David's name is what nationality. Positive character traits. Animal - symbol

When new person is born, parents experience natural concern about it future fate. They are ready to do everything possible to keep him healthy and happy. There is an opinion that the name that will be given to your beloved child can have a significant impact on his subsequent life.

It was expressed by some Greek minds, astrologers and even recent philosophers, for example: Someone is skeptical about such judgments, while others perceive them with a certain degree of interest. For the last category of parents, this review will consider the origin, meaning and nationality of the name David.

Origin of the name

Perhaps the most famous character with this name is biblical king David. The meaning and origin of the name David is often associated with him. The time of his reign is presumably the 9th-10th century BC new era. He ruled for about 50 years, first in Judah (with its capital in Hebron), and then in the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah (with its capital in Jerusalem). He was famous as a powerful, wise and enlightened ruler.

What does the name David mean? The meaning of the name has Jewish roots; translated from Hebrew it means “beloved”, “beloved”. Although the existence of a Jewish king with this name is not an indisputable fact today, some parents, when giving it to a boy, believe that he will have the qualities mentioned above. In the Russian tradition, the name is pronounced as Davyd, and in the Muslim tradition it is pronounced Daud, or Davud.

David's name day

Birthday days for David are:

  • in January - 5, 10, 27;
  • in July - 8, 9, 15;
  • in September - 18 and 19;
  • in October - 15 and 31;
  • in December - 16.

According to astrologers, people with the name David, born on these days, are characterized by such qualities as love of freedom, independence, strength of character, perseverance, and risk-taking.

Name talismans

Astrologers say the following about David’s talismans:

  • Its planets are Mercury and Mars.
  • The birthstone of people with this name is amethyst.
  • Their element is Fire.
  • The symbolic metal is iron.
  • Lucky number is the number 6.
  • It is best to give the name David to those boys born under the signs of Libra and Capricorn.
  • The animal that protects David is aurochs.
  • The plant that is favorable to it is the laurel tree.

Life success and disadvantages

The meaning of the name David for a boy suggests that with the above character traits he will be able to achieve great success in life, including sports, find his calling and meet his parents’ hopes for his bright future. Of course, for this they will need to make a number of efforts in the process of upbringing in order to overcome negative aspects.

The meaning of the name David for a child suggests that on his way he will encounter difficulties associated with a strong and domineering character. Not everyone will like his self-confidence and straightforwardness. And excessive sincerity can sometimes border on indelicacy. This is what father and mother need to pay attention to in order to correct such nuances in time.

Early years

The relationship between the meaning of name and fate for the boy David begins to manifest itself in his early years. On the one hand, the child is distinguished by kindness and cheerfulness, sociability, friendliness and cheerfulness. On the other hand, he is characterized by calmness, prudence, patience, and restraint.

Another feature that distinguishes David and has been evident since childhood is his integrity, sense of justice and responsibility. You can give him various small tasks, which he will carry out with dignity. David is also distinguished by his quick wit and ability to solve problems with an intellectual bias.

It should be noted that the meaning of the name David for a boy is associated with another difficulty that he will encounter due to the lack of the ability to quickly establish new contacts. That is, those friendliness and sociability that were mentioned above do not come to him immediately. He shows these qualities to people he already knows, close people and relatives. As for other people, you need to help the child find a common language with them, which will make his life much easier in the future.


The meaning of the name David for this time is as follows. If his parents took into account certain difficulties at the beginning of the period of communication with unfamiliar people and helped the child overcome this disadvantage, then he will turn into a sociable teenager. He will attract others with his charm, cheerful disposition, eloquence and decency. This will allow David to better demonstrate those leadership qualities, which are inherent given name, and also find true friends.

For David it's still great value has a family and immediate circle. He is ready to give his time and warm feelings to those close to him, to sacrifice something significant, to give good advice, help in trouble and in a difficult situation.

At the same time, he himself shares his problems and concerns and can ask for help. Here the boy’s parents can be advised to pay attention to his excessive gullibility, and perhaps naivety, promiscuity in people, since he prefers to notice mainly positive qualities.

Adult David

Let's talk about the meaning of the name David for an adult man. With age, David's soft features will soften somewhat, he will become more strict, reasonable, firm and calm. He will gain self-confidence, it will be difficult to lead him astray, piss him off, or touch a nerve. David will also become secretive, less trusting and sociable.

His integrity will only strengthen over the years, he will be more courageous, persistent, one might even say, stubborn. These traits will manifest themselves in all areas of David's life and activities - at work, at home, with friends. At the same time, he will remain as responsible as in his childhood. He will not waste words, will not let his comrade down, and will do his job conscientiously.

Among other things, his leadership qualities will be strengthened, he will be able to make a good career, lead an important area of ​​work, lead people and achieve significant success in accomplishing his tasks.

Davids are tall as adults moral qualities in personal relationships. They are devoted friends, attentive sons and caring husbands. They are also no strangers to romance in relationships with the opposite sex. Sometimes married man with the name David may succumb to passion and look the other way, but, as a rule, he is able to come to his senses and pull himself together, successfully resolving the situation. Let's take a closer look at his relationships with women.

David and women

The meaning of the name David in relationships with women is manifested as follows. IN adolescence a guy with this name will not be deprived of female attention, as, indeed, in his older years. But at the same time, he will always be hampered by childhood complexes associated with the dating process, even if in relation to men they will be overcome with age.

David will always need some kind of push to develop feelings and relationships with girls. He will prefer a situation in which a potential partner makes the first step.

The meaning of the name David has a significant impact on his personal life. Astrologers predict a rather stormy course for men with this name, full of surprises and serious passions. It is believed that David’s first marriage was often unsuccessful, and this despite his warmth and sincerity. Astrologers explain this by the fact that he often succumbs to the first impulse, without understanding the true state of affairs, having united, as they say, with the wrong person.

As for the second attempt to start a family, it is, as a rule, doomed to success. Moreover, David turns into an ideal husband - a provider and protector, a father who is an example for his children. As mentioned above, if he has any connections on the side, they are usually fleeting and very rare.

Character and time of year

According to astrologers, the character of David has certain characteristics depending on the time of year in which he was born. Here are some examples:

  • Summer Davids are somewhat more emotional than the reserved boys born in other seasons. They are more sociable, active, inquisitive and courageous.
  • Boys born in the autumn are more thorough, pragmatic, calm and reasonable. They are less sociable and open to relationships.
  • Men named David, born in winter, are characterized by stubbornness, self-confidence and determination. They are very purposeful, successful, easily overcome obstacles, and are always ready to fight unfavorable circumstances, which only strengthen them and do not stop them.
  • A feature of the spring Davids is a penchant for romance, creative impulses, flights of fancy and a developed imagination. They are not as persistent and calm as those born in winter and autumn, but they are just as reliable and ready to help people who need them.

Having familiarized yourself with the origin and meaning of the name David, you can come to the conclusion that such people are inherent in contradictions. They are not solid natures, but nevertheless their predominant qualities make them extraordinary and attractive to others. These people combine pragmatism and romance, determination and kindness, loyalty and the ability to get carried away. If you seriously believe the influence of a name on a person’s destiny, then we can say that the influence of the name David will not be negative.

The male name David is widely known throughout the world. It is included in the lists of the most popular names in France and Germany, and is widespread throughout Europe.

In the history of mankind there are many famous people bearing this name. What is the origin and meaning of the name David?

History and significance

Named David Jewish origin, from Hebrew it is translated as “beloved.” Some sources believe that the name is of Muslim origin and is derived from the name of the king, whose name was Daoud. The name David is also found in Orthodoxy. In Russia, the name used to be pronounced as Davyd, which is where the surname Davydov came from.

IN biblical history this name is associated with the brave sheep shepherd David, who defeated the evil giant Goliath in battle. The Philistines fought against the Israeli state, and the giant was their most terrible weapon. David, who volunteered to fight him, knocked the villain onto his back, throwing a stone at his forehead, after which he cut off his head. The Philistines, seeing this, fled.

Subsequently, David accomplished many other feats, became the favorite of the people and the king of the Israeli-Jewish state, and to this day is a prominent personality in Jewish mythology. Another patron of the name is the Greek saint David of Thessalonica, who lived in the fifth century and had the gift of healing.

Although the origin of the name is Jewish, other nationalities also use it very widely in various interpretations. For example, in England the name David is most often used, the Italians say Davide, among the Finns this name sounds like Taaveti, and it is also very popular among the Tatar and Armenian peoples.

Other forms of the name are Dave, Dev, Davy, David, Daivi. Associated zodiac signs are and, lucky stones are ruby ​​and amethyst.

David has many name days throughout the year. He celebrates his day every month:

  • January – 5th, 10th, 27th.
  • February – 8, 14.
  • March – 1, 5, 18.
  • April – 25.
  • May – 15, 20, 31.
  • June – 14, 26.
  • July – 8, 9, 15.
  • August – 6.
  • September – 18, 19.
  • October – 2, 7, 15, 31.
  • November – 14.
  • December – 16.

Angel Day in Orthodoxy is usually considered the first of these days, following the birthday.

Temperament and fate

Since childhood, David has had a very kind and friendly character. He smiles often and knows how to enjoy life. His open character and sociability touch even strangers. The child has good health and loves sports very much. He enjoys attending various sports clubs. His commitment to sports remains with him throughout his life.

David grows up to be a very obedient child; he is very attached to his mother. The boy's behavior is always excellent - both in kindergarten and at school. He has no problems communicating with adults; the child is never insolent or rude to them. It causes very little trouble for parents.

The boy easily finds a common language with both his peers and adults. This means that David has no enemies. But he has many friends and well-wishers. The character of a leader is noticeable in a child already from early childhood, because in many companies he is an authority for the guys.

David is hyperactive, but if you cultivate perseverance in him, the boy will not have problems with his studies. If from early childhood his parents can instill in him a thirst for knowledge, then David will be able to study without much difficulty. He especially excels in the exact sciences and has an analytical mind.

With age, David's character changes and becomes truly masculine traits. He is no longer that soft boy who is easy to control. David is very confident and able to keep his word. The main feature character is balance. He never loses his composure, everyone is present in him necessary for a man quality in the right proportions.

A man himself decides what his fate will be. He moves through life with firm and confident steps, without wasting his time on trifles. And if David has decided something, it will be impossible to convince him. Possessing excellent health, David continues to enjoy sports. In his life there is always a place for active hobbies, travel and adventure.

Charismatic David is the life of the party, he loves people with good feeling humor. He still has a lot of friends and acquaintances, which often helps him in life. He is very sociable and kind, always ready to help.

David is somewhat selfish, but this only adds zest to his character. He is generous and unforgiving. He quickly forgives traitors, but immediately stops all communication with them.

David always strives for self-improvement. As a rule, he chooses a quality education and is very well read and intelligent. Never resting on his laurels, he makes many plans, which he subsequently brings to life.

Career and love

David does not like to be financially dependent on someone, so he always achieves success in his career in order to provide for himself high level life. He is not used to routine work in one place; communication and constant movement are important to him.

Often he finds himself in such professions as architect, officer, businessman. He often achieves success in sports career. The main incentive for him is good earnings and the desire to provide for his family. Possessing high intelligence and a strong grip, he reaches the top in any business.

In relationships with women, this person is very selective and has good taste. He chooses an attractive, sexy, bold and independent woman. A man really values ​​the intelligence of his chosen one. Being a very romantic person, he will carry his woman in his arms and care for her.

David and his companion are happily married. As a rule, David marries for the first time when he is still very young. According to statistics, spouses often separate, but remain in good relations. But the second marriage will be very long and strong.

This man is a wonderful family man. He was born to create a family, this is the main goal of his life. David is a wonderful host, he cooks and cleans the house very well, without considering it an exclusively female occupation.

David is an excellent father; he takes parenting issues very seriously. A man cares about the future of his children, so he strives with all his might to raise good people that he can be proud of. And although sometimes he is too strict, the children love and respect their father very much.

It is very important for him that comfort and tranquility reign at home. He expects support from his wife in all his endeavors and wise advice. Such a woman will always come first for him.

The meaning of the name David hides a lot of advantages. It means confidence, recognition by others and the unshakable desire of the owner of the name to live life to the fullest. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

David is a well-known Hebrew name in Christian circles, the interpretation of which sounds in translation as “beloved”, “chosen one”.

Origin of the name

For many believers, the name David, the meaning of the name and its fate are invariably associated with the king of the Jews, the prophet David, who ruled in Jerusalem for forty years and was a sincere servant of the faith of Christ.

It is easy to meet carriers of this masculine address all over the world - the vast majority of them are successful and famous people.

General characteristics

David grows like an exotic indoor plant - sickly and impressionable. The mother will have to undergo repeated sleepless nights at the baby's crib, while his psyche and physical health will become resilient and stable.

Thanks to increased attention On the part of adults, Dava receives comprehensive development - at school he is often considered an excellent student. Understanding the value of knowledge of science, the guy definitely strives to get a higher education.

The owner of the prophetic name is distinguished by one feature - Davidka wants to please people and tries in every possible way to be useful to society. Without recognition and approval, he considers his life worthless and insipid.

The range of professions in which a young man will be successful is quite wide: he masters jewelry or construction, learns the basics of entrepreneurship and accounting, capable of becoming an actor, announcer or fashion designer.

David is a favorite of women, so he does not dare to remain faithful to one chosen one all his life. Being married, he can indulge in a fleeting affair on the side, and if he gets too carried away, he will, without regret, break the bonds of Hymen and marry a new passion. However, it is not a fact that this relationship will last longer than the previous one.

Positive character traits

The bearer of the biblical nickname is an excellent strategist and prudent manager. If David takes on a promising business, he will undoubtedly bring it to a successful conclusion. Developed intuition and deep economic knowledge help a guy determine the degree of benefit of a particular event.

David's ability to look impressive attracts people valuable to his career. When a guy needs it, he easily wins the trust of his superiors, makes useful contacts and receives the support of high-ranking officials.

Negative character traits

Excessive self-confidence and snobbery of the “beloved” alienate his true friends. There is no warmth and sincere soulfulness in him; he lives like a mechanical robot, without revealing sincere emotions.

You will not be able to instill in David your own moral principles; he absorbs emotions and generates them through the prism of his own worldview, saturated with selfishness.

In addition, Davidik is prone to squandering, he is used to living in luxury and demands that those around him indulge his whims. Only fatherly instructions, and sometimes strong male hand, will help the boy understand the value of money.

Zodiac sign

The name David corresponds to the zodiac constellation Libra.
The inventive Mercury becomes the boy's patron planet.
Red, blue, warm brown colors most acceptable when choosing clothes for a child.
An amethyst ring or tourmaline bracelet perfectly serves as a talisman for the boy named David.


Dava, Davidushka, Davidik, Davydka, Davidka, Davidenok, Davushka, Davydochka, Dodya.

Name options

Daoud, Davyd, David.

Historical figures

OK. 1035 BC - OK. 935 BC e. – II King of Judah David.
Born 1940 - first Soviet and now Russian composer David Tukhmanov.
Born 1947 - British sound engineer, actor, rock singer David Bowie.
Born 1960 – American actor, musician, director David Duchovny.
Born 1966 - American film actor, director David Schwimmer.
Born 1967 – musician, DJ living in France, David Guetta.
Born 1971 – actor, producer, screenwriter, former wrestler David Arquette.
Born 1971 – Scottish actor David Tennant.
Born 1973 – French actor, stuntman David Belle.
Born 1975 - British footballer, midfielder David Beckham.
Born 1980 – Spanish national team player, defensive player David Navarro-Pedros.
Born 1981 – Russian film actor, rap artist David Nuriev.
Born 1981 – Deputy Prosecutor General of first Georgia, then Ukraine David
Born 1981 - Spanish football player David Villa.
Born 1982 – tennis player representing Spain, David Ferrer.
Born 1986 - Spanish football player David Silva.
Born 1987 – football player, Brazilian David Luiz.
Born 1990 - Spanish footballer David de Gea.
Born 1992 – Austrian footballer, Afro-Asian by origin David Alaba.


David - Hebrew origin male name. In Hebrew this name sounds like David. Translated it means “favorite”, “beloved”, “beloved” man. Moreover, it is popular not only in Russia and countries with Russian-speaking populations, but also abroad.

The male name David does not have Russian origins, but it has good significance, excellent symbolism, and excellent compatibility with the signs of the zodiac. And plus, it’s compatible not only with Russians female names, but also with foreign...

Conversational options: Davidka, Dava, Dev

Modern English analogues : Davyd, Daivi, Devi

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Davil promises boys such traits as self-will, physical and bodily well-being, purity of mind, practicality, authoritarianism, risk-taking, persistence, goodwill, narcissism, responsibility and commitment, punctuality and exactingness.

This man will achieve success in everything, especially in sports. He is purposeful, kind and generous, hardworking, but not entirely sociable. And in general, not everyone feels comfortable around him. Not everyone likes his straightforwardness. But he is honest and sincere, he will never deceive, he always keeps his word.

Advantages and positive features: never breaks his promises and tries to do only good things, helps everyone, never refuses help to anyone, is fair and does not tolerate when someone is undeservedly offended. He is also loyal and will never betray.

David treats him badly people who try to manipulate him or profit from his success, those individuals who are prone to lies and betrayal, and leaders who try to dominate the weak.

The name David is not considered natively Russian and is equally popular in the most different countries Europe.

Character of the name David

The character of the name David is such that it promises its bearers a unique nature in all respects. These are, for the most part, kind, fair, good-natured, peaceful, calm, cheerful men. But they are all united by one more factor - all Davids’ character is endowed with such traits as shyness and naivety, suspiciousness and self-doubt. Of course, it is possible to overcome these traits, but you will have to make a lot of effort. Plus, the Davids worry too much about their position in society, they depend too much on the opinions of the people around them, and are afraid of making a mistake in the eyes of others, of looking unworthy.

At the same time, the character of the Davids also presupposes the presence of such important qualities as honesty, determination, hard work, diligence, commitment, responsibility, self-confidence in their own rightness, prudence - the character of such men allows them to achieve a lot in life, but only on the condition that they manage to overcome timidity and self-doubt. Although, again, not everyone is inherently insecure - usually Davids born in winter time year.

And again, character is a very complex factor, and it is very difficult to predict its traits based solely on the characteristics of the name. Upbringing can have a particularly strong influence on character. Plus, the influence on the character of such a factor as the energy of the zodiac sign is important.

Early childhood

From early childhood, a boy to whom his parents decided to give the beautiful Russian male name David may have a very kind and cheerful nature. Calmness, prudence, restraint, patience, eloquence and sociability, friendliness and kindness, cheerfulness, cheerful disposition and positivity - these are the traits that the meaning of this name can impart to the bearer of the name David. But this is still far from full list. Among their huge number, there is such an important trait as integrity, which creates an alliance with correctness and justice - thanks to this alliance, David becomes very fair and grows up as a correct boy, doing only deliberate and correct actions.

The boy, who is patronized by the energy of the name David, has something that is not inherent in most children in at a young age- a sense of responsibility. He treats everything so responsibly that sometimes he even surprises. Any task that he would not undertake, he would definitely finish and do as well as possible. You can entrust him with any business, any task, this boy has the strength and intelligence to solve any of them. Also very talented.

Little David's only problem is that he is afraid to make contact. He will never be the first to approach someone, and always waits for the first steps from a potential interlocutor.


For a teenage boy who is protected by the meaning of the name David, everything can change. Usually in adolescence, the boy named by this name begins to show leadership traits and, most importantly, communication skills, which could cause incredible problems in childhood. David is a teenager, he is a sociable, charming, eloquent, sociable, friendly, decent, benevolent boy. The boy dominated by the name David is a friendly and very affable teenager, easy to make contact, easily making friends everywhere, always communicating with everyone on an equal footing, and never having conflicts with anyone.

The boy David may have the greatest affection with his relatives. Most likely, if David has a brother or sister, then this person will become for him best friend for life. For the sake of his loved ones and family, David is ready to do anything, even sacrifice something important. He will always come to the rescue, help with advice or action, give tips and advice. At the same time, he will be happy to share his own experiences and will not hesitate to ask for help from a loved one.

David should learn to understand people, because his openness can attract many ill-wishers. And in general, the boy David as a teenager may have many enemies, precisely because of his openness and naivety.

Grown man

An adult man, patronized by the meaning and energy of the name David, is a completely different person, completely different from the one who was a teenager. With age, he may become firmer, tougher, calmer, more reasonable and drier. It is extremely difficult to touch such a person, he knows his worth and always tries to control himself so as not to embarrass himself, not to show off his feelings, not to show anyone his weaknesses. At the same time, David remains a very principled person. The integrity that the meaning of this name bestows on such men is manifested in everything without exception, in business, in attitude to work, in behavior, in communication and relationships with friends and comrades, and even in relationships at home, with family members. A man dominated by the meaning of the name David will never waste his words, will never forget his promises, will never betray or deceive a loved one, he fundamentally always does the right thing, in accordance with everyone moral standards accepted in society.

At the same time, David himself will still remain romantic, sensitive and receptive inside. He may seem strong and callous, but in his soul he may be offended by something or worried about something. All Davids, without exception, carefully hide their experiences and grievances from the people around them; they are too secretive in adult life. Although again, it all depends on the environment and upbringing. Depending on how he establishes himself in society, his behavior will change.

The interaction of the character David with the seasons

Summer - this bright and hot season has a great impact. This period will give rise to emotionality, sociability, sociability, curiosity, optimism and romance in a guy with this name. This is a smart and talented boy, ready to develop and improve - he is bored of “treading water”, he strives for self-sufficiency and greatness. This is a hero who easily takes courageous and sacrificial actions.

Autumn - those born in the autumn months will have pragmatism, honesty, justice, thoroughness, calmness, prudence and prudence in their character. This is an authoritative person who deserves true attention - it is difficult to get along with such a person, but it is possible and necessary to be friends with him. The only thing he lacks is assertiveness and determination - he rarely keeps his promises.

Winter - the harsh frosty months promise perseverance, determination, stubbornness, self-confidence, extravagance, pretentiousness, dreaminess and perseverance. He is a man of action who easily achieves all his goals. Obstacles and troubles do not hinder him; on the contrary, they strengthen him. He is strong and tough, but kind and sympathetic, ready to help.

Spring is in spring period a romantic, creative, cheerful nature is born. There is fantasy, imagination, determination, and moral values. There is no willpower and perseverance, as well as determination. He does not know how to analyze, often makes mistakes, is disappointed in people and suffers from depression because of this.

Fate of the name David

The fate of the name David in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex is very difficult, although full of surprises. So, usually in adolescence, fate suggests a rather stormy personal life for David, which is not surprising, because such romantic, passionate and eloquent boys are usually popular in female society. But this will not last forever...

Usually David's first marriage turns out to be unsuccessful, as the fate of this little man suggests. Although, on the other hand, it remains a mystery how a person who understands women so well can allow this. At the same time, fate assumes that the second marriage will become truly happy and strong. Usually Davids in their second marriage become good fathers and exemplary husbands. True, there is one “but” - many of the men named by this name become womanizers and sooner or later begin to look for entertainment “on the side.”

In general, fate in a relationship is a rather complex and unpredictable factor, depending not only on the history and characteristics of the name, but also on a bunch of other factors, including astrological ones.

Love and marriage

External attractiveness, gallantry, courtesy, combined with inner core and generosity make David a truly enviable groom. The ladies are just hovering around this man. However, not every woman can win his heart, so David enjoys the delights of a bachelor’s life for quite a long time until he finally meets his lady of the heart. And it is worth noting that then the recent heartthrob will not delay his marriage and will cut off all previous love ties.

Do not forget that David is a conquering man, and the more unapproachable a woman behaves, the more he will love, desire and achieve her. His chosen one must be an attractive, well-groomed woman, as well as self-sufficient and strong personality with a brilliant intellect. In addition, his wife should also become his comrade, because it is very important for him that he can speak out and discuss a lot of things without fear of misunderstanding or condemnation.

David is a caring and generous husband, confidently taking the place of the head of the family. He is kind to his wife and children, but can be overly jealous. The spouse should also remember to praise and support him.

David as Father

David approaches the issue of fatherhood very responsibly. He becomes an excellent family man and caring father. He makes every effort to ensure that his beloved wife and children live in prosperity and comfort and feel like they have a cat in their bosom. Moreover, he does not avoid homework, and it will not be difficult for him to take a walk with the children or even cook dinner. He is convinced that only real men are capable of this.

He loves spending time with his family, especially his children. He helps children develop properly, monitors their health and actively participates in their upbringing. He tries to instill in his children a love of art, creativity, sports, and learning. In addition, he instills in them such qualities as respect, mutual assistance, a sense of responsibility, hard work, independence and determination.

David loves to pamper children with his attention, but he knows when to be a little stricter so as not to let them sit on their heads. In matters of upbringing, he always consults with his wife, but the final decision is always his. David raises his children in an atmosphere of kindness and love...

Compatibility with female names

The most best compatibility in terms of love and feelings, David has with women bearing such names as Agatha, Alevtina, Nelly, Natalya, Elvira, Lada, Lolita, Rose and Sarah.

Vibrant relationships, overflowing with passion, await David with Ada, Dora, Marianna, Mirra, Frida and Emma.

But it’s better for him not to get involved with Elena and Ninel, because astrology predicts a sea of ​​negativity and complete incompatibility for such a couple.

Balanced Strong Kind

David Belle, French actor

  • Name meaning
  • Impact on the child

What does the name David mean?

The meaning of the name David has Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew, it is interpreted as “beloved”, “favorite”.

Has taken root on Russian territory folk form– Davyd, from her came the common surname – Davydov. Muslims revere King David under the name Daoud.

The name became widespread throughout Europe. It has large number equivalents in different languages: in England - David, in Finland - Taavetti, in Scotland - Daivi, in Italy - Davide. The Tatars also borrowed it from Europe, and currently it is very popular among the Tatar population.

The energy of this name is very strong. David is not only strong physically, but also mentally.

He will not throw words to the wind. He tends to take risks thrill make his life rich.

David's character is not without cynicism, but it is compensated by openness and directness. Strong, kind, stubborn and purposeful - this is how he appears to others.

Would you name your child this name?

The origin of the name David is inextricably linked with biblical character- an ordinary shepherd who became the king of the Israeli-Jewish state.

According to legend, Matthew was the direct ancestor of Jesus Christ. During the war with the Philistines, he was able to defeat the giant Goliath, which put an end to the war. His exploits did not end there: he defeated Jerusalem, making it the capital of Israel.

The description of his duel with Goliath is presented so colorfully and in detail that as a result, a large number of beautiful works of art appeared.

In Orthodoxy, David of Thessaloniki is considered the patron saint of all representatives of this name, whom the church clergy remembers in prayers on July 9. He settled in a hut near the city of Thessaloniki and spent 70 years there in prayer. During all this time he observed strict fast, bravely withstood the heat and cold. For his torment and patience, he received the gift of healing from God and cured many people.

Name forms

Simple: David Full: David Antique: DavidAffectionate: Davidka

The positive characteristics of the name David are expressed in its self-confidence and poise. No matter what happens, he maintains external calm and knows how to act in any situation. In addition, endowed with an analytical mind, the representative of this name understands everything himself, comprehending the essence of the origin of events.

Negative characteristics of David include being overly ambitious and calculating. He is rarely sincere, preferring to talk about abstract topics. No one will be aware of his plans and ideas.

From the perspective of numerology, the secret of the name David is revealed with the help of the number 6, which promises a successful future for people who are able to gain trust in others.

They may become politicians or hold high positions public office. Their optimism and cheerfulness are contagious, they simply sparkle with happiness if they get what they want. But their complacency can reach alarming proportions and cause a negative reaction from others.

A man named David will never question his capabilities, is persistent in achieving his goals, and is proud of everything he has. Willpower helps him achieve what he wants, and good nature attracts supporters to his side.

David loves to be noticed and praised. He is characterized by selfishness and puts his own benefit and interests first. His character is not endowed with envy or rancor. He will spare nothing for his loved ones and rarely gets offended by them.

"Favorite"? this is what the name David means, he is truly appreciated and loved by those around him.

For his part, he does not tolerate lies, he can flare up, but quickly moves away. Being physically and spiritually strong, he reserves the role of leader for himself.

David should not associate his professional activity with monotonous, monotonous work. It will bring him nothing but irritation and dissatisfaction. This man attaches great importance to career and advancement through the ranks.

At heart, David is a romantic. The story of adventures and distant countries will attract him not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. He will never refuse to travel, especially in the company of good friends. New emotions and impressions inspire him and make him more energetic.

Character Traits











David is a connoisseur female beauty. But as a wife, he chooses not only a beautiful, but also an intelligent, strong-willed woman who will provide support in the implementation of his plans.

This man is a wonderful family man. He becomes not only a “favorite” - this is what the name David means, but also a reliable support for his family, solving all everyday problems: from building a house to preparing dinner.

David will find his happiness in his second marriage. He is kind to his children. Shows understanding and trust when communicating with them.

The meaning of the name David for a boy

The meaning of the biblical name David is borrowed from Hebrew. In translation, this word is interpreted as “beloved.”

The name has become widespread in all parts of our planet. In Russia, the “Western” version of this name is often found - David.

The phonosemantics of the name creates the impression of masculinity, heroism and beauty. There is a sense of balance and confidence about him.

But this does not mean that David will have these qualities without effort on the part of his parents.

David is sweet, sociable, energetic and active child. Well-built physically, he will prefer playing sports to reading books.

The boy’s behavior is characterized by self-confidence; he strives to please and attract attention. Wants to always be aware of events.

Moreover, the role of an ordinary observer does not suit him. This child will give advice, intervene, suggest.

Girls pay attention to him not only because of his appearance, but also because he is fair and objective.

What will David be successful at?

For successful professional activity Activities related to business trips and movement are suitable for David.

He can become an excellent diplomat, explorer, and navigator. He will show his analytical skills in the field of construction or trade.

The owner of a good physical fitness, David can become a successful athlete.

The character and behavior of this boy are greatly influenced by his upbringing. By nature, he has calmness and a sufficient degree of self-confidence.

But the child is not devoid of pride, and if parents use tough measures, they risk making him an irritable and hot-tempered person.

This very rarely happens to David, because he completely lacks cruelty and vindictiveness, but good nature and gentleness are fully present.

What games will David like?

Neither in childhood nor in adolescence, David will not be lonely, he will always have enough friends with whom he will find mutual understanding and provide himself with interesting leisure time.

Active games and activities are suitable for the child. Has a great interest in adventure films and novels.