A collective image of a mysterious “spiritual man.” Quite smart as a personality type. Collective image

At the first meeting, he creates a repulsive impression due to the “lack of manners and any upbringing.” But her unusual appearance and talent (Lair sings beautifully and hits high notes), which she constantly demonstrates, help her achieve everything she wants. If you pay attention to the facial features of her face, you can see a “solid character” in them. Ilarias was not always like this - she developed her “thick skin” over the years.

Character. If you describe her in one phrase, it will sound like this - “an obnoxious girl.” For her friends, who are also the lead singers of the group “Dreams of a Nymph”, in which she is the undoubted leader, her behavior is more familiar than for others. Take even the guitarists Endrain and Tamura, with whom she has known since childhood and was formed as a person in their environment. Her idols are Amy Lee from Evanescence and David Draiman from Disturbed. Both American lineups inspired Lair while growing up and paved the way for her to develop her vocal skills and then create her own band.

Being a human, Lair did not tolerate any deviations from plans, and if something went wrong, she became furious, like a bull in the arena. At other times, she adored her friends and for each of them found thousands of ways out of the most unenviable, sometimes even scrupulous, situation. Endurance is her middle name; she will go over her head on the path to success, especially when it comes to career growth.

He will find solace in his favorite bar, where he will get drunk and begin to behave unusually: he may dance on a pole and then immediately fight with some tough guy. Because of the behavior “a la, your boyfriend” it seems simple - this is a deceptive impression. Although she really lacks femininity. Not a lady, that's for sure.

Distinctive Features

As the now realized singer likes to say: “My beauty lies in slight imperfection.” Ilarias is something between Mary Telna (facial structure, similarity in eyes) and the repulsive appearance of the “doll” Lindsey Wixson (a gap between her teeth coupled with a small, plump mouth).

There is a tattoo on her back in the form of demon wings, which she got long before her encounter with the demons themselves. It was to her that Serpent paid attention first of all when he saw Lair for the first time.

Hairstyle. Ilarias is an experimenter by nature, and often changes his appearance. At the time of her acquaintance with both incubi (Serpent and Asmodeus), she had long and smooth brown hair down to her waist, which she liked to comb back, leaving it scattered along her back, and on the top of her head she created a dizzying volume in the form of a backcomb.

Cloth. Then and now I preferred - artsy, like the models from the catwalks. Favorite image - homeless rocker. At the same time, she did not forget to do excellent makeup and take care of herself in general.

Perfume. In principle, Lair does not bother choosing just one, but prefers sweet perfumes.

I’ll post a chronology of Lair’s significant events later.

Tale by N.V. Gogol's "The Overcoat" completes the cycle of "Petersburg Tales", in which the author talked about bureaucratic Petersburg. “The Overcoat” continues the author’s thoughts on fate little man, and here special attention is paid to one low-level official. The work is filled deep meaning, raises the topic of socialization and humanity using the example of the life of a minor official Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachnikov. The theme of the work is relevant even today, despite the fact that it was written many years ago.

Bashmachnikov, the “eternal titular adviser,” works in a small St. Petersburg office, where he is engaged in rewriting documents. He loves his work and receives sincere pleasure from what he does. Despite this, the official is absolutely lacking initiative, to the point of complete stupidity. When his superiors tried to entrust him with work that required some independence, namely, to correct a certain document at his own discretion, Bashmachnikov fell into a stupor, and then he himself asked to let him rewrite something. This situation gave rise to a new reason to laugh at Akaki Akakievich.

(Officials, still from the film "The Overcoat" 1959, USSR)

His colleagues were already laughing at Bashmachnikov, apparently sensing that he could not fight back. Gogol shows the officials with whom our hero works as callous and heartless. His colleagues do not feel a drop of sympathy for him; all their relationships boil down to Bashmachnikov’s requests: “Leave me alone, why are you offending me?” They “laughed and joked at him, as much as their clerical wit was enough, and immediately told him various stories compiled about him...” They poured pieces of paper on his head, “calling it snow.”

When Bashmachnikov finally has some kind of dream, namely a new overcoat, he comes to life a little. Thoughts about new clothes warm him up and help him more steadfastly endure the hardships he goes to in order to save up for a new overcoat. The official stopped drinking tea in the evenings, burning candles, and even began to walk more quietly on the streets so as not to wear down his soles ahead of time.

(Officials warmly and reverently congratulate Akaki Akakievich on his new overcoat)

After buying the overcoat, Akaki Akakievich’s colleagues become warmer towards him, even invite him to one of their name days, treat him friendly and pat him on the shoulder. It’s sad to watch such a metamorphosis of people who changed their attitude towards the hero just because of a new overcoat. I think it’s not in vain that Gogol draws attention to this; he deliberately highlights this episode. This technique makes it possible to more clearly understand the depth of the heartlessness and indifference of the kind of officials of that time.

Critics have repeatedly noted that Gogol in his works often reflected current anecdotes and stories from the life of the time in which he lived. There is a version, and it is not without meaning, that the work about the overcoat is based on real story or an anecdote that the author once heard. This is precisely why, most likely, the work is realistic and incredibly accurately reflects all facets of the work and life of officials, generously seasoned with the author’s reflections and in-depth research on the topic.

Collective image

When the Moscow authorities decided to build up the Khodynskoe field, the surrounding residents were very unhappy, they organized rallies and pickets - as usual, without results. The conflict that arose was even reported on television.

And one journalist declared with great pathos: “In the end, this is simply disrespect for the memory of the people who died during Bloody Sunday on the Khodynskoye Field!”

Of course, there is no need to remind you that Bloody Sunday has nothing to do with the Khodynka Field - the journalist simply mixed two stable combinations and two completely different events into one pile. In 1896, on Khodynka Field near Moscow (now it is already located on the territory of Moscow), during the celebration of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, a stampede and panic occurred, during which several thousand people died. Then the expression arose make a walk- in the sense of creating a crush, a commotion. And in 1905 in St. Petersburg, on the morning of January 9, a crowd of 140 thousand men, women, old people and children, led by the famous priest Gapon (not everyone, by the way, knows that Gapon is not a name, but a surname), with banners, with icons and portraits of the Tsar, she moved towards the Winter Palace. The demonstrators wanted to submit a petition to the Tsar about their needs. But on Palace Square their path was blocked by a barrage of soldiers who opened fire on the crowd. This event, the shooting of a peaceful demonstration, went down in history as Bloody Sunday. It marked the beginning of the first Russian revolution of 1905–1907.

So, different cities: Khodynka in Moscow, and Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg. The time gap is almost a decade, not only different years, but different centuries. And the events are different - in one case there was a stampede, in another - the shooting of a peaceful demonstration.

Finally, various reasons: in one case, the organization of the celebrations is poor, in the other, well, you can talk about the reasons for the revolution for a long time. And yet it is no coincidence that the journalist confused these two events.

Apparently, when a person doesn’t know history well, what remains in his head from studying it at school is, on the one hand, individual words and expressions, and on the other, vague images of some events. Moreover, one is not always connected with the other. And so Khodynka and Bloody Sunday are united into a kind of collective image. This hyper-event can be described something like this: in the capital city of Russia, due to the fault of the authorities, there was a mass death of citizens who, with peaceful intentions, came to the last Russian Tsar, whose reign was mediocre and led to revolutions and the collapse of Russia. To complete the similarity of the two episodes, it can be mentioned that in both cases a ball was scheduled at the palace, which the authorities did not consider necessary to cancel due to the sad events.

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Image In this case, this is not what is meant general meaning concept that is used as general characteristics imagological activity (the image of Russia, the image of France, etc.), but the image in a specific poetological meaning is images that are created by literature,

Many esotericists and practitioners use the concepts of “spirituality”, “spiritual growth” and “self-development” in their conversations, implying a certain set of certain external signs. A collective image of the mysterious " spiritual person“esotericism is collected in the head on the basis of grandmother’s fairy tales, third-rate esoteric literature and descriptions of the behavior and life of generally recognized “spiritual people.”

You can often hear from them something like “spiritual people behave this way and look like that” (conducted by correct image life, from the speaker's point of view, feeds on dew and sunlight, radiates peacefulness and is ready to absolutely selflessly rush to the aid of anyone who comes, etc.). From the point of view of such a layman, spirituality is behavior. You behave in a certain, expected way, and say expected things - you are already spiritual. If he did something wrong, he is immediately declared a “terrible dark magician” and a “servant of darkness.”

In the view of most esotericists, one can become “spiritual” only through “spiritual work on oneself.” By consciously working on your habits, behavior and ways of thinking. People seriously believe that you can become more spiritual by switching to vegetarian food, having stopped arguing with a noisy neighbor and lashing out at the children. But excuse me, what does the SPIRIT have to do with it!? Where is he?

It would be more logical to call what most “spirituality seekers” do, for example, self-education or moral education, but not “spiritual growth.” As a rule, when performing all these “imitative practices,” people have very specific, material goals: to improve their health, improve relationships with loved ones, or something else. This cannot be said that this is bad, it cannot be said that these actions do not help and are useless (some problems can be solved with their help), but they do not lead to spirituality, no matter how the next superguru assures us of this.

Spirituality is not something that can be created by consciously changing one's behavior and working on oneself; it does not come from the outside in. Spirituality is something that comes from within and manifests itself on the outside. It is wrong to say that a person is spiritual because he behaves in a certain way, everything is quite the opposite: he behaves in a certain way because he is spiritual and perceives this world exactly in this way. And is it even possible to determine and deduce the behavior of a “spiritual person”? Such people (saints, enlightened ones, just teachers) behaved completely differently, depending on external conditions and circumstances, and did not always show peace and forgiveness (just remember the Zen masters).

Spirituality is internal state practice, being filled with his spirit. The spirit here is not something specific that has a name, such as the spirits with which practical magicians of various traditions work. Spirit is what can be called the absolute, something of which all Magic is a part and what every Magician strives for. Whoever has a lot of this spirit is spiritual. And whoever engages in “self-education” is not spiritual, but simply a repeating parrot)))

In other words, many people who dream of “spirituality” make a stupid mistake. Instead of becoming interested in ways to fill themselves with the World Spirit, they spend time and energy copying the behavior of those who are filled with it. They naively hope that such a parrot will make them the same... They don’t understand simple thing: those who have filled themselves with the Spirit (i.e., “spiritual”) behave one way or another not because they adhere to some rules or concepts, or look up to someone. This happens because they have found unity with the Universe and magical balance in their heart. Nothing like this can be achieved by repeating the external signs of such a state alone - for this there is special methods, to which they devote their entire lives and have nothing in common with reasoning like “a spiritual person should - a spiritual person should not.”

Remember, friends: spirituality is not character, not actions, and not a manner of reacting to what is happening. Spirituality is when Man and the World Spirit form a single whole in the heart of a particular being. Everything else is consequences and unstable signs of such a state, copying which, not being the same, does not make the slightest sense. And once you become like this, you won’t have to copy 😉