I'm dreaming about my brother. Quarrel with brother. Seeing brothers or sisters in a dream

It is not surprising that a person sees relatives in his night dreams, especially if he often communicates with them and worries about them in reality. A brother may appear in dreams by various reasons. To understand them, it is worth remembering the dream in detail.

Why do you dream about your brother: Freud's dream book

The famous psychologist is the author of a dream book that pays attention to relatives. So, why do you dream about your brother, if you rely on Freud’s opinion? This largely depends on whether the owner of the dream is a man or a woman. Sigmund Freud believes that single representatives of the fair sex who see their brother in a dream should prepare for a romantic acquaintance in reality, which high probability will flow into a stormy relationship. If a woman has a permanent partner, she will suffer or is already suffering from jealousy.

Why do men dream about their brother? Such a dream predicts rivalry in reality. Perhaps the dreamer will fight with someone for the attention of the woman he likes, or he will have competitors in the business sphere. Also, such a dream can warn that in real life his master will soon encounter someone else's cunning.

Quarrels and hugs

A fight with a brother is a plot that representatives of the stronger sex often encounter in their nightly dreams. Beating a relative in a dream means facing serious conflicts in the family in reality. It is not at all necessary that a man will quarrel with his brother; mutual misunderstanding with other members of the household is very likely. It's great if a truce follows. In real life, a long-standing conflict that worries the dreamer may end.

Why does a woman dream about her brother if in her night dreams she has sexual intercourse with him? You should not be afraid of such dreams; they only say that the dreamer in reality can safely rely on the support of loved ones, that she does not need to worry about the strength of family ties. A dream whose owner marries her brother has a similar meaning.

Miller's Dream Book

What does Miller say about why your brother dreams? A sibling who appears healthy and happy in a dream appears in night dreams in most cases for good. It is very likely that changes for the better will occur in the dreamer’s life, and a long-awaited streak of luck will open before him. The only thing you should be afraid of is the envy of others, which can destroy happiness. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and limiting communication with potential ill-wishers.

Oddly enough, Miller also considers a dream in which his brother is sick to be a good omen. Such a plot predicts a quick recovery of the owner of the dream or one of his relatives from a serious illness in reality. You should be wary if you have a fight with your brother in a dream; this portends troubles that can affect various areas of life. A wonderful dream is one in which the dreamer communicates peacefully with a relative; such a plot promises longevity. A drunk brother appears in night dreams as a sign of troubles that can affect various areas of life.

Family connections

Men and women? If in night dreams there is a relative who really exists, this indicates that he should have been visited in reality long ago. It is possible that he is offended because of the dreamer’s inattention to him.

If cousin a person does not, but he dreams about it; such a dream predicts the imminent acquisition of a devoted friend, with whom the owner of the dream will have common interests. Some dream books advise you to be wary if in a dream a person tells something to his cousin. Such a plot, if you rely on their opinion, promises disappointment in the chosen one in reality.

Junior or senior

The appearance of an older sibling in night dreams suggests that in real life the dreamer feels lonely and helpless and needs protection. You should also be wary of a serious problem that cannot be resolved without asking your family for help.

If a younger brother becomes, this indicates the need of the owner of the dream to take care of someone. It is possible that such a dream reflects secret desire have a baby.


Why do you dream that your brother has died? Apparently capable of scaring anyone. Fortunately, the fears are unfounded. If in his night dreams the dreamer considers his adult brother to be dead, in reality the relative will live a long time. A dream in which a little brother dies means that the owner of the dream will cope with his immaturity and learn to take responsibility for his actions. If a person watches the death of a relative in a dream, in reality he will soon be asked to borrow a large sum of money.

If in his dreams the dreamer buries a brother who is actually alive, he need not worry about the health of his household. Seeing a relative in a coffin means that he will live for a very long time. Suffering at the grave reflects worries about a brother that worry a person in real life.

If you watch the murder of a brother or cousin in a dream, you should prepare for strong emotions, which will overwhelm the dreamer in reality. A dream in which a relative gets into an accident has a similar meaning.


Why does a brother dream if the owner of the dream watches him being born and learns about his birth? Such a plot foreshadows both good and bad events at the same time. In real life, a person will have a profitable project, but he will have to devote a lot of effort to fighting competitors.

Should you worry if you see your newborn brother crying in a dream? Yes, since such a dream promises disappointment. Soothing the baby means that the efforts put into the project may not bring the desired dividends.

Deceased brother

People? Interestingly, such a dream is considered a good omen. Appearance in a dream loved one, who is no longer alive, predicts prosperity, health, and longevity for the owner of the dream.

The only exception is night dreams, in which a person watches his brother, who is no longer alive, being killed. In real life, an unexpected disruption to his plans awaits him; the problems can turn out to be serious.

Different stories

Why do you dream about your brother’s wedding? It is likely that in real life the owner of the dream will receive an unexpected gift that will bring him a lot of pleasure. It’s bad if the wife of a loved one appears in your night dreams; such a plot predicts quarrels with loved ones and a cooling of relations with them.

If her lover’s brother appears in a girl’s dreams, she should think about how satisfied she is with her relationship in real life. It is also possible that the dreamer is attracted to the one she saw in her night dreams. A brother seen in a dream predicts the appearance of a secret admirer.

It’s a good thing to dream about your husband’s brother if this person is in a good mood. Such a dream suggests that in reality good luck awaits its owner. For a girl, kissing her brother in a dream means she will soon decide to commit a bad act in reality, which will be followed by remorse that poisons her life.

Seeing your brother in a dream is a sign of receiving news from him or about your other relatives;

Parting with him in a dream is a case of extraordinary luck;

Losing him is a rapid development of events that can change your life.

Seeing your brothers in a dream full of strength and vitality is a sign of joy for their success.

If they ask you for help in a dream, are sick or weak, then do not expect pleasant events.

If in a dream you quarrel with your brother, then you will face a lot of grief, a quarrel with relatives and bad news.

Fighting with a brother in a dream is a sign of great affection and family ties that nothing but money can destroy.

A dream in which you miss your absent brother means that you are very grateful for his support and help.

Seeing your brother blind in a dream is a harbinger of his imminent death.

If you see in a dream that he is drowning, then you will have to deal with some complicated business into which your brother got you involved.

If you accidentally meet your brother in a dream, then you will be stunned by terrible rumors about your relatives that accidentally reach your ears.

Seeing your cousin in a dream means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or receive news from a person you have not met for a long time, but which has always been dear to your heart.

Separating from your brother in a dream foreshadows a happy occasion.

For a girl, a dream about her brother predicts that someone will propose to her.

For a brother, a dream about a brother predicts family squabbles. Seeing your half-brother in a dream is a sign of deception on his part.

Seeing him dead is a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies.

Such a dream also foretells winning a case in court.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Brothers

If you saw your brothers healthy and full of energy in a dream, then both your and their fate will be successful.

If you saw them in poverty, suffering, or begging for help, not very pleasant events await you soon.

In general, for people who have brothers or sisters, dreams with their participation are a completely natural phenomenon.

D. Loff wrote that such dreams should be specifically interpreted only if brothers or sisters appear in them who do not exist in reality. Perhaps this “balance of power” reflects your perception of the family as a whole. For example, your brother (sister) does not get along with the family - then the dream about an incomplete family reflects a breakdown in family relationships.

If you dreamed of one of your colleagues in the role of a brother or sister and you perceive this very positively, then perhaps you have a constructive partnership ahead of you.

If this dream has caused you anxiety and it seems to you that the new brother or sister is penetrating too deeply into your life, then in real life you should increase your distance from them.

Interpretation of dreams from

see - family happiness
parting with brother - happy occasions
losing your brother means a turbulent future awaits you
quarrel with him - you will have grief

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream Brother mean?

A sign of hypocrisy and betrayal that you will soon encounter in life. Brothers and sisters in a dream foreshadow jealousy or family feuds. Receiving a letter from your brother in a dream promises in reality lies and meanness on the part of the people around you. Seeing the death of your brothers and sisters in a dream means profit and joy.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What do dreams mean Brother

Brother - receiving news - seeing - family happiness - parting - happy occasions - losing - stormy future - quarrel with him - grief.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Dream about Brother

Brother - seeing your brother in a dream means you will receive good news. Separation from your brother - some lucky event will happen to you; to lose a brother - a raging, anxiety-filled future awaits you; quarrel with brother - sadness. Cousin - visit relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does Brother mean in a dream?

Seeing your brother in a dream is a sign of receiving news from him or about your other relatives;

Parting with him in a dream is a case of extraordinary luck;

Losing him is a rapid development of events that can change your life.

Seeing your brothers in a dream full of strength and vitality is a sign of joy for their success.

If they ask you for help in a dream, are sick or weak, then do not expect pleasant events.

If in a dream you quarrel with your brother, then you will face a lot of grief, a quarrel with relatives and bad news.

Fighting with a brother in a dream is a sign of great affection and family ties that nothing but money can destroy.

A dream in which you miss your absent brother means that you are very grateful for his support and help.

Seeing your brother blind in a dream is a harbinger of his imminent death.

If you see in a dream that he is drowning, then you will have to deal with some complicated business into which your brother got you involved.

If you accidentally meet your brother in a dream, then you will be stunned by terrible rumors about your relatives that accidentally reach your ears.

Seeing your cousin in a dream means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or receive news from a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but who has always been dear to your heart.

Separating from your brother in a dream foreshadows a happy occasion.

For a girl, a dream about her brother predicts that someone will propose to her.

For a brother, a dream about a brother predicts family squabbles. Seeing your half-brother in a dream is a sign of deception on his part.

Seeing him dead is a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies.

Such a dream also foretells winning a case in court.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Brother

If you dreamed about your brother, expect news from afar. If in real life you do not have a brother, but you dreamed of him in a dream, get ready for the surprise that your relatives will present to you. A dream in which you saw your deceased brother promises you longevity, good health and a successful career. Seeing your dead brother in a dream and talking to him means that you will soon have to carry out an assignment that will greatly tire you, and you will need a long rest.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does Brother predict in a dream?

Talking with your brother means longevity. Seeing a sick brother means health; seeing a dead brother means tears; seeing a drunk brother means cutting or shedding your blood.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Dream Interpreter

Interpretation of sleep Brother

A dream in which you see your brother and talk with him foretells that everything will be fine with you and with him, and there is no reason to worry about him; the news of the illness will turn out to be false.

If in a dream your brother looks sick, unpleasant events await you in reality, which will happen due to your own oversight and imprudence.

A cousin in a dream means disappointment and chagrin. Such a dream foreshadows sad events that are beyond your power to prevent.

Receiving a letter from your brother in a dream means a further rift between your families.

Kissing your brother in a fit of kindred feelings in a dream means happy reconciliation and long friendship.

To be at your brother’s funeral in a dream means that in reality he is destined for a long and happy fate. If on the day of the funeral the weather is clear and sunny, you will forget about any illness for a long time. If the day is gloomy and rainy, bad news about the illness of one of your relatives is inevitable. Seeing your brother in a coffin means longevity for him and yours, as well as profit and joy.

Separating from your brother is a happy occasion.

Missing brother - a future filled with turbulent events awaits you. Quarrel with your brother in a dream - you will be upset by the imminent news from him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the dream predict? Brother

"brothers in arms or blood" unity, agreement.

"robber brothers" are like-minded people with bad intentions.

"brotherly friendship"

"brotherly love"

"to share fraternally." "Brotherhood" - make peace, get closer, be friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

See Brother in a dream

TO good health or news.

Seeing your brother in the water is a sign of joy.

Seeing a dead brother means longevity.

Arguing with your brother in a dream is a warning against loss or loss through your own fault.

Fighting with your brother means great happiness and benefits await you.

The death of a brother or long-distance departure means happiness and a long life.

To see a cousin - an uncertain relationship with someone awaits you.

Saying goodbye to your brother is a harbinger of the upcoming division of property.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Dream prediction Brother

A dream in which you see your brother or brothers healthy and happy foretells happiness and good luck for you or them.

Poverty, grief, the death of a brother are a symbol of grief and trouble for you.

Fighting with a brother in a dream means being bored and experiencing kindred feelings in reality; sometimes seeing a brother in a dream means receiving some kind of news that is not always reliable.

In ancient times, when the division of inheritance depended on the number of brothers in the family, in the interpretation of dreams about brothers they were equated with enemies.

Accordingly, all the meanings of dreams are diametrically opposed (for example, the death of a brother - profit, wealth, etc.

Interpretation of dreams from

Since ancient times, dreams have been nothing more than a prediction of the near future or a clear sign of warning. Sleep is still an unexplained phenomenon, but sometimes it is what makes a person a little happier, allowing him to meet deceased relatives and talk to people who are far away

Let's figure out what it means when it comes in a dream brother? What do dreams portend in which we see our loved ones in different situations? Let's consider different interpretations dreams

Dreaming about my brother

When you meet your brother in a dream cheerful and full of energy, then most likely expect joyful changes in your destiny or the life of your brother. On the contrary, unpleasant events are foreshadowed by a dream in which a brother becomes poor or you see him in grief and sadness. Oddly enough, there is a superstition that seeing a brother in a dream means expecting a scandal and discord in the family; it is also possible that in the near future there will be a reason for jealousy between spouses.

Junior or senior

Remember that not all dreams can warn of troubles. There are dreams that carry with them positive emotions. If he came to you in a dream older brother, then expect changes in life in better side, well-being and financial stability. The dream book interprets the image of an older brother as a symbol of the embodiment of what is desired in reality and good health.

Additional responsibilities and unexpected troubles await you if your a younger brother appears in a dream.

Quarrel with sibling

If in your dream you had an unpleasant conversation with your brother or even a small quarrel or scrape, then soon you will experience grief and a showdown with your loved ones.


A dream where the sleeper talks to his brother predicts that in the future it will take a lot of effort and effort to achieve set goal, finish planned tasks, as well as restore strength after the work done.

Brother in a coffin

When falling asleep, none of us are immune to seeing a rather unfavorable dream, after which we will be tormented for a long time. discomfort. Agree that it is difficult to see your brother in a coffin, but, unfortunately, such dreams also happen. What do they promise and what do they warn about? Felomena's dream book insists that such a sign foreshadows the emergence of pitfalls in new beginnings and deeds. There may be risks, so be vigilant and careful.

See dead or deceased

It’s much worse when a dead brother comes in a dream. After all, it has long been known that the dead who come to us in a dream do not bode well. On the one hand, it is very pleasant to see the person you have lost, because such dreams are extremely rare, and in reality the desired date will never be realized. But, if you look from the interpretation side, then the dead promise about upcoming illness or even worse about death. In general, accidents are to be expected. Miller’s dream book provides us with a detailed interpretation of such a dream, which says that we should expect difficult trials of fate. A conversation with a dead person foreshadows the appearance bad rumors in reality. If a deceased brother hugs you, then you should expect serious illnesses and incurable illnesses.

A dream can tell about an incorrectly arranged fate, where a deceased sibling, upon meeting you, is very cheerful and active. After such a dream, it is worth reconsidering your life position.

Very rarely, but there are dreams where the deceased brother plays gambling with a living person. This may be a sign that a person’s life is in the balance; you should be careful, especially if defeat is visible in a dream, since this is a sign of death.

Bioenergetics experts say that talking in a dream with a deceased brother takes away from a person vital energy, after which upon awakening there will be a clear loss of strength, exhaustion, inner sadness.

Brother is drunk

If in a dream you saw your brother drunk, then expect him to frivolous actions, after which huge life troubles await him. Such a dream will not be as important for you as it is important for your sibling. Also, if the brother is in a strong drunkenness, then expect his imminent illness or serious injury. In general, seeing drunk people means expecting them to become ill in the future.

In the blood

Miller's dream book says that if in a dream your brother comes to you with blood in my arms, then expect failures and financial losses, and bad luck awaits your loved one. Vanga's dream book says that seeing a loved one in the blood means family quarrels, conflicts and other discords.

If in a dream you just see blood, then take your intimate life, this is the sleep forecast given by Freud’s dream book.

In prison

The next unpleasant situation that can be seen in a dream is a brother in prison. Such a dream for the sleeper means that he abuses too much trust of relatives, you need to be a little more prudent. If in your dream you witness your brother escaping from prison, then the unpleasant situation will pass you by without consequences. If you are put behind bars, then be vigilant, because unpleasant gossip awaits you.

Sibling cries in his sleep

If the sleeper sees a situation where his brother is crying, then this is a sign of good news. A dream where a brother is scared, panicked, upset and crying brings family troubles.

Kissing a relative in a dream

If you are wondering what it means to kiss your brother in a dream and whether this is a good sign, then do not worry, such a dream indicates that pleasure awaits you in the future, as well as the emergence of a strong, loyal friendship. The dream can also be interpreted if you kiss your sister.

See dirty

Dream where you see dirty brother- a foreshadowing that this person needs to cleanse himself of something in real life. Or, your brother has a huge sense of guilt that is secretly troubling him, try to talk to him and find out what happened. A dream when a sibling falls into the mud carries with it sudden illness. If a person is simply wallowing in the mud, then be careful, changes in life await him, characterized by deprivation of something.

Quite the opposite dream is a dream where brother drowns in water. He warns you that you will have to unravel the situation that your brother has started.

Family problems are foreshadowed by a dream with a cousin, and if controversial situation with him, then beware of the fault loved one unexpected losses await you.

By closing our eyes, none of us can order sleep; we see only what is given to us from above. Therefore, if you decide to interpret your dream, try to forget all the emotions from it and remember the smallest details, they will help you find the answer to fateful events in the future. Also, do not forget that the meaning of a dream directly depends on what day you dreamed about it.

Very often, relatives appear in our dreams - mom, dad, grandparents... Why do you dream about your brother? What does it mean if you dream about your brother? Let's look at the interpretations of various dream books.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed about your brother being healthy and energetic - you will have a reason to be happy for your or his fate. In a dream, a brother is poor, hungry, sick, asks for help, or some misfortune has happened to him - this dream indicates the approach of unpleasant events in life. Take care of your health and be vigilant.

Brother - Vanga's dream book

If you saw your brother (a loved one) sick in a dream, this indicates that in reality he needs real support and attention.

Freud's dream book - why do you dream about your brother?

For a man, such a dream means danger from possible sexual competitors. If a young woman dreams of a brother, this means her desire to replace sexual partner for another, or get another one.

Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

And why do you dream about brother according to Hasse’s dream book?

  • Losing a brother means turbulent events in the future; quarreling with your brother means grief in real life.
  • Seeing your brother means family well-being.
  • Parting with brother - to happy moment in life.
  • Losing a brother means changes, events that will develop rapidly.
  • Scolding a brother means he will be upset about some reason.

Dream brother according to Loff's dream book

If you dreamed about a non-existent brother, you may encounter betrayal and hypocrisy, jealousy and family troubles in life. To receive a letter from your brother means to be disappointed in the lies and meanness of those around you. The death of a brother speaks of joy and profit.

Seeing your own brother in a dream can mean news from afar, or news from the brother himself or one of your close relatives.

If you dreamed about your deceased brother, then you will achieve success in all your endeavors, and thanks to good health you will live long life filled with harmony and happiness.

If you dreamed that you were talking about something with your brother, then in reality you will need a lot of effort to achieve your goal, as well as rest to restore them.

Dreaming of a brother in prison means that you are abusing the trust of your family and friends. I dreamed of a second cousin - a meeting with a relative is coming. In a dream, starting a fight with your brother promises in reality to experience a feeling of family love, gratitude and recognition towards your brother. If you see your brother in the water, it means joy.

If a real brother was dreamed of by a deceased person, then this dream means longevity.

Interpretation of the dream according to O. Smurov’s dream book

If in a dream you start a fight with your brother, this is a sign of affection and kinship. A dream in which you grieve for an absent brother is a sign of gratitude for your brother's support and appreciation.

Seeing your brother blind in a dream is a sign that in real life your brother needs to be very careful, since this dream speaks of danger and imminent death. If you dream that your brother is drowning in water, then this means that you will have to extricate yourself from the unpleasant story that your brother got you into.

For a young unmarried girl, a dream about her brother could mean a proposal that her lover will soon make to her. To a young guy a dream about a brother foreshadows disagreements and squabbles in the family circle.

Why do you dream about your brother or cousin?

Seeing your half-brother in a dream means deception on his part.

A dead brother dreams of wealth, profit, victory, and can also portend winning a case in court. Having a brother in a dream can mean a relationship with brothers in reality, and if you are an only child (for a man), then this is a symbol of unification, male friendship and mutual assistance.

Meeting your own brother means feeling dissatisfied with your life, lacking the strength to achieve your goal. Seeing a cousin - a dream means family problems. Arguing with your brother - beware of loss through your own fault.

Brother of husband and boyfriend - dream book

If you dreamed about your husband’s (boyfriend’s) brother, this means sexual dependence on some person (lover)

Why do you dream about an older or younger brother?

Meeting an older brother in a dream means well-being and stability in reality, the implementation of plans, and good health.

Dating a younger brother comes with additional responsibilities.

Dream Interpretation - brother's wedding

The brother's wedding is a dream of favorable events, the fulfillment of a cherished dream or the approach to its fulfillment. Also, your brother’s wedding may mean that in reality you will receive a long-awaited gift.