A little tale about a parrot. A tale about a parrot. How the lory parrot became colorful

The story about pet

Gumerova Alina, 10 years old, student of class 3 A, MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Supervisor:Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk
Target: getting to know your pet.
- give information about your favorite pet - a budgie;
- remember riddles, poems about parrots;
- develop observation, curiosity, communication skills;
- cultivate interest and love for poultry;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature in general.
Description: This material may be of interest to primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers, and it can also be used for home family reading.

My budgie named Krosh

Guess the riddles and you will find out what kind of pet will we be talking about?
1.He lives in a spacious cage,
Children love to talk to him:
Don’t scold him in vain -
Repeat... (parrot).
2.The bird sits in a cage,
And he talks to you
Don't trust her with a secret,
He'll babble... (parrot).
3.The way the cat hisses
The way I speak.
He lives in a cage with us,
He eats in a cage and drinks in a cage.
Who is this? Guess!
- Yes, sure... (Parrot)!

Yes! It's a parrot! But he's not just a parrot, he's budgie! We call him - Krosh! It all started with the fact that one day my mother bought an interesting and fascinating book about parrots. (V. A. Grineva “Parrots”). It turns out that parrots first appeared during the reign of Alexander the Great. They were brought to our country from India, Africa and America. Parrots were considered sacred birds and were very expensive. They were devoted and faithful to their masters, and knew how to speak. Reading the books and looking at the illustrations, I really wanted to have such a friend. I asked my mother for a very long time to buy me a budgie.
And finally this winter my mother brought the parrot home.
My joy knew no bounds!!!
They bought me a PARROT!!!
I don’t know what to do with it?
How to give him water?
What and how to feed him?

My budgie blue color. He is very cheerful, kind, lively, cheerful, restless, very funny, and a real pleasure to watch. The parrot has large black button eyes. A wavy stripe stretches from the nose itself, the plumage is fully formed, the feathers fit tightly to each other. Krosh and I really love playing together. He jumps provocatively, preens himself, looks in the mirror, chirps. His favorite place is the chandelier. He can hang head down while holding on with one paw. If it breaks down, it suddenly spreads its wings and flies back to the chandelier.

Mom says that budgies birds are flocking. They love communication.
Always ready to repeat
This bird is word for word.
Don't blame the bird for that.
Talkative parrot.

Krosh doesn’t yet know how to speak humanly, but he and I understand each other perfectly. Sometimes he makes very sharp, rough and loud sounds. Mom sometimes jokes to Krosh like this:
Talking parrot
Don't scare my daughter.
You'll scare my baby -
I'll put you in a cage!

But I am sure that Krosh will not harm me. We love our parrot very much. And his heart is also loving. The crumb is completely manual. When I let him out of the cage, he sits only on my head. I try to feed the parrot, as expected, 2 times a day. The basis of the feed is a feed grain mixture. Here are millet, and millet, and sunflower seeds, and meadow grass seeds, and iodine in an easily digestible form, and that’s all essential vitamins. In spring and summer, I treat my pet with leaves and stems of clover, dandelion, and lettuce. I also make sure that Krosh’s cage is always clean and not very cold. drinking water. The cage itself is always clean and tidy.

I can't wait for my Krosh to learn to imitate human speech, vocabulary males is hundreds and sometimes thousands of words. Probably, raising and training a talking budgie is not a very difficult matter, but it, however, requires maximum attention and patience. They are most easily perceived by children and women's voices. That's why My mother and I are the ones who train birds in our family., we were told that the results would be significantly better. Imagine, budgies can live up to 20 years! When I'm at school for a long time, I always miss my pet. Mom came up with the idea of ​​giving me coloring books with parrots.

Sasha is 8 years old, she is a student of grade 2 “B” of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 15” in the city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.

Sasha is a very talented girl. He often takes prizes in various school (for now) competitions, takes up dancing (he has a diploma as a competition winner), and beadwork. Studying at music school in piano class.

"About the parrot Gosha"

In the jungle on the shore of the lake there lived a family of Cockatoo parrots: dad Kesha, mom Nyusha, and son Gosha. Gosha was a naughty parrot, and his mother forced him to eat porridge and said:

Gosha, eat your porridge!

And Gosha answered:

Gosha is good!

Gosha loved himself. He always wanted to fly to the lake and admire his reflection. And one day he finally found the time and flew to the lake. And in the lake lived an old crocodile. The crocodile was very tired of Gosha's chirping. He dreamed of eating it. Gosha was admiring his graceful tail and did not notice how a crocodile crept up to him. Gosha's tail ended up in the predator's mouth. Gosha shouted loudly:

Gosha is good! Don't eat Gosha!

These screams were heard by Kesha and Nyusha. They rushed to save their son. In the battle, only Gosha’s tail was damaged, and the parrot itself has since become like silk.

The work was sent by Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Episheva,
teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 15, Kazan.

Three tales of a parrot. Italian fairy tale

Everything that is described here happened in ancient times. And in those days it was like this: if you drive for a day you will end up in one kingdom, if you drive for another day you will end up in another kingdom. And, of course, every kingdom, large or small, had its own king. Because what kind of kingdom is it if there is no king!

So, in those early years, in a dense, dense forest there lived a woodcutter.

He had neither little nor much property: a gray donkey, a sharp ax and a cheerful song. The woodcutter also had a nice house in a clearing, and in the house there was a friendly wife. How can you not be happy? He would have been happy if his wife had not been sad.

The woodcutter will go into the forest or take firewood to the city on a donkey to sell, but the wife is bored and has no one to say a word with. He will start to light the hearth - he will talk to the fire, he will go to the well - he will talk to the water, he will start cooking - he will start a conversation with spoons and bowls. But they all listen, but don’t respond. At least cry. And the woodcutter’s wife often wiped her tears with her apron.

Then one day a woodcutter comes home and says: “Look, little wife, what I found in the forest!” And he hands the doll to his wife. The woodcutter's wife took a look and admired it. She didn’t even know that there were such dolls in the world. All in silk and velvet, black hair, blue eyes, pink cheeks, scarlet lips - she’s about to speak. The wife laughed with joy.

Since then she has never cried again. The husband will go into the forest, and the wife will take charge and keep talking to the doll. The doll, however, also only listened, but looked blue eyes and smiled with scarlet lips. It seemed to the woman that the doll understood everything.

The time on the road is less and less ahead, more and more behind.

Once the woodcutter’s wife and the woodcutter himself were sitting at the table in their house and having dinner. The doll was also sitting at the table and looking at them with its round blue eyes.

Suddenly someone knocked on the window.

Who could it be? - The woodcutter's wife was surprised. But the woodcutter said nothing, got up and opened the window. A bird flew into the room and sat down in the middle of the table. Here the woodcutter was surprised. He had seen a great many birds in the forest, but he had never seen one like this.

The bird bowed with its crested head and spoke in a human voice:

Let there be plenty of everything in your home, except tears and grief.

“Thank you for your friendly words,” said the woodcutter, who often visited the market in the city and learned to be polite there. “But won’t you tell me, winged lord, who you are?”

I am a miracle bird - a talking parrot. And this is why I came to you. I need a doll, the same one that sits at your table. My mistress, the beautiful Rosalind, has not ceased to miss her since she lost her. The squirrel that lives on the pine tree near the porch once saw a doll through the window, told the blue jay, which told the magpie, and the magpie brought this news on its tail straight to the palace where its godfather, the court crow, lives. Well, what the magpie and the crow know is known to all bird people. So I came to get the doll.

“Eh, little wife,” said the woodcutter, “you really will have to give the doll back, now that the owner has been found.”

But the woodcutter's wife grabbed the doll and pressed it tightly to her chest.

And I won’t think about giving it away. I cherished her like my own daughter, and now suddenly give her to some unknown Rosalind, whom I had never even heard of.

How? - the parrot was surprised. -You haven’t heard about the wise and beautiful Rosalind! Well, then I'll tell you about her glorious and good deeds. Listen now.

The Parrot's First Tale

There lived a rich merchant. He had a daughter, beautiful, like the moon and the sun, who came out into the sky at once. Her name was Rosalyn yes.

One day, a merchant was preparing to go on a long voyage to overseas countries. Before leaving, he asked Rosalind:

My daughter, what should I bring you as a gift from distant lands? Maybe a dress embroidered with gold, maybe a precious necklace?

Oh, father, I don’t need a dress or a necklace. If you decide to give me a gift, bring a miracle bird - a talking parrot that lives in an overseas country. You assigned three old nannies to me, but they only grumble at me and quarrel among themselves. I have a beloved friend, a beautiful doll, but she cannot speak. So you yourself understand how much I need a talking parrot.

The merchant laughed at his daughter’s quirks, but promised to fulfill her wish. Then he boarded the ship and set off on a long journey.

Rosalind was left with her three nannies. And I must tell you that the nannies took such care of her as if she were an unreasonable child. She was not allowed to take a step, a speck of dust was not allowed to fall on her. Within two days Rosalind was bored to death with them. After all, she was already sixteen years old.

On the third day, when the nannies were still fast asleep, Rosalind took her favorite doll and secretly ran into the forest for a walk.

On the lawn she saw a big-eyed dragonfly and decided to catch it. She ran, but the doll remained under the bush. Rosalind - behind the dragonfly, dragonfly - from Rosalind, deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally, the dragonfly got bored with this game, it flew up and disappeared. Then the girl looked around - all around was a deep, dense forest, no paths, no traces.

She began to look for the way to the house and became even more lost. So the sun began to set. Rosalind was tired, lay down under the roots of an oak tree on the fallen leaves and fell asleep.

The sun has set, the moon has risen. The moon has set, the sun has risen. And Rosalind sleeps and sleeps.

But the young prince did not sleep that early morning. He galloped through the forest on a good horse in pursuit of a white deer.

Suddenly the prince's horse sat down on its hind hooves at full gallop. The prince got angry and hit the horse with a whip, but he didn’t move. The prince looks - a girl of unprecedented beauty is sleeping at the roots of an oak tree. His heart was torn in two - one half strives for the deer, the other orders him to stay near the girl forever. But then the prince decided that while the girl was sleeping, he would have time to shoot a deer and present the beauty with the precious booty as a gift.

He took a silk scarf from his belt and covered the girl’s face with it so that no one in the world, not even the sun itself, would look at her beauty. Then he spurred his horse again and let it gallop.

Let the prince chase the deer. Let's stay near Rosalind. So she woke up and saw that her face was covered with a silk scarf, and there was no one around. Rosalind was surprised, hid the handkerchief and again went to look for the road.

She looked for her for a day or two and finally found her. The road led her straight to the palace. The girl was a little shy - she had never been to a royal palace before. But what was to be done? She was so tired and hungry! So the girl knocked quietly on the cast-iron gate.

The king himself hurried to meet her, took her hand and, like a dear guest, led her to the palace.

Rosalind lived in the palace for three days and fell in love with the old king so much that he began to beg her:

Stay with me, child. It's been a year since my daughter disappeared. She would be as old as you now. When I hear your ringing laughter, it seems to me that she has returned, and grief does not torment my heart so much.

Rosalind asked:

What happened to your daughter?

The king, sighing, told her how a year ago an old man came to the palace and asked the king for shelter. The king did not refuse the old man and ordered the courtiers to treat him as a noble guest. But this seemed not enough to the old man. He wanted to try on the royal crown. Of course, the king did not allow it, because the crown is not old hat. Then the old man said: “So you will have neither a crown nor a daughter!” That same day the old man disappeared, and with him the king’s only daughter disappeared. No matter how much they looked for her, they never found her.

Rosalind listened to this sad story and thought: “My father will not return soon, so there is no one to worry about me. I lost my favorite doll in the forest. This means that only grumpy nannies are waiting for me at home. Well, let them wait! And I will help this old king forget his grief at least for a while.”

And she stayed.

Rosalind sang songs to the king or told stories funny stories to amuse him. And when the king was doing his royal business or sleeping - and he loved to sleep - the girl would walk through the palace gardens. One day she wandered into the remotest corner of the old park, to a dilapidated pond. There was a tower over the pond, closed with seven rusty bolts. The uneven stones from which it was made were overgrown with wild moss and lichen.

Rosalind sat down by the pond and began to watch the spider weave a web at the door to the tower. The spider worked hard. Not even an hour had passed, and the entire door was already covered with a silver fine net - not a mosquito or a midge could fly through. Rosalind marveled at the skill of the eight-legged weaver and returned to the palace.

She came to the pond the next day. He looks - the web is all torn.

“What a miracle,” Rosalind thought, “it’s obvious that someone entered the tower. No, this can’t be.”

Rosalind sat by the pond until the evening, but everything around was quiet and empty. Another girl would have left for herself, and that’s all. Rosalind also left, but as she walked through the grass, she straightened every bent stem and every crushed leaf behind her. And the next morning the grass was trampled. So, after all, someone came here. That's how cunning Rosalind was!

This time she did not return to the palace in the evening. She hid behind a rosehip bush and sat there until midnight. At exactly midnight, a whistle was heard and a dragon flew to the shore of the pond. He crawled to the tower door, hit the ground and turned into an old man. The old man took a gilded key hanging from a long chain from his neck and moved it along the door from left to right. And then the heavy door with seven rusty bolts silently swung open. The old man entered the tower. And the fearless Rosalind tiptoed behind him. And as soon as she managed to slip through, the door closed just as quietly. Rosalind hid in a dark corner and waited to see what would happen next.

The old man lit the lamp. Bats darted to the sides. Then Rosalind saw that a girl no older than Rosalind herself was sitting on a straw mat.

What will you tell me today? - asked the wizard, because it was clear to everyone that the old man was a wizard. But the girl was silent.

Eh, but I forgot to open your mouth! - the old man exclaimed and ran a golden key across the girl’s lips from left to right.

Well, what do you say? - he repeated.

No! - said the girl.

The wizard got so angry that he hit the ground twice. The first time he turned into a dragon, the second time he turned into an old man again.

Ugly, naughty girl! - he shouted. - Sooner or later you will say yes.

No, said the girl.

“Okay, okay,” the wizard grumbled. “Now let’s eat, I’m pretty hungry myself.”

He stamped his foot, and a table appeared in this place, laden with food and drinks. The old man and the girl began to eat. Rosalind's mouth was simply watering in the dark corner; she, too, had not eaten anything all day.

Having eaten, the old man said:

After a hearty meal I always feel sleepy. Women love to chat. If there is no one to talk to, they talk to themselves. Therefore, I will not shut your mouth now. Chat while I sleep. But to prevent you from running away, I will lock your arms and legs.

The wizard stomped again, the table disappeared, and in its place appeared a soft bed covered with carpets. Then he took his key and ran it over the girl’s arms and legs from right to left.

And now the girl, as if shackled by heavy chains, cannot even move.

The wizard collapsed on the bed and at that very moment began snoring at the top of his lungs.

Then the girl actually spoke. She began to complain bitterly about her fate:

Oh, I'm unhappy! For a whole year now I have been languishing in this dark tower. The evil wizard will release me if I agree to steal my father's crown for him. And every night I tell him no. After all, if I say “yes”, the wizard will take the form of a king, and my poor father will turn into a mule on which he carries water. That’s right, I’ll die here because I’ll never say “yes.”

Don’t cry, sister,” Rosalind whispered and went up to the girl.

She quietly removed the chain with the key from the sleeping wizard's neck and quickly locked the old man's arms and legs. She saw everything, noticed everything from her dark corner. Then Rosalind freed the girl and, opening the tower doors with the same key, ran with her to the palace. How many happy tears were shed when the king saw his daughter alive and unharmed!

The next day Rosalind said to the king:

Now you have your own daughter, and you don't need me anymore. I beg you, give me a carriage so that I can return to my father’s house.

But the king and the king's daughter until then begged Rosalind not to leave them until she agreed to stay a little longer.

There are balls and celebrations here. The girls became so friends that they began to call each other sisters.

And the king ordered the wizard to be blown up along with the tower and a high hill to be built in this place.

That's it.

The parrot bowed gravely and said:

Now you know how smart, kind and beautiful my mistress Rosalind is.

Oh, what a interesting story you told us, sir, the miracle bird is a talking parrot! - exclaimed the woodcutter's wife.

The woodcutter nodded his head. He always agreed with his wife. And she continued:

Of course, I will give Rosalind her doll, but not before I hear what happened next. After all, you, sir parrot, said nothing about the prince. My husband and I don't even know if he killed the white deer.

Well then, said the parrot. - Listen to what happened next.

The Parrot's Second Tale

The Spanish princess, daughter of the Spanish king, turned sixteen years old. It was time to marry her off. The suitors heard about this, and a great multitude of them came from different parts of the earth.

There was an Indian Raja, and the heir to the French throne, and a Portuguese prince, and a Persian Shah, and there were countless princes and dukes. The last to arrive was the Turkish Sultan, old and bandy-legged.

The princess looked through her eyes at the suitors whom her father was receiving in the main hall and laughed until she dropped. Only twice did she not laugh. The first time I saw the Portuguese prince, because he was stately, handsome and the princess really liked him. The second time she did not laugh was when she saw the Turkish Sultan - he was very scary.

The princess's father was at a loss: all the suitors are noble and rich - how can one choose a worthy one? After all, he loved the princess as much as any father loves his only daughter, whether he has a crown or not. He thought for three days and finally came up with an idea. Let the princess throw a golden ball at random. Whoever it hits will become her husband.

On the appointed day, the suitors gathered in front of the palace. The princess went out onto the balcony, and all the suitors closed their eyes at once, blinded by her beauty. Here the princess threw her golden ball. She was aiming, of course, at the Portuguese prince. Unfortunately, the Turkish Sultan was standing nearby. Seeing where the ball was flying, he pressed himself closely to the Portuguese prince. The ball touched the prince's shoulder, but - alas! - He touched the cunning Turk’s shoulder.

And so both appeared before the king and his daughter.

The king was confused. After all, he came up with this whole idea with the ball so that he wouldn’t have to choose. And besides, his beloved daughter, looking at her two suitors, either cried or laughed, and the king could not understand who she wanted to marry.

“Your Royal Majesty,” said the Portuguese prince, “I love your daughter and ask for her hand in marriage.”

“I like the princess no less,” objected the Turkish Sultan. “There is no need for such a beautiful girl to marry a yellow-haired youth who has never even been married before.” I am a different matter - I have a hundred wives, and I know well how to treat them. So don’t hesitate, Your Royal Majesty, give your daughter to me.

But then the princess said firmly:

Only the one who will have me alone, like a heart in his chest, can become my husband.

And she looked at the Portuguese prince.

The king finally understood what his daughter wanted and replied:

There’s nothing to be done, your Turkish Sultanate, look for your one hundred and first wife in other parts, because I won’t give you my daughter.

The Turkish Sultan was terribly angry. He trampled his turban in a rage and said that it did not deserve better treatment if its owner could be humiliated like that. At the end he said to the king:

If I didn’t get your daughter, then let no one get it.

With these words, he picked up his turban and left.

And the next day the Spanish princess fell seriously ill. She was losing weight and becoming pale every hour, her eyes were deeply sunken. The illness cramped her body, and every now and then the princess bent over, like a sheaf knitter. The doctors did not know what to call the disease and how to cure it.

Then the king, in confusion, rang the Council Bell.

Signors of the Council! - he said. - My daughter is wasting away day by day. Tell me what to do.

And the wise lords of the Council answered:

We heard that in Italy, at the court of one of the kings, there lives a girl named Rosalinda. She is as beautiful as she is wise. She found the missing daughter of this king and saved her. Send for her, maybe she will save your daughter too.

Wonderful! - exclaimed the king. - Your advice, gentlemen of the Council, was to my liking.

The king clapped his hands and ordered the ships to be equipped immediately. He appointed the oldest lord of the Council as ambassador to the Italian king.

The ships were already raising anchors when the king, out of breath, ran ashore.

Ah, senior lord of the Council, I almost forgot to give you the iron glove. If that king does not agree to let Rosalind go, throw the glove at his feet as a sign of war.

The ambassador bowed to the king, took the glove, and the ships sailed.

The glove actually almost came in handy. Because the king, Rosalind’s named father, flatly refused to let his adopted daughter go to Spain. And there would have been war if Rosalind herself had not ran into the hall. Having heard why the ambassador had come, she said:

Don’t be upset, dear king, I’ll go to Spain for a while. Maybe I can help the Spanish princess.

And she persuaded the king so much that he agreed.

The ships sailed back to Spain. The Spanish king himself and the saddened Portuguese prince came out to meet Rosalind.

As soon as Rosalind stepped ashore, she said:

Take me quickly to your daughter.

And it was just time, because the princess completely disappeared.

"This is not simple illness, - Rosalind said to herself, “there is something here!” She locked herself with the queen in her chambers and ordered that no one should enter them for three days and three nights. The Spanish king, with his royal hands, placed seven large wax seals on the doors leading to his daughter’s chambers.

And then evening came. Rosalind wanted to light a candle, but she had neither flint, nor steel, nor tinder. She looked out the window and noticed a dim light far, far away on the hill. Rosalind, without thinking twice, took the candle, jumped out the window and ran in that direction. The further she walked, the brighter the fire became. And when Rosalind came very close, she saw a large fire. There was a huge cauldron on the fire, in which something was boiling. An old bow-legged Turk in a turban was stirring the brew and saying something not in Italian, not in Spanish, but in his own way, in Turkish.

“Eh,” thought Rosalind, “isn’t this the cauldron where the life of the Spanish princess melts?” And she said to the Turk:

Oh, poor thing, rest a little, you are very tired.

“I can’t rest,” replied the Turk. “I’ve been interfering for three months now, day and night, night and day.” It won't be long now. Soon I will leave for my Turkey, otherwise my hundred wives will not quarrel among themselves.

Well, let me interfere for you,” said Rosalind.

Stir, stir, but I swear by the beard of Mohammed, if you stir badly, I will boil you in this cauldron.

The Turk sat down on the ground cross-legged, and Rosalind began diligently stirring the stinking brew with a dried owl's paw.

Okay, am I disturbing? - she asked the Turk.

Disturb, disturb,” muttered the Turk.

“And you get some sleep,” said Rosalind. The Turk fell asleep.

Then Rosalind went ahead and overturned the cauldron with the magic potion right on top of the Turk.

Oh, what happened here! The Turk immediately became as thin as a piece of wood, shriveled up all over, and finally turned into a pile of rubbish.

And Rosalind lit a candle from the smoldering coals and rushed to run to the palace.

When she returned, the Spanish princess slept peacefully, like a child, for the first time in many days. A blush appeared on her pale cheeks. On the day appointed by Rosalind, the Spanish king broke the seven seals and opened the doors. A cheerful and healthy daughter threw herself on his neck.

The king awarded Rosalind with rich gifts and sent her to Italy with honors. The Spanish princess hugged her tightly, kissed her and asked her not to forget that Rosalind had a named sister in Spain. And the Portuguese prince, her fiancé, added - and her sworn brother.

That's all, said the parrot.

How is everything! - exclaimed the woodcutter's wife. - No, as you wish, sir, the miracle bird is a talking parrot, and I won’t give up the doll until I find out everything to the end.

Yes,” the woodcutter said thoughtfully, “even at the market, it’s not every day that you hear such wonderful stories.” So please, winged lord, tell us what happened next.

The parrot said:

I am ready to talk about my mistress until the morning. It's already starting to get light. Just in time for sunrise, I will have time to tell you the shortest and most joyful story about the beautiful Rosalind.

The Parrot's Third Tale

There lived a king in a kingdom in southern Italy. He had an only son, slender as a cypress, agile and strong as a young lion, beautiful as the moon in the sky. More than anything in the world, he loved hunting.

Then one day he heard that in the west of Italy, behind ten mountains, behind ten valleys, behind nine forests, in the tenth forest, there lives a white deer. The prince took his huntsmen and galloped off on a long hunt.

The prince disappeared for two months, and when he returned, the king, his own father, did not recognize his son. An evil illness took possession of the prince and undermined his strength every day. The prince did not eat or drink. All day long he lay on his gilded bed and sighed heavily.

The king asked the prince's huntsmen if anything had happened to him on the way. But they didn’t know anything. They only said that the prince rode away from them after a white deer, and returned only in the evening, sad and without prey.

O most holy Madonna! - exclaimed the king. - So kill yourself because of some forest creature!

The king resorted to a trick. He ordered a deer from a nearby forest to be caught and delivered to the palace. Secretly from everyone, he personally painted this deer with the whitest paint that could be found in the kingdom. Then he released him into the palace park and ran to his son.

My son, get up quickly, go to the park and you will see what your soul is yearning for.

The prince jumped out of bed and, staggering from weakness, ran out into the park. When he saw a white deer from a distance, a groan escaped his chest. What is the use of a deer if, through his own fault, he lost a beautiful girl and his heart!

From that hour the prince became very ill. His life was melting away like a thin candle. All the doctors in the kingdom were already in the palace dungeon, because not one of them could cure the prince.

And at this sad time, news reached the king about the wise Rosalind, who saved the two royal daughters. The king equipped the ambassadors, provided them with an iron glove just in case, and sent them for Rosalind.

What a misfortune! - said Rosalind's father, clasping his hands. - Apparently, all the kings decided to take turns showing what cut their gloves were! It's a hectic business being your father, dear Rosalind.

Remember how you yourself grieved for your daughter,” the girl answered, “and don’t hold me back.”

And Rosalind went with the ambassadors. On the way, they told her everything they knew about the prince’s illness. Here

Rosalind thought: after all, the forest where the prince was hunting was the same one in which she herself got lost.

What is the prince's name? - she asked the ambassadors. The ambassadors replied:

The prince's name is Gabriel - Giovanni - Marcello - Alfonso - Pietro - Cesare - Antonio - Carlo - Mario - Domenico - Paolo - Giuseppe.

Rosalind stealthily pulled out a silk scarf from her bodice, the same one with which someone unknown had covered her face in the forest. She looked at the scarf and saw that the letters were embroidered along the edge:


Rosalind chuckled softly.

The ambassadors rode and rode with Rosalind and finally arrived.

Rosalind was led into the king's chambers. Heart kind girl was filled with pity, because the prince, so young and so handsome, was already very close to the grave. He lay with his eyes closed, as if dead, and only from his uneven breathing could one guess that there was still life in him.

“Open your eyes, dear prince, if you want to become strong and healthy again,” said Rosalind.

“I don’t want to open my eyes,” answered the prince. - Let me die in peace.

I won’t,” said Rosalind, “before you look at what I hold in my hand.” - And she took out that same scarf from behind her bodice.

But the prince did not even move. Then Rosalind said slyly:

Guess, dear prince, what it is: yesterday is yours, today is mine, and tomorrow it will be anyone’s or ours.

No matter how ill the prince was, curiosity overcame him. So he opened one eye slightly. And what did he see? Your own silk scarf. With this scarf he covered the face of a sleeping beauty in the distant forest, whom he admired for one moment, but lost forever.

Then the prince opened his second eye and saw the one for whom his heart yearned. His eyes sparkled like a healthy one.

Rosalind said:

Now you have solved the riddle and you need to rest. Close your eyes.

“I don’t want to close my eyes,” the prince exclaimed, “I’m afraid that I’ll lose you again!” But I would gladly eat something, like strong broth.

From that moment on, Rosalind did nothing but feed the prince with broth.

By order of the happy king, the broth was constantly being cooked in the palace kitchen. In three days they cooked so much of it that the price of meat went up throughout the kingdom.

Soon the prince completely recovered and began to ask his father to prepare everything for the wedding feast.

The news spread to all lands that the beautiful Rosalind was marrying the prince. Rosalind's own father was the first to arrive at the wedding. He had just returned from overseas countries and brought his beloved daughter the gift she asked for - a miracle bird - a talking parrot. The gift could not have come at a better time - I still had to give something for the wedding.

Rosalind's named father also arrived with his daughter, her dear sister. The Spanish king and the Spanish princess sailed from across the sea, and with them the Portuguese prince, who did not want to part with his bride for a day.

The feast was a great success!

Now you have learned everything to the very end! - said the parrot.

No, no,” cried the woodcutter’s wife, “that’s not all!”

“Not everything,” the parrot objected. - Once it comes to the wedding, that means the end of the fairy tale.

How is Rosalind doing now? - the woodcutter and his wife asked at the same time.

Very good, but she misses her favorite doll. So I flew off to look for her.

The woodcutter's wife thanked the parrot for his true stories and gave me the doll.

Maybe you feel sorry for the woodcutter's wife? Do you think she's bored without her doll? Don't worry. She was consoled because her daughter was born. And a real daughter is much better than even the most beautiful doll.

Well, you say, that means Rosalind is playing with the doll. Yes, nothing happened. She had a son, and a son is no worse than a daughter.

And the Spanish princess, who married a Portuguese prince, gave birth to both a son and a daughter.

The doll was given to Rosalind's first named sister. She hasn't gotten married yet.

We gave our daughter a parrot for her birthday, and then one day my daughter asked me to tell a fairy tale about a parrot. This is the fairy tale.

Fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived one small, stupid Parrot. Mom and dad loved him very much. They fed him, played with him, taught him to fly and get food. And only when the parrot began to misbehave very strongly, they punished him.

One day the Parrot really offended his mother, and his father punished him. The little mischief maker was offended and decided to run away from his parents and fly to America.

The parrot flew for a very long time and was completely exhausted, but he was so confident in his decision to punish his parents that he still barely made it to America alive. He was pleased with himself and at first he was very happy that he was now independent and independent! "Let them cry now!"- he thought.

Very soon the Parrot realized that free life not that sweet. He was constantly hungry and subsisted on crumbs from a trash can near a cafe. He was almost eaten by a cat that lived nearby. And one day two boys threw stones at him, and he barely carried off his legs. parrot for a long time wandered the streets and was already completely exhausted. He almost died of hunger and cold, because absolutely no one needed him. Stupid Parrot wanted to fly back to his dad and mom, but he was so exhausted that he couldn’t even fly to the next house. He sat down on a tree branch and cried: “Why did I fly away? How I want to go back to mom and dad! What should I do now?” A large owl who lived in this tree heard him. She flew up to the unfortunate little Parrot and said: "Hello, baby, I'm Auntie Sovunya. Why are you crying? Where are your parents?" The parrot told the owl everything.

- Mom and Dad stopped loving me and now they will never forgive me, - Parrot finished his story.

“Silly, don’t you know that you can’t fly away from mom and dad?” After all, only mom and dad will always love you, no matter how much of a hooligan you are. Only mom and dad will always forgive you, no matter what happens.

“Now I know, Aunt Sovunya, that only mommy and daddy need me, but I’m so tired that I won’t be able to fly home now.” After all, I live so far beyond the seas and forests. I'll have to stay here forever.

Aunt Owl thought for a moment, and then said:

- You can always find a way out. Even if it seems like you're in the middle of nowhere hopeless situation. I'll help you, stupid Parrot, sit on my back, I'll take you to mom and dad.

The parrot sat on the owl's back and they flew off. They flew for a very long time. Although Aunt Sovunya was big and strong, even she had difficulty getting to Parrot’s house.

When Parrot got off Aunt Sovunya's back, he saw his mom and dad. He cried so hard because he was so ashamed that he flew away from his parents. And he, of course, was scared that dad and mom wouldn’t want to see him.

But parents love their children so much. Mom and Dad, of course, forgave the naughty Parrot, called him over and hugged him very, very much.

And the stupid parrot said:

- Forgive me, mommy and daddy. I will never again misbehave, be capricious or disobey you.

Since then, the Parrot grew up obedient and kind. He knew for sure that mom and dad would never leave him, because nothing could separate those who love each other. Since then, parrots began to be called lovebirds.

- Well, Arina, what did this fairy tale tell you?- I asked my daughter.

- About the fact that you need to obey your dad and mom. That you don't need to run away from them. That only dad and mom love their children very much, even if sometimes they are punished when the children misbehave.

As I already told you earlier, all the themes of fairy tales are ordered from me by my daughter herself. I don’t force my opinions on her too much, and in the manner of a fairy tale I try to tell her some life wisdom. I keep saying that no matter what schools our children attend, their best teachers are always their parents. And if mom and dad cannot sufficiently teach their children to live in peace and with the world themselves, then no school will teach this.

Parents, don't be shy to talk to your children. If you don't teach them to listen to you when they're little, you won't be able to get them to listen to you when they grow up.

Peace to you and family well-being!!!

Everything that is described here happened in ancient times. And in those days it was like this: if you drive for a day you will end up in one kingdom, if you drive for another day you will end up in another kingdom. And, of course, every kingdom, large or small, had its own king. Because what kind of kingdom is it if there is no king!

So, in those early years, in a dense, dense forest there lived a woodcutter.

He had neither little nor much property: a gray donkey, a sharp ax and a cheerful song. The woodcutter also had a nice house in a clearing, and in the house there was a friendly wife. How can you not be happy? He would have been happy if his wife had not been sad.

The woodcutter will go into the forest or take firewood to the city on a donkey to sell, but the wife is bored and has no one to say a word with. He will start to light the hearth - he will talk to the fire, he will go to the well - he will talk to the water, he will start cooking - he will start a conversation with spoons and bowls. But they all listen, but don’t respond. At least cry. And the woodcutter’s wife often wiped her tears with her apron.

Then one day a woodcutter comes home and says: “Look, little wife, what I found in the forest!” And he hands the doll to his wife. The woodcutter's wife took a look and admired it. She didn’t even know that there were such dolls in the world. All in silk and velvet, black hair, blue eyes, pink cheeks, scarlet lips - she’s about to speak. The wife laughed with joy.

Since then she has never cried again. The husband will go into the forest, and the wife will take charge and keep talking to the doll. The doll, however, also only listened, but it looked with blue eyes and smiled with scarlet lips. It seemed to the woman that the doll understood everything.

The time on the road is less and less ahead, more and more behind.

Once the woodcutter’s wife and the woodcutter himself were sitting at the table in their house and having dinner. The doll was also sitting at the table and looking at them with its round blue eyes.

Suddenly someone knocked on the window.

Who could it be? - The woodcutter's wife was surprised. But the woodcutter said nothing, got up and opened the window. A bird flew into the room and sat down in the middle of the table. Here the woodcutter was surprised. He had seen a great many birds in the forest, but he had never seen one like this.

The bird bowed with its crested head and spoke in a human voice:

Let there be plenty of everything in your home, except tears and grief.

“Thank you for your friendly words,” said the woodcutter, who often visited the market in the city and learned to be polite there. “But won’t you tell me, winged lord, who you are?”

I am a miracle bird - a talking parrot. And this is why I came to you. I need a doll, the same one that sits at your table. My mistress, the beautiful Rosalind, has not ceased to miss her since she lost her. The squirrel that lives on the pine tree near the porch once saw a doll through the window, told the blue jay, which told the magpie, and the magpie brought this news on its tail straight to the palace where its godfather, the court crow, lives. Well, what the magpie and the crow know is known to all bird people. So I came to get the doll.

“Eh, little wife,” said the woodcutter, “you really will have to give the doll back, now that the owner has been found.”

But the woodcutter's wife grabbed the doll and pressed it tightly to her chest.

And I won’t think about giving it away. I cherished her like my own daughter, and now suddenly give her to some unknown Rosalind, whom I had never even heard of.

How? - the parrot was surprised. -You haven’t heard about the wise and beautiful Rosalind! Well, then I will tell you about her glorious and good deeds. Listen now.


There lived a rich merchant. He had a daughter, beautiful, like the moon and the sun, who came out into the sky at once. Her name was Rosalyn yes.

One day, a merchant was preparing to go on a long voyage to overseas countries. Before leaving, he asked Rosalind:

My daughter, what should I bring you as a gift from distant lands? Maybe a dress embroidered with gold, maybe a precious necklace?

Oh, father, I don’t need a dress or a necklace. If you decide to give me a gift, bring a miracle bird - a talking parrot that lives in an overseas country. You assigned three old nannies to me, but they only grumble at me and quarrel among themselves. I have a beloved friend, a beautiful doll, but she cannot speak. So you yourself understand how much I need a talking parrot.

The merchant laughed at his daughter’s quirks, but promised to fulfill her wish. Then he boarded the ship and set off on a long journey.

Rosalind was left with her three nannies. And I must tell you that the nannies took such care of her as if she were an unreasonable child. She was not allowed to take a step, a speck of dust was not allowed to fall on her. Within two days Rosalind was bored to death with them. After all, she was already sixteen years old.

On the third day, when the nannies were still fast asleep, Rosalind took her favorite doll and secretly ran into the forest for a walk.

On the lawn she saw a big-eyed dragonfly and decided to catch it. She ran, but the doll remained under the bush. Rosalind - behind the dragonfly, dragonfly - from Rosalind, deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally, the dragonfly got bored with this game, it flew up and disappeared. Then the girl looked around - all around was a deep, dense forest, no paths, no traces.

She began to look for the way to the house and became even more lost. So the sun began to set. Rosalind was tired, lay down under the roots of an oak tree on the fallen leaves and fell asleep.

The sun has set, the moon has risen. The moon has set, the sun has risen. And Rosalind sleeps and sleeps.

But the young prince did not sleep that early morning. He galloped through the forest on a good horse in pursuit of a white deer.

Suddenly the prince's horse sat down on its hind hooves at full gallop. The prince got angry and hit the horse with a whip, but he didn’t move. The prince looks - a girl of unprecedented beauty is sleeping at the roots of an oak tree. His heart was torn in two - one half strives for the deer, the other orders him to stay near the girl forever. But then the prince decided that while the girl was sleeping, he would have time to shoot a deer and present the beauty with the precious booty as a gift.

He took a silk scarf from his belt and covered the girl’s face with it so that no one in the world, not even the sun itself, would look at her beauty. Then he spurred his horse again and let it gallop.

Let the prince chase the deer. Let's stay near Rosalind. So she woke up and saw that her face was covered with a silk scarf, and there was no one around. Rosalind was surprised, hid the handkerchief and again went to look for the road.

She looked for her for a day or two and finally found her. The road led her straight to the palace. The girl was a little shy - she had never been to a royal palace before. But what was to be done? She was so tired and hungry! So the girl knocked quietly on the cast-iron gate.

The king himself hurried to meet her, took her hand and, like a dear guest, led her to the palace.

Rosalind lived in the palace for three days and fell in love with the old king so much that he began to beg her:

Stay with me, child. It's been a year since my daughter disappeared. She would be as old as you now. When I hear your ringing laughter, it seems to me that she has returned, and grief does not torment my heart so much.

Rosalind asked:

What happened to your daughter?

The king, sighing, told her how a year ago an old man came to the palace and asked the king for shelter. The king did not refuse the old man and ordered the courtiers to treat him as a noble guest. But this seemed not enough to the old man. He wanted to try on the royal crown. Of course, the king did not allow it, because the crown is not old hat. Then the old man said: “So you will have neither a crown nor a daughter!” That same day the old man disappeared, and with him the king’s only daughter disappeared. No matter how much they looked for her, they never found her.

Rosalind listened to this sad story and thought: “My father will not return soon, so there is no one to worry about me. I lost my favorite doll in the forest. This means that only grumpy nannies are waiting for me at home. Well, let them wait! And I will help this old king forget his grief at least for a while.”

And she stayed.

Rosalind sang songs to the king or told funny stories to amuse him. And when the king was doing his royal business or sleeping - and he loved to sleep - the girl would walk through the palace gardens. One day she wandered into the remotest corner of the old park, to a dilapidated pond. There was a tower over the pond, closed with seven rusty bolts. The uneven stones from which it was made were overgrown with wild moss and lichen.

Rosalind sat down by the pond and began to watch the spider weave a web at the door to the tower. The spider worked hard. Not even an hour had passed, and the entire door was already covered with a silver fine net - not a mosquito or a midge could fly through. Rosalind marveled at the skill of the eight-legged weaver and returned to the palace.

She came to the pond the next day. He looks - the web is all torn.

“What a miracle,” Rosalind thought, “it’s obvious that someone entered the tower. No, this can’t be.”

Rosalind sat by the pond until the evening, but everything around was quiet and empty. Another girl would have left for herself, and that’s all. Rosalind also left, but as she walked through the grass, she straightened every bent stem and every crushed leaf behind her. And the next morning the grass was trampled. So, after all, someone came here. That's how cunning Rosalind was!

This time she did not return to the palace in the evening. She hid behind a rosehip bush and sat there until midnight. At exactly midnight, a whistle was heard and a dragon flew to the shore of the pond. He crawled to the tower door, hit the ground and turned into an old man. The old man took a gilded key hanging from a long chain from his neck and moved it along the door from left to right. And then the heavy door with seven rusty bolts silently swung open. The old man entered the tower. And the fearless Rosalind tiptoed behind him. And as soon as she managed to slip through, the door closed just as quietly. Rosalind hid in a dark corner and waited to see what would happen next.

The old man lit the lamp. The bats darted to the sides. Then Rosalind saw that a girl no older than Rosalind herself was sitting on a straw mat.

What will you tell me today? - asked the wizard, because it was clear to everyone that the old man was a wizard. But the girl was silent.

Eh, but I forgot to open your mouth! - the old man exclaimed and ran a golden key across the girl’s lips from left to right.

Well, what do you say? - he repeated.

No! - said the girl.

The wizard got so angry that he hit the ground twice. The first time he turned into a dragon, the second time he turned into an old man again.

Ugly, naughty girl! - he shouted. - Sooner or later you will say yes.

No, said the girl.

“Okay, okay,” the wizard grumbled. “Now let’s eat, I’m pretty hungry myself.”

He stamped his foot, and a table appeared in this place, laden with food and drinks. The old man and the girl began to eat. Rosalind's mouth was simply watering in the dark corner; she, too, had not eaten anything all day.

Having eaten, the old man said:

After a hearty meal I always feel sleepy. Women love to chat. If there is no one to talk to, they talk to themselves. Therefore, I will not shut your mouth now. Chat while I sleep. But to prevent you from running away, I will lock your arms and legs.

The wizard stomped again, the table disappeared, and in its place appeared a soft bed covered with carpets. Then he took his key and ran it over the girl’s arms and legs from right to left.

And now the girl, as if shackled by heavy chains, cannot even move.

The wizard collapsed on the bed and at that very moment began snoring at the top of his lungs.

Then the girl actually spoke. She began to complain bitterly about her fate:

Oh, I'm unhappy! For a whole year now I have been languishing in this dark tower. The evil wizard will release me if I agree to steal my father's crown for him. And every night I tell him no. After all, if I say “yes”, the wizard will take the form of a king, and my poor father will turn into a mule on which he carries water. That’s right, I’ll die here because I’ll never say “yes.”

Don’t cry, sister,” Rosalind whispered and went up to the girl.

She quietly removed the chain with the key from the sleeping wizard's neck and quickly locked the old man's arms and legs. She saw everything, noticed everything from her dark corner. Then Rosalind freed the girl and, opening the tower doors with the same key, ran with her to the palace. How many happy tears were shed when the king saw his daughter alive and unharmed!

The next day Rosalind said to the king:

Now you have your own daughter, and you don't need me anymore. I beg you, give me a carriage so that I can return to my father’s house.

But the king and the king's daughter until then begged Rosalind not to leave them until she agreed to stay a little longer.

There are balls and celebrations here. The girls became so friends that they began to call each other sisters.

And the king ordered the wizard to be blown up along with the tower and a high hill to be built in this place.

That's it.

The parrot bowed gravely and said:

Now you know how smart, kind and beautiful my mistress Rosalind is.

Oh, what an interesting story you told us, Signor Wonder Bird, Talking Parrot! - exclaimed the woodcutter's wife.

The woodcutter nodded his head. He always agreed with his wife. And she continued:

Of course, I will give Rosalind her doll, but not before I hear what happened next. After all, you, sir parrot, said nothing about the prince. My husband and I don't even know if he killed the white deer.

Well then, said the parrot. - Listen to what happened next.


The Spanish princess, daughter of the Spanish king, turned sixteen years old. It was time to marry her off. The suitors heard about this, and a great multitude of them came from different parts of the earth.

There was an Indian Raja, and the heir to the French throne, and a Portuguese prince, and a Persian Shah, and there were countless princes and dukes. The last to arrive was the Turkish Sultan, old and bandy-legged.

The princess looked through her eyes at the suitors whom her father was receiving in the main hall and laughed until she dropped. Only twice did she not laugh. The first time I saw the Portuguese prince, because he was stately, handsome and the princess really liked him. The second time she did not laugh was when she saw the Turkish Sultan - he was very scary.

The princess's father was at a loss: all the suitors are noble and rich - how can one choose a worthy one? After all, he loved the princess as much as any father loves his only daughter, whether he has a crown or not. He thought for three days and finally came up with an idea. Let the princess throw a golden ball at random. Whoever it hits will become her husband.

On the appointed day, the suitors gathered in front of the palace. The princess went out onto the balcony, and all the suitors closed their eyes at once, blinded by her beauty. Here the princess threw her golden ball. She was aiming, of course, at the Portuguese prince. Unfortunately, the Turkish Sultan was standing nearby. Seeing where the ball was flying, he pressed himself closely to the Portuguese prince. The ball touched the prince's shoulder, but - alas! - He touched the cunning Turk’s shoulder.

And so both appeared before the king and his daughter.

The king was confused. After all, he came up with this whole idea with the ball so that he wouldn’t have to choose. And besides, his beloved daughter, looking at her two suitors, either cried or laughed, and the king could not understand who she wanted to marry.

“Your Royal Majesty,” said the Portuguese prince, “I love your daughter and ask for her hand in marriage.”

“I like the princess no less,” objected the Turkish Sultan. “There is no need for such a beautiful girl to marry a yellow-haired youth who has never even been married before.” I am a different matter - I have a hundred wives, and I know well how to treat them. So don’t hesitate, Your Royal Majesty, give your daughter to me.

But then the princess said firmly:

Only the one who will have me alone, like a heart in his chest, can become my husband.

And she looked at the Portuguese prince.

The king finally understood what his daughter wanted and replied:

There’s nothing to be done, your Turkish Sultanate, look for your one hundred and first wife in other parts, because I won’t give you my daughter.

The Turkish Sultan was terribly angry. He trampled his turban in a rage and said that it did not deserve better treatment if its owner could be humiliated like that. At the end he said to the king:

If I didn’t get your daughter, then let no one get it.

With these words, he picked up his turban and left.

And the next day the Spanish princess fell seriously ill. She was losing weight and becoming pale every hour, her eyes were deeply sunken. The illness cramped her body, and every now and then the princess bent over, like a sheaf knitter. The doctors did not know what to call the disease and how to cure it.

Then the king, in confusion, rang the Council Bell.

Signors of the Council! - he said. - My daughter is wasting away day by day. Tell me what to do.

And the wise lords of the Council answered:

We heard that in Italy, at the court of one of the kings, there lives a girl named Rosalinda. She is as beautiful as she is wise. She found the missing daughter of this king and saved her. Send for her, maybe she will save your daughter too.

Wonderful! - exclaimed the king. - Your advice, gentlemen of the Council, was to my liking.

The king clapped his hands and ordered the ships to be equipped immediately. He appointed the oldest lord of the Council as ambassador to the Italian king.

The ships were already raising anchors when the king, out of breath, ran ashore.

Ah, senior lord of the Council, I almost forgot to give you the iron glove. If that king does not agree to let Rosalind go, throw the glove at his feet as a sign of war.

The ambassador bowed to the king, took the glove, and the ships sailed.

The glove actually almost came in handy. Because the king, Rosalind’s named father, flatly refused to let his adopted daughter go to Spain. And there would have been war if Rosalind herself had not ran into the hall. Having heard why the ambassador had come, she said:

Don’t be upset, dear king, I’ll go to Spain for a while. Maybe I can help the Spanish princess.

And she persuaded the king so much that he agreed.

The ships sailed back to Spain. The Spanish king himself and the saddened Portuguese prince came out to meet Rosalind.

As soon as Rosalind stepped ashore, she said:

Take me quickly to your daughter.

And it was just time, because the princess completely disappeared.

“This is not a simple disease,” Rosalind said to herself, “there is something here!” She locked herself with the queen in her chambers and ordered that no one should enter them for three days and three nights. The Spanish king, with his royal hands, placed seven large wax seals on the doors leading to his daughter’s chambers.

And then evening came. Rosalind wanted to light a candle, but she had neither flint, nor steel, nor tinder. She looked out the window and noticed a dim light far, far away on the hill. Rosalind, without thinking twice, took the candle, jumped out the window and ran in that direction. The further she walked, the brighter the fire became. And when Rosalind came very close, she saw a large fire. There was a huge cauldron on the fire, in which something was boiling. An old bow-legged Turk in a turban was stirring the brew and saying something not in Italian, not in Spanish, but in his own way, in Turkish.

“Eh,” thought Rosalind, “isn’t this the cauldron where the life of the Spanish princess melts?” And she said to the Turk:

Oh, poor thing, rest a little, you are very tired.

“I can’t rest,” replied the Turk. “I’ve been interfering for three months now, day and night, night and day.” It won't be long now. Soon I will leave for my Turkey, otherwise my hundred wives will not quarrel among themselves.

Well, let me interfere for you,” said Rosalind.

Stir, stir, but I swear by the beard of Mohammed, if you stir badly, I will boil you in this cauldron.

The Turk sat down on the ground cross-legged, and Rosalind began diligently stirring the stinking brew with a dried owl's paw.

Okay, am I disturbing? - she asked the Turk.

Disturb, disturb,” muttered the Turk.

“And you get some sleep,” said Rosalind. The Turk fell asleep.

Then Rosalind went ahead and overturned the cauldron with the magic potion right on top of the Turk.

Oh, what happened here! The Turk immediately became as thin as a piece of wood, shriveled up all over, and finally turned into a pile of rubbish.

And Rosalind lit a candle from the smoldering coals and rushed to run to the palace.

When she returned, the Spanish princess slept peacefully, like a child, for the first time in many days. A blush appeared on her pale cheeks. On the day appointed by Rosalind, the Spanish king broke the seven seals and opened the doors. A cheerful and healthy daughter threw herself on his neck.

The king awarded Rosalind with rich gifts and sent her to Italy with honors. The Spanish princess hugged her tightly, kissed her and asked her not to forget that Rosalind had a named sister in Spain. And the Portuguese prince, her fiancé, added - and her sworn brother.

That's all, said the parrot.

How is everything! - exclaimed the woodcutter's wife. - No, as you wish, sir, the miracle bird is a talking parrot, and I won’t give up the doll until I find out everything to the end.

Yes,” the woodcutter said thoughtfully, “even at the market, it’s not every day that you hear such wonderful stories.” So please, winged lord, tell us what happened next.

The parrot said:

I am ready to talk about my mistress until the morning. It's already starting to get light. Just in time for sunrise, I will have time to tell you the shortest and most joyful story about the beautiful Rosalind.


There lived a king in a kingdom in southern Italy. He had an only son, slender as a cypress, agile and strong as a young lion, beautiful as the moon in the sky. More than anything in the world, he loved hunting.

Then one day he heard that in the west of Italy, behind ten mountains, behind ten valleys, behind nine forests, in the tenth forest, there lives a white deer. The prince took his huntsmen and galloped off on a long hunt.

The prince disappeared for two months, and when he returned, the king, his own father, did not recognize his son. An evil illness took possession of the prince and undermined his strength every day. The prince did not eat or drink. All day long he lay on his gilded bed and sighed heavily.

The king asked the prince's huntsmen if anything had happened to him on the way. But they didn’t know anything. They only said that the prince rode away from them after a white deer, and returned only in the evening, sad and without prey.

O most holy Madonna! - exclaimed the king. - So kill yourself because of some forest creature!

The king resorted to a trick. He ordered a deer from a nearby forest to be caught and delivered to the palace. Secretly from everyone, he personally painted this deer with the whitest paint that could be found in the kingdom. Then he released him into the palace park and ran to his son.

My son, get up quickly, go to the park and you will see what your soul is yearning for.

The prince jumped out of bed and, staggering from weakness, ran out into the park. When he saw a white deer from a distance, a groan escaped his chest. What is the use of a deer if, through his own fault, he lost a beautiful girl and his heart!

From that hour the prince became very ill. His life was melting away like a thin candle. All the doctors in the kingdom were already in the palace dungeon, because not one of them could cure the prince.

And at this sad time, news reached the king about the wise Rosalind, who saved the two royal daughters. The king equipped the ambassadors, provided them with an iron glove just in case, and sent them for Rosalind.

What a misfortune! - said Rosalind's father, clasping his hands. - Apparently, all the kings decided to take turns showing what cut their gloves were! It's a hectic business being your father, dear Rosalind.

Remember how you yourself grieved for your daughter,” the girl answered, “and don’t hold me back.”

And Rosalind went with the ambassadors. On the way, they told her everything they knew about the prince’s illness. Here

Rosalind thought: after all, the forest where the prince was hunting was the same one in which she herself got lost.

What is the prince's name? - she asked the ambassadors. The ambassadors replied:

The prince's name is Gabriel - Giovanni - Marcello - Alfonso - Pietro - Cesare - Antonio - Carlo - Mario - Domenico - Paolo - Giuseppe.

Rosalind stealthily pulled out a silk scarf from her bodice, the same one with which someone unknown had covered her face in the forest. She looked at the scarf and saw that the letters were embroidered along the edge:


Rosalind chuckled softly.

The ambassadors rode and rode with Rosalind and finally arrived.

Rosalind was led into the king's chambers. The good girl's heart was filled with pity, because the prince, so young and so handsome, was already very close to the grave. He lay with his eyes closed, as if dead, and only from his uneven breathing could one guess that there was still life in him.

“Open your eyes, dear prince, if you want to become strong and healthy again,” said Rosalind.

“I don’t want to open my eyes,” answered the prince. - Let me die in peace.

I won’t,” said Rosalind, “before you look at what I hold in my hand.” - And she took out that same scarf from behind her bodice.

But the prince did not even move. Then Rosalind said slyly:

Guess, dear prince, what it is: yesterday is yours, today is mine, and tomorrow it will be anyone’s or ours.

No matter how ill the prince was, curiosity overcame him. So he opened one eye slightly. And what did he see? Your own silk scarf. With this scarf he covered the face of a sleeping beauty in the distant forest, whom he admired for one moment, but lost forever.

Then the prince opened his second eye and saw the one for whom his heart yearned. His eyes sparkled like a healthy one.

Rosalind said:

Now you have solved the riddle and you need to rest. Close your eyes.

“I don’t want to close my eyes,” the prince exclaimed, “I’m afraid that I’ll lose you again!” But I would gladly eat something, like strong broth.

From that moment on, Rosalind did nothing but feed the prince with broth.

By order of the happy king, the broth was constantly being cooked in the palace kitchen. In three days they cooked so much of it that the price of meat went up throughout the kingdom.

Soon the prince completely recovered and began to ask his father to prepare everything for the wedding feast.

The news spread to all lands that the beautiful Rosalind was marrying the prince. Rosalind's own father was the first to arrive at the wedding. He had just returned from overseas countries and brought his beloved daughter the gift she asked for - a miracle bird - a talking parrot. The gift could not have come at a better time - I still had to give something for the wedding.

Rosalind's named father also arrived with his daughter, her dear sister. The Spanish king and the Spanish princess sailed from across the sea, and with them the Portuguese prince, who did not want to part with his bride for a day.

The feast was a great success!

Now you have learned everything to the very end! - said the parrot.

No, no,” cried the woodcutter’s wife, “that’s not all!”

“Not everything,” the parrot objected. - Once it comes to the wedding, that means the end of the fairy tale.

How is Rosalind doing now? - the woodcutter and his wife asked at the same time.

Very good, but she misses her favorite doll. So I flew off to look for her.

The woodcutter's wife thanked the parrot for his true stories and gave him the doll.

Maybe you feel sorry for the woodcutter's wife? Do you think she's bored without her doll? Don't worry. She was consoled because her daughter was born. And a real daughter is much better than even the most beautiful doll. -.

Well, you say, that means Rosalind is playing with the doll. Yes, nothing happened. She had a son, and a son is no worse than a daughter.

And the Spanish princess, who married a Portuguese prince, gave birth to both a son and a daughter.

The doll was given to Rosalind's first named sister. She hasn't gotten married yet.