Establishment of group 1 disability. New disability law

A disabled person is a person with physical, mental and other limitations that interfere with his normal functioning. Disability of the first group is established for two years and then re-examination is scheduled.

People with this group have the most serious condition health and the state is trying to support them with additional material payments and privileges.

Who applies

There are certain criteria used to assign disability groups.

According to them, the first category includes the following citizens:

  • incapable of self-care and fulfilling physiological needs without outside help;
  • unable to move independently or maintain balance when changing body position;
  • those who do not know how to exchange information with people, without communication skills;
  • incapable of adequately perceiving themselves in the world around them;
  • not controlling their own behavior, not seeing generally accepted frameworks;
  • those who do not perceive knowledge, do not remember and do not know how to apply it;
  • unable to work.

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Diseases that exist in people with the first group have significantly pronounced impairments, for example: cardiovascular lesions, paralysis of both limbs, incurable oncology, schizophrenia, severe tuberculosis.

What benefits are available to disabled people of group 1 in Moscow in 2019?

Persons who have completely or partially lost the ability to move, communicate, or study have the right to assistance from the state.

The provision of various benefits for disabled people of the first group is carried out not only to meet their needs and maintain their standard of living, but also to constantly increase and improve it.

Russian citizens living in Moscow have the right to the following types of social support:

  1. Free Receipt medical care in government institutions, including high-tech and specialized ones. Medicines prescribed by a doctor are provided free of charge.
  2. Providing prosthetics, orthopedic products, technical means for rehabilitation if there are medical indications. Free repair and replacement of medical equipment.
  3. Providing vouchers to spa treatment through subsidies from the city budget.
  4. Obtaining secondary vocational, higher, and additional education in accordance with individual rehabilitation programs and developmental characteristics. To enroll, it is enough to get C grades in exams. Teaching can take place at home, full-time and part-time, using various technologies, including e-learning.
  5. Disabled people in Moscow can be provided with targeted social support in the form of material resources, assistance with food and things. It is carried out upon application to the social protection authorities after examining the living conditions and income of the family.
  6. For single disabled people who live independently, personal assistants are provided who will look after them: clean, cook, bring groceries, pay rent. An application for services should be submitted to the Social Services Center.

Disabled people receive payment assistance utilities: electricity, gas, water, sewerage. Discounts are provided in the amount of 50 percent.

Payment for housing with a fifty percent discount is provided only for municipal and state houses and apartments.

Travel benefits:

  1. Social taxi is a service for disabled people of all groups living in Moscow, primarily with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can take crutches, a stroller and one accompanying person with you. Taxi drivers have the skills to deal with people with disabilities, can provide them with qualified assistance at any time. It is necessary to order a car 12 hours before the trip, in extreme cases, in case of urgent need, four hours (if there is a free car). You must pay 50 percent of the fare using hourly tickets, which can be purchased at the disabled people's society.
  2. Round trip travel for a disabled person of the first group and an accompanying person to a place of rest or treatment.
  3. Free travel to public transport(metro, tram, bus, trolleybus) on a Muscovite social card, including for an accompanying person.
  4. Preferential travel on suburban electric trains, subject to a special certificate from the Pension Fund.
  5. In some areas, buses were launched equipped for citizens using wheelchairs, with lifting platforms and fastenings for fixing technical equipment. These buses have their own stops and schedules. They go from morning to evening with an interval of 20 minutes.

Labor benefits:

  1. Employment in specialized organizations in occupations suitable for people with disabilities. Vocational guidance, provision of necessary working conditions.
  2. Annual paid leave 30 days. Unpaid leave once a year at the request of a citizen for 60 days.
  3. Work on weekends, nights and overtime, if not prohibited by doctors, then with the written consent of the disabled person.
  4. A reduced schedule of no more than 35 hours. Wages are calculated as for a full working week.

Tax benefits:

  1. Property. Exemption from property tax if it belongs to a disabled person.
  2. Land. Exemption from tax on six acres of land owned by a disabled person of the first group. The remaining area of ​​the plot is paid at the regular cost.
  3. Transport. Federal legislation exempts from taxation cars purchased with the help of social services with a capacity of up to 100 horses, or equipped for the convenience of the disabled. Moscow provides additional benefits for such citizens who own vehicle up to 200 horsepower.
  4. Working citizens are entitled to a tax deduction from wages, the cost of treatment vouchers, the purchase of special technical equipment, medicines and financial assistance up to 4,000 rubles.

Registration procedure

A disabled person can use benefits only after he has been assigned this status. Therefore, first the citizen himself or his representative must contact the medical institution at your place of residence. After the examination, a certificate will be issued, which will become the basis for receiving benefits.

Then you need to contact social protection, the Pension Fund, tax office. Each organization must provide its own package of documents and write an application for benefits.

The pension fund issues pensions, benefits, and cash payments. IN social protection— benefits for housing and communal services, purchase of orthopedic and technical equipment, travel tickets.

If a disabled person of the first group works, he must also visit the tax office to take advantage of the required tax benefits.

Documents are reviewed from ten days to a month, especially difficult cases up to three. For example, if it is necessary to present additional documents, which cannot be obtained within the framework of interdepartmental cooperation, or the question will arise about the falsity of the information contained in the application.

After checking the information, a decision will be made, and the applicant will be sent a notification with the results.

Required documents

Different authorities will need their own set of documents, but there are also common ones for everyone:

  • Russian passport;
  • certificate from the medical examination bureau;
  • work book;
  • a rehabilitation program designed for each person individually.

Persons with disabilities, especially disabled people of the first group, need protection and support, which their relatives cannot always provide.

In some cases it is required qualified assistance medical personnel. Thanks to it and other support, the quality of life of citizens with disabilities improves.

Persons who have suffered irreparable impairment of the physical functions of the body, as well as limitation of life activity due to certain diseases or injuries. Such people require social protection.

Group I disability is received by people who have the most severe forms diseases and significant limitations in life activities, such as:

  • a person's lack of ability to care for himself. Such people are dependent on outside help;
  • violation motor functions body, that is, the ability to move independently;
  • The presence of human disorientation in space.

This disability group is assigned by MSEC for only 2 years with the possibility of further re-examination. Minors with incurable health problems are assigned the status “ Disabled children of group 1" Disabled people of the first group also include disabled people from the Second World War.

However, there are often cases refusal to establish disability. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, there are situations that may serve as a reason for this refusal. For example, similar reason is intentional harm to one’s health or disruption of body functions due to alcohol or drug intoxication.

The decision to refuse to establish disability can be appealed within 30 days in MSEC.

List of social benefits for disabled people of group 1

The law of the Russian Federation provides for certain disabled people of group I, aimed at improving the living conditions of this category of the population.

Payment amount

In 2016, compensation is 1200 rubles and is paid along with the disabled person’s pension. Parents or guardians of a minor disabled person of 1st group receive an additional payment in the amount 5500 rubles. Persons without family ties with a child, but caring for and raising a minor – 1200 rubles(). If care is provided for several people at the same time, then compensation is paid for each person separately.

Persons living in difficult climatic conditions, compensation is increased by multiplying by a regional coefficient.

Some caregivers receive benefits for caring for disabled people of group 1(if they have common property, then benefits apply to both):

  • transport tax reduction 50% , if the engine 150 hp and less);
  • absence of property tax and reduction of land tax;
  • free spa treatment;
  • 50% cost of utilities.

Conditions of receipt

It is important that the person does not have other sources of income - salaries, pensions, unemployment benefits. In the event of the appearance of paid work, subsidies, or other types of material assistance, the citizen is obliged to report this to the Pension Fund within 5 days from the moment of its registration. The presence of other sources of income means stopping compensation payments. If the person is kept secret new source income, continuing to receive compensation for caring for a disabled person, you will be forced to answer before the law: a full refund of public funds for the period of violation. Refund means the return of the amount of compensation, social assistance or wages.

It is also known what benefits are available to guardians of disabled children. There is a ban on night work, overtime, employment on holidays and weekends, and restrictions on business travel. Benefits for guardians of group 1 disabled people This applies to both single mothers and fathers.


  1. Disability of the first group is assigned when there is severe damage to the body and the inability to provide for oneself.
  2. Confirmation of disability is the conclusion of the ITU.
  3. Disabled people are entitled to medical, social, housing and tax benefits.
  4. Benefits are issued in the authorized department in the presence of title documents.
  5. Regions have the right to introduce additional types benefits.

According to the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ, a person with certain health impairments is recognized as a disabled person. Such citizens are characterized by the presence of persistent disorders of body functions, which, as a rule, are caused by diseases or injuries that lead to limitation of life activity and the need for social protection.

Right to social protection

Disability of the 1st group is assigned to citizens with the most severe health disorders. The main purpose of recognizing a person as disabled is to provide the citizen with the necessary social assistance. The right to social protection is the fundamental and inalienable right of every citizen who has received the status of a disabled person.

Social protection includes some government guarantees. The authorities undertake to support a person with limited life activities by providing legal, economic and social measures.

Citizens who have received the status of a disabled person in the manner prescribed by law will have conditions created to overcome and compensate for limitations.

Government bodies carry out social support disabled people in order to bring their life opportunities closer to those of other citizens of Russian society.

Other inalienable rights

In addition, every citizen recognized in legally disabled person has the right:

  1. For medical help.
  2. Access to information. This right is ensured through the creation of audio literature for the visually impaired and the publication of books written in special fonts for the visually impaired. City libraries are being provided with educational, methodological, information and reference literature for people with disabilities. Authorized bodies provide assistance to persons with disabilities in obtaining sign language and sign language interpretation services. Citizens are provided with specialized equipment and means for perceiving sign language for hearing impairments.
  3. Access to objects social infrastructure. Government bodies are taking measures to provide disabled people with wheelchairs and guide dogs. This gives citizens the opportunity to freely access residential and public buildings, recreational areas, transport communications. The construction and planning of structures are carried out taking into account the installation of facilities that provide access for people with disabilities to these buildings. In parking lots various organizations There are places for disabled people.
  4. The right to provide living space. Government bodies are working to improve living conditions citizens recognized as disabled. Citizens in need are provided with living quarters. They can expect a reduction in housing costs in accordance with the benefits provided.
  5. Education. A list of diseases has been provided that allow citizens to study at home, and institutions have been created in which adapted general education programs are taught.
  6. Employment. At the same time, the law establishes reduced working hours for disabled people of the 1st group. Period labor activity per week should not be more than 35 hours.
  7. Material benefits in the form of all kinds of pensions, benefits, insurance payments, payments in connection with compensation for harm and other compensation.
  8. Social services, which involve the provision of medical and household services. They can be provided to a disabled person at the place of residence or treatment. The types of such services in accordance with Ch. 6 Federal Law “On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation” dated December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ can include:
  • Home service which includes:
    • Organizing catering, purchasing groceries.
    • Help in purchasing medicines, medical products.
    • Assistance in purchasing essential products.
    • Assistance in obtaining medical and legal assistance.
    • Assistance in organizing funeral services.
  • Semi-stationary services when a person is in a department of a social service institution.
  • Inpatient services that are necessary when a citizen is in a boarding house or boarding house.

Urgent social services which involves providing assistance:

  • in one-time purchase of food;
  • provision of clothing items;
  • provision of basic necessities;
  • one-time provision of medical care;
  • obtaining temporary housing;
  • organizations of legal assistance;
  • organizing emergency medical and psychological support, as well as
  • social and advisory assistance.
  • Creation public associations organized to protect the rights and interests of people with disabilities.
  • Pension amount for disabled people

    In accordance with clause 1, part 2, art. 28.1 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995, disabled people of the 1st group receive monthly payments in the amount of 2,162 rubles. This amount is subject to indexation, which results in its annual increase. In 2019, the monthly benefit is 3,782.94 rubles.

    In addition, a disabled person has the right to receive a disability insurance pension. Formula for its calculation:

    SP = PC x S + FV,

    where SP is the disability insurance pension;
    PC - the sum of all annual pension coefficients (points) of a citizen;
    C - the cost of one pension point as of the day from which the pension is assigned;
    FV - fixed payment.

    A fixed payment is added to it. In 2019, this is 10,668 rubles 38 kopecks for disabled people of the 1st group, 5334 rubles 19 kopecks for disabled people of the 2nd group, and 2667 rubles 09 kopecks for disabled people of the 3rd group.

    Benefits for disabled people

    Social benefits

    The Law “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ provides a list of benefits for citizens who have gone through the procedure of recognition as a disabled person of the 1st group. These persons can count on such social benefits, How:

    • Obtaining medications and other medical supplies and products.
    • Obtaining, if there are medical indicators, vouchers for sanatorium treatment for the prevention of diseases, as well as vouchers to health resort organizations. Maximum possible time A disabled person's stay for treatment depends on the type of illness or injury. By general rule treatment lasts up to 18 days. If a disabled person visits an institution due to diseases or consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries, the treatment period is extended to a maximum of 42 days.
    • Free travel on commuter rail.
    • Free travel on intercity transport if a disabled person is traveling to or from the place of treatment.
    • Free travel on suburban and intercity transport, as well as vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations are provided free of charge to persons accompanying disabled people of the 1st group.

    Tax benefits

    Disabled people of the 1st group are provided with a number of tax benefits. To become more familiar with your rights, a citizen will need to study the norms of tax legislation.

    Property tax

    Objects of taxation in accordance with Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation recognizes objects real estate. Citizens who are owners of such property make regular payments tax payments. The legislator exempts disabled people of the 1st group from the obligation to pay property tax in relation to individual species property.

    Land tax

    The land tax in relation to disabled people is not cancelled, however, Part 5 of Art. 391 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation allows them to count on a reduction in its cost. Thus, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, citizens recognized as disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups have the right to a reduction tax base for land tax in an amount equivalent to the cadastral value of 600 square meters land area.

    Muscovite social card

    Group 1 disabled people living in the capital can become recipients of a Muscovite social card (). Such plastic cards to which, if desired, you can transfer cash, help disabled people receive social assistance.

    Citizens who have received the status of a disabled person of the 1st group and a Muscovite social card have the right to free travel on public and railway transport, discounts on services in hospitals, pharmacies and shops.

    Disability criteria

    Order No. 1024n of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2015 contains an exhaustive list of criteria that allow citizens to be classified as a certain disability group.

    Thus, persons can be recognized as disabled people of the 1st group if they have a health disorder accompanied by a significant disorder of body functions, which leads to limitation of life activity and necessitates its social protection.

    Types of disability

    Among the main restrictions experienced by disabled people of the 1st group are:

    • A pronounced impairment of the ability to self-care, that is, the ability to carry out physiological needs, conduct household activities. If such disorders are present, a person cannot take care of himself. He is completely dependent on outside help.
    • Severe impairment of the ability to move, that is, the ability to move while maintaining balance. With this disorder, a disabled person of group 1 has a complete inability to move and needs regular assistance.
    • Severe impairment of the ability to orientate. The person suffers from disorientation and needs outside support.
    • Severe impairment in the ability to communicate, which involves complete absence communication opportunities.
    • A pronounced impairment of the ability to control one’s behavior, that is, the inability of a disabled person to control himself. This condition cannot be corrected, which creates a constant need to monitor the patient.
    • Severe learning disability implies an inability to engage in any type or method of learning.
    • A pronounced impairment of the ability to work means that a person is contraindicated for work or cannot carry it out.

    How to obtain disabled status

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 contains rules describing the procedure for a citizen to obtain the status of a disabled person of the 1st group.

    Preparation of title documentation

    Preparatory actions when registering a disability involve making a visit to the citizen’s attending physician. The specialist will introduce the patient to the conditions and procedure for obtaining disabled status and tell him what documents he needs to prepare.

    Package of documents required for recognition of disability

    Among the main documents that a citizen needs to collect are:

    • A referral for examination, which is drawn up directly by the patient’s attending physician. In the referral, the doctor reflects information about the state of health, the degree of impairment of body functions, compensatory capabilities and rehabilitation measures taken in relation to the person.
    • Application for passage medical and social examination. It can be filled out by the citizen entitled to receive a disability, or by his representative.
    • Citizen's passport.
    • Certificate of income.
    • Act of work injury or occupational disease.
    • An outpatient card received at the medical institution where the patient is observed.
    • Characteristics from the place of work or study.

    Conditions for recognition of disability

    The legislation contains a list of conditions without which citizens cannot be recognized as disabled.

    Such conditions put forward certain requirements for the status of a citizen wishing to register a disability, namely:

    • The citizen must have a health disorder and a persistent disorder of body functions.
    • The person must be limited in life activities in accordance with the list of disability criteria.
    • A candidate for disability must be in need of social assistance.

    If only one of the listed conditions is met, then the citizen cannot be recognized as disabled. This status is recognized only for a person whose condition implies compliance with all specified conditions.

    The work of the medical commission to conduct the examination

    Where is the examination carried out?

    Recognition of disability occurs on the basis of the results of a medical and social examination.

    Having collected the necessary documentation, the citizen goes to the bureau that conducts the examination at his place of residence.

    If a citizen is unable to move, as happens with disabled people of group 1, the examination will be carried out at the applicant’s home. If a citizen is on inpatient treatment, the examination will be carried out in this medical organization.

    Who participates in the examination

    The examination should be carried out by medical specialists, as well as bureau employees who specialize in the rehabilitation of citizens and social work. In addition, the expert commission includes a psychologist.

    The purpose of the examination is to establish the structure and degree of limitation of a citizen’s life activity, as well as the level of his rehabilitation potential.

    The essence of the examination is:

    • in examining the applicant;
    • analysis of the title documentation provided by him;
    • studying the social and living conditions of a citizen;
    • analysis psychological state faces;
    • studying marital status and labor opportunities of the citizen.

    Protocol of medical specialists

    The norms of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 2015 No. 1171n indicate that, when conducting an examination, specialists from the bureau draw up a protocol. This order contains a standard form according to which the document is drawn up.

    As a rule, it contains information established as a result of the examination of the applicant and relating to:

    • dates of receipt of the application for participation in ITU;
    • date and time of inspection;
    • information about the candidate for the status of disabled person of the 1st group;
    • marital status of the citizen;
    • information about the education and work activity of the person;
    • data on the inspection procedure;
    • clinical and functional data obtained during the examination;
    • causes of disability;
    • conclusions of bureau specialists;
    • information about ongoing habilitation and rehabilitation activities.

    The completed protocol is signed by each of the medical specialists who conducted the examination, as well as by the head of the expert organization.

    The document must contain the seal of the bureau whose employees conducted the medical and social examination.

    Medical and social examination report

    In the medical and social examination report, the specialists who conducted the examination indicate their decision to recognize the citizen as disabled.

    Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 13, 2015 No. 228n regulates the form of the act drawn up as a result of a medical and social examination.

    In this act one can find the following important information, How:

    • Information about a citizen entitled to receive a disability.
    • A decision made based on the results of a citizen’s examination, which includes:
      • characteristics of the type and degree of health disorders of a person and limitations of his life activity;
      • the awarded disability group or a record of refusal to award it.
    • Reasons for acquiring disability by a citizen.
    • The degree of a citizen's loss of ability to work.
    • The date for which the re-examination is scheduled.

    The drawn up act is certified by the signatures of specialists and the head of the bureau. Act conducting ITU stored in the bureau for at least 10 years.

    Recognition of disability

    How is the decision to recognize disability made?

    The results of the examination are discussed by specialists. The decision of the commission that conducted a medical and social examination of a citizen to establish disability is made by a majority vote. All specialists who participated in the examination of the citizen participate in the voting.

    The decision of the commission that conducted the examination is announced to the citizen or his representative in the presence of the specialists who carried out the inspection. If necessary, experts provide explanations regarding the content of their decision.

    Disability award results

    If a citizen has been assigned the status of a disabled person of the 1st group, then he must remember that such status is established for 2 years - until the next re-examination.

    A citizen who has been recognized as disabled will receive a disability document and an individual rehabilitation program.

    Employees of the bureau that conducted the examination will send an extract about the commission’s decision to the pension authorities that accrue payments to the disabled person.

    This statement is sent to electronic form or on paper within 3 days from the date of the decision to recognize the person as disabled.

    Refusal to recognize disability of a certified citizen

    Citizens who have been denied recognition of disability can appeal the commission's decision. Complaints are submitted to the main bureau within a month.

    After receiving the complaint, the main bureau will appoint a new examination, based on the results of which a final decision will be made on the complaint of the dissatisfied citizen. A new examination will be carried out no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the citizen’s application.

    The decision of the main bureau can be appealed to the Federal Bureau within 1 month. This body will also set the date for a new examination of the person no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the application.

    The decisions of each of these bureaus can be appealed by citizens or their legal representatives in court.

    Thus, citizens whose health status meets the criteria described in regulations can apply for an examination to establish disability. Based on the results of the examination, medical specialists will make a decision to recognize the person as a disabled person of the 1st group.

    Disability is special condition human health when he cannot live fully or partially full life, work, study.

    People with such health problems are usually called disabled or people with disabilities.

    In Russia, a patient receives this status after undergoing a special examination, when the level of his ability to work and vital activity is assessed by both doctors and lawyers. What diseases are included in the list of 1st disability group?

    Obtaining the status of “disabled person” in Russia is regulated at the federal level, based on several federal laws and regulations.

    The reason for recognizing a patient as a person with disabilities is rarely just the presence of a disease - usually the patient is assigned a group due to a certain degree of health problems that do not allow him to take care of himself, work, or lead a full life.

    There are basic criteria:

    • serious disturbances in the motor function of the body;
    • physical deformity;
    • mental disorders;
    • serious dysfunctions of the circulatory, metabolic, respiratory and other body systems;
    • disorders of speech or hearing, touch.

    To obtain disability, the level of impairment of each function is carefully assessed during a medical and social examination. A person must receive a positive opinion from doctors and lawyers included in the commission.

    The assessment of working capacity and vital activity is given as a percentage relative to the norm in the following categories:

    • possibility of self-service;
    • orientation in space;
    • level of communication and contact with people around you;
    • opportunity independent movement;
    • self-control and adequate assessment your actions;
    • opportunity to work and study.

    The norm is an indicator that for each of the listed points is equal to zero.

    A referral to MSA to obtain the status of “disabled person” can be obtained from the medical institution that supervised and treated the sick person, or from the social security or pension authorities, if the patient has all the certificates and medical reports.

    Categories of disability groups


    They depend on the degree of disability and are assigned by a medical and sanitary examination.

    The first group is characterized by complete inoperability, the second and third - partial.

    Let's look at each of them in more detail:

    1. First group (1) is characterized by a complete inability to work. At the same time, the patient cannot fully care for himself - he needs constant help another person.
    2. (2) those health disorders are characteristic when a person does not need constant monitoring and assistance, but for a long time or remains completely incapacitated forever, or can only work under certain conditions that must be created in the workplace.
    3. (3) is assigned in the event that a person can no longer work in his specialty or in a specialty of the same qualification, but can serve himself independently. This group is also assigned to patients who cannot work due to the presence of diseases that are to a certain extent dangerous to others (for example, if the patient is diagnosed with tuberculosis). transferred to another field of activity, making their working conditions easier.

    Each disability group must be confirmed: group 1 is confirmed once every 2 years, 2 and 3 - once a year. In some cases, disability is assigned indefinitely.

    Approximate list of diseases for obtaining 1st disability group

    As such, there is no list of diseases based on the presence of which disability is assigned, but it is possible to identify the main diseases and pathologies when people who have them received group 1 disability.

    Pathologies that will allow you to obtain this group should cause deviations from the norm in the level of vital activity from 90 to 100%. That is, a person, as a rule, cannot exist without the help of an outsider.

    An approximate list of diseases is as follows:

    • dementia resulting from epilepsy, schizophrenia;
    • mental retardation;
    • amputation of 3 or 4 fingers along with the first on both hands, according to medical indications or in case of injury;
    • amputation of legs above 1/3 of the thigh;
    • serious kidney disease causing chronic renal failure;
    • irreversible blindness in both eyes;
    • metastasizing;
    • amputation of both arms at shoulder level;
    • irreversible serious disorders of the central nervous system;
    • vegetative state after stroke;
    • paralysis of the musculoskeletal system;
    • congenital absence of certain organs;
    • diseases of the circulatory system that have caused serious disruptions in the functioning of the body in the absence of treatment effect.

    A complete lack of opportunity to study and work, to be responsible for one’s actions and to take care of oneself are the main criteria for being assigned a disability.

    Working group or not?

    Often a person with 1st group of disability needs social protection and assistance strangers, he cannot take care of himself, often is not even able to communicate and navigate in space, much less move, therefore, in theory, disability group 1 is considered, although there is no such concept in the legislation. A disabled person of group 1 is paid a pension.

    But many people with group 1 disabilities are quite capable of working. For example, a person whose mental processes are functioning correctly and who is at least partially functioning musculoskeletal system, can work at home and even in specially equipped rooms.

    Typesetters, designers, copywriters, economists - there are many professions that a person with disabilities can master. Another question - official employment. An employer often refuses to provide a disabled person with a workplace, because he is afraid, and the costs of arranging a workplace are high.

    In general, the legislation of Russia does not prohibit the employment of disabled people of group 1. In addition, now, thanks to the opportunity to receive money from the Employment Center to organize a workplace for a person with disabilities, many enterprises are determining job quotas for people with disabilities, regardless of their disability group. In this case, the employer is obliged to provide the employee necessary conditions for carrying out work activities.

    The Ministry of Health and Social Development reports that in Russia the number of disabled people increases annually by approximately 1 million people. It is estimated that every tenth Russian receives a pension due to his inability to work due to health problems. And forecasts for the future are disappointing: by 2015 total quantity disabled people will exceed 15 million people.

    What is meant by the term "disabled person"?

    Historically in Russia, the concept of “disability” was associated with illness and inability to work. A disabled person (Latin invalidus - “weak, powerless”) is a person who has a persistent disorder of the functions of systems or organs caused by congenital or acquired diseases, injuries or defects. Due to this, he cannot fully carry out his professional duties. The life activity of such a citizen is limited, which necessitates his support and social protection. The Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 9, 1975 considers a disabled person as any person who is unable to meet his or her physical and social needs to a normal extent due to an acquired or congenital deficiency of mental or physical abilities. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 13, 2006 describes him as a person who has a persistent physical, mental, sensory or intellectual impairment that prevents him from participating effectively and fully in public life on an equal basis with other people.

    Disability as the inability to work. Limitation of life activities

    Today, disability is understood as a social phenomenon with a complex structure and is not considered in isolation from socialization, communication and personal factors. ILO Convention No. 159 (Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities) considers a disabled person in the context of fulfilling their labor functions. He is described as having a significant limitation in obtaining, maintaining, or advancing in employment due to severe mental or physical defect. In fact, the emphasis in this definition is on the performance features professional responsibilities a person with a disability. IN in this context“limitation of life activity” is understood as a partial or complete loss of the ability or capacity for self-care, independent movement, orientation in space, control of one’s behavior, social perception and communication, learning and performance of labor functions.

    What is necessary to establish disability?

    To recognize a person as disabled, three conditions must be met. First, the person must have a health impairment acquired due to illness, the presence of an anatomical defect, or after injury. It is accompanied by a persistent disorder in the functioning of the body. Secondly, a person must undergo a limitation of life activity, for example, lose the ability to care for himself, move independently, communicate, study and work. And thirdly, to establish disability, it is necessary that the person needs social protection, including rehabilitation measures. It is important that the presence of only one of these conditions is not considered a basis for recognizing a person as disabled.

    Medical and social examination

    To recognize a person as disabled, a special procedure is carried out. It is called "medical and social examination". With its help, the state of the body is comprehensively assessed on the basis of various data - clinical, social, psychological and professional. The MSA process is carried out at the place of residence, stay or where the pension file of a person who has moved to live outside the Russian Federation is located. In a number of cases, when a person for health reasons cannot appear independently at Federal Bureau, the examination is carried out at home. But this will require a conclusion from the organization providing treatment and preventive services about the patient’s condition. During the examination, doctors will carefully study all submitted materials, results of analyzes and tests. Then, by a majority vote, they will make a decision on recognizing or not recognizing the person as disabled. The commission's conclusion will be announced to the patient or his legal representative. According to the law in force in the Russian Federation (No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995, No. 213 - Federal Law of July 24, 2009, etc. regulations), a citizen who has been recognized as disabled will be assigned a disability group, depending on the severity of the health damage. It is considered as the degree of ongoing or permanent loss of ability to work. A person under the age of 18 is assigned the category of “disabled child”.

    Disability groups and degrees of limited ability to work

    The basis for establishing a disability group is the criteria of the patient’s health status. They are prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 535 of August 22. 2005 ITU uses this document to assess areas of a patient's life. Based on the results of the procedure, a protocol of the meeting and a certificate of examination of the person are drawn up, which indicates the group of disability, its causes and duration. How many disability groups are there in total? The law provides for three of them, and each of them has its own characteristics. In addition to the disability group, the degree of limitation of the ability to professional activities. Three of them have also been developed. The first degree presupposes the ability to work subject to a decrease in severity and/or a reduction in the volume of work. The second provides the ability to carry out professional duties when creating special conditions, including when equipping the workplace with special aids. The third degree implies contraindication and the actual impossibility of performing work activities.

    Duration of disability and re-examination

    As a result of ITU all necessary documents signed by specialists and certified with a seal. The person receives a rehabilitation program and a certificate of disability. Within three days from the moment the decision is made, an extract from the ITU act is sent to the pension authority. Disability group 1 is assigned for a period of two years, groups 2 and 3 - for 12 months. The category of “disabled child” can be established for different time periods - for one, two years or until the person reaches the age of eighteen. Permanent disability installed in some cases. For example, due to the inability to reduce or eliminate the patient's disability caused by serious persistent morphological changes, disturbances in the functioning of body systems and defects. To monitor the progress pathological process and the state of the disabled person’s ability to work is regularly re-examined. Persons who have been assigned a disability group for an indefinite period may be sent for re-examination according to at will or in the direction of your health care facility. Next, we will provide a list of disability groups, and also tell you about financial support for people with disabilities.

    "Non-working" disability group. Criteria for its assignment

    The most severe by mental and physical condition The patient is in the first disability group. It is established for persons who have persistent, pronounced health impairments and limitations in one or more categories of life activity. The criteria for determining disability group No. 1 are as follows:

    • inability to provide independent care and care for oneself, that is, complete dependence on other people;
    • inability to move independently;
    • inability to communicate;
    • disorientation;
    • lack of control over one's own actions and behavior.

    Examples of conditions for assigning the first disability group may be: lesions cardiovascular system with circulatory failure, paralysis of two limbs, severe tuberculosis, incurable malignant neoplasms. Catatonic schizophrenia and epilepsy with twilight states consciousness can also become the basis for assigning a disability of this degree. Disability group 1 means that persons need constant supervision and help from other people to provide them with vital household and social functions. Their ability to work is extremely limited. However, the deaf and dumb blind people perform some types of work. Wheelchair users can work from home.

    Second and third disability groups. Reasons for their assignment

    The second disability group is issued to persons who have less significant (compared to the first group) functional impairments and limitations of life activity of the second degree. Usually people can take care of themselves. They do not need constant supervision and care. Indications for the appointment of the second group are as follows:

    • the ability to move independently, including with the use of assistive devices;
    • the ability to self-care (with the use of outside help or aids);
    • inability to study under general conditions in regular educational institutions;
    • the ability to carry out work activities in a specially prepared workplace, using the help of other people or aids;
    • the ability to communicate, including with the help of assistive devices;
    • the ability to navigate in space and time with the help of other people;
    • the ability to control your behavior with the help of other people.

    The second disability group can be assigned in the presence of diseases such as myocardial damage, progressive tuberculosis, pulmonary cirrhosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis with decreased intellectual functions, damage spinal cord with impaired motor functions, etc. It is often prescribed to children who have birth defects or who have received birth trauma, for the period of study. After mastering school curriculum such persons are issued a certificate of fitness for work. Citizens who received the third disability group during the medical examination have functional impairments moderate severity, such as deafness or paralysis of the hand, which are the result of congenital or acquired diseases, injuries or defects. In general, such patients have moderately severe limitations in their ability to live. They are able to carry out self-care for themselves, to provide for themselves and to be independent from outsiders. However, they need the help and protection of social services. Disability of groups 2 and 3 does not prohibit people from working and providing for themselves financially. But the law requires the creation of certain conditions in the workplace for people with disabilities. Working disability group 2 involves relief labor process- creating additional breaks during the day or shortening it, easing production standards, etc. Also, disabled people are entitled to additional leave. Third working group disability does not in any way limit a person’s ability and desire to work. The legislation does not provide for a reduction in working hours for such people. For disabled people of the third group, as well as for ordinary people, a 40-hour work week is prescribed.

    Financial support for disabled people

    The main way to ensure the life of people with disabilities is a pension. The basis for its appointment is the recognition of a person as disabled during a medical and social examination, as well as the appointment of any of the three disability groups. A labor disability pension is a monthly payment that is assigned to persons with work restrictions to compensate for lost earnings. If the cause of this condition was general disease acquired during life, to assign a pension you will need a general work experience having a certain duration. People who became disabled in childhood, before they reach the age of twenty, will be assigned financial support, regardless of their work experience. If the cause of disability is an injury or illness received during the performance of professional duties, a pension will be assigned regardless of the total length of service. For the category of military personnel, a monthly payment is assigned if the disability occurred either during service or no later than 3 months from the date of its termination. Also, a pension for military personnel can be established even if they were assigned a certain group a significant time after dismissal. The main thing is that the injury or illness that led to the limitation of life activity was received during the period of service.

    Pension amounts: 1, 2, 3 disability group

    Pensions are indexed annually in Russia. In 2012-2014 it increased twice a year - from February 1 and April 1. Indexation is carried out in connection with the increase in the growth of the consumer basket and inflation. Benefits are calculated differently for different groups of disabled people. But in general view they include accruals for the total length of service, the size of the basic pension and monthly cash payments (MCP), which replace benefits in kind. Since April 2014, disability of groups 1 and 2 involves the accrual of EDV in the amount of 2974.03 rubles and 2123.92 rubles, respectively. Disabled people of the third group will receive monthly cash payment in the amount of 1700.23 rubles. The basic pension for the disability group in 2014 is as follows:

    For people who have received a disability as a result of their work and have a total work experience of more than five years, the pension will be calculated individually, and its indicators will be significantly higher.

    What benefits are available to disabled people?

    According to the law, people with disabilities are entitled to various compensations. They are provided depending on the group assigned during the ITU. Benefits, due to disabled people the first category are: payment of labor and social pensions, free provision of medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions, free treatment in sanatoriums, compensation for the cost of plane or train tickets when traveling to a medical institution, free travel on public transport, compensation for the cost of rent, utilities, electricity, telephone (50%). Persons also have the opportunity to obtain additional living space if they are unable to live with other relatives due to illness. Disabled people of the first group who need prosthetic limbs are provided with prosthetics and orthopedic shoes free of charge. They can count on admission without competition to higher and secondary professional government agencies. Disabled people of the first group are provided with assistance in housekeeping and are provided with a social worker.

    The list of compensations is also extensive for the second disability group. The benefits are as follows: persons with disabilities have the right to free travel on public transport, free receipt dressings and products medical purposes, for the purchase of medicines at discounts, for compensation of rent, utilities, for a discount on electricity and telephone bills, etc. The law provides for the provision of benefits to non-working disabled people of the third group. They have the right to purchase certain types medicines, medical products and orthopedic shoes with discounts, for compensation of 50% of the cost of intercity tickets once a year. Special benefits are provided for children with disabilities. For example, they are entitled to a social pension, free medicines, medical rehabilitation, providing a place in preschool, health or medical institutions. Children are provided with free devices and handrails to facilitate movement. Some benefits are also provided for parents or guardians of a disabled child, for example, a subsidy is provided when paying the cost of rent, compensation utility payments, use of telephone communications, etc. Disabled persons are also entitled to home-based social services, for example, assistance in purchasing goods, medicines, providing food, including home delivery of groceries, maintaining living conditions in accordance with hygiene requirements.