How to properly retouch a photo in Photoshop. Expanding the dynamic range of the image. Reducing noise intensity

In general, retouching involves removing unnecessary details, eliminating defects, color correction, restoration and other work aimed at improving image quality.

Photoshop has an impressive arsenal of photo retouching tools, which I'll talk about now.


We have already talked about filters in this lesson. There are a lot of them in Photoshop, and some are specifically designed for image retouching.

For example, we have an old photograph.

Defects spoil the picture too much, and partially solve the problem as much as possible short term The Dust and Scratches filter will help. To use it, do the following.

  1. Open the photo.
  2. In the main menu of the program, execute the command Filter -> Noise -> Dust and Scratches.

  1. The filter has only a couple of settings.

  • Radius. Determines the size of the area in which the program will search for pixels that are dissimilar to each other. The higher the value, the more defects the filter will remove, but the less sharp the photo will ultimately become. In the case of the selected image, I settled on the value 3.
  • Isohelium. Specifies the tonal difference of the pixels to be replaced. Experiment with the parameter. I set the value to 0.
  1. Click OK and evaluate the result.

Some defects (especially on dark background) became less pronounced, but the image became more blurred.

In order not to spoil the entire photo by reducing the contrast, you can apply a filter to a specific area of ​​the photo. For practice, let's try to remove a long horizontal scratch using the filter in question.

  1. From the palette, select the Rectangular Marquee tool.
  2. Highlight the defect.

  1. Set up and apply a filter.

The scratch became less noticeable, but the quality of the rest of the photo was not affected. And although in this case the filter did not solve the problem completely and poorly, it, like many other filters, is still a retouching tool. It may not be perfect, but it is very fast.

The program has many more useful filters for retouching. In particular, the filters of the Sharpening group allow you to give clarity to the details of the image, and the filters of the Noise group are needed to either mask defects that disrupt the harmony of the picture, or, conversely, remove roughness that spoils the photo. Using the Blur group filters, you can smooth out minor details and rid images of scanning defects.

In general, take a closer look at filters; they are an extremely useful and very diverse category of tools.

The group of retouching tools, which opens by clicking on the icon, consists of five tools.

Spot healing brush. Allows you to correct some imperfections in pictures in fully automatic mode. In the options bar, you can specify the diameter and type of brush, as well as enable or disable certain retouching settings. For example, apply restoration using texture, proximity matching, or fill.

Let's say we need to remove the mole in the photo below.

  1. Select the Spot Healing Brush tool.
  2. Set its size and style.
  3. Click on the element to remove.

  1. The mole has disappeared.

Restores sections of a photo based on a sample, taking pixels from the area you specify, comparing and adjusting them according to the characteristics in the retouched area.

As an example, let's remove the freckles from the photo below.

  1. Select the Healing Brush tool and configure it (specify the type, diameter).
  2. Point the pointer at the place where the replacement pixels will come from (in our case, the place without freckles).
  3. Press the Alt key (the pointer will change to a crosshair) and hold it down and click to select the reference area.
  4. Now draw on the freckles, removing them. The pixels will begin to replace and the retouching will work.

Patch. Allows you to cover one part of the image with another, copying the pixels of the source area to the destination area, replacing them.

Remember, in one of the lessons we included a seagull in a seascape? Let's now remove it from there using the Patch tool.

  1. Open the image.

  1. Select the Patch tool.
  2. Outline the area to be erased (in our case, the seagull).
  3. Using the mouse button pressed, move the area to where the program should take the pixels for replacement (for us this is the sky).
  4. Immediately after you release the mouse button, the picture will change: the seagull will be replaced by pixels of the selected area.

Content-aware movement. The tool can work in two modes (selected from the list in the options bar).

  • Moving. With it, you can move objects, moving them away or bringing them closer to each other.
  • Expand. Allows you to clone objects and resize them.

As a simple example, we clone a seagull using this tool.

  1. Open the image.

  1. In the Options Bar, from the Mode drop-down list, select Expand.
  2. Carefully select the seagull.

  1. Move the area to the location where the bird clone will be located.

  1. In the main menu of Photoshop, run the command Select -> Deselect Selection and look: there are two seagulls.

IN in this example The tool worked well, but is often not very accurate.

The tool removes red-eye and flash photography artifacts.

  1. Open a photo that contains one of the imperfections removed by the function.

  1. From the palette, select the Red Eye tool.
  2. Click on the pupils with the mouse button to remove the effect.

  1. If the desired result is not achieved, adjust the pupil size and darkening amount in the options bar.


The group consists of only a couple of tools: Stamp and Pattern Stamp.

Stamp. A tool for copying pixels from one part of an image to another. Typically used to replace damaged areas - removing scratches, getting rid of stains, dust and other defects.

  1. Open the old photo that we tried to process using the filter at the beginning of the article.

  1. From the palette, select the Stamp tool.
  2. Hover your mouse over the place where you want to take pixels to replace.
  3. Hold down the Alt key and click to grab the pixels.
  4. Release Alt and click on the damaged areas of the image, moving the selected pixels there.
  5. Repeating steps 3-5, remove defects in different parts photo, not forgetting to select pixels that match the tones for cloning.
  6. Save the result.

Pattern stamp. Unlike the usual one, it works with textures, which allows you to edit complex surfaces (water, human skin, etc.).


The group includes three instruments.

Eraser. Like a real eraser, it erases what you have drawn. You can work with it like you would with a pencil or a brush: select a tool and, while holding down the mouse button, simply move the pointer where you want to erase.

Background eraser. It differs from the usual one in that it separates objects from the background, leaving behind transparency instead of color.

Magic eraser. The most convenient tool. A hybrid of a regular eraser and " magic wand", which allows you to clear the picture from the background in one click.

Let's say we want to free a puppy from the background.

  1. Open the image in Photoshop.

  1. Set up your instrument. To work well in our example, it is enough to change the tolerance to 150.

The following items are available in the Options Bar:

  • Tolerance The value in this field determines how wide a range of pixels of similar tone the editor will consider as background and remove. The higher the value, the more pixels the program will erase.
  • Smoothes the transition at the edges. If the button is pressed, the transition between the deleted and the remaining will be smooth.
  • Erases only adjacent pixels. A tool with this option, if there are points of the same color in different parts of the picture, will delete only the area on which you click.
  • Opacity. The field indicates the percentage of background transparency that needs to be erased. For example, if you set it to 50%, the erased part will only become half transparent.
  1. Click on the background with your mouse and see what happens. Gray and white squares indicate transparency.

This concludes the tour of retouching tools, and I suggest moving on to the next lesson, from which you will learn about image correction tools.

In this tutorial, you'll learn about retouching in Photoshop and how to use adjustment layers, lighting, dodging, and burning. And also about frequency separation. The techniques described in this article should work fine in most versions of Photoshop. You can also download the RAW file I used:

1. Start with a Raw file

We start with a Raw file or image high quality. If you want to follow me and follow all the steps in parallel, please upload an image. In this case, I'm converting a Raw file to a PSD file. For beautiful photography the most important thing is lighting. With the right lighting, all shadows are filled with light, and the model's skin looks smooth even without additional processing.

2. Frequency separation for skin tones

At the beginning face retouching in Photoshop We'll duplicate the background layer twice and rasterize each of those duplicates. Right-click and select " Rasterize layer" I called the bottom layer “lo”, and the top layer “ hi" To layer “ lo"I applied" Gaussian Blur"with a radius of 10 pixels, and then selected the layer" hi” and went to Image>External channel. I used the parameters shown in the screenshot. Then I set the layer to “ hi” blending mode “Linear light”.

3.Smoothing Skin Colors

We need to select the tool " Healing brush» ( J) and set in the options bar at the top of the program window for “Sample” - “Active layer”. Now we can start working with the “layer” lo" I want to smooth out the bags under my eyes. Working with the “layer” lo”, we only edit the colors of the image and do not remove any texture. This ensures that the model's skin texture remains the same, we are simply brightening the area under the eyes.

4. Additional smoothing

Create a new layer between the layers “ lo" And " hi" Call it “ smoothing" Then select the Brush tool ( B) and in the options bar at the top of the program window, set the brush opacity to 10%.

By pressing Alt/Opt, you can use this tool like an eyedropper to select a color swatch. I select a color swatch in a light area and carefully brush it into the shaded areas of the skin. And then, in the same way, I select a sample in a dark area and paint over the light areas with it. This will allow during retouching photos in Photoshop smooth out skin tones overall.

5. Restoration and removal of defects

Select layer “ hi” and activate the tool “ Healing brush» ( J). Make sure that “Sample” is set to “Active Layer” in the Options Bar, and then start selecting samples ( click on the area while holding Alt / Opt) on clean areas of the skin and paint over problem areas.

6. Hair treatment

At this stage portrait retouching in Photoshop Let's treat two areas of hair located to the right and left of the jawline and neck. Merge all layers into one. Select the tool " Rectangular area» ( M), select right side image and then press Cmd / Ctrl + J to create a new layer from it on top of the other layers.

Go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal and drag the layer using the Move tool ( V) on left side images. I want to apply a mask to this layer of hair and mask off the hair just to the left of the chin.

7. Frequency Separation AGAIN!

Merge all layers into one again. Press Cmd/Ctrl + J to duplicate this layer. Name the bottom layer “l o 2”, and the top one is “ hi 2" We need to blur the layer “ lo 2” with a radius of 10 pixels and apply to the layer “ hi 2” “External channel”, as we did before. Next go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen and sharpen the layer “ hi 2” by approximately 150% with a radius of 1.2 pixels. I also want to add to the layer “ hi 2” layer mask which we will use later.

8. Continue to smooth out the tones

Select layer “ lo 2” and activate the “Brush” tool ( B). Paint over the highlights and shadows again as we did before, using a 10% Opacity brush to smooth them out. At this stage skin retouching in Photoshop work on smaller parts.

9. Skin blur

Let's remove small details from the overall skin texture. All we need to do to blur the skin a little is paint black over the areas in the layer mask that we previously added to the layer. hi 2" I use the Brush tool ( B) with an opacity of 10% and softly paint over the areas where I want to remove details.

10. New skin texture

Now we need to add our own artificial skin texture so that the model’s skin does not look unnaturally smooth after retouching the photo in Photoshop. Create a new layer and name it “ Skin Texture Small" Go to Edit > Fill and select 50% gray in the window that opens. Then go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and add 25% noise.

For the “Distribution” parameter, set “Uniform”, check the box next to the “Monochrome” parameter. After that go to Filter > Stylize > Emboss and set the values ​​for “Angle” - 85 degrees, “Height” - 2 and “Effect” about 200%. Set the blending mode for this layer to “ Soft light". This is our base texture.

11. Another skin texture

Duplicate the skin texture layer and name it " Texture Skin Large" and then go to Edit > Transform and in the options bar at the top of the program window, set the width and height to 200%.

12. Texture Masking

Now we need to mask this texture. Hold down the Alt / Opt key and click on the “ Add a layer mask" to add a layer mask filled with black. Do this for both layers of leather texture. Activate the Brush tool ( B), set the brush opacity to 10% and carefully paint white on the areas where you want the texture to show.

Start with a layer with a finer texture, and when you're done, paint over the areas of the layer mask with a larger texture where you want it to appear. This is very painstaking face retouching in Photoshop. Have time and patience. Remove white areas where the texture looks flat or unnatural.

13. Other spots

At this point we will create a layer for the spots and correct anything that we can visually determine. Create a new layer and name it “ Blemishes" Select the tool " Healing brush» ( J), set the sample to "Active and below". Using a small brush, start removing any tiny spots that you see.

14. Eyebrow retouching

Start by merging all the layers into a new layer. Then use the Lasso tool ( L) to create two selection areas above the eyebrows where you want to trim them. Then use the arrow key to move these two selection areas up. To move the selection this way, the Lasso tool must be active. Go to Select > Modify > Feather and feather the edges of the selection by 5 pixels.

15. Eyebrow trimming

Press Cmd/Ctrl + J to create a new layer from the selected areas, and then switch to the Move tool ( V) and move the layer down until you trim the eyebrows as shown in the example above retouching photos in Photoshop.

16. Concealing eyebrows

The skin above the eyebrows does not look very natural because the edges of the eyebrows are visible. Add to the layer “ Eyebrow Trim” layer mask as shown above and paint over the skin above the eyebrows to bring out the edges. I used a medium sized soft brush to paint in black and cover up what I wanted.

17. Cleaning the eyes

Create a new layer, name it “ Eye Blemishes” and zoom in to zoom in on the eye areas. Using the Stamp tool ( S) sketch the veins inside eyeball. I set for example " Cloning stamp"sample "Active and below", and then with a small brush I began to select samples of clean areas of the eyeball and sketch out spots with them.

18. Eye brightening

Add a “Curves” adjustment layer ( Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves), set this layer's blending mode to " Lightening the base" and fill the mask with black. Select the Brush tool ( B), set the brush opacity to 10% and carefully paint the highlights in the eyes to make them lighter, and also paint the retina around the iris to increase the “roundness” of the eyeball.

I also painted in areas on the lips where there would also be highlights to increase the shine of the lips and improve their shape during portrait retouching in Photoshop.

19. Darkening the eyes

Create another adjustment layer “Curves" and set its blending mode to " Darkening the base" Fill the adjustment layer mask with black. Fill in the edges of the eyes to make them look more rounded. Draw a little around the iris to separate it more clearly from the retina. I also went over the brows to darken them and around the eyes to make them pop.

In addition, I have sketched the areas below lower lip, as well as a fold between the lips, as if the model’s mouth is slightly open. When darkening, be very careful and careful. If you don't like an effect you've created, paint over it with black to completely mask it.

20. Juiciness adjustment

Small areas of blue tint are observed on the retina. Let's reduce the overall richness of the whites of the eyes by adding a "Lucidity" adjustment layer ( Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Juiciness) and reducing “Juicity" to -50. After that, fill the adjustment layer mask with black. Using the Brush Tool (B), opacity about 65%, paint over the whites of the eyes.

21. Making the iris brighter

For further skin retouching in Photoshop create two new layers, name them " Brighters" And " Darkers"and select the "Brush" tool ( B), opacity - 100%. I use a hard brush ( 2 pixels in size) white. I will paint over the layer with this brush " Brighters". I painted little dots of light where I see light areas on the iris.

Hide this layer by clicking on the little eye icon and do the same for the " Darkers“, but paint over the dark areas in it with black. Now make both layers visible and set their blending mode to " Overlap" Reduce layer opacity " Darkers"up to 20%, and " Brighters» up to 40%.

22. Lightening and darkening the skin

We've smoothed out most of the dark and light areas, and this will allow us to restore the shadows and highlights exactly where we want them, and give them the intensity and size we want. Create a new layer, go to Edit > Fill and set the layer fill to 50% gray. Name this layer “ D&B-01" Set this layer's blending mode to "Soft Light" so that gray disappeared.

23. Now it's time to do some dodging and burning.

Select the Burner tool ( O), in the options bar at the top of the program window, set “Range” to “Mid Tones” and “Exposure” to 25%. First we will darken the dark areas, and then experiment with the light ones.

At this stage photo retouching in Photoshop I want to cover all the places where the hair touches the skin and also add depth to all the indentations ( around the eyes, on both sides of the nose, under the lips, etc.). In the second screenshot, I set the dodge/burn layer to Normal so you can see what I did.

24. Lightening and changing the shape of light areas

Adobe Photoshop allows you to make stunning masterpieces from any photos, I suggest you take your photos out of the darkest corners of your computer and turn them into masterpieces!

What photographers and retouchers once spent hours and days doing in a dark room or on a retouching table can now be done in a matter of minutes in Adobe Photoshop.

The enormous capabilities of Adobe Photoshop allow you to turn inexpressive and boring photographs into real masterpieces.

Where should you start with photo retouching?

Here's our original photo:

First of all, open the photo in Photoshop.

Now look at the photo. Most likely, the photo will either not have enough light, or there will be too much of it.

You need to add contrast and brightness. To do this, move the appropriate sliders until you see a balanced result.

It's time to get serious about your skin. To do this, you need to use the following tools: "Healing Brush", "Patch" And "Stamp", We do basic retouching.

These simple manipulations will give us a good result:

Now your task is to correct the color balance of the photo, sharpen the hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and give expressiveness to the eyes and lips.

Also, if necessary, you need to work with saturation and sharpness. In some cases, it will be useful to play with light and shadow in the image to create volume on the face.

As a result, this will give us the final result:

It's a completely different matter. It turned out to be a real model :)

Let's compare with the initial raw photo:

The photo on the right looks much nicer to the eye.

As you may have noticed, even from the most gray and nondescript photograph you can get a stunning picture thanks to Adobe Photoshop and knowledge in photo retouching.

Video course "Photo retouching", is intended for those who want to learn how to process high-quality digital photos using Adobe Photoshop.

The course is recorded on DVD. Each step will be shown and explained directly on your monitor screen. At the same time, you don’t need to travel anywhere; you can study anywhere where you have access to a computer. Internet access is not required to view the course.

The course contains 45 video lessons.

Here's just a small part of what you'll learn:

  • Features of retouching and tips that will help you avoid mistakes in photo retouching;
  • Review of basic tools for photo retouching;
  • How to determine what needs to be corrected in a photograph;
  • High-quality tone correction of photographs;
  • Removing scratches, dents, glare from photographs;
  • Using adjustment layers;
  • How to remove unwanted noise;
  • How to increase the sharpness and clarity of photos;
  • How to properly manage color when processing photographs;
  • Increasing image saturation;
  • High-quality retouching of portrait photographs (processing of skin, eyes, hair, removal of glare, etc.);
  • Tools that should not be used for retouching, and which ones should be used very carefully in order to preserve the structure of the skin;
  • Non-standard retouching options;
  • The best ways to recover old photos;
  • How to add depth and volume to a photograph;
  • Retouching black and white photographs;
  • You will learn how to take high-quality photos in black and white;
  • How to do black and white photograph color;

Along with the course you receive 4 additional bonus, which includes 7 additional video lessons that perfectly complement the course.

  • Bonus 1. A set of video lessons on photo restoration.
  • Bonus 2. Video lesson on color correction of images.
  • Bonus 3. Video tutorial on creating a retro style.
  • Bonus 4. Video tutorial and actions on toning photos.

Hello, dear users of the site site
In this wonderful lesson, we will restore youth to this girl in just a few minutes. You can download this photo (registration required).

I want to warn you right away that each image requires individual settings.

Step 1. So let's get started. If we look at the blue channel in our image we can see that it doesn't look very good. There are many so-called JPG artifacts that are not visible to us in RGB mode. Now we will try to improve the Blue channel a little.

Copy the background layer. Let's apply it to him Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Radius install 10 pixels. Click OK. Blend Mode change to Chroma(Color). Double click on the layer thumbnail. In the window that appears, uncheck the boxes next to R and G. This will allow all changes to be applied only to the Blue channel. Click OK. Look at the blue channel now. Does it really look better?

Step 2. Now we'll use Curves to adjust the colors in the image. I suggest you use Curves rather than Levels because they give us more control over the color.

You can download the settings I used to your computer from here.
Create a new adjustment layer Curves, then, if you are using my settings, click on the arrow at the top right and select from the menu that appears LoadPreset and select the desired file.

Step 3. Now the tool Healing brush(Healing Brush Tool) (J) let's get rid of the main skin defects, in this case we have 4 freckles.

Create a new layer above the background one. Choosing a tool Healing brush(Healing Brush) (J) and make sure that “Sample All Layers” is selected in the toolbar.

There is one great rule - when retouching, never edit the original layer, you never know when you will have to go back. That's why we now created a new layer and edited it.

Step 4. Select all layers except the curves layer (Hold Shift and click on the layer thumbnails in the Layers palette). Drag them to the create a new layer button to copy. Click Ctrl+E to combine them.
Choosing a tool Straight-line lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool) and select the woman. This may not be done very carefully. Press and hold the key Alt, and remove from the selection everything that does not relate to the skin - eyes, eyebrows, nostrils. We also exclude all kinds of depressions from the selection. This is what my selection looks like in Quick Mask mode:

Click Shift+ Ctrl+ I, to invert the selection and press the key Delete, to delete selected pixels. In appearance, everything will remain unchanged.

Step 5. Let's move on Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Radius install 20 pixels. We lower Opacity(Opacity) up to 75% . Again, select the three main layers and copy them. Click Ctrl+ E, to merge layers. Move the resulting layer above the erased one. Click Ctrl+ Alt+ G. This will create a clipping mask, indicated by a downward-facing arrow next to the layer thumbnail. This means that the top layer will use the transparent pixels of the bottom layer as a mask.

Step 6. Let's move on Filter > Others > Color contrast (Filter > Other > High Pass). Set the radius to 4 .

Change the blending mode to Linear light(Linear Light) and lower Opacity(Opacity) up to 40% . ready!

The purpose of this lesson was to get rid of major imperfections and smooth out the skin, but not to make a person look like a model. This technique is ideal for everyday use.
Good luck and success to you.

Hello, dear readers of my site! Today I will tell you how you can do a quick face retouch in Adobe Photoshop.

With this article I am opening a new section called. It will contain articles revealing the methods and techniques of image correction that I use in, as well as those that I will still study with you.

How to quickly retouch your face?

The presented algorithm does not apply for an Oscar or any other achievements. However, it is quite convenient for quick receipt low resolution photo, in particular for an avatar, for the background on cell phone etc. I don’t recommend using this technique as a deep retouch, because it’s harmful!

1. Select the image we will work with. Here is the original photo, which was taken handheld, without using my favorite:

2. We remove all the unevenness and imperfections of the face using a tool.

We simply move the cursor in the form of a ring over the places we want to correct and click on them. This way we eliminate all pinpoint irregularities. Get very carried away and try to make a doll"Barbie"no need, we'll use a filter laterBlurs, which can easily smooth out minor imperfections. Here's what after use, I got it:

3. Now create a duplicate layer and turn off the visibility of the first image by clicking on the eye to the left of the layer name.

4. Next step go to the tab Filter --> Blur --> Surface Blur and select the settings Radius And Threshold.

I set the first parameter to 45 pixels and the second to 25. Your values ​​may be different, it all depends on the source image, but the result should be something like this:

5. Add a mask to the layer Layer --> Layer Mask --> Hide All and turn on the first layer, i.e. making it visible.

6. Take a brush with soft edges and give it white. We paint over all bodily areas of the skin, in particular the model’s face. I wasn't very careful and ran the brush over the eyebrows, lips, eyes and other areas of the face that should be clear in the photo. In order to correct this oversight, set the brush color to black and paint over the places that we want to make sharp on the background. Here's what I was able to achieve:

7. Final stage. It remains to give the facial skin a natural relief, otherwise the face looks too tense. To do this, set the transparency (Opacity) top layer 50%:

Here is the final image:

It came out quite quickly, and the result is not bad at all. I hope you liked the article and that it was simple and understandable. Now I do face retouching in Photoshop using a slightly different algorithm. You can see examples of work in the article “”. However, from the very beginning I did everything as I described in the article.

And for better retouching, you should definitely (I repeat, definitely) watch the lesson from Evgeny Kartashov “Retouching using the frequency decomposition method” (this is a completely different level of photo retouching):