Changes to the list of strategic enterprises and strategic joint stock companies - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Enterprise strategy

February 28, 2019, On state support for industrial enterprises implementing corporate programs to increase competitiveness Resolution of February 23, 2019 No. 191. In order to increase the volume of exports of competitive industrial products, within the framework of the implementation of the federal project “Industrial Export” of the national project “International Cooperation and Export”, the procedure for the formation and approval of a single list of organizations implementing corporate programs to increase competitiveness, which are manufacturers of federal and regional significance, has been determined. The procedure for concluding agreements on the implementation of corporate programs has also been established. Enterprises that have entered into agreements to implement corporate programs will be able to access financing for export projects, including insurance of relevant export loans, and the opportunity to use a wide range of banking instruments.

February 27, 2019, Trade regulation. Consumer protection On establishing additional details of a cash receipt for goods subject to mandatory labeling Resolution of February 21, 2019 No. 174. In the “product code” detail of the cash register receipt and the strict reporting form for goods for which a decision on mandatory labeling has been made, an identification code will be indicated that allows you to identify the product or product nomenclature code. The establishment of additional details is aimed at traceability and the creation of a transparent environment during the circulation of such goods.

February 26, 2019, On changes in the procedure for using foreign satellite communication networks in Russia Resolution of February 21, 2019 No. 175. Russian telecom operators using any foreign satellite system are subject to the requirement to form a Russian segment of the foreign satellite system as part of an interface station with public communications networks and to pass all traffic generated by subscriber stations in Russia through such an interface station.

February 26, 2019, Countering drug addiction On improving control over the circulation of precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances Resolution of February 22, 2019 No. 182. Control is established over the legal circulation of a number of substances used in the illegal production of fentanyl, which are in free circulation on the territory of Russia and are not included in the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control.

February 26, 2019, Older generation On the distribution of interbudgetary transfers for the creation of a long-term care system for the elderly and disabled Order No. 277-r dated February 23, 2019. Within the framework of the federal project “Older Generation” of the national project “Demography”, it is envisaged to create a system of long-term care for elderly people and people with disabilities. Funds in the amount of 295 million rubles were distributed among 11 constituent entities of the Federation for the implementation of a pilot project to create a care system.

February 26, 2019, Arctic activities About allocations for scientific research "Transarctic-2019" Order No. 276-r dated February 23, 2019. 868.75 million rubles are allocated from the Government's reserve fund for organizing and conducting comprehensive scientific research and state monitoring of the state and pollution of the Arctic environment using four research and scientific expedition vessels of Roshydromet. Transarctic 2019 research is carried out in the context of restoring comprehensive scientific research in the Arctic region, including the high-latitude Arctic. The purpose of the research is to improve the system of hydrometeorological safety of Russian maritime activities in the Arctic to realize the scientific and practical interests of the state.

February 26, 2019, Migration policy On approval of the implementation plan for the first stage of the Concept of State Migration Policy for 2019–2025 Order No. 265-r dated February 22, 2019. The plan, in particular, provides for the development of draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts aimed at solving the problems of state migration policy, analysis and preparation of proposals for further improvement of migration legislation, optimization of the procedure for providing public services and carrying out administrative procedures.

February 25, 2019, Humanitarian ties with foreign countries (except the CIS). Compatriots About government approval Russian Federation draft Agreement between the governments of Russia and Indonesia on simplifying the visa regime for mutual travel of citizens Order No. 264-r dated February 22, 2019. The purpose of the Agreement is to simplify the procedure for issuing short-term visas for citizens of two countries on a reciprocal basis. It is possible to issue multiple-entry tourist visas for up to six months to citizens of Russia and Indonesia.

February 25, 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development On the procedure for the development and implementation of comprehensive scientific and technical programs and full-scale projects innovation cycle Resolution of February 19, 2019 No. 162. In order to form modern system management in the field of science, technology and innovation, increasing the investment attractiveness of the research and development sector, the implementation plan of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia provides for the implementation of comprehensive scientific and technical programs of a full innovation cycle and complex scientific and technical projects of a full innovation cycle. The signed resolution established the procedure for the development, approval, implementation, adjustment and completion of such programs and projects.

February 25, 2019, Literature and book publishing. Libraries On approval of the Regulations on the federal state information system"National electronic library» Resolution of February 20, 2019 No. 169. It is envisaged that electronic copies of 100% of Russian publications will be included in the New Library as legal deposit rights. Access to NEB documents will be provided to users only if there is a license agreement with the author or other copyright holder, taking into account the decision of expert councils, as well as in accordance with current legislation.

February 23, 2019, Social support for certain categories of citizens On the issuance and distribution of state housing certificates in 2019 Order No. 252-r dated February 20, 2019. As part of the state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation.” In 2019, it is planned to issue 7,151 state housing certificates for a total amount of 16.24 billion rubles.

February 22, 2019, Telecommunications. Telecommunications On the creation of a Center for Monitoring and Management of a Public Communications Network Resolution of February 13, 2019 No. 136. The main goal of creating a Center for Monitoring and Management of a Public Communications Network is to ensure the integrity, stability of operation and security of the public communications network due to the presence of potential threats to information security that may affect the operation of communications networks of telecom operators, the public communications network as a whole, as well as the Russian segment of the Internet.

February 22, 2019, General issues of industrial policy On the ban on the admission of certain types of engineering goods originating from foreign countries for the provision of financial leasing services Resolution of February 19, 2019 No. 159. The previously established ban on the admission of certain types of engineering goods originating from foreign countries is extended to the provision of financial leasing services. This will protect the domestic market, support the development of the national economy and Russian commodity producers, will help stabilize the financial situation, and additional workload production capacity enterprises, maintaining jobs there, including in related industries.

February 22, 2019, Pension provision On changes in the procedure for calculating the insurance period for establishing insurance pensions Resolution of February 19, 2019 No. 160. In order to ensure the rights of self-employed citizens applying the special tax regime “Professional Income Tax” to pension provision, the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing insurance pensions have been supplemented with new provisions that provide for the inclusion in the insurance period of periods of payment of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance. and the features of counting these periods into the insurance period are determined.

February 22, 2019, Gas production, transportation, export. LNG industry. Gasification On the powers of local governments to organize gas supply to the population Resolution of February 21, 2019 No. 179. It is envisaged that local authorities will have to inform residents about the timing, procedure, conditions for connecting to gas distribution networks, the projected cost of gas, calculation of the maximum gas demand of a settlement, and the allocation of land plots for the location of gas supply facilities. Organs executive branch Subjects of the Federation will have to post draft gasification programs on their official websites for public discussions.

February 21, 2019, Migration policy On the criteria for classifying subjects of the Federation as regions for priority attraction of labor resources Resolution of February 19, 2019 No. 161. Aimed at creating a unified approach when considering the issue of including subjects of the Federation in the list of regions for which attracting labor resources is a priority.


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List of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies in Russia

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175_1 Coordination Center for the creation of safety and management systems "Atombezopasnost" Rosatom, Sergiev Posad-7, Moscow region

2. Joint-stock companies, the shares of which are federally owned and the participation of the Russian Federation in the management of which ensures strategic interests, the defense capability and security of the state, the protection of morals, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Strategic joint-stock companies and their location State share in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company, percent

15 Joint-stock company for oil transportation "Transneft", Moscow 75

41 Aeropribor - Voskhod, Moscow 38

98 State joint-stock company "Oboronpromkompleks", Moscow 100

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136 Zarubezhneft, Moscow 100

194 Concern "Okeanpribor", St. Petersburg 100

196_2 Concern "Central Scientific- research institute"Electropribor", St. Petersburg 100

198_1 Corporation "Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering" 100

227 International airport Sheremetyevo, Khimki, Moscow region 0,

246 Moscow research and production complex "Avionics" 34.17

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305_1 Oil company "Rosneft", Moscow 0,

369 Channel One 51

385 Production Association “Crystal”, Smolensk 100

513_2 Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System, Moscow 0,

518_1 Russian networks, Moscow 85.31

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531 Cheboksary Research and Production Instrument-Making Enterprise "Elara" 49

551 INTER RAO UES, Moscow 0.7

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List of strategic enterprises

to the Federal Law

“On the protection of economic interests of the Russian Federation

when disposing of shares of joint stock companies,

producing products (goods, works, services),

of strategic importance

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to ensure state security"


1. Oil company "LUKOIL", Moscow 2. Oil and gas company "Slavneft", Moscow 3. Orenburg Oil Joint Stock Company, Orenburg, Orenburg Region 4. AK "Transneft", Moscow city 5. AK "Transnefteproduct", Moscow city 6. Oil company "Rosneft", Moscow city 7. Tyumen Oil Company, Tyumen city, Tyumen region 8. Gazprom, Moscow 9. Norilskgazprom, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk region 10. Rosgazifikatsiya, Moscow 11. Siberian-Ural Petroleum and Gas Chemical Company "Sibur", Moscow city 12. "UES of Russia", Moscow city 13. "Irkutskenergo" Irkutsk city, Irkutsk region 14. Moselectrofoil, Moscow city 15. "Perm Motors", Perm city, Perm region 16. "Rybinsk Motors", Rybinsk city, Yaroslavl region 17. TVEL, Moscow 18. Chelyabinsk Mechanical Plant, Chelyabinsk 19. "Pulse", Moscow 20. Central Research Institute of Special Engineering, Moscow Region 21. Atomenergozapchast, Novovoronezh, Voronezh Region 22. Donatomstroy, Novovoronezh, Voronezh Region 23. Assembly and Construction Trust-3, Novovoronezh, Voronezh Region 24. East -Siberian production and assembly enterprise "Atompromkompleks", Irkutsk city, Irkutsk region 25. SPAO "East", Zima city, Irkutsk region 26. Stroypolimerkeramika, Vorotynsk station, Kaluga region 27. Chemical-metallurgical plant, Krasnoyarsk city, Krasnoyarsk region 28. Instrument plant "Crystal", city of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region 29. Energy special construction, city of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region 30. Atomremmash, city of Kurchatov, Kursk region 31. Motor transport enterprise "Trans - Atom", Moscow 32. Atomredmetzoloto, Moscow 33. Atomprom, Moscow 34. Atompromresursy. Moscow city 35. Techsnabexport, Moscow city 36. State joint-stock company "Oboronpromkompleks", Moscow city 37. Commercial center N 100. Moscow city 38. Moscow Polymetal Plant, Moscow city 39. SPAO "Mid-Ural Construction Department", Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk region 40. Pilot plant of electrical equipment, Moscow 41. Spetsmontazhmekhanizatsiya, Moscow 42. Energospetsmontazh, Moscow 43. Atomspetskonstruktsiya, Elektrostal, Moscow region 44. Volzhsky Electromechanical Plant, Dubna, Moscow region 45. Experienced factory "Progress", Protvino city, Moscow region 46. OrgstroyNIIproekt, Elektrostal city, Moscow region 47. Perlovsky power equipment plant, Mytishchi city, Moscow region 48. Machine-building plant, Elektrostal city, Moscow region 49. Production and technological equipment management, Elektrostal city, Moscow region 50. Construction Department N 620, city of Protvino, Moscow region 51. Oboronpromkompleks, city of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region 52. Sarov Construction and Industrial Joint Stock Company, city of Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region 53. West Siberian production and assembly enterprise "Atompromkompleks", the city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Region 54. Novosibirsk factory of Khimkontenttov, the city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Region 55. Promstalko construction, city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Region 56. Siberian design and design institute, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Region 57. Atommash, city of Volgogonsk, Rostov Region 58 58 . North Caucasus production and assembly enterprise "Atompromkompleks", city of Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region 59. North-Western production and assembly enterprise "Atompromkompleks", city of St. Petersburg 60. "Emerald Mines of the Urals", Asbest city, Sverdlovsk region 61. Malyshevskoe mine administration, Asbest city, Sverdlovsk region 62. Nizhneturinsky machine-building plant "Venta", Nizhnyaya Tura city, Sverdlovsk region 63. Sverdlovsk NIIkhimmash, Yekaterinburg city. Sverdlovsk region 64. Stroyplastpolymer, Ekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 65. Tveroboronpromkompleks, Tver city, Tver region 66. Prommekhanomontazh, Tomsk city, Tomsk region 67. Chepetsk mechanical plant, Glazov city, Udmurt Republic 68. Dimitrovgradstroy, Dimitrovgrad city, Ulyanovsk region 69 . Installation and industrial company "Uralprommontazh", Chelyabinsk city, Chelyabinsk region 70. South Ural production and assembly enterprise "Atompromkompleks", Chelyabinsk city, Chelyabinsk region 71. Trans-Baikal mining and processing plant, Pervomaisky village, Chita region 72. Priargunsky mining and chemical production association, Krasnokamensk city, Chita region 73. Volzhsky machine-building plant, Rybinsk city, Yaroslavl region 74. Severatomcomplex, Yaroslavl city , Yaroslavl region 75. Research Institute "Electromera", city of St. Petersburg 76. "Biophysical equipment", Moscow city 77. Steklopribor, Golynki village, Smolensk region 78. Kontrolpribor, Penza city, Penza region 79. Research and production enterprise "Try", St. Petersburg 80. Special design bureau of watch mechanisms, Moscow 81. Kusinsky precision technical stones factory "Tokam", Kusa city, Chelyabinsk region 82. Research Institute of the Watch Industry, Moscow 83. Lithium element, Saratov city, Saratov region 84. "Source", Tver city, Tver region 85. Vyazma Electrotechnical Plant, Vyazma city, Smolensk region 86. Research, design and technological institute of chemical current sources, Saratov city, Saratov region 87. Research and design institute of chemical engineering, city Moscow 88. VNIIstroydormash, Moscow 89. Research and Production Association for the Research and Design of Power Equipment named after I.I. Polzunov, St. Petersburg 90. Aviation Complex named after S.V. Ilyushin, Moscow 91. Sukhoi Experimental Design Bureau , Moscow city 92. Experimental design bureau "Crystal", Moscow city 93. Aggregate design bureau "Anchor", Moscow city 94. Alatyr plant "Electroautomatic", Alatyr city, Chuvash Republic - Chavash Republic 95. Arzamas instrument-making plant, Arzamas city, Nizhny Novgorod region 96. Arzamas experimental design bureau "Pace", Arzamas city, Nizhny Novgorod region 97. Balashikha Foundry and Mechanical Plant, Balashikha city, Moscow region 98. Buinaksk Aggregate Plant, Buinaksk city, Republic of Dagestan 99. Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Voronezh city, Voronezh Region 100. Voskresensk Machine-Building Plant "Firework", Voskresensk city, Moscow region 101. Gavrilov-Yamsky Machine-Building Plant "Agate", city of Gavrilov-Yam, Yaroslavl region 102. Samara scientific and technical complex "NK Engines", Samara city, Samara region 103. Dubna Machine-Building Plant, Dubna city, Moscow region 104. Irkutsk Aviation Production Association, Irkutsk city, Irkutsk region 105. Kazan plant "Electric device", city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 106. Kazan helicopter plant, city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 107. Kazan instrument-making design bureau, city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 108. Kamensk-Uralsky foundry, * city of Kamensk- Ural, Sverdlovsk region 109. Kirovo-Chepetsk Electrical Machine-Building Plant "VELCONT", city of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region 110. Aviamotor, city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 111. KB "Electric drive", city of Kirov, Kirov region 112. Kotlas electromechanical plant, city of Kotlas, Arkhangelsk region 113. Lukhovitsky plant of special structures, city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow region 114. Ulyanovsk Instrument Engineering Design Bureau, city of Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region 115. MKB "Motherland", Moscow 116. Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau "Start", Ekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 117. Machine-building plant named after M.I. Kalinin, Ekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 118. Moscow helicopter plant named after I.L. Mil, Moscow 119. Moscow Electromechanism Plant, Moscow 120. Moscow Institute of Electromechanics and automation, Moscow 121. Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Forward", Moscow city 122. Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Banner", Moscow city 123. Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Lighthouse", Moscow city 124. Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Dawn", Moscow 125. Mechanical engineering plant named after I. Rumyantsev, Moscow 126. Moscow mechanical engineering enterprise named after V.V. Chernyshev, Moscow 127. "Horizon", Moscow city 128. OKB "Mars", Moscow city 129. Aeropribor "Sunrise", Moscow 130. Research Institute of Aviation Equipment, Moscow 131. National Institute of Aviation Technology, Moscow 132. Research Institute of Technical Glass, Moscow 133. Research Institute of Technology and Organization of Engine Production, Moscow 134. NIPTI "Micron", Vladimir city, Vladimir region 135. Research and production association "Lightning", Moscow 136. Research and production enterprise "Star", Tomilino village, Moscow region 137. Research and production association "Science", Moscow 138. Research and production enterprise "EGA", Moscow city 139. Nizhny Novgorod Aviation Plant "Falcon", Nizhny Novgorod city, Nizhny Novgorod region 140. Omskaviaproekt, Omsk city, Omsk region 141. Omsk Aggregate Plant, Omsk city, Omsk region 142. Engine design bureau, Omsk city, Omsk region 143. Experimental design bureau "Hydromechanics", Ufa city, Republic of Bashkortostan 144. Experimental design bureau "Falcon", city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 145. Experimental design bureau of motor engineering, city of Voronezh, Voronezh region 146. Orekhovo-Zuevsky plant "Respirator", city of Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow region 147. First MPZ named after V.A. Kazakov, city of Moscow 148. "Inkar", Perm city, Perm region 149. Volga Aviation Technical Institute, Samara city, Samara region 150. "Device", city of Kursk, Kursk region 151. Rostov design bureau of electromechanical devices, city of Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region 152. Rybinsk mechanical engineering design bureau, city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region 153. Samara design and research institute of aviation industry, city of Samara , Samara region 154. Samara aggregate plant "Air unit", Samara city, Samara region 155. Hydroautomatics, Samara city, Samara region 156. Samara Mechanical Plant "Firework", Samara city, Samara region 157. Samara Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, Samara city, Samara region 158. "Motor Builder", Samara city, Samara region 159. Machine-building enterprise "Red October", city of St. Petersburg 160. "Electric device", city of Saratov, Saratov region 161. Sibgiproniiaviaprom, city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region 162. Smolensk Aviation Plant, city of Smolensk, Smolensk region 163. Stupino Machine-Building Production Association, city of Stupino, Moscow region 164. Taganrog ANTK named after G.M. Beriev, city Taganrog, Rostov region 165. Tambov plant "Electric device", Tambov city, Tambov region 166. "Monolith", city of Trubchevsk, Bryansk region 167. Turaevsky machine-building design bureau "Union", Lytkarino city, Moscow region 168. Tushinsky machine-building plant, Moscow city 169. Tyumen electromechanical plant, Tyumen city, Tyumen region 170. "Tyumen Engine Builders", Tyumen city, Tyumen region 171. Ulan-Ude aviation plant, Ulan-Ude city, Republic of Buryatia 172. Ulan-Ude instrument-making production association, Ulan-Ude city, Republic of Buryatia 173. Ulyanovsk microdevice plant "Signal", Ulyanovsk city, Ulyanovsk region 174. Machine tool plant "Profile", Ulyanovsk city, Ulyanovsk region 175. Ural Instrument-Making Plant, Yekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 176. Ufaaviaproekt, Ufa city, Republic of Bashkortostan 177. Ufa Aggregate Design Bureau "Lightning", Ufa city, Republic of Bashkortostan 178. Ufa aggregate enterprise "Hydraulics", city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan 179. Ufa aggregate production association named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR, city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan 180. Ufa instrument-making production association, city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan 181. Cheboksary instrument-making plant "Elara", city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic - Chavash Republic 182. "Signal", Engels city, Saratov region 183. Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress", Arsenyev city, Primorsky Krai 184. "Techpribor", city of St. Petersburg 185. Second Moscow Instrument-Making Plant, city of Moscow 186. Penza Plant "Era", Penza city, Penza region 187. AVEX, Moscow city 188. Aviapriborproekt, Moscow city 189. "Unit", Samara city, Samara region 190. Aircraft holding company "Tupolev", Moscow city 191. Kirov plant "Electrical system", city of Kirov, Kirov region 192. "Star", Perm city, Perm region 193. "Aircraft engine", Perm city, Perm region 194. Volga Region Research Institute of Aviation Engine Materials and Technologies, Samara city, Samara region 195. Sarapul Electric Generating Plant, Sarapul city, Udmurt Republic 196. Aviaspetsnabsbyt, Moscow city 197. NITI-TESAR, Saratov city, Saratov region 198 Joint-stock holding aircraft manufacturing company "Ilyushin", Moscow city 199. Nizhny Novgorod plant "Start", city of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region 200. "Bulat", Zlatoust city, Chelyabinsk region 201. "Banner", city of Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region 202. Rezhevsky mechanical plant, city of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region 203. "Polymer", city of Chapaevsk, Samara region 204. Roshalsky chemical plant named after A.A. Kosyakov, city of Roshal, Moscow region 205. Aleksinsky experimental mechanical plant, city of Aleksin, Tula region 206. Saratov plant "Prommash", Saratov city, Saratov region 207. Orsk Machine-Building Plant, Orsk city, Orenburg Region 208. Caspian Machine-Building Plant, Kasli city, Chelyabinsk Region 209. Kalinovsky Chemical Plant, Kalinovo village, Sverdlovsk Region 210. Sterlitamak Production Association "Vanguard", Sterlitamak city, Republic of Bashkortostan 211.PO "Diamond", Barnaul city, Altai region 212. AP "Nizhnelomovsky Electromechanical Plant", city of Nizhny Lomov, Penza region 213. Yoshkar-Olinsky mechanical plant, city of Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El 214. Krasnogorsk plant named after S.A. Zverev, city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow region 215. Vyatsko-Polyansky machine-building plant "Hammer", city of Vyatskie Polyany, Kirov region 216. Kovrov electromechanical plant, city of Kovrov, Vladimir region 217. Lytkarino optical glass plant, city of Lytkarino, Moscow region 218. Vologda optical-mechanical plant, city of Vologda, Vologda region 219. Nizhny Novgorod machine-building plant, city Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region 220. "Nytva", city of Nytva, Perm region 221. Penza plant of precision instruments, city of Penza, Penza region 222. Rubtsovsky machine plant, city of Rubtsovsk, Altai region 223. Izhmash, city of Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic 224. Salavatgidromash, city of Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan 225. Ishimbay plant transport engineering, Ishimbay city, Republic of Bashkortostan 226. Motovilikha plants of special mechanical engineering and metallurgy, Perm, Perm region 227. All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Engineering, St. Petersburg 228. NITI "Progress", Izhevsk city, Udmurt Republic 229. KBAL named after L.N. Koshkin, Klimovsk city, Moscow region 230. Automatic lines design bureau, Vologda city, Vologda region 231. UralNITI, Yekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 232. "Special mechanical engineering", city of St. Petersburg 233. RIAL, city of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region 234. Company "Pulse", Krasnodar city, Krasnodar region 235. "Northern Dawn", St. Petersburg 236. Radio equipment plant, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region 237. Moscow measuring equipment plant, Moscow 238. Scientific Research Institute VTs "Contact", Mytishchi city, Moscow region 239. Pskov long-distance communication equipment plant, Pskov city, Pskov region 240. Research and production company "Rhythm", Krasnodar city, Krasnodar region 241. Ryazan radio plant, Ryazan city, Ryazan region 242. SKTB of precision equipment "Vector", Vladimir city, Vladimir region 243. "Red Dawn", city of St. Petersburg 244. Tomsk measuring equipment plant, city of Tomsk, Tomsk region 245. Research and production enterprise "Rainbow", city of St. Petersburg 246. TsNITI "Tekhnomash", Moscow city 247. Slavgorod radio equipment plant, Slavgorod city, Altai Territory 248. "Radium", Kasli city, Chelyabinsk region 249. Samara plant "Screen", Samara city, Samara region 250. Plant "Red Banner", Ryazan city, Ryazan region 251. Kyshtym radio plant, Kyshtym city, Chelyabinsk region 252. "Saturn", Omsk city, Omsk region 253. "Innovator", Yoshkar-Ola city, Mari El Republic 254. Bryansk special design bureau, Bryansk city, Bryansk region 255. Design bureau "Kuntsevo", Moscow city 256. "Sapphire", Makhachkala city, Republic of Dagestan 257. Novosibirsk Institute of Software Systems, Novosibirsk city, Novosibirsk region 258. "Vanguard", city of St. Petersburg 259. Volzhsky Electromechanical Plant, city of Volzhsky, Republic of Mari El 260. Enterprise "Vector", Ekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 261. Enterprise "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant", Izhevsk city, Udmurt Republic 262. Kimovsky plant "Meteorological device", Shakhtinsky village, Tula region 263. Mari machine-building plant, Yoshkar-Ola city, Republic of Mari El 264. Orenburg hardware plant, Orenburg city, Orenburg region 265. Penza computer plant, Penza city, Penza region 266. Tula plant "Arsenal", Tula city, Tula region 267. Research Institute of Radio Equipment, St. Petersburg 268. Experimental Design Bureau "Irtysh", Omsk city, Omsk region 269. Special design bureau "Bearing", Ekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 270. Special design bureau "Topaz", Moscow 271. Special design bureau of special radio materials, Moscow 272. Central Design Bureau "Diamond", Moscow, 273. MAK "Pennant" with its constituent enterprises, Moscow 274. Industrial company "Concern "Antey", Moscow city 275. RKK "Energy" named after S.P. Korolev, city of Korolev, Moscow region 276. "Axion", Izhevsk city, Udmurt Republic 277. Yurga Machine-Building Plant, Yurga city, Kemerovo Region 278. "Composite", Korolev city, Moscow region 279. SKV devices, Omsk city, Omsk region 280. Chelyabinsk plant "Device", Chelyabinsk city, Chelyabinsk region 281. Serpukhov plant "Metalist", Serpukhov city, Moscow region 282.PO Kaluga Turbine Plant, Kaluga city, Kaluga region 283. Volgograd shipyard, Volgograd city, Volgograd region 284. RATEP, Serpukhov city, Moscow region 285. Baltic shipyard "Amber", city of Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad region 286. Plant "Petrel", Gatchina city, Leningrad region 287. Altai Instrument-Making Plant "Rotor", Barnaul city, Altai region 288. Plant "Krasnoe Sormovo", Nizhny Novgorod city, Nizhny Novgorod region 289. Plant "Dagdiesel", Kaspiysk city, Republic of Dagestan 290. Plant "Akhtuba", Volgograd city, Volgograd region 291. Plant "Emerald", Vladivostok city, Primorsky Territory 292. Khabsudmash, Khabarovsk city, Khabarovsk Territory 293. Kaluga Instrument-Making Plant "Typhoon", Kaluga city, Kaluga region 294. Plant "Neptune", city of Stavropol, Stavropol Territory 295. Caspian Precision Mechanics Plant, city of Kaspiysk, Republic of Dagestan 296. Amur Shipyard, city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory 297. Plant "Engine", city of St. Petersburg 298. Plant "Electric device", Moscow city 299. "Vanguard", Petrozavodsk city, Republic of Karelia 300. "Boathouse", Astrakhan city, Astrakhan region 301. Sosnovsky shipyard, Sosnovka city, Kirov region 302. Marine shipyard, Astrakhan city, Astrakhan region 303. NIIMM "Prometheus", Nizhny Novgorod city, Nizhny Novgorod region 304. Research Institute "Breeze", Taganrog city, Rostov region 305. "Meteor", Volzhsky city, Volgograd region 306. State scientific and production enterprise "Firework", city of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region 307. "Amethyst", Kaluga city, Kaluga region 308. Ryazan electronic devices plant, Ryazan city, Ryazan region 309. MosEP, Moscow city 310. NIIRK, Moscow city 311. Sibelkom, Belovo city, Kemerovo region 312. Plant "Discharge", Vladikavkaz city, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 313. NGO "Elekon", Kazan city, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 314. "Atlant", Izobilny town, Stavropol region 315. Plant "Electrical connector", city of Urussu, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 316. "Eldag", Makhachkala city, Republic of Dagestan 317. Moscow Electric Tube Plant, Moscow city 318. Research Institute "Macon", Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic 319. Research Institute of Microdevices, Moscow 320. Bogoroditsky THI Plant, Bogoroditsk, Tula Region 321. OKB MELZ, Moscow 322. OKB at the plant "Discharge", Vladikavkaz city, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 323. SKTB at the instrument and ferrite plant, Kuznetsk city, Penza region 324. Smolensk radio components plant, Smolensk city, Smolensk region 325. Central Design Bureau "Dayton", Moscow city 326. "Svetlana", city of St. Petersburg 327. "Boathouse", Moscow city 328. "Topaz", Vladikavkaz city, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 329. Altaikhimprom, Altai Territory 330. Volgograd Autonomous Okrug "Khimprom", Volgograd city, Volgograd region 331. Volgobiosintez, Svetly Yar village, Volgograd region 332. "Catalyst", Novosibirsk region 333. "Thief", Primorsky Krai 334. "Halogen", Perm city, Perm region 335. "Soda" Perm region 336. Ural Plant of the RTI, city of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region 337. Ural Institute of Rubber, City of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region 338. Talitsky Biochemical Plant, Sverdlovsk Region 339. The storyteller Biochemical Plant, Tambov Region 340. Sibggipribiosynthesis, City of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Krai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory. 341. Khimprom, Chuvash Republic - Chavash Republic 342. TsPKBKhM, St. Petersburg 343. GIAP, Moscow 344. Hyprooxygen, Moscow 345. NIITEKHIM, Moscow 346. "Biological product", Moscow city 347. "Synthesis", Kurgan city, Kurgan region 348. "Biosynthesis", Penza city, Penza region 349. "Biochemist", city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia 350. TsNIIKA, city of Moscow 351. "East", Omutninsk city, Kirov region 352. Novosibirsk medical preparations plant, Novosibirsk city, Novosibirsk region 353. "Red October", Krasny Oktyabr village, Vladimir region 354. "Medglass", Klin city, Moscow region 355. "Medsteklo-Borisovskoe", Borisovsky village, Tver region 356. Biomashpribor, Yoshkar-Ola city, Republic of Mari El 357. NGO "Screen", Moscow 358. All-Russian Scientific Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Treatment, Moscow 359. Biokhimmash, Moscow 360. Institute of Engineering Immunology, Lyubuchany village, Moscow region 361. Omutninsk scientific experimental industrial base, Omutninsk city, Kirov region 362. Integrated engineering -design company "Binomial", Moscow city 363. "Organic", Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region 364. Research and design institute of biotechnological industry, Kirov city, Kirov region 365. Biopreparat-center, Moscow city 366. Association "Pennant", Moscow 367. Astrakhan Experimental Mechanical Plant, Astrakhan, Astrakhan Region 368. All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys, Moscow 369. Stupinsky Metallurgical Plant, Stupino City, Moscow Region 370. Yaroslavl Mining and Processing Plant, Yaroslavsky Village, Primorsky Territory 371 . Kolchugino non-ferrous metals processing plant, Kolchugino city, Vladimir region 372. Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant, Magnitogorsk city, Chelyabinsk region 373. Svyazinvest, Moscow 374. TsKB-svyaz, Moscow 375. ASVT, Moscow 376. Airline Vnukovo Airlines, Moscow city 377. Airline "Don Airlines", city of Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region 378. Aviation company "East", Khabarovsk city, Khabarovsk region 379. Airline "Omskavia", Omsk city, Omsk region 380. Airline "Baikal", Irkutsk city, Irkutsk region 381. Airline "Siberia", Ob city, Novosibirsk region 382. Izhevsk airline, Izhevsk city, Udmurt Republic 383. Airline "Voronezhavia", Voronezh city, Voronezh region 384. Kaluga airline, Kaluga city, Kaluga region 385. Myachkovsky aviation services, Verkhnee Myachkovo village, Moscow region 386. Airline "Tyumenaviatrans", Tyumen city, Tyumen region 387. Airline "Aeroflot - Russian International Airlines", Moscow city 388. Aerokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region 389. Krasnoyarsk airlines, Krasnoyarsk city, Krasnoyarsk region 390. Amuravia, Blagoveshchensk city, Amur region 391. Airline "Samara", Samara city, Samara region 392. Bratsk airline, Bratsk city, Irkutsk region 393. Vladivostokavia, Vladivostok city, Primorsky Territory 394. "Bykovo-Avia", Bykovo village, Moscow region 395. Saratov Airlines, Saratov city, Saratov region 396. Airline "Simbirsk-Aero", Ulyanovsk city, Ulyanovsk region 397. Chelyabinsk airline company, Chelyabinsk city, Chelyabinsk region 398. Ulan-Ude airline company, Ulan-Ude city, Republic of Buryatia 399. Kaliningrad airline company, Kaliningrad city, Kaliningrad region 400. Kemerovo airline company, Kemerovo city, Kemerovo region 401. Airport "Rostov-on-Don", Rostov-on-Don city, Rostov region 402. Omsk airport, Omsk city, Omsk region 403. Airport "Volgograd", Volgograd city, Volgograd region 404. Airport "Vnukovo", Moscow city 405. Airport "Koltsovo", Ekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region 406. Airport "Astrakhan", Astrakhan city, Astrakhan region 407. Anapa airport, Anapa city, Krasnodar region 408. International airport "Sheremetyevo", Moscow 409. Educational and training center-22, Bykovo-2 village, Moscow region 410. Baltic Shipping Company, St. Petersburg 411. Novorossiysk Shipping Company, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory 412. Kamchatka Shipping Company, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky , Kamchatka region 413. Northern Shipping Company, Arkhangelsk city, Arkhangelsk region 414. Murmansk Shipping Company, Murmansk city, Murmansk region 415. Far Eastern Shipping Company, Vladivostok city, Primorsky Krai 416. Sakhalin Shipping Company, Kholmsk city, Sakhalin region 417. Volzhskoe oil shipping company, Samara city, Samara region 418. Shipping company "Kama River Shipping Company", Perm city, Perm region 419. Northern River Shipping Company, Arkhangelsk city, Arkhangelsk region 420. Velomorsko-Onega Shipping Company, Petrozavodsk city, Republic of Karelia 421. Shipping company "Pechora River Shipping Company", Pechora city, Komi Republic 422. Ob-Irtysh river shipping company, Tyumen city, Tyumen region 423. Irtysh river shipping company, Omsk city, Omsk region 424. West Siberian river shipping company, Novosibirsk city, Novosibirsk region 425. Yenisei river shipping company, city Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk region 426. ASK "Lena United River Shipping Company", city of Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 427. Amur River Shipping Company, city of Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory 428. Kolyma Shipping Company, village of Zyryanka, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 429. Yansk River Shipping Company, village of Nizhneyansk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 430. Western Shipping Company, Kaliningrad city, Kaliningrad region 431. Shipping company "Volga Shipping Company", Nizhny Novgorod city, Nizhny Novgorod region 432. Moscow River Shipping Company, Moscow city 433. Volga-Don Shipping Company, Rostov-on-Don city, Rostov region 434. North-Western Shipping Company, St. Petersburg city 435. Arkhangelsk river port, Arkhangelsk city , Arkhangelsk region 436. Rostov port, Rostov-on-Don city, Rostov region 437. Astrakhan port, Astrakhan city, Astrakhan region 438. Port "Permian", Perm city, Perm region 439. Azov sea port, Azov city, Rostov region 440. Yeisk sea port, Yeysk city, Krasnodar region 441. Tobolsk river port, Tobolsk city, Tyumen region 442. Omsk river port, Omsk city, Omsk region 443. Novosibirsk river port, Novosibirsk city, Novosibirsk region 444. Syktyvkar port, Syktyvkar city, Komi Republic 445. Salekhard port, Salekhard city, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 446. Osetrovsky river port. Ust-Kut city, Irkutsk region 447. Kirensky river port, Kirensk city, Irkutsk region 448. Tomsk river port, Tomsk city, Tomsk region 449. Khabarovsk river port, Khabarovsk city, Khabarovsk region 450. "Amur-port", city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk region 451. Ulyanovsk river port, city of Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region 452. Volgograd port, city of Volgograd, Volgograd region 453. Moscow northern port. Moscow city 454. Samara river port, Samara city, Samara region 455. Saratov river transport enterprise, Saratov city, Saratov region 456. Yaroslavl port, Yaroslavl city, Yaroslavl region 457. Moscow southern port, Moscow city 458. Nizhny Novgorod port, Nizhny city Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region 459. Tver port, city of Tver, Tver region 460. Cheboksary river port, city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic - Chavash Republic 461. Arkhangelsk sea trade port, city of Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk region 462. Murmansk sea trade port, city of Murmansk, Murmansk region 463. Sea trade port "Saint Petersburg", city of St. Petersburg 464. Novorossiysk sea trade port, city of Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region 465. Tuapse sea trade port, city of Tuapse, Krasnodar region 466. Vladivostok sea trade port, city of Vladivostok, Primorsky region 467. Sea trade port "Oriental", Vrangel village, Primorsky Krai 468. Sea trade port "Posiet", Posiet village, Primorsky Territory 469. Kholmsky sea trade port, the city of Kholmok, Sakhalin region 470. Korsakov sea trade port, the city of Korsakov, Sakhalin region 471. Vanino sea trade port, the village of Vanino, Khabarovsk Territory 472. Magadan sea trade port, city Magadan, Magadan region 473. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky sea trade port, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city, Kamchatka region 474. Moscow Shipyard, Moscow city 475. "Nizhny Novgorod motor ship", Bor city, Nizhny Novgorod region 476. Samussky Shipyard, Samus village, Tomsk region 477. "Surf", city of Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region 478. Osetrovskaya electronic warfare base of the fleet, city of Ust-Kut, Irkutsk region 479. Alekseevskaya electronic warfare base of the fleet, city of Ust-Kut, Irkutsk region 480. Osetrovsky shipyard, city of Ust-Kut, Irkutsk region 481. Kachug shipyard, Kachug village, Irkutsk region 482. Kirensk electronic warfare of the fleet, Kirensk city, Irkutsk region 483. Novosibirsk electrode plant, Iskitim city, Novosibirsk region 484. Severstal, Cherepovets city, Vologda region 485. Stoilensky mining and processing plant, Stary Oskol , Belgorod region 486. Rosgosstrakh, Moscow 487. Sovcomflot, Moscow 488. VNIIPTkhimnefteapparatura, Volgograd, Volgograd region 489. Moscow plant "Crystal", Moscow city 490. Korystovsky distillery, Korystovo village, Moscow region 491. SIMS, Sima village, Vladimir region 492. Bryanskspirtprom, Bryansk city, Bryansk region 493. "Ilmen", Ozerny village, Voronezh region 494. "Bacchus", Krasnoye village, Voronezh region 495. Buturlinovsky distillery "Piraqua", Buturlinovka city, Voronezh region 496. "Lux", Anna city, Voronezh region 497. "Crystal", Kaluga city, Kaluga region 498. "Beketovskoe", Beketovo village, Kursk region 499. Tetkinospirt, Tetkino village, Kursk region 500. "Kozinskoe", Kozino village, Kursk region 501. Makarovsky distillery, Makarovka village, Kursk region 502. Markovsky distillery, Markovo village, Kursk region 503. Melavsky distillery, Melavsky village, Kursk region 504. "Rozhdestvenskoe", village of Guevo, Kursk region 505. Voskresensky distillery, village of Voskresenskoye, Lipetsk region 506. Pushkinsky distillery, village of Pushkino, Lipetsk region 507. Stanovlyansky distillery, village of Kirillovo, Lipetsk region 508. "Bacchus", Voronets village, Lipetsk region 509. "Ethanol", city of Livny, Oryol region 510. "Crystal", city of Orel, Oryol region 511. Ryazanspirtprom, city of Ryazan, Ryazan region 512. Staro-Glassny distillery, village of Pronya, Ryazan region 513. Country distillery, city of Ryazan, Ryazan region 514. Klyuchansky distillery, village of Klyuch, Ryazan region 515. Pertovsky distillery, Pertovo village, Ryazan region 516. Pokrovo-Shishkinsky distillery, Miloslavskoye village, Ryazan region 517. Kotelinsky distillery, Darino village, Ryazan region 518. "Bacchus", Smolensk city, Smolensk region 519. "Talvis", Tambov city, Tambov region 520. Tulaspirt, Tula city, Tula region 521. Arzamasspirt, Lomovka village, Nizhny Novgorod region 522. Chugunovsky distillery, Yuzhny village, Nizhny Novgorod region 523. Slobodskoy distillery, Slobodskoy city, Kirov region 524. Yaransky distillery, Yaransk city, Kirov region 525. Urzhumvodspirt, Urzhum city, Kirov region 526. Vyatvodspirt, Kirov city, Kirov region 527. Mordovspirt, Saransk city, Republic of Mordovia 528. Tyushevsky distillery, Tyush village, Perm region 529. Penzaspirtprom , Penza city, Penza region 530. "Spring", Samara city, Samara region 531. Simbirskspirt, Ulyanovsk city, Ulyanovsk region 532. Itkulsky distillery, Sokolove village, Altai Territory 533. Viysky distillery, Biysk city, Altai Territory 534. Buryatspirt, Nikolsky village, Republic of Buryatia 535. Mariinsky Distillery , city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region 536. MINAL, city of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk region 537. "Alcohol", Kuibyshev city, Novosibirsk region 538. "Crystal", Blagoveshchensk city, Amur region 539. "Spirit", Khabarovsk city, Khabarovsk region 540. Distillery "Mineralovodsky", village Grazhdanskoe, Stavropol region 541. Biochemical plant "Caucasian", Girey village, Krasnodar region 542. "Khutorok-2", Novokubansk city, Krasnodar region 543. Udokha distillery, Udokha village, Pskov region 544. Distillery "Maikopsky", Maykop city, Republic of Adygea (Adygea) 545. Distillery "Peschanskoe", Peschanka village, Belgorod region 546. "Mariinsky", Nadezhovka village, Rostov region 547. "Novocherkassk vodka", Novocherkassk city, Rostov region 548. Rostov wine and vodka factory, Rostov-on-Don city, Rostov region 549. Wine and vodka factory "Kamensky", city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region 550. "Cedar", Irkutsk city, Irkutsk region 551. Talitsky biochemical plant, Talitsa city, Sverdlovsk region 552. Kovrovkhleboproduct, Kovrov city, Vladimir region 553. Ramensky bakery plant, Malysheve village, Moscow region 554. Zaraiskkhleboproduct, Zaraysk city, Moscow region 555. Kuznetsovsky experimental th feed mill, Kuznetsovo village, Moscow region 556. Novomoskovsk sales base, Novomoskovsk city, Tula region 557. Yaroslavl flour mill No. 1, Yaroslavl city, Yaroslavl region 558. Nezhegolsky elevator, Shebekino city, Belgorod region 559. Bread base No. 8, village Liski, Voronezh region 560. Buturlinovsky flour mill, Buturlinovka city, Voronezh region 561. "Cereal", Zolotukhino village, Kursk region 562. Pallasovsky elevator, Pallasovka city, Volgograd region 563. Surovikino elevator, Surovikino city, Volgograd region 564. Balashovsky bakery plant, Balashov city, Saratov region 565. Balakovsky elevator, Balakovo city, Saratov region 566. ovsky elevator, Ershov city, Saratov region 567. Dimitrovgrad bakery plant, Dimitrovgrad city, Ulyanovsk region 568. Yeisk bakery plant, Yeisk city, Krasnodar region 569. Novorossiysk bakery plant, Novorossiysk city, Krasnodar region 570. Ust-Labinsk bakery plant, Ust city -Labinsk, Krasnodar region 571. Zelenokumsk elevator, city of Zelenokumsk, Stavropol region 572. Ipatovo elevator, village of Ipatovo, Stavropol region 573. Novoaleksandrovskkhleboproduct, city of Novoaleksandrovsk, Stavropol region 574. Morozovskkhleboproduct, city of Morozovsk, Rostov region 57 5. Salsky bakery plant, city Salsk, Rostov region 576. Tselinkhleboprodukt, Tselina village, Rostov region 577. "Elevator", station 20th crossing, Orenburg region 578. Orsky elevator, Orsk city, Orenburg region 579. "Cereal", Uvelsky village, Chelyabinsk region 580. Shipunovsky elevator, Shipunovo village, Altai region 581. Maryanovsky bakery plant, Maryanovka village, Omsk region 582. Kormilovsky bakery plant, Kormilovka village, Omsk region 583. Bratsk bakery plant, Bratsk city, Irkutsk region 5 84 . Port elevator, city of Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad region 585. Vereshchaginsky bakery plant, city of Vereshchagino, Perm region 586. Vladimir bakery plant "Flour grinder", city of Vladimir, Vladimir region 587. Bread warehouse No. 9, city of Alexandrov, Vladimir region 588. Luga feed mill, Tolmachevo village, Leningrad region 589. Combine of auxiliary enterprises, Moscow 590. Republican information and computing center, Moscow 591. Melnichny plant in Sokolniki, Moscow 592. Grain product, Ivanovo city, Ivanovo region 593. Istrahleboproduct, Istra city, Moscow region 594. "Hercules", Klin city, Moscow region 595. Voronovsky experimental plant of premixes and compound feeds, Voronovo village, Moscow region 596. Bread warehouse N 36, Orel city, Oryol region 597. Bread warehouse N 106, Zmievka village, Oryol region 598. Ryazan elevator, Ryazan city , Ryazan region 599. Bread warehouse No. 47, Kozlovka village, Smolensk region 600. Vyazmazernoproduct, city of Vyazma, Smolensk region 601. Bread warehouse No. 12, city of Kotovo, Nizhny Novgorod region 602. Bread warehouse No. 4, city of Belgorod, Belgorod region 603. Bread warehouse No. 19, Guzyatino village, Tver region 604. Bread warehouse No. 6, Povorino city, Voronezh region 605. Bread warehouse No. 7, Voronezh city, Voronezh region 606. Kalachevsky elevator, Kalach city, Voronezh region 607. Kursk bakery plant, city ​​of Kursk, Kursk region 608. Bread warehouse No. 24, city of Kursk, Kursk region 609. Oboyansky elevator, city of Oboyan, Kursk region 610. Tetkinsky bakery plant, Tetkino village, Kursk region 611. Bread warehouse No. 30, city of Yelets, Lipetsk region 612. Archedinsky elevator, city of Frolovo, Volgograd region 613. Elansky elevator, village of Elan, Volgograd region 614. "Zhito", Tolyatti city, Samara region 615. "Flour grinder", Tolkay station, Samara region 616. Samara elevator, Samara city, Samara region 617. Saratov bakery plant, Saratov city, Saratov region 618. Arkadakhleboproduct, Arkadak city, Saratov region 619. "Compound feed", Balashov city, Saratov region 620. Pugachevsky elevator, Pugachev city, Saratov region 621. Bread warehouse N 44, Saratov city, Saratov region 622. Bread warehouse N 69, Svobodny village, Saratov region 623. Saratovmuka, Saratov city, Saratov region 624 . Simbirskmuka, Ulyanovsk city, Ulyanovsk region 625. Korenovsky elevator, Korenovsk city, Krasnodar region 626. Starominsky elevator, Starominskaya village, Krasnodar region 627. Kostroma bakery plant, Kostroma city, Kostroma region 628. "Flour grinder", Kostroma city, Kostroma region 629. Staroshcherbinovsky elevator, Staroshcherbinovskaya village, Krasnodar region 630. "Elevator", city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory 631. Nezlobnensky bakery plant, Nezlobnaya village, Stavropol Territory 632. Ryzdvyanensky feed mill, Ryzdvyany village, Stavropol Territory 633. Grachevsky elevator, Grachevka village, Stavropol Territory 634. Kochubeevsky bakery plant, Kochubeevskoye village, Stavropol Territory 635 . Divensky elevator, village of Divnoye, Stavropol region 636. Bread warehouse N 48, city of Novopavlovsk, Stavropol region 637. Matveevkurgankhliboproduct, village of Matveev Kurgan, Rostov region 638. Volgodonsk elevator, city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region 639. Salsky feed mill, city C Alsk, Rostov region 640. Plant "Zernogradsky", Zernograd village, Rostov region 641. Mishkinsky bakery plant, Mishkino village, Kurgan region 642. Petukhovsky elevator N 2, Petukhovo city, Kurgan region 643. Makushinsky elevator, Makushino city, Kurgan region 644. Shchuchansky bakery plant, Shchuchye city, Kurgan region 645. Buzuluk elevator, Buzuluk city, Orenburg region 646. Cherdaklinsky feed mill, Cherdakly village, Ulyanovsk region 647. Elista bakery plant, Elista city, Republic of Kalmykia 648. Elevator "Ore Treasure", Svetly village, Orenburg region 649. Bread depot No. 63, Akbulak city, Orenburg region 650. Perm flour mill, Perm city, Perm region 651. Troitsky elevator, Troitsk city, Chelyabinsk region 652. Gogin grain depot No. 57, Gogino station, Chelyabinsk region 653. Kulundinsky feed mill, Kulunda village, Altai Territory 654. Aleyskhleboprodukt, city of Aleysk, Altai Territory 655. Bread warehouse No. 39, Lenki village, Altai Territory 656. "Miller", city of Rubtsovsk, Altai region 657. Bread warehouse No. 3, Moskalenki village, Omsk region 658. Tyumen bakery plant, Tyumen city, Tyumen region 659. Taishet bakery plant, city of Taishet, Irkutsk region 660. Irkutsk feed mill, city of Irkutsk, Irkutsk region region 661. Bread base N62, Ptichnik village, Jewish Autonomous Region 662. Birobidzhan feed mill, Birobidzhan city, Jewish Autonomous Region 663. Chita bakery plant, Chita city, Chita region 664. Khakaskhleboproduct, Abakan city, Republic of Khakassia 665. Bread base N 61, Yaroslavl city, Yaroslavl region 666. Rybinsk flour mill, Rybinsk city, Yaroslavl region 667. Pomarsky feed mill, Privolzhsky village, Mari El Republic 668. Belogorsk bakery plant "Oriental", city of Belogorsk, Amur region 669. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk bakery plant, city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin region 670. Kaliningrad flour mill, city of Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad region 671. Arkhangelsk bakery plant, city of Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk region 672. Murmansk bakery plant, city Murmansk, Murmansk region 673. "Flour - compound feed", Pskov city, Pskov region 674. Belkomkhlebprod, Belogorsk-2 city, Amur region 675. Novokuznetsk bakery products plant, Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region 676. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky bakery products plant, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city, Kamchatka region 677. Novosibirsk bakery products plant N 1 , city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region 678. Novosibirsk bakery plant N 2, city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region 679. Tatar elevator, city of Tatarsk, Novosibirsk region 680. Evsinsky bakery plant, village of Evsino, Novosibirsk region

Strategic enterprise (organization)

"...1. For the purposes of this Federal Law Strategic enterprises and organizations mean:

federal state unitary enterprises and open joint-stock companies, the shares of which are in federal ownership and which carry out (works, services) of strategic importance for ensuring the defense capability and security of the state, protecting morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as others organizations in cases provided for by federal law;

(as amended by Federal Law No. 13-FZ dated 05.02.2007)

organizations of the military-industrial complex - production, scientific-production, research, design, testing and other organizations carrying out work to ensure the fulfillment of the state defense order..."


Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ (as amended on July 28, 2012, as amended on October 16, 2012) “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”

Official terminology. 2012.

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I.N. Demchuk - candidate of economics. Sciences, Manager of the Novosibirsk branch of NOMOS-BANK
N.V. Fadeikina - Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Professor, Rector of SIFBD

With the collapse of the USSR, about 75% of enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex of the defense industry went to Russia. By the end of the 1990s. The Russian defense industry included more than 1.5 thousand enterprises and organizations with more than 3.5 million people working in them, that is, taking into account their family members, the problems of the defense industry affected the interests of almost 10% of the Russian population.

There are defense industry enterprises on the territory of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and some regions of the Russian Federation and more than 70 factory cities, including closed administrative-territorial entities, are completely dependent on the work of the defense industry, since there are practically no other areas of labor application in them.

In the USSR, the defense industry developed with priority over the civilian sector of the economy, which made it possible to equip defense factories, research institutes and design bureaus with the latest high-performance scientific and industrial equipment, to introduce and master the latest technologies for military and civilian purposes. The prestige of labor and the level of its remuneration at defense enterprises and organizations made it possible to concentrate the most qualified and disciplined workers in the defense industry.

The role and significance of the defense industry are determined not only by its main purpose - the creation of weapons and military equipment (WME) and equipping the Armed Forces and other troops with them. For recent years The volume of arms and military equipment production in the total output of the defense industry is less than 20%. Nevertheless, the defense industry still plays vital role in the development of a number of industries and sub-sectors - television, radio broadcasting and communications, optical instrument making, electronic technology and other important areas that have a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country as a whole and largely determine the overall industrial and technological level of Russia, its status among industrial developed countries of the world.

Nowadays, enterprises and organizations of the defense industry are in a critical condition. Their total volume commercial products continues to fall, and the volume of arms and military equipment production is also declining, including in the structure of exports.

Mobilization capacities are being lost, the wear and tear of fixed assets is increasing (reaching 70% in total), the outflow of qualified scientists, engineers, workers and employees from the defense industry continues, and the defense industry is collapsing; Unique technologies that were once the pride of Russian science and technology are being lost.

Moral obsolescence of the technological structure with increasing general physical wear and tear of production and technological equipment creates real danger that unless there is a noticeable increase in the level of investment in reconstruction and technical re-equipment in the coming years, the Russian defense industry will not be able to provide the required volume of output even at the technical level of the current generation of weapons and military equipment.

For a number of types of weapons and military equipment, the state defense order (GOZ) has become so insignificant that it ensures the utilization of production capacities by only 10–15% and is below the minimum acceptable level of profitability. At the same time, high-tech production is lost, cooperation ties in the creation of the most important types of weapons and military equipment are disintegrating: aircraft, ships, submarines, radar stations, command and control systems for troops and weapons, etc.

The need to reform the defense industry is due to:

– the military reform being carried out in the country, the reduction of the Armed Forces and the State Defense Order;
– a transition, under conditions of strict financial restrictions, to selective state support for promising types of arms and military equipment and the production of certain types of civilian products, a reduction in the number of priorities;
– repurposing and modernization of released capacities for the development and serial production of high-tech and competitive products for civilian use (primarily knowledge-intensive);
- structural restructuring of the defense industry through the creation of production and research teams that are viable in market conditions with the formation on their basis of widely diversified, sustainable intersectoral structures - vertically and horizontally integrated complexes;
– restructuring of the defense industry by concentrating the development and production of weapons and military equipment at a limited number of enterprises;
– further corporatization of enterprises, the maintenance of which in state ownership is inappropriate;
– a significant excess of production capacity of defense enterprises and mobilization capacities, which constitute a significant part of their fixed assets;
– the need to preserve and effectively use world-competitive scientific potential as the basis for the creation of modern types of materials and production, as well as the possibility of increasing export supplies of arms and military equipment, which will ensure the economic growth of individual enterprises and the entire defense industry.

The interests of the country require bringing production capacities and defense industry enterprises into line with the needs of the expected demand for weapons and military equipment for the Russian Ministry of Defense, all law enforcement agencies and the implementation of international contracts, as well as the release of civilian high-tech products for the domestic and foreign markets.

However, the state of the defense industry remains difficult, requiring more advanced anti-crisis management tools and new forms and methods of financial recovery.

It should be noted that the Federal target program(FTP) “Reform and development of the military-industrial complex (2002 – 2006)” is primarily aimed at building vertically integrated structures (VIS) of industrial groups, allowing to concentrate resources on solving certain problems. Strategic goal At the same time, “the formation of a new image of the defense-industrial complex” was proclaimed. However, the main guidelines of the state armament program have not been forgotten: the need to maintain mobilization capacities at the required level, create conditions for the sustainable development of the defense industry, as well as the development and production of competitive and high-tech products for military and civilian purposes. As a result of this program, which is running out of time, the construction of only five VIS has been fully completed (instead of the planned forty).

In 2006, as part of the implementation of the above-mentioned Federal Target Program, the creation of seven to eight large VIS in the space industry is envisaged. The construction of a unified aircraft manufacturing holding in the country was announced. According to the development director of Tupolev OJSC, “this has never happened in the global aircraft industry; the European super-holding Airbus and the American giant Boeing took three decades to create, but in our country everything was crammed into two years.” The issue of creating international integrated structures is being raised (for example, the problem of integrating the aviation complexes of Russia and Ukraine is being discussed).

Practice shows that government bodies often make hasty and unfounded decisions to create new VIS (holding companies). However, the regulatory, legal and methodological framework governing the creation and operation of holdings has not yet been created; there are only some recommendations written in various ministries (departments, agencies).

The creation of VIS is also hampered by other factors:

– the state of affairs in the field of state registration of real estate and the results of intellectual activity of enterprises;
– insufficiency of financial resources for registering these objects in the manner prescribed by law, for conducting a high-quality audit, assessment procedures (in order not only to find out the real financial and property condition of the enterprise, but also to take appropriate measures to improve it or at least to form an objective current and forecast financial information so as not to mislead the owner and partners);
– high degree of equipment wear;
– low level of management;
– presence of social and cultural objects on the balance sheet of defense industry enterprises;
– low level of production capacity utilization;
– conflict of interests between future parent and subsidiary companies, the latter’s awareness of the scale of internal transformations that will lead to the restructuring of management systems and business processes;
– identification of signs of bankruptcy, including due to unpaid (or not paid on time) state defense orders and overdue accounts payable to the budget, off-budget government funds, other creditors, etc.

Until 2000, state defense orders were not fully funded. As a result, the state customer's accounts payable to the contractor arose. Measures taken by the government to pay off state debt from 1995 to 2000. (treasury tax exemptions, state treasury obligations, bill credit, cash offsets) made it possible to practically pay off the debts of this period. Although the calculations do not take into account inflation, problems associated with the restructuring of accounts payable to the federal and other budgets, state off-budget funds, the consequences of which are hundred????? (some defense industry entities are still fulfilling obligations to restructure the said debt) not only the principal debt, but also penalties, fines, as well as interest for tax and investment tax credits.

Since 2000, budget obligations to pay for work under the state defense order have been fulfilled in the amounts established by the relevant budget laws. However, in the previous few years, in order to maintain production volumes at a minimum technological level, the state allowed customers to enter into contracts with the condition of payment in the next year. This led to the formation of accounts payable, which amounted (according to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) about 1% of the total volume. Since 2005, this practice has been stopped, the debt on these supplies was repaid in the first quarter. All other debts to defense industry enterprises for performing work under the state defense order lie on the conscience of the customer.

The Government of the Russian Federation, attaching special importance to the problem of financial and economic sustainability of strategic enterprises and organizations carrying out state defense orders, adopted a resolution on the procedure for restructuring the debt of organizations for taxes, fees, accrued penalties and fines to the federal budget, as well as for insurance premiums to state extra-budgetary funds. In addition, in order to implement Art. 191 of the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” and in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2005 No. 646-40 “On the procedure for restructuring the debt of organizations of the military-industrial complex - executors of state defense orders included in the List of strategic enterprises and organizations, on taxes, fees, accrued penalties and fines to the federal budget, as well as on insurance premiums to state extra-budgetary funds" (this resolution applies to secret documents) Federal agencies (for example, Rosprom) created working groups to prepare an opinion on the feasibility of restructuring the debt of these organizations and approved the Procedure for preparing opinions on the feasibility of such restructuring, agreed with the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the methods and forms of financial recovery of defense industry enterprises and other public sector entities are expanding, including through the use of one of the main tools of crisis management - restructuring (in this case, liabilities).

Methods for restructuring assets, capital, liabilities could be more effective if mechanisms are improved public procurement and the formation and implementation of state defense orders.

The implementation of the State Defense Order is regulated by many normative and legislative acts: the Civil and Budget Codes; federal laws “On State Defense Order” (dated December 27, 1995, No. 213-FZ, taking into account amendments and additions made in 1997), “On the supply of products for federal state needs” (dated December 13, 1994, No. 60-FZ as amended on August 22, 2004), “On technical regulation” (No. 184-FZ dated December 27, 2002); Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “Issues of the Federal Service for Defense Orders” (dated January 21, 2005, No. 56c), which defines the powers of the said federal service (Rosoboronzakaz) in terms of control (supervision) over the placement and implementation of state orders, the activities of state customers and executors of state orders, implementation of the pricing policy under the state defense order, the implementation of measures to preserve and develop strategic organizations of the defense industry, etc.; Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the implementation of the Federal Law “On the supply of products for federal needs”” (dated June 26, 1995, No. 594, as amended on July 28, 2005), “On the rules for conducting organizations that carry out state orders at the expense of the federal budget , separate accounting of the results of financial and economic activities" (dated 01/19/98 No. 47 as amended on 02/20/02), "On approval of exemplary government contracts for the implementation of research and development work under the state defense order" (dated 01/23/04, No. 41, as amended on 08/22/05).

It is no secret that these regulations are not fully interconnected and, most importantly, do not correlate with the basic law on state defense orders.

This is also recognized by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development. According to V.N. Putilin, Director of the Department of Economics and Defense and Security Programs, the current legal framework for the State Defense Order, adopted back in 1995 - 1997, “requires immediate and unconditional improvement and revision in accordance with the changed economic conditions» .

The regulatory framework for public procurement requires improvement. The main areas of improvement are the expansion of the practice of competitive placement of orders at all levels of cooperation between arms and military equipment developers, and the holding of unified tenders for arms and military equipment of general use. Based on the results of inspections carried out by Rosoboronzakaz, it is noted that the provision on the coordination (joint establishment) of prices by government customers when placing orders for the same products from sole performer is not implemented. As a result, there are facts of purchase of products of the same name from one source by different customers at significantly different prices.

In addition, due to the constant increase in prices for gasoline, fuel oil, and diesel fuel, the Armed Forces every year do not have enough funds for current expenses. For example, in 2005, the customer additionally allocated more than 8 billion rubles from the federal budget, which made it possible to purchase petroleum products in volumes approved by the State Defense Order and ensure the supply of the Armed Forces, other troops and bodies at the level necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

Underfunding of the state defense order and military programs is due to incorrect forecasting of prices for military products in terms of serial purchases and repairs of weapons and military equipment. This is also recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. The Ministry, together with the Federal Tariff Service (FTS), worked on this issue and proposed expanding the list of weapons and military equipment, the prices of which are subject to registration (for reference: currently, the FTS of Russia registers prices for about 15% of the entire range of weapons and military equipment, including in monetary terms this is 45%).

Expected to come into effect in 2006 new law on public procurement, which will create adequate regulatory and legislative support to solve most of the above problems in the field of public procurement and implementation of state defense orders. In particular, the new regulatory framework for state defense orders should contain conditions for increasing the responsibility of the contractor-supplier and the state customer for the level of prices for products during the formation, placement and execution of state defense orders.

Pricing and pricing policy for state defense orders is one of the most sensitive issues related not only to legislation on the budget, government procurement and state defense orders, but also to credit, depreciation and other areas of financial policy. “When delivering under government orders, the price is so cut that any renewal of fixed assets or the introduction of new technologies is out of the question. To begin executing government orders, enterprises have to take out loans from commercial banks with interest, which then drives down the price of the products,” says First Deputy Minister of Industry, Energy and Natural Resources of the Rostov Region V. Bartenyev. In his opinion, “it is necessary to create a guarantee mechanism to attract loans for defense industry enterprises to fulfill government orders.”

Summarizing the facts presented in the media, we can conclude that even for equipment manufactured and delivered in accordance with the implementation of the State Defense Order to the army back in 2003, the money had not been received in full by the beginning of 2005. Product costs were not indexed. And even if they were indexed using deflators set according to the level of depreciation of the consumer basket (12%), then this indexation satisfied few people. After all, even the increase in the price of military equipment, officially agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, exceeds 25% (for example, the increase in the price of missile technology in 2003 was 29%).

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the Ministry of Defense paid for the state defense order not at the beginning of the year, as would be logical, but in the middle. To fulfill the defense order, defense industry enterprises were forced to take out bank loans, which led to additional costs (at a price fixed in the government contract).

Many questions also arise regarding the decision-making system in which the State Defense Order project is “forged.” One thing that is gratifying is that the Russian Ministry of Defense is finally moving to implement the scheme of a single state defense order customer (previously 52 units had the right to make purchases). The defense industry is also pleased with the fact that in 2006 the state defense order will increase by at least 25% and amount to more than 236.7 billion rubles. (almost 60 billion rubles more than the state defense order for 2005). The money will mainly be used to purchase the most important weapons systems and new military equipment, which will determine the appearance of the Russian Federation’s weapons system for the period until 2015.

According to the estimates of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the planned funds are sufficient to carry out the main activities defined by the directive documents on military construction. However, there is no talk yet about the start of large-scale deliveries of arms and military equipment for the Russian Ministry of Defense. In accordance with the current armament program and the draft of the State Armament Program being developed for 2007 - 2015.” such deliveries are planned from 2010.

For reference (data from the Russian Ministry of Defense): Russia now ranks 8th in the world in military spending; in 2004, the Russian Federation spent $19 billion on weapons. In 2005, 573 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for military needs, which is 70 billion rubles. more than in 2004. Expenditures on national defense in 2006 are planned in the amount of 668 billion rubles, which is 184 billion rubles. more than in 2005. The state defense order in 2005 amounted to 187 billion rubles. (for comparison: in 2004 – 148, in 2003 – 113, 2002 – 80 billion rubles). The world leader in the ranking in terms of state defense orders is the United States; in 2004, they spent $455 billion on weapons. The UK takes second place ($47 billion). The list of countries that have significantly increased their military spending includes France, Germany, China, Japan and India.

In recent years, the structure of the State Defense Order has been changing. In 2005, R&D assignments accounted for 33.9% of the total volume of State Defense Order assignments within the framework of the state armament program, for procurement - 44.0% and for repairs - 22.1%. In 2006, tasks were redistributed as follows: for R&D - 30.7%, for procurement - 48.8%, for repairs - 20.5%.

Increasing the volume, restructuring the state defense order and changing the pricing policy during its formation and implementation will undoubtedly improve the condition of many defense industry enterprises, but not all. The defense industry will have to get rid of some enterprises in order to ensure the maximum possible utilization of the remaining ones. Some enterprises will be repurposed or “set free to float.” The strongest defense industry enterprises, which have scientific and production potential and produce competitive military products, will operate within the framework of VIS (holdings). And this is inevitable.

Many defense industry workers are inclined to think that the formation of VIS (holding companies) is an end in itself, that they are created according to instructions from above, and not according to the final product, as it should be. And they act according to the principle: if you don’t build your own corporation (VIS), you will, at best, become material for the construction of someone else’s (by analogy with famous phrase Napoleon: “If you don’t want to feed your army, you’ll feed someone else’s”).

Indeed, there are too many defense industry enterprises in Russia today, and when creating integrated structures, some enterprises will strive to intercept a “piece of the pie” from others - the state defense order. It turns out that integration is a struggle for the market. The winners may be those who are still “afloat” and not in a pre-bankruptcy state. Unfortunately, the latter are the majority.

The crisis in the military industry is difficult to deny: despite the increase in funding for the state defense order in recent years, the volume of production of military equipment and weapons has decreased by five times. Financing of the industry today is only 15%, and equipment wear and tear has exceeded 70%.

In order to optimize the number of defense enterprises, government agencies are forming a list of strategic enterprises. The table shows the ownership structure of these enterprises belonging to the public sector of the economy (PSE).

Structure of the GSE subsector “Strategic enterprises”*

Organizational and legal form of the enterprise


Number of enterprises


Adjusted as of March 27, 2006.

3 enterprises were added (item no.: 60.1, 131.1, 401.1), 15 were excluded

General, including GSE subjects

State share in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company (%):

The largest group. The number of joint-stock companies, the state share in the authorized capital of which is from 25 to 30%, is 228 enterprises

1st group – 25 – 50 %

2nd group– more than 50, but less than 100%

3rd group – 100 %

The group consists of 8 concerns organized in the form holding companies

* According to the List of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies (from the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04.08.04 No. 1009 as amended by Decree dated 27.03.06 No. 262).

Thus, a little more than 1040 enterprises are considered strategic, and most of them are joint-stock companies with a mixed structure of authorized capital.

What is a “strategic enterprise”?

Current legislation does not precisely answer this question.

Certain features (criteria) of strategic enterprises are indicated in the Federal Law of December 21, 2001 No. 178-FZ “On the privatization of state and municipal property”, which establishes that in order to implement a unified state policy in the field of privatization, the Government of the Russian Federation submits proposals to the President of Russia for approval on the formation of a list of strategic enterprises and joint-stock companies. The list should include federal state unitary enterprises and open joint-stock companies, whose shares are in federal ownership and which produce products (works, services) of strategic importance for ensuring the defense capability and security of the state, protecting morals, health, rights and legitimate interests citizens.

In addition, Law No. 178-FZ contains the following provisions:

– in terms of the formation and implementation of a forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property, the law establishes that shares of strategic joint-stock companies and strategic enterprises are included in the forecast plan after the President of the Russian Federation makes a decision to reduce the degree of participation of the Russian Federation in the management of strategic joint-stock companies or to exclude the relevant enterprises from the list SPr (Article 7 of the Law);
– regarding the methods of privatization of state and municipal property, the law determines that the privatization of property complexes of FSUEs and federally owned shares of OJSC, book value fixed assets of which as of the last reporting date exceed five million minimum wages, as well as property that meets other criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation, can be carried out by transforming a unitary enterprise into an OJSC; at an auction (including a specialized one); through the sale of state-owned shares of OJSC outside the territory of the Russian Federation; by making federal property in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation as a contribution to the authorized capital of a strategic joint-stock company (Article 13 of the law);
– regarding the contribution of state or municipal property as a contribution to the authorized capital of an OJSC, the law specifies that by decision, respectively, of the Government of the Russian Federation, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body, state or municipal property, as well as exclusive rights, can be made as a contribution to authorized capital of the JSC. At the same time, the share of JSC shares owned by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity and acquired, respectively, by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity, in total number ordinary shares of this joint-stock company cannot be less than 25% plus one share, unless otherwise established by the President of the Russian Federation in relation to strategic joint-stock companies (Article 25 of the law);
– in terms of the legal status of JSCs in respect of which a decision was made to use the “golden share” (special right), the law establishes that in order to ensure the defense capability of the country and the security of the state, protect the morals, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can make decisions on the use of special rights (“golden share”) for the participation, respectively, of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities in the management of the JSC; a decision to use a special right can be made when privatizing property complexes of unitary enterprises or when making a decision to exclude an OJSC from the List of Strategic Joint Stock Companies, regardless of the number of shares owned by the state. The Russian Federation and its subjects cannot simultaneously use the specified special right in relation to the same JSC. Subjects of the Russian Federation also cannot use a special right in relation to an OJSC created by transforming a federal state unitary enterprise during the period when the shares of this company are in federal ownership (Article 38 of the law);
– in terms of the legal status of JSCs whose shares are owned by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities, it is determined that the sole executive body of a JSC included in the list of strategic JSCs does not have the right to enter into transactions related to the alienation of shares contributed in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of the company, as well as transactions entailing the possibility of alienation or transfer to trust management, without the consent of the Government of the Russian Federation or an authorized federal executive body. A transaction completed without such consent is void (Article 39 of the law).

Law No. 178-FZ correlates with the Federal Law on Unitary Enterprises dated November 14, 2002 No. 161-FZ) in accordance with which federal state unitary enterprises (GUP, MUP) can be created (and are being created, as evidenced by changes in Presidential Decree No. 1009) if necessary:

– use of property the privatization of which is prohibited, including property that is necessary to ensure the security of the Russian Federation;
– carrying out activities in order to solve social problems (including the sale of certain goods and services at minimum prices), as well as organizing and conducting procurement and commodity interventions to ensure the food security of the state;
– carrying out activities provided for by federal laws exclusively for state unitary enterprises;
– carrying out scientific and scientific-technical activities in industries related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation;
– development and production of certain types of products that are in the sphere of interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the Russian Federation;
– production of certain types of products withdrawn from circulation or of limited circulation.

A government enterprise can be created in the following cases:

– if the predominant or significant part of the products produced, work performed, services provided is intended for federal state needs, the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity;
– use of property, the privatization of which is prohibited, including property necessary to ensure the security of the Russian Federation, the functioning of air, rail and water transport, and the implementation of other strategic interests of the Russian Federation;
– the need to carry out activities for the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services sold at prices established by the state to solve social problems;
– the need to develop and produce certain types of products that ensure the security of the Russian Federation;
– the need to produce certain types of products that are withdrawn from circulation or have limited circulation;
– the need to carry out certain subsidized types of activities and conduct unprofitable production;
– the need to carry out activities provided for by federal laws exclusively for state-owned enterprises.

The above provisions of federal laws do not form a complete picture of what “strategic enterprises” are.

Some characteristics of strategic enterprises are given in the bankruptcy law (No. 127-FZ), they are illustrated in the figure.

Signs of strategic enterprises

The vagueness and stinginess of the definitions of strategic enterprises is compensated by the listing of their List in Decree No. 1009 of the President of the Russian Federation.

The list was determined in order to implement a unified state policy in the field of privatization and limit the participation of foreign capital in strategic sectors.

As the head of Rosprom B. Aleshin noted (in an interview with a correspondent of the Vedomosti newspaper on July 19, 2005), the President “placed an emphasis on strategic enterprises in a variety of sectors, including industry”; a special law should be adopted that will define strategic enterprises in which the participation of foreign capital will be limited (the level from which transactions for the purchase and sale of shares will be considered by executive authorities will be established, and other levels and actions taken within the established levels will also be presented ). B. Aleshin added that this can be done in the same way as, for example, in the USA, where the President personally reviews transactions for the sale of stakes over 5% (for strategic enterprises); In addition, the role of each agency in the decision-making process must be defined.

The results of the meeting of the Coordination Council for Foreign Investments (CCII), created in 1994 to remove barriers to foreign capital, are interesting. The meeting took place on October 17, 2005, and discussed issues of access of the largest foreign companies to strategic deposits and strategic enterprises, which should be determined by special laws. The President of the Russian Federation instructed the Government to submit bills to the State Duma by November 1, 2005, clearly outlining the circle of those enterprises and deposits that can be classified as strategically important, and, accordingly, access to foreign investment there will be either completely prohibited or limited.

The order appeared not without the influence of the scandalous situation surrounding the ban on Siemens to buy shares of Power Machines JSC, which is a public sector entity. However, the deadline for submitting these bills to the Duma, especially those directly related to strategic enterprises, is clearly being delayed. Until now, the latest bill has not even been received by the Government, since the two leading developers - the Ministry of Industry and Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade - cannot agree on key issues: whether there should be a closed list of strategic enterprises (and if so, whether it can be opened in the future ) and what is the mechanism of access for foreigners (permissive, as the Ministry of Industry and Energy insists, or not excluded individual approach to this or that enterprise).

Based on the results of the FIAC meeting, its members sent a letter to Prime Minister M. Fradkov, in which they proposed their way of solving the problem of limited access of foreigners to strategic enterprises. First, they simply "welcome Russia's recent decision to establish more effective rules and procedures for identifying strategic enterprises in which foreign investors are not eligible to participate." Secondly, the authors of the letter proposed “to create a system for analyzing situations on an individual basis, within which the state has the right to familiarize itself with potential foreign investments in strategic sectors, or to prohibit relevant transactions if national security interests so require.”

Minister of Priority Resources Yu. Trutnev attended the FIAC meeting. He noted that he already has three criteria for admitting foreign investors to the fields. They are: not allowed foreign investment to fields where defense facilities are located; It is prohibited to develop minerals that can be used for the production of modern weapons (for example, iron can be developed, but uranium cannot); in the oil and gas sector, foreign investment will be limited (no more than 49% in the authorized capital of producing companies) in those fields that have not yet been developed, where the total volume of oil exceeds 150 million tons, and gas - 1 trillion m3.

Finally, investors received a closed list of criteria that will be included in the new version of the law “On Subsoil” and which the Russian government is unlikely to revise. They were also satisfied with the fact that, in accordance with the criteria, they would not be allowed into those fields where they were not allowed before and for which they did not really count (there are no more than 5-6 such oil and gas fields on land, and as for the shelf , then here Yuri Trutnev promised to think again.

The solution to the issue of determining the criteria for classifying enterprises (federal state unitary enterprises and joint-stock companies) as strategic has been debated by authorities and the community of public sector enterprises for more than 8 years: various regulatory legal acts have been proposed. For example, in 1999, the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin was presented with a draft Federal Law “On approval of the List of joint-stock companies producing products (goods, works, services) of strategic importance for ensuring the security of the state, and on the peculiarities of disposing of their shares.”

The bill proposed to approve a list of joint-stock companies producing products of strategic importance for ensuring the security of the state, to establish the specifics of disposing of their shares in federal ownership, and restrictions on the participation of foreign individuals and legal entities, as well as residents of the Russian Federation who have as founders or affiliates persons of foreign individuals and legal entities in the authorized capital of such companies.

The bill was rejected by the President. As noted in the conclusion to the bill, the proposed approach to resolving issues of disposing of federally owned shares of individual joint stock companies is incorrect. Most of its provisions actually duplicate similar norms of the Federal Law “On the Privatization of State Property and the Basics of the Privatization of Municipal Property in the Russian Federation,” which casts doubt on the advisability of adopting this bill. In addition, in the conclusion it was noted that the bill does not have a single criterion by which certain joint-stock companies are considered strategically significant.

After two and a half years, Russian President V. Putin instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to submit to it for approval by March 1, 2002 a list of strategic enterprises (there was no reservation about the criteria). Let us remember that the list was clarified and presented to the President only in 2004.

Of the 1,453 federal state unitary enterprises included in the Forecast Plan (Program) for the Privatization of Federal Property for 2005, for the above reasons, the privatization procedure was suspended or terminated in relation to 711 enterprises.

In pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 9, 2004 No. 591 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2004 No. 369, the formation of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation OJSC was completed. Pursuant to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2004 No. 1481, the formation of OJSC United Corporation Oboronprom was completed. In pursuance of the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, all federal state unitary enterprises subject to inclusion in the authorized capitals of OJSC Concern Sozvezdie, OJSC Concern Radio Engineering Vega, OJSC Concern Oceanpribor, OJSC Concern Morinformsystem-Agat were privatized "", JSC "Granit-Electron".

Thus, the question of determining the criteria for classifying enterprises as strategic remains open. We need a normative act (law) regulating the issues of determining the boundaries of this segment of the public sector and the features of the activities of strategic enterprises, including in terms of the implementation of state defense orders (SDO); restrictions in the field of privatization; carrying out activities in order to solve social problems (including the sale of certain goods and services at minimum prices); organizing and conducting procurement and commodity interventions to ensure food security of the state; conducting scientific and scientific-technical activities in industries related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation; development and manufacture of certain types of products that are in the sphere of interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the Russian Federation; production of certain types of products withdrawn from circulation or of limited functionality.

As for those strategic enterprises that are today insolvent, but have mobilization capacities and unique resources (non-financial), the Russian Government should adopt a specific program of action for their restructuring, bankruptcy and liquidation.


1. Podberezkin A.I. White Book of Russian Special Services [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
2. A plan for the privatization of federal property for 2006–2008 was signed. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
3. The state's debts are now over. Interview with the Director of the Department of Economics of Defense and Security Programs of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation V.N. Putilina // Izvestia. 2006. 17 Jan.
4. On the procedure for writing off debt on penalties and fines from organizations that are of strategic importance for the national security of the state or socio-economic significance, in respect of which decisions on restructuring debts on taxes and fees to the federal budget, as well as debt on accrued penalties and fines were made The Government of the Russian Federation (together with the “Rules for the preparation of materials for establishing special conditions for writing off restructured debt on penalties and fines from organizations of strategic importance for national security or socio-economic significance, in relation to which decisions on the restructuring of debt on taxes and fees to the federal budget , as well as debts on accrued penalties and fines were accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation"): Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2004 No. 259.
5. No competition – hence inflation: Interview with the minister economic development and trade of the Russian Federation G.O. Gref to the Russian Newsweek magazine, December 2005. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
6. Export potential of defense industry enterprises of the Southern Federal District [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
7. The head of Rosprom, Boris Aleshin, does not have enough people to quickly integrate the defense industries [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
8. Smirnov K. Yesterday foreigners were finally given what they had long demanded // Kommersant. 2005. 18 Oct.
9. Burtsev V.V. State financial control methodology and organization. – M.: Information and Implementation Center “Marketing”, 2000.

In accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 21, 2001 N 178-FZ "On the privatization of state and municipal property" I decree:

1. Include in the list of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 4, 2004 N 1009 “On approval of the list of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3313 ; N 48, art. 4888; 2005, art. 359; 5515, N 6, Art. 986, Art. 1164; Art. 1978; 2586, art. 4351, art. 5191; Art. 859 - 863; Art. 976; Art. 1532 - 1538; Art. 2185; 23, Art. 2747; Art. 3254; Art. 4125; Art. 4188; N 36, Art. 4364; N 43, Art. 5175; Art. 5463; 6131; N 50, art. 6254; N 52, art. 6428; N 53, Art. 6551, 6552; 2008, N 8, art. 701; N 9, art. 821, 822, 826; N 10, art. 908; N 15, Art. 1525, 1526, 1528; N 16, Art. 1674; N 17, art. 1819; N 18, Art. 2004; N 22, art. 2540, 2543; N 24, Art. 2835 - 2837; N 28, art. 3362; N 29, art. 3475; N 40, art. 4518, 4521; N 51, Art. 6137; N 52, art. 6365; 2009, N 10, art. 1200; N 11, art. 1276; N 12, Art. 1406, 1408, 1409; N 19, art. 2299; N 24, Art. 2921; N 35, art. 4223; N 38, art. 4457; N 45, art. 5321, 5322; N 52, art. 6537), the following changes:

a) in section 1:
add the following points:

"4.1 Aleksinsky Chemical Plant, Aleksin-1 Tula

"26.2 Verkhnesalda State State Plant
chemical tanks, Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region

"61.2 State Corporation for the Organization of Air
movements in the Russian Federation, Moscow";

"75.1 State government scientific testing site
aviation systems, village. Beloozersky Moscow

"505.1 Chapaevsky Mechanical Plant, Samara Region";

"13 Besovets Airport, Verkhniy Besovets village, Republic of Karelia

14 Blagoveshchensk Airport, Amur Region";

"16 Magadan Airport";

"18 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport, Sakhalin Region";

"51st All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Chemical
plant protection products, Moscow";

"53 All-Russian Scientific and Technical information center, G.

54 All-Russian Scientific Center "State Optical
Institute named after S.I. Vavilova", St. Petersburg";

"59 Glavkosmos, Moscow";

"69 State Research Enterprise
"Osoka", Moscow";

"73 State Production Association "Plant"
named after Maslennikov", Samara";

"75 State Institute of Organic Synthesis Technology
with a pilot plant, Shikhany, Saratov region";

"80 State Research Institute
biological instrumentation, Moscow

81 State Research Institute
genetics and selection of industrial microorganisms,

82 State Research Institute
civil aviation, Moscow";

"96 State Design, Survey and Scientific
civil aviation research institute
"Aeroproject", Moscow

97 "State Design and Survey Institute
land cadastral surveys" - VISKHAGI, Moscow";

109 Plant "Red Giant", Nikolsk, Penza region

110 Plant "Navigator", St. Petersburg";

"113 Plant "Raid", Samara

114 Plant "Selmash", Kirov";

"117 Precision Mechanics Plant, Yekaterinburg";

"119 Plant "Uralselmash", village of Bisert, Sverdlovsk region";

"126 Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky, Republic

"136 Kazan plant "Electropribor";

"156 Comet, Novosibirsk";

"160 Design Bureau "Arsenal" named after M.V. Frunze,
St. Petersburg";

"183 Krasnouralsk Chemical Plant, Sverdlovsk Region";

"188.1 Kursk Research Institute of the Ministry
defense of the Russian Federation";

"194 International Airport "Nizhny Novgorod";

"205 Moscow Experimental Design Bureau "Mars";

"209 Scientific design and technology bureau "Vikhr", Ufa

210 Scientific design and technology bureau "Crystal",
Saint Petersburg

211 Scientific design and technology bureau "FERRIT",

"231 Research Institute of Command Instruments,
Saint Petersburg";

"236 Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Nizhnyaya
Salda, Sverdlovsk region";

"260 Research Institute of Physical Optics, Optics
lasers and information optical systems of the All-Russian
scientific center "State Optical Institute named after
S.I. Vavilova", St. Petersburg";

"275 Scientific and Production Association of Automation,

"279 Research and Production Association
named after S.A. Lavochkina, Khimki, Moscow region

280 Research and Production Association "Impulse", St.

"284 Scientific and Production Association "Technomash", Moscow";

"306 Research and Production Center for Automation and Instrumentation
named after academician N.A. Pilyugin, Moscow";

"310 Scientific and Technical Center "Zarya", Moscow

311 Scientific and Technical Center "Informregister", Moscow";

"337 Omsk lifting machines plant

338 Omsk Transport Engineering Plant";

"343 Experimental design bureau "Fakel", Kaliningrad";

"346 Organization "Agat", Moscow";

"357 Special Design Bureau "Mayak" at Perm
State University";

"360 Special Design Bureau of Firefighting Equipment,
Torzhok, Tver Region";

"362 Special Design and Technology Bureau "Omega"
Veliky Novgorod";

"364 Penza plant "Avtomedtekhnika";

"368 Perm Airlines";

"376 Production Association "Amurmash", Khabarovsk

"389 Production Association "Ulyanovsky
machine-building plant";

"402 Russian State Research and Production
association "Avtomatika", Moscow";

"406 Salavat Optical-Mechanical Plant, Republic

"433 Special Design Bureau "Titan",
St. Petersburg";

"435 Special Design Technology Bureau for
design of instruments and apparatus made of glass, Klin
Moscow region";

"437 Special Design and Technology Bureau
"Technologist" of St. Petersburg Technological Institute
Institute ( technical university), St. Petersburg";

"446 Turbopump, Voronezh";

"453 Ust-Katavsky Car Building Plant named after
CM. Kirov, Chelyabinsk region";

"459 Federal State unitary enterprise
"Amurskoye" for reproduction, procurement and sales
breeding products, Blagoveshchensk, Amur region

460 Federal State Unitary Enterprise for
reproduction and sale of farm animals
"Sakhalinskoe", Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk";

"476 Central Design Bureau "Geophysics",

"480 Central Design Bureau of Transport
mechanical engineering, Tver

481 Central Design Bureau of Heavy Engineering,

"494 Central Research Institute
mechanical engineering, Korolev, Moscow region";

"504 Central Research Radio Engineering
Institute, Moscow";

"508 Chelyabinsk Automatic Mechanical Plant

509 ChukotAVIA, pos. Coal Mines of Chukotka Autonomous

b) in section 2:
supplement with the following items:

"193.1 Concern "Research and Production 100";
Association "Aurora", St.

"196.2 Concern "Central Scientific-100";
research institute
"Electropribor", St. Petersburg

"528.2 Center for Shipbuilding Technology and 100";
ship repair, St. Petersburg

"13 Azov seaport, Rostovskaya 25.5";

"18 Alekseevskaya repair-51";
fleet operational base,
Irkutsk region

"22 Amur Shipping Company, Khabarovsk 25.5

23 Long-distance communication equipment, Uzlovaya 27.91";
Tula region

"25 Arctic Marine Engineering - 100";
geological expeditions, Murmansk

"27 Arkhangelsk regional fuel - 25.5
energy company

28 Arkhangelsk river port 25.5";

"30 Astrakhan port 25.5";

"33 Abakan Airport, Republic of Khakassia 75

34 Anapa Airport, Krasnodar region 25.5

35 Arkhangelsk Airport 51

36 Astrakhan Airport 51

37 Koltsovo Airport, Ekaterinburg 34.56

38 Murmansk Airport, pos. Murmashi 38
Murmansk region

39 Rostov-on-Don Airport 38

40 Tolmachevo Airport, Ob 51";
Novosibirsk region

"43 Baikal pulp and paper 49";
plant, Irkutsk region

"46 Bashinformsvyaz, Ufa 28.24

47 Biopreparat, Moscow 51

48 Biophysical equipment, Moscow 30.4";

"52 Buinaksky Aggregate Plant, 25.5";
Republic of Dagestan

"54 Vanino sea trade port, 55";
Khabarovsk region

"57 Vladivostok sea fishing port 27.73

58 Vladimir plant "Electropribor" 32.44";


61 Vodtranspribor - Start, St. 25.5

61.1 11 Voenproekt, Yekaterinburg 100";

"64 Volgograd scientific - 25.5
research and design
Institute of Chemical and Technology Technology
petroleum engineering

65 Volgograd river port 25.5";

"69 Vologdalestopprom 25.5";

"73 Voskresensky electromechanical 25
plant, Moscow region

74 Vostokenergomontazh, Irkutsk 25.5";

"77 All-Russian scientific-73.03
research and development
Technological Institute of Equipment
oil refining and


78 All-Russian scientific- 66.57
research institute
petrochemical processes, St.

79 All-Russian scientific- 38
research institute
organization, management and economics
oil and gas industry,

80 All-Russian scientific-38";
research institute for
oil refining, Moscow

"86 Gavrilov-Yamsky Machine-Building 25.5";
plant "Agat", Yaroslavl region

"89 Geophystechnologiya, Stavropol 37.9";

"93 Giproavtoaggregat, Kurgan 41.01";

"103 State scientific - 25.5";
research chemical
Analytical Institute, St.

"107 Dalenergomontazh, Khabarovsk 25.5";

"109 Yeisk seaport, Krasnodar 25.5";

"111 Yenisei River Shipping Company, city 25.5";

"116 Plant "Dvigatel", St. Petersburg 25.5";

"119 KVOiT Plant, Ivangorod 25.5
Leningrad region

120 Boiler Cleaning Plant, Moscow 25.5";

"127 Semi-coking plant, Leninsk - 25.5
Kuznetsk, Kemerovo region

128 Plant "Polar Star", 25.5";
Severodvinsk Arkhangelsk region

"132 Plant "Electrosystem", Kirov 30";

"134 Western Shipping Company, Kaliningrad 25.5";

"137 STAR, St. Petersburg 100";

"146 Institute of Engineering Immunology, village 38";
Lyubuchany, Moscow region

"151 Institute of Applied Biochemistry and 26.85";
mechanical engineering", Moscow

"153 Institute of Electronic Controls 38";
cars, Moscow

"154 Information telecommunications 60";
technology, St. Petersburg

"157 Irtysh Shipping Company, Omsk 25.5";

"159.1 Caucasushydrogeology, Zheleznovodsk 100
Stavropol Territory

160 Kavtransstroy, Vladikavkaz 38.24

161 Kazan chemical scientific - 25.5";
research institute

"163 Kaliningradgeofizika 38";

"171 Caspian Precision Mechanics Plant, 25.5
Republic of Dagestan

172 CATALYST, Novosibirsk 25.5

173 KB "Electropribor", Saratov 38";

"175 Kirenskaya repair and maintenance 51";
fleet base, Irkutsk region

"180 Kolchuginsky processing plant 48";
non-ferrous metals named
S. Ordzhonikidze, Vladimir region

"183 Composite, Korolev Moskovskaya 49";

"186 Design Bureau "Impulse", 60.01";
Saint Petersburg

"189.1 Chemical Automatics Design Bureau, 100";

"198 Kompomash Corporation, Moscow 58.53";

"207 Kubanlestopprom, Krasnodar 25.5";

"213 Kushvinsky Electromechanical Plant, 25.49";
Sverdlovsk region

"226 Kurumoch International Airport, 50.99";

"228 Monolit, Trubchevsk Bryansk 25.5";

"231 Moscow intercity telephone 38";
station N 9

"237 Moscow plant "Electroshield" 25.5";

"251 Moscow River Shipping Company 25.5

252 Moscow specialized 48.99";
repair, modernization company,
installation and commissioning of energy
power plant equipment

"255 Murmansk sea trade port 25.49

256 Murmansk Shipping Company 25.5";

"261 Research Institute 25.5
"Breeze", Taganrog, Rostov region

262 Research Institute 25.5";
hydrocommunications "Shtil", Volgograd

"264 Research Institute 35.5
metallurgical heating engineering,

265 Research Institute 25.5";
marine thermal engineering, Lomonosov
(St. Petersburg)

"269 Research Institute 38";
feasibility studies,

"274 Research, design - 25.5
research institute
"Lenmetrogiprotrans", St.

275 Research and design 25.5
Institute of Biotechnological
industry, Kirov

276 Research and design 38";
Institute of Oil Refining and
petrochemical industry, G.

"287 Research and Production Association 55
"Iskra", Perm

288 Research and Production Association 25.5";
"Mars", Ulyanovsk

"296 Research and production enterprise 60";
"Rainbow", St. Petersburg

"300 Research and production enterprise 25.5
"EGA", Moscow

301 Research and production complex 60
"Northern Dawn", St. Petersburg

302 National Aviation Institute 35.19";
technologies, Moscow

"308 Nizhny Novgorod scientific - 50.98";
research institute
engineering materials

"313.1 Novorossiysk sea trade port 20";

"316 Novosibirsk Medical Plant 38";

"318 Novosibirsk scientific-100
research institute
aviation technology and organization

319 Novosibirsk river port 25.5";

"325 Ob-Irtysh River Shipping Company, city 25.5";

"330 Omsk river port 25.5";

"333 Omsktransstroy 25.5";

"336 Experimental Design Bureau 49
engine building, Voronezh

337 Experimental Design Bureau 25.5";
non-standard equipment and
development of chemical processes,

"346 Osetrovsky river port, Ust-Kut 51
Irkutsk region

347 Open joint-stock company 27.8
biological machine- and
instrument engineering, Yoshkar-Ola

348 Open joint-stock company 25.5";
construction and installation
high voltage power lines
and substations, Irkutsk

"357 Open Joint Stock Company at 52.5
mechanization of work on transport
"Transstroymekhanizatsiya", Moscow

358 Open joint stock company at 25.5
installation and commissioning of electrical equipment
and automation tools
power plants and substations
"Electrocentromontazh", Moscow

359 Open joint stock company at 25.5
installation of heat and power
equipment "Mosenergomontazh",

360 Open joint-stock company at 25.5";
production of reinforced concrete bridges

"366 Penza Precision Instruments Plant 74.99

367 Penza Design Bureau 100

368 Penza Research and Production 60";
Enterprise "Era"

"380 Privolzhtransstroy, Volgograd 25.5";

"388 Production and Design 25";
Association "Heat Exchanger",
Nizhny Novgorod

"390 Industrial complex "Akhtuba", 25.5";

"393 Protontonnelstroy, Protvino 49.5";
Moscow region

"402 "Russian Fuel Company" - 72.75";
Rostopprom, Moscow

"407 Russian joint-stock company "UES 52.68";
Russia", Moscow

"412 Rostov port 25.5";

"417 Salavatgidromash, Republic 38";

"422 Samara plant "Electroshield", village 25.5";
Krasnaya Glinka, Samara region

"424 Samara River Port 25.5";

"429 Saratov River Transport 25.5";

"432 Sakhalin Shipping Company, city 25.5";
Kholmsk Sakhalin region

"435 Northern River Shipping Company, city 31.32

436 Northern Port, Moscow 25.5

437 North-Western Shipping Company, 25.5
Saint Petersburg

438 Sevzaelectrosetstroy, St. - 25.5";

"447 Sibelektrosetstroy, Novosibirsk 25.5";

"449 Sibenergoremont, Novosibirsk 25.5";

"454 Soyuzmorgeo, Gelendzhik 100";
Krasnodar region

"463 Construction and installation trust at 25.5
Northwestern sea basin,
St. Petersburg

464 Construction and industrial company 25.5

465 Stupino Metallurgical Company, 54.26";
Moscow region

"469 Shipping Company "Volzhskoe 25.5";
Shipping Company", Nizhny Novgorod

"473 Taganrog plant "Priboy", 25.5
Rostov region

474 Taganrog Sea Trade Port, 25.5
Rostov region

475 Tver Carriage Works 42.47

476 Tver port 25.5";

"486 Tunnel detachment N 44, Sochi 25.5";
Krasnodar region

"488 Fuel Company "Astrakhantopprom" 25.5

489 Transvzryvprom, Moscow 25.5";

"491 Trest Gidromontazh, Moscow 25 + 1 share

492 Trust "Sevenergostroy", St. 25.5

493 Trubchevsky plant "Nerussa", Bryansk 100

494 Tuapse sea trade port, 25";
Krasnodar region

"503 Ulyanovskmostostroy 28.52";

"505 Ulyanovsktransstroy 25.5

506 Ural Institute of Metals, 25.5";

"513 Educational and training center-avia-22 51.01";
civil aviation, village. Bykovo
Moscow region

"515 Energozashchita Firm, Moscow 25 + 1 share";

"517 Khabarovsk river trading port 25.5";

"520 Central Geophysical Expedition, 100";

"522 Central Design Bureau 29
communications, Moscow

523 Central Research 60
Institute of Paper, pos. Pravdinsky
Moscow region

524 Central Research 38";
Institute of Information and Technology
economic research
oil refining and
petrochemical industry,

"528.1 20 Central Design Institute, 100";

"530 Cheboksary river port 25.5";

"533 Chermetavtomatika, Moscow 49.01";

"535 Chukotkasvyazinform, Anadyr 75

536 Shchekinsky plant "Boiler-25.5";
auxiliary equipment and
pipelines", Sovetsk Tula

"541 Elektrostal scientific - 25.5
production association
"Inorganika", Moscow region

542 Electric traction, St. Petersburg 74.6";

"544 Energostalkonstruktsiya, Konakovo 25.5
Tver region

545 Southern Open Joint Stock Company 49
for construction and reconstruction
highways and airfields
"Yuzhdorstroy", Krasnodar

546 Southern River Port, Moscow 26.08";

"548 Yaroslavl river port 25.5

549 Yaroslavtechnology 25.5"


"452 Modern commercial fleet, city 100"
Saint Petersburg

replace with the following position:

"452 Modern Commercial Fleet, 75 + 1 share."
St. Petersburg

2. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

Russian Federation
D. Medvedev