you a lot of joy, but be sure to approach the choice of a dog with great responsibility, because its health depends entirely on whether the puppy has a good pedigree or not. Four-legged friends are easy to train and will be wonderful for you faithful companions. Good luck with your choice future pet!