Drawing on the topic of a healthy lifestyle 5. Creative drawing activity Our health is in our hands

Olga Radostina

The entire month of February passed in our garden. healthy lifestyle. An open review of gymnastics was held after sleep, methodological seminar on teaching children to ski, as well as consultation for teachers “Modern programs and technologies for preschoolers' health" It was a very fun day health". In the morning everyone did general morning exercises, then were carried out: sports and musical leisure "Zakalyayka visiting the guys", quizzes "If you want to be healthy" And " Cheers to health!"; KVN "Be we want to be healthy", cartoon sessions on the topic. A survey was conducted with parents "Conditions healthy lifestyle in the family", consultation "It's good to be healthy", as well as a drawing competition "We are for healthy lifestyle"

This wonderful drawing was drawn by Timur and his mother

Irina and her sister drew instructive drawings

And also these beautiful drawings our children succeeded

Publications on the topic:

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A child's HEALTH IS the most valuable treasure that parents have. The happiest parents are those whose children are healthy. Playing sports.

Presentation “Healthy Lifestyle” Presentation “Healthy lifestyle” 1 slide I present to your attention a presentation on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”. 2 slide Preschool period.

A healthy lifestyle is the lifestyle of an individual with the goal of preventing disease and promoting health. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of life activity.

Healthy lifestyle HEALTHY LIFESTYLE System of hardening measures in kindergarten. Educator: Voronina I.V. “I’m not afraid to repeat again and again:

Healthy lifestyle"Taking care of your health is most important work teacher Their spiritual life, worldview, and mentality depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.

What to teach children at school, if not healthy lifestyle? Teachers annually organize scheduled competitions for drawing wall newspapers, posters, or simply ask students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 to prepare drawing or at least redraw the picture on the topic “Healthy lifestyle” or “I am for a healthy lifestyle.” Since this topic is extensive, it is difficult to immediately understand that it is difficult to draw, so we will give examples of already completed works.

How to draw a picture about a healthy lifestyle for children?

Think about what you can depict on a poster or picture about healthy lifestyle. For a hint, look at this picture:

Poster “Six components of a healthy lifestyle”

This wall newspaper has all the components healthy life:

  • nutrition(more fruits and vegetables - less sweets and fatty foods);
  • sport(football, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, swimming - any activity);
  • healthy sleep (at least 8 hours a day);
  • self-control training(yoga classes, meditation, discipline);
  • emotional health(be able to control your emotions, not become depressed and despondent);
  • social health (participate in circles, clubs, communicate with peers, do not withdraw into yourself).

Each of these components of a healthy lifestyle can be depicted in a separate picture. For example, a girl can draw the following picture, which shows what foods are best to eat:

Poster “Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle.”

Paint healthy eating easy - the main thing is to understand how to depict fruit. To do this, you can view two step-by-step lessons in the photo below. The first picture is about how to draw an apple:

Step by step instructions“How to draw an apple for a poster about healthy lifestyle.”

And the second picture is about how to draw a pear step by step:

How to draw a pear step by step for a drawing about a healthy lifestyle.

Take pencils and try to draw something like that yourself. When you learn how to draw fruit, try to put a person on a piece of paper, combining several factors of a healthy lifestyle. For example, this figure combines sports and nutrition:

Drawing “A healthy lifestyle is sports and proper nutrition.”

This picture shows a girl meditating - this picture is suitable for depicting self-control as an aspect of a healthy lifestyle:

Poster “Meditation is a way of self-control for a healthy life.”

How to draw a poster (wall newspaper) for elementary school students (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade) about healthy lifestyle?

A health poster will be more difficult to draw, since it must consist of several elements at once. You can use the first picture for this. Or draw a wall newspaper in the form of steps to health to show your classmates or younger schoolchildren what you need to do to achieve health, moral and physical:

Wall newspaper in English: “5 steps for a healthy lifestyle.”

It is important to depict sports on the poster so that children do not forget to be active. This picture shows enough varieties of sports to interest every student, especially boys:

Wall newspaper “Sport is health.”

A the highest manifestation talent will depict all the factors of a healthy life in one picture. Here good example the kind of picture that would get an “A” if you put it up for a wall newspaper or poster competition at school:

Poster on the theme "Health"

Coloring pages about a healthy lifestyle for children

For the little ones, kindergarten students, first graders and schoolchildren up to 4th grade, we have prepared special coloring books. It will be enough to print one of them so that your child can use pencils, paints or felt-tip pens to decorate the drawing as he pleases. In any case, it will turn out beautifully:

Coloring page “Work is a component of a healthy lifestyle.”

The topic of a healthy lifestyle is raised not only among adults, but also among children in schools and kindergartens. From childhood, children are taught to engage in physical education and sports, eat right, and maintain a daily routine. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle gradually gives results, helps strengthen physical and emotional health child. Are carried out with children cool watch and conversations, the children learn the material in a playful or creative form. Schoolchildren are often asked to draw a thematic picture. The following are options for how to draw a picture step by step for school and kindergarten on the topic of a healthy lifestyle.

How to draw a picture step by step

When executing simple image on a given topic, children draw one of components Healthy lifestyle. For example, a healthy diet, sports and physical education, daily routine. Simple drawings are made by children from senior group kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade students.

Also to good health it is customary to attribute a person’s social life, the ability to control emotional state, self-discipline training. But it’s not easy to portray such situations to a baby.

Children of middle and high school age draw complex posters. They depict several parts of a healthy lifestyle or all components at once. To do this, a sheet of paper or whatman paper is divided into required quantity parts on which the desired composition is drawn.

Healthy lifestyle

Examples of social posters promoting a healthy lifestyle can be downloaded for free on the Internet. There are many photos and pictures for sketching that will help you cope with the task. If desired and creativity Schoolchildren independently think through the idea of ​​a drawing.

About sports

Here they depict how children play sports, play outdoor games, dance, and run. Usually they draw safe or low-impact sports: jumping, football, basketball. You should not depict freestyle, fights without rules and other extreme physical activity.

Proper nutrition

Physical education classes

For health day

Posters or small pictures are often drawn for the holiday. They depict any component of a healthy lifestyle. Suitable captions include the following phrases: “Make friends with health!”, “I love sports!”, “We want to be healthy! What about you?

How to harden

Children draw a strong, healthy man dousing himself with water. You can draw an adult swimming in an ice hole, wiping himself with snow, or walking barefoot on the cold ground.

Strong family

Bad habits

Image of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction - reverse side Healthy lifestyle, but it is often used. Children motivate people to end their lives bad habits, showing in the drawings their harmful effects.

You can depict a smoke-filled, coughing person by signing: “Ruined beauty.” Or draw drinking alcoholic, captioning: “How are you? Stop drinking, friend!

How to make posters for children

Signatures of drawings are popular - a short expressive phrase will make passers-by pay attention to the poster. Usually the title is written at the top in large letters, using red, blue or other bright paint.

Among the famous signatures are:

  • "IN healthy body- healthy mind!”;
  • “It’s fashionable to be healthy!”;
  • “Our health is in our hands!”

Phrases for thematic posters are chosen based on the type of picture. For example, if children are promoting healthy eating, then the drawings are captioned:

  • “Eat for your health!”;
  • “Healthy food is the key to longevity!”

If posters touch on sports issues, they are signed:

  • “If you want to be healthy, exercise!”;
  • “Dad, mom, I am a sporty and healthy family!”

We are for healthy lifestyle!

Be healthy!

I choose Life!

Sports, physical education and me!

My wealth!

How to draw pictures about healthy lifestyle

The choice of topics depends on the age of the children. To the kids from the older one preparatory group or the guys from primary school They offer to draw simple drawings. Common topics include: “My favorite sport”, “Rules of hardening”, “Tasty and healthy food”.

Students art school or middle school children will cope with complex topics that require comprehension and imagination.

For example:

  • "Healthy Russia";
  • “Take care of your health from a young age!”;
  • “The ABCs of a healthy lifestyle”;
  • “Health is our everything!”

For kindergarten

Very young children are given ready-made coloring pages; they can be downloaded from the Internet and printed. Older kids can draw themselves simple pictures on a given topic. To develop imagination and motor skills, teachers recommend making crafts on the theme of a healthy lifestyle.


Wall newspapers

A wall newspaper requires drawings and literate text: these are the rules of healthy lifestyle, news. For example: “Nikolai S. from class 5A did 15 pull-ups on the horizontal bar!” or “Student 3 “B”, Semyon V. set a record by running 1 kilometer in 5 minutes!”

Wall newspapers have several sections. For publications on healthy lifestyle, the following sections are suitable:

  • sport through the eyes of children;
  • our school is a territory of health;
  • a week of sports and proper nutrition.

Next to the columns of text, draw a small picture, if necessary a caricature (depicting people smoking or drinking).


Basic rules for successful drawing

The teacher, primary school teacher or parents need to help the child determine the purpose of the task. It is important to think through the drawing in advance or find a suitable image on the Internet for sketching.

When working on a drawing, the rules of fine art are applied:

  • maintaining perspective - objects that are closer are larger in size, and objects that are farther away are smaller;
  • to give volume to the picture, a shadow from an object is depicted on the other side of the light source;
  • penumbra also adds volume; it is depicted on the side of the object opposite the light source.

Simple rules will give the drawing additional visual value.

Any wall newspaper should not only be meaningful and informative, but also bright, catchy, effective, and richly illustrated. And a wall newspaper or poster on the topic of health and sports - even more so. After all, this effective remedy promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, motor activity, family sports.

Positive examples of such “wall-mounted products” mass media» we have collected for you in this section. Ideas beautiful design in wall newspapers on such topics as “Kindergarten for health”, “If you want to be healthy, toughen up”, “Mom, Dad and me -healthy family", "Our healthy team", you will find here in abundance.

“Breathing with health” wall newspapers and posters.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 203.
All sections | Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports

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IN recent years the problem has become less acute than when we talk about the ever-memorable 90s, but it still persists. By “healthy” in this case we mean a lifestyle based not only on the prevailing role of sports and physical education and recreational activities, but also on a certain moral component (which teachers often forget about, unfortunately).

Simply put, propaganda in schools should be conducted with an emphasis on rationally organized, protective negative impacts environment, in all its manifestations, way of life. It allows you to maintain not only physical, but also mental health up to old age. The simple idea should be conveyed to students that compliance basic principles This technique will allow them to maintain an increased quality of life throughout it.

Main problems

It is no coincidence that we focus on morality. The fact is that a decline in social culture leads not only to a large-scale increase in completely savage crimes among teenagers, but also to an increase in the number of diseases (liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, emphysema), which in past years were recorded mainly only in completely asocial layers society.

In principle, advertising of a healthy lifestyle is widespread in the media today, but it does not give a 100% effect, since the consequences of the last 10-15 years will be felt for a very, very long time.

Unfortunately, youth's addiction to drugs has reached completely unacceptable levels. The recent outbreak of so-called “spice” use has led to shining example. Incomplete education and complete destruction the life of an individual long before his physiological and physical prime is just the sad consequences of all this. We should not forget about light alcoholic drinks.

Doctors have long proven that beer is harmful, alcoholic cocktails and energy workers often exceeds that from strong alcohol by an order of magnitude. Meanwhile, society has a permissive attitude towards this problem, which is completely unacceptable and must be completely eradicated. Teenagers must clearly understand that alcohol is a powerful drug and poison. Consuming it at such a young age leads to complete decline in health and premature death.

General principles

Parents and teachers often ask at what age should promotion of a healthy lifestyle begin? World and Soviet experience clearly shows that everything is laid down at the stage of conception of a future member of society, but here everything depends on the parents. As for the children themselves, the first concepts should be formed at the age of two or three years.

This process must continue throughout your life. There is no limit to human self-improvement, but the foundation of an adequate, healthy personality should be laid exclusively in childhood and adolescence.

Depressing situation

In recent years, it has increasingly become the case that children cannot independently cope even with ordinary school problems; they constantly display forms of neuroses that were previously diagnosed exclusively in mature people who have worked for many years in a difficult environment. Not being able to express my feelings, not wanting to deal with problems naturally, teenagers are increasingly beginning to “drown their sorrows” in alcohol or, even worse, taking narcotic drugs for this purpose.

There are often cases when registered with drug treatment clinics there are children under ten years of age. All this should be nipped in the bud by a healthy lifestyle. This topic is extremely topical, and therefore it is worth understanding the root causes, the origins of the problem.

Why is this happening?

Alas, for some reason it is not considered a problem even among specialists. Why do we ask in surprise about where bitter, embittered and mentally broken teenagers come from? After all, everything is laid out precisely in this “problem-free” period! Thus, the concept of a “healthy lifestyle for a preschooler” should include not only physical activity, but also educational (but not moralizing!) conversations conducted in a light playful manner.

The success of a child in later life depends on this time. Moreover, by “success” we do not mean the psychology of unbridled consumption, which is so popular in recent years, but the education of a reasonable, educated and healthy personality in every sense. A person who can become a full-fledged participant public relations and create a normal, strong family.

This is what propaganda should do. Pictures in healthy lifestyle textbooks are rarely taken seriously, so the teacher must convey to the children the importance of proper nutrition, physical and spiritual development.

It should be clearly remembered that at primary school age the child is especially susceptible to all negative manifestations external environment, it is at this time that children often receive deep mental traumas, which subsequently poison their entire lives. They literally absorb all the information they receive, like sponges, but their psyche is not yet capable of any filtering. At this age, children are extremely receptive to everything that adults tell them.

Basic preventive work

In short, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle should be actively carried out, starting from the youngest grades of primary school. Children should not even think about trying alcohol, drugs or smoking their first cigarette. During this period, the younger generation is interested in any information that they perceive extremely quickly. Important! Process educational work In no case should it be annoying. Teaching such things should not be dry bureaucratic procedure, performed “for show”.

You should know that stories about the same drugs need to be told, conveying only information about the harmful effects that they have on the mental and physical health person. Children do not necessarily need to know about the methods of their production, where narcotic plants grow, and so on. “The forbidden fruit is sweet,” and therefore such information may well provoke them to use such drugs.

Under no circumstances should you intimidate or threaten a child by telling him about the dangers of an antisocial lifestyle. Teenagers tend to neglect safety standards, and therefore they need to understand the truly irreversible harm of drugs and alcohol. These psychological aspects Adolescence must take into account truly effective promotion of a healthy lifestyle at school.

Basic principles for conveying important information

It is necessary to talk about the fact that they are completely unpredictable, that addiction develops immediately, without any “trial period”. We need to talk not about abstract physiological problems, which teenagers often simply do not perceive, but about the concrete influence of drugs and toxic substances on the human brain.

We should not forget to tell you that taking all these drugs very soon turns anyone into a weak-willed vegetable who is not even capable of independently satisfying his own basic needs. physiological needs. They are young and very afraid of becoming helpless disabled people, so such an example will be much more effective than simple and thoughtless intimidation.

Social aspects

In general, promoting a healthy lifestyle should take into account modern fashion trends. Tell me what the reception is narcotic drugs and alcohol will quickly leave nothing behind the strength and health of young men, or the beauty of girls. It must be emphasized that a drug addict is just an empty shell ex-person, a robot driven by a passion he cannot control. Expanding the topic of drunkenness, one should give living examples of how young, successful and healthy people in the past ended their lives as extinct, having lost interest in everything except the next bottle, “remnants”.

At the same time, in no case should you focus attention on any personal problems of students coming from families where one or both parents suffer/suffered from alcoholism. This not only hurts children greatly, but also makes them targets of ridicule from their peers.

We need to convince teenagers that there are no hopeless situations, and that avoiding problems by injecting yourself with drugs or getting drunk is stupid. The teacher’s task is to educate “flighty” teenagers into social active people who care about other people's problems.

Preschool period

What should a preschooler’s healthy lifestyle be based on? As we have repeatedly emphasized, during this period all the foundations for a person’s future life are laid. The main tasks at this time are quite simple, but at the same time extremely important:

  • Firstly, children should be taught to have a measured, thoughtful daily routine.
  • Secondly, they need to instill a love for outdoor activities. fresh air, to active games. More precisely, to remain interested in this, since children are usually fine with games.
  • Thirdly, preschool children need to be taught to perceive beauty and beauty. Reproductions by artists should be shown that clearly show the beauty and harmony of a healthy and strong person.
  • Fourthly, it is necessary to regularly talk about strong, courageous and purposeful people who, even having some physical disabilities, always strived to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Basic preventive work in schools

All of the above is especially important in light of current realities. Many teachers shift the educational function exclusively to parents; they practically do not carry out general promotion of a healthy lifestyle at school. In general, they are partly right, but most people are now busy at work all day long, so they simply don’t have time and energy left.

In addition, many parents simply do not have a sufficient educational level, they do not have pedagogical inclinations. Because of this, it often turns out that teenagers from quite prosperous, wealthy families feel lonely and deprived, which is why problems begin. Promoting a healthy lifestyle should also be aimed at correcting this problem. The campaign program differs in some ways for each educational institution in particular, but its general provisions are the same for all.

Main areas of work in schools and preschool institutions

General work in educational institutions should be aimed at achieving the following results:

  • A decrease in the demand among adolescents for risky pleasures, the development of rejection of these concepts in principle.
  • Reducing and eliminating the incidence of drug addiction and alcoholism.
  • Improving the general social environment.

The revival of the moral foundations of society and raising the prestige of sports helps to cope with all these tasks.

Conducting extracurricular physical activities

You should start from the elementary grades. In a great way increasing the prestige of sports can become extracurricular activity"Healthy lifestyle." As part of this, it is necessary to show children the benefits of keeping their body in shape. What's the best way to do this? Of course, in the form of a playful, fun extracurricular activity.

The easiest way to convey to children the importance of sports is by telling them about the history of the Olympic Games. This is all the easier to do because quite recently this most important event in world sports life was held in our country. What kind of scenario can you come up with? Promotion of a healthy lifestyle should include the following steps:

  • The presenter talks about Ancient Greece.
  • In an accessible and interesting way, he tells how and where the first Games were held.
  • Then you should do short excursion into the history of this event, from ancient times to the present day.
  • After this, you need to hold a series of gaming competitions with awards.
  • Final speech about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

This is how an extracurricular event “Healthy Lifestyle” can be held. This will surely interest the children.

The importance of sports, physical education

As for sports. Many teachers of the “old school” often do not think that physical activity should be standardized not only depending on age and curriculum, but also taking into account physical development every student. It is often possible to observe a sad situation when a group of students begins to sincerely hate lessons physical culture only because the teachers do not make any allowances for their general condition.

The teacher’s task is to interest every (!) student in sports. It is important to make it clear to students that sport is not constant running, or a struggle for wear and tear with one’s own body. Physical education should be a joyful, interesting activity, and physical activity should be rationed in such a way as to promote the harmonious development of the body. If someone cannot cope with one-time loads, they should be reduced and spaced out over time.

Other important events

The emphasis should not be placed solely on explanatory work. From time to time it is worth checking how the children have mastered the material taught. “Healthy lifestyle” drawings are perfect for this purpose. As with an extracurricular activity, it is quite possible to hold a school-wide competition of works from all students. As usual, the winners should receive some kind of reward that will stimulate them.

What general requirements should these pictures match? A healthy lifestyle is far from an abstract concept, and therefore the guys must depict in their works what needs to be done, what needs to be eaten in order to remain cheerful, energetic and full of strength until old age. We need to give them the idea of ​​comparing people who do and don’t play sports.

Thus, the complex project “Propaganda of a Healthy Lifestyle”, which includes both a drawing competition and an extracurricular event sporting nature, will help children personally express their attitude towards the right image life, which will better cement everything in their memory important information about this concept.


It should be noted that at the present time, all of the above is more or less actively carried out in many schools and other educational institutions throughout the country. And there is already a positive effect. Among young people, the “fashion” for the use of tobacco and alcohol has sharply decreased, and the role of sports in the life of society is beginning to increase again. In most cases, the attitude towards drug addicts is purely lenient; many understand perfectly well the consequences of this illness. But it is still too early to reduce the intensity of work, since the problem remains very relevant.