Funny status about school profile. The best statuses about school - the funniest quotes

School period is probably the most happy time in the life of any person. After all, that’s when everything happens for the first time. First friendship, first love, first five and first two. How many different statements about school and school years, but they still enjoy great love. All schoolchildren today are active Internet users and social networks. Therefore, they simply cannot help but use funny statuses about school on their pages. They can cheer you up before class and look at things differently.

The most best time for sleep - this is a chemistry test!

The physical education teacher cannot beat the labor teacher at chess, since the latter has whittled down 2 extra queens for himself!

My parents turned off the Internet, they think I’ll start studying... How naive!

The father asks his son: - how are you doing at school? - Everything is fine! The contract with the 10th grade has been extended for another year!

It’s a pity that school is not a place where the sooner you come, the sooner you leave.

Everyone knows this feeling very well: Hurray – June 1st. What, is it already July 1st? Damn – August 1st. F*cked – September 1st.

Call for teacher. Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Stand up, those who were talking now. Leave and come back normally. How I miss you, school.

And how I want to come on September 1, see all my classmates, see who has changed, ask how someone spent the summer... Just chat, remember all the unforgettable moments... And then... turn around and leave for another 3 months..

What literature are schoolchildren reading now? Statuses!

Only our class knows how to remove jackets from a closed locker room with a mop... From a 10-15 cm hole...:)

Well, I’m already getting ready for school... I bought new tweezers, a mirror, a new MP3, two decks of cards and a cool lighter with light =)) Hello, school... =)

- Dad, you know how to eyes closed sign? - Yes, but what? - Sign then in my diary

I studied all my life, except for the eleven years spent at school)))

School...Frailed nerves, constant lack of sleep and offline vkontakte...

In 4th grade, sitting in class, I thought: “At least not 3”... In 10th grade: “At least they gave 3!”.:)

Orbit chewing gum strengthens not only teeth, but also desks at school)

I have never slept so well... Like in history class today.

So 11 years have flown by, and it feels like yesterday I was just standing on the line as a first-grader, and tomorrow I will already be a graduate at the last bell... I love you, school!

The older I get, the more I want to go back to childhood... The little girl who still lives somewhere inside me looks at the world with crazy eyes and says: “Where the f*ck have you brought me?

School is Bolshoi Theater with clowns... someone will definitely do something like that... and to the headmistress on the carpet...

Once a year, in March, the biology teacher took a week off, and then the whole school didn’t know what to do with the kittens!

School - this word kills joy in millions)))))))))))))))))))

Why can't knowledge be transmitted sexually?

School is our favorite home! Then it's better to be homeless!

School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, but they themselves only know one.

They began to study the Kama Sutra in schools. Now children will have nothing to draw in their textbooks -

My father wanted me to have all the educational opportunities that he didn't have - so he sent me to a girls' school.

School is like a toilet, I go there because I have to...

During the first two lessons at school you want to sleep, during the third you want to eat, during the rest you just want to die.

Teachers - the only people who, even after 5 years, still want to take revenge.

Only the school toilet walls are a universal tabloid of student correspondence.

Any adult will envy the undetectability and dexterity with which schoolchildren cheat in class.

Most best helper on dictation - T 9!)

Nowadays, textbooks on the desk are needed only to hide the phone in them when the teacher passes by))

Let's bet: at the beginning of the year you keep your notebooks neatly, but by the end of the year you won't be able to sort them out. And the last pages are completely painted!

I finally want the day when I have to come to school to hand in my textbooks)))

We study, unfortunately, for school and parents, and not for life.


I don’t understand why sit at desks and on hard chairs that you can’t sleep on? Can't you study on the couch? It even feels better this way.

School has started - the hellish collider is running!

The time for evil signs on school doors “quiet, exams are in progress” is approaching.

The school is kind of a weird place, the food is not very good, the staff is rude. Maybe we should go back to the good old kindergarten?

- Mom, I want to go to the toilet! -Have you done your homework?

— Have you prepared for school yet? - Yes, we bought a diary and a belt...

What should a school be like? - exploded.

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J.-J. Danton

Every school is famous not for its numbers, but for the glory of its students. N. Pirogov

The goal of the school should always be to educate a harmonious personality, and not a specialist. A. Einstein

School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip away from your hands. A. Barbusse

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. This is where scientists come from. H. Steinhaus

To educate a people, three things are needed: schools, schools and schools. L. Tolstoy.

Quotes about studying

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students. Talmud

September 1 is a personal April 12 for every first grader, a start into the outer space of knowledge. I. Krasnovsky

There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, they usually turn out to be great people, if only they are raised properly.

A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings. Saadi

Teaching is only light, but folk proverb, - it is also freedom. Nothing liberates a person like knowledge... I. Turgenev.

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps with it. T. Fuller

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life. Seneca

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself. Petronius

Aphorisms about school and study

Live forever - learn forever! And you will finally reach the point where, like a sage, you will have the right to say that you know nothing. K. Prutkov

You have to study a lot to know even a little. Montesquieu

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. L.YesVinci

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. M. Gorky

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. It is from them that scientists emerge. G. Steinhauz

Book and school - what is deeper? P. Tychina

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. He is the personified method of teaching, the very embodiment of the principle of education. A. Diesterweg

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J. Danton

The school gives knowledge only to those who agree to take it . S. Skotnikov

Funny quotes about studying

The house is never as clean as before mom comes home from the parent-teacher meeting.

No one has died from knowledge so far, but it’s not worth the risk.

Smart thoughts haunt me all the time, but I'm faster.

Punishment in elementary school - sit on the last desk, and in the older ones - to the first one.

Are you still young and want changes in your life? Go to school! There are changes every 45 minutes!

During our studies, each of us inevitably encountered various funny and absurd situations. A lot of interesting, memorable and fun things happen in the school every day. That is why there are so many family quotes about school and studying. Reading funny sayings, a person recalls his experiences, friends and teachers, as well as various funny incidents and jokes.

Funny quotes about school for funny statuses

A school is an institution where children are taught the necessary and unnecessary things mixed together, in every possible way preventing them from distinguishing one from the other.

Ambition is when you go to an exam, you think you know a 2, and when they give you a 4, you wonder why not a 5?

Leaving the lesson, the boy Misha slammed the door so hard that Grisha, who was sitting on the windowsill, also left the lesson.

The biggest lie when writing an abstract: “List of used literature.”

They say that no one died from knowledge, but the skeleton in the biology classroom worries me.

We study all our lives, not counting the ten years spent at school

The heartbeat becomes louder, the stomach twists, the knees begin to tremble, the eyes become frightened. Love? No, the teacher just says the phrase: “So, he’ll go to the board...”

When assigning homework, teachers target students and end up targeting parents.

First-graders joyfully go to school on September 1 only because their parents did not say how long they will have to study there.

Those who get up early are told: “Sit down! The lesson is not over yet!”

Just as I was about to come to my senses, the school year ended.

School is our home! Conclusion: it's better to be homeless!

Advert near educational institution: “Especially for those who like to skip school: we invite you to a course to raise your temperature!”

Grades 1–5: – Mom, help me decide...
Grades 6–11: – Maaam! Leave me alone! They didn't really ask anything.

1. Knowledge is power!
2. There is strength - no need for intelligence!
3. No intelligence - consider yourself a cripple!
Conclusion: knowledge cripples a person!

And why is school not a place where you come early and leave early?!

School means nerves to hell, constant lack of sleep and offline in VK.

We go to 1st grade with a briefcase that is twice our size. As a result, we arrive at 11 with one package

On the test our class is as one big family, but there is a black mark in the family.

In all my lessons I sit like a politician: I don’t know anything, but I put on a smart face.

I used to think that teaching homework was the worst thing in the world. Nevermind! The worst thing is learning homework with your child.

A first grader is dragged to school. He leans into it with all his might and shouts: “Eleven years!” For what?!"

In high school independent work ceases to be independent. It is already collective.

I have never allowed school to interfere with my education.

All you had to do was skip class once and it became a habit!

A D student has two things: a car and an apartment, while a C student has three: a car, an apartment and a dacha. And an excellent student has five things: a bald head, big glasses, a stomach ulcer, a debt to the state and a certificate of honor for academic success.

Sometimes you tell yourself: you need to come to your senses! And then you sit, think and understand, but there’s nothing to take on...

The most terrible phrase of school childhood: “Okay, now let’s put away the textbooks and take out double sheets of paper...”

On Monday morning before school, all sorts of illnesses get worse...

School time, despite any difficulties, is considered one of the happiest and most carefree periods in a person’s life. It is during these years that we find our first friends, who most often remain for life, our first love, which truly is the brightest and purest. There are a lot of quotes about school, and many students and teachers use them on their pages on social networks or simply in everyday life. Funny phrases- this is what you need to read before you start academic year so that it starts with a smile!

School years don't last for everyone good impressions. Many children have a hard time dealing with grueling daily classes, heavy homework assignments, and unsatisfactory grades. Many people have no luck with teachers or classmates. How can one make a child look at this hated study and unloved school with completely different eyes? Send your child an uplifting message early in the morning with a meaningful message in the form of a status. Let it be funny status about how school is actually fun and how you will miss this time later. Cheer your child up, and remind yourself of those school years that are long in the past for you. Be patient. And you will definitely find the desired status.

The children were getting ready for school...bathed, shaved, hungover...

It infuriates me when I urgently need to do my homework, I can’t because I’m the laziest ass in the world!

Cool status for schoolchildren: They give you a cutlet in the canteen and there will definitely be a moron who will say something like: “..poor dog..”

The teacher swears at us: “You don’t know anything!” What idiot taught you? - You)))

The speed of running to class after the bell is directly proportional to the importance of this lesson..

If it's green and twitches, it's biology; if it stinks, it's chemistry; if it doesn't work, it's physics.

Today, during a Russian dictation, instead of the phrase “he said sadly,” I drew a sad emoticon XD

It was only me who could do this. Today it took me an hour to get to school due to traffic jams, and then, getting off at the bus stop, I decided to return home)) I’m back! incredibly happy))

So... tomorrow we’ll study algebra, chemistry, literature, Russian and history. where do we start? Let's start with contact))

Late to class. In 1st grade: please excuse me, I won’t do this again. In 8th grade: you can come in... In 11th grade: I came nah!

Only our teacher can add a link to the essay at the end of an essay copied from the Internet in red paste.

Cool status for schoolchildren: You know, I even want to go to school a little... But no, it just seemed like it!

The worst thing is to argue with an excellent student before a test.

The time of avatars in graduation dresses and with certificates in their hands begins...

The main commandment of a schoolchild: Do not snore in class, for if you snore, you will wake up your neighbor.

Google will always help you with your English homework.

Should we talk to children about sex education? - Of course, it is necessary. You will learn a lot of new things...

In the physics textbook: “How to cool hot tea?”.. There is an answer.. It must be turned on. computer, go into contact, and bam.. the tea has cooled

And you, I see, have been reading statuses all summer instead of Tolstoy and Lermontov?

Note in the diary: I swore in German in English class

My physics teacher answered the question “How?” answers: “how” will you do it at home)))

Dad, today at school I called the president obscenities in front of everyone... - Get away from me, boy, a complete stranger!

Cool status for schoolchildren: Only fools hate school. Smart people don't go there

The main rule of a student: never look your teacher in the eyes... he will ask!

Previously, we were frightened by Baba Yaga, old women, belts... But now we have grown up and are no longer afraid of anything. Except for one thing... Unified State Exam!!!

Damn I got burned today! The biology teacher says, “You know, even smokers’ notebooks smell like cigarettes.” I look at the notebook and start checking whether it stinks of cigarettes or not.))

Hello, where are you? -In Hell! -Okay, when you come home from school, you’ll call.

If you are an excellent student at school: grades 1-6 - "great job, well done, keep it up" grades 7 - 9 - "ewww, batanik, crammed ((" grades 10 - 12 - "wow, lucky)))

With the beginning of the school year, new days of the week appeared: - Idler. - Repeater. - Breda. - Chertegderg. - Relaxer. - Clubbot. - Sleeping out :)

An eighth-grader woke up in the morning, looked at the clock and thought: “Nine o’clock.” Damn, I'm late for school, okay, I'll go home.