How to spend calories. Burn after reading: how to easily burn calories at home How to burn calories

I did not correct the grammar in the article, although, unfortunately, it is full of glaring errors. I’ll just sign or even explain what the author means, but the translator didn’t understand the point.

We all already know that in order to lose weight or dry out, we need to spend calories, and more than usual. Consume less of them with food and spend more of them in movements and loads.

It is also known that calories are burned not so easily and not so quickly. Today you will learn about 15 clever tips on how to increase your calorie expenditure.

1. More protein and less carbohydrates

The process of digestion, like any other process, also requires energy for its implementation. Approximately 28% of protein and only 8% of carbohydrates per gram are spent on this process. That is, proteins are more expensive to digest than carbohydrates, so eating them is more profitable in terms of calorie consumption. But let's not forget about complex carbohydrates in cereals.

Indeed, my diet is almost entirely protein. But not only because it consumes energy during digestion. Muscles are built from protein, and construction often occurs with the preliminary destruction of muscle tissue (microtrauma). Therefore, you need not just a lot of protein, but a LOT of it.

2. Include sour foods in your diet

Here we can refer to sourness as fermented milk products(kefir, yogurt), vinegar dressings, lemon juice(the lemon itself), apples, pickles and gherkins. These foods increase the oxidation of carbohydrates and thereby slow down the removal of food from the stomach.

I drink kefir every day, usually at least half a liter. It dulls hunger and promotes better digestion of food. I'm not sure about slowing down the evacuation of food. Personally, kefir can help me relax properly.

3. Rolls and bread away

You should completely avoid various white breads, rolls, muffins, and loaves. White bread To a greater extent, soy caloric content increases the size of adipose tissue.

Also pizza and pies. Never eat products made from flour, especially white flour, no matter how much you want to. As a last resort - a cracker or cracker. From one tiny piece of cake, about a week's work on losing weight will go down the drain.

4. Avoiding potatoes

Potatoes are a pure kind of starch. And starch is pure carbohydrates. No matter how potatoes are cooked, they will always contain a decent amount of carbohydrates, which will significantly increase your calorie content.

I have personally checked and confirmed it. No potatoes, in any form. Potatoes immediately cause weight to creep up at an alarming rate!

5. Don’t start dessert right away.

The main meal is often followed by dessert. Even if it is correct. You need to pause for at least 15-20 minutes. During this time, the main food will begin to be digested and a signal will be given to the brain that food has been received, which means a feeling of satiety will come. You may not want to eat dessert at all, or at least you will eat much less.

For dessert, it is best to eat fruit. And you don't have to wait for anything.

6. More calcium

Eat more foods containing calcium. Calcium helps burn calories and prevents the accumulation of fat reserves.

Especially for older people and smokers, because with old age and smokers, bones lose calcium and become brittle. And old smokers have just glass bones!

7. Breakfast is required

Breakfast should never be skipped. It is not for nothing that it is called the most basic meal and the most important. From it you should get the main and starting charge for the whole day, speed up your metabolism. Proper breakfast in time will help you avoid gaining excess fat.

In addition, calories are spent on digesting breakfast itself. That is, the metabolic process starts.

8. You can’t go hungry

Many people think that if they do not eat, then the body will thereby take the energy it does not receive from fat. This is partly just so. When hungry, the body first begins to break down muscle tissue, not fat. Hunger is not a way to lose weight. More precisely, not the right way.

It is impossible to lose weight without reasonable fasting. I’m telling you this for sure - I tested it personally, on my own body.

9. Healthy sleep

A person needs to sleep about 7-8 hours a day. This is what you should do, you shouldn’t watch late-night movies or do late-night fun. You better get some sleep because bad dream will slow down and disrupt your metabolism, and will negatively affect many other things.

While you sleep, life will pass by. Of course, you need to sleep, but in vain they write here that “you shouldn’t have fun at night.” The fun will still happen, just without you. Make your own choice.

10. Make the exercises more difficult

Some exercises can be replaced with similar, but at the same time more energy-intensive ones. For example, push-ups while lying down can be replaced with push-ups on uneven bars. During breaks between sets, walk instead of sitting in a tired position.

This is different for everyone, of course. Let the author do push-ups on the uneven bars first, and I’ll see how he can do it, if the weight is about 100 kg. I can do 10 push-ups on the floor without difficulty, but I still can’t lift my body on the parallel bars or on the horizontal bar.

11. Do more

Always try to do the exercises at least once, but more. This will squeeze more calories out of you.

You have to approach it wisely, otherwise you can drive yourself into a state where it’s easier to shoot. If I confidently lift the barbell 3x10, then I simply add weight.

12. Pedals in the opposite direction

When using an exercise bike, pedal at reverse side. Do certain approaches: 5 minutes one way, 5 minutes back, or better yet, do this more often, 2 minutes at a time. On an elliptical trainer, you can close your eyes, the body will try to maintain balance, and calories will be spent on something.

I have never seen anyone pedal backwards. And on the simulator with eyes closed you might just fall.

13. Measure your running distance

It's best to run or walk on a treadmill based on distance, not time. Set yourself a goal: walk 4 kilometers every day this week, and increase that distance next week.

The doctor advised my grandmother to walk 4 km every day. Three years have passed and we have no idea where she is now! 😉

14. Frequent dental hygiene

Brush your teeth more often than you are used to and with a minty toothpaste. This minty aroma of vortu will suppress your appetite. Rinse your mouth with menthol balm.

Heap grammatical errors. Yes, and stupid advice. Erase the enamel on your teeth, and instead of you, your wallet will lose weight from trips to the dentist.

15. Move every minute

Invent and complicate your daily actions. When you talk on the phone, walk, when you sit on a chair, raise your legs, take the stairs instead of the elevator. There are a lot of options here.

For some reason, very obscene options popped into my head. Yes, they write, also to me: “Raise your legs... instead of the elevator...” 😉

These little tricks and tips can help you. If you choose at least five of them and turn them into your habit, then the benefits will not be far off, you will notice wonderful changes in your figure.

P.S. I’ll be writing a video now and in about half an hour, I’ll publish it here: . Take a look if you have time.

We spend energy not only on intense movement. Calories are spent on heating the body, digesting food, growing hair and nails, beating the heart and inhaling air... Biochemical processes inside cells also require energy. Therefore, calories are constantly consumed, even while sleeping. Then why do some people spend everything free time in the gym, but can’t lose weight, while other lucky people never exercise and are still slim? A significant role in this is played by the so-called basal metabolism - an indicator of the intensity of energy metabolism. This is the amount of heat generated in the body in a state of complete physical and mental rest (lying down and at least 14 hours after eating) and thermal comfort (18–20°C). On average, its value is 1 kcal/hour per 1 kg of body weight. At the same time, in women the basal metabolism is 5–10% lower than in men, and in people over 40 years old it is 10–15% lower than in young people. It also decreases with certain diseases (for example, hypothyroidism), as well as with fasting.

Cold to the rescue

Surprisingly, our body spends maximum calories precisely on maintaining constant temperature body, those same 36.6°C. And this is in a normal, “room” climate. And, for example, when the air temperature drops by 10–15°C, calorie consumption increases by 2-3 times! By the way, energy from fat reserves is spent mainly on heating the body - up to 90% (unlike physical exercise, which require mainly carbohydrate costs). Therefore, in the autumn-winter season, the body intensively accumulates fat.

Calories are spent especially actively in the cold - 10 minutes of walking can cost as much as 100 kcal! However, there is a risk: upon returning home, you crave hearty food - this is how the body wants to compensate for what was spent. You can “deceive” him with low-fat, but hot food - heated milk, light cream soup, coffee.

Water treatments

In summer, chilled food and drinks will come to the rescue - the body will have to spend calories to warm them up in the stomach. True, not much: to heat 1 glass of water (200 ml) by 10°C, you need only 0.2 kcal. So, 1.5 liters of water - the recommended minimum during the day when losing weight - from the refrigerator will help you use up 1.5 kcal.

Water forces the body to burn calories not only from the inside, but also from the outside - even if you are just standing in it and not swimming. The water is usually colder than the body. For example, in a standard pool the water temperature is 26-27 °C, but since water is denser than air and has greater thermal conductivity, then calories are burned more intensively. Therefore, 30 minutes of even sluggish swimming will consume 200 kcal.

Simple movements

However, movement still helps us lose weight. Even minor muscle contractions or their static work to maintain a certain position significantly increase energy expenditure. Let’s say a person spends 30 kcal per hour just sitting. And if you sit and knit, it’s already 100. Because your fingers move, your arms and shoulders tense, it’s harder for your spine to maintain balance.

Not long ago, a special term NEAT was coined - based on the initial letters of the English name Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, which translates as “the formation of heat caused by activity not related to exercise.”

Why "heat"? Yes, because energy from fat is primarily heat.

What daily activities quietly help us lose weight?

HOMEWORK Routine cleaning (brush dust off the TV and table, put unnecessary things in the closet, vacuum, load washing machine etc.) will take 150–250 kcal per hour. If you decide to do general cleaning with washing windows, chandeliers and moving furniture, count on at least 300 kcal per hour.

SHOPPING Supermarkets are especially useful for burning calories: wandering around them will deprive you of 200-250 kcal per hour.

CHILDREN AND PETS Playing with a cat, small dog or other small animal will burn up to 200 kcal per hour. Active walk on fresh air with a child or a dog they will take from 200 to 400 kcal per hour. If you don’t just play, but teach your child, for example, to play ball or ride a bike, then you can easily spend more than 400 kcal. Even cleaning the aquarium “eats” about 100 kcal per hour.

GARDEN Planting flowers and controlling weeds takes 250–350 kcal per hour.

REST According to experts, what type of recreation we choose depends on our genes: some are naturally active, while others are phlegmatic. The temperament we inherit genetically determines the level of NEAT. One person on the beach will not be able to lie quietly in a sun lounger and will either swim or dive, or build sand castles with the children, or throw a frisbee, while another, who is not naturally prone to fuss, will burn 150–200 kcal per day less. However, it turns out that it is not so difficult to increase your NEAT level: it is enough to be interested in what is happening around you more often.

IN THE OFFICE I need to get up more often. For example, get up and stretch your legs twice an hour. Such breaks are also useful for preserving vision, preventing diseases of the wrist joints, spine and veins. 8–16 such rises during the working day - and 100-150 kcal are gone.

Unexpected finds

  • Kissing and sex will require from 30 to 150 kcal per hour. Singing or playing musical instrument will cost 50–100 kcal for 40 minutes.
  • Talking on a mobile phone will take 15-20 kcal in 5 minutes if you get into the habit of walking while talking.
  • Painting, embroidery, origami and others creative activities require an additional 50–100 kcal per hour.
  • Emotional experiences increase metabolism by 5–10%. This is why many people lose weight when they fall in love or, conversely, get divorced.


It is believed that the most the right way Losing weight means consuming fewer calories than your body uses during the day. But if you sit in the office all day, a logical question arises: what exactly is energy spent on in the absence of sports in your life?

The number of calories burned directly depends on your weight, gender, intensity of exercise, and metabolic rate. As you understand, the figures below are very arbitrary. However, you will find them on most specialized calorie calculation sites. It is believed that these data are the statistical average, that is, in our case, they are suitable for women weighing from 65 to 70 kilograms. However, even if your weight differs from the above, our data will help form an idea of ​​how your body works and the energy expenditure that occurs during the day.


Where does the morning begin: with coffee and a croissant or with water porridge and a vegetable smoothie? No, from making the bed (35 kcal), showering (10 minutes - 40 kcal), preparing breakfast (75 kcal), then washing the dishes (50 kcal), putting on makeup (60 kcal), styling (141 kcal) and, of course, choosing and trying on clothes (93 kcal). If you have a dog, then a walk with it will cost you 200 kcal for 40 minutes.

The commute to work will also not go unaccounted for. There are, however, many different options here, so choose the one that is closest to you. So, driving a car will cost you 90 kcal per hour, walking - 270 kcal, but traveling by car public transport- this is 70 kcal if sitting, and 120 kcal if standing.


During the day we can be involved in many processes, from writing letters (80 kcal/hour) and talking on the phone (50 kcal/hour) to talking with colleagues at the water cooler (80 kcal/hour).

It is generally accepted that during an eight-hour working day, the average office worker, subject to mild stress, spends about 550 kcal. Such work includes various paperwork, talking on the phone, correspondence by mail and periodic walks to the kettle. In general, quite familiar things, without any overwhelming physical activity.

Those who are employed in the education or service sector, that is, whose work involves a lot of movement and communication with other people, can spend from 1000 kcal per day. This kind of work requires that you spend a lot of time on your feet, you have to constantly move around the room and talk a lot, a lot, which is undoubtedly extremely energy-consuming. Plus, the stress that comes with this kind of work also affects the number of calories you burn. However, those whose work involves caring for the home can spend the same amount per day. Cleaning, cooking and childcare also fall into this category.

Those who burn the most during a working day, of course, are those whose work is directly related to physical activity– loaders, workers, builders, repairmen, athletes. Here we can already talk about at least 2000 calories per working day.

It will also be interesting to note how much our brain burns per day. Studies show that in the absence of mental stress, the brain burns up to 400-500 kcal per day. If your work involves the need to solve certain problems that require increased concentration and mental stress, then congratulations: your brain spends twice as many calories. Emotions increase energy consumption by 10-20% - worries, joy, fear force the brain to work with increased intensity.


In the evening, calorie consumption is the lowest of the day, which is quite logical, given that at the end of the day we prefer to take a break from business by doing relaxing things. Reading your favorite book for an hour will cost you 29 kcal, and watching TV will cost you 65 kcal. It is also interesting that 10-15 minutes of laughter can burn up to 50 calories. Some experts even compare 1 minute of laughter to 10 minutes of fitness.


While we sleep, the body continues its hard work. In 8 hours healthy sleep a person can spend about 560 kcal. However, this volume is burned only if you go to bed in a relaxed, non-stressed state, in a room with a comfortable cool temperature, and also provided that three hours before bedtime you did not eat anything fatty, sweet or very high in calories.

Let's sum it up

Any activity, whether active or passive, leads to energy consumption. More or less depends on the nature of the activity and your physique. If you have set a goal to lose weight, the first thing you need to do is analyze your day for activity. This will help you calculate at least the approximate number of calories you burn.

The second step is to determine the number of calories that you are recommended to consume per day according to medical standards. For each age, weight and height, this amount is calculated individually. For help, it is better to consult a nutritionist who will help you create a diet and decide on the type of nutrition.

Are you looking for exercises online that will get rid of belly fat in 5 minutes? Are you going through lists of diets or are you thinking of signing up for some kind of “crazy cutting”? But if you think about it, the simplest activities will help you tone up and speed up your metabolism in order to lose weight faster. overweight. AnySports tells you how to burn calories without leaving home.

Morning routines

Brushing your teeth and 5 minutes in the shower will cost you about 20 calories. And if you add another 30 seconds of dousing cool water, you will burn exactly the same amount.

In 10 minutes you will burn about 80 calories. Singing along to your favorite songs while exercising will increase your calorie expenditure by up to 100! You can gain another 10 calories by jumping rope for a minute. But amateurs who are used to practicing calmly and measuredly will burn about 80 calories in half an hour of practice.

Home life

Not many people enjoy washing dishes, but think of it as another test of your willpower as well as the right way burn 35 calories in 10 minutes. If you also do this, you will burn from 20 to 50 calories.

Hand washing not for you? But you still have to take the laundry out of the washing machine, hang it, and then sort and fold it. Voila - minus 35 calories in 15 minutes useful work! And if you also do ironing on this day, you will burn almost 80 calories in half an hour.

Once the cleaning has started, you can spend half an hour wiping off the dust and putting things back in their places. The result is minus 80 calories and a sparkling clean home! Another 15 minutes of vacuuming is 50 calories, and half an hour of mopping will cost you 153 calories. For those who have gone into a frenzy: 2 hours of “general” cleaning with removal of trash from the apartment - minus 900 calories. The result is so amazing that you don’t even have to go!

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If you live in your own home, you have to either remove snow or tidy up the lawns. An hour of such work will save you from 330-450 calories. Sometimes you can even wash your car yourself - saving money and minus 65 calories in 15 minutes!

About 180 kcal can be burned in an hour and a half of cooking. Remember, also add spices to your food that help burn fat. While dinner is cooking, have a drink - it forces your body to burn more calories.

Rest with benefit

After such active maneuvers and consolidation of the result, all you have to do is refrain from heavy lifting and allow yourself to rest. Even if you decide to watch TV, you can burn 72 calories in an hour. By adding light exercises like balancing on a stability ball or swinging your legs, you can burn up to 200 calories while watching a movie.

– this is a pleasant relaxation and minus 100 calories for every 10 minutes of fun time together. If your child is still small, take a stroller to the park - you will burn about 280 calories in an hour.

Shopping is another way to relax, in the process you will spend about 152 kcal per hour. Use the stairs while walking around the supermarket: 5 minutes - 50 calories.

With your significant other in the park, you will burn 130 kcal each. Kiss for pleasure - 25 calories in 10 minutes. And if you move on to having sex, estimate your energy consumption at the rate of 200 calories per hour!

Did you know that 8 hours of sleep burns about 476 calories? This is another reason why you should get enough sleep! Sleeping in a cool room will help you feel more alert in the morning and burn an extra 35 calories overnight.

Be sure to read useful materials or a chapter of a book - burn 33 calories in 15 minutes. And if you get a 15-minute massage, you will not only get a feeling of lightness in your body, but also burn 33 calories.

If you are, remember: you need to spend more calories than you consume in food. If you are active all day and watch your diet, part with extra pounds it will be very simple! And you don't even need to go to the gym for this.

Eat fewer calories than you burn - we hear this weight loss formula everywhere. How can you increase your calorie expenditure? Great option There will be a fitness room, but what to do if you are sorely short of time. We will tell you how you can lose weight without changing your usual rhythm of life and your usual schedule.

A quick way to burn calories can be found in this article.

As you know, calories are spent on any business we do. Usually the energy costs of working in a workshop and washing are different, but we must take both of them away in a day. How many calories do ordinary activities take from us, and how can they be used to benefit our figure?

How many calories are burned per day?

Let's count how many kilocalories are spent when we do ordinary things without going to the gym or working in the garden.


It takes us approximately 20 minutes to get dressed and wash ourselves, and we lose 31 kilocalories. If we don’t prepare breakfast, then 10 minutes are followed by 8 kilocalories. It takes 15 minutes to finish the hair and takes 35 kilocalories.

Traveling to work and home while driving a car in ideal will take an hour of time and deprive you of 101 kilocalories. Working at a computer takes the same amount, and if it is an 8-hour working day, then you can lose 808 kilocalories.


It takes us not an hour to eat, but 20 minutes, and we lose 16 kilocalories. When you don’t need to run anywhere during a break, if the cafe is a 5-minute walk from work, then you can sit at a table in the cafe for the entire mass break, talking with colleagues or friends, and lose 70 kilocalories.

After work, we undress, cook a simple dinner, have dinner, and take a shower. This burns 90 calories.

Also, our daily routine includes making the bed, washing dishes, talking on the phone with family or friends, reading a book, and on all this we spend 50 kilocalories. About 100 kilocalories go to sleep, if he is healthy and strong for at least 7 hours. Together we get 1309 kilocalories.

But to everyday affairs Let's add a 30-minute morning exercise, that's 150 kilocalories, a shopping trip at lunch, which took half an hour of lunch, that's another 100 kilocalories. A purely symbolic evening 30-minute cleaning of the apartment, vacuuming there, dusting here, takes 80 kilocalories, ironing clothes for an hour takes 70 kilocalories. If we do an hour of aerobics a week, we will all burn 1600 kilocalories.

Calories and loneliness

All the calculations written above are written for each of us, and even if you are a workaholic, and there is not a single child or man nearby, you simply live for yourself and do not have a family. This does not always happen and this is reflected in our condition and figure.

For example, a passionate long kiss will deprive you of 50 kilocalories, and sex will deprive you of 200 kilocalories. It turns out that a night of love or a few kisses a day and we will cover it in abundance daily norm 1800 or 2000 kilocalories. If you don't have a loved one, it's okay. You can spend 200 or 400 kilocalories if you dance in a club for 1 or 1.5 hours with your girlfriends, and at the same time you can find your loved one there.

A 30-minute walk with the dog will allow you to enjoy a piece of chocolate with 100 kilocalories, or cancel your morning exercises or evening cleaning.

Calorie expenditure and the child

A woman's life is radically changed by the birth of a child. The nurse needs 500 kilocalories more than it was before, but the worries that have fallen on her shoulders will cover this excess.

Feeding a child itself will require 141 kilocalories per hour, and at the beginning of life, some babies eat around the clock.

If you walk with your child in a stroller, you will get rid of 151 kilocalories, and if you carry him in your arms for an hour, you will lose 188 kilocalories. Later, when you play with an older child, you will lose 150 kilocalories every half hour. And as he grows up, you will move on to more active games, you will have to run and jump along with the child, and you will say goodbye to 200 kilocalories every 30 minutes.

But until then, breastfeeding may stop, which means we need fewer calories from food. And all this needs to be taken into account, so that later you don’t have to wonder why we don’t lose weight if we lead active image life. Most likely, you need to reduce the calorie content of your daily menu. Don't forget that when we look after a baby, we don't spend 909 kilocalories on the road, getting to work and back. There will be fewer opportunities for sports and shopping. Will be reduced telephone conversations, walks and so on.

But there will be additional time for bathing the baby, dressing, cooking, ironing, and you will need to clean the apartment more often. This is how we will “justify” the calories not spent on work.

You can lose weight If loneliness is a forced prospect for the near future or a conscious choice, then underexpenditure of calories will occur on the weekend. On Saturday morning we begin to clean up the house, and then an hour of such work will deprive us of 203 kilocalories. This should not be a light, but a thorough cleaning that can be done in the evening. This includes polishing mirrors and glass, washing floors and windows, cleaning plumbing fixtures, this is necessary so that extra pounds “melt” in this way.

After lunch we go to the store to buy groceries for the week. An hour of such activity takes 150 kilocalories from us.

On Sunday we take a walk, an hour of such a walk will deprive us of 200 or 250 kilocalories, or if we ride a bicycle at a speed of 14 kilometers per hour, it will deprive us of 300 kilocalories per hour.

If you have a vegetable garden, a garden, or a summer house, then we’ll transfer our Sunday plans to the garden beds. Depending on the pace of work and what kind of work we do at the dacha, dacha tasks consume from 100 to 300 kilocalories every hour.

Diet, counting calories, When it becomes clear what we spend on and how many calories, it is not difficult to calculate, or stick to the traditional formula for losing weight, when the cost is greater consumption. When you want to utter the phrase that “it’s not for them, I’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel and getting fat,” then you want to translate these things into calories. Perhaps a person simply overeats, or exaggerates his worries, then in the first case he needs to reduce the calorie content of his diet, or simply move more. And then the process of losing weight will begin.

What does each person's daily energy expenditure consist of? We spend most of our calories on movement - shopping, studying, working, hobbies and household chores. Thanks to this material, we will be able to calculate how much a working day will cost us. But there are processes on which we spend a lot of energy, and we have no idea about it.

One of these processes is basal metabolism, which is the name given to metabolism in the body in a state of calm. This energy is spent to ensure the functions of important organs - kidneys, lungs, heart, brain and others. Using special measurements and tables, nutritionists calculate basal metabolic rates. To calculate energy expenditure at home, you need to know that every hour a person spends 1 kilocalorie per 1 kilogram of weight. A young woman weighing 60 kilograms needs 1440 kilocalories to support her body in a state of calm.

Second important process- digestion and absorption of food. Depending on the fact that you eat carbohydrates, fats, proteins, different amounts of energy are spent on this process. When consuming proteins, 40% is spent on disposal. And the body spends only 5 or 7% on the assimilation and digestion of fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, for those who want to lose weight, it is much more profitable to eat protein foods.

To make it more enjoyable and easier to count calories burned, you can use the table.

Type of activity

Office work - 87 kilocalories per hour

Typing on a computer - 140

Computer work - 101

Work as a massage therapist - 294

Daily routine

Personal hygiene - 93

Dressing and undressing - 93

Eating while standing - 93

Eating while sitting - 47

Medium intensity charging - 300

Country house Lawn mowing - 200

Fruit picking - 320

Gardening - 135

Weeding new weeds - 230

Pulling out last year's grass - 300

digging up beds - 320

With the help of these tables, you can find out how you can quickly burn extra calories and get your figure in order.