The Moscow headquarters of the Onf and the capital's ecologists are beginning to train environmental volunteers. The expression “Who will keep the watchmen?” is becoming increasingly relevant in relation to the Chelyabinsk branch of the All-Russian Popular Front. The organization that should control

A split in the ranks of the All-Russian Popular Front. Co-chairman of the Chelyabinsk branch Evgeny Korobeinikov accused his associates of forgery of documents and the desire to hide information about corruption in local sports schools. The organization’s headquarters claim that pressure was put on their colleague.

Evgeny Korobeinikov is a co-chairman and one of the active representatives of the regional branch of the All-Russian Popular Front. For several years, a Chelyabinsk resident defended the rights of people with disabilities in the Southern Urals. Today he spoke out against his own colleagues. The social activist accuses his associates of concealing information about corruption in sports schools in Chelyabinsk and forging signatures.

Evgeny Korobeinikov, co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF in Chelyabinsk region: “Some incomprehensible situation is happening behind my back, I came across several copies for the head, for the governor, where my signature is not written, here is a text and in general an opinion that I did not express.”

The head of the executive committee, Denis Ryzhiy, throws up his hands. According to him, contradictions within the regional branch began after the ONF actively opposed the optimization of sports schools in Chelyabinsk. At the same time, the position of co-chairman Korobeinikov diverged from the general line, and the issue of forging his signatures is not a topic for discussion at all.

Denis Ryzhiy, head of the regional executive committee of the ONF in the Chelyabinsk region: “All the signatures that Evgeniy is apparently talking about, they are all in accordance and here we are not talking about who signed, the question is whether Evgeniy supports the position of the ONF that was declared."

According to Ryzhey, the conflict in the Chelyabinsk ONF is controlled from the outside. The Internet resource discovered that a document sent on behalf of Evgeny Korobeinikov indicates the involvement of State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov in the scandal. This is evidenced by the saved data inside the document properties, which, however, are easy to change if desired. Vladimir Burmatov himself disowned the editing of Korobeinikov’s appeal.

Vladimir Burmatov, State Duma deputy: “I received this document via general mailing. But, since this topic does not interest me, I returned it to the sender with a note that I do not need to send such letters. As the head of the executive committee,” United Russia"spam often falls from different organizations, you have to unsubscribe. I assume that after this there was a record of editing. Otherwise why would I do this."

The split in the leadership of the Chelyabinsk branch of the ONF is a tangible blow to its reputation. For lately The “front-line soldiers” managed to become an influential force on the political scene of the Southern Urals. Power struggles and personal ambitions can become a serious problem for the movement as a whole. Especially on the eve of the upcoming presidential elections.

The Moscow headquarters of the ONF, together with environmental organizations in Moscow, will teach citizens how to effectively engage in environmental volunteering. The first lesson brought together 45 volunteers who want to participate in environmental activities to preserve the environment in their hometown.

The Year of Ecology has shown that Muscovites are not indifferent to the nature of the metropolis. However, not everyone is aware of exactly what contribution to protection environment they can tell you how to competently engage in this activity and that in addition to typical cleanup days and tree planting, there are about ten different formats of eco-volunteering.

ONF experts supported the initiative of a number of environmental organizations in the capital and the #MosEco movement in order to strengthen the environmental community of Moscow and make the actions of nature conservation volunteers more effective and coherent.
“Environmental volunteering is an important area of ​​volunteer activity,” notes an expert at the regional headquarters of the ONF in Moscow, coordinator environmental project“#RosEco” Anna Nafieva, - However, the field of environmental volunteering has its own special specifics and requires individual training from volunteers. There is little desire to do good deeds, realize your potential, communicate and learn. Each volunteer needs to have specific, applied knowledge about nature conservation and how to properly provide assistance. For example, few people know that birds should not be fed bread in winter. Can only be unsalted sunflower seeds, crushed peanuts, raw unsalted lard, oats, millet and wheat.”
Activists of the youth environmental volunteer movement “#MosEco”, together with the Moscow headquarters of the ONF, developed a program of 13 master classes “Environmental Volunteering”, as well as a series of actions “ United days Action" for schoolchildren, students, active environmental volunteers, employees of environmental organizations and all those who are not indifferent to nature and the environment.

According to Anna Nafieva, the master classes will help Muscovites find out what areas of environmental volunteering exist, where, for example, they can recycle waste, how to help stray animals kept in shelters, what actions and formats of environmental assistance in specially protected natural areas , parks and squares in Moscow you can take part in and where to go if you have a problem. For schoolchildren, the knowledge gained in ecology can be decisive in their choice future profession, and a volunteer book is a ticket to the future.

Participants who have attended the full course of 13 master classes will receive a certificate as an eco-volunteer of the #MosEco movement. Anyone can become a permanent volunteer of the movement at the district and district level, at universities, schools and government agencies. However, the project will not be limited to one theory. After the theoretical course, participants in the environmental movement are expected to participate in the “United Days of Action” campaign.

Each time of the year has its own thematic event: in March and October - volunteering in animal shelters, in April and September - garbage collection in natural areas, in February and November - feeding birds, in the summer - volunteering in specially protected natural areas, etc. d.
The site of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front in Moscow (Bolshoy Patriarshiy Lane, 3) was chosen as the location for weekly meetings. Every Tuesday at 19:00 everyone can attend master classes and lectures from speakers of environmental organizations and ONF experts. You can register for the next master class “Ecological Culture of a Volunteer”, which will take place on February 27, using the link:

Co-chairman of the ONF in the Chelyabinsk region, Evgeny Korobeinikov, accused his colleagues in the ONF of forgery. According to him, more than 20 letters written on the official letterhead of the Popular Front on his behalf were sent to regional and city authorities, as well as to the heads of supervisory and law enforcement agencies in the region without his knowledge. Letters related to work municipal institutions Chelyabinsk and region.

Evgeny Korobeinikov himself claims that he did not sign any of the two dozen letters: the signatures, in his opinion, were forged by the leaders of the Chelyabinsk branch of the ONF. Korobeinikov has already sent statements about forgery and forgery of his signature to the police. According to the activist, it will not be difficult to prove the fact of forgery of his signatures: the ONF will seize documents, which will confirm the absence of original letters with Korobeinikov’s “blue” signature. In addition, they requested a graphological examination.

Let us add that Evgeniy Korobeinikov is a wheelchair user, he has the first disability group. He believes that it was his signature that was on the forged documents, since due to his disability he is not able to be in the office of the ONF headquarters every day to personally monitor the paperwork.

“According to information available in the media, the head of the executive committee of the ONF for the Chelyabinsk region, Denis Ryzhiy, has debts to creditors and the state in total amount more than 100 million rubles. I get the impression that he could have sent falsified letters with selfish financial intent in order to put pressure on certain structures, perhaps trying to improve his own financial situation, having agreed in advance with some participants in the process on remuneration and using official forgery for this. The particular cynicism of the situation is that for this, the leadership of the Chelyabinsk branch of the ONF apparently took advantage of the fact that I am disabled and cannot daily control the organization’s paperwork and correspondence. I will insist on bringing those responsible for the forgery to justice. criminal liability“concluded Evgeniy Korobeinikov.

It was not possible to reach the head of the regional executive committee of the ONF Denis Ryzhy today.

In Chelyabinsk, an ONF activist accused his comrades of pressure, and he is suspected of collusion with the authorities

Let us remember that last week several scandals broke out in the media. Thus, Evgeny Korobeinikov accused his colleagues in the ONF of not only ignoring reports of violations in the city’s sports schools, but also putting pressure on him, threatening to remove him from his post as co-chairman if he does not stop the investigations. It also became known that a message signed by him was sent to the prosecutor's office of the Chelyabinsk region, in which he asks to conduct a check regarding the employment of relatives of the Minister of Sports of the Southern Urals Leonid Oder in the authorities, as well as regarding the criminal records of the head of the city sports department Evgeniy Ivanov and the director of the municipal budgetary institution "Sports City" Erkina Mamatova. Evgeniy Korobeinikov stated that he did not sign or see such an appeal.

16:59 — REGNUM The scandal with the optimization of sports schools in Chelyabinsk is taking on new tones. Unknown persons in the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the ONF are suspected of sending letters on behalf of others. The ONF considers this a misunderstanding and intends to continue the fight against behind-the-scenes optimization in the city, the correspondent reports. IA REGNUM.

A press conference was held at the Chelyabinsk regional headquarters of the ONF today, September 13, at which the accumulated issues related to the optimization of children's and youth sports schools(Youth Sports School). The speakers were the head of the regional executive committee of the ONF in the Chelyabinsk region, Denis Ryzhiy, and a member of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Chelyabinsk region, Vitaly Voronoi.

Denis Ryzhiy stated that the ongoing optimization is carried out without public discussion, administration officials practically do not respond to invitations to dialogue, and requests to suspend the optimization of sports schools are ignored.

Vitaly Voronoi confirmed the behavior of city government representatives. Moreover, he directly and openly stated that the optimization was started for the purpose of property redistribution.

“It’s clear that people have something completely different in mind here. They don’t care about any optimization, they only care about one thing: redirecting extra-budgetary flows from sports schools that are standing on their feet. They didn’t start optimization with dying sports schools that are at their limit. They chose the following places: the city center, Gagarin Park, with a perfectly allocated piece of land with pine forest» , noted Voronoi

He said that officials began to avoid meetings. At the same time, it became known that the property of sports schools will be transferred to the “Sports City” institution.

During the press conference, it was noted that the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region held a round table dedicated to the optimization of sports schools, which was attended by all officials who were in one way or another connected with optimization. The co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Chelyabinsk region, Evgeny Korobeinikov, was also at the round table. At the same time, the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region allegedly supported the idea of ​​optimizing sports institutions in Chelyabinsk.

“As for holding a round table in Public Chamber Chelyabinsk region and the participation of Evgeny Korobeinikov, at least in the photo it is clear that he is present there. First, the ONF was not invited to this event, nor were our representatives. Evgeniy Korobeinikov was present at this table as a specialist in comfortable, accessible environment, and as a member of its public organization. And when, after this round table, Evgeniy Korobeinikov called me and said that “I was present there, and such and such a position was expressed there, well, I was not there as the ONF, and I support the position of the ONF.” This was at that time. I don't know whether he said it or not. The ONF was not officially there, no one voiced our position there.” , said Denis Ryzhiy.

During the press conference, it became known that “Moscow guests” would arrive in Chelyabinsk in the coming days. The ONF plans to hold public discussions on the optimization of children's sports institutions in Chelyabinsk with the involvement of colleagues from Moscow. Sources close to the ONF reported that Russian State Duma deputy Lyubov Dukhanina is expected. “Front-line soldiers” intend to organize another round table, to which “officials from the administration will be again invited, who still cannot find time to come to an open meeting, of which there have already been several on the optimization of sports schools in Chelyabinsk.”

It should be noted that media publications reported that letters were sent on behalf of one of the co-chairs of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Chelyabinsk region, Evgeniy Korobeinikov. Correspondent IA REGNUM Evgeny Korobeinikov said that he did not sign any letters, was not familiar with their contents, and after learning that there was a mailing on his behalf, he contacted law enforcement agencies.

“You need to understand that I myself am not a fan of optimization. Before the scandal with the optimization of sports schools, we had a scandal with the Konas club, when they wanted to reorganize it. But we looked, studied the situation, they showed us the work of Konas, we realized that we needed help here, and we defended it. But here (optimization of sports schools in Chelyabinsk - IA REGNUM) the situation is completely different. Optimization optimization is different" ,” Korobeinikov noted.

He explained that in addition to information on optimizing sports schools in Chelyabinsk, the ONF began to receive information about a possible conflict of interest in the sports schools themselves in Chelyabinsk. But the ONF, in his opinion, tried not to notice these facts and persistently continued to deal with the issue of general optimization of children's sports institutions.

“This is the decision of the Chelyabinsk administration (optimization of city sports schools - IA REGNUM) , confirmed by the City Duma. However, later, when we at the ONF began to receive documents from concerned citizens stating that in some sports schools, as they believe, there is a corruption component, for some reason these documents were not taken into account by those who were involved in the optimization of sports schools in the ONF executive committee. Then I conducted my own investigation, collected information, and all these messages were sent to the competent authorities for study. For some institutions, we found affiliation of both directors and co-founders in some commercial organizations. Later, I realized that something was going on behind my back. At first I didn’t really want to deal with this topic, but the whole thing just pissed me off. Letters were sent out behind my back, which I did not see, did not approve, and in which there was a completely different point of view. There were more than 20 letters, these are just the ones I saw." , - said Evgeny Korobeinikov.

At the same time, he noted that he did not leave a facsimile of his signature in the ONF, nor did he make a scanned copy of his own stroke.

“A separate facsimile in the executive committee (ONF - IA REGNUM) didn't leave. Previously procedure it was simple, I came two or three times a week, reviewed requests, letters, edited if necessary, agreed, signed, or did not sign in my opinion. But recently this procedure has apparently been simplified. The most cynicism in this is that I myself am a person with a disability and cannot monitor office work on a daily basis.” ,” explained the current co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the Chelyabinsk branch of the ONF.

Evgeniy Korobeinikov is outraged and asks the question: “d send a newsletter on my behalf?! I have only one question - is it simply a lack of fortitude, or some kind of cowardice to independently declare one’s position?" At the same time, the social activist noted that he would further understand what happened. The social activist also expects to go to the ONF site to clarify issues directly with the participants.

“I think the time will come and, of course, we will continue this issue. This situation infuriated me when they started calling me and reading excerpts from letters that I was not aware of at all. There were facts stated there that I did not know about and generally doubt their reliability.” , said Evgeny Korobeinikov.

In the near future, data on corruption in the sports schools themselves will be obtained and made public. Evgeny Korobeinikov plans to do this either at the ONF site or directly in the media.

Let us remind you that the Chelyabinsk authorities decided, without advertising, in fact secretly, to optimize sports schools in the city. Out of 52 sports schools, four institutions were selected to begin with, of which they planned to make two, combining them with others. The need to transfer premises and property to a separate structure was also identified. After parents and coaches picketed at the Chelyabinsk City Hall and the government building of the Chelyabinsk region, officials began to speak out in the media and justify their actions by economic necessity, that is, cutting costs. However, no documentary justification for the optimization has yet been provided.

Let us note that the parents were the first to actively sound the alarm. Taught by the experience of optimization in other areas - culture, education, healthcare, adults asked to protect children's sports and stop optimization. At present, letters have been prepared and sent to the leadership of the Chelyabinsk region and to law enforcement agencies.