Famous Marlboro cigarettes: types. The heaviest cigarettes Marlboro flavors

Marlboro cigarettes produced by the company Philip Morris International since 1924. This is one of the most famous brands tobacco products, thanks to large advertising campaign and significant sponsorship investment in motor transport.

History of creation

Marlboro cigarettes are a fairly well-known tobacco product all over the world. And all thanks to the image of a tough cowboy guy who gallops across the endless expanses of the American prairies. Few people know, but the brand of these cigarettes initially appeared exclusively for a female audience.

Due to the fact that Marlboro cigarettes have been on the tobacco market for quite a long period of time, the manufacturer has managed to create various types of cigarettes. The most popular are Marlboro Gold, Medium, Silver. In order to lure the fair half of humanity, the manufacturer resorted to various tricks, one of which was decorating the cigarette with a red stripe, hiding the mark left by lipstick. In addition, the cigarettes were supplemented with a filter so that the girl’s teeth did not turn yellow. A little later, the slogan Mild as May was coined. A famous Hollywood actress, Mae West, was invited to advertise the brand.

Later certain time the manufacturer decided to rebrand. It was at that moment that the creators came up with the idea to produce brand products for men. The company began supporting vehicles, choosing the Ferrari team as a partner. There have been some changes in packaging design and the way it opens.

Marlboro cigarettes: manufacturers

The cigarette manufacturer is Philip Morris Companies, which was part of the Altria Group. In 2008, Philip Morris was spun off into an independent company. Modern organization for the production of tobacco products is also engaged in the marketing and sale of cigarettes in 180 countries, and food products in 145 countries on all continents of the planet. The number of employees working in the company is about 137 thousand people.

Almost until 1955, cigarettes of this brand were sold in soft packaging white, they occupied no more than 0.1% of the United States market. A little later, after reviewing the profitability of the products sold, the manufacturers came to the conclusion that the brand needed advertising. Representatives of the marketing department created the image of an American cowboy from a western, and later short time The cowboy has eclipsed the hearts of millions of men and women around the world. The Marlboro brand took control of about 8.5% of the total global tobacco trade.

Types of cigarettes

Tobacco products famous brand are a bright symbol of the country of origin. The production of cigarettes is based on a special formula that allows you to reduce the level of tar and nicotine without harming the taste and strength.

Marlboro cigarettes on at the moment The following varieties are produced:

  • Filters;
  • Medium;
  • Lights;
  • Crisp Mint;
  • Fresh Mint;
  • Ultra Lights;
  • Filter Plus;
  • Filter Plus One;
  • Gold Edge;
  • Gold Touch;
  • Gold Touch Fine;
  • Gold Original;
  • Ice Boost.


The strongest of these are Marlboro Filters cigarettes. One such cigarette contains 10 mg of tar and 0.8 mg of nicotine.

Marlboro Red cigarettes are one of the most popular types of tobacco products of this brand. One cigarette contains 9 mg of tar and 0.7 mg of nicotine. They are made with an accent filter, the surface of which is decorated with orange. Marlboro Red has become famous for its aroma that no tobacco manufacturer can replicate.

Those who intend to quit smoking will enjoy Marlboro Ultra Lights. One such cigarette contains 4 mg of tar and 0.4 mg of nicotine.

For the fair sex, the brand's manufacturers offer a light version: Marlboro Lights and Marlboro Crisp Mint. Each such cigarette contains 6 mg of tar and 0.5 mg of nicotine. It should be noted that the type of cigarette is indicated by color. For example, Marlboro Lights are called Marlboro Gold Pack. The name is explained by the fact that they are produced in a pack with a gold pattern.

Marlboro cigarette price

Cigarettes of this brand are valued for their high quality. Relatively recently, a survey was conducted among heavy smokers all over the world. After counting the votes, Marlboro brand cigarettes were recognized as the best-selling cigarettes in Asia, Africa, America and Europe.

Experienced smokers and quality connoisseurs prefer cigarettes made in the USA or Europe, based on their belief that foreign cigarettes contain higher quality tobacco. There are a lot of online shops on the Internet where you can order cigarettes from the United States of America or Europe. But it is possible to check the quality and authenticity of a product only after purchasing it.

Since the beginning of 2017, the cost of cigarettes of this brand has increased. Tobacco products from other manufacturers have also become more expensive. Marlboro Flavor Plus Ks Srp 20 back in 2015 could be purchased for 110 rubles, but now their cost is about 145 rubles.

Since the cost of tobacco products regularly increases, Philip Morris International recently decided to enter the fastest growing segment of the industry and take up the production of electronic cigarettes. The latter, unlike ordinary cigarettes, have one significant advantage: they are not yet subject to sanctions from officials. Also some smokers electronic cigarettes viewed as possible remedy to combat this bad habit.

Calculations carried out by the company's leader show that the demand for the brand's products is gradually fading. Authorities are trying to reduce the number of smokers by introducing high excise taxes on tobacco products, especially in EU countries and Russia.

Famous brand in music and cinema

Cigarettes are one of the leading brands in the world of tobacco products. In many Soviet-era films, Russian actors smoked cigarettes of this brand, since Marlboro brand was and is considered a sign great taste And high quality. Also tobacco products popular brand preferred Kerry from the acclaimed television series “Sex in big city" The director of the film “Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man” did not remain indifferent; he even named one of the main characters of the film by the name of his favorite cigarette brand.

In many lyrics of songs by world performers, the famous brand is repeatedly mentioned. At one time, Mylene Farmer mentioned this brand of cigarettes in a song called “California.” Russian singer Seryoga and the leader of the group “Basta” perfectly rhyme the name of the tobacco product with the main text in their lyrics. Even the king of chanson, Mikhail Shufutinsky, smoked Marlboro.

About the dangers of smoking

However, all types of cigarettes are extremely dangerous to human health. In the mid-2000s, a publication appeared according to which, after conducting a study, it can be argued that cigarettes of this brand are especially dangerous due to high content free nicotine entering the human blood. It is also worth noting that Marlboro cigarettes manufactured in the USA pose an even greater danger due to the fact that they contain the signature “American taste” obtained as a result large quantity carcinogens.

But the founders responded to this statement with confidence that all cigarettes produced in the United States of America have similar properties, which is due to special conditions cultivation, as well as processing of growing tobacco.

Marlboro cigarettes are one of the most recognizable and popular tobacco products in the world. When thinking about this brand, the image of a stern cowboy immediately appears, riding a horse across the unexplored expanses of the American prairies. A fact that few people know is that the brand was originally developed for the fair half of humanity. How Marlboro cigarettes have gained such great popularity as their story and what types of them exist? You will learn about this in our article.

History of creation

Marlboro cigarettesare rightfully considered one of the most famous tobacco products in the world. Their story began in 1924, but these products are still in use today in great demand. The manufacturer of this brand is the famous Phillip Morris company.

Due to the fact thatamerican cigarettes Marlborough have been on the tobacco market for many years, the brand has managed to release various species cigarette The most popular is Marlboro. Gold ”, “Medium” and “Silva”. The creators of the brand initially focused on a female audience. The manufacturer used various tricks to attract the fair sex. In those days, each cigarette was decorated with a red stripe, which was supposed to hide the mark left by red lipstick. In addition, they were supplemented with a filter so that smokers' teeth were not so yellow. Soon the cigarettes had their own slogan, Mild as May, which was advertised by the famous Hollywood actress Mae West.

After some time, the brand decided to rebrand. It was then that the decision was made to make the brand’s products more masculine. The brand began to support motorsport and chose the Ferrari team as its partner. The changes affected the design of the packaging, as well as the way it was opened.

These american cigarettesbegan to correspond to the image of a real man.

Various assortment

As of today Russian market You can find such types of these cigarettes as:

  • Marlboro Filter Plus brand cigarettes;
  • Marlboro Medium;
  • Marlboro Lights;
  • Marlboro Crisp Mint;
  • Marlboro Filters:
  • Marlboro Ultra Lights.

Cigarettes that look like Marlboro Filter Plusand Filters, have a special filter that removes some of the tobacco smoke harmful substances. Each pack contains 20 cigarettes.

Most suitable for women light versions. These include Marlboro Lights and Marlboro Crisp Mint. Each of these options contains 6 mg of tar and 0.5 mg of nicotine.

For those trying to quit smoking, you can try Marlboro Ultra Lights. They contain 0.4 mg of nicotine and 4 mg of tar.

Cigarettes called Marlboro Redare in greatest demand among buyers. They contain 9 mg of tar and 0.7 mg of nicotine. The cigarettes are equipped with an acetate filter, the surface of which is orange in color.

Filter Plus has its own characteristics. Its filter consists of two parts: acetate and carbon. Between them there is a special tobacco insert. It makes the taste of cigarettes brighter and richer. This product is most popular among women.

Everyone knows the harm caused by smoking, but many find it difficult to give up the quality product offered by the Marlboro brand.

In our country, about half of men and almost a third of women smoke. Naturally, everyone’s preferences are different, but every smoker tries to choose cigarettes with the best quality and affordable price. A wide range of tobacco products sometimes makes it difficult to choose. And the smoking process depends on its correctness—whether it will be a pleasure pleasant aroma and good taste of cigarettes or the habitual smoking of another tasteless nasty thing. To help smokers speed up their choice, let's look at the highest quality cigarettes in Russia.

Brand owned by an American company Philip Morris. In Russia, cigarettes are represented by seven types. Feature of Parliament cigarettes in a unique carbon filtration system tobacco smoke. Very high quality tobacco blend. Despite the fact that these are one of the most popular cigarettes in the USA, the sales record was recorded in Russia.

As you know, you have to pay for quality, so these cigarettes are not cheap. However, Parliament is a truly high-quality product.


The brand also belongs to an American company. The quality of Kent cigarettes is no worse than Parliament. Smokers are offered a choice of more than ten types of cigarettes. Excellent tobacco in combination with an acetate-carbon filter with a gelatin capsule inside gives a unique taste of cigarettes.

Almost every tobacco lover has tried these cigarettes at least once in his life. And indeed, these cigarettes are different from ordinary ones. Their taste, aroma and unsurpassed quality are remembered for a lifetime. Even anti-smokers who are sick of regular cigarettes and have inadvertently inhaled the smell of Captain Black speak positively about it. Typically, these cigarettes are not used for everyday smoking, but for special occasions. They are quite strong and are not cheap.

Brand of the British American Tobacco company. They produce several types of cigarettes, which are classified by strength. In the strongest cigarettes, tar levels reach 10 mg. The quality of the tobacco is at a very high level.


The brand is owned by Rothmans International, which, in turn, is part of BritishAmerican Tobacco. Vogue used to be a purely women's cigarette. They used special varieties of tobacco that gave a mild taste that was enhanced by flavorings. Nowadays they are smoked practically in equally, women and men. Cigarettes are divided into several types, where each type has a specific taste.

American cigarettes from Philip Morris. According to statistics, they are one of the best-selling cigarettes in Russia. They are distinguished by high strength and excellent quality tobacco. In terms of product range, Marlboro cannot compete with, for example, Vogue or Kent. However, each type of cigarette is not the same taste and aroma.

Cigarettes from the American tobacco company Liggett & Myers. Thanks to the special composition of the high-quality tobacco mixture, Chesterfield cigarettes can always be recognized by their unique aroma. Today, six types of cigarettes of this brand are produced.

8. Camel

Cigarettes from the tobacco company R.J. Reynolds Tobacco. Mass sales in Russia began in the early 90s. The raw materials for Camel cigarettes are the best varieties of Turkish and American tobacco. Seven types of cigarettes are produced, which differ in taste. The Camel pack is easily recognizable thanks to its consistent business card- a drawn camel. It has been featured on all Camel packs for over a hundred years.

9. Bond

Another brand that is owned by Philip Morris. One of the most popular cigarettes in Russia in the middle price segment. Bond cannot compete with the quality of tobacco, for example, Parliament or Kent. However, for their price, these are the highest quality cigarettes among their competitors. The range of Bond cigarettes is small - only three types.

Domestic brand of cigarettes produced in St. Petersburg tobacco company Petro. For the production of Peter I cigarettes, imported varieties of tobacco are used. High-quality paper is imported from Scandinavia, and the filter is manufactured in Lithuania. Thanks to the special formulation of the tobacco mixture, the quality of Peter I cigarettes has a decent level, which is practically not inferior to premium class cigarettes. Cigarettes are affordable for any smoker. In combination with price and quality, Peter I is a leader among domestic tobacco companies.


The brand belongs to Russian company Liggett-Dukat. Occupies an inexpensive segment of cigarettes in the domestic market. Inferior in quality to many foreign brands of cigarettes. Medium quality tobacco varieties are used in the production of LD. However, among the total number of cigarettes sold in Russia, Ligget-Dukat products have enough good quality, and its price is significantly lower than its competitors. There are many types of LD cigarettes available. They all have different taste. Some types, within their trademark, are elite. For example, LD Club Platinum or LD Amber SuperSlims.

In Russia, there are quite a lot of high-quality brands represented on the tobacco market. The biggest risk when buying cigarettes is counterfeit. This is always worth paying attention to special attention. Although no matter how high-quality cigarettes are, they always worsen your health and make your life shorter. Is it worth smoking? The choice is yours!

Yes, yes, I still don’t smoke, but only research cigarettes with a capsule in search of a cherry flavor capsule. Today I have Marlboro double mix.

The cigarettes are in a pack with a very stylish design. The combination of blue and purple on the pack matches the shades of the two capsules on the cigarette itself.

Unlike the Bond cigarette pack, which depicts an aging woman, back side Marlboro packaging depicts men's problems. From which I concluded that these cigarettes were produced for men.

What makes the cigarettes unique compared to Bond is the second capsule to include an additional menthol flavor.

There are 4 flavor options:

  1. You can press two buttons, then the taste will be methol + fruit. I didn’t like this one, the menthol was too strong.
  2. You can press only one button - the menthol button. We got it regular cigarettes with menthol.
  3. You can press one fruit button (purple), I liked this flavor the most.
  4. You don’t have to press any button, then there will be regular cigarettes.

The smell of cigarettes is normal, there is no terrible smell or aftertaste. The packaging is completely sealed, the foil opens when the pack is opened and adheres tightly to the package when closed, thereby preserving the taste and integrity of the cigarettes.

Cigarette characteristics:

One of the most expensive and recognizable brands in the world is Marlboro. Even the most ardent opponents of smoking associate cigarettes of this brand with the image of a stern cowboy - the ruler of the American prairies. An interesting fact is that initially this brand was developed and positioned exclusively for a female audience. We will try to tell you how an initially unpromising brand became so recognizable and legendary.

How it all began...

Before telling the story about Marlboro, cigarettes that are popular equally among both men and women, let us remember that the fairer sex began to openly smoke tobacco products not very long ago - in late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. It was at that time that the feminist movement was actively developing, defending the equality of women both in politics and in other areas of life. But in addition to equal rights and opportunities, the representatives of the fair sex also adopted the American entrepreneur Philip Morris who decided to take advantage of the situation and occupy such a promising niche. In the early 20s of the last century, he developed and launched special women's cigarettes - Marlborough.

Everything for the ladies!

Having identified the female audience as the main one, the manufacturer did everything to attract the attention of female customers and interest them in their product. The slogan of the cigarettes was Mild as May - “gentle as May”, and they were advertised by one of the scandalous actresses of that time - Mae West. Advertising was placed in women's magazines such as Vanity Fair. Marlboro cigarettes of that time were produced with a red stripe at the base, which hid the marks and a filter, thanks to which smokers’ teeth did not turn yellow.

Why was it called that?

There are several versions of the origin of the name Marlboro. Cigarettes, according to one of them, were named after Churchill’s earldom, and for ease of memorization and pronunciation, some of the letters were removed. Another theory says that the name came from the name of the street - Marlboro Street in New Jersey, where the factory was located.

Crisis as a time of new opportunities

At the end of the 50s of the last century, studies were published in American journals on the effects of smoking on health and development. oncological diseases. As a result, 1958 became unprofitable for the company. Taking into account the new conditions, it was decided to change the female audience to one in which everyone knows about the dangers of smoking and its possible consequences, but is not ready to give up cigarettes. The male part of society was the most promising in this regard, but there was a prejudice against smoking filter cigarettes, which were considered feminine. Fearing ridicule from others, men refused to buy them. Philip Morris faced not an easy task turn over public opinion regarding filtered tobacco products. A talented American advertiser, Leo Burnett, was invited to solve this problem.

Professional work

It was thanks to Burnett’s efforts that a collection of images was created that embodied the idea of ​​an oil well driller and a high-altitude erector, and a stern sea captain, as well as the king of the prairies - a cowboy. The Marlboro advertising campaign was built around the romanticized image of the American shepherd-cowboy. The cigarettes were advertised and sold under the slogan “A filter won’t come between you and taste.” Thanks to this image, an image legend was created about the country of Marlboro and the cool guys who prefer this particular brand.

Achievements and discoveries

In addition to a very successful advertising campaign, it is worth noting that Marlboro became the first to sell cigarettes in a cardboard case with a hinged lid, which is called a Flip-top pack, in the tobacco market. In addition to the fact that such packaging was convenient and practical, each time the cigarettes were taken out, the brand name was shown to others. Appearance The tutus was designed by designer Frank Gianninoto. Marlboro classics cigarettes were immediately memorable due to the contrasting and masculine combination of red and white flowers. The alliance of an excellent advertising campaign, stylish design and quite high prices has led to the fact that, since the 60s of the last century, Marlboro has been the most sold-out cigarette in the world.


However, Philip Morris did not stop there. In 1966, in addition to Marlboro classics, production began. In 2008, the manufacturer structured the brand, distinguishing three Marlboro groups: Gold, Fresh and Flavor. Thus, lovers of fresh taste will be able to find suitable cigarettes in the Fresh family. For those who prefer a rich and intense tobacco aroma, products from the Flavor group are suitable. Marlboro Gold will be appreciated by consumers who value style and elegance.

In addition, light and super-light cigarettes are produced under the Marlboro brand, in which the nicotine content varies from 0.8 to 0.4 mg, and tar - from 11 to 4 mg. The lightest cigarettes in the Marlboro line are “ultra light” cigarettes.