About the red star: the origins of the symbol. No need for hell. Why was the red star the symbol of the Soviet army?

Autumn 2014 LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky sent a letter Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in which he raised the question of the formation of army symbols for Orthodox Orthodox military personnel. The reason for the letter, judging from its contents, was Zhirinovsky’s trip to farming German Sterligov. The owner's son allegedly complained that serving in Russian army cannot, because the five-pointed star in army symbols is associated with satanic symbols.

State Secretary of the Russian Ministry of Defense Nikolai Pankov responded to the head of the LDPR with a detailed letter, which indicates that the connection of the five-pointed star to Satanism is unfounded - for example, a similar pentagram during the Roman Empire denoted the transition from paganism to Christianity as true faith. As for the history of the star in the Russian and Soviet armies, there was never any trace of Satanism here.

This correspondence is indicative - in the post-Soviet period, attacks on Soviet symbols took on the character of formal persecution, and its participants did not bother themselves too much with substantiating their statements.

Red star as a symbol Soviet army got special treatment - they saw Satanism, Freemasonry, militant Zionism, and much more in it. They saw everything, depending on the level of intellectual development.

Nikolai introduced French fashion

But what is it true story the appearance of a star in general and a red star in particular in the armed forces of our country?

Like many other things, the five-pointed star came to Russia from abroad. At the end of the XVIII - early XIX century, five-pointed stars appeared in the French army on the epaulettes and hats of officers and generals, which determined their rank. This tradition dates back to the times Ancient Rome, where the five-pointed star was a symbol of the god of war - Mars - and denoted the lily from which he was born.

In 1827 Russian Emperor Nicholas I adopts French experience and introduces stars on the epaulettes of officers and generals of the Russian army. We are talking about gold forged stars. 27 years later, in 1854, the same Nicholas I introduced shoulder straps into the Russian army, as well as sewn stars on them.

There is no consensus on how widely the five-pointed star was used in the Russian army. On the Internet you can find photographs of the famous Russian photographer Karla Bulla, on which in 1904-1905 he captured Russian military trains, the carriages of which were marked with five-pointed stars with a double-headed eagle inside. Opponents insist it is an elaborate photomontage.

A five-pointed star with an eagle on a military train carriage, Russian Empire, photo by Victor Bulla, 1905. Photo: Public Domain

Logic and nothing but logic

After February Revolution Tsarist insignia in the army were abolished. On April 21, 1917, by order of the Navy and Maritime Department No. 150 of the Military and Naval Minister of the Provisional Government Alexandra Guchkova shoulder straps were replaced by sleeve insignia, and a new cockade was introduced. On it, a five-pointed star was placed above a rosette with an anchor.

The provisional government could not completely solve the problem of revising military symbols due to the fact that it was in power for a very short time.

After October 1917, the same issue had to be resolved by the Bolsheviks, who began building a new workers' and peasants' army.

The five-pointed star as a symbol of the new army was suitable in many ways. Firstly, although it was used in the Russian army, it did not have a stable connection to the institution of the monarchy. Secondly, it migrated to Russia from France, where it appeared in the army after the Great French Revolution, whose leaders the Bolsheviks treated with great respect.

The answer to the question about the color of the star was also obvious - the red banners of the revolution and the Red Guard as a forerunner revolutionary army implied that the new symbol would also be red.

Uniforms of soldiers and commanders of the Taman Army, Red Army of the times Civil War, 1919. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Jp.negre

Five continents of the proletarian revolution

It is not known exactly who first proposed the red five-pointed star as a symbol of the army. Most likely, this idea arose from several people independently of each other. Among them mention Commander of the Petrograd Military District Eremeev, Commissioner of the Moscow Military District Polyansky. Be that as it may, this idea was supported by the Military Collegium for the organization of the Red Army.

Initially, the red star was considered as a breastplate. By order People's Commissar of the Republic of Leon Trotsky No. 321 of May 7, 1918, it was approved as a sign identifying the identity of persons serving in the Red Army. However, six months of experience in using the sign led to a change in its location. On November 15, 1918, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR No. 773, the star began to be worn on headdresses instead of royal cockades, and the wearing of red stars also extended to sailors.

Reproduction of the poster by artist A. Apsit “Year of the Red Army.” Photo: RIA Novosti / Pavel Balabanov

Initially, the red star as a symbol of the Red Army was approved with the image of a plow and a hammer, personifying the solidarity of workers and peasants.

Like any heraldic symbol, the army red star had its own interpretation. In the first years of the existence of the Red Army, it meant the unity of the world proletariat of all five continents of the Earth: the five ends of the star - the five continents of the planet. Red is the color of the proletarian revolution; it was supposed to unite all five continents with a single goal and a single beginning. In more late period the red star was interpreted as a symbol of soldiers guarding peaceful labor, protecting workers from hunger, war, poverty and slavery.

Ours are already in Washington!

Almost immediately from the moment the red star appeared, opponents of the Bolsheviks began to actively promote the idea of ​​the “satanic” nature of the symbol of the Red Army. This kind of propaganda had some success, and the Military Department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued a mass circulation of the leaflet “Look, comrade, here is the Red Star,” which in detail, using the parable of Truth and Falsehood, told the true essence of this sign, which is extremely far from Satanism, and the red the star was pathetically called the “star of truth.”

There were also more objective critics who believed that the problem is that in Russia there simply is not such rich history using a five-pointed star, as in other countries. For example, such stars were widely used in the army of Japan, as well as other countries.

If you look even more broadly, then a five-pointed star, and a red one, can be found in very unexpected places. For example, the flag of the Vice-Commander of the United States Navy has four, and the flag of the city of Washington has three.

Flag of Washington, USA. Photo: Public Domain

To whom is a star, and to whom a cross?

During the existence of the Red Army - the Soviet Army - the red star was modified several times, replacing the plow and hammer with the sickle and hammer.

The red star has become a symbol of military victories and the country's defense power.

In the post-Soviet period, the red five-pointed star became a symbol of the armed forces of Kazakhstan and Belarus. But in Ukraine, the military abandoned the five-pointed star - the symbol of the army there became a cross, which has similarities with the symbols German Wehrmacht during the Second World War.

Regarding Armed Forces Russian Federation, then in 2014 they had a new logo - a red, white and blue five-pointed star. Experts debate whether new star a departure from Soviet traditions or, conversely, a return to them.

One thing can be said with confidence: Satanism and mysticism have absolutely nothing to do with it.

An interesting but little-touched topic is the symbolism of the five-pointed star. This simple symbol is one of the oldest; it began to be used several thousand years BC. It has become widespread in many cultures and has a great meaning. The same star, differing only in color, is present in the symbolism of the United States, the European Union, Soviet Union, China and many other countries and social movements. Since it is widely used to convey various meanings and ideas, for a better understanding of them, we will briefly consider some of its main meanings.

The first known use of the five-pointed star occurs in the states of Sumer in Mesopotamia 3000 BC. e. In their writing, such a pictogram designated a corner, a small room, a hole.

Among the ancient Pythagoreans, the pentagram (from the word pentagramos - five-linear) meant five shelters where primeval chaos was placed during the creation of the world, and they were located in Tartarus. The darkness found in these refuges was considered the source of the soul of the world, as well as the source of wisdom. This pentagram was drawn with two rays upward.

The symbol of the goddess who rules over this other world- an apple, because when cut you can see a pentagram in it. Therefore, the pentagram was also a symbol of health and the goddess Hygieia. In addition, Pythagoras argued that in geometry the pentagram is mathematical perfection. But without delving into the mathematical characteristics of this figure, let's move on.

In Kabbalah, a pentagram with one ray pointing upward signifies the Messiah. The pentagram is also a symbol of the seal of Solomon and was for some time the official seal of Jerusalem.

For a Muslim, it can mean the five pillars of the Muslim faith and the five daily prayers.

In Christian Europe, the five-pointed star had a whole series symbolic meanings. In addition to what remains from the time ancient world symbol of health, she symbolized with five rays the five senses, five fingers. In religion, the pentagram was used as a symbol of the five wounds of Christ, the five joys of Mary, which the perfection of her son Jesus brought her. It also symbolized the Star of Bethlehem at Christmas (in Russia the Star of Bethlehem was seven-pointed).

One of the main meanings of the five-pointed star was a symbol of the humanity of Christ, so during the Renaissance, when man and the human personality began to take on more and more importance, this symbol also became more important. The five-pointed star resembles a man with arms extended to the sides and legs spread apart, similar to the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. With the development of humanism and atheism, the star began to mean simply human personality, as the new highest value new era.

The five-pointed star and humanistic ideals really became widespread during the Great French Revolution. With the advent of the new atheistic ideology, man was placed in first place in the value system, and the star, in its humanistic meaning, became one of the most important symbols. As a result of these changes, the star also became widespread in military symbols at first French Republic, and then other countries. In this sphere, she symbolized the god of war, Mars, who, according to legend, was born from a lily, which resembles a five-pointed star. This sign is used for both identification and various other designations.

With the spread of the values ​​and social forces of the new era, the five-pointed star began to spread. She has always been an important sign in the symbolism of the Freemasons, social power, which began to gain global significance after the French and American revolutions. In addition to ancient and occult meanings, the star began to be widely used by them to publicly express their ideas - the spiritual improvement of man and the elevation of man to the head of the entire value system in an atheistic version. Therefore, the star is widely used in the state symbols of many countries built according to Masonic drawings - the United States, where the stars on the flag also mean the Kingdom of Heaven, the European Union and others.

The five-pointed star is also used by many movements and organizations, its symbolism is often associated either with the Masonic forces behind them, or with the communist movement that has adopted it into its symbolism.

A star with two rays upward is used by the Church of the Saints last day"or Mormons. Inverted star with rays different colors symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem is also the symbol of the largest fraternalist organization - the Order of the Eastern Star. This order unites about a million Masons at least at the rank of master and is known for its charitable activities.

An inverted pentagram with two rays upward is one of the main symbols of Satanists. Such a pentagram means Tartarus or hell, the place where fallen angels. Inside the inverted pentagram, the head of Baphomet is also often drawn in the form of a goat's head. All this symbolizes anti-human nature and the worship of animal passion. The three downward rays of the star also mean the rejection of the Holy Trinity.

The pentagram is also often found among pagans, serving them as one of the symbols of faith - the five ends of the star mean earth, water, air, fire and spirit. Although in ancient times the pagan pentagram was drawn with two rays upward, now it is usually depicted with one ray upward, so as not to evoke associations with Satanists. Both in ancient times and today, the pentagram remains an important symbol for the Druids, Wiccans, Neo-Pythagoreans and other pagan and magical groups.

In the 20th century, when the communist movement began to gain global significance and the socialist revolution took place in Russia, the new state needed new symbols. Initially, the red star with a plow and a hammer was adopted as the emblem and identification mark of the Red Army. Here the star symbolized the god of war, Mars, and this emblem represented the protection of peaceful labor.

However, in the first years, due to the existing in the core Bolshevik organization anti-Christian and Zionist elements, the image of a star with two ends up was adopted. The first Soviet Order of the Red Banner had just such an inverted image of a star.

But such a symbol caused such rejection in society that they soon abandoned it and officially approved the image of the star with one ray upward.

But new country New state symbols were also required, and the red star turned out to be a fairly suitable and popular symbol for this. Therefore, it soon moved from the banners of the army bringing liberation to the world proletariat to the coat of arms and banners of the first country building communism. In Soviet state symbols, a red star next to a hammer and sickle began to mean the unity of the working people of five continents with a single beginning and goal. The color red symbolized brotherhood and the blood shed for the freedom of workers around the world.

Alexander P.

Military Commissar of the Moscow Military District E.M. Yaroslavsky wrote in his memoirs that N.P. Polyansky was the first to propose the idea of ​​a five-pointed star with a hammer, a plow and a book. Later the book was deleted, and Trotsky approved the version of the star with a plow and a hammer. On March 2, 1918, order No. 240 of the Emergency Headquarters for the Moscow Military District was issued, describing a new type of cockade. On April 19, 1918, the newspapers “Pravda” and “Izvestia VTsIK” published notes “The Red Army Badge,” where it was reported that the Commissariat for Military Affairs had approved a drawing of a breastplate (apparently this was a typo, meaning a cockade) for soldiers of the Red Army. The order of the People's Commissariat of Military Affairs dated June 18, 1918 No. 464 for the first time contained an image of a star (seal for district, provincial and district military registration and enlistment offices) On July 29, 1918, L.D. Trotsky and E.M. Sklyansky signed the order of the People's Commissariat of Military Affairs No. 594 with detailed description cockade badge. On September 8, 1918, order No. 2 to all armed forces of the Russian Republic stated: “the common distinction of a military employee of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army is a red enamel pin-pointed star.”

Based on the materials of the article - A. Stepanov. Red Army star. 1918-1922. Myths and reality. // Tseykhgauz No. 34

The red star symbolized the liberation of workers from “hunger, war, poverty and slavery.” It was usually called the "star of Mars" after the ancient Roman god of war, Mars. In the Soviet tradition, Mars symbolized the protection of peaceful labor. The plow and hammer symbolized the union of peasants and workers.

Later, the emblem was simplified - instead of a plow, a more visual sickle began to be depicted. This was officially formalized by order of the Revolutionary Military Council on April 13, 1922.

Honorary Revolutionary Red Banners of the RSFSR

August 3, 1918 by order No. 608 People's Commissar for military affairs, approved award banners for presentation to units that especially distinguished themselves in combat operations.

“...it is announced for all those fighting to strengthen the gains of the revolution and the socialist system that the most distinguished regiments and companies will be given special banners of the Revolution as a battle award from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The order should be read in all companies, batteries and squadrons.”

A little later, the award banners began to be called the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banners of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. In October 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee granted the right to award banners to the Revolutionary Military Council.

The use of stars in state symbols is very common due to its simplicity and at the same time deep meaning such a drawing. Absolutely different countries used this pattern on their panels. Many people still use the star. What countries are these and what is the meaning of this symbol in each of them?

United States

Perhaps, when most people hear the phrase “flag with stars,” they will first of all remember the state symbol of America. This is one of the oldest national standards. The Stars and Stripes has undergone many changes, but still retains its original structure and meaning. At the modern flag rectangular shape, on which there are seven red and six white horizontal stripes. They symbolize the thirteen colonies that became the basis for the American state. The blue rectangle in the corner is a sign of union. Each five-pointed star is a state symbol, there are fifty of them in total. Flowers also have a separate meaning. Red represents endurance and valor, dark blue evokes justice and diligence, and white represents innocence and purity. The flag first appeared in 1777, when Congress approved a banner with thirteen stripes and thirteen stars - the number of British states at that time. It was developed by Francis Hopkins, a representative from New Jersey and the author of the state seal. According to legend, it was sewn by a seamstress from Philadelphia, whose name was Betsy Ross. At the Battle of Brandywine it was used on the battlefield, and a year later it rose above foreign territory during the capture of the fort in Nassau. Modern version with fifty stars was approved in 1960, when Hawaii became part of the United States.

People's Republic of China

When thinking about which state’s flag has a five-pointed star, one cannot help but think of the great eastern state. China and its symbols are known all over the world. with a star large sizes, surrounded by several smaller ones below, represents the state from the forties of the twentieth century. It was developed by Zeng Liansong, who lived in Zhejiang province and worked as an economist. The flag was approved by the People's Political advisory board. So, the panel is made in red, in the left corner there is a large golden star, and below is an arc of four smaller ones. The first signifies leadership communist party, but about the second there is no consensus. According to some versions, these are four classes: the proletariat, the peasantry, the army and the intelligentsia. Another option is Chinese areas. According to the third, these are workers, peasants, the urban petty bourgeoisie and management. The color red is associated with revolution. It is interesting that it was the Chinese who invented not only printing and gunpowder, but also the use of flags. Residents of the country used similar symbols for a hundred years, making panels from silk, which for a long time remained unknown to Europeans. But for a long time he did not have one and began to constantly use such a symbol only from the middle of the nineteenth century.

When listing banners with stars, one cannot fail to mention the flag of the USSR. It was a red rectangle with an image in top corner golden hammer and sickle. Above them was a red five-pointed star framed by a gold border. The ratio of the rectangle's width to length was one to two. The flag with a five-pointed star did not appear immediately; initially it was planned to use a banner with the inscription “RSFSR”. The color red was a symbol of the struggle of the Soviet people to build communism under the leadership of the party. The hammer and sickle represent the union of workers and peasants. The red five-pointed star adorning the USSR flag in the upper corner of the flagpole symbolizes the triumph of the ideas of communism on the five continents of the planet.


In search of an answer to the question “Which state’s flag has a five-pointed star?” one cannot ignore the Moroccan cloth. The symbol of this African country is made of dark red fabric. In the center of the flag is a five-pointed green star. It can be inscribed in a circle, the diameter of which is related to the width of the panel as 19 to 45. The civil panel also uses four golden crowns, one in each corner. Traditional sheriffs of Mecca. This title is given to the leaders of the Sharifah, who are considered the guardians of the holy Islamic cities. The green star used on the flag is also used on the state coat of arms.


When listing the flags of countries with stars, it is worth remembering the Turkish flag. Its history began many centuries ago. The half moon and star appeared on the flag when Türkiye became a Muslim country. The red color of the cloth symbolizes the Ottoman Empire and has been used since the time of a ruler named Umar, who reigned in 634-644. However, the color of the fabric has changed with the course of history - once upon a time the Turkish flag was white or green. According to some historians, at the first time the modern version of the cloth appeared, the star was located inside the crescent. In addition, it was once eight- or seven-pointed. There is also an opinion that the symbolism is not associated with Islam. According to legend, Philip of Macedon wanted to capture Istanbul at night, the battle was difficult, and suddenly a month shone in the sky, which, together with the stars, was reflected in pools of blood. The watchmen defeated the enemy and defended the freedom of the capital.


The above countries are not all of which have a five-pointed star in their symbolism. What flag can you see it on, other than the American or Chinese? For example, in Cuban. The fabric of this Latin American country is covered with five horizontal blue and white stripes. On the left is a red equilateral triangle, and on it is a white star. This flag was approved back in 1902. The meaning of the symbolism is as follows: three blue stripes symbolize the parts into which Cuba was divided by the Spaniards, two white stripes indicate the desire for independence, the red triangle is a sign of equality, freedom and brotherhood, as well as the blood shed for them. Finally, the white star symbolizes freedom.


Another answer to the question “Which state’s flag has a five-pointed star?” is a Syrian cloth. The rectangle is covered with three horizontal stripes of the same size, the top one is bright red, the middle one is white, the bottom one is black. In the center are two green five-pointed stars. All colors used are traditional to the Arab region. In this case, green serves as a symbol not only of the Muslim religion, but also of the Fatimid dynasty. The number of stars represents Syria and Egypt, which


When thinking about which state’s flag has a five-pointed star, it’s worth remembering this country. Vietnam has been using the modern version of the cloth for decades. State symbols were introduced in 1955. The rectangular red canvas contains a large one which is intended to express the leadership of the Communist Party. The red color refers to the successes of the revolution, and each of the five rays symbolizes workers, peasants, soldiers, youth and intelligentsia in their socialist unity.

"The Red Star is a symbol of the unity of the worker and the plowman, who threw off the bloodsucker Tsar, landowners and capitalists from their necks and hoisted the Red Banner of Socialism over Russia. The Red Star is a symbol of the workers' and peasants' Soviet power, the defender of the poor and the equality of all workers. (... ) Shine brighter, our red star, and illuminate the whole world with your radiant rays of freedom and equality for all working people."

Red Star. Ed. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. M., 1918, p. 5.7.

"You can offer me a flag other than red, any coat of arms other than the Jewish five-pointed star or other Masonic symbol, and any anthem other than the Internationale."

The main distinctive emblem of the Bolsheviks was the red five-pointed star, officially installed in the spring of 1918. Initially, Bolshevik propaganda called it the “Star of Mars” (allegedly belonging to the ancient god of war - Mars), and then began to declare that “the five rays of the star mean the union of the working people of all five continents in the fight against capitalism” (see Red Army. - “Izvestia of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee” "(M.), 1919, 11.V., No. 92, p.3; Drachuk V.S. Heraldry M., 1977, p.94). True, here the Bolsheviks could not explain why exactly the same stars appear on the coat of arms and flag of the largest citadel of world imperialism - the USA, as well as on the state emblems (or flags) of Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, Costa Rica, Cuba, Liberia , Panama, Paraguay and Chile, where the situation of the working masses has traditionally been extremely difficult.

Coat of arms of Paraguay (What a Soviet symbol!)

In reality, the five-pointed star has nothing to do with either the warlike deity Mars or the international proletariat. This is an ancient occult sign (obviously of Middle Eastern origin), called in heraldry a “pentagram” or “Star of Solomon” (not to be confused with the six-pointed “Star of David”, which deserves a separate discussion).

One of the oldest Middle Eastern images of a pentagram on a vessel (Mesopotamia, 4th millennium BC)

It should be emphasized that the party flag of the Zionist movement, personally designed in 1897 by the Ober-Zionist Theodor (Benjamin-Zeev) Herzl, simultaneously contained one large six-pointed “Star of David” and seven small five-pointed “Stars of Solomon” - obligatory ritual accessories of Jewish Kabbalism (see. "Motherland", 2002, No. 4/5, p. 95). Note that in 1903 in Russia, the Zionists started issuing “copper tokens with the image of a star and five main figures on the Zionist issue” (see “Bulletin of the Archivist”, 2001, No. 2, p. 205)

The pentagram is constantly used in Masonic symbolism, from where it came into the state emblem of the USA, post-war Italy and other countries ruled by Freemasons (the coats of arms of many Latin American republics are actually slightly modified signs of local Masonic lodges that came to power in the 19th century as a result of anti-monarchical revolutions) .

Masonic signs in the form of a pentagram

As is known, the Freemasons set as their program goal the so-called “globalization” - that is, the subordination of all the peoples of the Earth to a certain “World Government”, which is under the complete control of Freemasonry (primarily American-Israeli): “... We will tire the goyim so much that we will force them agree to an international power that can, without breaking, absorb into itself all the state forces of the world and form a Super-Government. In place of modern rulers we will put a monster, which will be called a super-governmental administration. His hands will be stretched out in all directions, like pincers, with such a colossal organization that it cannot fail to conquer all nations. (...) It is necessary to ensure that, besides us, in all states there are only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to us, policemen and soldiers. ... We will ... entrust responsible positions in states ... to persons whose past and character are such that an abyss has opened between them and the people, to such people who, in case of disobedience to our instructions, will have to wait either for trial or exile. This is so that they defend our interests until their last breath” (see Zion Protocols No. 5, 7, 8).

"Globalized" Globe, entangled in Masonic symbolism

As for Russia, the leading printed Masonic mouthpiece, the Parisian magazine “Acacia,” directly wrote in an editorial at the beginning of 1904: “Genuine politics Western Europe should consist of dismembering this colossus before it becomes too dangerous. A possible revolution should be used to restore Poland as a protective wall of Europe, and the rest of Russia should be divided into three or four states” ((see Soloviev O.F. Freemasonry in world politics of the 20th century. M., 1998, p. 42) .
Short and clear! One more the most important task Freemasonry is the destruction of the Christian religion. Hence, among the highest degree Masons, the satanic cult of worship of Baphomet is secretly practiced - the incarnation of the devil in the form of a winged goat, on whose forehead the same red pentagram shines.

Very often, Satanists draw a pentagram with both ends up so that the devil’s head can be easily inscribed there (“Pentagram of Baphomet”).

Satanic pentagrams on Masonic symbols

By the way, the notorious authors of the communist anthem “The Internationale” - the poet E. Pothier and the composer P. Degeyter - were also Freemasons (which was always kept silent in the USSR). International Masonic lodges secretly provided the Bolsheviks with comprehensive support, especially financial (see Nikolaevsky B.I. Russian Masons and Revolution. M., 1990, pp. 66-67).

Red (just like the Bolsheviks) pentagram on Masonic signs

And the Marxist plans for the “world proletarian revolution” were clearly of Masonic origin, especially since a number of the most prominent Marxists (including some Bolshevik leaders) were members of Freemasonry. These included the “leader of the October Revolution” (as he was called in the communist press) L. Trotsky (Leiba Davidovich Bronstein). It was Trotsky who proposed making the Masonic pentagram the identifying emblem of Bolshevism.

Twin brothers. Masonic badge of 1917 and badge of a delegate of the 3rd Congress of the Comintern with the image of Lenin, 1921 (find the fundamental differences)

Note that this pentagram was often placed by the Bolsheviks on Red Army uniforms, military equipment, various signs and tokens and all sorts of attributes of visual propaganda in a purely satanic way: with two “horns” up.

Propaganda plate with the pentagram of Baphomet, in the center of which is the head of a security officer. Around the circumference there is a characteristic inscription: “Everywhere I see a conspiracy of the rich, seeking their own benefit under the name and pretext of good.”

The horned “pentagram of Baphomet” can also be seen on the combat “Symbol of World War II”, established on September 16, 1918 (again at Trotsky’s suggestion). Socialist Revolution" - the Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR (and similar orders of the same name of the Azerbaijan SSR and the Mongolian People's Republic and the badge “Hero of the Revolutionary Movement”).

Similar satanic pentagrams adorned special award certificates awarded to distinguished security officers. Chairman of the Cheka Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky quite consciously and confidently wore a similar devilish star as a cockade on his service cap (see Rodina, 2007, No. 12, p. 7).

Let us add that the portrait of this “fiery revolutionary”, placed inside the “pentagram of Baphomet”, was the central part of the composition of the special Chekist order “Felix Dzerzhinsky” designed in 1932 (this project was rejected by Stalin, who deeply hated “Iron Felix”, whom “the leader of the peoples “rightly called an “active Trotskyist”). This is the truth about the true origin and real meaning of the Bolshevik emblems.

And the final deliverance from this Kabbalistic Masonic-Satanic symbolism (which, among other things, continues to desecrate the sacred towers of the Moscow Kremlin) seems an indispensable condition genuine national revival of Russia.

S. V. Naumov, historian