Marlboros are famous American cigarettes. History of the Marlboro brand Marlboro white

Well, I got to try real American Marlboros! So to speak, the dream of a Russian smoker has come true.
I recently remembered about a good tobacco store, where imported tobacco is sometimes delivered. I used to visit there often and buy Pepe of old batches.
So, I haven’t been there for a long time and decided to go, I initially wanted to find a Camel there without a filter, although I didn’t have much hope.
When I came and saw a shelf with real American cigarettes, I just stood there and couldn’t believe my eyes!
There were Marlboro (red, black and green, with menthol), Parliament, Camel without filter, Gitanes and many other interesting things. I took a pack for 680 rubles, Parliament was for 700. I jumped out into the street and quickly started smoking them. My expectations were met.

Taste: strong, robust, as neutral as possible. There are absolutely no unnecessary flavors - just the standard of classic strong cigarettes.
Natural cigarette tobacco, the way it should be. No exaggeration. Smolder quite slowly

Attached are photographs of the pack from all sides. Yes, yes, without these stupid pictures about the dangers of smoking (which is a very big plus for me). I also noted that they are a little shorter than many cigarettes. In America, a pack of Marlboro costs 6 dollars and above, that is, from about 400 rubles. Considering 280 rubles for delivery to my Siberian region, the price is quite reasonable.

One of the most expensive and recognizable brands in the world is Marlboro. Even the most ardent opponents of smoking associate cigarettes of this brand with the image of a stern cowboy - the ruler of the American prairies. An interesting fact is that initially this brand was developed and positioned exclusively for a female audience. We will try to tell you how an initially unpromising brand became so recognizable and legendary.

How it all began...

Before telling the story about Marlboro, cigarettes that are equally popular among men and women, let us remember that the fairer sex began to openly smoke tobacco products not very long ago - at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. It was at that time that the feminist movement was actively developing, defending the equality of women both in political and other areas of life. But in addition to equality of rights and opportunities, representatives of the fair sex have also adopted bad habits. American entrepreneur Philip Morris decided...

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Well, I got to try real American Marlboros! So to speak, the dream of a Russian smoker has come true.
I recently remembered about a good tobacco store, where imported tobacco is sometimes delivered. I used to visit there often and buy Pepe of old batches.
So, I haven’t been there for a long time and decided to go, I initially wanted to find a Camel there without a filter, although I didn’t have much hope.
When I came and saw a shelf with real American cigarettes, I just stood there and couldn’t believe my eyes!
There were Marlboro (red, black and green, with menthol), Parliament, Camel without filter, Gitanes and many other interesting things. I took a pack for 680 rubles, Parliament was for 700. I jumped out into the street and quickly started smoking them. My expectations were met.

Taste: strong, robust, as neutral as possible. There are absolutely no unnecessary flavors - just the standard of classic strong cigarettes.
Natural cigarette tobacco, the way it should be. Without...

Marlboro is a true tobacco classic. If you ask the average person about the types of famous cigarettes, then 90 out of 100 will name Marlboro. Well, maybe Camel too.

This product was made classic by the work of talented marketers and long time existence of the brand.

A very pleasant fact is that over the years of their existence, cigarettes have become no worse, and maybe only better.

But let's be more specific.

The packaging is traditionally excellent. As in Marlboro Red The pack has a nice design. It is closed tightly with the help of adhesive foil, which means that cigarettes will feel cozy in the pocket of a jacket or bag, just as the pocket with the bag will feel cozy. The tightness of the packaging allows the tobacco to remain in the pack; all cigarette brands could learn from this.

In terms of design, Gold is more bland than its classic companion. The Marlboro inscription is practically invisible on the packaging; it is strange that marketers did not discover such an offensive defect. The edges of the pack are rounded, I personally really like this, because the absence of sharp edges allows you to hold the pack in your hands with greater tactile comfort. But some may not like it.


Tar: 6 mg/white, Nicotine: 0.5 mg/white, CO: 7 mg/white

That is, the red and gold brands have the same strength, but the amount of resin is less.


Traditionally cool. You smoke and feel like an American cowboy who is about to go have a glass of scotch after a hard day at work. Most likely, this is not cardboard, but real tobacco. Feels very pleasant.


The filter is carbon, unlike the classic Marlboro. Decorated in white. All brands seem to have switched to white cigarettes, and although the classics smack of a subconscious fear of cheap tobacco, it is very sad that this tobacco brand is retreating for the sake of fashion. But in the case of Marlboro, it gives exceptional charm and the spirit of a classic tobacco empire.

Cigarettes do not leave a smell in your mouth, but for some reason your fingers begin to smell fiercely of smoke. I don't know what this is connected with.

These cigarettes are very harsh and masculine, they feel heavy and slight dizziness can appear quite quickly.

What is the difference between Marlboro Red and Marboro Gold? The difference is small: different filter and different level of resin. More difference no.

So, the cigarettes are quite pleasant. I don’t recommend smoking, as it is very harmful, but if you can’t help but smoke, then choose something of high quality.
But it's better not to smoke.

Smoking is the most common bad habit. According to statistics, about 45% of Russians suffer from persistent nicotine addiction, of which 60% are people aged 35-45 years. Many smokers, especially men, sooner or later in the process of smoking begin to think about stronger cigarettes.

The weak aroma of smoke no longer suits tobacco addicts; avid tobacco lovers need more powerful smoke. But how do the heaviest cigarettes differ from regular ones? After all, they were created from the same tobacco leaves. What strong tobacco products are there and how are they classified?

Strong cigarettes have a higher concentration of nicotine and tar in their composition.

Nature has generously gifted man, giving him phenomenal abilities and unique adaptability. Yes, human nature is such that over time it gets used to everything, including bad habits.

Starting to smoke with weak cigarettes, a person soon switches to stronger ones. The concentration of nicotine in familiar brands no longer suits the body accustomed to smoking. More and more nicotine supplements are needed.

And the smoker goes shopping in search of a more powerful smoking bombardment, asking which cigarettes are stronger. Taking a thorough look at the established tobacco classification, we will not see any lists of “light and harmless” cigarettes. Any representatives of the tobacco industry include carcinogens and toxic toxins in their content.

History of the creation of cigarettes

The only difference between strong and light cigarettes is the concentration malicious connections, which are included. Based on this, the current classification by strength of cigarette products (by nicotine concentration) has been developed:

  1. Lungs: 0.6-1 mg.
  2. Classic (medium): 1.2-1.4 mg.
  3. Strong: from 15 mg.

The strongest cigarettes in Russia, and not only in our country, are traditionally packaged in packages that are more saturated, dark colors. But the light “residents of the tobacco world” are on sale in light boxes.

List of strong cigarettes

So, what are the strongest aromatic creations that can be seen on Russian tobacco counters? Here is a rating of the “heaviest” cigarettes, take your pick.

Whinston Classic (Winston Classic)

Winston Classic

Their strength is clearly demonstrated by their defiant red packaging. Winston Classic is known and loved by many; it is not for nothing that this brand was recognized as the best-selling brand in the world. The distinctive and trademark of this tobacco product is the image on the packaging of an amber-golden eagle proudly flying in the clouds.

The name of the cigarette products is also painted in gold, but previously the brand was written in a dark blue font color. The concentration of additives in them is as follows:

  • resins 15 mg;
  • nicotine 1.8 mg.

Marlboro Original-Red

Marlboro Original-Red

One of the most famous and famous cigarettes in the global tobacco industry. The familiar design of the pack is elegantly embellished with original symbols from a combination of gold, scarlet and resin colors. Interestingly, cigarettes of this brand were originally intended for the fair sex, but they are strong enough to satisfy the taste of men. They contain:

  • resins - 15 mg:
  • nicotine - 1.7 mg.

By the way, in America, the homeland of this cigarette variety, consumers call them The killer cowboys, which translates as “cowboy killer.” After all, three actors who advertised these products have already died from lung cancer, and the fourth died not so long ago from acute pneumonia caused by long-term smoking.

Captain Black

Captain Black

A special feature of this brand is its use in technological process reconstituted homogenized tobacco. Cigarettes created in this way are characterized by a reduced inclusion of natural nicotine additives and carcinogenic tar compounds. Strength is present in them due to the use of various other inclusions.

Thanks to homogenized (resuspended) tobacco, Captain Black is famous not only for its special original taste, softened aroma, but also for its strength, which does not cause irritation.

In its visual perception, Captain Black is more reminiscent of cigarillos, the only difference from them is the presence of filtration material. Manufacturers also include various flavorings in the composition of cigarettes. As for the strength level, it is as follows:

  • resins 14 mg;
  • nicotine 1.2 mg.

Pall Mall

Pall Mall

This cigarette brand was honored to test the latest packaging design and products themselves. Manufacturers lengthened them, at first the size of the products was 85 mm, and then their height increased even more and began to reach 100 mm. It is the “hundreds,” as they are lovingly called by adherents of heavy smoking, that are distinguished by the greatest strength with the content:

  • resins 15 mg;
  • nicotine 1.2 mg.

Pall Mall cigarette box has a bright and attractive design. It is a deep burgundy color with a snow-white inscription and a unique logo characteristic of the company.


Manufacturers deviated from generally accepted standards and placed these strong cigarettes in sand-colored packaging. The symbol of the famous brand, a camel, is also proudly displayed in the center of the pack. In the production of Camel, the manufacturer uses a mixture of strong and aromatic selected varieties of Virginia and Turkish tobacco.

But, despite the declared strength, this tobacco product is quite mild when smoking and very aromatic. Camel's composition is as follows:

  • resins 15 mg;
  • nicotine 1.10 mg.

L&M (LM)

No less famous cigarettes than Marlboro and produced by the same tobacco corporation - Philip Morris-Int. The name of the brand originates from the first letters of the names of the creators of this smoking masterpiece: Liggett and Mayer. Without departing from its classic style, the colors of the cigarette packaging are snow-white and bright red. The composition of the tobacco is as follows:

  • resins 14 mg;
  • nicotine 1.0 mg.

By the way, several years ago manufacturers slightly reshaped the design of cigarette packaging, giving it the greatest sophistication. But the filter remained the same – white. The snow-white filter is a distinctive feature of these cigarettes.

Chesterfield Classic-Red (Chesterfield Classic-Red)

Chesterfield Classic-Red

Another famous cigarette name. The difference between this brand is its specific taste, giving off a pronounced bitterness. Lovers of strong tobacco smoke can recognize these cigarettes by their beautiful packaging design - a snow-white pack with amber-red ornate patterns and a bright black font with gothic elements. The composition of the cigarettes is as follows:

  • resins 14 mg;
  • nicotine 1.0 mg.

LuckyStrike Original-Red

Lucky Strike Original-Red

These cigarette products, included in the heaviest class, are distinguished by their original manufacturing method. The tobacco they use is not prepared in a traditional way and classical method drying. It is carefully fried using a specially developed technology. Their strength is as follows:

  • resins 15 mg;
  • nicotine 1.0 mg.

Another feature is the slightly modified packaging design. If earlier cigarettes of this brand were offered for sale in green packaging, now their appearance is more original. A snow-white tutu with a bright scarlet circle and a deep black inscription.

Bond Street

Bond Street

Wond Street is a small street where the very first office of the Philip Morris-International tobacco corporation, the official tobacco manufacturer of this strong product, operated. The packaging is recognizable by its snow-white hue with bright scarlet side stripes and resin inscriptions. How can these cigarettes please lovers of strong smoke? And they contain:

  • resins 15 mg;
  • nicotine 1.0 mg.

Magna Mentol (Magna Menthol)

Magna Menthol

Unexpectedly, even the usual menthol cigarettes, which a priori should be lightweight, can also be strong. This is exactly what Magna Menthol is, one of the heaviest menthol cigarette products.. True, the manufacturers did not change the principle and left menthol cigarettes in their usual green box color. The content of additives in them is as follows:

  • resins 14 mg;
  • nicotine 0.9 mg.

Unusual stamps

Speaking of the strongest, heavy cigarettes oh, we can’t help but mention some unusual works of art from the tobacco world. They stand apart and really are not like their smoking counterparts. We're talking about "Bidi". These are homemade cigarettes widely distributed in Asian countries.

Cigarettes Bidi

“Bidi” gained the greatest popularity in the states of India. This brand of cigarette products belongs to the roll-up brand and is considered the strongest in the world.

They are made from unprocessed leaves of the tobacco plant with the addition of various aromatic herbs. The finished products are wrapped in ebony leaves. Although the strength of these cigarettes has not been officially confirmed, the sensations people experience when smoking them are very similar to nicotine poisoning.

If you dream of tasting the heaviest and strongest cigarettes, you should visit India. It is this country that is distinguished by a huge number of smokers (even children smoke there). Indian tobacco manufacturers typically introduce about 25-39 mg of tar and 1.6-2.3 mg of nicotine into their products.

The fortress is deadly

Strong and heavy cigarettes are produced by almost all well-known tobacco corporations. Numerous studies have proven the presence in products of this level not only of tar and nicotine, but also of an increased number of radioactive components.

By the way, in the tobacco of some brands of heavy cigarettes it was even possible to find pathogenic bacteria and active pathogenic microorganisms. This composition is fatal to humans and causes irreparable harm to health.

Think about it, is it worth risking your only life for a couple of strong puffs? Maybe it's time to think about a different habit - to live a clean, healthy life, untainted by cigarette smog?

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the Russian market a great abundance of Western products appeared. Among them, the first foreign tobacco products appeared. The quality of their production, the variety of tastes and brands is the reason that Russian brands of cigarettes have ceased to be in demand.

Today, any store offers more than thirty different types of tobacco products.

Previously, the ultimate dream was Marlboro cigarettes brought from abroad, or at worst, Bulgarian cigarettes, but now the showcases are full of variety

This area of ​​trade is one of those where company revenues exceed several billion per year. Despite the fact that many countries are beginning to ban smoking, they are conducting various anti-smoking tobacco companies and events, the popularity of tobacco is not decreasing at all. The consumer continues to buy this product, despite its harm and destructive effects.

Such a wide demand has led to the fact that tobacco companies have staged a kind of race among themselves, the goal of which is to occupy a larger part of the market. The list of names of cigarettes produced today may consist of several hundred items. Some brands are just beginning to appear on store shelves, while others have been popular for more than two centuries.

The wide demand for tobacco products has led to manufacturers trying to reach every buyer. Conventionally, the production of tobacco products is divided into several classifications. First, let's answer the question of what types of cigarettes there are:

  1. Strong– these varieties are preferred by men with a significant smoking history. High strength cigarettes are packaged in packs designed with red and black shades.
  2. Lungs– these cigarettes are popular among young people and female smokers. The packaging design of this product has light colors.
  3. Ultralight– cigarettes are popular among smokers who have just become “involved” and people who, for one reason or another, are trying to reduce their dose of tobacco consumption. The packaging design is made in gray or silver style.
  4. Extra lungs– the packaging design is white.

In addition, tobacco products can be classified according to their cost. Most smokers divide all brands of cigarettes into the following classes:

  • standard;
  • thin;
  • ultra-thin;
  • without filter;
  • tobacco products with flavored additives.

Standard cigarettes

This type of cigarette is also called King size. Such cigarettes are both light and high strength. The following countries are involved in the production of such tobacco products:

  • Russia;
  • Germany;
  • France;
  • England;
  • Japan.

Cigarette brands from these producing countries are extremely popular all over the world. Many products produced by these countries become luxury products.

Many say that cigarette brands have remained the same, but the quality has deteriorated

All types of standard size cigarettes in alphabetical order:

0-9: 21st CENTURY.

A-C: AB, Arctic, Armada, Alliance, Barclay Bayron, BENSON&HEDGES GOLD, Black Devil, BT, BN Classico, Bonks, Botschafter, Brent, BS, Blackberry, Calume, Camel, Carbon Deluxe, Cherokee Dominicana blend, Chunghwa, Continent, Chesterfield, Coronas ,Cooper international.

D-F: Dakota, Dallas Davidoff, Davidoff ID Denim, Dimitrino Botschafter, Dimo, Djarum, Double Happiness, Dubao Night blue, EB, Dubliss, Elle, Embassy No. 1, Faberge, Flandreau Savage, Fortuna, FurongWang.

G-J: Galois's, GD, George Karelias and sons lights, Gitanes, Global, Gold Coast, Gold Prix, Golden Bear, Golden Deer, Golden Gate, Golden gor, GT BLACK SLIMS, H.Upmann, HB, HERENCIA, Jin ling, John Player Special Red.

K-M: Kent, Kronwerk, L&B, L&M, LARK, LD, LD Club, Lifa, Lucky Strike, Magna, Manitou, Marlboro, Marshal, Maxim, Maya, MM, Modern, Monte Carlo, More blue, Muratti.

N-P: Natural American Spirit Yellow, Naturals, Nat Sherman Classic, Navigator, Newport, NEXT, Nobel, Noblesse, North star, NZ sun, Opal, Pall Mall, Parker & Simpson, Parliament, Pepe, Philip Morris, Popular, President premium blue, Prestige .

R-T: R1, Rasputin, Reales, Redmond, Regal, Rex, Rich Aroma, Richmond, RICHMOND 1903, Sweet Smell, Rothmans, Route 66, RS blue, Sabotage, Saint George, Raison, Salsa, Samurai, Sensation, Shepherds' Hotel, Sheriff, Shuangxi, Silk cut, SMS, Sobranie, Sovereign, Springwater, Superkings, Surfside Mojito, TU-134, Taron, Tonino Lamborghini, Treasurer, Trend.

V-W: Viceroy, Victory, West, Wings, Winston, Wonder.

X-Z: XXX, Java Export, ZEST.

A-B: Arctic, "Balkan Star".

G-E: Donskoy Tabak, Friend, Druzhina, Dukat, Epsel-Mopsel.

J-I: Zhirinovsky, Itil, Golden Fleece, Golden Leaf, golden ring, Emperor, Inter.

K-M: Kazbek, Maxim, Crown, Space, Leningrad, Monomakh, Morshansk.

N-P: Our Brand, Nevo Tabak 125 years, Peter the Great, News, Optima, Pegasus, Smoke Break, Peter 1, Prima.

R-T: Rodopi, Rostov, Stalingrad, Rostov, RT, Samara, Samba, Soyuz Apollo, Sredets, Stolichnye, Stewardess, Tambov Wolf, Quiet Don, Three Kings, Troika.

U-Y: Fest, Java.

Thin tobacco products

Thin cigarettes were initially aimed at a female audience. This type of tobacco product has a medium strength. Often thin cigarettes are produced with the addition of various flavors. Cigarettes with menthol, coffee, chocolate or fruit additives are especially popular.

Cigarette brands such as Marlboro, Camel, Dunhill and Lucky Strike have almost gone out of fashion.

All types of thin-size tobacco products in alphabetical order:

A-C: Camel, Akhtamar, Continent, Alliance compact, Allure, Angelo Rubio, Bond, Armada export, Arte, Brent, Business class, Capri, Charme, Cloud 9, Compliment, Blooming.
D-F: Esse, Epique, Danibrand, Faberge, EVE, Estelle.
G-J: Glamor Amber, Jin ling, Imperial Classic, Hypnose.
K-M: Muratti, Kent HDs, L&M, LD Club, Kiss Organic, Maxim Compact, Merilyn, Modern, Lifa, More superslims blue.
N-P: Parliament Reserve 100, New Black Super Slims, Next in black, Play, Pall Mall, Parliament, Next Slims, Passport, Prestige.
R-T: Style, Richmond Collector's Edition, Richmond Superslim Cherry, Sweet Dreams, Route 66, Samurai, Solange, Treasurer.
V-W: West fusion, Victory, Vogue Super Slim Arome L'emotion, Winston, Winston XS micro, Winston XSence.
A-Z: Java Superslims.

Super thin tobacco products

All types of super thin cigarettes in alphabetical order:
A-C: Akhtamar, Angelo Rubio, Arte, Blooming, Alliance compact, Camel white, Continent.
D-M: Glamor Amber, Muratti, Kiss Organic, Kiss Superslims Energy, LD Club, Merilyn, Esse, More superslims blue, Hypnose.
N-Z: Next in black, Next Slims, Richmond Superslim Cherry, Victory, Play, Vogue Super Slim Arome L'emotion, West fusion, Pall Mall, Winston.

Legendary cigarettes

Despite such an impressive list of tobacco products, most of the brands presented above are not very popular. Smokers with several decades of experience are attached to certain brands. During the Soviet era, foreign cigarettes were smuggled into the country. Many people were trying to get their hands on a pack of rare “Lakistrike” or “Kemel”. It is the cigarettes of those times that can be called legendary for the Russian consumer.

Some brands of cigarettes, such as “Yava Zolotaya”, which everyone is accustomed to thinking of as Russian, currently belong to Western tobacco companies


Product of the Anglo-American company British American Tobacco. The first pack of these cigarettes came off the assembly line in the thirty-sixth year of the last century. For more than eighty years, these cigarettes have been in great demand due to their inexpensive price.

Officially, these cigarettes appeared in Russia only in two thousand and five, but many were familiar with them long before that time. Today Viceroy is popular in more than fifty countries around the world. There is one legend associated with this tobacco product, which says that the “Weiss” part of the name refers to representatives of the royal dynasty.


American Marlboros are one of the brightest symbols of their country. The name alone associates many people with a cowboy from Western films. The production of these cigarettes is based on a special formula that allows you to reduce the level of tar and nicotine without harming the taste and strength. Cigarettes have become extremely popular in Russia. For many years, these cigarettes occupied the first places in the ratings among popular tobacco products.

Lucky Strike

Another American symbol that in the minds of many people evokes associations with “perestroika”. The history of these cigarettes goes back more than a hundred years since their production began. Lucky Strike is sold in almost every country, which makes this brand very popular.

The design, familiar to the eye, was developed in nineteen forty-two; before that, green tones predominated in the packaging colors. Ten years ago North America stopped producing cigarettes due to the ban.


Officially, these cigarettes appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation only in the ninety-second year of the last century. But Turkish tobacco from a Japanese manufacturer was popular before. Today Russia is in fifth place among the countries where this tobacco product is extremely popular.

Cigarettes have pleasant aroma, however, their price range is a little high.

Pall Mall

Pel Mel became a real symbol of the youth of the nineties. Pleasant taste, low price and excellent quality has led to the fact that these cigarettes are in great demand. There are more than five types of cigarettes under this brand in Russia. In addition, our country became the first to launch a line of ultra-thin cigarettes.

If you look at the Western practice of developing the tobacco business, you can see that the consumption of tobacco products is falling sharply


LM is rightfully the most popular cigarette in Russia. On the shelves you can find many variants of these cigarettes, differing in strength and with various aromatic additives. Unfortunately, many have already begun to forget what these cigarettes looked like in the early nineties. Ten years ago, the company rebranded, as a result of which the preparation technologies and packaging design changed.


In the late nineties and early 2000s, people with high incomes could afford to smoke Parliament. These cigarettes still have a high price today, as they are positioned as luxury cigarettes.


Once upon a time, these cigarettes were the standard of tobacco products for the Russian consumer. Many valued them for their indescribable taste and increased strength. Today, when the market is crowded various brands, these cigarettes have lost their relevance. Many who have tried them today say that it is a cheap tobacco, on par with non-filter cigarettes.


"Chester" - cigarettes, the name for which was the place of their original production. This is the name of one of the counties in Virginia. The history of the tobacco factory began in the seventy-third year of the nineteenth century. Since those ancient times, both the cooking recipe and the format of the product produced have changed several times.


A true English product for high society. This “collection” comes in a rather exotic design, where each cigarette has a calligraphic signature. Cigarettes are popular among those people who can afford large financial expenses for using tobacco.


True English quality. This is exactly what the slogan from the advertisement, which was played on radio and TV for a long time, said. Cigarettes are less popular than others because they are produced abroad.

Now that everyone knows what cigarettes are, their types, shapes and classification - choose required product easy enough. But you must remember that using tobacco is harmful to your health and the health of others.