Proverbs and sayings about health and healthy lifestyle. Proverbs and sayings about health Good health and wealth proverbs

The appetite runs away from the sick, but goes towards the healthy.
The pharmacy will not add a century.
Indulging in pharmacies is not a waste of money.
Pharmacists treat, and sick people scream.
The pharmacy will cure you for half a century. AND good pharmacy will reduce centuries.

The Indian age is forty years.
Banya is a second mother.
The bathhouse is our mother: you’ll steam your bones and straighten your whole body.
The bathhouse rules everything.
The bathhouse is healthy, the conversation is fun.
The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules. Bathhouse is the second mother.
Master's disease - men's health.
The master's servant began to bend in an arc.
Without illness and health I am not happy.
A person cannot live a century without chance.
Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.
Take care of your honor in your youth, and your health in your old age.
God would give health, and days ahead.
A sick heart feels bitter without pepper.
The disease enters in pounds, and comes out in spools.
The illness and grief will soon disappear.
The disease doesn't make a pig look good either.
Disease doesn't make cattle look good either.
The disease does not ask us.
The disease does not spread through the forest, but through people.
The disease jumps into the house on variables (on postal ones), and gets out on long ones.
Illness does not make a person look good.
If you are sick, get treatment, but when you are healthy, take care.
My side has been hurting for nine years now, I don’t know which place.
The pain doesn’t have a tongue, but it has an effect.
Pain is looking for a doctor.
Pain is looking for a doctor. Apply a bandage to the wound.
You will endure the pain and die.
The pain is habitual, time-bound. The sick wife was not pleasant to her husband. It hurts, but it’s involuntary.
A sick wife is not nice to her husband.
He was badly wounded and his head was not found.
It hurts, but it’s involuntary.
It hurts that my stepmother is scratching.
The patient is not himself.
The sick person is being treated, the healthy person is going crazy.
Sick as a child.
Don't trust a sick person about food.
Everything is bitter for the patient.
Even a golden bed will not help a sick person.
You can’t put jelly in a patient’s mouth.
Even honey is bitter for the sick.
A sick person doesn’t even taste honey, but a healthy person eats stone.
The wounds on your shoulders hurt.
The pain is small, but the disease is great.
The patient's belly is smarter than the doctor's head.
Be not red, but be healthy.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.
Illness does not make a person beautiful, but ages him.

It is good to be in good health and to be ill.
IN healthy body- healthy mind.
What does the soul hold in?
Trust not the disease, but the doctor.
A cheerful person wants to live, but he cannot die.
Doctor, heal yourself.
Every disease goes to the heart.
Every disease comes to the heart.
Apply any pain to yourself.
Cut out boils and insert sores.

Where it hurts there is a hand, and where it is nice there are eyes.
Where it hurts, grab it, praise it, where it’s nice - look, look.
Where there is health, there is beauty.
Where there is a cough, there is illness.
Where there are many doctors, there are many sick people (and illnesses).
Where there are feasts and teas, there are illnesses.
Where it’s simple, they’ve been living there for about a hundred years.
To teach a fool how to treat the dead.
The rotten piglet will freeze in petrovka.
My head hurts, my butt feels better.
Bitter is used to heal, but sweet is used to cripple.
A diploma is not a disease - it does not take away years.

God bless the whip and the collar, and the horse will carry you.
Give free rein to the pain - it will bend you into an arc.
Give free rein to the pain and lie down and die.
Give free rein to the pain and it will kill you.
Give free rein to the pain - you will die before death.
God gave me health, but no money.
God grant us health, but we will find happiness.
Lost money - lost nothing, lost time, lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.
Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.
It's a long way off: everything will heal.
Everything will heal before death.
It will heal before the wedding.
A kind person takes someone else's illness to heart.
We undertake to treat others, but we ourselves are sick.
To teach a fool is to treat a hunchback.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Even a fly's wing could kill him.
Barely a soul in a body.
If you want to be healthy, toughen up.
If there is a disease, there is a cure.
Eat radish - both slices and trichus.
Eat horseradish while driving and you will survive.
Eat, but don't get fat, you'll be healthier.

Wait for the devil to die: he didn’t even think about getting sick.
Live with reason, and you don’t need doctors.
Stomachs are not strings: if you tear them, they won’t tie them up.

For the bondage of the move when your legs hurt.
Closed wound difficult to treat.
There are more frozen ones than fried ones.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
He conceived for health, and brought him together for peace.
If you are healthy, you will get everything.
I’m as healthy as a bull, and I don’t know what to do.
A healthy person does not need a doctor.
Everything is great for a healthy person.
The healthy and the unhealthy are healthy, and the unhealthy and the healthy are unhealthy.
Healthy treatment means learning to limp in advance.
A healthy person does not require a doctor.
Health is the head of everything, the most important thing.
Health is more valuable than anything, and so is money.
Health comes out in pounds and comes in in ounces.
Health is more valuable than wealth.
Health more expensive than money, I’ll be healthy and get money.
Health is more important than money.
You can't buy health - your mind gives it.
I am ill in health.
He is weak in health and not a hero in spirit.
Health has no price.
Money can't buy health.
You can't buy health.

And a doctor is no better than a healer.
And one cow is healthy.
And the dog knows that grass is used for healing.
Play, don't act out; heal, don't heal!
Another doctor would have treated him himself.
Exhaustion is worse than death.

Everyone has their own illness.
Coughing and sneezing are not a good idea.
If it weren't for the bathhouse, we would all be lost.
Someday the devil will die, but he is not yet sick.
The skin is fir, but the heart is healthy.
The ringing of bells does not cure diseases.
The body gains bone.
It's better to put it in a coffin.
Except death, you will recover from everything.
Anyone who is not healthy at twenty, not smart at thirty, and not rich at forty will never be like that.

Whoever gets up before daylight is healthy during the day.
He who is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
Anyone who has not been sick does not know the value of health.
He who does not smoke or drink takes care of his health.
Smoking is harmful to health.

A doctor heals his own pocket.
He heals and carries him to the grave.
A fever is not a womb: it flutters, it doesn’t regret.
The fever will shake off your stepmother.
Onion and bath rule everything.
Onions and garlic are siblings.
Onions cure seven ailments, and garlic cures seven ailments.
Onions cure seven ailments.
It’s better to sweat forty times than to get frosty once.
It’s modest for people, but it’s good for our health.

A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
For the husband to be headless, and for the wife to be healthy.

It's a headache and a blow.
Don’t pray for a sore, but get treatment.
A potion grows for every disease.
For women's infirmities, guesswork is the cure.
Everything will heal on a living person.
It shines through in the sun.
Fill yourself with onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish, and wash it down with kvass!
Make your own sore and treat it!
Neither the decoction nor the powder will take it.
Don't be afraid of the road, if only the horses were healthy.
The patient is not picky - pain.
Old age is not the time, illness is not the point.
Not everyone who is sick dies.
Not every disease leads to death.
Not every disease leads to death.
Not everyone who is sick dies.
God does not give either death or life.
God forbid I have to undergo treatment and go to court.
The disease does not spread through the forest, but through people.
Don't give in, don't lie down; but if you lie down, you won’t get up.
Danila didn’t die, but the sore went away.
Not happy with the sick and golden bed.
Don't rush to die, you'll still have time to die.
Don't ask for health, look in the face.
Don't ask a sick person for health.
There are not so many deaths in the world, but illnesses.
Not a potion to put into the ground, but something to live on.
It is not the one who lies ill who is sick, but the one who sits above the pain.
The unhealthy person is uncomfortable with everything.
You can't heal, you can cut it off.
It’s awkward, it’s not good, but it’s great.
No belly, no death.
Nothing hurts, but everything groans.

Just bones and skin.
There is no cure for health problems.
There is no cure for health problems.
From cover to cover, one coughed, and he said it was a cough.
Bedsores won't make you sick.

The steam doesn't break your bones, it doesn't drive your soul away.
Steam doesn't break bones.
My heart aches for a healthy son, but twice as much for a sick son.
Until your heart hurts, your eyes don't cry.
After lunch, lie down, after dinner, walk.
With frequent grief, illness will come.
I arrived - I didn’t say hello, I left - I didn’t say goodbye.
The time has come to fight - there is no time to heal your hands.
Nasty things cure, but pleasant things often destroy.

A self-inflicted wound does not heal well.
It's easier to hurt than to heal.
You will not die before death.
As a child he was frail, but as an adult he rotted.
If you cut a healthy tree, a rotten one will fall down on its own.
Blush does not cure illness.

From a sore head to a healthy one.
Go to bed with the chickens, get up with the roosters.
They don’t die from fasting, but they die from gluttony.
The disease itself will tell you what it wants.
You can’t treat your own illness with someone else’s health.
Its own sore - the nodule is large.
He eats sweets, but sleeps so poorly.

That soul is not alive that went to the doctors.
The same lard and the same wounds.
Interpret the patient with the doctor.
Interpret Makar with a drunken woman, and a sick man with a doctor.
He who does not know health is never sick.
You're no good to me, and I'm no good to you.
It’s hard to get sick, and it’s hard to sit over someone who’s sick.

They don’t ask a sick person’s health.
Every doctor has her own poultices. Peace to the deceased, and a feast to the healer.
Whoever is in pain screams.
Those who have pain in their bones do not think about visiting.
Those who don’t have pain don’t have itching.
Whoever lost it would have it stuck in his throat, and whoever stole it would be better off.
Whoever is in pain talks about it.
Mutilation is not dishonor.
Mind and health are more valuable than anything.
Moderation is the mother of health.
I fell hard, but I got up great.
She left, tortured, bent and twisted.

If I’m sick, I eat a loaf of bread; if I can’t, I eat a pie.
If I'm sick, I eat a loaf of bread.
Illness is not your brother.
The disease comes in pounds, and comes out in spools.
A good (kind) cook is worth a doctor.
Although the mansion is cheerful, it is not very healthy.
At least the hut is a spruce tree, but the heart is healthy.
Although not soon, it’s great.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.

The person gets older, the disease gets younger.
Laziness does not feed a person, but only spoils his health.
Garlic and onions for seven ailments.
Garlic and radish - so good on the stomach.
How better food Chew it, the longer you will live.
Clean water is a disaster for sick people.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Cleanliness is half of health.
What is great for a Russian is death for a German.
Soon it will be sick.
Whatever hurts someone, that’s what they talk about.
Other people's infirmities will not be healed.

The wool in the felt is even goatskin - sleep on it to your health.
The fur coat is spruce, but the heart is healthy.

I'm stupid but healthy.

On this page we have collected proverbs about health for children. All the best we could find. Perhaps not absolutely everything that was invented, but a lot. Proverbs and sayings have been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times. They never lose their relevance, because they contain everything folk wisdom. Proverbs, as undeniable laws, teach us everyday ingenuity and reflect the life and everyday thoughts of people. Short and succinct, instructive and instructive - this is how you can characterize this type of oral folk art and that’s why it’s so important to tell your child proverbs and sayings. They develop children's imagination, improve memory, broaden their horizons and at the same time instruct them on how to act well and how to act badly.

At the same time, each proverb must be explained to the child in a language that is understandable to him, because many of them are written and stored in our memory with the inimitable Old Russian style, and small children will not always be able to perceive these speech patterns correctly.

Proverbs about health for children will help your child cultivate a love for healthy image life, to nature, will form in him the right thoughts about healthy eating and behavior, and as a result, will help you raise your baby correctly. Your task is to help the child understand the essence of the proverb.

Let's look at the example of the well-known saying “The bow for seven ailments.” This proverb, which we understand, will cause bewilderment in a child, because such a vegetable as onion, which is unpleasant for children, cannot be associated with something positive, because it is bitter and causes tears. First of all, explain to your child the meaning of the word “illness”, and then tell them that onions contain a lot useful substances, helping the body fight disease. In this way, the child will quickly understand the meaning and remember this expression.

Here are some more examples proverbs about health for children:

  • Health is more valuable than wealth.
  • Don't ask for health, but look at the face.
  • At least carry water on it.
  • Look at your feet: you won’t find anything, at least you won’t break your nose.
  • Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.
  • More people die from overeating than from starvation.
  • Move more, you will live longer.
  • If you lie down, you won't get up.
  • Except for death, you will be cured of everything.
  • Illness does not make a person look good.
  • Healthy for food, but sick for work.
  • Take care of your dress again, good health from a young age.
  • Where it hurts there is a hand, where it is nice there are eyes.
  • There would be bones, but the meat would grow.
  • He has one foot in the grave.
  • If your head hurts, cut it off, sprinkle it with hedgehog fluff, and hit it with a butt.
  • Creaky wood is tenacious.
  • It's better to put it in a coffin.
  • A kind person is healthier than an evil one.
  • In stagnant water, all kinds of evil spirits grow.
  • What thoughts and dreams.
  • Greet the morning with exercise, see off the evening with a walk.
  • The master's servant began to bend in an arc.
  • Barely a soul in a body.
  • Eat half-full, drink half-drunk - you will live a century to the fullest.
  • Sick as a child.
  • You can’t even rub jelly into a patient’s mouth.
  • The patient's belly is smarter than the doctor's head.
  • My head hurts, my butt feels better.
  • Eat garlic and onions and you won’t get sick.
  • Not being treated is bad, but being treated is even worse.
  • The grave cures old age.
  • The desire to get better helps the treatment.
  • Eat and drink sweets, go to doctors.
  • Health is more important than money.
  • I’ll be healthy and get money.
  • You can't buy health.
  • Bitter is used to heal, but sweet is used to cripple.
  • My nails are swollen and I have calluses on my teeth.
  • Healthy as a bull, as healthy as a hog.
  • Onion cures seven ailments.
  • Evening walks are beneficial; they help ward off illness.
  • Everything is great for a healthy person.
  • A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.
  • Treat yourself, only spoil it.
  • The grass is cut and dries in the field.
  • Not every disease leads to death.
  • I can’t, but I eat the pie.
  • Not happy with the sick and golden bed.
  • The beggar seeks diseases, but they themselves go to the rich.
  • Even honey is bitter for a patient.
  • A healthy body means a healthy mind.
  • After lunch, lie down, after dinner, walk.
  • Whatever fits into your mouth is useful.
  • Sit and lie, wait for illness.
  • Don't trade health for illness.
  • There is only one death, but a thousand diseases.
  • To be kind is to live long.
  • Walk more, you will live longer.
  • If your nose hurts, stick it out in the cold, it will fall off and you will be fine.
  • He who does not know health is never sick.
  • Money is copper, clothes are decay, and health is more valuable than anything else.
  • He is dying.
  • If you don't get enough sleep, you lose your health.
  • Greed is an enemy to health.
  • Bent in three deaths.
  • He lies there and can’t, and he won’t say what hurts.
  • The disease seeks out fatty foods.
  • It is easy to get sick, difficult to recover.
  • Those who lie down a lot have pain in their sides.
  • Moderation is the mother of health.
  • Cleanliness is the key to health.

Some are quite simple-minded, but there are also many sarcastic proverbs, for example, the expressions “it’s dying” or “it’s only as beautiful as the grave.” If you think that such phrases and dark humor are not suitable for your child, do not try to explain to him; over time, he himself will understand their meaning.

Memorizing proverbs with your child will help him significantly expand his vocabulary. If your son or daughter already knows how to read, then go through sayings out loud with him, let him read them from a piece of paper, and then together you will look for their meaning and, in the end, this will greatly help him in his studies at school.

The appetite runs away from the sick, but goes towards the healthy.
The pharmacy will not add a century.
Indulging in pharmacies is not a waste of money.
Banya is a second mother.
The bathhouse is our mother: you’ll steam your bones and straighten your whole body.
The bathhouse rules everything.
The bathhouse is healthy, the conversation is fun.
The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules.
Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.
God would give health, and days ahead.
A sick heart feels bitter without pepper.
The disease enters in pounds, and comes out in spools.
The disease doesn't make a pig look good either.
Disease doesn't make cattle look good either.
Illness does not make a person beautiful, but ages him.
If you are sick, get treatment, but when you are healthy, take care.
My side has been hurting for nine years now, I don’t know which place.
The pain doesn’t have a tongue, but it has an effect.
Pain is looking for a doctor.
The pain is habitual, time-bound.
A sick wife is not nice to her husband.
The patient is not himself.
Sick as a child.
Don't trust a sick person about food.
Everything is bitter for the patient.
Even a golden bed will not help a sick person.
You can’t put jelly in a patient’s mouth.
Even honey is bitter for the sick.
A sick person doesn’t even taste honey, but a healthy person eats stone.
The wounds on your shoulders hurt.
The patient's belly is smarter than the doctor's head.
Be not red, but be healthy.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.
A healthy body means a healthy mind.
Trust not the disease, but the doctor.
A cheerful person wants to live, but he cannot die.
Doctor, heal yourself.
Every disease goes to the heart.
Every disease comes to the heart.
Apply any pain to yourself.
Where it hurts there is a hand, and where it is nice there are eyes.
Where there is health, there is beauty.
Where there are many doctors, there are many sick people (and illnesses).
Where there are feasts and teas, there are illnesses.
Where it’s simple, they’ve been living there for about a hundred years.
The rotten piglet will freeze in petrovka.
My head hurts, my butt feels better.
Bitter is used to heal, but sweet is used to cripple.
A diploma is not a disease - it does not take away years.
God bless the whip and the collar, and the horse will carry you.
Give free rein to the pain - it will bend you into an arc.
Give free rein to the pain and lie down and die.
Give free rein to the pain and it will kill you.
Give free rein to the pain - you will die before death.
God gave me health, but no money.
God grant us health, but we will find happiness.
Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.
Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.
It's a long way off: everything will heal.
It will heal before the wedding.
A kind person takes someone else's illness to heart.
To teach a fool is to treat a hunchback.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Even a fly's wing could kill him.
Barely a soul in a body.
If you want to be healthy, toughen up.
If there is a disease, there is a cure.
Eat radish - both slices and trichus.
Eat horseradish while driving and you will survive.
Eat, but don't get fat, you'll be healthier.
Live with reason, and you don’t need doctors.
Stomachs are not strings: if you tear them, they won’t tie them up.
A closed wound is difficult to treat.
There are more frozen ones than fried ones.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
If you are healthy, you will get everything.
I’m as healthy as a bull, and I don’t know what to do.
A healthy person does not need a doctor.
Everything is great for a healthy person.
The healthy and the unhealthy are healthy, and the unhealthy and the healthy are unhealthy.
Healthy treatment means learning to limp in advance.
A healthy person does not require a doctor.
Health is the head of everything, the most important thing.
Health is more valuable than anything, and so is money.
Health comes out in pounds and comes in in ounces.
Health is more valuable than wealth.
Health is more valuable than money, I will be healthy and get money.
Health is more important than money.
You can't buy health - your mind gives it.
He is weak in health and not a hero in spirit.
Health has no price.
Money can't buy health.
You can't buy health.
And a doctor is no better than a healer.
And one cow is healthy.
And the dog knows that grass is used for healing.
Another doctor would have treated him himself.
Exhaustion is worse than death.
And a good pharmacy will take away centuries.
Everyone has their own illness.
Coughing and sneezing are not a good idea.
If it weren't for the bathhouse, we would all be lost.
The skin is fir, but the heart is healthy.
The ringing of bells does not cure diseases.
The body gains bone.
Except death, you will recover from everything.
Whoever gets up before daylight is healthy during the day.
He who is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
Anyone who has not been sick does not know the value of health.
He who does not smoke or drink takes care of his health.
Smoking is harmful to health.
A doctor heals his own pocket.
A fever is not a womb: it flutters, it doesn’t regret.
The fever will shake off your stepmother.
Onion and bath rule everything.
Onion from seven ailments.
Onions and garlic are siblings.
Onions cure seven ailments, and garlic cures seven ailments.
Onions cure seven ailments.
It's better to sweat forty times than to get frosty once.
It’s modest for people, but it’s good for our health.
A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
For the husband to be headless, and for the wife to be healthy.
Don’t pray for a sore, but get treatment.
A potion grows for every disease.
For women's infirmities, guesswork is the cure.
Everything will heal on a living person.
It shines through in the sun.
Don't be afraid of the road, if only the horses were healthy.
The patient is not picky - pain.
Old age is not the time, illness is not the point.
Not everyone who is sick dies.
Not every disease leads to death.
Not happy with the sick and golden bed.
Don't rush to die, you'll still have time to die.
Don't ask for health, look in the face.
Don't ask a sick person for health.
There are not so many deaths in the world, but illnesses.
Not a potion to put into the ground, but something to live on.
The unhealthy person is uncomfortable with everything.
You can't heal, you can cut it off.
It’s awkward, it’s not good, but it’s great.
Just bones and skin.
There is no cure for health problems.
From cover to cover, one coughed, and he said it was a cough.
Bedsores won't make you sick.
The steam doesn't break your bones, it doesn't drive your soul away.
Steam doesn't break bones.
My heart aches for a healthy son, but twice as much for a sick son.
Until your heart hurts, your eyes don't cry.
Apply a bandage to the wound.
After lunch, lie down, after dinner, walk.
With frequent grief, illness will come.
I arrived - I didn’t say hello, I left - I didn’t say goodbye.
The time has come to fight - there is no time to heal your hands.
Nasty things cure, but pleasant things often destroy.
It's easier to hurt than to heal.
If you cut a healthy tree, a rotten one will fall down on its own.
Blush does not cure illness.
From a sore head to a healthy one.
Go to bed with the chickens, get up with the roosters.
They don’t die from fasting, but they die from gluttony.
The disease itself will tell you what it wants.
You can’t treat your own illness with someone else’s health.
He eats sweets, but sleeps so poorly.
That soul is not alive that went to the doctors.
The same lard and the same wounds.
You're no good to me, and I'm no good to you.
It’s hard to get sick, and it’s hard to sit over someone who’s sick.
They don’t ask a sick person’s health.
Every doctor has her own poultices.
Whoever is in pain screams.
Those who have pain in their bones do not think about visiting.
Those who don’t have pain don’t have itching.
Whoever is in pain talks about it.
Mutilation is not dishonor.
Mind and health are more valuable than anything.
Moderation is the mother of health.
I fell hard, but I got up great.
If I’m sick, I eat a loaf of bread; if I can’t, I eat a pie.
If I'm sick, I eat a loaf of bread.
Illness is not your brother.
The disease comes in pounds, and comes out in spools.
A good (kind) cook is worth a doctor.
Although the mansion is cheerful, it is not very healthy.
At least the hut is a spruce tree, but the heart is healthy.
Although not soon, it’s great.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.
Garlic and onions for seven ailments.
Garlic and radish - so good on the stomach.
Clean water is a disaster for sick people.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Other people's infirmities will not be healed.
The wool in the felt is even goatskin - sleep on it to your health.
The fur coat is spruce, but the heart is healthy.