Smart thoughts about success. Success. Touching phrases about success

Live like you're going to die tomorrow. Study as if you were going to live forever.

"Mahatma Gandhi"

You must learn the rules of the game. And only after that you should play better than others.

"Albert Einstein"

A successful person is one who can build a strong foundation from the bricks that others have thrown at him.

"David Brinkley"

A successful warrior is ordinary person, capable of focusing on a target like a shooter with a laser sight.

"Bruce Lee"

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

"Eleanor Roosevelt"

The height of today's triumph indicates the depth of future fall.

"Jaromir Sudak"

It really comes down to your philosophy. Do you want to play it safe and good or would you like to take risks for a chance to be great?

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

"Eleanor Roosevelt"

Money cannot buy one thing - poverty. Here you need to contact the bank for a mortgage.

"Sergei Yasinsky"

Major success is made up of many planned and thoughtful little details.

"Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky"

Take one idea. Make this idea your life - think about it, dream about it, live it. Let your brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this idea and leave the rest of the ideas alone. This is the path to success.

"Swami Vivekananda"

Don't crave success in the world. Not being deluded is already success. Don't seek people's mercy. Not to deserve their hatred is already mercy.

"Hong Zichen"

U rising sun more fans than the one who comes in.

"Pompey the Great"

On high tower You can only climb up the spiral staircase.

"Francis Bacon"

Persistence and the will to win are two main factors of success.

"Brian Tracy"

The first step towards achieving success is refusing to be a prisoner of the environment in which you first need to find yourself.

"Mark Kine"

The secret of success in society is simple: you need a certain cordiality, you need goodwill towards others.

When I allow myself to use my strength and power to achieve what is in front of my eyes, then it does not matter at all whether I feel fear or not.

Create success from failure. Despondency and failure are two last steps on the way to success.

"Dale Carnegie"

Success is getting benefit from everything that happens and enjoying the process. If you focus on this and accept this definition, then success is on your side.

"Kelly Kim"

Difference between successful people and the rest, not at all in the presence of strength, not in knowledge, but rather in the presence of will.

"Vince Lombardi"

Success is often achieved by those who are unaware of the inevitability of failure.

If you don't value your time, others won't value it either. Stop giving away your time and talents. All that matters is what you know and what you charge for.

"Kim Garst"

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, stop and think.

"Mark Twain"

Quotes about success

The success of one brave man always inspires a whole generation to zeal and courage.

"Honoré de Balzac"

People always blame circumstances. I don't believe in circumstances. In this world, only those who seek the conditions they need achieve success and, if they do not find them, create them themselves.

"George Bernard Shaw"

I used to want my gravestone to say “She tried...”, but now I want “She did it.”

"Katherine Dunham"

Slavish mediocrity is who achieves everything.

"Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais"

Every great thought begins with a dreamer. Always remember that you have the willpower, patience and passion to reach for the stars and change the world.

"Harriet Tubman"

One must have the courage to sacrifice immediate success for more important things.

"Friedrich Engels"

If a person confidently moves towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and completely unexpectedly.

Don't let the fear of loss dominate the excitement of winning.

"Robert Kiyosaki"

Success requires only two things: 1. you need to know exactly what you want; 2. you need to determine what price you are willing to pay to achieve your goal.

If life suddenly, for no apparent reason, begins to shower you with roses from head to toe, look carefully up to see if a flower pot is flying from the windowsill after you.

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do than by what you did do.

"Mark Twain"

Success should be measured not so much by the position that a person has achieved in life, but by the obstacles that he has overcome in achieving success.

A general who has won a victory has, in the eyes of the public, made no mistakes at all, just as a defeated general is always wrong, no matter how appropriate his course of action.


Someone who seems to have achieved everything in life is usually in a state where inconveniences and sorrows overshadow joys and joys.

"Jonathan Swift"

The question is not who is going to allow me, but who is going to stop me.

"Ain Raid"

"William James"

Successful people are always on the move. The more success they achieve, the more they want to achieve it in the future, and the more they find ways to achieve their success. Another tendency operates in the same way when something fails, during these periods it is very important to hold on and not go into a downward spiral.

"Tony Robbins"

If in the world of truths everything is decided by proof, then in the world of facts decisive role success plays.

"Oswald Spengler"

The choice is ours, because only we can show who we really are. After all, in fact, we are much more than our capabilities.

"D. Rowling"

I didn't fail. I just found 10 thousand ways that don't work.

"Thomas Edison"

A truly thinking person draws as much knowledge from his mistakes as from his successes.

Anyone who does not despise success is not worthy of it.

"Edmond Goncourt"

It is easier to achieve success than to earn it.

"Albert Camus"

There is nothing worse than the success of our colleagues, especially when they deserve it.

"Georges Elgozy"

You can't connect the dots looking forward. To connect them, you need to look back into the past. Therefore, you must trust the dots that you will connect with each other in the future. You have to believe in something, be it karma, character, destiny, life or anything else. This approach to life has never let me down and it was he who made all the changes in my life.

"Steve Jobs"

The focus on success, as well as success itself, has a narrowing effect.

"Elias Canetti"

Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed.


Best quotes about success:

No man in all of history has achieved anything great without first conjuring it up in his imagination.

"Napoleon Hill"

If you act the same as everyone else, what result will you get? This is why most people fail to succeed. Because they don't do the things that champions do.

In any project the most important factor is belief in success. Without faith, success is impossible.

"William James"

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.

"Jared Leto"

Great things need to be done, not thought about endlessly.

You can do everything right over and over again, but it is not at all a fact that you will succeed. Connections, relationships, whims big shots and the assessments of your superiors can turn everything upside down in an instant, turning your achievements into nothing. Watari Wataru.

Success is not a measure of who you are, but of the obstacles you have had to overcome along the way. George Gregory Plitt (Jr.)

Run towards your fears instead of running away from them. Tyra Banks

If you are offended and angry, then your opponent has succeeded. Janusha Fleiman.

I can’t give you a formula for success, but I’m ready to give you a formula for failure: try to please everyone. G. Swope

Success came to me at 30 years old. Perhaps not as quickly as we would like. But I learned to appreciate my achievements and cherish them. Eva Longoria

Worthy people are good because they come to wisdom through failure. As you know, we are not very smart from success. William Saroyan

Don't be afraid to lose. Winners are not afraid to lose. Failure is part of the road to success. People who avoid failure also avoid success. Robert Kiyosaki

You always need to know how to sell an idea. This is exactly what the success of any enterprise lies in: being able to sell what the consumer wants. Paulo Coelho

Achieve success, as one said English philosopher, means to die where you choose, surrounded by the people you want to see.
And nothing more. Jorge Bucay

Success is more than just luck. You need to believe in yourself and bring your plans to life. Then others begin to believe in you. Richard Branson

My father explained to me as a child that people don't like it when you succeed. John Jones

You will succeed if you don't stop halfway. Konosuke Matsushita

I don't measure my success in anything. What happened yesterday happened yesterday, but you need to think about what will happen tomorrow. Life goes by too fast for me to think about the past. Lionel Messi

Success is emotionally draining. Mario Puzo

To become the best, you do not need confirmation in the form of honors diplomas and gold medals. Success has nothing to do with quantity higher education. Former C-grade students grow into idols and millionaires, while an impeccable certificate may remain the only achievement of yesterday's excellent student. Oleg Roy

80% of success is showing up in the right place V right time. Woody Allen

Success is a science, if you have the conditions, you will get the result. Oscar Wilde

I can't give you a formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everyone. Gerard Swope

Punctuality is the basis of organization. Organization is the basis of success. Jonathan Coe

To be successful you don't have to be smarter than others, you just have to be a day faster than most. Leo Szilard

The greatest success - and at the same time the most tragic - is the one that no one noticed. John Malkovich

I want it. So it will be. Henry Ford

If you want to do something well, do it yourself. Ferdinand Porsche

To achieve success, you don’t have to like to work, the main thing is not to like sitting idle. Alexey Vorobyov

Six components of the key to success: sincerity, personal integrity, modesty, courtesy, wisdom, mercy. William Menninger

Success is a shy guy. To achieve it you need the right combination wind, stars and moon. Franz Beckenbauer

Success is a ladder, where with each next step you will be thrown off by the one who follows you. Svetlana Mertsalova

Successful people are 100% confident that they control their destiny, that they do not depend on circumstances, but create them themselves, so if circumstances do not suit them, they simply change them. Jordan Belfort

Statements, quotes from great philosophers and thinkers, cultural figures, as well as famous people different areas of science and art and not only about success.

Aphorisms about success

There is no success in the temple open doors. Each person entering breaks through his own door, which closes tightly behind him for all others and does not allow even his own children to pass through. (O. Marden)

I want it. So it will be. (Henry Ford)

I used to say, “I hope things change.” Then I realized that there is the only way For everything to change, I have to change myself. (Jim Rohn)

Everything will come true, you just have to stop wanting it. (Faina Ranevskaya)

The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try and try and try again - but never give up! (Richard Branson)

All this is so not because I am so smart. This is all due to the fact that I don’t give up for a long time when solving a problem. (Albert Einstein)

Laziness makes everything difficult. (Benjamin Franklin)

Our big flaw is that we give up too quickly. Most the right way The key to success is to always try one more time. (Thomas Edison)

Personally, I love strawberries and cream, but for some reason fish prefer worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I like, but about what the fish like. (Dale Carnegie)

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?” (Pythagoras)

Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”. (Robert Kiyosaki)

Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant. (Warren Buffett)

Old people always advise young people to save money. This bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. (Henry Ford)

The hardest road always leads to the top. (Christina Aguilera)

Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true. (Richard Bach)

You need to collect the stones that are thrown at you. This is the foundation of the future pedestal... (Hector Berlioz)

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. AND the only person The best you should be is who you are now. (Sigmund Freud)

When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind! (Henry Ford)

It doesn't matter how many of you there are. It is important to have faith and it is important to have a clear plan. Victory is perseverance. (Fidel Castro)

By investing time now, I gain time in the future. (Robert Kiyosaki)

If the heroes had time to think, there would be no heroism at all. (Peter Ustinov)

The most important thing in your life is ultimately your time. (Alan Lacane)

Time is the most limited capital, and if you can’t manage it, you won’t be able to manage anything else. (Peter Drucker)

Time is the least flexible element in your existence. (Ted W. Engstrom)

Just knowing is not enough; you also need to apply your knowledge in practice. (Goethe)

Most important act- think about yourself. Out loud. (Coco Chanel)

You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. (Coco Chanel)

Only those who dare to make big mistakes will be able to achieve big successes. (Toby Reynolds)

The ability to manage time, along with proper leadership and techniques for influencing people, is a factor that determines your success or failure. (Ulrich Sievert)

It is true that angels exist, but sometimes they lack wings and we call them friends. (Author unknown)

He who lets his time slip away lets his life slip from his hands; he who holds his time in his hands holds his life in his hands. (Alan Lacane)

Are you concerned about the future? Build today. You can change everything. Grow a cedar forest on a barren plain. But it is important that you do not construct cedars, but plant seeds. (A. de Saint-Exupéry)

There is nothing easier than being busy and nothing more difficult than being productive. (Alain Mackenzie)

The greatness of a person is his ability to think. (Pascal)

Life is ten percent what you do in it, and ninety percent how you receive it. (Maugham)

Once we finally lost sight of the goal, we redoubled our efforts. (Mark Twain)

Never give up, even if you are eaten, you have two options. (Napoleon)

It seems that the key to success lies in the ability to continue to hold on to what you have when others have already given up. (Toby Reynolds)

Be afraid of your wishes - they come true! (Stations)

Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it. (Richard Bach)

Success is nothing more than a few simple rules followed daily, and failure is simply a few mistakes repeated daily. (Jim Rohn)

Never listen to anyone, have your own opinion, your own head, your own thoughts and ideas, plans for life. Don't chase after anyone, just take a step towards, but not in pursuit. Nobody needs you. This is life. No one will build your happiness for you. (Jack Canfield)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight with you. Then you win. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Twenty years from now you will regret more the things you didn't do than the things you did do. Therefore, cast aside your doubts! Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the fair wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open it up. (Mark Twain)

When it is obvious that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your plan of action. (Confucius)

A big tree grows from a sprout, a nine-story tower from a handful of earth, and a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. (Lao Tzu)

Don't let anyone, ever, make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. (Heath Ledger)

We do not dare to do much, not because it is difficult; it is difficult precisely because we do not dare to do it. (Seneca)

A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, but imagination is unlimited. (Albert Einstein)

Great things need to be done, not thought about endlessly. (Julius Caesar)

A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts. (Confucius)

I cannot control the direction of the wind, but I can always set the sails in such a way as to achieve my goal. (Oscar Wilde)

Success is what makes great people. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Each of us wants to become a successful person. But let's think for a moment, what is success? This term does not exist uniform definition. It is individual for each of us and depends on the area in which we are looking for it.

However, from time to time, each of us needs a source of inspiration from which we will draw strength and who will support us and help us move on. To this end, I have collected for you quotes from great people about success.

30 quotes from great people about success

If you are not in the business of building your dreams, someone will hire you to help them build their own dreams. Dhirubhai Ambani

The first step towards achieving success is refusing to be a prisoner of the environment in which you first need to find yourself. Mark Cain

You can't connect the dots looking forward. To connect them, you need to look back into the past. Therefore, you must trust the dots that you will connect with each other in the future. You have to believe in something, be it karma, character, destiny, life or anything else. This approach to life has never let me down and it was he who made all the changes in my life. Steve Jobs

Successful people are always on the move. The more success they achieve, the more they want to achieve it in the future, and the more they find ways to achieve their success. Another tendency works in the same way, when something does not work out, during these periods it is very important to hold on and not go into a downward spiral. Tony Robbins

When I allow myself to use my strength and power to achieve what is in front of my eyes, then it does not matter at all whether I feel fear or not. Audre Lorde

The choice is ours, because only we can show who we really are. After all, in fact, we are much more than our capabilities. J. Rowling

You must learn the rules of the game. And only after that should you play better than others. Albert Einstein

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, stop and think. Mark Twain

A successful person is one who can build a strong foundation from the bricks that others have thrown at him. David Brinkley

The question is not who is going to allow me, but who is going to stop me. Ain Reid

Who are the crazy people? These are those who are not suitable for any position. These are rebels, troublemakers. Round pegs for square holes. Those who see things around them completely differently. They don't like rules. They don't respect the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify them, or denigrate them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they can make a difference. They push humanity forward. And while some see them as crazy, we see them as geniuses. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who can do it. Steve Jobs

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

I didn't fail. I just found 10 thousand ways that don't work. Thomas Edison

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt

If you don't value your time, others won't value it either. Stop giving away your time and talents. All that matters is what you know and what you charge for. Kim Garst

I used to want my gravestone to say “She tried...”, but now I want “She did it.” Katherine Dunham

Don't let the fear of loss dominate the excitement of winning. Robert Kiyosaki

Live like you're going to die tomorrow. Study as if you were going to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi

The difference between successful people and the rest is not at all the presence of power, not the knowledge, but rather the presence of will. Vince Lombardi

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed in what you didn't do than in what you did do. Mark Twain

A successful warrior is an ordinary person who can focus on a target like a marksman with a laser sight. Bruce Lee

Every great thought begins with a dreamer. Always remember that you have the willpower, patience and passion to reach for the stars and change the worldHarriet Tubman

It really comes down to your philosophy. Do you want to play it safe and good or would you like to take risks for a chance to be great? Jimmy J.

Success, like most things, begins with your attitude towards it. And if you fight for it, then it will help you with this new selection motivational quotes about success and achievement.

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to just wait for it.
Henry David Thoreau

The starting point of any success is desire.
Napoleon Hill

Those who do their jobs in the best way do best.
John Wooden

If you don't want to risk familiar things, you will have to accept them.
Jim Rohn

Take the idea. Make it your life - think about it, dream about it, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this one idea. This is the path to success.
Swami Vivekananda

To achieve success, stop chasing money, chase your dreams.
Tony Hsieh

Opportunities don't really just appear. You create them yourself.
Chris Grosser

Not the best survives strong look, and not the smartest, but the one that best adapts to change.
Charles Darwin

The secret to a successful life is to understand what you are meant to do and do it.
Henry Ford

Even if you are going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill

What sometimes seems to us like a severe test can turn out to be an unexpected success.
Oscar Wilde

Don't be afraid to sacrifice good things for even better things.
John Davison Rockefeller

There are two types of people who will tell you that you can't achieve something: those who are afraid to try themselves, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.
Ray Goforth

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day.
Robert Collier

If you want to achieve perfection, you can achieve it today. Just stop doing anything imperfectly this very second.
Thomas J. Watson

All progress happens outside of your comfort zone.
Michael John Bobak

I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is the desire to please everyone.
Bill Cosby

Courage is overcoming and mastering fear, not the absence of it.
Mark Twain

You can only succeed if you want to succeed, you can only fail if you don't mind failing.

Successful people do what unsuccessful people don't want to do. Don't strive for it to be easier, strive for it to be better.
Jim Rohn