Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: “flight into space.” Summary of drawing lesson "we are flying into space"

Tatyana Valerievna

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group.

Thematic week: “Professions in transport”

Subject drawing: “I want to become an astronaut”

Tasks: consolidate drawing simple plots with colored pencils, learn to draw the outline of an object with a simple pencil with light pressure on the pencil, develop imagination and creative activity, develop a sense of composition, learn to arrange images throughout the sheet.

Material: white sheets of A4 paper, colored pencils, simple graphite pencils, reproductions of paintings about space.

Preliminary work: conversation “Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin”, outdoor game “Cosmonauts”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator asks the children what are the names of the people who manage various types transport.

Children's answers: on the ship - captain; on an airplane - pilot; on the train - driver; on a tractor - a tractor driver; on a bicycle - a cyclist...

Educator: Is a rocket a vehicle? What is the name of the profession of a person who controls a rocket?

Children: Astronaut.

Educator: Tell me, do astronauts have a professional holiday?

Children: Yes, I have. It's called "Cosmonautics Day".

Educator: Yes that's right. Cosmonautics Day is celebrated on April 12, in honor of the first manned flight into space. April 12, 1961 Soviet cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin on spaceship Vostok-1 launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and for the first time in the world made a flight around planet Earth in its orbit. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes (almost two hours).

Now let’s look at reproductions of paintings in which artists depicted space. Tell us what we see?

Children: Gagarin, rocket, rocket launch, satellites, space stations, planets, stars, meteorites...

Speech game "Choose a word"

The teacher asks you to choose a related word for the word “star”. If children find it difficult, guiding phrases are allowed:

A person who counts stars is an astrologer.

A spaceship flying to the stars - a starship.

A cluster of stars in the sky is a constellation.

The moment when the stars “fall” is a meteor shower.

A sky with many stars? - starry.

A sky with no stars is starless.

There is a big star, and there is a small star.

Educator: Come on, let's draw outer space. But before we grab our pencils, let's play.


Let's climb into the rocket (Marching in place)

And we say goodbye to the Earth. (Right hand upstairs, waving)

These spaces call us, (Both hands forward, palms together)

Let's fly into space like an arrow. (Spread your arms to the sides)

The rocket is rushing straight into the sky!

The stars light the way. (Make a “salute” with your fingers)

Maybe on Saturn somewhere (Clap their hands)

Someone meets us.

We will go into outer space, - (Marching in place)

Just don’t forget your spacesuit!

How I want to go to Earth! (Sit down)

Everything - back! On the way back! (Arms extended above head, fingers connected (rocket)

The children sat down

Educator: Imagine, you grew up and became real astronauts, and went on a flight into space. Draw everything you saw from the porthole on your sheets of paper.

Take a simple graphite pencil correctly in your hands. First we will draw the outline of the objects with light pressure on the pencil. And then we’ll color it with colored pencils. But do not forget that pencils need to be painted in one direction.

During the drawing process, the teacher monitors the location of the drawing and the use of the previously shown pencil drawing techniques. If the child acts incorrectly, he reminds him how to draw. Be sure to make sure that children hold the pencil correctly and freely when drawing lines and painting pictures, and if necessary, correct the child’s hand.

At the end of the lesson, you should examine the drawings and pay attention to interesting points in the drawing. Invite children to choose the most interesting drawings.

Master class on drawing for preschoolers of the senior preparatory group on the topic: “SPACE” step by step with photos

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, teacher, head of the art studio of the MDOU TsRR d.s. No. 1 “Bear Cub”, Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk Region

Creation of educational, gift or competition work
A3 white or colored double-sided paper, wax crayons, salt, gouache or black watercolor, soft brush No. 3-5
Creation of works on a space theme
Education in various ways space images
Improving practical skills in using wax crayons and watercolors
Education of patriotism.
Developing curiosity

Preliminary work:

1 We look at photographs of cosmic depths.

2 We get acquainted with the history of astronautics, with the names and achievements of our outstanding cosmonauts. We remember the names: Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Alexey Leonov. The world's first astronaut, the first woman in space, the first person to go into outer space. We look at the photographs, talk about the difficulties and delights of the profession of space explorers. How did test pilots become astronauts? What kind of training did they undergo? Let's take a closer look at the first human spacewalk.

2 - Thinking about space, UFOs, aliens. We discuss films and cartoons. We think what kind of aliens they might be: good or evil?

3 - Literary living room:

Arkady Khait
Any of us can name all the planets in order:
One - Mercury, two - Venus, three - Earth, four - Mars.
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn, seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row. And after him, then,
And the ninth planet called Pluto.

V. Orlov
Flying in space
Steel ship around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them at a glance:
Steppe expanse, sea surf,
Or maybe you and me too!

Practical work No. 1: "Deep Space"

To draw a cosmic landscape, we will need stencils of circles of various diameters. You can use special rulers or various “improvised means”.

We draw several planets with wax crayons, placing them randomly on the plane of the sheet. You can use the technique of superimposing nearby planets on lower ones, or depict one of the planets only partially.

After creating the cosmic composition, crumple the sheet of paper, twisting it several times, and carefully straighten it

Coloring the planets. To prevent the planets from becoming like grandma’s balls of thread, we draw very carefully with crayons and do not go beyond the edges.
Before we start working in color, we remember what forests, mountains, deserts and oceans look like from space, and we think about whether all planets can look the same? Fiery and foggy, sandy, gaseous and icy - they can look absolutely fantastic. We come up with complex color combinations.

Cover the entire sheet with black watercolor. The paint, accumulating in the cracks, creates the mysterious depth of outer space.

Practical work No. 2: “Staying in outer space”

For this work we will need a figurine of an astronaut in a spacesuit, circles of various diameters and a silhouette of a rocket.

We place all the figures on the sheet in random order. We start with a rocket and an astronaut. Then we add the planets.

Inside the silhouettes we delimit planes. We add windows to the rocket and divide the spacesuit into separate parts. We begin to gradually color the rocket, the astronaut and the planets. In order to create a festive atmosphere, we take bright, rich colors.

Adding stars. We take yellow and white crayons. We place them in small groups, in the form of constellations, or line them up (like the Milky Way). Each star is a distant, distant sun, around which planets can revolve and there can be life on them.

We take a brush and black paint (watercolor or gouache) and begin to paint over the entire work. First we draw lines along the edge of the sheet, then we work along the entire sheet.

While the paint is not dry, “salt” the drawing. In the place where a grain of salt fell, the paint seems to collect, and with the help of this space technical reception again becomes deep and mysterious.

Children's work (5-6 years old)

Drawing options
Flying saucers (UFOs) can be very diverse. Turning on our imagination, we imagine aircraft aliens.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group, topic: “Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten”


Introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday.
Give initial information about the planets, the Sun, the Moon.
Dictionary: space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin.
Reinforce knowledge about geometric shapes Oh.
Improve visual skills.
Develop spatial imagination, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate curiosity.


Pictures depicting a portrait of Yu. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, constellations, the Moon.
A set of geometric shapes, a sample of a rocket made up of these shapes.
Sheets of paper with drawn aliens and rockets made from geometric shapes, pencils.
Drawings of constellations.
Cardboard with a cut circle, yellow and orange paint, sponges, drawing equipment.

Progress of the lesson:

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what is there. It took a long, long time before people learned to build healing devices. And the first to fly into them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Take a look at this picture. (Show). On it you can see the first dogs. Who flew into space and came back. Their names are Belka and Strelka. And only after other dogs had successfully flown into space did the first man go there.
Many years ago, it was on this day that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space. (Display of a portrait of Yuri Gagarin).

IN space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.

Since then, on this day every year we celebrate Cosmonautics Day - a holiday of astronauts and everyone who helps them fly successfully into space.

Today you and I will play as astronauts: we’ll go on a flight in a spaceship, help aliens, and observe the constellations.

Yuri Gagarin flew into space on a rocket. Using the example of a ball, I will show you how a rocket flies.

The teacher cheats balloon and presses the hole with his fingers. And then he unclenches his fingers and the ball shoots up sharply.

Our ball flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it. But the rocket contains not air, but fuel.

Now let's build our own rockets from geometric shapes.

Didactic game “Build a rocket”

Children are offered a sample and a set of geometric shapes. From which you need to build a rocket.

Dynamic pause “Cosmonauts land on planets”

Hoops are laid out on the floor different sizes and magnitude. Children are divided into two teams “East” and “Lightning” and perform the commands:
Crew members of the Vostok spacecraft, line up one behind the other.
Crew members of the spaceship "Molniya", stand in a circle.
The crew of the Vostok spacecraft landed on the large yellow planet.
The crew of the spaceship "Molniya" landed on two small blue planets.

Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets that revolve around our Sun: some are too cold, others are too hot. Nobody lives on these planets.

Only our planet Earth
Suitable for habitation in every way.
After all, the Earth is a garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds.
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

But maybe somewhere far, far away, near another star. There are living beings on distant planets. We call those who live on other planets “extraterrestrials.” Now the aliens need our help: we need to help them find their spaceships.

Didactic game “Place aliens in spaceships”

Look at the sheet and answer me, children:
Who flies which rocket?

On a sheet of paper, aliens are drawn from geometric shapes and rockets in the shape of the same shapes. You need to connect with a line the images of a rocket and an alien, consisting of identical geometric shapes.

Over the Earth late at night,
Just extend your hand
You'll grab the stars:
They seem nearby.
You can take a Peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the Clock,
Ride the Dolphin
Swing on Libra.
Over the Earth late at night,
If you glance at the sky,
You will see, like grapes,
The constellations hang there.

Didactic game “Name the constellations”

Guys, astronomers - scientists who observe and study stars - have discovered new constellations in the sky and ask us to help come up with names for them.
Place your hands in a tube one behind the other, as if looking through a telescope, and look carefully at this constellation. What can you call it?


When we look at the sky at night, what do we see? (Show the picture. Children's answers). Stars and moon.
The Moon is a satellite of our planet Earth.

Only the sun goes to bed,
The moon can't sit still.
Walks across the sky at night,
Dimly illuminates the earth.

Now our rocket will go to the Moon. There we will draw a lunar portrait. But first, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

(Two palms connected crosswise to each other with fingers spread apart)

(The palms are connected by the index, middle and ring fingers, the lower parts of the palms are spread apart, the wrists are on the table)

(Run your fingers over the surface of the table, avoiding all the irregularities, sideways, like a “spider”)

Painting with a sponge “Moon”

Children are asked to place a sheet of cardboard with a circle cut in it on a sheet of black paper and, using a sponge, apply paint to the circle (not smearing, but pressing). Then carefully remove the cardboard and use your fingers to draw crater circles.

And we live with you on the planet... Earth.

We strive for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
How to fly and return
Under the roof of your house!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group

theme: “Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten”

Teacher Kindsfather Anna Yurievna



Introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday.
To consolidate knowledge about the planets, the Sun, the Moon.
Dictionary: space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin.
Strengthen your ability to draw space.
Improve visual skills.
Develop spatial imagination, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate curiosity.


Pictures depicting a portrait of Yu. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, constellations, the Moon.
Drawings of constellations.
Drawing equipment, pencils, paints.

Progress of the lesson:

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what is there. It took a long, long time before people learned to build aircraft. And the first to fly into them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Take a look at this picture. (Show). On it you can see the first dogs. Who flew into space and came back. Their names are Belka and Strelka. And only after other dogs had successfully flown into space did the first man go there.
Many years ago, it was on this day that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space. (Display of a portrait of Yuri Gagarin).

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.

Since then, on this day every year we celebrate Cosmonautics Day - a holiday of astronauts and everyone who helps them fly successfully into space.

Today you and I will play as astronauts: we’ll go on a flight in a spaceship, help aliens, and observe the constellations.

Yuri Gagarin flew into space on a rocket. Using the example of a ball, I will show you how a rocket flies.

The teacher inflates the balloon and closes the hole with his fingers. And then he unclenches his fingers and the ball shoots up sharply.

Our ball flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it. But the rocket contains not air, but fuel.

Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets that revolve around our Sun: some are too cold, others are too hot. Nobody lives on these planets.

Only our planet Earth
Suitable for habitation in every way.
After all, the Earth is a garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds.
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

But maybe somewhere far, far away, near another star. There are living beings on distant planets. We call those who live on other planets “extraterrestrials.” Now the aliens need our help: we need to help them find their spaceships.

Didactic game “Place aliens in spaceships”

Look at the sheet and answer me, children:
Who flies which rocket?

On a sheet of paper, aliens are drawn from geometric shapes and rockets in the shape of the same shapes. You need to connect with a line the images of a rocket and an alien, consisting of identical geometric shapes.

Over the Earth late at night,
Just extend your hand
You'll grab the stars:
They seem nearby.
You can take a Peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the Clock,
Ride the Dolphin
Swing on Libra.
Over the Earth late at night,
If you glance at the sky,
You will see, like grapes,
The constellations hang there.

When we look at the sky at night, what do we see? (Show the picture. Children's answers). Stars and moon.
The Moon is a satellite of our planet Earth.

Only the sun goes to bed,
The moon can't sit still.
Walks across the sky at night,
Dimly illuminates the earth.

Now our rocket will go to the Moon. There we will draw a lunar portrait. But first, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

(Two palms connected crosswise to each other with fingers spread apart)

(Palms connected with index, middle and ring fingers, lower parts of palms apart, wrists on the table)

(Run your fingers over the surface of the table, avoiding all the irregularities, sideways, like a “spider”)

Drawing "Space"

Children are asked to draw space on a piece of paper.

And we live with you on the planet... Earth.

We strive for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
How to fly and return
Under the roof of your house!

Summary of the lesson.

What new things did you learn in class today that you liked the most?

Children's answers.

Summary of drawing lesson “We are flying into SPACE”

Objectives: 1. Educational: - clarify children’s ideas about space and space objects,

Introduce new technology"scratch", its use in drawing,

Learn to use the “scratching” technique in your work,

2. Developmental:

Promote the development of a sense of composition and observation.

3. Educational: - arouse interest in the topic, a desire to learn new things about Space.

Visual material: Dunno toy, scheme solar system, drawings and photographs of space objects and rockets, sample options.

Handout: Primed A4 sheets (colored background, a layer of candle, a layer of blue ink and gouache), stack, oilcloth.

Move. Motivation.

Guys, in the previous lesson we talked about outer space. Today I received a message from Space asking us for help. Do you want to know who needs help and why? Then guess the riddle:

Wearing a round-brimmed hat

And in knee-length pants

Busy different things,

He's just too lazy to study.

Who is he, quickly guess

What's his name?


That's right, guys, this is Dunno. He flew to the moon and still hasn't returned.

Do you get scared if you find yourself alone in an unfamiliar place?

Do you want to help Dunno return to Earth? How can you do this?

Children's answers: send a rescue team of astronauts, go yourself.

How can we fly to the moon? (on a spaceship, rocket)

Where can we find a rocket? (the rocket can be glued, molded, drawn)

I suggest you draw a rocket. But without knowledge about the structure of the solar system, we will not be sent into space.

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

Once... Mercury,


Three... Earth,

Four... Mars.


Six... Saturn,

Seven... Uranus,

Behind him... Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Guys, you showed your knowledge of the planets, you turned out to be responsive, well, now we will draw a rocket and space objects. What space objects do you know (planets, comets, stars, meteorites).

Explanation of reception and demonstration.

But we will draw in an unusual way: on special sheets that were prepared in advance. We will scratch the drawing with sharp sticks.

This image method is called grattage or in other words, scratches. It will take some effort to scratch and depict your design.

Examination of samples (three options).

Think over the content and composition of your drawing, highlight the main and minor elements, and get started. In order for some objects to appear more voluminous, you need to completely scratch the entire surface inside the outline.

Physical education minute

To slow music, children imitate the movements of astronauts in outer space.

It's so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly swimming!

Independent productive activity.

The teacher helps children if they ask for help. Reminds me of the composition of the drawing.

Analysis of children's works.

Children, having finished their work, lay out the drawings in a row.

The teacher invites the children to fly on their rockets to the moon to help Dunno and, together with the children, keeps a countdown: “5, 4, 3...”.

To the accompaniment of slow music, children imagine flying and meet Dunno. Dunno thanks the children for saving them.

If desired, children tell Dunno about their rockets.

The teacher suggests setting up an exhibition in the group and telling your parents about space travel.