Among the summer residents there are those who grow grapes. Deputies propose to review the status of dacha and garden partnerships

Summer residents will be exempt from contributions, but will be subject to taxes

Deputies propose to review the status of dacha and garden partnerships

In the lives of Russian summer residents, it seems that changes are again on the horizon: the lands of dacha cooperatives and gardening partnerships may be declared the lands of populated areas. This proposal was submitted to State Duma. If adopted, owners of suburban real estate will be exempt from most of the fees that they are now forced to pay into the general budget of their associations for various needs, including the development and maintenance of infrastructure. However, joy on this occasion may be overshadowed by an increase in the tax burden, experts warn.

Today in Russia, only about 3.5 percent of all settlements are located on the territory of populated areas. land plots provided for horticultural, gardening and dacha farms, says in explanatory note to the bill, which is quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta. All other summer residents, on the one hand, are forced to pay land tax, and on the other hand, do not receive support from the state, independently solving the problems of developing their villages.

If the law is adopted, then issues of infrastructural development, as well as the protection of garden and dacha partnerships, will become the concern of local governments.

They will have to build roads into villages at the expense of the budget, solve issues of lighting, security, etc. In addition, the authors of the legislative initiative note, if it is adopted, the implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court, which several years ago confirmed that citizens can register in country houses that are suitable for permanent residence, will receive a new impetus. Today, these issues are most often resolved in judicial procedure, but even after this, the state and local levels of government are in no hurry to provide citizens with various benefits that are guaranteed by Russian legislation.

According to the initiators of the official registration of dachas with populated areas, not only dacha residents, but also municipalities will benefit from such a solution to the issue. According to statistics, at least a third of residential estates in garden and dacha associations are not registered by their owners. The prospect of receiving what is required by law will be an incentive for summer residents, the authors of the bill believe. Will grow accordingly tax base municipalities.

However, experts warn that the costs of implementing guarantees may turn out to be too serious for local budgets in order to ultimately be covered by tax revenues.

Another front of possible resistance to innovation is the issue of transferring agricultural land for dacha construction, which in many municipalities close big cities was put into production over the years. Now the municipality will be extremely attentive to the prospects of unnecessary obligations. However, it is not a fact that the summer residents themselves will like this idea if the tax burden that will increase as a result of the transfer of their plots to new status, will be higher than the size of previous friendly fees.

Among the numerous laws that the president recently signed, there is also a document that has long been promised to Russian gardeners and summer residents - the law on gardening and horticulture of 2017. After all, many of the norms relating to the life of gardening and dacha partnerships have long been outdated and are in conflict with modern codes. Discussions about a “new dacha constitution” went on for several years, and the text was rewritten several times. As a result, the law “On the conduct of gardening and vegetable gardening by citizens for their own needs” appeared. What the new life waiting for gardeners?

1. There will be no more cooperatives

Only horticultural non-profit partnerships and vegetable gardening non-profit partnerships will remain (there will be no dacha partnerships). All kinds of cooperatives, partnerships, etc. will also not exist.

The main thing that citizens should know is that at the site in gardening partnership it is allowed to build a house, but in a gardening - only something like a shed or a shed for storing crops, equipment and other utensils. So, in fact, it was. The difference is that most of the gardening and dacha associations will now have to re-register documents and transform from “summer residents” to “gardeners” or from cooperatives to partnerships. But this is paperwork - headache chairman and board, and not ordinary summer residents.

2. Residential buildings can be built in gardens

But this is a really important moment. The law now states that “a garden house may be recognized residential building" A “residential building” is a full-fledged home for year-round living, where you can also register. That is, it is finally recognized by law that you can live in a garden community permanently, and not just go there on weekends.

What is needed for a garden house to be recognized as residential, however, is not specified. It is recorded that the order of transfer garden house to residential and back should be further clarified by the government.

3. Collecting contributions for just about anything is prohibited.

Another important question. Mercantile. Previously, contributions within gardening partnerships were mainly regulated only by their charter. In practice, money could be collected for anything. This issue is now regulated by law.

Contributions in the partnership will be of only two types - membership and targeted. There will be no entry fees, says lawyer Svetlana Zhmurko. - The size of each of these types will be determined on the basis of a financial and economic feasibility study approved general meeting members of the partnership.

The law also contains a specific list of purposes for which - and only for them - contributions can be spent.

Any member of the partnership (for example, if he was not at the meeting) may request to see the financial and economic justification, financial statements. And also request a personal copy of these and other partnership documents (for a fee, but it should not exceed the cost of making copies).

4. “Individuals” pay the same as “comrades”

The problem with individuals - those citizens who have plots on the territory of the partnership, but who have not become members of this very partnership - has also been resolved. The law obliges them to pay for all work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the partnership, as well as on the management of the partnership. In other words, the matter is no longer limited to payment for electricity and water, if it is provided to the partnership centrally. According to the new law, the annual fee for “non-members” will have to be equal to the amount of membership and target fees paid by members of the partnership. Those who don’t want to shell out money will be forced through the courts.

True, “non-members” will have more rights.

The owner of the site, who is not a member of the partnership, will have the right to take part in meetings and even vote on a number of issues, says Svetlana Zhmurko.

The main thing in which individuals remain disadvantaged is that they will not be able to take part in the elections of the chairman of the partnership and members of the board.

5. Wells are the law

Any wells on the territory of horticultural and gardening partnerships- both for personal and general needs - it will be possible to use it without any examinations or approvals until January 1, 2020 (then a simplified registration procedure will be developed). In fact, they are usually not agreed upon with anyone, but regulatory authorities periodically make noise about this. The fact is that some “public” wells that supply water to entire partnerships are actually subject to licensing according to their parameters (a well for individual use does not require a license even now). The procedure is expensive and very long and labor-intensive. But gardening is still not a water utility for you, the opportunities are not the same. Now gardening and vegetable gardening partnerships will be spared this headache.

When will all this work?

The clause on wells already came into force immediately after the official publication of the law. All other provisions will come into effect on January 1, 2019. Such a long transition period was given so that the government could adopt the necessary by-laws, and garden and dacha associations could deal with the documents without haste.


A gardening partnership has the right to turn into a homeowners' association if it is located within settlement and all gardeners ended up with residential buildings on their plots (in fact, summer residents cease to be summer residents, but become residents of a town, village or even a city - a likely option for New Moscow).


Summer residents are promised a “forest amnesty”

Another of the new laws signed by the president also concerns gardeners. Journalists nicknamed it the “forest amnesty.”

The law is intended to resolve a long-standing conflict. Due to confusion in land relations, many citizens are faced with the fact that their plots are located on the lands of the Forest Fund. Or somehow they intersect with these very lands. There are 377 thousand such cases officially recorded. In fact, there are even more of them, Rosreestr reports. It’s just that many areas do not have precise boundaries, so possible problems their owners just don't know yet.

The majority of citizens are not to blame for the situation: they bought the land quite legally, for which they had all the documents necessary at that time. And many simply received plots before the current Forest Code came into force, when dachas could also be located in the forest.

The problem arose due to inconsistencies in two state systems- The Unified State Register of Real Estate and the State Forest Register. A simplified design scheme for forest plots also played a role. It got ridiculous. According to Rosreestr, in 12 regions the area of ​​forests registered there turned out to be larger than... the area of ​​the region itself.

As a result, thousands of gardeners and summer residents involuntarily became violators - within the boundaries of the Forest Fund, land cannot be transferred into ownership, it can only be rented out. And construction there is limited. IN best case scenario people simply cannot dispose of their “illegal” plot and, for example, register a house built there. At worst, the buildings were declared through the courts to be unauthorized construction, which should be mercilessly demolished, and the land was taken away without any compensation.

The new law is designed to help those who are innocently guilty. If a citizen's ownership of a plot of land was registered before January 1, 2016, it will be considered legal - even if, according to foresters, it is a Forest Fund.

The foresters still have the right to prove through the courts that the land ended up in the hands of the current owner through the wrong route. After all, cases when local officials squandered forests are also not uncommon. But if earlier citizens were a priori found guilty and forestry enterprises right, now foresters will have to prove the accusations.

Mathematics teacher Lyakisheva E.V. BOU secondary school No. 35 MO Dinskoy district. Thematic selection " Logic problems" Preparation for the Unified State Exam in grades 10-11.
1. In city Z in 2013, more boys were born than girls. Boys were most often called Andrei, and girls - Maria. Select the statements that follow from the given data.
Among those born in 2013 in city Z:
1) there are more girls with the name Maria than with the name Svetlana.
2) there are more boys with the name Nikolai than with the name Aristarchus.
3) at least one of the born boys was named Andrey.
4) there are more boys named Andrey than girls named Maria.
In your answer, indicate the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
1) The statement that girls were most often called Maria means that there were fewer girls who were called by other names, therefore the first statement is true. The first statement follows from the data presented.
2) The second statement does not follow from the data presented.
3) If boys were most often called Andrei, then, consequently, at least one boy was born who was named Andrei. The third statement follows from the data presented.
4) The fourth statement does not follow from the given data, since it is impossible to say how many born boys were named Andrei, and how many girls were named Maria.

Answer: 13.
2. When weighing animals at the zoo, it turned out that a giraffe is heavier than a camel, a camel is heavier than a tiger, and a leopard is lighter than a camel. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1) a leopard is heavier than a camel
2) a giraffe is heavier than a leopard
3) a giraffe is lighter than a tiger
4) the giraffe is the heaviest of all these animals
Let's create inequalities according to the problem:
1) a giraffe is heavier than a camel: F>V
2) a camel is heavier than a tiger: B>T
3) a leopard is lighter than a camel: L<В
Let's create general inequalities: Ж>B>Т and Ж>В>Л.
Let's analyze the statements presented:
1) a leopard is heavier than a camel - incorrect, since the condition says that a leopard is lighter than a camel
2) a giraffe is heavier than a leopard - true, based on the inequalities we compiled
3) a giraffe is lighter than a tiger - incorrect, based on the inequalities we compiled
4) the giraffe is the heaviest of all these animals - true, based on the inequalities we compiled

Answer: 24
3. Among the summer residents in the village, there are those who grow grapes, and there are those who grow pears. And there are also those who grow neither grapes nor pears. Some summer residents in this village who grow grapes also grow pears. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1) If a summer resident from this village does not grow grapes, then he grows pears.
2) Among those who grow grapes, there are summer residents from this village.
3) There is at least one summer resident in this village who grows both pears and grapes.
4) If a summer resident in this village grows grapes, then he does not grow pears.
Let us analyze the presented statements based on the conditions of the problem:
1) If a summer resident from this village does not grow grapes, then he grows pears - incorrect, since there are those in the village who grow neither grapes nor pears
2) Among those who grow grapes, there are summer residents from this village - that’s right
3) There is at least one summer resident in this village who grows both pears and grapes - this is true, since some summer residents in this village who grow grapes also grow pears
4) If a summer resident in this village grows grapes, then he does not grow pears - incorrect, since some summer residents in this village who grow grapes also grow pears

Answer: 23
4. The school purchased a table, a blackboard, a tape recorder and a printer. It is known that a printer is more expensive than a tape recorder, and a board is cheaper than a tape recorder and cheaper than a table. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1) A tape recorder is cheaper than a board.
2) The printer is more expensive than the board.
3) The board is the cheapest purchase.
4) The printer and the board cost the same.

Let be the price of the table, board, tape recorder and printer, respectively. According to the conditions of the problem: (a printer is more expensive than a tape recorder), (a board is cheaper than a tape recorder), (a board is cheaper than a table).

1) A tape recorder is cheaper than a board - incorrect, since it is said that a board is cheaper than a tape recorder
2) A printer is more expensive than a board - that’s true, because, therefore,
3) The board is the cheapest purchase - true, because
4) The printer and the board cost the same - incorrect according to point 2)

Answer: 23.
5. When a cat walks along the fence, the dog Sharik, who lives in a booth near the house, always barks. Choose the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1) If Sharik doesn’t bark, it means a cat is walking along the fence.
2) If Sharik is silent, it means the cat is not walking along the fence.
3) If he walks along the fence black cat, Sharik doesn't bark.
4) If he walks along the fence white cat, Sharik will bark.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
According to the condition, if a cat walks along the fence, then Sharik barks. Consider the proposed statements:

1) If Sharik does not bark, it means that a cat is walking along the fence - incorrect, because if the cat is walking, then Sharik is sure to bark
2) If Sharik is silent, it means that the cat is not walking along the fence - that’s true, because if he is silent, then no cat is walking
3) If a black cat walks along the fence, Sharik does not bark - this is incorrect, because if any the cat is walking on the fence - Sharik barks
4) If a white cat walks along the fence, Sharik will bark - true, according to the condition

Answer: 24.

Attached files

In the village of Pushkinsky District they could not decide where summer residents should throw their garbage for many years. The point was made at the general meeting. There is no need for a container site on Griboyedov Street in the village of Lesnoy. This was decided by a majority vote during the voting. After the discussion, everyone left their opinion in the minutes. Of all the signatories, only 4 people were in favor of installing a container site on the territory of their summer cottages. The overwhelming number of owners are ready to directly enter into contracts with a specialized company.

Street residents have been deciding where to throw garbage bags since 2013. Almost all summer residents come here only for the summer. We tried to install a stationary container, but the idea didn’t take root - no one was happy with the location. Garbage was dumped not only into bins, but also directly into the forest.

As a result, the summer residents decided to remove the container. When he was liquidated, they held another meeting. And, it seems, they found an option that suited all residents.

If a citizen has a long way to go, he can call a car and they will pick up the garbage right at home. Or, as many have said, it’s not difficult for us to bring the garbage to the container site on Dostoevsky Street

- Alexander Tropin, head of the village. Forest.

But one of the residents was not satisfied with the new waste collection rules. And she would like to return everything as it was - after all, the old container stood not far from her site. Lyudmila Bogdanova wrote about this on Direct Line with the President. The question was not voiced on air, but it reached the addressee.

Those who live closer to the village are close, but for me, for example, it’s far away. I have to carry it for a kilometer in the trash. Do I need it? I won't

- resident of the village.

The village decided to hold another general meeting. After discussion possible options decided to vote again. In the protocol, about 30 people signed “for” and “against” the installation of the container on Griboyedov Street. By majority vote they decided to leave everything as it is. After all, more than half of the residents have already signed individual contracts for garbage removal. The rest place the packages in the village-wide container.

By the way, this option in the Moscow region is increasingly popular among summer residents. Moreover, entire gardening associations advocate centralized waste removal from all sites. Having united, transportation contracts were concluded in almost every fourth municipality in the region. In total, more than 10.5 thousand container sites have been installed in the Moscow region on the territory of SNT.