Who loves animals but doesn't like people? A Dog's Life

There are cats living in the basement of the neighboring house. They have a food place at one of the basement windows. They bring food there. Cats often appear there, eat, just sit and even allow themselves to be stroked or picked up.

I often pass by this cat collection when I go to the store. I saw this picture the other day.

A girl on a bicycle wanted to pass there at the moment when two adult women of about forty were talking with cats. They spoke in such sweet voices, and they had such sweet faces... And when they saw the girl, their faces became like those of the school principal, who broken glass Vasya scolds the bully. No, even angrier. The faces just became angry. And the voices are so angry: “Couldn’t you have gone somewhere else?” They ran over the child together.

You know, I noticed that people who love animals very much often hate people. Some people say so directly: “I hate you all. I only love my dog. She is my only true friend."

I have one friend, she has a family, two small children. But she only loves a cat: “Vasya is my most beloved son,” are her words. This is how it happens. Vasya is a cat.
Another dog lover who lives next door constantly feeds a pack of dogs. “I trust dogs. But people don’t,” she says.

Or grandmothers and aunties, in whose apartments six to eight cats live. And the stench is all over the entrance. These grandmothers and aunties usually have neighbors who are all bastards and don’t give them a quiet life with their cats. The smell, you see, bothers the neighbors.

Animals have always lived close to humans. Only they performed some function. The dogs were guarding. Cats caught mice, raised pigs for meat, and used horses to plow. During the war, dogs were also fattened for meat.

Now why are animals in apartments?
Now they have a different function. They replace human communication. When a person cannot establish relationships with other people and hates people, he gets animals.

You can always hug a cat or dog, talk to it, but you don’t have to listen to it. Comfortable. And not alone, and no effort is needed.

Children also sometimes ask mom and dad for a cat, a dog, or at least a hamster. But in children it is not out of hatred. This is due to lack of love. When children don't have enough love. Mom doesn’t hug or kiss, she has no time. She's either busy or in a bad mood. And you can hug and kiss a cat. Mom doesn’t play or listen, but you can play and talk with the cat. This is the only way a little person will not learn to communicate or care about other people. Maybe better more often than a child hug, rather than buy him a cat or dog?

I once asked a nine-year-old boy: “Why do you think some people say that animals more people love? To which I received the answer: “Because animals are defenseless.”

You can't say it more precisely. A cat can be neutered to stop him from wandering around. Keep the dog on a leash and walk it. But this won’t work with my husband. That's why it's easier to love animals. Is this only love?

Rather, it is a sign of loneliness - having a pet. And loneliness arises for only one reason when you are already an adult and independent, from hatred of other people. Therefore, it turns out that attachment to animals is a sign of hatred towards people.

“When I come to my friends, I ask them to quickly lock up their english bulldog in another room,” admits 27-year-old Ekaterina. She is not afraid of dogs, she just “cannot stand their presence.” Like Catherine, people who do not like animals often experience irritation, disgust, or, conversely, are completely indifferent to the animal world. “Often behind such rejection lies the inability to accept the open manifestation of the instinctive principle characteristic of all animals, their spontaneity and sincerity,” says psychotherapist Irina Zemtseva. - Scares and unconditional love, which is exhibited by pets.” Let's try to figure out why.

Negative experience or lack thereof

Animals charge us positive emotions, give their unconditional love, and we often begin to perceive them as true friends and equal family members. But this is difficult to accept for those who are not accustomed to communicating with them since childhood. Those who have never had a dog, a cat, or a hamster in their home and, therefore, have had no experience of this kind of relationship, often remain indifferent. Sometimes indifference is associated with an unconscious desire to protect oneself from possible mental trauma. “If, for example, in childhood a child had a hard time experiencing the death or loss of a beloved dog, then, having matured, without realizing it, he will see in this situation - a dog in the house - a threat to his peace of mind. And she will do everything to avoid it,” explains zoopsychologist Elena Fedorovich.

Mirror image

“Sometimes we can suddenly see ourselves in our animals,” says Irina Zemtseva. – Since they are “very sensitive creatures, they often adopt our characteristic features. And they turn into a kind of mirror, becoming an unconscious projection of their owner.” So if someone, for example, states that they cannot stand cats, this may mean that they are not at odds with animals of that species, but with the trait that they embody for them. Cats are primarily associated with independence. Consequently, a person either does not possess this character trait (but would like to, because he suffers from his dependence on another person or circumstances), or, on the contrary, his independence causes him suffering (since it condemns him to difficult loneliness).

Georgy, 26 years old, engineer “I was able to communicate with them because I love their owners”

“Parents always said that animals are dirty and smell bad. Maybe that's why I never felt for them tender feelings? There is no emotion when I see a puppy on the street; it rather annoys me. Besides, it seems to me that there is no point in having pets, except perhaps as guard animals or hunting dogs. But still, I think I like the two dogs. Largely because they belong to me best friends. It seems that I managed to love them because I love their owners. These dogs are so happy when I come that they evoke a response in me. However, this does not mean that I am ready to love other animals. But these dogs touch me, I’m used to them and I’m really happy to see them.”

What to do?

Be sensitive

Try to imagine yourself in the place of your friend who has four-legged friend. What feelings does his pet give him? Why is your friend so attached to him? By trying to find answers to these questions, you may be able to see the situation in a new way: discover that pets deserve interest and even love. A warm attitude you can actually learn to use them.

Get comfortable with your body

Communication with animals includes physical contact. Perhaps he is unpleasant to you because you generally feel awkward from any touch, both from people and animals, it’s just that the latter are more direct in their desire for affection. Learn to enjoy tactile sensations. A professional massage, the gentle touch of your partner or the evening ritual of applying cream or aromatic oils on your skin will help you discover these sensual joys.

Difficult feelings

Pets instinctively strive for physical contact with a person and expect a response from us. Communication with them always involves physical contact. When a person says that he does not like animals, this may mean that he is uncomfortable... in his body, as if he is cut off from his bodily sensations. Therefore, it would seem that such a simple and natural physical interaction with a cat, dog or guinea pig causes him fear and anxiety.

Those who are early childhood parents forbade them to behave the way small children usually behave, that is, guided by instincts and your own desires. “It’s amazing, but later, in his friends’ cat, which suddenly jumped onto his lap, such a person will see a clingy, uncontrollable child,” continues Irina Zemtseva. “And, like his parents (who do not accept spontaneous behavior), he will become angry and dislike her.”

To the one who is nearby

You shouldn’t judge someone who doesn’t like animals: he has his own reasons. But you can try to establish contact between him and your pet. Talk about what communication with him gives you. Having seen what role a four-legged friend plays in your life, what attention, tenderness and love he gives you, your interlocutor will be better able to understand the essence of the connection that is established between a person and a pet. You can slowly bring them closer together by showing what games and affection your pet especially prefers. But do not rush and do not force this communication under any circumstances.


Word to the specialist

Everything in nature is created in such a way that there is a close relationship, complete harmony of man with the entire animal world. No one is superfluous. As soon as someone is excluded from nature, an imbalance arises and flaws appear in the whole. Man, as a supreme being, is obliged to preserve, protect animals, feed and water them. These are the requirements for people who are given the opportunity to enjoy the entire world around them, including living beings living with them or near them. They must fulfill their duties towards them. Where do people come from who not only do not love animals, but treat them cruelly?

beating and killing them?

A person has a reflex from birth good relations to animals, birds, and other vertebrates. However, in the course of life, the wrong, sometimes malicious, cruel attitude of parents towards animals and, above all, towards abandoned animals that have become homeless, forms the same attitude in their children. At first this manifests itself as imitation of adults and adolescents, then this behavior becomes more and more consolidated and acquires pathological forms antisocial, aggressive, psychopathic nature.

Observations of mentally ill children show that everything seems to begin with something innocent and insignificant: just think, earthworm I cut it into pieces with glass and tore off the wings of a butterfly. Then he hit a sparrow or a pigeon with a slingshot, knocked out a cat’s eye, and threw kittens or puppies into a garbage chute. Children imitate adults; before their eyes, they drown kittens and puppies, mutilate them, and throw them out into the street. If in the evening someone, feeling sorry for a freezing animal, brought it into the entrance, then by morning it will disappear forever - it will be thrown out or killed. Exceptions, unfortunately, are rare.

Special studies have shown that 90% of criminals in childhood and adolescence They showed sophisticated sadism towards animals and were flayers. However, not only children with defects in upbringing and deviant (due to developmental disorders) behavior, but also some adults cruelly abuse animals, while experiencing pleasure.

Thus, the main subjects (I don’t even call them people, because they are devoid of true human content) who show cruelty to animals are psychopaths - subjects with antisocial character traits, aggressive, destructive tendencies. They are especially dangerous when they decompensate from their psychopathic state. Despite mental disabilities, they are quite sane and must be held accountable for crimes in accordance with the articles of the Civil and Criminal Codes.

Some mentally healthy people They are indifferent to animals - they do not love them, but they also do not show cruelty towards them. The third category consists of those who do not like animals and do not tolerate the people who love them. People endowed with the ability to sincerely, humanly empathize (“sympathy is given to us, just as grace is given to us,” remember?), to love animals unselfishly, cause hatred in them. Unfortunately, often the means mass media add fuel to the fire, provoking the latter to commit crimes. This happens when incompetent journalists get down to business, not those who know the roots problems that are not responsible for what they write or say, in a word, they do not know what they are doing. Promoting intolerant attitudes towards animals is also criminal, because,

makes a significant contribution to the tightening of morals in society as a whole.

People who take care of animals, especially homeless, abandoned ones, feed them and birds, worthy of respect, are real people, people with a capital “P”. They should not be insulted or condemned, but should be set as an example. They personify the spiritual health of the nation, as the author of an article about such “white crows” published in Izvestia once accurately and succinctly formulated. As a doctor - psychoneurologist, I can state that this normal people. Yes, they are “white”! If there were more “white crows”, there would be fewer black crows.

Raising a child in isolation from the animal world is an abnormal upbringing, the upbringing of narcissists, egoists who, even if they do not show obvious cruelty at first, will still treat coldly not only animals, but also their parents. In old age, they will feel this for themselves and understand that they raised their children incorrectly, but it will be too late.

Workers of disinfection stations, disinfection departments, housing offices and regional administration offices, fighting rodents, lay out poisons in the basements of residential buildings. However, instead of rats, they destroy abandoned cats and kittens, which find the only shelter there, especially in winter. All ventilation openings are bricked up. No measures are taken to prevent poisoning and mass death of animals. This is a clear manifestation of cruelty, for which the perpetrators must be held accountable (see the section “Environmental Crimes” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). By the way, they seem to have completely forgotten that cats themselves catch rats. The same goes for children's and medical institutions, where dogs and cats are mercilessly destroyed. Animals that have become homeless (note, always due to human fault) should not be destroyed, but kept in shelters and specially designated places of residence for the purpose of transferring them to old or new owners.

Catching animals should not be carried out by subjects (and the overwhelming majority are asocial types) who hate them. Catching, and only sanitary (there can be no other way), must be carried out mercifully, with minimal mental trauma to those present, without provoking heart attacks and hypertensive crises. The reality of this, to put it mildly, is far from it, so it is better to give the animal to sympathizers, they will find a home for it themselves - they will leave it with themselves or with friends for a while, and then they will find a home for it.

A significant part of people have a negative attitude towards animals because of their selfishness, limited intelligence, lack of basic knowledge about animals, and misconceptions about them. Some, barely getting out of barracks and crowded apartments, react hysterically to animals. God forbid, a sparrow or a dove lands on their windowsill, and if someone nearby is also feeding the birds... - screams are heard from the window - threats to kill both the birds and the people who feed them.

A callous attitude towards animals is characteristic not only of ordinary people, but also of those who are involved in the moral and aesthetic education of children. One winter I picked up a dying kitten that a homeless person had thrown on the asphalt. The closest building was music school. There I managed to stop the bleeding, but the kitten was in comatose(profound impairment of consciousness). School workers ordered the kitten to be thrown outside. I took him with me and went out. He grew up and became a member of our family. Passing by this school, I remember the story with the kitten.

There are people who do not like animals because they suffer neurotic disorders and experience unreasonable fear: how not to get infected! Moreover, their argumentation is so primitive that it reaches extreme absurdity, indicating that they have mental disorders. There are patients with obsessions and fears. Some, for example, are afraid of becoming infected with psittacosis from birds, worms, lichen from cats and dogs, etc. Others insist that AIDS and syphilis are transmitted from birds, which is why they maim and kill them. This category cannot be corrected in any way; it is impossible to convince such subjects.

We have touched only a small part of a comprehensive problem ill-treatment with animals. Much remains behind the scenes. As you can see, this problem affects both children and adults. It has great moral significance and characterizes the moral content of society.

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...The more people I know,
how more life I'm studying
the more I love animals.
A. Fedotov

It's easier to love animals - that's true. I love animals more than people. They are simpler, not so insidious. Most often you know what to expect from them; they are more predictable. The dog always waits, wags its tail and loves, exposes its belly, runs around you, licks your hands. Not hysterical. There is no need to force her to do her homework, no need to argue, take into account her opinion, etc. You can even sterilize, so as not to be afraid of what it will bring in your hem! And he won’t become a drug addict!

I love animals more than people!!! They are loyal and kind... AND I JUST LOVE DOGS... I hate those people who don’t love animals and cause them suffering... I would kill all these moral monsters...

Why do some people love animals more than people? Or maybe that's not a bad thing?

How cruel we are
With different eye shapes,
Feelings for people are deep
Often they don't touch us.

Cats, dogs and others
May cause tears
We stand in line to help them,
To buy sausage.

Not indifferent to suffering
Animals of different colors,
We just don't have any compassion
To the problems of unhappy people.

Tragedy does not touch us,
It's someone else's problem
It's easier to turn on comedy
To preserve peace of mind.

You've probably noticed that animal lovers fall into two categories. The first are those who love animals and get along well with people. They are not fanatical about animals, and prefer human communication more.

The second category of animal lovers are those who attack other people for disrespecting their charges. There are any number of cases where owners of cats and dogs harm children for neglecting their pets. (We are, of course, not talking about sadism - when a child tortures an animal, and certain measures must be taken to re-educate such a child.) Such people are sometimes ready to sacrifice own life for the sake of a beloved animal, but at the same time indifferently pass by a person lying on the ground.

Why is this happening? Why do some people prefer animals to people?

Every person wants to be happy. All our experiences, feelings of joy or melancholy are associated with the presence or absence of emotional connections with others. People cannot be happy without other people. Because man is a social being. A child cannot grow up as a human among animals.

But sometimes it is not possible to achieve happiness in life. We often expect from others what they cannot give us. This happens because we don’t really understand ourselves and other people . We look at them through the prism of our ideas, our value system. Without thinking that people are different from us, not so much externally as in internal qualities.

They may not like animals, but still save a child from a burning house. Or they may not love anyone at all in the usual sense, but at the same time remain cultured and decent.

The fact that some people love animals more than people indicates that they have unfulfilled desires. If a person feels inner emptiness, dissatisfaction with life, he splashes it out on other people in the form of hostility.

After all, when everything is black inside, then those around us seem bad. And only a beloved animal will console you and distract you from sad thoughts.

Not feeling joy and satisfaction from life, a person resorts to the easy way to get joy - to your favorite animal. After all, you don’t have to learn to understand him, to adapt to him as you would to a person. You can simply love him unconditionally. And receive reciprocity in return. And this is easier than loving people.

Why learn to love people if animals are already so good?

And how does it happen,
What abilities do we have?
Love animals desperately
And see only dirt in people...?

Maybe at least a little...
Maybe at least a little
Let's give each other joy
Shall we console someone else's sadness?

Let's not just animals
We will give our love,
And the world will smile more readily.
After all, we have humanity in our blood!

Why is it not enough to just love animals and not people? Because we are born human! We were not created by cats and dogs - “we have the blood of humanity!” And without other people we wouldn’t exist; we simply wouldn’t survive alone.

Loving people does not mean giving up loving animals. On the contrary, a person who loves other people has a good attitude towards the whole world around him..

But how can you not love animals more than people, if communicating with people sometimes brings pain? This happens because No one taught us how to interact correctly with others. Until recently .

Now there is new knowledge about the human psyche, with the help of which you can learn about its structure - the thoughts, desires, motives, intentions of people. “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan helps you understand yourself and recognize others as yourself.

Having learned to understand the psyche of other people with the help of the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan, you will no longer ask the question of who should be loved more - animals or people. Because when you know and understand another person, communicating with him brings incomparable joy.