Should I believe the dreams I had in the morning? Should you believe dreams: Orthodox point of view

Dreams occupy a certain place in our lives. Depending on whether the journey to the kingdom of Morpheus was pleasant, a person’s mood may deteriorate or, on the contrary, improve. Sometimes we remember dreams throughout the day or immediately forget them after waking up. Particularly impressionable people tend to idealize their dreams and consider them harbingers of unheard-of happiness or misfortune. In some cases, they get upset when they see a bad sign for themselves. Skeptics argue that dreams in themselves mean nothing and cannot have any serious consequences.

They say that you don’t need to attach any significance to what you see in the silence of the night. Dark time day is famous for its mystery, and therefore anything can be dreamed of. Should you believe dreams? Today there are special books and electronic portals that describe the interpretation of dreams. Dream books contain a minimum of information about the nature of this phenomenon and rarely give any detailed meaning. Should you trust the interpretation of dreams? Let's try to figure it out!

Light bulb effect

Each dream is unique in itself. There is an opinion that experiences associated with ordinary everyday life are deposited deep in the subconscious, from where they cannot just come out. In a dream, a person relaxes, so the subcortex begins to actively work.

A distinctive feature is that these experiences are almost impossible to notice in yourself. Only when in a state of complete relaxation does a person “light a light bulb” in his head. All unfulfilled desires immediately come out, embodied in the form of dreams.

Lack of logic

Should we believe dreams and dream books? As a rule, when a person sleeps, he does not control the events that occur. There is no possibility of any reaction. In dreams there is often no logic. Events can overlap each other and contradict generally accepted standards. However, in a dream, no one, as a rule, is surprised by a strange coincidence of circumstances. On the contrary, everything seems plausible, despite the obvious absurdity. Should we believe dreams based on this characteristic? The conclusion suggests itself: definitely not. The absence of any logic often reduces interest in dreams in principle, and people try not to pay any attention to them.

Incredible journeys

Being in the arms of Morpheus, a person stops worrying about pressing problems. In many cases, people fly in their dreams, visit some mysterious planets, are messengers of divine creatures. Incredible travel is one of the opportunities to feel happier, free from everyday burdens and various difficulties. Sleep strengthens nervous system a person, allows him to temporarily forget about upcoming decisions complex issues. Such dreams, when you are traveling somewhere, should be taken precisely as an opportunity have a good rest. There is no need to try to look for some additional meanings in them that simply are not there. Just enjoy your vacation and don't make any further assumptions.

Some people have the habit of sleeping during daylight hours. Someone is counting similar phenomenon bad habit, other people don’t see anything special in it. Is it worth believing? daytime dreams? This question worries many who like to sleep sweetly. As a rule, such dreams are not particularly deep. They are superficial and do not bring the desired satisfaction. The healthy need for sleep is only partially realized. It is better to avoid such useless rest, and if it is necessary, then there is no need to worry about the dreams you have at this time. It is unlikely that they will correspond to reality.

About scary dreams

In some cases, a person wakes up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. When you dream you really forget about everything. I just want to hide my head under the blanket and not think about anything. It seems that anything can happen to you; you completely lose your sense of the reality of what is happening. You jump out of such dreams in the same way that specially trained people jump with a parachute. A sudden awakening is also known to not improve health. Certainly, scary dreams can't please.

They tire more than even the most grueling work, they form obsessive states, phobias. What can you dream about? Terrible jaws, bloody battles, etc. Should you believe dreams about teeth? No need. You have to take it on faith that they mean nothing. It’s just that the person was overly tired the day before, has unspoken aggression or uncontrollable fear. To get rid of such unpleasant dreams, you must work on yourself. Overcoming fears is not easy, but effort is still necessary. This will help you stop jumping up at night with anxiety.

What psychologists talk about

Experts tend to approach the issue of dreams with a clear sense of logic. Any unfinished business, unfulfilled promises and individual experiences weigh heavily on the heart. Point of view is a reflection of emotional life. Nothing will bother you just like that. Everything needs a reason.

If desired, the origins of any problem can be found by contacting a psychoanalyst. With the help of such uncontrollable visions, a person is mentally cleansed, which allows him to feel better. This is a necessary step that cannot be ignored. Therefore, each person has the right to decide for himself whether to believe dreams. Having made a choice, accept for yourself specific solution and calm down. You shouldn't torture yourself needlessly.


This interesting question, which deserves special attention. From a religious point of view, dreams are often prophetic, predicting something. They are not thoughtless, not useless, but necessarily indicate some kind of shortcoming that a person needs to eradicate for his spiritual growth. Should you believe dreams? Orthodoxy views this moment wisely and ambiguously. It is necessary to pay attention to what you dream.

But you need to correlate this with your internal state. If there are any negative emotions, it is better to understand their nature, atone for your guilt, and cleanse yourself mentally. Then bad dreams will stop bothering you. Religion calls for this.

How to learn to understand dreams

Being aware of what you see at night is not always necessary. If you want to learn to understand dreams, you must first turn to your inner nature. By carefully analyzing your emotions, you can understand what really bothers you. So any tangle of contradictions can be disassembled into separate threads.

Instead of a conclusion

When trying to answer the question of whether you should believe dreams, you need to consider several points. Under no circumstances should you take any of your overnight experiences at face value. Feelings can be deceiving, being a reflection state of mind, which often has nothing in common with reality. If the dream is too reminiscent of a prophetic one, you can listen to it, identifying something useful for yourself. It is better to immediately subject bad impressions to oblivion, so as not to spoil your life. In any case, there is no need to take dreams too seriously. Most often, they do not mean anything more than just the subjective experiences of an individual person.

After awakening, many try to understand their meaning with the help of online dream books and all kinds of folk interpretations. However, today they are quite well studied by science, which assures that they have no connection with the other world. How can we decipher the signals that our brain sends us during sleep?

Do dreams need to be interpreted?

All people are capable of dreaming: even those who are blind from birth dream of sounds. Plots are formed under the influence of many physical and mental stimuli: health status, posture, long-past or recent impressions, air temperature and even the aroma in the sleeper’s room. They can be so vivid and realistic that they affect your mood throughout the day. But is it necessary to try to interpret them?

Psychologist K. Hall has been collecting people's dreams for more than 30 years. By 1985, he had accumulated 50 thousand people's stories of different ages, religion, social status, and came to the conclusion that they are all quite predictable and monotonous:

    a stranger in a dream is usually an aggressor;

    children more often see animals in their dreams, and adults - people;

    V men's dreams predominantly men appear, and in women's cases representatives of both sexes appear;

    most events in a dream take place at home or at work;

    traveling in a dream is mainly done on foot or by car;

    young people dream of sexual scenes more often than adults;

    evil and cruel people we see in our dreams more often than kind and sweet people.

Hall cites many similar observations, debunking the idea of ​​the mystical nature of sleep. Yes, dreams seem strange and illogical, but their plots are easy to compare with real events and personal experiences. Why invent a non-existent meaning for a tree, cat or fight seen in a dream?

Psychoanalytic approach to dream interpretation

Psychoanalysis is actively searching for the hidden (fortunately, not mystical) meaning of dreams. Representatives of different schools approach interpretation in different ways.

Sigmund Freud was the first to propose using the method of free association to analyze dreams. According to him, the plot of the dream is not so important. It is necessary to pay attention to small details and try to comprehend the role of each of them. In this way, a person will be able to realize the hidden desire hidden behind the dream. Freud believed that most of these censored desires were sexual in nature or expressed repressed aggression.

Carl Gustav Jung interpreted dreams somewhat more broadly, paying attention to the “collective unconscious,” ancient myths and secret language characters. However, Jung was in many ways a mystic, believed in the existence of the soul and argued that neuroses modern man associated with the loss of faith in God.

Modern psychoanalysts associate dreams with manifestations of unconscious drives and argue that it is their suppression that leads to various depressions and some others. mental illness. However, there is no single, proven concept of dreams, which is due to different approaches to the theory of consciousness and personality itself.

Why are dream books dangerous?

Most often, women are susceptible to misinterpretation of dreams. Seeing bad dream, they remember grandmothers’ stories, endow it with hidden meaning, and may even consider it prophetic. To understand the secret warning, they search the Internet for all sorts of dream books that are ridiculously irrational: an office chair can be explained by the imminent death of a dog, and falling autumn leaves - chronic disease kidney

You can’t trust Freud’s dream books either: psychoanalysts never consider symbols in isolation from the context and the real person. What is presented on the Internet under the guise of dream interpretation is quackery.

The power of self-hypnosis can really lead a person to a real illness. The psychological attitude pushes impressionable people into deliberately dangerous behavior: they eat worse, dress inappropriately for the weather, worry a lot, and having developed ARVI, gastritis, or gastritis, they confidently declare: “It’s not for nothing that I had this dream!”

How to react to bad dreams?

Don't be afraid of your subconscious. If you saw an attack in a dream, most likely you are worried about the upcoming important event or have experienced conflict. Did you dream about the illness or death of a relative? This may indicate that you are worried about his health. Do you dream that your loved one is cheating? Perhaps you were impressed by your friend’s story, or are tormented by jealousy, self-doubt or remorse.

In any case, you should not look for a black cat in a dark room. Especially if she's not there. Be critical of any information and remember that we ourselves can choose how a dream will affect our life.

Maria Nitkina